, THE SUNDAY OfcEGOXIAX, POKTLAND, AUGUST 3, 1913. Fitch, Frances R. Forord, Jans Hurst, W. R- Dazey. At the Warren were: Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Stevens. Portland: Mrs. E. Mont gomery, Portland; Miss Grace Wil liams. Portland; Mrs. T. F. Laurlne, Astoria; Mrs. Winifred Conner. Frances Conner, C M. Cowey. M. J. O'Conner, Constance Taylor, Vera Kelly, Selma Ferrell, Myrtle Flintre. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Luckel. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Mar tin, Portland: Mrs. E. K. Betts. Troy, N. T.; Mrs. W. B. Baruhissel. Dufur; Miss Carrie Leecomb, Sydnejc Aus tralia; Mrs. A. L. Day, San Francisco; Mrs. B. C. Day. San Francisco; Mrs. R. A. Leiter, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Krier, The Dalles; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. bhaw, Kansas City; Mr. and Mrs. Leon Curtis, Miss Verne Curtis, Taco'ma, Wash.; Mrs. Scott Swetland, Vancouver, Wash.; Miss Slatter, Miss Benschoten, T. A. Rochester, M. J. Geary. Portland; J. N. Griffin, Miss E. Ackerman, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Callender, Astoria; Miss Ola Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Honey man, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McDonell, Miss Dorothy Huber, Kurt Koehler. John Burns, Robert Livingston, Hugh Liv ingston, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Godley. Mrs. A. C. Shellcock. Mrs. J. L. Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. J. Morgan, Mrs. L. Parringer, Mrs. R. C Tempel, all of Portland; H. D. Gray, Dr. A. R. Higgs, Pendleton: M. C. P. WilllamB, The Dalles; Mrs. John W. Goss, R. A. Coulto-n, Portland. Among the many new homes being erected at Cannon Beach is one by Mrs. M. Carr, of Portland, having eight rooms. The spacious living-room will extend, the full width of the house and have a cobblestone fireplace. The contractor expects to have it completed by September. 1. TEXTS EXJOYED AT KOCKAWAY Hotels and Restaurants Doing Thriving Business. ROCK A WAY, Or., Aug. 2. (Special.) The number of visitors here is in creasing at a rapid rate. The cottages are all occupied and many are living in tents. The hotels and restaurants are well filled and further preparations are being made for the accommodation of larger crowds. A five hundred party was giv en at the residence of Mrs. Edward Woods, for the benefit of the Garibaldi Boosters Club. There were 10 tables. These partieswill be held weekly. The Rockaway Commercial Club (re cently organized), will give a "hobo" party on the beach next week for the amusement of visitors. Prizes will be awarded. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lehrman arrived the middle of the week and will pass the Summer here. Miss Laura Fried is entertaining Mrs. I. W. Skadan at Idlewild cottage. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Vaughn were visitors for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Simonton and Miss Florence Simonton are here for two weeks. Mrs. N. Rose and daughter. Orrel, are established at The Fireside for the Summer, and Mr. Rose will pass the week-ends here. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Sauer, of Port land, are at the Harriman Club camp for a week. Mrs. Sauer is chaperoning Miss 'Gladys Cooper, Miss Julia Smith and Miss Helen Koerner. Mrs. Mary McCoy, of Walla Walla, and Mrs. G. Steffensen. of Atalia, Wash., are recent arrivals here. S. D. Craig and Dan Craig are estab lished at Swastika camp for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Spillman and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Massinger, of Port land are at the Swastika camp. C. F. Doty and family will enjoy the beach for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall, of John Day, Or., Herbert Furgeson and Will iam Hall, of Michigan, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Bignell. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hartmus, of Portland, gave an informal evening at cards at their cottage, "Idlesse," at Saltalr last Saturday. Five hundred was played, first prize being won by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Thome and the consolation by Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Marlltt. At the close of play refresh ments were served. Others present besides those named were Mrs. Edith M. Alderman, Mr. and Mrs. James S. McCord, Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Neth, Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kelty. The weather is at Its best at Rock away. The. crowds are increasing daily. Many new arrivals coming on every train. Clam digging is always a feature. The surf bathers are out along the life lines by the hundreds. Street lanterns are being placed along the new walk to light the streets. A Jolly party composed of Miss Ma bel Kelly, of Chicago, who is visiting her aunt, Mrs. M. E. Foley, Mrs. R. C Morce and Miss Marguerite Malloy are at Outlook Inn for a few days. F. D. Hunt, of Portland, will spend the week at the Harriman club camp with his family. Rockaway has been placed on thj "timetable" of the "railroaders" as "regular stop." The club has 14 large tents fitted up with complete housekeeping accommo dations, and the "boys" with their families have one of the prettiest ocean side camps to be found In the vicinity. Others in Mr. Hunt's party are A. A. Lowe and family, Mrs. H. C. Nutts and son, Mrs. W. T. Buchanan, Mrs. K. Kurz and Bon, Charles. P. J. Hunt passed Sunday at the club's headquarters. Lon L. Fox, an officer of Crook County, who passed the week end with his wife and daugher at Garibaldi beach, was a Rockaway visitor on Mon day. Mrs. S. P. McCarren and daughter. Miss Jane, of Manchester, la., passed the week at the seaside. Mrs. Archie Tibbetts, of Portland, came here this week with Mr. and Mrs. John F. Jennings, of Jennings Lodge, and will pass the Summer at "Won derland" camp in Elmore Park. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Bennett, of Port land, are at Rockaway for a two weeks' outing and are putting up a fine bun galow on their property just back of the postoffice. E. Bredemeier and family, of Port land, are camping at Rockaway this week. Mrs. Q. V. Gillett. of Portland, is staying at The Elmore, visiting his family over the week end. Mrs. H. T. Walter and daughter. Ruth, are at The Elmore. Concerts by the Bay City Band were a feature of last Sunday. D. R. Wheeler, of Portland, Is pass ing the week at Rockaway. Professor Mary F. Farnham. dean of Pacific University, Forest Grove, is at Outlook Inn. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Imbrie, of Hills boro, and Mrs. L. L. Smith were at The Fireside last week. Mr. Imbrie has bought lots on the Ridge in Elmore Park and will build a cottage. The "Twin Sister," the beach home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Fick, of Portland, was the scene of a surprise party ten dered Mrs. Fick on July 26 in honor of her birthday anniversary. The aft ernoon hours were pleasantly passed playing 600. The honors went to Mrs. Fick and Mrs.H.Morgan. Luncheon was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Windeler, of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Krebs, Mrs. Essner, Mrs. John Connel, Mrs. Susie Morgan, Miss Helen Connel. and Jack Connel, of Hlllsboro, Mrs. Thomas of Oswego, and Mrs. A. Fick. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ronohon enter tained at a tamale supper on Monday night at their Summer home at Rock away. The dining-room was prettily decorated with mountain fern. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Krebs, of Hlllsboro, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wind eler, Mrs. A. Flek. Mrs. L. B. Smith, Mrs. Eda Luman, Miss Helene Dorris, Miss Francis Johnson. Frank and Her bert Fick, and Valerie Ronchon, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hartmus enter tained with a 500 party at their- cot tago. "Idleso," Baltalr, July S6. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McCord, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Thome, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kelty, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Neth, Mr. and Mrs Marlltt, Mrs. Alderman and Mrs. Chester Hopkins, all of Portland. The prizes were won by Mrs. Thome and Mrs. Marlltt. Mrs. N. Rase and daughter enter tained Mrs. T. G. Mayo, Miss Bradey, Mrs. S. P. McCarren and daughter, Jane, Miss Ruth Wilklns, Earl Mayo, Mr. Robertson and R. H. Tyson, at a "potato and marshmallow roast"' and bdnflre party Wednesday night. A special excursion was run from Bay City to Rockaway by the Bay City band Thursday. A basket picnic was held in the park by tike musicians and their friends. W. C. Trombley, who is leader of the band, conducted concerts in the forenoon In Rockaway Park and at the depot following the arrival of the afternoon train, this being the first musical organization to visit Rock away. , A snappy ballgame was played be tween the band boys and the Rockaway Athletic Club in the afternoon, the score being 8 to 5 in favor of the Bay City team. MANY VISIT AT NEAH-KAH-NTE Musicales, Walks and Fishing n- joyed by Visitors. KBAH-KAH-KIE MOUNTAIN, Neha lem. Or., Aug 2. (Special.) Mrs. L. R. Alderman and Miss Fanny Barber have returned to Portland after a fortnight at the beach. H. A. Sargent and family, who are to occupy the Cadwell cottage for the sea son, arrived on Wednesday. Mrs. J. R. Devereaux has returned to Portland after a month's sojourn at Neah-Kah-Nie Tavern. A. H. Birrell stopped over night on his way to Gearhart. taking the "hike" around the mountain. Mrs. Donald Mackay is visiting Mrs. W. H. Skene and family, who have the Churchill cottage on the bluff for Au gust. Mr. Mackay was down for the week-end. Miss Elizabeth Cadwell, Miss Anne Friendllch and Airs. C. F. Swlgert re turned home after a fortnight at their Summer home. Mrs. Herman Burpee, who has Miss Isam's cottage, lias had Mrs. C. W. Hall and Miss Olive Failing as her guests. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Woodruff and Mrs. Caroline Hepburn passed a week here and enjoyed the various walks and ex ceptional views around the mountain. Mrs. W. A. M. Breck and Miss Breck are in their Summer home "Brecon," for the season. They have entertained Miss Teal, Miss Balch and Mrs. Clark. Mrs. Rose Coursen-Reed, Dr. D. T. Kerr and H. H. Prouty, who were with the Mazamas on their tramp around Bay City, came to Neah-Kah-Nie and left the following morning for Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Joice, Miss Lulu Joice and E. M. Rhoads, of Bay City, were at The Tavern for a few days re cently. Mrs. Fletcher Linn, Mrs. F. R. Beh rends. Mrs. Samuel Creadlck, Mrs. A. N. Creadick and son, and Miss Elizabeth Creadick were visitors here for a fort night. Musicales have been in order. Master Victor Christensen adding greatly to the pleasure with his violin playing. He has just returned from a year in Brus sels. Carl W. Scovel, of Cortland, N. Y., and Dr. Fred A. Kirble, of Portland, rode in from Gearhart and passed a few days around the ranch, returning to Portland around the trail. Mrs. S. J. Corpenny, Miss Elizabeth Bruere, Miss Ruth Bruere, Miss Alice Bruere and Miss Balch are here and will remain during August. