The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 27, 1913, SECTION THREE, Page 5, Image 39

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Miss Sallle Lewis' cottage. Miss Lewis
and her mother, Mrs. C. H. Lewis, ar
rived later.
Mrs. Frank Wilder Is the house guest
of Mrs. D. W. L. MacGregor.
Miss Henrietta Falling; la visiting her
sister. Mrs. John Latta, who returned
to Gearhsrt Tuesday after a brief visit
to Portland.
Mrs. D. Meslck was a guest of her
sister, Mrs. Oskar Huber, last week
and visited her sister, Mrs. Otto Brey
man, in Seaside, this week.
Mrs. S. M. Smith returned to Port
land Monday for a few days' visit.
Kobert Morrison, son of Mr. and Mrs.
A. A. Morrison, in the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. a F. Sanborn.
Mrs. Felix Frledlander was hostess
on Monday at an informal tea follow
ing a motor party. Her guests in
cluded a number of visitors in Seaside
and Gearhart cottages.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Livingston and
family are occupying their cottage In
the meadow.
Mrs. A. L. Carger, who has been the
house guest of Mrs. George W. Klelser,
has returned to Portland. Mrs. Ben
Trenkman and daughter, Menon, are
now visiting Mrs. Klelser.
Miss Dorothea Wagner, who is en
tertaining a house party In Seaside,
was hostess at luncheon at Gearhart
Hotel Tuesday. Her guests were Miss
Aline Johnson, Miss Neva Bonnewell,
Miss Grace Mackenzie and Miss Con
stance Piper. They passed the after
noon swimming in the natatorium and
enjoyed the tennis courts and golf
Harry Simmons, of St. Louis, and
Russell Simmons, of Spokane, passed
the week in Gearhart at the hotel.
Mrs. T. B. Corey and Ida G. Corey
are visitors at the hotel.
Mrs. Alexander A. McDonnell and
children, Teddy and Clover, who have
been sojourning in the East for sev
eral weeks, have taken up their resi
dence in their cottage on Ocean avenue.
A. C. Ruby and family are occupying
the Holt cottage on the beach for the
Mrs. Henry Ladd Corbett left last,
week for a visit to Portland, returning
to Gearhart this week.
Mrs. S. H. Tongue accompanied her
daughter, Mrs. Gay Lombard, to Hotel
Gearhart for a week, returning to Port
land Wednesday. , -
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Jenkins, who
have been guests of Miss Flanders at
her Ecola cottage, passed Sunday at
the Gearhart Hotel, returning to Port
land Monday.
Hilmar M. Papst and Alfred E. Smith,
two prominent bachelors and clubmen
of Portland, passed tho week-end at
Hotel Gearhart.
Pr. and Mrs. A. E. Mackay arrived
Saturday and will pass a fortnight at
Hotel Gearhart. They have Just com
pleted a motor trip of Oregon.
An unusually large cumber of par
ties passed the week-end in Gearhart.
Among those in the various parties
w Miss A. M. James, Mrs. George H.
Rtulta. of Wlnterset, la.; George Thomp
son, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Sanborn,
of Astoria, and their party, which in
cluded Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Dunbar and
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Stokes; Arthur O.
Merrick, C. W. Gates, of Pasadena,
Cal.; J. W. Matsek and E. C. Crossett,
of Davenport, la.; H. L. Mitchell, of
Wanna; A. P. Sprague, A. R. Matsek,
C. H. Matzek, of Wanna: Mr. and Mrs.
R. H. Hagood, of Birmingham. Ala.;
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hagood, Jr., and
child, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Shull and
child, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Berger. of
Portland; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wilkes
and daughter, G. B. Johnson, of the
Seattle, Portland & Spokane Railway.
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Kinney and
Dr. and Mrs. William S. Kinney, of As
toria, motored to Hotel Gearhart and
passed Sunday.
Other visitors at Hotel Gearhart dur
ing the week were E. J. Arnstine, of
Cleveland, Ohio; S. C. Scott. Spokane;
Mr. ani Mrs. E. J. Lange, of Portland,
and their guest. Miss Spreckels, of San
Francisco; Harry Lang, Fred Mayer
and his mother, of The Dalles, and H.
F. Prael, of Astoria.
Among1 the numerous motor parties
passing Sunday at Gearhart Hotel were
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Ohler, Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Laventtuel, Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Gratke and daughter. Miss Ha.
ael Estes, C. P. Bosworth, all from As
toria; Duncan Kease, Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. Norrls Staples and H. Staples, of
Astoria; Mrs, C. E. Anderson and
daughter, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Talent, R. Carruthers, M. Edwards and
Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Robinson and family,
of Portland; Mrs. M. Monday, of De
Smet, S. D.; Mrs. William Robinson,
Boyd Robinson, Mrs. B. M. Wade, Mrs.
O. Storm, Miss Helen Marshall. Hugh
Markensie, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hickam,
John C. Moore, all of Portland; Will
iam Gerig. of Medford. Or.; 8. E. An
derson, Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Judd,
of Astoria: Mrs. S. O. Snyder, Salt Lake
Olty; Miss Estelle Marias, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Y. Richardson, of Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Callender, Mel! Callender
and Miss Askerman, of Astoria.
E. B. Miller, Martin Schacht, C. B.
Sewall and A. C. Peel, of Portland, had
a most interesting walking trip to' Til.
lamook last week, going over Necarnie
Mountain and- returning by way of
Gearhart. They passed Saturday and
feunday at Hotel Gearhart, returning
to Portland Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Barnes and famll
arrived last week and are occupying a
cottage on the ridge.
Miss Elizabeth Wills arrived Wednes
day to be the guest of Mrs. W. E.
Prudhomme for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCulloch, of
Spokane, were week-end guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Russell B. Caswell.
