The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 27, 1913, SECTION FIVE, Page 8, Image 62

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Written and Illustrated for The Sunday Oregonian by
Mile. Anna Pavlowa, World's Great Premiere Danseuse
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There is nothing so beautiful as a well modeled, graceful feminine figure.
Some women, liberally endowed by nature with such beauty, de
sire above all things to retain the symmetrical contour so highly
coveted. Others, less fortunate, yearn to develop, or to acquire,
that loveliness of form which is commonly accepted to represent
the basis of true feminine attractiveness.
To provide real assistance to its many readers who are so interested, the
Boston Post has arranged with the great dancer. Mile. Anna Pav
lowa. to pose for a series of articles illustrating helpful exercises
which may be utilized to retain a fine figure or to help attain one.
These articles will include practical advice of the highest possible value,
written by Mile. Pavlowa. and this advice will deal also with the
elements of proper living, so necessary in promoting health, upon
which beauty of form rests. Admittedly in a class by herself as an
artist of the dance. Mile. Pavlowa declares that her perfection of
bodily lines and her unapproached grace are largely due to the
following of certain exercises and the living in accordance with cer
tain laws of nature.
HOW ofen do we see women who
have become self-conscious
through efforts to hide certain
shortcomings of the figure! In view of
the fact that an amazingly large pro
portion of these uncomfortable souls
hold tlreir own physical salvations In
the palms of their hands, I have fre
quently wished that I might be of some
assitance by offering suggestions I
know would effect what we might
term "cures."
It is on this account that I gladly
embraced the opportunity offered by
the Boston Post to speak to vast num
bers of persons who may be said to
comprise two classes; one being those
who have the power to Improve their
figure, the other those who have at
tractive bodies whose lines they wish
to retain.
Without wishing to detract from the
importance of aiding those who desire
to preserve easy lines and a. correct
carriage of the body, I believe that
our first duty is in the direction of
serving those eager to better their fig
ures. If one has too much flesh, exer
cise, and right living will generally re
duce it, while the over-slender woman
should never give up hope of adding
the pounds necessary for the sought
for symmetry.
When I appeared at the opening of
the new Champs Elysees Theater In
Paris, in early April, Just prior to go
ing to London for my big engagement,
a distinguished society woman said to
me after the performance: "How do
you keep your perfect lines without
varying in one tiny bit in any part of
your body?"
I replied that I was faithful in going
through certain exercises daily, and
that I was careful in the selection of
my food, in taking the amount of rest
I required and breathing as much fresh
air both at day and night as possi
ble. A little well-employed time, a lit
tle care and tranquil mind will do
much for our figuhes when we ob
serve these matters faithfully.
Coming now to the point of develop
ing a beautiful figure, which can be
done, let it be understood at the outset
that patience and stick-to-it-Iveness
will conquer seemingly insurmountable
obstacles. If my readers who are anx
ious to eliminate, or take on, flesh, ex
pect to obtain from me some mysteri
ous secret that will act like magic in
an Instant they are doomed to disap
pointment. But by following my ad
vice for the sufficient period Impera
tive results will show.
Though It may appear strange to the
uninitiated, it is nevertheless true that
a certain exercise and the adhering to
given metnoas or diet and sleeD will
build tissue that is sound as well as
burn up that which is not. In other
words, if a stout person and a too slen
der one both follow the same regime, in
the majority of instances they will ap
proach relatively the standard of
physical beauty.
Exnclsu for All T p-.
Therefore, the exercises I shall give
may be adopted by all women, no mat
ter whether the torso, the arms, .legs,
shoulders and neck are plump or other.
wise. The main points to observe are
belief that the course of work Is to be
beneficial for the mind has a marvel
ous control over the body and not giv
lng up after a week or two of indlf
ferent effort.
Dancing, in my judgment, is one of
the finest exercises available, both for
the promotion or health, a fine figure
and bodily grace. Primarily, It Induces
circulation 01 the blood, calls Into
play virtually all the muscles and
brings into activity the lungs. All
these occurrences favor nature and fa
cilitate. the burning up of unnecessary
tissue and the expulsion from the sys
tem of poisonous matter.
