THE SUNDAY OREGONLVN, PORTLAND, JULY 27, 1913. 1.7 FOR BALE. M lreIlneou. PIPE! PIPE! PIPE! We carry a large stosk of pip, new and second -hand ; black, and galvanised from H up to 8 in. We save you &0 per cent on pipe. We also carry a full line of plumbing supplies, new and second hand; come in and get our prices, or ask through mail. Don't miss this chance of getting our prices, as it will pay. NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO., 111:1. 2"5. 205 V4 Front st. Bet. Salmon and Taylor. Phone Main 5031. I'IPK PIPE PIPE. Am closing out my accumulated stock of pipe; to inches, black and gal vanized. Been rnj-hand and new, four-Inch 15c a foot; 3 M; -inch, 14 cents a foot; 44 inch, 1 cent a foot. Bath tubs. $6 to $14. AM kinds of plumbing supplies. Jobbing and contracting. POKTLAND PIPE SHOP. 269 Front st. Main 6325. 6EWLSO-M AC H IN is dropheads. Singers, White. $14 and $18; New Home. $20; standard, $12; Wheeler & Wilson, $18; at tachments complete : 15 drop-head ma fhinci of different makes, $8 to $15; box top machines of different makes, $2 to $8; terms or cash, all machines guaranteed. Shewing Machine Emporium, 190 3d, be twfou Yamhill and Taylor. FOR SALE Great lot of high pressure water tube boilers and -horizontal tubular ooilers; also engines, pumps, generators, hot water heaters, rails, concrete bars, etc, etc. H. B. Davis, Main 2421, 453 4 1 U. I buy, sell and exchange all kinds second-hand machinery, scrap iron, metals, burnt and wrecked plants, etc., etc. PLUMBING! PLUMBING. We can save you money on all kinds plumbing. We sell to all at wholesale prices. Plumbers furnished. We are lighting the trust. J. SIMON A: BRO., Front and Grant Streets. INSPECT our plant, then judge for your selt who has the largest place in the city in the second-hajid machinery line and why we can pay the highest prices for all goods and then eell the cheapest. J. SIMON & BRO., Front and Grant Streets. KOR SALE 2 beautiful mahogany plate glass showcases, and 1 large packing case equipped with drawers on both sides; will be sold at a great sacrifice If taken at once. Studebaker Bros. Co., Northwest, 330 East Morrison st. MANURE IN CAR LOTS. "Stockyards manure in car lots, $1 per ton f. o. b. cars North Portland. Book your orders early. PORTLAND UNION STOCKYARDS CO., North Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE On or before July 30, one 2 horsepower, 3 -phase Western electric mo tor, two -havy Singer sewing machines, shafting, pulleys, belts and everything in eluded. Oregon Tent & Awning Mfg. Co., 21 Grand ave. E. 66. B 123:1. SEWINO MACHINE EXCHANGE. 24 0 second-hand machines, all makes, $3 to $30, cash or payments. Satisfaction guaranteed. Main 472S. 2U7 Sd, between Taylor and Salmon. YOU can rent a visible typewriter, delivered anywhere in the city, ribbons free, 3 months for $4 ; convenient at home. The Oliver Typewriter Agency, 333 Ankeny St. Main $273, i A 4441. PIPE! PIPE! PIPE! See us for pipe, any size or quality. J. SIMON & BRO., Front and Grant Streets. IF you have a No. 2 or 3 Oliver Typewriter give your name and address. Special premiums to such users, gonian. G 235, Ore- SAFKS Mosler Sale Co., manufacturers; low prices, easy terms; safes opened and repaired ; ba rgalns in second-hand safes. 10S 2d st. phone Main 7676. KAFES, new and seconl-hand ; low prices, easy terms; safes opened, repaired and paintttl ITRCE'LL SAFE CO., and PORT LAND SAKE CO., 85 5th st. Main ti309. BUILDINGS used for camp purposes, cost ing $1000, on banks of Williamette River, near Llnnton; new; snap. Phone Mar. 314t. 24a Main. KOR SALE 30 ft.x7yft high, beautiful sectional office partitions, also small roll top office desk and golden oak table. 424 Hamilton Mdg. NEW HAY FOR SALE 20 tons timothy and 12 tons clover. In stack, or will bale and ship. II. E. Ross, Troutdale, Or., R. F. D. No. 2. COSY 3 -room houseboat, bath, hot water, electricity, phone, open fireplace; ideal for couple or bachelors ; cheap for cash. O. Y. Club. Sel lwood 1767. A COMBINATION houseboat and launch houe for sale cheap, on account of sick ness. Phone Monday. Woodlawn 2263, be twenn 10 A. M. and 8 P. M. . SALADS' Neat booklet of 150 choice salad receipts for all occasions. Send 15c, coin or st amps, to Home Industry, box 494, Los Anseles, Cal. FOR HALE CHEAP Modern houseboat and launch at sacrifice. Phone A 3572, or write P. Van Datta, 82 Vermont St., Port land. DAYTON meat smasher as good as new, $30: also cash register in good order, $25, or will trade for small safe. Call 333 Union ave. N. E. UIO0. Foil SALE, cheap, new '"foto" machine; takes and develops pictures in 40 seconds. Mony-gct ter for fairs, picnics, etc. Phone Sellwood 2149. ' ELECTRIC vibrator, new and complete, wort h $25. Will accept reasonable cash offer. A J 243, Oregonian. FINE office counter, mission, with solid oak top, also 2 large oak arm chairs. 4 Id Chamber of Commerce. ti-HOI.E range. Kxl2 tent, heater and chairs for sale cheap. Sellwood 2118. 4827 43d ave. S. E. 11 1G H-CLAHS office furniture. Roll tops, typewriter desks, chairs, etc. Bargain but must bo sold quickly. 801 Wilcox bldg. KEN YON takedown house for sale cheap, size 1 Kx30, 6 rooms; Ideal for Summer use anywhere. F. J. Patterson, 34 Union ave. FO K S LE 1 r.-f t. cylinder engine, ave. launch, 8 H. p.. double Inquire 7:- 3 Michigan GENTLEMAN'S wheel, first-class condition; low frame, coaster brake, light weight; less than half price. W 241, Oregonian. WILL trade motorcycle, value $300. includ ing equipment, for launch or houseboat of eq ual value. F 233. Oregonian. FOR SA LE Almost new steel range; will soli cheap. Call at 983 E. 24th st. N. Take Alberta car. AT Fishers, greenhouse size 2SxlOO. Write W. V. Colla-rd, Vancouver, Wash., R. F. D. No. 1. SECOND-HAND roll-top desk, two flat-top desks and 3 chairs. Bushong & Co., 9i Park St. PHIN'TOGRAPH, slightly used. for sale rh'.-ap. May bo seen at 421 Behnke-Walker Mdg. HOUSEBOAT for sale, fully .furnished, cheap. Mathleson. 202 Wilcox bldg., or care' akor. Oregon Yacht Club. FOR SALE Cheap. 2 rowboats. 1 28 foot launch in good running order. Inquire foot of E. Burnslde at. BEE advertisement under "Business Oppor tunities," reading "Build paying business for yourself" and signed, Oregonian, O 2:3. WILL sell 2 Navajo rugs, just received from Indians, beautiful colors. Main 4793, A U56L TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $65. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 262 Stark st. FOR SALE A roll-top desk in first-class condition, only slightly used, cheap 48 East 28th South. FOR SALE 25-foot motorboat and house complete; will sacrifice for cash. Call Main M19 alter o P. Al. WAXriDI M JSC'f.Ll-AN'KO VS. RESPONSIBLE permanent residents wish to rent piano from parties who would ot tier wise store same. 11 E. 9th st. Ailt DEAL. Wo pay best .prices for second hand clothing and furniture. Call Main 9272. HQ's N- 3d. M. Glickman, prop. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE WANTED. Hu) r ca lis promptly ; estimates given. 1S 1st, near Yamhill. Main 4773. WANT lifeless conker, good -condition cheap; description and price. Addresa Montgomery. and 535 WOULD like to exchange fine talking ma- cmne outut or t.raiiex camera, sue a. Portland Phonograph Agency, 30 Alder, T WO Kan water heaters ; must be good con dition and cheap. A u a res iJj Montgom cry. WANTED Good second-hand baby carriage; st;itw price. N 212. Oregonian. KATIONAL canh register; price must be reasonable. f none Mam etio. A srtotf. v want $l().0OO worth of second-hand fur Wtyrc; highest prices paid. Sellwood 1682. 0 PAY highest prices for second-hand ciotning. -ti4 3d st. pnone Main tf-'ea. FO KD Auction Co. pays most cash for any or lurniture. Main aval. WANTED To buy combings; switches made To order. 5oi E. Yamhill. E. 1710. WANTED to rout Couple of logging trucks. v 23S, Oregonian. WANTED Used cash register. 100O Phone East SMALL paneled delivery wagon; must be In good condition. Marshall 703. Sunday. WANTED Good second-hand bicycle. Cash. Phone East 189. WANT BE onable. Small rowboat or launch; 65 E. 15th st. WANTED Steam table and - some fixtures to fit up delicatessen. Phone Sellwood 2083. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LEVIN Hardware & Furniture Co., 221 Front St., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. If you have anything in this line, call Main 9072, Our buyer calls promptly. WANTED 2d-hand machinery, all kinds. Electric motors, any size. STANDARD MACHINERY CO. We rent or sell. 48 2d St. WANTED A good milk cow for her keep ing while owners are on their Summer outing. Address Allie Le Roy, E. 435 Spo kane ave., Sellwood, Or. WE buy for cash second-hand National cash registers and sell them on easy terms. W. J. Macauluy, 354 Burnslde st. Phone Main 1S16, A lSltt. WE BUY CLOTHING AXI) FURNITURE. Highest prlcex paid for ladies' and men's cast-off clothing and shoes. Call Main 200. First, The Globe. WE want to buy $1000 worth of second hand furniture in the next 30 days and pay all the cash It is worth. wTilliams avc. Furniture Exchange. East 636. WANTED Contracts for land clearing, lots or small acreage, within city limits pre ferred; reasonable price. Roth & Slyh, Broadway Hotel. phone Marshall 4624. SET heavy double harness; must be In good condition; give price and phone number. N 219, Oregonian. 6BCON D-HAND MOTORS and generators. Robert Skeen Electric Works, 400-402 Gli- san St., corner 9th. WANTED Second-hand Bosch magneto. D. V. 4; must be in good condition. Phone Sellwood KS09. WANTED Second-hand show case about 8 ft. in length, 3 ft. wide and 4 ft. high. Call Main 7434 in regard to prices, etc. SEVERAL view cameras and lenses. State sizes, prices. Particulars B 230, Orego nian. WANTED To buy directly from farmer, 10 tons of wheat. Address Convent, Oswe- go. Or. SEE advertisement under "Business Oppor tunities," reading "Build paying business for yourself" and signed Oregonian, O 233. C A f- H paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. HELP WANTED MALE. REALTY SALESMAN. Opening lor a good, energetic man ca pable of handling Inside trades. Large listing of good properties at your com mand. An office that does things when times are not the best. See Manager City Dept. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., 209 Wash. st. MAN WANTED! Farmer's Son Preferred. To take care of the sales of our automo biles and trucks in your own or adjoining county; a healthful, pleasant and protit able business; references required. Ad dress G EI LINGER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Desk S. Portland, Oregon. THREE real salesmen, men who have ambi tion to make permanent connection with old-established firm on high-grade Na tionally advertised specialty, sold to all classes of retail trade, towns and smaller citlvs. Producers can connect with $3000 annually or better over expenses ; refer ences and bond required. Address BG, 401 Kesner bldg., Chica go. SALESMEN making Bmall towns; whole, time or side line; should cary our fast-' selling pocket side line; special saies plan allowing return of unsold goods; makes quick, easy sales ; $4 commissio on each order. Something entirely new. Write for outfit today. Canfield Mfg. Co., 20$ Sigel, Chicago, III. SALESMEN, general and sideline, to handle part or entire line, enamel ware, china ware, sliver ware, cut glass, cutlery, brass goods, leather goods, premium goods, alu minum ware, tinware, notions, etc. Write for territory, liberal commissions paid weekly. Dept. G, United States Factories Co., SQ N. Market, Chicago, III. BOOK SALE9M en! Two experienced men in the $2000 to $5000 class to handle Dr. Eliot's five-foot shelf of books, Harvard Classics; big money for the right party. We use the lead and follow-up system. Apply to W. H. Giles, 417 Oregonian bldg., Monday 10 to 3. SALESMEN, whole time or side line; new, clean-cut proposition; nothing like it on market ; consigned goods; pocket samples, prompt commisisons; state territory cov ered. El wood Manufacturing Co., 1118 Mieutgan, Chicago. WANTE D Sob e r , r eliable an d responsible young man to take charge of real estate department on commission basis; must have experience In handling real estate; no money required. Address R 245, Ore gonian. WANTED A city manager by a large and well established accident insurance com pany for their industrial department; must be experienced; references required. E. B. Richards, 400 Oregonian bldg., Port land. Or. WANTED A reliable representative for Crook County, Eastern Oregon ; splendid field for sale of our goods ; liberal prop osition; willingness to work more essen tial than experience. Address Oregon nursery company, urenco, uregon. HARVEST HATS We have openings for few real specialty men to carry exclusive ly snappy import line harvest hats; liberal commieslona, good territory ; give referer ences. Caradine Harvest Hat Co., St. Ixmls, Mo. i ACTIVE, ambitious representatives imme diately; unparallelel opportunity for per manent prosperity ; good income assured. Full information, valuable book free. Inter-State Realty & Brokerage Co., Pitts burg, pa. CLEAN, sober young man, to helo with small herd cows and do general farm work ; give age, experience, etc. ; wages, $:i5 board and room. Lewis