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Huntley, of Ore gon City, and M. D. Olds, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Clark, of Portland, were recent patrons of The Taveii. Dr. G. H. Wardner and family are in the Hallock cottage for the Summer. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Shepherd and family have returned to their home in Portland, having been a week at The Tavern. Robert E. Morrell and George H. Stockwell caught a quantity of fine salmon trout in the streams near here last Saturday. They were much en joyed by the patrons of The Tavern. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ayer, Miss Sallie Lewis and Mrs. C E. S. Wood, of Port land, motored in by way of Dolph and Tillamook, and lunched at The Tavern Monday. Others who came in by automobile were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Thompson, who stopped for a. day before returning. A party of young Portlanders on bi cycles, coming by way of Dolph and going out around the mountain were: Jay R. Coffey, Edwin Caswell, Ralph Smith, Preston Holt Roscoe . Ashley, Willis Ashley, Wilson Jones and John Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Christensen and son, Victor, are at The Tavern, for a week. W. O. Chase and family are at The Tavern. Others registered at Neah-Kah-Nie Tavern are: A. C. Peel, C. B. Sewell. Martin Schacht. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Maling, W. H. Dryer, B. J. Mills, C. A. Wentley, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Wise and son, H. Hen stiaw. wife and son. May Enright, Mrs. W. K. Smith. H. W. Wallace, W. T. Jones, A. E. Krull, J. M.-Johnson, E. O. Whitcomb, Frank Brandes, E. L. E. Whlte, R. H. Hallock. Edwin. Hooker and family, H. H. Jenkins, Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Swenson, Mrs. E. O. S. Plummer, Miss Agnes Plummer, I. G. Rutcher, Robert E. Morrell, G. H. Stockwell, E. B. Miller and J. E. Kennedy, all of Port land; E. P. Rodger and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Bartlett, of Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Heyneman, of San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Heyneman, George Trowbridge, Drake O'Reilly, Arnold Rothwell and A. N. Churchill, all of Portland: Miss Gertrude Yager, of San Bernardino; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Patter son and Miss Patterson, of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mueler, Lieutenant and Mrs. Endicott. Miss Ravenscroft, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wyld and Miss Laura G. Eaton, all of Portland. Patrons are being met this season at Fishers, instead of Mohler or Nehalem, as last Summer, and all appreciate the better service. The Psychology Clubhouse, near Nea-kah-nie Mountain, is entertaining a host of visitors. Among the new arri vals are Mile. Maillet, teacher of French in Portland public schools; Miss Emma E. Grittlnger, Mrs. Therese Abendroth, Mr. and Mrs. Hastings and son. Warren: Mrs. E. Wyld, son and daughter; also Mrs. R. W. Speir and son. The group of artists, led by Miss Ravenscroft, of St. Helen's Hall, are working every day and enjoying the studio which Mrs. Weister has built for them in a pine grove not far from the clubhouse. ROADS GOOD TO MANZANTTA Many Parties Arrive at Beach by Automobile. MANZANITA BEACH, Or., Aug. 2. (Special.) Arthur Donsoll and family and Mr. and Mrs. A. Myers and Marie Harvey, of Gresham, Or., came in by automobile and are camped on the beach. They report a nice trip with good roads most of the way, Mr, and Mrs. T. R, Cloultt and baby came in Wednesday from Gresham and are registered at the Inn. Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Donsell, Emll Kardell, Mrs. Miller, Miss Cranford, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fieldhousa, Vlotor John son, John Parker and son and Master Babcock made up the party that climbed to the summit of Neah-Kah-nea Mountain last Sunday, Two hours time wan required in making the trip frem Manzanlta, All carried lunoh and passed several hours on the mountain peak, enjoying the beautiful scenery. J, C Peterson met -with an. accident 5? '( i' . -JTj on Thursday. While working on his new bungalow he fell from the sec ond floor, . breaking two ribs. He is expected to be about in- a few days. Mrs. J. C. Elliott, of Damascus, Or., and Winnifred Osburn, of Gresham, Or., came in Monday night and left Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. Weaver, U'ith their son and daughter and Rev. and Mrs. But ler, of Hubbard, Or.; Raymond Hale and wife, of Portland, made up an automo bile party, arriving in Manzanita Tuesday night. They are camped in the grove, near Lane's residence. Roads between Tillamook and this beach have been improved greatly and automobiles can now come in without difficulty, not less than 10 having ar rived in th.e last few days. Writh the low tide, clam digging is generally practiced again and good takes are reported. DACIX5 EXJOYED AT XEWPORT Students of Hill Military Academy Are Hosts at Oceanside. NEWPORT, Or., Aug. 2. (Special.) Among the social functions of the past week probably the most enjoyable was a dancing party given at the "Ocean hill Hotel Tuesday evening by the stu dents of the Hill Military Academy, who are in Summer encampment at OceanhilL Dancing commenced at 9 o'clock and continued until 12, at which time refreshments were served. A number of Summer visitors at this re sort attended. Among them were: Mr. and Mrs. Philip Smith, of North Yaki ma, Wash.; Misses Marie Rice, Fay Per. not and Esther Ferguson and Joseph Patterson, Harry Miller, Harold Dab ney. andv Charles Bent, of Portland; Misses Helen and Merle Hamilton, of Roseburg; Misses Fay Hay and Ruth Byrne, of Spokane; Miss Elsie Bayne, Lyle Bigbee, William Eagles, Jr.. Ar thur Corbin and Clayton Bayne, of Albany;-Charles Reynolds, of Silverton; Miss Isabella Garland, of Lebanon, and Carl Hawkins, of Long Beach, Cal. Walter H. Evans, District Attorney of Multnomah County, with his wife and son, Walter H. Evans, Jr., after a week at this resort, returned to Port land Wednesday by automobile. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brown, also or Portland, ac. companied Mr. and Mrs. Evans on their return trip. While here both families stayed at the Nicolar Hotel at Nye Beach. Mrs. N. D. Hale, of Forest Grove, la camped at the Sleepy Hollow camp ground for a month. She has as her guest her daughter, Mrs. R. F. Emer son. George A. Peel, of Portland, arrived In Newport on Monday's boat for a few days vacation. Mrs. W. Heinan and family departed Wednesday for their home in Salem, after passing a few weeks at the tent cityat Nye Beach. Mrs. W. A. Reynolds and son Charles, of Silverton, are completing a week's visit in Newport as guests at the Serv ice cottage, "Thlstle-Dhu." Gideon Stolz, a manufacturer and member of the City Council of Salem, has Joined his wife at Nye Beach. F. C. Pate and wife, of Albany, were week-end patrons of the Nicolai. Mrs. G. H. Powers and family, of Hlllsboro, are enjoying a month's out ing In their cottage at Nye Beach. Mr. and Mrs. L. Montgomery regis tered at the Nicolai Monday from Port land. . , Mr. and Mrs. A- Davis, of Portland, are occupying a tent at Tent City for a few weeks. J. C Seigmund, of Salem, and family have returned to the Capital City, after passing several weeks at their cottage, "Loma Linda." " Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lauders, of Pen dleton, are among Eastern Oregon peo ple who are sojourning at this beach. Dr. William Skiff, a dentist of Sa lem, and family are domiciled at the "Sunset" cottage for the season. Mr. and Mrs. C A. Watts, of Van couver, registered at the Abbey Tues day. 8. C Dalton and family departed Sun day for Eugene by automobile, after passing two weeks at the "Port Rest" cottage at Nye Beach. Mr. Dalton is manager of a wholesale grocery firm in Portland. The Misses T. and Mary O'Connor, oi Portland, arrived in Newport on Tues day's boat and are staying at the Os burn. G. I Saunders and family, of Eu gene, are camped at the- Plcken's camp ground for two weeks. H. M. Williams was an arrival at thiB beach Tuesday from Corvallls. Mrs. Pearl Leabold is listed among the Albany campers at Nye Beach. Three excursions from Amity, Albany and Portland brought more than 800 persons to this resort Sunday. C. D. Rauch, of Albany, passed the week-end at the Nicolai at Nye Beach. Mr, and Mrs. Si. L. Layman and two daughters, of S&lem, are camped at Nye Beach until the latter part of August. Mr. and Mrs. A. Oberdorfer and daughters, Elsie and Doris, are enjoy ing a two weeks' outing as guests oi the Abbey. Dr. W. B. Wallace, ex-Mayor of Al bany, Is listed among the cottagers at Nye Beach from the Hub City. The gasoline launch Ollle S. carted ti passengers for ta sightseeing and hunting trip to Heceta Head Monday. A number of sea Hons and a large whaia were seen. Its A. was m&deXPectlng the arrival shortly, of their W1 JZ&f: ' through the surf in a dory for a visit to the caves where the sea lions rear their young. M. Bramberger is a Portland visitor at this resort. T. G. Lyle, of Salem, and Mrs. Lyle are passing the season at Tent City, Mr. and Mrs. D. Kern and daugh ter, Grace, of Portland, arrived Tues day, and will pass a few days at this beach at the Abbey. Miss Imogene Rewey, also of Portland, is a guest of the Kerns. O. E. Thompson and wife, of Silver ton, are among the cottagers at Nye Beach from the Marion County city. H. C. Bockes and wife, of Amity, were week-end visitors at Nye Beach, staying at the Nicolai. John Schwan, of Champoeg, and wife are among the season's campers at the Tent City. D. E. Smock, engineer of the City Hall in Portland, and son are camped at Nye Beach for a three weeks' vaca tion. Mrs. C. C. Shay, son Roger and daughter Laura, left on a boat Wednes day for their home in Portland, after passing two days at this beach at the Abbey. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lindley, of Natron, are included among the season's camp ers at Nye Beach. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Simons and daugh ter, Maude, of Salem, arrived at the Osburn Tuesday. Mrs. George Darr, of. Albany, is en joying a vacation at the seaside. C. M. Curry and wife, of Portland, registered at the Nicolai Monday. David Torbet, professor of mathe matics in Albany College, is passing the Summer in the Turnbull cottage at Nye Beach. August Berg, of Portland, is camped at the Johnson , campground for five weeks. J. W. Barnes and wife, of Beaverton, were included among Monday's arrivals on the steamer Newport. Mrs. C. W. James, wife of ex-Supei lntendent C. W. James, of the State Penitentiary, Is domiciled in the James cottage at Nye Beach for the season. Richard Mullin, of the photo-engraving department of The Oregonian, left for Portland Monday, after passing a week at this resort. W. E. Smith, of Monmouth, is enjoy ing an outing at this beach. Mrs. C. Cleaver and daughter, Mrs. W. R. Kan a, of Salem, are occupying a cottage at Nye Beach for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Evans, of Mc Mlnnville, are among the many arrivals of the past week. They came by auto mobile. Walter L. Tooze, Sr., of Salem, joined his family at the Harkleroad cottage Monday. William C. Metzger, of Gresham, ar rived on Monday's boat and is passing a few days at this resort at the Abbey. Miss Addle Davis, of Lebanon, is com pleting a month's vacation, at Nye Beach. A. L. Thomas, of Independence, and wife are enjoying a two weeks' outing at the J. W. Hlbbs cottage, at Nye Beaoh. Mr. and Mrs, E. R. Alexander, of Cor vallls, are making this beach a visit and are at the Nicolai. T. M. Humphreys, of Albany, arrived Monday for a visit with his son, Roy T. Humphreys, at the latters camp at Nye Beach. W. H. Kitts and family, of Portland, are in Newport for an outing. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Weatherbee, of In dependence, are located in a cottage at Nye Beach for the season. Leland R. Gilbert, city editor of the Albany Herald, was a passenger on the excursion to this beach last Sunday. F. W. Scobert, of Eugene, and family left Sunday for their home city, after passing two weeks in a cottage at Nye Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Tooze are ex. daughter, Ethel, who attended Summer school at the University of Oregon. Frank Scott, of Portland, and wife returned home Wednesday, after pass ing several weeks at the beach. Harold Dabney, a student at West Point, is a guest of his sister, Mrs. A. L. Thomas. Frederick W. Hill, representing ex tensive lumber Interests, Is registered at the Nicolai from Chicago. S. C. Jackson and wife, of Seattle, ar rived at Nye Beach the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gustwick and daugh ter, of Portland, are at the Tent City for the season. Mrs. J. C. Hammel, wife of the pro prietor of the Hotel Hammel, Albany, and daughter, Blanche, departed Mon day morning for their home, after passing the week-end at this beach at the Abbey. Roy S. Wagner Is included among the latest arirvals in Newport from Port land. L. G. Hulin, wife and son, of Eugene, are established in the Hulin cottage for the season: Mr. Hulin is a business man of the Lane County capital. Mrs. John Roberts and children, of Salem, have opened their cottage at Agate Beach. Their cottage formerly belonged to Dr. Parker, of Portland. W'illiam M. Widmer is a beach vis itor from Portland. Miss Mary Smith returned to her home in Albany Wednesday, after pass ing three weeks at Nye Beach as a guest of Miss Margaret -Stevens, H. A. Dunbar, of Eugene, passed the week end with his wife, who is at the Abbey with iher baby for the Summer. A. R. Hull was an incoming passen ger from Corvallls Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Weatherbee, of Independence, are located in a, cottage at Nye Beach for the season. Mrs. W. A. Selvidge, ot Butte, 'Mont, is a guest of Mrs. Reiner at Tent City. The Misses Florence E. Coffin and Marie Bennett, of Springfield, are stay ing at the "Osborn for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. McNary, of Port land, are camped at Rae's camp ground until the first of September. J, Jackson, - of Portland, is making this resort a short visit, staying at the Abbey. R. S. Harrington and daughter, Mrs, B. M. Martin, of Corvallls, are estab lished in their cottage at Nye Beach until September. F. W. Monroe- was an arrival from Portland on Monday night's boat. Lyle R. Bigbee. of Albany, a student at the State University at Eugene, is in Newport for the season. - The Misses Lily Button and Bertha Mlchelson, of Albany, passed the week end at Nye Beach. S. E. Stevens and family, of Eugene, are completing a week's outing at the Pickens camp ground at Nye Beach. Marvin Stevens is over from Albany for a short visit. Professor J. B. Horner, of the Oregon Agricultural College, is passing the season at the Burkhardt cottagpe. Mrs. G. Sperling, of Independence, is staying at the Nicolai while paying this beach a short visit. W. J. Price, of Portland, and wife are sojourning at this beach for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Foster, of Eu gene, were arrivals on the steamer Newport Monday. Miss Mary J. Moore, of Newberg, is staying at the Osburn while paying this beach a short visit. E. G. Calkins, of Otis, is established in his cottage at Nye Beach for the month of August. Frederick Cozens and wife, of Port land, passed the week end at the Nic olai. T A. Wood and wife, of Portland, are enjoying-a month's outing at their Nye Beach cottage. William Osborne of McMinnville, ar rived in Newport the first of the week for a short visit. Frank Morrison and family, of Salem, are preparing to leave for their home city shortly. Peter Manson registered at the Os burn Tuesday from Portland. H. F. Shanks, of Arlington, and fam ily are in their cottage at Nye Beach for the season. O. G. Barker, of Portland, accompa nied the Sunday excursionists to this beach. F. W. Scobert, of Eugene, and family departed the first of the week for their home after enjoying an outing as campers at Nye Beach. C E. Miller was an Incoming passen ger from Portland Tuesday.- Mrs. Fred Veal and daughter, Rob erta, of Albany, are occupying their cottage, "Billerica," at Nye Beach until the end of the season. Miss Maude Mil ler, of Eugene, is a guest of the Veals. E. G. Bryant was included among the many incoming passengers Tuesday from Portland. - Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Clay, of Salem, are among the most recent arrivals at Agate Beach, where they have a .cot tage. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. SnelL of Albany, are at the W. A. Hoover cottage for the Summer. They are entertaining Mrs. Roy S. Houser, also of Albany. W. W. Jaques and family, of Port land, are sojourning at their cottage, "Cozy Nook," for the season. Mrs. Ruth Parsons, of Hamilton, TIL, is passing a few days at Nye Beach as a guest of Mrs. B. M. Martin, of Cor vallls. Professor R. B. Walsh, head of the department of foreign languages at Willamette University, joined his fam ily at Nye Beach Tuesday. E. H. Hawley and wife, of Boise, are passing their vacation at this resort at the Abbey. Mr. Hawley Is an attor ney of the Idaho capital and Is a brother of ex-Governor James H. Hawley. B. L. Berry, of New York, and wife are sojourning at Nye Beach for the Summer. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Alberts and chil dren, of Salem, arrived In Newport on Monday noon's boat and will pass the season at their Nye -Beach cottage. Mr. Alberts is cashier of the Capital' Na tional Bank in the "Cherry City." Mrs. J. Brady and daughter are among Portland people who are tent ing at the Tent City for the season. W. P. Gilbert was an arrival at the Abbey Tuesday from Aumsville. J. 8. Bohannon and wife, of Indepen dence, arrived on Saturday's boat and will pass the month of August at their cottage at Nye Beach. Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Foster, of Eugene, are enjoying an outing at the seaside. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Campbell and daughter, Be3sie, of Moose Jaw City, Saskatchewan, Canada, are completing a two weeks' outing at Plcken's camp ground. M. A. Kent and wife were arrivals in Newport Monday from Portland. They are staying at the Abbey. Mrs. C. K. Spauldlng and son. Clif ford, of Salem, are domiciled In their Nye Beach cottage. They have as their guest Mrs. Roy H. Mills, of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Yoder, of Albany, joined the Hub City contingent at this beach Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Magers, of Salem, are occupying a cottage at Nye Beach until September first. Miss Zona Halght, of Albany, was at Nye Beach during the week. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Thompson and guest, Mr. Drake, of Portland, are camping at Nye Beach for the season. Mrs. Mary Roe, of Forest Grove, is established in the "Seaside" cottage un til the first of September. J. K. Wood, of Silverton, was a vis itor in Newport for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hofer and daughter, Florence, of Salem, are on a vacation at their Agate Beach cottage, "Maiden oire." Mrs. J. E. Crowe, of Salem, 1s visiting Mrs. John Roberts, of Salem, at the Roberts' cottage at Agate Beach. Mrs. Reginald W. Hastings and son, Percy, of Portland, are passing the Summer in their Nye Beach cottage. Neal Bayne, cashier of the Albany State Bank, at Albany, and sister, Elsie, Were week-end guests of the Misses Isabella and Mildred Garland, of Leb anon, at the Garland cottage at Nye Beach. Mrs. E. C. Churchill and daughter, Mathel, of Salem, are at Casa Loma for the season. Judge and Mrs. J. W". Hamilton and daughters, Helen and Merle, and their son. are among the Summer cottagers at Nye Beach. They will remain until September first. N F. E. Bailey arrived In Newport the first of the week from Portland, and registered at the Abbey. E. L. McCormlck and wife, of Hllls boro, are sojourning at this resort for the Summer. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Hout and wife arrived Monday from Portland for a short outing. Benjamin Murphy is among the Port land persons at this beach. - Mrs. M. Corry and daughter, of 'Mari nette, Wis., are out-of-the-state vis itors in Newport. Mrs. T. P. Soules. of Woodburn, was an arrival in Newport Monday. Miss Esmer Mixter. of Albany, is passing a few days at Nye Beach. Boice Fenton. a student at the' Uni versity of Oregon, at Eugene, arrived In Newport on Thursday, and will pass a few days here. - Mrs. W. K. Taylor, wife of the Mayor of Corvallls, and family, are domiciled in a cottage at Nye Beach for the sea son. J. D. Smith, of Springfield, was an in coming passenger on Tuesday's boat. F. P. Pyle registered at the Abbey Tuesday from Portland. Charles H. Jones, of Salem, editor of the Oregon Teachers' Monthly, and family, are enjoying an outing ijn their cottage at this beach. Arthur L. Clarke, of Corvallls. prose cuting attorney of Lane, Benton and Lincoln Counties, is at the Abbey while attending court. A beach party was given in honor of Miss Isabelle Murphy, a popular Port land girl, at Nye Beach, Monday even ing. After a pleasant evening of games and 'music, a unique supper was served. - Mrs. William Lewis Palmer was hostess at a crab supper given at the Mizpah cottage, at Newport BAY OCEAN WELL PATRONIZED Exploration Trips, Bonfires and Fishing Principal Diversions. BAYOCEAN, Or., Aug. 2. (Special.) Trips to Cape Mears light station, to Short Beach, exploration of the Caves, bonfire parties on the beach, fishing in the surf, the bay and rivers, boat trips on the bay and visits to the Garibaldi Life Saving station were among the many diversions enjoyed by Bayocean visitors during the week. Among those sojourning at Driftwood Lodge and Camps are: Mrs. Andrew Ott, Miss Martha and Raymond and Maurice Ott, Dean Webster, Vernon Mc Curdy, Mrs. M. E. Short, Mrs. B. H. Zim mermann, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Renne, Mrs. W. A. Cattanach, Misses Gertrude and Susie Hamilton, Murael Hale New som, Harry Ackley, Mrs. "C A. Brown, Bethyl, Elaine and Bernadlne Brown, J. - Riggs and Mr. Goode, of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Saylor, Somerset, Penn. ; J. R. Ford, Newport, Or.; A. A. Ford, Cape Mears, Or.; Mrs. C. E. Hardisty, Ermand and Charles Hardlsty, Mr. and Mrs. M. Putnam, of Spokane. A number of people enjoyed a deep sea fishing trip on the yacht Henriette Wednesday. Mrs. R. J. Hendricks, of Salem, and her friends. Miss Mary Barlow and Mrs. Tyler Woodword, of Portland, and Mrs. Charles Beck, of Aurora, Or., have taken quarters, at Hotel Bayocean for the season. Mr. Hendricks passes the week-ends with. them. Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Schorecking, of Salem, visited Mrs. R. J. Hendricks at Hotel Bayocean, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kern and chil dren, of Portland, are occupying one of the Poulsen cottages. Mrs. J. F. MacLane and little daugh ter, of Boise, Idaho, are at Hotel Bay ocean for the season. Mrs. G. P. Elsman with Stanley and George Eisman, .of Portland, are at Hotel Bayocean for the season.. Mr. Elsman passes the - week-ends with them. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Turner, of Salem, are enjoying tent life here. Mr. Turner is making arrangements to erect a cottage on his property on High street. Miss Alice Cornwell and George Corn wall, of Portland, were guests of the H. L. Chapln family the early part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Waite, of Port land, have quarters at Tent City. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Parker and family, of Nebraska; Edith Anderson andAngeli Johnson, of Portland; Mrs. L. B. Booth and daughter, of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jones, of Portland; Miss Sawyer and Miss Cremlck, of Port land; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Boomgarten, of Portland; are among those who have taken housekeeping quarters in Tent City this week. E. L. Barnes and Miss Philomene Barnes, of Portland, were guests at Hotel Bayocean the early part of the week. Mrs. W. E. Johnson entertained a number of Dix Sorority members at dinner at Hotel Bayocean Monday. The decorations were pink and white. Those, who participated were: Mrs. Johnson, Misses' Alice Cornwall, Isabel Clark, Marjorie Cameron, Philomene Barnes, Marlon and Genevieve Chapln. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace . Mason and family, of Portland, have taken the Woodhouse cottage on the ocean side for the season. Miss Lettie Baker, of Portland, ar rived here Wednesday to pass the re mainder of the season with her brother, D. C. Baker. , Mrs. Lawrence Greene, Harold, Claudia and Lawrence Greene, of Salt Lake City, have taken a cottage on High Terrace street for the remainder of the season. Mr. and Mrs. T. L Potter end chil dren and Mrs. Potter's sister, Mrs. W. G. Hendricks, of Portland, arrived at their cottage Saturday to be here the remainder of the season. Misses Ellen Boe and Olgo Hauge left for Portland Tuesday .fter having passed several weeks at this place. Mr. and Mrs. Victor V. Crop and family and HenTy Duyck, of North Plains, Or., were guests at Bayside Hotel at this place the early part of the week. Mrs. A. Beckstrum visited in Port land the early part of the week. G. Boitane and family, of Portland have taken quarters at Bayside Hotel to be here for several weeks. Mary and Hector Garbarino, of Port land, are at Bayside Hotel to remain here for -sometime. Johan Poulsen arrived from Portland the early part of the week and is ar ranging to take up his residence in a new cottage which is being completed on his property on Bay Terrace. s Mr. and Mrs. William Constantine and daughter, of Portland, are at Hotel Bayocean for the season. Among the visitors to Bayocean during the past week were: Mrs. A. R. Thompson, Mrs. Irene Buchanan, Eugene Fabinger, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ciderson, R. A. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clausen, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Olson, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Wilson, Miss Wilson, Myron Wilson, W. C. Snodgrass, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Saddler, A. Schell, Mrs. J. Erickson, Miss Agnes Johnson, Ego d'Allatour, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jones. A. H. M. Curtain,' P. E. Myers, A. F. SherrilL H. L. Camp, Mary A. Gray, Mrs. C. N. Perkins, Mrs. D. A. Hatha way, Anne A. Hathaway, "Mrs. W. R. Doane, Helen Doane, Oliver Perkins, Morris Perkins, . Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Wallace, Edgar M. Lazarus, W. J. Davis, Edward O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Bushnell, Dr. and Mrs. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Buffum, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Downing, Henry Schills, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mack, W. D. Hayes, F. P. Keenan. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Van Cleave, Roy Kesterson, Dean Webster, Vernon McCurdy, J. P. Harvey, T. Delude, of Portland; G. E. Rummel and C. E. Wright, of McMinnville; Mr. and Mrs. J J. C. Bradley. Oregon City: Mr. and Mrs. James Harvey. Dufur: Miss A. Zieher, New Ulm, Minn.; Mrs. J. C Elliot, Damascus. Or.; Miss Winnifred Osburn, Gresham. Or.; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jenkins, Tillamook, Or.; Pro fessor and Mrs. Hale, Duluth, Minn.; M. F. Leach, Tillamook, Or.; Mrs. Mar tha Harvey and children, Vancouver, wash. . BAXDO.V BEACH IS POPrTiAR Bathing, Fishing, Agate-Hunting Among Summer Diversions. BANDON, Or., Aug. 2. (Special.) The most delightful Summer weather that has ever prompted one to Join the vacationists now prevails at Bandon. The- record of visitors is much larger than any previous Summer. The river boats bring from the interior daily from 20 to SO who are attracted by the sunny skies and cool temperature of Bandon and Bandon's- beautiful beach resorts. The" Portland and San Fran cisco steamers, of which there are an chored in Bandon Port an average "of ' two each day, have full passenger lists. The capacity of the hotels is taxed and the residents are being asked to take care of excursionists. The beach is the big asset and there is particular charm in "doing the Bandon beach." Agate- hunting is one of the chief pastimes. Agates of unusual size and colors are found in the gravel and sand and near ly every person upon leaving Bandon takes away a small sack of agates.