Mr. and Mrs, John Francis Daly and
children arrived Saturday and are oc
cupying their new cottage on the ridge,
Harry Chaney, of Detroit, a promi
nent tlmberrrmn, was a guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Oskar Huber for several days
last week.
Mrs. James A. Dougherty and sister,
Mrs. Charles T. Whitley, passed a few
days in Portland last week, returning
to Gearhart Monday.
Mrs. A. D, Monteith, who has been a
house guest tt the W. E. Frudhommes
for ten days. returned to Portland
Mrs. Elliott R. Corbett, who has been
making a motor trip with Mr. Corbett
through Eastern Oregon, returned to
Gearhart Friday.
Miss Bertha Tongue was among the
mid-week arrivals at Gearhart and will
remain with her sister, Mrs. Gay Lom
bard, for a brief visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris A. Bell and fam
ily are parsing the Summer In the old
Kinney place.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fraley are recent
arrivals and are domiciled in a cottage
or. the ridge.
Mrs. H. H. Cooper and sons are occu
pying the Brundell cottage. Mrs. A. M.
Turner Is their house guest for the
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Brewster
and son, "Blllie," arrived last week and
opened a cottage on Ocean avenue. Mr.
and Mrs. Brewster went to Portland
Tuesday for -the week, returning to
Gearhart for the Summer.
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Honeyman and
daughter. Miss Helen, and sons, Ronald
and Billy, arrived Friday and are occu
pying their cottage for the Summer.
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Honeyman and
children were among the arrival an
Saturday and are domiciled in their
cuuage on the ridge.
Mrs. A. M. Leadbeter and Miss Sallle
Leadbetter are guests of Mrs Jam, tt
Murphys for a fortnight. Joseph Cronln
Is also a guest for several days.
Mrs. J. p. Jaeger, who Is ocoupylng a
m tne grove, had as guests
last week Mrs. Richard Adams and
daughter. Harriet. Mrs. S. H. Morgan
Is also oocupying the cottage with Mrs.
Judge and Mrs. Georara Jf. nli
were visitors at the hotel during the
Mr. and Mrs. P. p. Patterson were
weea-na visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. E. K Wheeler.
Miss Charlotte Breyman passed a few
aays in uearnart last week as the
guest of Miss Elizabeth Huber.
Mrs. L. Hubbard, of Los Angeles,
was a guest at the Brougher cottage
last week.
Mrs. AWH. Dunckley Is the guest of
Mrs. Ben Lombard la her attractive
cottage. ,
Dr. Robert Bell and family are oc
cupying a cottage In tho grove for the
The family of H. B. Nicholas arrived
recently and opened the new cottage
near Neacoxle River for the season.
Mr. and Mrs. Felix Isherwood and
family are established In an attractive
cottage for the Summer.
H. A. Mosier's family arrived here
this week and opened a cottage in the
meadow for the Summer.
Mrs. A. Davidson Is being felicitated
on the arrival of a son, born Monday
in Gearhart. Mrs. Davidson and fam
ily are occupying a cottage for the
Mauj- Cottages and Idaho Guests Are
Particularly Numerous.
SEAVIEW, Or., July 26. (Special.)
One of the notable events, of the
past "week was the dance given by a
number of the younger set at Seavlew
Hall Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs.
Percy Sinclair chaperoned the affair,
and those present were: Miss Madeline
Stone, Miss Bertha Schacht, Miss Lois
Ladd, Miss Florence Holmes. Misses
Fern and Mayde Nlckum, Miss Grace
Williams, Miss Merle Balbach, L. Dl
neen. Ralph Knight. Leo Malarkey,
William Corcoran, Alfred and Jerome
Stone. Harry Perrln, . George Pawley
and Allen Todd, Jr. '
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bay are the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bendle.
Mr.and Mrs. Clarence Wheeler ar
rived recently and are occupying a cot
tage for the Summer. Mrs. Wheeler
will leave shortly to attend a house
party at Ocean Park, at which Mrs.
Carl Brandes will be hostess.
Mrs. Ernest Sigler is occupying the
York cottage for the Summer.
Miss Alice Gram, a popular member
of the younger set in Portland is the
house guest of Miss Lois Ladd.
Miss Rose Schacht will arrive this
week to pasB the Summer with her
mother Mrs. Emll Schacht. She has
been visiting In Seattle for several
Miss Florence Clary is visiting her
Bister. Mrs. William V. Dolph for a few
George Broughton passed the week
end with his family.
William J&cobsen returned to Port
land last week after a 10-day visit
with his family at "Rest Harbor."
William Corcoran and Leo Malarkey
passed the week end at the W. J. Cor
coran cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. G. V. McDuffy are the
guests of Mr. McDuffy's mother, Mrs.
C. S. McDuffy.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunlap are Sea
vlew visitors for a week.
The Misses Anna and May Healey
are guests of Miss Mary Monks in her
Seavlew cottage.
Mrs. J. M. Nlckum and daughters, the
Misses Fern, Mayde, Myrtle, and their
guest, Miss . Lillian Kennedy, arrived
Friday and are occupying their cot
tage for the season.
Mrs. Valentine Perrin is the house
guest of Mrs. George McCabe.
Catlln Wolfard is passing his vaca
tion In Seavlew and is putting in his
time practising on the tennis courts.
Recently In a tournament on the Irv
ington courts he showed great form.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward French ar
rived Wednesday and are established In
a cottage for the season.
-Mrs. Frank Heitkemper and family
arrived last week and are occupying
the Allard cottage on the boulevard.
Mr. and Mrs. V. H. French also are
recent arrivals who have taken a cot
tage for the Summer.