Frey, Toledo, Wash. SALESMAN wanted to call on medical and surgical profession for high-grade surgical journal ; good commission ; exclusive ter ritory to right man. Annals of Surgery, Philadelphia. ARE you looking for a steady business and income? No peddling or canvassing. Your address, that's all. Clarence Allen, box 2292, Boston, Mass. WANTED Competent job and adv. man, country newspaper; will pay $18; no booze or cigarettes. See me Sunday at 171 Front st. VAUDEVILLE Wanted by young gentle man, violinist for vaudeville act, not over 26 years of age; need not be professional, B 233, Oregonian. TRAVELING salesmen, best side line yet; pays expenses; pocket sales outfit; easy seller; prompt commissions. Tembv Jew elry Co., 2005 Michigan, Chicago, ill. MEN In every locality to open a cleaning, dyeing and pressing shop; big profits; no capital required. A. Masterman, 830 At lantic ave.. Long Beach, Cat. CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon, staple line ; high commissions, with $ l ou month ly advance; permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co.. Detroit. Mich. WANTED Reliable man for gpneral farm work; state experience and whether mar ried or single; give phone number or ad dress AT 244, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced clerk that writes a good hand and willing to make him self useful. Nlcoll the Tailor. 198 3d st. BOOKKEEPER Wholesale house. must have good experience and references; state phone number. G 2o2, Oregonian. BOY to learn auto business ; must know how to drive ; salary $5 per week. Dul mage Auto Co., 46 North 20th. WANTED At 142H 4th st., second floor, one mechanical draughtsman, accustomed to machine shop work. YOUNG man with knowledge of modeling and plaster cast moulding. 142 4ch St., second floor. TWO camera men, view work, with appa ratus or otnerwise. Particulars A 254, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED janitor; call Sunday be tween 5 and 6 P. M., room 224 Allsky oiag., 3d and Morrison sts. WANTED Hup ky schoolboy for few hours ( work each week day. . R 243, Orego nian. WANTED Jap or. boy to work for board and room and small wages; good home. 5HQ E. Madison, st. GROCERY and general clerk; give reference anu a a areas. .permanent. V 244, orego nian. w a.v i iL.xj .Neat-appearing men for sam pling. Call at -Oregon Transfer, 13th and iriisHn, Mono ay, i a. i. MEN demonstrators; salary or commis sion. Call at 52 3d St., 2 to 5 P. M. Room C. James. WANT good lunch counter waiter. 101 6th A FIRST-CLASS carpenter wanted. Apply Monday morning at 432 E. Washington St. YOUNG men with knowledge handling sol derlng tools. 142 H 4th st., second floor. PHOTO COUPON agents, new winning con test offer. Sarony Studio, 340 Morrison. YOITNG MAN for newsstand; reference re quired. $35 per mo. AM 245, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced young men. Lunch, 24 Washington st. WANTED First-class must have reference. greenhouse 141 H 0th st. WANTED By established firm, live so- licit or ; money-maker. AL 249, Oregonian. ASSISTANT janitor. single. experienced, with references. 410 Hawthorne ave. WANTED A sawyer for small tie mill. State experience. N 223, Oregonian. GOOD Japanese cook at 489 Jefferson st. HELP WANTED MATML INCIDENT. (One of Many) Office Secretary Employment Department. Y. M- C A. Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment $20 his total cash asset) If I pay you $5 for employment membership, I will have only $15 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $3 for employ ment membership you will have the Y. M. C. A. with all its resources between you and starvation. Result Young man Joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for 6 mo. ending June 30: Calls for men from employers ,.1174 Positions filled Our special employment membership guarantees members will secure employ ment or refund of membership fee; gives two months full and 10 months social privileges. Constant demand for CLERICAL, TECHNICAL and COMMERCIAL MEN. All young men seeking employment, . especially strangers,- are cordially invited to consult with the Secretary of the Em ployment Department, WE want elevator erectors In every city in the United States to go Into the elevator business for themselves. We will furnish you the elevator complete and advance money for the erecting. The Warner Ele vator Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O. WANTED Successful salesmen to sell mer chants, banks and doctors; outside Port land; make all towns in each county; old established St. Louis concern and want salesmen who will give all their time to thla business; we will pay big money for energetic nard workers; permanent posi tions. Address Sales Manager. B. E. Buck ley, 721 Olive St.. St. Louis. Mo. MEN WANTED To work at steady work in smail town u miles irom Portland: 52.25 per day: plant has been running for several years and wants more men who will make themselves permanent citizens. See Mr. Damon, with the Chapin-Herlow Mtg. & Trust Co., 332 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY, able-bodied unmarnea men Detween ages or is ana ; citizens of United States, of eood char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English lan guage. -or lnrormation apply to Recruit- rng Officer, Worcester building, 3d and Oak sts., Portland, Or. WOODSMEN to cut stave bolts from fir timber; good steady job. Good ;ay. Apply 622 CorbeU bldg.. 5th and Morrison sts. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED SALES MAN FOR OREGON. WASHINGTON AND MONTANA TO SELL OUR POPULAR. PRICED LINE OF MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING: ONLY MEN WITH BERT OF REFERENCES NEED TO APPLY. FELIX ROTHSCHILD & CO., 320 SO FRANKLIN ST., CHICAGO. THE ELWOOD MYERS CO.. Springfield Ohio, want salesmen to sell the largest and oest line of leather advertising goods over 1OO0 pieces, also memorandum books and diaries. Address or call on ti. S. Mc. Savaney, sales manager, who will be at the Portland Hotel, Portland, Aug. 4th. TRANSIENT Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS can se cure furnished rooms at reasonable rates in the new fireproof association building, cor, otn ana Taylor sts., and have privi lege of consulting Advisory and Employ ment Department. SALESMAN Experienced any line to sell general trade in Oregon ; unexcelled spe clalty propostion; commission contract $35 weekly expenses ; vacancy Aug. 1 Continental Jewelry Co., 30 Continental bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. i TEXAS OIL 'LANDS. . Oil land,- Electra. Archer County; pro moter to organize companies and sell small block