The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 27, 1913, SECTION FIVE, Page 6, Image 60

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Old Monopoly Law, Which Has Virtually Forbidden Competition Expires on July 31 Mrs! C. K. G. Billings, Wife of Millionaire Horseman, Is a Familiar Figure at .New
NEW YORK, July 26. (Special.) j
New York Is likely to have an
increased motor stage service.
The street railway is after a franchise.
At present there is only one motor
stage line and under the law prevail
ing until the end of July no one could
establish a stage line on any street al
ready occupied. This gave the Fifth
avenue people virtually a monopoly of
the business. They spread out and
grrldironed the city pretty thoroughly,
occupying all the profitable streets.
Now the law has been amended to
permit other companies to obtain fran.
chises, and several have offered to
carry passengers for a nickel. The
lines operating at present charge 10
cents. Both single and double-deckers
are in use now. Some are operated
with little noise and some with a
terrific rumble. The double-deck stages
are much used by sightseers.
A snapshot of three of the best
known society women and horselovers
In New York -was made recently at
the horse show. Mrs. C. K. Q. Bil
lings is the wife of Cornelius K. G.
Billings, the millionaire, formerly of
Cleveland, who has been the owner of
the world's record holders in the trot
ting field for many years. Mr. and
Mrs. Billings have one of the most
palatial homes in New York on the
Heights of Fort Washington, overlook
ing the Hudson. Mrs. Vanderpool and
Mrs. Fred Johnson are seated on each
side with Mrs. Billings.
While Commodore Perry was waiting
Impatiently with his fleet at Erie he
was waiting for the wagon that
brought ammunition and enabled him
eventually to send the message: "We
have met the enemy and they are ours."
Perry attacked the Brtish fleets as
soon as the wagon arrived. The his
toric wagon and the ship have been
preserved after years of dilapidation.
The wagon was raised from the bot
tom of Lake Erie and renovated for
the centennial celebration of Perry's
victory. The hull of the old sea
fighter has been prepared for the cen
tennial also. Secretary of the Navy
Daniels recently paid a visit to see
the old relics.
"Walk like the turkeys! Walk like
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Educational Bureau Holds Meetings at Courthouse "Visiting Nurse- and
Physician Give Instructions as to Food, Baths and Clothes for Infant.
VALUABLE information upon how
to feed, clothe and care for a
baby was given last week to a
large number of young mothers who at
tended, the regular demonstration held
at the Parents' Educational Bureau in
room 551, at the Courthouse. The bur
eau Is conducted under the auspices of
the Congress of Mothers and has been
of much help to parents in that it offers
to them suggestions in the most up-to-date
manner of bringing up children
and gives many practical ideas.
At the last meeting. Miss Josephine
Sullivan, representing the Visiting
Nurse's Association, gave an instructive
talk to young married, women and later
demonstrated how the tiny baby should
be bathed, how he should be held to
be washed and dressed and how, by ob
serving certain rules and regulations
the little one may be cared for in
such a way that he will not tire the
mother. Mrs. N. P. Gale showed the
young mothers how to make the in
fants' clothes In a simple and. dainty
fashion and at small cost. In the
models she exhibited unnecessary
Beams were eliminated and every de
tail was planned, for the comfort of the
child and for practical use.
Following the demonstration there
was a helpful address by Dr. Robert
Hall, who took as his subject, "The
Manuscript Dealing Wjth Influence on Child Being Circulated Through
City by Parents' Educational Bureau Much Interest Being Taken.
HERE does a mother's ln-
jence begin?"
This Is the heading of a
paper that is being circulated in type
written form by the Parents' Educa
tional Bureau. Each mother and ex
pectant mother promptly returns the
manuscript after having read and
copied extracts, so that some other
prospective parent may have the ben
efit of the matter therein contained.
the turkeys in the high grass! Spring!
Juliana, spring!" And so, according
to the Irish classic mothers, Juliana
came to be known among the officers
at the post before whom she was
paraded as "Juliana Spring." In these
days of the tigh skirt every Juliana
is a "Juliana Spring." Sometimes she
can't spring high enough without the
help of the streetcar conductor, espe
cially when she is boarding one of the
old-fashioned, high-step open cars. It
is hard on the men who make the
material for dresses, but fine for the
manufacturers of silk stockings. Every
transfer point now is a hosiery expo
sition. Many diversions are provided for the
Summer colony at America's select
watering place, Newport, R. I. Bath
ing, luncheons, dancings, motoring and
tennis are a few of the attractions
for the young people who are kept
in a busy whirl. The Moreland sis
ters, 'Misses May and Esther, are two
of the attractive debutantes, and they
are devotees of the tennis courts. R.
DeBoardman, of Boston. and Mrs.
Elsie French Vanderbilt, of New York
and Philadelphia, a former wife of
Alfred Gwyn Vanderbilt, were recently
snapped by the photographer.