The family of Samuel Waters is es
tablished In a cosy cottage for the
Miss Clara Teal, who has been the
house guest of Mrs. Frederick G.
Wheeler for a week, returned, to Port
land Tuesday.
W. D. Allard and family are occupying-
a cottage at Seavlew.
The family of T. J. Seufert arrld
Saturday and will occupy an attractive
cottage for the season.
G. Applegate and family are also
established in a cottage for the season.
Mrs. J. Bush and family arrived last
week and have opened a cottage.
Mrs. Schaefer is the guest of Mrs.
O. H. Harrison for a short time.
E. Wasor and family arrived last
week and are comfortably located in
a cottage for the season.
F. H.- TherkeUen was one of the
early-week arrivals and opened the
Therkelsen cottage. His family fol
lowed the latter part of the week and
will remain for the balance of the sea
son. Mrs. Sophia Oberdorfer and Mrs. A.
Nixon, of Boise, Idaho, are passing tho
Summer in the Hackney cottage.
R. A. Schram, Mrs. E. F, Sell. Mrs.
A, E. Schram, G. D. McMurray and Guy
W. Phillips were visitors at the Hack
ney cottage last week.
Idaho was well represented In Sea
view last week, several large parties
passing a few days at the Hackney
cottage. These included Mary B.
Linderman, Pernio Lynch, Jessie Dut
ton, of Weiser; J. A. Tucker and two
prominent bankers, C. L. Austin and
W. H. Parker, from Caldwell; E. E.
Cox. New Plymouth; Mr. and Mrs. E
Reilly, Mrs. William Sidinfoden and
family, Berniee, Elsie and Remle Sidin
foden, of Boise; Mrs. Ray Pefley and
Miss Minnie A. Davis, also of Boise;
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Packard, of Spo
kane, also spent the week in the' -Hackney
Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Word are passing
several weeks in the Hackney eottage.
Other prominent people spending the
week there Include J. H. Blanford, C.
9, Manning, Edward Duffy, Raymond
W. Munly, son of Judge Munly, of
Portland; I. J. Peterson, F. L. Beach
William C. Metzger, A. W. Orton, Q. C.
Ruff, S. J. Brennan, B. O. Helnke, A.
J. Billings, Ira Langdon. Mrs. Henry
Hart, a prominent matron of Boise,
and Mrs. E. G. Werlding and son.
Miss Dorothy and Genevieve Caught? y
are house guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. H
Wolff and Miss Lois Wolff at Sea
Dancing, Klshlng and Other Ocean
Side Pastimes In IHtU Swing.
CANNON BEACH, Ecola, Or.. July 3.
(Special.) The social season at Can
non Beach opened -like a bud In the
sunshine last Tuesday evening, when
the weekly dance at the Elk Creek
Hotel proved an unprecedented success.
It was a "get-acquainted" affair, and
served its purpose grandly. Joy was
In the air and a party of generously
Inclined autolsts happening along fell
into the spirit of the occasion and
purchased bon bons for the entire com
pany. The opening of the season on Cannon
Beach discloses a number of interesting
conditions, perhaps the most important
of which Is the completion of the Elk
Creek Light & Power Company's water
system, whieh now supplies the finest
of pure mountain water to Ecola and
Elk Creek Park. The Installation of
the system has been In charge of M. O.
Collins, president of the company.
Water is taken from the south fork
of Elk Creek and pumped to a 10,000
gallon elevated reservoir In Elk Creek
Park. From here it is supplied by
gravity to cottages and the hotels. In
addition to this water system, C. C.
Chapman Is installing a gravity sys
tem for supplying his Seal Rock tract
to the north of Elk Creek.
Improvements In the way of build
ings have kept pace with other activ
ities and a surprising number of cot
tages of substantial type hava risen
and others are in course of construc
tion. Homes recently were completed
by the Molntyres, Andersons, Gradons,
Cornells, Schelbers, McKays and Luggs.
The hotels, too, have added rooms and
accommodations for Summer patrons,
the Cannon Beach and the Warren
each having added a number of con
venient, picturesque bungalows as
sleeping quarters for the lovers of
good fresh salt air.
There is an abundance of sea foods
this year, particularly the sea fish. To
the Initiated ones, and they are not
a few, hauling In the desperately fight
ing cod or perch affords great sport;
to the experienced disciple of Isaac
Walton, who loves to land the "game"
fish. Haystack or the Ecola Rocks are
inviting. At these places the fish are
plentiful and put up a "scrap" that
usually scares the beginner, but brings
Joy to the heart of the experienced
wielder of the bamboo. The biggest
catches so far this season have-been
made by M. B. McKay. F. R. Dresback
and Miss Isabel Wlngard.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Klrchner and
niece. Miss -Alta Armstrong, are at
Kirschanno Lodge.
Mrs. N. B. Stone and children are
cozily encamped for the Summer In
- Hugh Docherty, Jr.
Hugh Dooherty, Jr., celebrated
his 10th birthday last Monday
and was tendered a luncheon by
his friends at the Commercial
Club. He is the youngest son of
Captain Hugh Docherty, who was
in Portland harbor as master of
the Ardencraig ten years ago.
Hugh, Junior, is In this city on a
visit for the Summer, and has
some record as a traveler. He
has crossed the Atlantic three
times and has twice rounded Cape
Horn on a sailing vessel. Those
present at his party were John
McNulty, . Hugh W. Wallace, L.
A. McNary. George A. Brown, G.
S. Shepherd, C. C. Murton, Ed
ward J. Clark, R. E. Menefee and
George B. Cellars.
Elk Creek Park. They will be Joined
by Mr. Stone In August.
Miss Josephine McGulre Is here for
a month with her sister, Mrs, E. Bar
tel. Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Felker and chil
dren, Sherwood, Maybelle and George,
are encamped near Haystack.