I advise the donning of a loose,
flowing costume before beginning the
exercises I shall recommend. Do not
permit yourselves to be hampered by a
corset. Your bodies cry out for free
dom, and you must grant that appeal.
Light, soft shoes without heels are also
what are required for the feet.
As to the time of day for exercising,
that should be arranged to suit the pe
culiar whim -of each individual. Some
women could not Indulge in bodily ex
ertion In the morning, while others
have at that time a great deal of vi
tality. I believe one should consider this
matter carefully possible through
trials and decide the question in ac
cordance with the physical responsive
ness. We will now assume that the Teader
Is garbed for her daily exercise to be
taken either in the morning or after
noon, and after at least an hour and a
half has elapsed fololwlng a meal and
that she has raised the windows of the
room to admit plenty of air.
First, fill the lungs completely with
air until you have a feeling that not
another mite can be admitted. Hold it
I for an instant, then permit it to escape
slowly. Repeat this filling and empty
ing of the lungs 15 times. At the con
clusion of the operation it will be
found that there is a sense of slight
exhilaration, due to the recharging of
the blood with oxygen and the combus.
tion of carbonic acid gas.
mow you are ready to begin the In
troductory exercise. .
Step briskly forward, taking care to
place the ball of the. feet on the floor
before the heels, and spring lightly on
the toes of the right foot, upon which
you must rise as far as possible. At the
same time throw back the head, stretch
both arms outward and above the head,
extending the hands and Angers, and
maintain the balance of the body by
curving It a trifle backward and per
mitting the left leg to rise slightly as
shown in figure 1 of the accompany
ing photographs.
At first this will be found difficult.
The balance will quite likely be dis
turbed, but persevere. Assume, again,
this position and don't be discouraged
if you feel stiff and awkward. I my
self practice it every day for 10 min-
utes, so you can feel free to do so for
one quarter of that time.
When you have performed this exer
cise for a sufficient number of times
reverse the position by rising on the
toe of the left foot, turning the head
in the opposite direction and permitting
the right leg to assume the backward
atitude which the left leg did in the
first exercise.
The next exercise which should bo
utilized In both ways with the right
leg advanced will start with the left
leg, rising on the toe. Simultaneously
elevate the right thigh as far as pos
sible and allow the calf to assume a
perpendicular position, with the toe of
the right foot depressed. Throw the
head as far back as possible, let the
right arm and hand sweep back just
beyond the right hip and raise the left
arm and hand forward and to a point
above the head, as shown in figure 2.
Balancing? Skill Needed.
Exercise three will call for some bal
ancing skill. Stand firmly on the flat
of the right foot, extend the left leg
in an almost rigid line at right angles
to the right and depress the toe. As
you take this attitude, bring both arms
up easily on a line with the waist, with
the palms down and turn the head so
the eyes will glance upon the left hand.
Go through the same exercise reversed.
When the fourth exercise is reached,
the beginner will experience a sensa
tion of fatigue, and a rest of a half
minute is advised; but It should be
taken by walking slowly about the
room, stepping on the balls of the feet
first. Care should be taken to hold
the body erect, with shoulders back,
chin slightly up and a sense of free
dom about the waistline and entire
Now stand firmly on the flat of the
left foot, inclining the body a trifle
forward,' hanging the left arm and
hand straight down at the side and
extending the right' hand and arm for
ward. Bring back the right leg half
straightened with the toe depressed
and about six inches from the floor,
and allow the head to swing back as
far as it may. Repeat this exercise
by standing on the right foot, and re
versing the positions of the arms and
hands and left leg.
Rest again for these four exercises
properly done will have consumed, with
the half-minute rest, some nine or ten
minutes and then approach the fifth
exercise, which will be the final one In
this lesson on "How to Develop a Beau
tiful Figure."
Step forward, now, at the beginning
of the fifth exercise, with the right
foot, which must rest flat on the floor.