The first photograph has been taken
of the Immense Government ehed at
the dock at Christobal, Panama, the
Atlantic terminus to the Panama
Canal. Christobal is a busy Industrial
and shipping hive, which, on the open
ing of the Canal, will become one of
the greatest ports in the world.
In recognition of the return by the
late J. P. Morgan of the stolen cope
of Nicolo IV, the Italian town of
Ascoll will place this extraordinarily
lifelike bust of the late financier
(placed on exhibition for the first
time by the sculptor, C. S. Pietro, of
New York, July 14) in the park of
Ascoli, which is called Fuori Porta
Maggiore. The bust is to be cast in
bronze in the Roman Bronze Works,
and the funds for the statue have been
raised chiefly . by the Italian colony
in New York under the direction of
a committee headed by Count Robert
Fiocca Novi. The son and daughter
of the late J. P. Morgan have ex
pressed to the sculptor their pleasure
and appreciation of his work.
Feeding of Babies." Dr. Hall discussed-
the various- kinds of food available and
advocated modified milk if the mother
was not able to give her child the
food nature intended.
"When the time comes that you must
use cow s milk, said Dr. Hall, "see
that you get the best. Investigate the
standing of the dairy you patronize
and insist on getting milk that comes
from a dairy where cleanliness is the
watchword. Milk should, be kept cold,
preferably on ice and the utensils,
bottles and other paraphernalia used
should be thoroughly sterilized boiled
and scalded. Sickness is caused by
germs, therefore don't let them get In
to the baby's food.
Dr Hall llnsisted that mothers re
member to feed the babies regularly
about once in three hours being the
schedule found most effective. Stomach
troubles late in life were the result of
Irregular feeding during childhood.
said, the doctor.
At the close of his talk Dr. Hall an
swered a number of questions. A simi
lar meeting will be held at an early
date when other topics will be dis
cussed by prominent physicians. Mrs.
Robert Tate, president of the Congress
of Mothers, is giving the gatherings
her personal attention and assists In
giving out literature and explaining
the department ox eugenics.
The paper was prepared some years ago
by Mrs. C M. Wood, the first president
of the Oregon Congress of Mothers. In
part the manuscript Is as follows:
"Where does a mother's Influence
begin? There seems to be no begin
nlng and no ending. The disciples of
evolution bewilder us with their teach
lngs of continuity and they offer us no
tangible beginning. The reasoning
leads us around and around In a circle.
The most discouraging feature of this
study Is that we cannot go back of our
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own generation . and endow ourselves
with the ability to make what we j
would of our children. . But we can
turn away from ' the dark picture of
lost opportunity and throw upon the
canvas a scene whose atmosphere
tones are peaceful, where the glowing
shades of light and love express hal
lowed motherhood and perfect child
hood. It is a comforting thought that
the ban. of heredity cannot stand
against the power of spiritual nature;
that the Creator has given the mental
powers dominion over the physical.
"The most valuable legacy we can
leave our children is a perfect founda
tion upon which to build the structure
of life. We grant that there Is no
mortal being- who does not exert some
kind of influence, and that our uncon
scious influence is more constant than
the conscious, and is always a reflec
tion of what we are and not what we
seem to be. To exert a wholesome in
fluence we must supplant all of our
weaknesses, such as giving place to
bursts of temper, petty jealousies, lazi
ness," Belfish desires, vanity and the
like, with noble aspirations until the
virtues of true womanhood become
fixed . habits. Habits " are the most
stubborn thing with which we have to
"Immediate action Is the dominant
force of life, and if we would, never be
surprised into wrong action we must
learn to live in a state of automatic
goodness. Each day spent in honest
endeavor makes the next easier, more
perfect and more joyous.
"Having- grasped .the Idea of perfect
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a a
womanhood we will advance to the
thought of educated motherhood. Pro
fessor Elmer Gates gives us the follow
ing , facts - from scientific demonstration:-
'The evil and painful emotions
create in a very few minutes poison
ous chemical products in the fluids of
the body; anger produces a different
poison from fear, and sorrow a still
different product, and all of the evil
and depressing emotions produce
katabolic and poisonous products which
lower the tide of life, while good and
pleasurable and sublime emotions cre
ate In the blood and within the cellu
lar substances of the body a series
of anabolic and nutritive products
which augment every physiologic and
psychologic function.'
"The expectant mother should bring
into dally, use all of the good, happy,
moral, aesthetic, altruistic,, sublime,
worshipful emotions during prepara
tion for motherhood, avoiding abso
lutely all of the Irascible,. immoral, un
happy, painful, critical and evil emo
tions, and she will transmit the better
characteristics to her child Just to the
extent that she has builded their cor
responding structures in her' brain. She
must have, also, plenty of normal ex
ercise, plenty to eat and plenty of rest
and sleep.
Mother Hearts Should Be Open.
"Hearts made open through ' open
thoughts and affections are wonderful
mother-hearts and ' such hearts open
the doors to every, high and valuable
characteristic in the child. What pro
portion of . mothers do - you" suppose
'know .-or care, anything; -about these
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JULY 37, l'JlS.