The beautiful new villa. "Ida Emma,"
owned by R. D. Scheiber, of Portland,
Is being kept In the temporary absence
of Its owner by Mrs. James S. Urquhart,
Mrs. E. B. Fetherston and Mrs. Cath
erine Scheiber.
The Wlngard cottage In Tolovana
Park Is occupied for the Summer by
Mrs. H. E. Wlngard, Miss Isabel Wln
gard and C. Edison Wlngard.
The Anderson cottage is the Summer
home of Miss N. Anderson, Mrs. Wil
liam Young and son. Master Blllie
Among the guests at the Cannon
Beach Hotel during the past week
were: D. G. Frishie, C. B. Cunningham,
Mrs, C Clunningham, Bert Warning
ton. Mr, and Mrs. N. J. Binder. Mr. and
Mrs. F. G. Bidwell and Thomas Wood.
"Norway House," situated in the
heart of Elk Creek Park, Is the name
Of the pretentious new Summer home
of M. B. McKay, of Portland. "Norway
House" is the name of the headpost
of the Hudson Bay Company and was
chosen by Mr. McKay because of his
intimate connection : and associations
with the head of that concern. The
cottage is situated amidst semi-primeval
surroundings, which lend the
"woodsey'Valr sought by the owner and
envied by many. At present Mrs. Mc
Kay and son Howard occupy their new
cottage, where they are joined eaoh
week-end by Mr. McKay.
Captain and Mrs. D. Brown are living
in the pretty new Mclntyre cottage.
Mr, and Mrs. W, H. Brltt, Edward
Brltt and the Misses E. Swift are enjoy
ing the view and breezes so favorable to
their sightly cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. C. N, Clarke and .fam
ily are occupy! na their, cottage at
J. Gibreth will pass the Summer at
Elk Creek. .
M. ' O. Collins, Donald Beck ' and
Jerrold Barrett are encamped for a
short time on the prospective site of
the former's pretentious beach home to
be erected later in the season.
Mrs. L. P. Keeler and children are
sightly place opposite Haystack Rock.
Patrons of the Warren Hotel were
treated to an informal dance in the
spacious hotel lobby last Saturday eve
ning. Until the end of the season big bon"
fires, social gatherings and beach af
fairs of all kinds will be every, eve
ning occurrences.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Fox and daughter.
Miss Hllma, are installed for the Sum
mer In their new cottage In Elk Creek
Park. '
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Dreshback will
pass the season In a cottage to the
north of Elk Creek.
The "Kew" cottage shelters Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Baylis, Walter Baylis and
Mr. and Mrs. Glayn.
Mrs. F. G. TJrfer and children, Mel
ven and Kenneth, are occupying their
Elk CreeH cottage, "Windmere."
Mr. and Mrs. Lugg. their daughter.
Mrs. Max Smith, and the latter's
daughter. Miss Helen, are enjoying the
season together at the Lugg eottage.
Lawrence Doving passed last week
with them.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Becker and son
and daughter. Ray and Mabel, are oc
cupying their cottage, "Dew Drop Inn,"
for the Summer.
The Sylvan Park Inn has as patrons
at tne present time: H. s. Montgomery
and family. Taber HoyL Edna and
Marvin Miller, H. E. Storrs, Elenora
Blohm. Dr. N. L. Smith and wife and
daughter, Blanche E. Debny, and Mr.
and Mrs. A. R. Marvin.
The Elk Creek Hotel had as patrons
auring tne week tho following: Mrs.
George F. Cummings, Mrs. H. W. Kelly
and daughter, George Reed, Bert Mln
kler, Mrs. J. Riley and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Stevens, E. L. Kruse,
C. O. Brown and family, Mr. and Mrs.
F. Manson White, C. J. Curtis, R. F.
Montag and others.
The Yates cottage at present shel
ters Mr. and Mrs. W, S. Johnson, Mr.
and Mrs. L. Heater and Mrs. Bruce.
Registered at the Warren this week
are: Charles E. Kantes and wife, Fanny
R. Kantes. Gertrude H. Kantes, Mrs.
W. S. Knox, Mrs. I. w. Smith, Corinth
Doris Smith, E. P. Smiley and wife,
W. H. Smith, Miss Marguerite Kirby,
Sarah Hayes. Miss H. H. DoWees,
Edeson Kinney, Mayor Gray, of Astoria;
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Grams, Mary
Kelley, W. C. Logan. L, Logan,
Chester Fox, Miss Rothohild, Mrs.
Shields and children. Miss A. Duffy,
Miss M. E. Duffy, Mrs. Henry Corbett,
t , " l ' -
I l '- V It I 1
L'.' - r.. ; ' i
Miss Lesley Smith, Miss Georgia
Snyder, Miss Jean Brownlie, W. F.
McGregor and family, R. , W. Mc
Leary, Ben Gadsby, Mr. and Mrs.
Dewey, R. A. Letter and wife. County
Judge Judd. Astoria; Mrs. G. C. Fulton,
Mrs. H. F. Prael, Mrs. C. A. Fulton,
Mrs. A. T. Smith, Portland; Mrs. E. R.
Corbett, Miss Lucy Smith, Mrs. L P.
Kendall, Miss Ada Kendall, Flo Kendall
and Mrs. M. Whittleay, Portland.
Dancing, Skating and Swimming Are
Popular Diversions.
LONG BEACH, Wash., July 26. (Spe
cial.) Long Beach is . unusually gay,
the dances three evenings a week and
skating in the .same hall alternate eve
nings with occasionally a private dance
are quite sufficient for those Inclined
to athletics. The swimming tank is
also holding Its full quota of popular
ity, and frequent excursions are made
to North Head and Sand Island, where
the salmon seining has Just begun.