land. TEXAS OIL LAND INVESTMENT CO.', Ft. Worth, Texas. MARRIED farm hand, familiar with horses, to take steady position on large orchard at good wages; must be willing to locate on small tract in neighborhood; small cash payment required. School and store on premises. AH 247, Oregonian. SALESMAN For general mercantile trade in Oregon, to sell new proposition of merit; vacancy Aug. 1; attractive commis sion contract; $35 weekly expenses. Miles F. Blxler Co., wholesale jewelers, 220-30 Carlln bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. SALESMEN State, county and city terri tory open for high-class men to handle metal specialties. Look this up. Sunday afternoon, Monday morning. Mechanical Mfg. Co., 723 'Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED Competent man to take charge of sawmill and shipping end of business; capacity of mill 75,000 feet per day; must be live man and result-getter. AK 236, Oregonian. COLLECTION adjuster, one who has had experience handling important matters for wholesale or jobbing houses. Write, giving age. experience and references, to P. O. box 1ST, Portland. SALESMEN wanted by the largest lace and embroidery manufacturers. Liberal ar rangements, rare opportunity. Can be han dled as side line. Wilson, 491 Broadway, New York City. LIVE opportunity, Scandinavian salesmen to sell best beach property to colony of own nationality. Best Summer resort. Big profits and prizes. Inquire room C. Bree den bldg., 3d and Wash. Phone Main 4112. I NEED good men, everywhere, part or all time, learn my business; make money with me; no experience needed ; desk, type writer and outfit free. W. M. Ostrander, Dept. 8S. 12 West 31st st New York. WANTED Salesman, sell our line of fancy fruit ciders in small country towns ; 25 per cent commission ; $40 weekly drawing account. Red Cross Company, Dept.' B, St. Louis, Mo. WANTED Persona to address envelopes, inclose and mail advertising matter for large firms at home. Send return ad dressed envelope. Eastern Mailing Agen cy, tox 1 123, Springfield, Mass. SALESMEN Do you want $10 a day side or main line retail and Punch Board deals ? Ten propositions. American Factories Co., St. Louis. Mo. SA LESMEN sell our check protector: sells to every person who writes check. Circu lars, miormation tree. Sample 25c. Terry Mfg. Co., 122 Colton bldg., Toledo. O. W A NT ED Salesmen to solicit orders for Backus Utility Auto Lock. Apply be tween 9 and 10 o'clock Monday, July 2a, room 611, Henry bid g. iuu.u -man .o solicit advertising, if vou are a hustler and know how to meet the public I can offer you a good thing ; smau salary to start. zl's, uregonian. MARRIED man as foreman on fruit ranch must be young, sober and industrious steady place and good home for right man. box io, Jiosier, ir. WEAVER & MYERS' employment office; raiiroaa, sawmills, togging camps, citv la borers furnished free to employers. Main 3'..2, A 1412. 224 Burnstde st., Portland CANDY SALESMAN wanted by wholesale house, city i territory. Experienced, with A-N Oi 1 record only need apply. AR 240, uregonian. MEN of Ideas, inventive ability should write for new list "Needed Inventions.' "Prizes for Patents." Randolph & Co., Patent At torneys. W ashing ton, D. O. SALESMAN AGER wanted, who has had good business experience;-: must invest SloOO Id one of the best propositions on the Coast. Salary, 302 Phoertix bldg. WANTED Reliablo men, German; give ref erences, age and last employment; will pay good salary. Address R 234, Orego nian. i or particulars. WANTED Live. up-to-date man to sell high-grade line of Jewelry on Install ments; big money for the right man. Call after 4 P. M. at 207 Corbett bldg. WANTED A man to contract to paint 6 -room house who will take Lons? Beach lot for pay. 529 Hamilton bldg. Main 934. WANTED Good real estate man. handle sales and exchanges; fine opportunity. OH AS. RINGLER & CO.. 211 Lewis Bldg. WANTED Car repairers with tools, out of town, $2.75 per day. Flagg & standifer Co., 702 Wilcox bldg. WANTED D-intist, registered in Oregon; must be a good, capable man; good salary; steaay position. - taa, uregonian. PARTNER in well-established bakery bus; neBs; only one In town of iOOO people. A . 244, oregonian. MAN wanted to work traction wood saw on shares or buy on easy payments. Tabor 4323. WANTED 5 teams, street work, city, $6 per day. canaaian employment to., 9 N. 2d st. YOUNG man, thoroughly experienced in ladies hosiery and underwear. Roberts Brothers. WANTED Some good boys, over 16, to learn the business. Appiy i-.owengart & Co. WANTED Barber, with license; no need apply. 314 Burnslde st. - MAN to travel with money-making propo sition; any territory. 135 1st st. PHOTO coupon, best offered, beauty contest startea. tutpenn aiuaio, ueKum bldg, STRONG boy, 16 or over, work. Medford Hotel. wanted, porter WANTED First-class upholsterer. Taylor Co.. 130 10th st. WANTED Boy about 15 years to deliver. 373 nth st. SALESMEN and dlst. mers, for Ore icon. Nat. Casualty Co., 501 Railway Exch. bldg. HELP WANTED MALE. SPECIAL SHIPMENTS. For logging camps and sawmills at McCloud, California AND Grays Harbor. Washington. Fare paid. Fair Paid. Ship every day. ' OTHER SPECIALS. Gang trimmerman, $3.30. Stickerman, $3.50. Sash and door machine man, $3.50v Ten mill hands, $2.50 to $2.75. Teamster to haul ties, $2.5o. Camp, flunkeys, $35 and $40. 25 loggers, $2.75 to $4. Two shingle bolt cutters, $1.25 cord. Ten wood cutters, $1.25 and $1.35 cord. Fifteen farm hands, $30 to $40. Man and wife on farm, $50. Others too numerous to mention here. Office open Sunday, 8, A. M. to 12 M. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, 222 and 224 Couch, bet- 1st and 2d. HAVE you a trade 7 If over 17, Join the United States Navy immediately ana learn trade such as electrician, carpenter, yeoman, machinist and coppersmith, etc FJfty trades taught to men of ability on board shin or in Naval training schools. Make sure of good 1 tving for life. No government ever before offered such splendid opportunities for free travel and high wage knowledge. Good pay, good food. (rood sleep In accommodations. Plenty of free amusement. Promotion possible up to chief petty officer, then to warrant officer. Some ambitious men win commissions. Call at Navy Recruiting Station, Railway Exchange bldg., Port land, Or. Learn experiences of officers and enlisted men there. rite ior inter estlne- free booklet. "The Makinz of I Man-o'-Warsman. Tells all about life on a big warship. Address Bureau of Navi gation, box 326, Navy Department, W ash ington, D. C. WANTED Experienced salesmen for Port land for two or three weeks whirlwind work. Must be a