- sorae in the native state, but many of them ground and polished. The agate grinders here keep three men constant ly at work. x . Clam digging furnishes great sport and when the tide is low; in the morn ings people may be seen all along the beach industriously digging for the clams. Likewise there is an abundance of crabs and fish. Many of those who came here intending to fish in the sea round out to their disappointment that a license was necessary and, not wish ing to go to the trouble to get a li cense, have left the fishing oft their programme. The rocks at Bandon Beach stand like sentinels in the sea and are of great size and of fantastic forms. These mountainous rocks that are near the shore form windbrakes and thus make bathing more pleasureable. On the bluff overlooking the sea in the groves nature has provided ideal places for campers. Here may be seen' about 100 camps and the number will be increased until the climax is reached in September. Wild berries are plenti fuL SUNSET BEACH IS THRONGED Camp Life, Crabbing and Dancing Are Attractions at Resort. SUNSET BEACH, Or., Aug. 2. (Spe cial.) Mrs. George J. Frankie, of 614 Carter Lane, is spending the Summer at Sunset Beach and- has as her guest Miss Martha Heston Todd, of St. Louis. Miss Todd will remain until September. Mrs. T. J. Davis and Mrs. W. L. Whitney, with their families, are en joying camp life here. Mrs. F. J. Faith" and children, also Mrs. Harry Julian and daughter, will spend a few weeks at the beach. All are looking forward with pleasure, to the fine crabbing that may be expected next week. Other guests at the beach are: Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Harris, L. E. Thompson, J. W. Farrell. G. L. Johnson. Miss Kathrine Johnson, Fred Graff, D. G. Francis, A. P. Norton. A. P. Norton. Jr., Sarah A. Davidson, H. J. Bucking ham, L. Ross, R. J. Brainbridge. T.' Crawford and Miss Crawford, W. A. Barratt, D. M. Sterton, S. A. Smith. Misses Gertrude Wade, Gertrude Pen nell, Adelle Brault, Marjorie and. Ethel Barratt. Mrs. S. A. Long has opened her cot tage and started her round of Summer entertaining. Mr. and Mrs. N. W, Bower entertained several house guests from Astoria and all enjoyed the de lightful dance at the Grange Hall In honor of their new building. Ocean Lake Notes. OCEAN LAKE, Or., Aug. 2. (Spe claL) Miss Margaret Knisley has gone to Portland for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Heintz, of Port land, are tenting on their lot on the ocean front. Mrs. H. Hamilton and Miss Mildred Hamilton, of St. PauL Minn., are guests at the Bozarth cottage. Mrs. H. Vanderwall and family and Mrs. L. Vanderwall have taken "Shady Grove Camp." Twin Rocks Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Bader and family, from Chicago, and Mr. Woodard, of Portland, are at the Rock View Villa. Guests of Mrs. E. L. Hart at a week end house party are Mrs. L. C. Allison, Charles Allison and Miss Gertrude Eb erly, of Portland. Manhattan Beach S. E. Allen and Miss L. Allen, of Portland, are staying at the Manhattan Beach Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Andrews and chil dren from Portland are visiting at the beach. Elmore Park Mrs. J. L. Mayo, Miss Vinnie Mayo and G. E. Mayo, of Port land, are at the beach for a few weeks. Lake Lytle The Misses Jannette, Florence and Grace Mowatt, of Port land, are guests at the Gibson cottage with their aunt. Misses Lottie and Nellie Banfleld, of Portland, are visiting here for a few weeks. SEA VIEW VISITORS ARE WED The Dalles Banker Takes Portland Girl aa Bride. SEAVIEW, Wash.. Aug. 2. (Spe cial.) Quite an important event of the week in Seaview was the wedding of Vivian Hurland French, of The Dalles, Or., and Miss Meda Eunice Stevenson, of Portland. The Rev. Mr. Keating offi ciated. Mr. and Mrs. French are- pass ing their honeymoon at the J. W. French cottage, but will later make their home at The Dalles, where Mr. French is a prominent banker. Dancing, or "trotting," is one of the most popular of the summer diver sions at this resort among the younger set, while the older matrons prefer cards, with an occasional picnic, or motor ride. One of the largest private dances given here last week was arranged by Miss Mildred Broughton, Miss Florence Holmes, Miss Lois Ladd, Miss Mayde Nickum, Miss Fern Nickum and Miss Elsie Lee at Seaview Hall. The chap erones for this jolly party were Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kiernan and Mrs. J. M. Nickum. The guests included Misses Helen Adams, Dorothy Bliss, Genevieve Caughey, Dor othy Caughey, Madeline Stone, Louise Wolff, Ruth Kiernan, Viola Thorsen, Margaret Eaves, Alice Gram, Pauline Jacobsen, Bertha Schacht, Catlin Wol fard, Frank Buckley, Adolph Harr, Norman Fiske, Alfred Stone, George Coulton, Allan Russel, Allen Todd, Jr., Barton Bridgeford, Frances Kiernan, A. C Phillips, Jr., Laurence Dineen and Harry Perrin. The Gibson cottage houses Dr. and Mrs. C. G. MacCallum, of Kalama, Wash. They are entertaining a num ber of guests, among whom are Mrs. A. P. MacClaren, of Rainier; Miss Dor othy Sims, of " Kalama, and Mrs. S. G. Fee and Miss Mary Fee, of Canada Mrs. J. A. Martin and debutante daughter, Miss Jean, are recent arriv als and have a cottage for the Sum mer. Their guests are Mrs. D. Stephen, son and Miss Sadie Stephenson. A group of Seaview visitors passed Wednesday at Sand Island picnicking. Among those in the party were Mr. and Mrs. R. Austin, Misses Madeline' Stone, Ruth Kiernan, Robert Stewart Mrs. Theodore B. Wilcox, Miss Claire Wilcox and Theodore B., Jr., are occu pying their cottage at The Willows for .(Concluded on Page 9.)