One of the jolliest affairs of the
week was the dance given by Miss Mary
Pope Wednesday evening in Redman's
Hall In honor of her house guest. Miss
Minnie Kinzie. The hall was charm
ingly decorated with strings of Chi
nese lanterns, clusters of huckleberry
and other greenery and Japanese para
sols. The chaperones for the occasion
were Mr. and Mrs. Al Hackney, Mr.
and Mrs. V. N. Eager and Mrs. C. Evans.
The guests included: Miss Kinzie, Miss
He-en Hicks,- Miss Lois Ladd, Misses
Fern and Mayde Nlckum, Miss Mildred
Broughton, Miss Elsie Lee, Miss Made
leine Stone, Miss Florence Holmes, Miss
Violet McCarl, Miss Bessie Jeffery, Miss
Ruth and Francis Klernan, Alfred Stone,
J. Coulton, Catlln Wolfard, Rodolph
Cabell, L. Dlneen. Allan Russell. Frank
Beach, M. Rewen. B. G. Hughes, Harry
Perrln, Leonard Krause, Edwin Kenny.
An affair pleasurably anticipated Is
the dinner and picnic to be given in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bay by
Mrs. A. T. Budd this week.
Captain James Shaver's guests this
week are Mrs. F. L. Jones and daugh
ter, Miss Frances Jones.
Charles A. English is a guest at the
J. P. Schade cottage for a week.
Mrs. H. C Allehoff and three daugh
ters are occupying a cottage" at Long
Beach and have as a guest Miss Agnes
Mrs. W. H. Chambers and children
arrived last week and are established
In a cottage for 'the season.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Slmcox are the
guests of Mrs. E. L. Schafer at their
Tioga cottage.
Miss Hannah Schloth is passing some
time with her mother, Mrs. Dora
Schloth. In Tioga.
Mrs. L. D. Thomas and children are
recent arrivals and are occupying a
oottage for the season at Tioga.
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. McKee are. In their
cottage for the Summer.
Mrs. S. Burt and family have taken
up their residence for the Summer In
their cottage at Long Beach.
' Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Hamilton, of
Mount Tabor Methodist Church, are
passing several weeks in Long Beach.
Mrs. George, Jeff cry's mother, Mrs.
C. E. Dalton, and her cousin, Mrs. E.
J. Booth, are passing a few weeks with
Miss Grace Bingham, of Portland, will
arrive this week to be the house guest
of Miss Bessie Jeffery,
Driftwood cottage Is the haven of L.
T. McMahan and Harry Hockfeld, two
of the winners In the Meter tt Frank
vacation contest. They arrived Wed
nesday and will pass a week enjoying
the diversions of Long Beach.
Driftwood also houses a bride and
groom Mr, and Mrs. H. Quast, of Cald
well, Idaho, who were forced to en
tertain a gathering of their friends
from Idaho who discovered their where
abouts. Mr. and Mrs. Quast took their
compulsory guests to the picture show
and afterwards they built a huge bon
fire on the beach and toasted marsh
mallows. The party from Idaho Included: Mr.
and Mrs. C. G. Baker. Misa Lisle Pan
ter, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wyokoff, from
Caldwell; Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Rtede.
B. H, Hopkins, Boise; H. Noetsel, H. O.
Klzer; Weiser; Mr. and Mrs. L. Wach
ter, Elmer Ransom, New Plymouth.
A party from Minneapolis who are
also visitors at Driftwood cottage In
cludes the Misses Anna U. Hagnestad,
Laura S. Hagnestad,. MolU Hagnestad
and Anna D. Dahl.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Wilson and Frank
Woodward are passing the week at
Long Beach Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Kendall arrived
Wednesday and are planning to pass
the Summer in Long Beach. They
shipped their motor to Ilwaco and will
enjoy the beauties of the Coast soenery
by motor.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Morris and fam
ily are at Long Beach Hotel.
The Misses Haggerty, daughters of
3. J. Haggerty, a banker of Raymond.
Wash., passed the 'week-end at Long
Beach Hotel. '
Mrs. Vaughn, of Pendleton, is the
guest of her mother, Mrs. E. L. Smith.
A house party made up of prominent
soolety maids of Portland arrived last
week for a week's sojourn at the James
D. Hart Summer home In Oceanslde.
Mrs. Carl L. Wernicke Is ehaperoolng
the party, which includes: Miss Kath
erlne Hart, Miss Cornelia Cook and
her guest. Miss Florence Harris, of
Minneapolis; Miss Zola Parker and her,
guest. Miss Margaret MoCall,
Miss Parker and her guest will also
visit the former's sister, Mrs, Honey
man, In Ilwaco for a week.
Mrs, John Stewart has been the guest
of her daughter, Mrs. C. A. Mackenzie,
In her cpttage near Holman Station. She
will also be entertained for a brief visit
at the Summer home of Mrs. Richard
Adams in Tioga.
Mrs. Frank I Smith and Merrltt Mc
Carl are guests of Mrs. B. Hicks.
Mr. and Mrs. Q. A, Brown and daugh
ter are domiciled In a cottage In Tioga.
P. T. Brush was a guest last week In
the George Conway eottage. Mr. and
Mrs. C. Brown are also guests at the
Conway eottage for a fortnight.
Miss Michel was hostess at a large
bonfire Thursday night for a number
of the young people.
The "Harris" cottage at Ocean Park,
Wash., Is at present the scene of a Jolly
house tarty chaperoned by Mrs. Carl
Brandes and Mrs. Karry Stott. Those
enjoying the affair are: Miss Lorn
Ganong. Miss Genevieve Orton. Miss
Ruth Griffin. Miss Emily Griffin, Miss
Irene Brandes, Miss Agnes Torgler.