Dean over the thigh and bend forward
with both arms and hands, as shown in
Figure 5 of the photographs, and per
mit the tips of the fingers to come
within six inches of the rug. The left
leg will be half-bent, as in the right,
with the foot well back and the heel
partially raised. Straighten and re
peat the exercise eight or ten times,
but be careful to hold the bent position
at least five seconds each time it is as
sumed. Then reverse the exercise with
the left foot and leg advanced.
Proceed, at once to the bath, which
should be begun with warm water. If
one can stand a shock of cold spray at
the close, so that a vigorous rubbing
with a. coarse towel induces & glow,
such a practice Is advantageous. How
ever, if there is not lively reaction, cold
water uhoula be shunned.
A five-minute rest after the bath will
bring the body to a delightful state of
life and vigor, and a feeling of light
ness will be felt. Throughout the day
try to keep the body airily poised
and experience a sense of easy muscu
lar control. It will be found that the
torso as well as the arms, legs and
neck will take on a strength surpris
ing. And as the exercises are contin
ued, grace of movement and beauty of
line gradually appear.
(The next article in this 'series on
developing a beautiful figure will ap
pear In a ubsequent issue of the Sun
day Oregonian.)
(Copyright, 1913, by McClure Newspaper
Ailments Held to Be Penalty for Violation of Physical Law and Not Due to or Curable fcy Mysterious Agent
Need of Care of Month, Teeth and in Food Selection Discussed.
SOME 3000 years ago a wise man I
enunciated the scientific rule of
cause and effect in the words, "The
curse causeless shall not come." There
can be no curse without a definite
cause. The curse of tuberculosis, the
curse of the plague, the curse of can
cer, the curse of typhoid fever, the
curse of pneumonia, the curse of syphi
lis, the curse of insanity, the curse of
all forms of sickness "causeless shall
not come."
Sickness and premature death are not
dispensations of an all-wise providence,
but result directly from the violation
of physical laws. In the realm of the
physical there Is no escape from the
consequences of breaking law. The plea
of Ignorance may be used successfully
in civil courts tb minimize a penalty,
but never in the court of nature. Na
ture listens to no excuses. A faithful
record is kept of the "deeds done In
the body," and sooner or later the bill
must be paid.
The. proposition that "action and re
action are equal" is demonstrated again
and again In the human body. The Iron
law of compensation Is no less inflexi
ble In. the physical world than in the
spiritual world. Every misuse of a
normal function has a proportionate
penalty attached. The penalty must be
paid whether in lowered vitality, en
feebled constitution, diseased organs.
chronic disease, loss of Intellect, gloom,
premature decay, or untimely death.
Cause Formerly Mystery.
If an individual holds his hand near
enough to a fire the effect will be a
burn. Nothing can prevent a burn if
the hand and the fire come together.
This represents the definite relation
that exists between causes and disease.
Until quite recently the causes of
most of the epidemics that swept the
world were shrouded In mystery, or if
a reason was supplied It usually was
attributed to the wrath of -the Creator
against the human race, and so in or
der to stay the smallpox, or the plague,
or cholera, or yellow fever, prayers
were offered, some shrine was sought,
amulets were worshiped, and one Pope
thundered a bull against an epidemic of
black death. The one offered against a
comet was just as sensible a procedure.
I believe that It was Lord Pemberton
who told the people of London, who
bad appointed a season of fasting to
stay an epidemic of cholera, that If
they would clean up the streets, their
premises and their homes, their pray
ers would .be more effectual. Super
stitions in . reference to the cause of
By Frederick M. Rosslter, U.S.. M.I).
Questions pertaining to health, hy
giene and the prevention of disease
will be answered in this column.
When for lack of space and when
questions are not suitable, answers
will be made by mall, providing a
tamped envelope with address is
Inclosed. Jfo question will be con
sidered without the name and ad
dress of the sender. No diagnosis
will be made In this column.
disease lead to superstition In the ap
plication of the remedy.