live, up-to-the-minute salesman thoroughly experienced in sell ing advertising novejties or calendars ; high grade. Do business entirely with largest stores. . Only take five orders. If ' yu are the right man this should make you at least $350 for the two or three weeks "work. Our best men do It -in ten days. Don't answer unless you are ca pable of and have made big money. No triflers, please. Give full Information yoursalf, detailed and references first let ter. International Pub Co., Security bldg., Los Angeles. BEST SIDE LINE; our new line of punch boards for FnHl and Christmas trade is ready. Best and easiest selling lines to be had; goods sold from illustration; com missions paid weekly: live salesmen can make from $50 to $100 per week selling these goods as sideline. Department "Y," X'nited States Factories Co., 180 North Market, Chicago, 111. WANTED Bright, energetic young man as automobile salesman ; experience not so essential as willingness to work hard and learn the business. If you think you can sell automobiles, reply at once, giving age . and qualifications and phone number. Ad dress AB 229, Oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. $20o EVERY month for any talented young lady who can effectively represent us to business men of the Coast, manage crew of ladies ; high-class proposition. P. C. C. Co., 309 Hotel Ren wick, afternoon. HOUSEWIFE, $1 starts you in profitable home business. Solicitors also wanted, 3 to 0 P. M. Monday and Tuesday, 1824, Sandy Road. Rose City car to 72d St. WANTED Telephone operator to take or ders over phone; must be experienced; no other need apply. Call at office at Jones' Market, 151 4th, after 9 A. M. Monday. WANTED! WANTED I WANTED! G girls to learn beauty culture. Pay while learning ; position guaranteed. 400 414 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors. WANTED A. superior, high-class woman for position of responsibility; must possess tact and be able to meet the public; $100 month. B 227, Oregonian. MANY of the best families of the city are registered wltn tne Domestic Service Bu reau for cooks, general housework and second girls. 306 Central bldg. M. 7667. X WO lady solicitors, new, well-paying prop osition; state experience and give particu lars; references required. Postoffice box 11 SO. WANTED at Seaside, one piano, one violin player, union indifferent, room, board $10 week. Inquire Conservatory, 384 Morri son. WANT girl for doctor's office assistant ; good appearance and. particularly neat; good place for good girl. Give phone num ber. Y 245, Oregonian. WANTED Trained nurse, one who Is kind and obliging to patients. St. Therest San itarium,, St. Theresa station, Oregon City car. WOMAN to care for child and 3 -room house; a good home and $2 per week. Call today from 2 to 3. References. 116 10th ave. ; Mt. Scott car. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; small family ; good home and good wages. Apply 4S4 E. 17 th N. Irv ington car. FIVE bright, capable ladles to travel, dem onstrate ana sell dealers ; to $ou per week ; R. R. fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. WANTED Reliable woman to cook in pri vate family ; no washing. Call mornings, E 204. 485 Multnomah st. corner E. 9th North. WANT a capable lady to keep house for a man and boy; o-room cottage, modern light work. Address 516 Ross st. TWO waitresses, country, $35 fare. Beach help. Howe's Agency, 35, 2704 Wash ington. WANTED A housekeeping cirl for subur ban residence to do cooking and house- worK ; miaaie-age. al uregonian. GIRL or .old lady to care for child, 4 years old, good home to right party. Call 709 Second St.. near Meade st. FOUR energetic ladies under 40, solicit orders ; nice clean work. A 2u3, Orego nian. GOOD girl for general restaurant work: good wages for right party. Call or phone sunset Kestaurant, i,ents. i aoor 4 GIRL to assist in home for room and board and some wages. Apartment 7, Waldorf Court. E. 9th and Schuyler, c 304. WANTED a girl to do general housework in Email family ; must be experienced. East 2L'.i4. 614 Hawthorne ave. GIRL wanted to work In store afternoons and. evenings. The Maple Leaf, cor. E. i tit ana liurnsiae. COMPETENT girl for general housework and cooking; small family ; good wages. 586 Tillamook. EXPERIENCED maid, must be good cook, family of 3 ; no washing. Willamette Heights. Telephone Marshall S663. RELIABLE WOMEN solicitors for local work, short hours. 10 0 per cent commis sion and carfare. 609 Washington st. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY, Washington bldg., 270M- Wash., room 85. near 4th. Phorfe Main 8S36 or A 3266. WANTED Refined, capable woman f oc re sponsible position. Viavi Co.. 609 Roth child bldg., 4th and Washington. WANTED One experienced marker and sorter. U. S. Laundry Co., Grand ave. and E. Yamhill. NEAT gir! for general housework, small family. Apply or phone Lieutenant Rich ardson, Vancouver Barracks. WANTED Competent second ffirl, wages $25, $35, according to experience. Refer ences required. Apply 7&3 Flanders st. WANTED A competent girl for general housework ; a good home. 921 Beaverton ave., Council Crest. EXPERIENCED and apprentices for dress making and suits. 280 Park st. EXPERIENCED girl for bakery and delica tessen. The Cookery, 623 Wash. GIRL for light housework on farm. Belvedere Hotel. Apply WANTED -Housekeeper for bachelor; good home for right party. W 244, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced girl to do sec ond work. Apply at 215 8t. Clair st. EXPERIENCED marker and sorter. Palace Stam Laundry, E. 10th and Everett. SOLICITOR wanted at 421 Stark st. ence required. WANTED 5irl to do phone Main 3357. general housework. WANT ED-:-A neat girl for general house w o rk. Phone Tabor 107. GIRL for general housework. 732 East Broadway. LADY barbers wanted ; must be good ; wages guaranteed. 12 3d st. oNrth. WANTED 5 extra waitresses at Council Crest Tavern, on Sunday; 25c hour. GIRL for housework; family ot three; country. Main 7483. - GIRL for general housework, small family. Inquire 263 North 24th st. LA DIES wanted. Can make $2 to $4 pei day. Call room 4, 850 Morrison. GIRLS wanted to work on ostrich feathers. 404 Merchants' Trust bldg. A MIDDLE-AGED woman for housework. Red 482. Oak Grove ave. LA DY stenographer for lumber office near city. D 253. Oregonian. LADY in photo gallery who has had some experience. C 240. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED girl or woman, not over 40, for light housework. 701 Northrur. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOB. TELE PHONE OPERATING WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE; PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH COM PANY (EAST OFFICE). COR. 6TH AND EAST ANKENY STREETS, OR MAIN OFFICE, WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 250. WANTED MONDAY. 3 waitresses, $10 and $S week. Chambermaids, $8 week. 2 waitresses (beach), $2,V month. Waitress (out), $30, fare paid. Nursemaid, $20 month. Boat cook, $40 month. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, Ladles 'Dept. 205V Morrison. EXPERIENCED SALESWOMEN FOR GLOVE DEPARTMEN V, Apply between 8:30 and 9:SO A. M., Supt.s office, 6th floor. MEIER &. FRANK CO. , WANTED Unincumbered m iddlc-aged. lady to keep house for 4 boys and myself; must not bo over 35 years of age; must be a "good housekeeper and a good eook; must bo strong and healthy and neat ap pearing; others m-ed not apply; a good home for the right party. Please state wages. Lee F. Smith, R, D. No. 2, box 75, Hood River, Or. THE Municipal Depaitment of Public Safety for Young Women, 407 Merchants Trust bldg., will be glad to give advice or as sistance to any woman or girl who may be in need. Interviews are confidential ex cept in cases . demanding criminal action. Office hours 8:30 to 5. Mrs. L. G. Bald win, Supt. WANTED A thoroughly competent and ex perienced stenosrapher for general office work. Must be uble to operate L. Smith Typewriter with accuracy and rapidity. Pleasant office and permanent position; stato experience anu give rcter eaces. S 217, Oregonian. RANCH cook. $40;. restaurant waitress, $9; laundress, $30; waitress, $30, at moun tains; second girl, ik (out ; waitress, (out), $25; chambermaid, $30. HANSEN'S EMPT. OFFICE. 345 Wash. St. SINGER WANTED Can use girl singer for illustrated songs, must be first-class ; willing to pay good salary for the ripht party. Address Grand Theater, Marsh- neia, uregon. WANTED Marker and sorter, female pre ferred, and also fancy starch ironer, Elite Laundry. 215 Main st., Vancouver, Wash. Phone 2S2. Call by Sunday before 2 o'clock. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. READ Y-TO-USE polishing cloth for silver. brass, nickel, copper and aluminum ; best, quickest, cheapest polish known ; agents wanted; sample free; i eg. size, 25c. Christy, 332 Lumber Exchange, Portland, Oregon. HOP PICKERS We are now registering pickers for our yards situated on the Wil lamette River. Slmdy grounds and good accomodations. Tele. Main 842, room 334 Sherlock bldg. A. J. Ray fc Son. MAN and wife for farm; man must be ca pable of taking full charge good house, etc. ; give experience, references" and phone number. M 250 Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, male or female. State wages, employer, address. Also stenog rapher, $0 start. Both permanent. D 250, Oregonian. NO charge for territory on dust less clothes lines; biggest seller of the century; agents wanted city and country. Christy, 332 Lumber Exchange, Portland Or. WANTED A good plain pastry cook. Write Mrs. Cynthia Williams, Newport, Or. DICKSON'S Business College will give you a start in lite. E. 3l9t. FISK Teachers Agency secures positions for teachers. 316 Journal bldg. Mam HE LP W A NT K I M ISC' IB I .LA N EO V H. SHORTHAND SCHOOL Expert men teach ers, with $500,000 equipment, moderate fees. Not run to make money, but con ducted by business meu to aid young men in securing practical education. Regis ter now. Y. M. C A., corner 0th and Tay lor sts. LEARN automobile repairing, driving on up-to-date cars; electric, civil engineering, surveying; methods most practical; rooizt and board while learning; positions se cured; satisfaction guaranteed; catalogue free. National School of Engineering, 2loo West Seventh, Los Angeles. WANTED 100 men and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks; position guaran teed ; modern college; tools free ; learn a trade that you can get in business for yourself. Oregon Barber College, 233 Mad ison st. No expense to learn electricity, automobiles, plumbing; correspondence lessons fur nished; then actual work on contract jobs; your work pays expense; 300 students last ' year; get free catalogue. United Trade School Contracting Co., Los Angeles, Cal. POSTOFFICE clerk-carrier, other Govern ment 'exams." every w, here soon ; get pre pared, former U. S. Civil Service secretary- examiner; write now for free booklet L lo8. Patterson Civil Service School, Roch ester, N. Y. WANTED I will teach several youne men the automobile business in 10 weeks by mail ana assist tnem to ' good positipns. No charge for tuition until position is se cured. Write today. R. S. Price, Auto mobile Expert, Box 43, Los Angeles, Cal. SAL.ESMEN, no experience required, earn good wages while you learn ; position guaranteed; write today, particulars. Ad dress nearest office. Dept. 400, National Salesmen's Training Association. Chicago, New York, Kansas City, San Francisco. WIRELESS OPERATORS in constant de mand. This coming vocation taught at Y. M. C. A. All tne Year Hound Lay and Night Schools; complete equipment; best on coaat. THE Moler Barber College, 35 N. 4th St., 20 years In the business, 37 schools. The only modern scnooi in existence term a weeks. Tools free Massage and dyeing a spe cialty. Lifetime scholarship to each student, GOVERNMENT CLERK-CARRIER. Exami nation Nov. 1, Parcel post requires clerks, salary $800 to $1200. Free book. Pacific States School, McKay bldg., Portland, Or. GOV ERNM ENT jobs open to men, women : $05 to $150 month ; list positions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 327 F, Roches ter, N. Y. ' ' m INTERNATIONAL CORRESPO N D E N C E SCHOOLS, 505 McKay bidg.. cor. 3d and Stark sts. Phones: Main 1026, A 4121. Also headquarters L C. S. Fraternity. GOVERNMENT positions are easy to get. My free booklet, Y-3o9, tells how. WTrite today now. Earl Hopkins, Washington. P. C. BECOME detectives; big pay; easy work; traveling opport unities. Write Frederick. Wagner, 1243 Lexington ave.. New lork. LEARN by mail to mske $1 an hour. Show Card School, 915 Van Ness ave., San Fran cisco. DAY and night school, shorthand, any sys tem, bookkeeping, etc. ; thorough work ; positions guaranteed. 029 Worcester blk. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, book keeping. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 458 WANTED Salesman traveling the Willam ette Valley regularly to sell shingles on commission. A 251, Oregonian. INTERNA riONAL correspondence schools, 105 Th ird st. (near Morrison ) . rooms 7 ' and 8. Phone Main 4Q4H. A 3044. lO SECRETS. how to make nionay easy and quick; 15c, boys lic. F. II., 614. May nard. Seattle. WANTED Men, IS to 45, to become Port land mail carriers, $05 to $100 month; va cations. AV 217. Oregonian. WANTED- Ladies to learn beauty culture. Learn full course in two weeks. Call roo m 4, 350 Va Morrison at. LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemen, wages about $100; experience unnecessary. Send age. Ftamp. Railway, care Oregonian. EARN $20 weekly while learning the real estate business. Call room 5, Bredon bldg., ad and Wash. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING SCHOOL. 269 14TH ST. M . 3S93. E XP. INSTRUC'N . GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work. Earn rnoney while learning. 613 Rothchild bldg. SPANISH Learn it now;, class being organ ized. See Bouilla, evenings, at Y. M. C. A. WANTED Boy to learn auto repairing. 561 Hawthorne ave. Kelster's Ladies Tailoring ' College and School of Dressmaking. 143 11th at. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. STENOGRAPHER, age 'AO. experienced, rapid, with knowledge of bookkeeping. J 231 , Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and stenographer desires evening work. AJ 235, oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. tSewickeepere and Clerk ANY ONE NEEDING THE SERVICES OF A CAPABLE AND EXPERIENCED MAX OF UN v LEST I ABLE INTEGRITY, AND WHO CAN OFFER. LIBERAL REMU NERATION FOR INTELLIGENT AND EFFICIENT SERVICES. COMMUNICATE WITH AH 240, OREGONIAN. WANTED By young man, position as book keeper, timekeeper or scaler with, logging or lumber company; 7 years experience; can furnish references as to ability. Will work for moderate salary until I estab lish my worth. AT 2-to, Oregonian, ENERGETIC, reliable, sober young man, ad writer, first-class salesman, experienced buyer, capable of managing department or store ; would appreciate trial by concern desiring such services. B 219, Oregonian. WANTED by Al man of experience a posi tion as timekeeper and bookkeeper in a country camp or preferably as commis sary; must be good position. Employed at present. A E 26. Oregonian. WANTED Position as manager of fur. wool. hide and junk business. W ill open a pay ing business for party wishing to back me. I will make soyj or no pay at all. Ad dress 705 Y. M. C. A., C. C. Howe. WILL AUDIT, OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balance and statements, install systems. GlllinKham, auditor. 414 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. ACCOUNTANT (certified), w-ide experience is open to engagement with large corpora tion requiring the services of a capable man. ak Z4i, oregonian. YOUNG MAN, law student, havine a few spare hours daily, desires a light set of books to keep. or. collecting position. AN "40, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN with 4 years' experience meat and lumber business wants book keeping or clerical work ; reliable and ac curate; references AM 238, Oregonian. BY Eastern Bank cashier, bookkeeper. com oe tent office man with reliable oank, firm or corporation. Portland bank references. Ehrlich. Sellwood 125o. YOUNG man, good stenographer bookkeeper, local wholesale experience, desires position moderate salary; out-of-city position con si tiered. Main 3211. THOROUGHLY experienced bookkeeper and office man desires position with reliable concern; best of reurunccs. au ll-iy, ure gonian. WANTED Position by a hotel clerk who knows the business from A to Z. Good references. R 23. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED accountant with short, ac curate system will install or take short or iori jobs reasonable. s ''Jd, uregonian. EX PE RIB NO ED stenographer desires work will take outside position; can furnish local reference. T 219, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED To work on ranch; can give good reterence ; have worked on ranch for years in Texas; can do most' anything on a farm or ranch; have wife and lour children. John Plemmons, 408 Hoyt st. MAN and wife, cook and helper, or both cooks; out of town preferred. Address Percy Howell, Venable Hotel, 2d and Sal mon. WANTED By experienced farmer and dairyman, farm to take care of on shares or wages; married man. C. Sorensen,. SS East Jith st., .Fortlajid. or. WANTED Position by an experienced re liable hotel and restaurant man; will cook, attend bar or wait ou table. R 246, Oregonian. MARRIED man, with family, experienced in an Kinas or rann worn, dairying, etc., wishes situation ; good machinist and teamster. Address AV 230, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly experienced, de sires position ; competent to take full charge of office; highest references. 238, Oregonian. GARDENER and florist, 26, single, wants posit ion on private place : thoroughly ex perienced, not afraid of work. A-l refer ences. F 224. Oregonian. WANTED Position with grain or lumbe company as buryer or take charge of yard no objection to country point. Phone Eas 4703. EXPERIENCED collector wants position, traveling machinery and implements notes and accounts a specialty; best of ref erences. AT 2-, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by experienced young man as valet or attendant to invalid massage given ; best references. G 254, Oregoma n. WANTED Steady employment indoors by reliable young man of 13 ; good address and pleasing manners; best references. 2 E. 24th st. South. LIVE, up-to-date and practical tailor de sires permanent position as cutter and all- round man is aiso capable for road worn and team system. AT 24S, Oregonian. SITUATION wanted by first-class cook, small club, hotel or restaurant, city country ; can furnish good second or dish washer, inone Main b.ii. RELIABLE, energetic man wants perma nettt position. Handy with tools; best ref erences. Salary no object if chance to Improve. L 239, Oregonian. GOOD cake and pastry baker wants situa tion; tun Jiiuke bread also; state hours and wages. R 244, Oreonian. MAN wants day work caring for lawn, win down washing, house cleaning. Main 1625, A 279ti. CIVIL Service chauffeur with good refer ence; doean f smoke or drink; wants drive. AG 239. Oregonian. BLACKSMITH wants good, steady job city; no horseshoeing; lo years' experience, sober and steaay. t; 242, oregonian. POSITION by ambitious young man. 18 yrs. oid, witn ortice ana auto driving expert' ence. Jo, , uregonian. WANTE D An experienced chauffeur wants a position driving a car for a private fam uy ; permanent. A 25. Oregonian. YOUNG man 20 years old wants position can give $500 cash bond. AB 230, Ore gonian. J A P, xpertenced chauffeur and gardener, wants position in family, ref. B 218, Ore gonian. RELIABLE chauffeur needs position once ; private preferred. Phone Tabo 4311. Main 16S4. POSITION as gardener and other chores by young man, experienced. AO 24 S, Orego man. RELIABLE man desires position as nigh watchman ; best references furnished. I J. Gardner. 