Miss Irene Hunt, Miss Mabel Warren
and Miss DeEtta Ingham.
The party arrived" July 15 and will
remain until August 16.
Bathing and Riding Are Chief Di
versions at Ocean Resort,
. BEACH CENTER, Wash.. July 2
(SpecUil.)- Cottagers continue to arrive
daily at this quiet little hamlet, the
chief diversion of which is surf bath
ing and riding. Several of the cot
tagers have brought their motors along
and they take delightful side trips, as
well as bowl merrily along the smooth,
hard beach and broad boulevard.
Mrs. A. B. Caughrey arrived last week
and is domiciled in the attractive Sloan
oottage on the boulevard.
Mrs. D. M. French arrived Thursday
and is oocupying the Spruce Crest cot
tage for the remainder of the Summer,
Mrs. G. H. Maxon and Mrs. H- S.
Maxon are visitors in Beach Center.
Mrs. James Douglas Hancock will
be .the guest of Mrs. R. J. Marsh and
Mrs. H. C. Holmes this week.
Mrs. David A. Shlndler has opened
her eottage for the season.
Mrs. T. Troutman and family arrived
the middle of the week and are occupy
ing a cottage for the Summer.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hornung have made
extensive improvements to their house
and grounds, and lately Installed a
water system which Is proving most
satisfactory; It is a clever arrange
ment, constructed entirely by Mr. Hor
nung. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thatcher and
Ralph Thatcher are occupying a cot
tage with the name "Quityoworry."
They have Mrs. Steele as a guest.
Miss Marguerite Eaves, of Spokane,
is the house guest of Miss Ruth Kler
nan. Ralph G. Knight passed - the week
end with his mother. Mrs. R. B. Knight.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Burrell's
children, Douglas, Robert and Virginia,
with their German governess. Miss
Claire Willmann, are established in the
Sunset Hotel for the Summer. Mr.
Burrell passed Sunday with his little
Among others enjoying "the rest and
quiet at Sunset Hotel are R. W. Cabell.
L. Leonard Krause, Mrs. 8. L. Grigsley,
Mrs. C G. Bryant and Clara Bryant,
Hugh Fraser, Mrs. Fred Collines and
Miss Audrey Collines. Mrs. Mav Lewi it
Mrs. Edna Lewis Johnson, and Roberta
Yenney. - , .
Mrs. . N. G. Adams and daughters.
Misses Helen and Marjorie, arrive;
Wednesday and are domiciled in a
boulevard cottage for the Summer. Mrs.
Fleckensteln, Mrs. Adams' mother, ac
companied the family.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Coleman also reached
here Wednesday and are occupying
their beach cottage for the Summer.
Breakers Party Goes to Shoalwater
Bay for Picnic.
BREAKERS, Wash., July 26. (Spe
cial.) One of the most enjoyable
events of the season at tho Rruiian
was a straw Tide picnic Monday to
- lajiuiug, on anoaxwater Jtsay. pariicipans passed the day boating
and fiwlmmlnr in t k v,9v t-i, . .
was composed chiefly of the hotel
The fine wpntfiftr nf R ......
has afforded the tennis enthusiasts an
opportunity to play off several exciting
matches. Mr. Wyman. of Boise, Idaho,
succeeded in carrying off the honors on
the hotel court. ......
Owing , to the full moon and the
strong northwest wind of last week
crabs were numerous in the early hours
of the morning all along the beach, and
many "crabbing" parties went out from
this point. - Mr. Irwin, of the hotel.
" u mgii successful, bringing In
80 crabs after twx hours'-work.
Mrs. P.: C. Bates, of Portland, gave
a birthday party this week for her son,
Johan. celehmtlnfl- il sh .... a
number of little folks from Seavlew
made up the party.
Mrs. R. M. Gray and family, from
Portland, arrived the fore part of the
week for a several weeks' vacation at
the beach.
F. M. Wyman, a banker of Boise,
Idaho, and Mrs. Wyman, are passing
several days at the Breakers.
J. Lynch, a business man from Spo
kane, is among the new arrivals at the
hotel. Others visiting this attractive
resort during the week were: J. H
Bradford, J. J. Hurlbert, C. B. Prescott,
Portland; Mrs. G. W. Dodds, Spokane,
Wash.; H. J. Bramrock, E. A. Bram
rock. Payette. Idaho: Ed W. Allen.
South Bend; R. M. Babcock, Knappton,
Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gwln and
child. D. H. White, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Robinson and son, Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Denson, Mary iDenson, Dorothy Denson,
Lizzie Denson and Joseph Denson.
Portland; C. V. Davier. R, Bowman.
Portland: Lieutenant O. P. Kenning and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Birdsall. Fort Co
lumbia; Joseph V. Morris, Portland: E.
A. McGulre, Jr., New York City; Miss
Edna Gray, Rolja Gray, Mrs. E. Wald
fogel, Portland; Miss E. Welrmon. Mrs.
Welver, Portland; Mrs. M. Ackerman
and children. Miss Mann, Spokane,
Wash,; Miss Andrews. Portland; H. L.
Hexter. Pendleton; J. H. Blanford, Gino
Martini, Joseph Reeves, Portland; Les
ter Allen, Boston, Mass.
AH Parts of Country- Represented at
Popular Beaoh Resort.
BAYOCEAN, Or.. July 20. (Special. J
Among those who have taken house
keeping quarters In Tent City are tha
following: Mr. and- Mrs. F. R. Pozzle
znd family, of Portland; Misses Mary
ind Annie MacDonald, of Anaconda.
Mont.; Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Williston and
family, of Portland; Mrs. Delsman and
children, of Tillamook. Or.; Mrs. D. A.