While we are now living in the blaz
ing light of the 20th century, the age
of science, yet much medical suDer-
stltion still persists in reference to the
causes of disease, and hence as to the
means necessary to effect a cure. There
is still a large class who hold that the
normal as well as the morbid manifes
tations in the human body may be ex
plained and hence treated by means of
some mysterious or supernatural agen
cies, without consideration of the actual
physical causes.
Acta Are Mysterious.
Most people exercise a good degree
of reason in business and all the prac
tical things of daily life, but when it
comes to the matter of their health
and their religion it is passing strange
to see the things that sensible and in
telligent people believe and do. I am
still unable to figure this out. Yet the
history of the ages forcibly demon
strates that -the one who favors -and
humors the fads, fancies, superstitions
and stupidities of his fellows always
prospers. Fakers who ply their ne
farious trades with more of less mystic
signs and ceremonies always do a good
The loss mystery that is attached to
the causes of disease the less will be
the tendency to seek some mysterious
Individual for a mysterious cure. As
a rule the more ignorant and self-conceited
the "curlst," the more preposter
ous are the claims set forth.
To simplify matters, the causes of
disease may be said to be external and
internal. The internal causes produc
ing disease by gaining entrance to the
body through the food, drink, or by
breathing, and by acting on the skin.
Most of these causes are pretty well
known today, and the mystery has been
removed to a large extent. Most of
the diseases due to external causes are
acute In form. While we do not know
the exciting agent in all of the acute
diseases, the measures of protection
and the treatment are well known.
Diseases due to internal causes either
are functional, in which case a cure
is possible, or organic, in which case
the disease may be held In abeyance
and symptoms ameliorated. Reference
to any modern textbook on diseases
shows that the causes of the chronic
diseases are not so numerous, and they
are largely under the control of the
Individual. There are remote causes
of chronic diseases, such as changes
In the blood and In the internal secre
tions, which are yet not well under
stood. But the fact remains that pre
vention will eliminate about 80 per
cent of these diseases, hence the
causes under our control are largely
responsible for the remote obscure con
ditions that contribute to disease.
So the relation of health and disease
is the relation of cause and effect. "The
curse causeless shall not come." Epi
demics and the increase of all disease
after the 40th year is not a dispensa
tion of Providence, but a dispensation
of ignorance and willful neglect and
disregard for the laws of health.
Do not be deceived that because you
regard the cause of your trouble as
mysterious that only some mysterious
remedy or method will effect a cure.
Real diseases are remedied by sensible,
rational, scientific methods. Mysteri
ous remedies and methods will no more
cure disease than swallowing some po
tion will remove a mole from the nose
or a corn from the toe.
Decayed Food To Be Avoided.
This is a precaution that it Is well
to exercise 365 days In the year, but
particularly is it needful to be on
guard during hot weather. Over-ripe
fruit and decayed vegetables are the
cause of much acute Indigestion and
intestinal troubles. Heat hastens de
cay and fermentation and a hot day
makes the, body more susceptible to the
poisons formed than it is in cold
Over-ripe fruit comes In for Its
share in producing digestive disorders
with much greater danger on the hot
days. Germs grow rapidly at body
temperatures, and as all fresh fruit is
eaten raw many varieties of germs can
be introduced into the body in this
way, with the most favorable sur
roundings for their work in the intes
tines. .
Children especially, are quick to re
spond to decayed food whether it be
fruit, vegetables, decayed milk or ice
cream made from bad milk. These
foods with a reasonable degree' of un
cleanliness about the house are going
to make trouble for the little ones.
Meat May Be Avoided.
Decayed meats and raw meat are
extremely dangerous, and particularly
dangerous during hot weather, for meat
of any character undergoes rapid de
composition in hot weather, and cook
ing the meat does not destroy the poi
son, though it may destroy the germs.
Meat from the market that is in any
degree offensive to the sense of smell
should be rejected. The one who
boards Is at a disadvantage in this mat
ter but the safest rule to follow In the
hot weather is to eat little meat and
be on the safe side. One will feel bet
ter on a light diet.