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great truths? How many fathers do
you suppose are conscious of the Im
portant part their spiritual life has in
the physical and moral welfare of their
children? How many children come into
the world branded by unhallowed par
entage? - Oh, that mothers would love
wisely, that -they would understand
The realization of the need of such
literature is felt more and more every
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Popularity of "Yankee Doodle," "Suwanee River," "Annie Iiaurie," Etc.
Gives Way to "Everybody's Doin' It," "Tango Twist," and Others.
IN the oldn days, "Tankee Doodle,"
"Suwanee River." "My Old Kentucky
Home" and many other popular songs
of that time actually exerted a striking
influence over the whole Nation. Imag
ine the heartfelt sentiment, the inspira
tion aroused by the strains of "March
Ins Through Georgia" when Sherman
and his men were marching to the sea;
and to this day .when the band strikes
up "Dixie" there is the never-failing
hearty applause ' which - its stirring
strains arouse. '
. Now ' imagine arousing sentiment,
memories that "bring burning tears.
i!fc,v. fife -
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day. One mother asked of a member
of the committee in charge of the Par
ents' Educational Bureau: "What is the
attitude of your bureau on pre-natal
culture?" . When told that special lit
erature was soon to be received from
Washington, D. C. issued by the Gov
ernment printing office, bearing upon
this phase of a mother's influence, the
inquirer replied. "Well, tnen, i am
heartily in sympathy with your work."
thoughts that inspire one's very soul
to the melody of:
Swing- your honey, klddo, right around your
Lordy! What a-feeling- that's the chicken
Do the honey shuffle, babe, right on your
- Or this beautiful lyrical gem:
Cuddle, cuddle next to me, eVrybedy knows;
See that fiddle, fiddle man, he's havln' a lit;
Hear that red-faced trombone man; say,
kid. he's it;
Wheel ltt Reel it! Lordy, can't you feel it!
Bow! -wow!
That's the bulldog rag.
This is obscure number, that I
have chosen for illustration, says a
York's Great Horse Shows.
writer In the Piano Magazine. It is a
"hit" and is an apt example of a hun
dred others that are being sung
throughout the country as Illustrative
of what the public likes in the line of
popular songs today. To et forth here
even the title of a great many of our
popular "hits" would subject this ar
ticle to censure or expurgation.
Is it not pitiful to look upon a little
girl, perhaps 7 or S years old, snapping;
her fingers, swaying from side to side,
and lustily singing as if her very
heart were in every note "Ev-rybody's
doin' it, dotn' it." She hears her big
sister sing it. her big sister hears It
at a "show," and her beau buys it lor
Glance at the sheet music displayed
on the piano in the "front parlor" of
nearly every home in the country. Do
you see any sonprs like "Annie Laurie,
"Ben Bolt or "The Last nose oi sum
mer?" No. you see "The Devil's Ball."
"The Dippy Rag," "The Baboon Baby
Dance," and "The Tango Twist," each
one with a title page picturing contor
tloned dancers partly clothed and the
printed words, "The reigning success
of the day." And the worst of it Is
that these songs appeal hot only to
the low and vicious minded, but the
groat majority of our churchgoing.
pious-minded people pay. out their
money to attend theaters In order to
hear and applaud them.
Imagine a youthful "tenor," who
comes to call .on his sweetheart, a girl
of one of our "best families" and when
asked to sing, warbles while his inno
cent darling accompanies him on the
In my harem, my harem.
There's Fannie, Annie. Jennie,
And the dance they do
Would make you wish that you
Were In a harem.
Classical lines, wonderful idea, novel
construction and impressive interpre
tation. Or, if the girl's mother happens to be
in the room he may perhaps unwitting
ly pitch hi3 silvery tones Into these
I dreamt I sw my mother-in-law
Dancing with the devil!
Oh! you little devil,
Dancing at the devil's ball.
Absolutely new idea, perfect in lyrical
meter, crescendo fortissimo.
Or, if the girl imagines that she is an
Incipient prima donna, she probably
may thrill out that popular ditty:
Like a baby needs its mother.
That's how I need you.
or another popular "hit" that runs:
When I get you alone tonight.
When I get you alone tonisht.
There'll bo lots of love and cooing.
There'll be surely something doing.
When I get yon alone tonight.
What delicacy of expression, artistic
phrasing and emotional sentiment; di
minuendo pianissimo..
And these are examples of our popu
lar songs of today.
Ashland Timothy Nearly Seven Kcet
lllgU Also Exhibited.
ASHLAND, Or., July 26. (Special.)
Among displays at the local exhibit
building, selections from which will
be made for the Eastern land shows,
are some extra big vegetables and tall
grains, notably Spanish radishes a foot
long and 1? inches in circumference;
oats, wheat and timothy 6 feet. 10
inches high, and alsike clover which
has attained a height of 9 feet.
Stalk growth has not affected other
development, for both, wheat and oats
are well beaded out.