Weston, of Portland; Mrs, Martha Otto
nd Charles Otto, of Portland.
Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Read, Miss Anne
Ophelia Read and Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Hurley, of Portland, were among those
who passed a -delightful week-end at
Hotel Bayocean,
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cameron, Mar
jorie, Eleanor and Louise Cameron, of
Portland, have taken quarters at Hotel
Bayocean for the season.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. O'Donnell, Master
Robert O'Donnell, Mr, and Mrs. W. J.
Hurley, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Read and
Miss Anne Read were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Chapln for Saturday
evening dinner at Hotel Bayocean.
Mrs. R. W. Clark. Miss Isabel and
Master Teddy Clark, of Portland, have
taken quarters at Hotel Bayocean for
the season.
Mrs. J. Rogers, of Salt Lake City, and
her three children; Mrs. Mitchel, of
Butte. Mont; Mrs. A. E. Hutchinson
and son, Frank, of Portland, have taken
apartments for the season In the Cot
tage Apartments, on the ooean side.
A. E, Hutchinson, of Portland, passed
the early part of the week with his
family at this place.
Mrs. Alice Balfour, of St. Paul, Minn.,
is the guest of her daughter, Mrs.
Harry Dlcke, for the season.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Nichols and three
children, of Kansas City, Mo., are the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lockwood
at Lockwood Camp.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ambler, of Oregon
City, Or., who had been the guests of
Mr, and Mrs. D. C. Baker at this place
for some time, returned to Oregon City
during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Chapln and fam
ily, of Portland, are occupying their
oottage on Clark-Htreet Heights, to be
here for the Summer season.
Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Clemens and
daughter. Jene. arrived from Portland
yesterday to pass the remainder of the
season at their cottage at this place.
Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Boon and daugh
ter, of Portland, are guests at Hotel
Bayocean this week. Mr. Boon is mak
ing arrangements to build a cottage at
this place.
Mrs. D. C. Williams and Mrs. Cannon
and their children, of Oregon City, Or.,
are enjoying tent life at this place.
Mrs. Virgil Clark, of Portland, has
apartments in the Mallery cottages on
the ocean side.
Mrs. J. a Ready and children and
Misses Mayme Stevens and Mary A.
Collaer, of Portland, are occupying the
Hughson cottage on the ocean side.
Captain and Mrs. John Orote and Miss
Lillian Grote, of Tillamook City, and
their guests. Mrs. F. C. Baker, Misses
Rita and Charlotte Benefleld, of Port
land, came from .Tillamook Wednesday
on Captain Grote's launch, and passed
the day at this place.
Miss Tina Johnson entertained at
dinner Wednesday evening at Hotel
Bayocean In honor of the birthday an
niversary of Miss Evalyn Burllngame.
Those who participated were Miss
Burllngame, Mrs. W. E. Hutchinson.
Miss Johnson, Miss Ida Hamm and
Messrs. Howard Robinson, Ruflno Tug
bang, Howard Hutchinson and Henry
Roy Camp and Heine Pfander re
turned to Portland Thursday after
passing several months at this place.
Mrs. lone Buchanan Is visiting friends
at Bay Ocean.
Mr, and Mrs. Swan Hawklnson, of
Portland, have taken up their residence
Newport or Yaquina Bay
is the ideal place for your Summer vacation. Keep your children
healthy by taking them away from the sweltering ' heat of the
interior into the cool and delightful ocean breezes. Good auto road
in from the valley and fine beaches for walking, riding or motoring.
Hunting and fishing at all times with deer and trout in season.
Deep sea fishing for halibut and rock ccd.
Fine side trips to scenic points as Government Lighthouse, The
Devil's Punch Bowl, Otter and Seal Rocks and the Siletz Big
Timber. Round trip tickets on all roads at reduced rates.
"Animated always by " the ' presence of
passing vessels individually and In
groups, which, under sail or power, illus
trate the pleasure afforded by the waters
of Bayocean, while adding to the scenic
Rates. Information and reservations at
Portland office. 720 Cojbett Bldg. Both
phones or any S. P. R. R. agent.
The Shelburne
Modern Improvements, beautiful
dining-room. Now one of the larg
est hotels on North Beach; with
large airy and sunny rooms. We
raise our own poultry. Reasonable
rates, and special rates by the week
for families. Make reservations by
mail or wire. Long distance phone
in hotel.
But tickets to Shelhnrzte Station
Trains stojp right at door.
Sol Due Hot
Springs Hotel
- 1st the Heart of tarn Olympics,
For descriptive literature, address
the Manager, Sol rue Clallam County.
OlltlnnL- Inn IAKK LYTtE ON
Bt seaside hotel on P. H. A N. Railroad.
Spacious structure. New. clean, "homey."
Overlooks ocean and lulte. Plank walk from
front entrance to tidal line of finest of
beaches. Boating-, bathins. fiehing- in lake. No
moaqultoe. sanitary plumbinc, bathe, lava
tories, flreplaoee, telephone. Furnace heat
when needed. Bedrooms with private balco
nlee overlooking ocean. DinlnK-room and
"rytoe tKait will please you. American 2.
S2.00. t.
in the cottage which they have re
cently had erected on their property
on Clarke-Street Heights.
W. E. Preston and daughter, Fay, of
Spokane, Wash., have taken quarters In
Hotel Bayocean to be here for some
Mrs. J. E. Miller is occupying the
Buchanan cottage at Seavlew for the
Portland Visitors Numerous but
Many Are From Distant Points.
GARIBALDI. Or., July 26. (Special.)
Garibaldi Beach Is fast becoming a
popular Summer resort and the num
ber of visitors is Increasing daily. Many
Portlanders are noted among those
passing the Summer at the various sta
tions along this beach.