It has been estimated by actual
laboratory work that some 31 differ
ent kinds of germs seek to find a
dwelling place in the mouth, for 21
varieties have been found there. Some
of these germs seem to be harmless
but others that have been found are not
there with good intentions, for In a
filthy mouth may be found the germs
of tuberculosis, pneumonia, diphtheria,
pus germs, germs that evidently have
much to do with acute inflammatory
rheumatism, and many other bacteria
that may have much to do with our
"Inward troubles." People whose mouths
may be the habitat of all these differ
ent germs may not have the different
diseases. Why, we do not know, but
they may be the means of communicat
ing the disease to someone else.
Neglected Mouth Filthy.
The mouth is a filthy place when
neglected and not cared for properly.
After a meal much food remains be
tween the teeth and works in between
the gum and the .tooth. This food
rapidly undergoes fermentation, pro
ducing acids which cause the tooth to
decay. Germs multiply by the millions
in these favorable surroundings.
Dr. Osier, than whom there ' Is no
better authority, says: "There is not
anything more important to the public
in the whole range of hygiene than
hygiene of the mouth. If I were asked
to say whether more physical deter
ioration was produced by alcohol or
defective teeth, I should unhesitatingly
say defective teeth." While this may
be an exaggerated opinion of the mat
ter, yet it shows the Intimate relation
that a clean mouth and good teeth sus
tain to the health.
A decaying tooth Infects other teeth
and causes disease of the gums in au
dition to causing a foul breath. But
this Is not the worst effect. The
poison from the tooth and the germs
are swallowed giving rise to poor di
gestion. The absorption of the poisons
interferes with the nutrition of the en
tire body. Just a few days ago there,
was a report in a medical journal of
a most serious case of rheumatism in
a woman due to a disease that affected
the roots of the teeth and the gums.
Many children suffer from various
forms of faulty nutrition because of
neglected teeth and careless habits of
Proper Chewing; Advised.
A second Important rule of hygiene
for the mouth is use the teeth for
mashing, triturating, chewing, masti
cating the food. If the teeth were only
for biting the food, all would have a
sharp edge, but a number of the large
teeth have a surface made especially
for finely dividing the food before it
should be swallowed. Some people only
chew the food enough to take off the
rough edge, but this is not enough for
the best of health. A small amount of
food well chewed will contribute more
to the efficiency of the body than a
much larger amount poorly chewed.
Chewing the food well and eating
hard food prolongs the life of the teeth
and keeps them sound. People should
eat more zwiebach. hard toast, crusts,
russet and dry foods. It Is the eating
so much soft, mushy food and slops
that is playing havoc with the Ameri
can teeth. It is a well-known fact
among dentists that people coming to
this country from Sweden, Norway,
Holland and other countries where the
people eat largely of a coarse bread,
baked hard in thin sheets, and piled
up in the corner of the house much
like cordwood, have splendid teeth. The
dentists also know that these same peo
ple, after being in America seven or
eight years, eating our soft bread and
mush foods, have a rapid decay of the
Lesson la Pointed Out.
So many thousands of foreign-born
persons have had this experience that
we ought to learn the lesson. Beyond
a shadow of a doubt chewing the food
well and eating more hard, well baked
foods will contribute materially to the
health of the entire body for effici
ency. Eating ripe acid fruits, such as ap
ples, peaches, pears, oranges, straw
berries, and many other fruits has a
beneficial effect on the teeth. The
acid juices are cleansing to the teeth
and mouth, and, more than this, bac
teria are easily destroyed by fresh fruit
Every adult should see a dentist once
or twice a year, and have the teeth
thoroughly cleaned and carefully exam
ined for the first signs of decay. Have
all roots extracted and decayed teeth
There was a filthy germ
That went a filthy mile
To find a filthy little hole
Where it could stay a while.
Now Tommy's molar tooth.
Which he forgot to brush.
Had Just that filthy little hole
'Twas germy in a rush.
And then the molar tooth
Segan to make a fuss.
What next? Well, wretched little Tom
Has sympathy from us.
But now a wiser Tom
Would walk a crooked mile
To brush his teeth most any time.
And do it up in style.
M. H. R. i