At Elmore Park are Mr. and Mrs.
Conway, of Oswego, who have recently
built a new bungalow near the board
walk. At Ocean Crest were noticed Miss
Blanche and Miss Lois Hershner.
Mrs. Jay Bowerman and family are
Jiere. Miss Thompson was a recent
W. a. Woodworth passed the week
end with friends at Twin Rocks.
Norman Ross was a visitor from
Portland at Rock-view Villa.
George Perry was here all the past
week with his family.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Gray and Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Balfrrrman are occupying
the E. 8. Gray ctta;e on the ridge.
Mrs. J. McKlnley and daughters are
enjoying the season In their cottage
at Lake Lytle.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Moore, of Port
land, and Miss Jenkins are domiciled
In the Moore cottage on the Crest.-
Among the new arrivals at Tent City
are Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Laurendlne and
family. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lynch, Mr.
and Mrs. W. V. McKlbbon and daugh
ter. Among the guests at lookout Inn
are N. McMonigle. Frank Woodard. of
Portland. Mrs. W. B. Murford, of Banks,
Or., Miss Mary Murford, Miss Wilbert.
N. S. Taylor, P. J. Meyers, Mr. and Mrs.
F. L. Test and family. Dr. and Mrs.
R. 8. Sterns, of Portland; Miss Jennie
Donaldson, of Tillamook, Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Dennis and son, F. B. Lambert.
Mrs. J. B. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. G. H.
Titus and daughter, of Nebraska, Mr.
and Mrs. E. Q. Titus, of Portland.
At Ocean Lake clam bakes are a
popular diversion for the younger set.
The weather has been delightful and
the bathing good. Mrs. J. S. Andrus,
of Portland, is a gruest of Mrs. Scott
W. S. Knisely and mother, of Benton
Harbor. Mich., are guests of Mrs. A. L.
Knisely and family.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Boxorth are occu
pying their cottage on Hollyhock ave
nue. Robert Swain and Stanton Wisdom
have returned to Portland after several
weeks' holiday at the Swain cottage.
In "The Grove" are two Jolly camp
Ing parties. Including Mrs, J. A. Cook
a wi. -
I fgiL to the Outing iiM
JrWM Luncheon ((
m-.wm ''wMm Urn
The Cheapest, Quickest and Best
Route Is l-'rom JlBDt'OKD. ureuox.
One and one-third fare from all
points In Oregon on S. P. Iines.
Round trip by auto stage to Crater
Lake 115. Auto leaves Medford
Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Special arrangements can be made
by parties of four or more to leave
any day. SKK S. P. AGENT.
"The Hackney Cottage"
Beautiful surroundings and the
most pleasant spot n North Beach.
Home comforts and spring water
to drink, and the house is electri
fied. Make reservations by mail or
wire. Sea View, 1 r.h.
Ideal spot, modern family hotel, country
and seaside combined; ocean in full
view; large yard for children, croquet
? round; best cuisine and table service;
Ishlns. surf bathing.
Mrs. Dedmaa, Prop.
Hotel Clarke and Annex
Southern Oregon's Most Popular Summer
Resort. Elevation 1441. Idea) Climate.
Good Home Cooking.
Rates fS to $12 Per Week.
and her daughters and J. T. Donovan
and family.
H. A. Hlnshaw and family and the
Rev. Mr. Hinshaw are passing the vaca
tion in ramp.
At Rockaway Sunday service is held
on the beach beside a huge bonfire.
There is a Sunday school which is
growing rapidly in membership.
George Spall and family have taken
possession of their handsome new bun
galow. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Carter and Mr.
and Mrs. D. M. Carter are in the Bold
rick cottage,
Sixty guests attended the card party
given during the week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wood. The aifair
was planned by the Boosters' Club. The
next meeting will be with Mr. and Mr
G. W. Gray.
Among those who are passing the
Summer at Saltalr are: Mrs. Gardner
and three children. Mr. and Mrs. James
McCord, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hartmtix
Miss Gertrude Hoeber, W. Rose. ju,.a
Loomls, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Dunn, Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. Thomas. H. C. Carlson
Miss E. Todd, Mrs. D. Klenath, Mr. and
Mrs. Morris Kuhn, Mrs. W. G. Daren
and Miss Darch.
One-Entrance Ordinance Becomes
Issue at The Dalles.
THE DALLES. Or.. July 2G. (Special.)
Al Nelson, proprietpr of the Oregon
saloon, was arrested today by Chief of
Police C, W. Moore on the charge of
violating the local ordinance which
stipulates that there shall be but one
entrance to a saloon. The liquor estab
lishment is immediately adjacent to the
Hotel Albert, and between the two
places there is a door, connecting the
barroom with the hotel lobby. The ob
ject of the legal action is to compel its
closing. AVero the door closed the
hotel would be entirely cut off from Its
lavatory and heating plant.
Councilman Charles Darnielle Is pro
prietor of the Albert. He Is one of the
aldermen who refused to confirm Mayor
J. K. Anderson's appointees recently,
and he says the Mayor is now coming
back at him. He and Nelson say they
will fight the case to the Supreme Court
if necessary before they will close the
door which connects the saloon and
hotel. Nelson will have a hearing in
Police Court Monday.
Swim Arter SO Years Nearly Fatal.
COTTAGE GROVE, Or., July 26.
(Special.) His first swim in 30 years
came near being fatal to Dr. A. W.
Klme. The doctor was formerly a good
swimmer and Btruck out boldly in the
waters of the Coast Fork, having been
informed that he could touch bottom
anywhere. Growing exhausted he at
tempted to stand up but found the
water over his head. He was saved
from his dangerous plight by his son,
Claude, assisted bv another la.i tv-iiii-
III ! if 111