420 Cook ave. E. 2836. MAN and wife, experienced janitors, wan position, apartment-nouse preferred. A 246, Oregonian. IHAl I'fbLK desires position at once; pr: vaie car preierrea ; can mane repairs; years' references. F 2 4 0, Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR. Japanese, wishes position i private family ; 2 years' experience ; best of references. D 243, Oregonian. a FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marsha 791, A 4910. Portland Waiters -Club. 148 5th. Portland. Or. G. C Gerald, manager. YOUNG MAN, 18. wishes light work farm, dairy, ranch, for room, board; imai wages. O 23 o, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN with baritone voice wants po sit: on in musical organization. j 24 Oresonlan., WINDOW CLEANING, jobbine a specialty Thomas Green. Main 6573 morning or evening. Lisi J'iiihi 1 professor wanta perraanen . real estate or commercial position. M Powell. 122 flch st. N. Woodlawn 3139. Fl KST-CLASS blacksmith, experienced loco motive, heavy forging, logging tools; refer enc.-s. Woodlawn 2-.. CH EF. good all-round dinner cook wan work in cafeteria, 20 years experience, au, --ti. uregonian. PK1M hit All-around man, sober, comoe tent, wants steady job in country office, A. M. Kiioads, t oncrete, wash. YOUNG married man experienced meat cu ter and grocery clerk, wishes position. AF 23.i, Oregonian. POSITION as manager, steward or head waiter for hotel, cufe or club; temperate. - reliaPip, references. B 23 , Oregonian REPAIR work a specialty. Give me a trial. Phone A 4411. ask for Whitfield. POSITION au torn o bile salesman, wide ac quaintance in Portland. X 2X7, Oregonian. GOOD all-around baker wants steady work; country preferred. AR 24S, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED porter Of sires posltio n in barber shop or hotel. Phone Tabor 2745. YOUNG Japanese wants a position as por ter. C 244. Oregonian. WANTED Position by professional chauf feur, "do all repairing. S 222. Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants a position at house work. V 237, Oregon i an. JAPANESE boy wants a job as a store boy. V 23. Ore son tan. MARK1ED man wis hen position, janitor, apartment-house. B 223. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN wants work on farm. 5th, city.. SITUATION WANTED Middle-aged, handy man. city or country. B 2S, Oregonian. JAP A N E S E wants hours every day. a job of any kind few 47 N. Park. A 7170. i'OL'NG man wants work of any kind. T . 223, Oregonian. PAINTER, good all-round ht ndt married, wants work. C 242, Oregonian. JAPANESE wants work for room. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS experienced pastry and meat cook wants position. A 259. Oregonian. POSITION as outside salesman; sober, re liable, a hustler. AP 2 49. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED cake and all-round baker wants position. Grume, 129 Grand ave. SITUATIONS IV ANTED MALE. M iscelUtneous. HOG SPECIALIST. German agriculturist wants a position as hog ranch manager, where brains, experi ence and knowludxe in all branches of ag riculture count. 1 can create a big hog plant with reasonable means but I do not care for a cheap affair, spoiled by ama teurs. If suited can start towards Fall. Let me know your proposition If you need a man of my type. AR 22!S Oregonian. PRINTER WANTS JOB; NOW EMPLOYED AS FOREMAN IN JOB AND NEWSPA PER OFFICE IN COUNTY SEAT TOWN; AM GOOD. ALL-AROUND MAN AND CAN PRODUCE THE GOODS; MAR RIED; 2S TRS. OLD. WHAT AM I OF FERED? CAN COME IMMEDIATELY. AV OREGONIAN. BY publicity specialist, rapid clay modeler and demonstrator, for commercial dis play, advertising, oa streets or in wir dows; & great crowd attracts; makes your products or signs in clay before the pub lic. At liberty after Aug. 1. Eugene Frederic, "en route." AV 115, Oregonian. SALESMAN (20 years experience) desires position on tne Coast with staple line. Only an A-l proposition considered. Schemers ignored. H ighest references as to character and ability. Address "Scotch," AM 342. Oregonian. WANTED A position as auto or truck driv er; have had 5 years' experience ; guar antee to keep car or cars in best of run ning order; can handle any kind of make, and will go anywhere called. X 24 4. Oregonian. POSITION by building material salesman. years experience. 3 years In Port land ; wide acquaintance among architects and contractors; can produce results. AE 237, Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR, 5 years experience, acquaint- ea witn city, drive any car, do own re pairing, wants steady position. B 2351. SITCATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeeper and tetts;rapuera STENOGRAPHER, rapid typist, high school graduate, assist on books, thorough knowl edge detail office work ; three years' ex perience; best references; salary, $60. AC 240, Oregonian. YoUNG man, fresh from school, desires po sition as Btenog rapner, wnere merit se cures aavan cement. Will go out of town if necessary. O 2 12, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer desires first-class position; long experience; thor oughly competent and reliable. A 25o. Oregonian. STENOGRA PHER, expert typist, architec ture, engineering ana newspaper experi ence; thorough, capable; Al references; salary, $0O. AM 239, Oregonian. COM PET ENT bookkeeper, cashier, account ant, wants position about Sept. i ; ten years' wholesale experience; best refer ences and bond. V 23i, Oregonian. YOUNG girl living at home with parents would like position in store. i'J i.ove joy st., cor. 19th. Marshall 3ti-3. TEACHER with some knowledge o booK- keeping wishes position in office. Wood lawn 2142. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, experienced. reliable, wants permanent or temporary work. Phone Marshall 1572. STENOGRAPHER, experienced in railroad and legal correspondence, desires position. Phone Main 129i, Sunday. WANTED By experienced, capable person, position as casnier, in or out ot city, aiv 242, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires perma nent position; excellent city references. AS 222, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper. Inex perienced, desires position. Phone iion day. Main 2t24. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi tion, permanent or substitute. M 245, Ore gonian. YOUNG LADY wishes position as governes3. Phone Main 297. room 4, between a and 10 A. M.. Sunday. BY thoroughly competent steno. ; all com mercial lines, engineering, legal ; first class references. K 2i2, Oregoniaru EXPERIENCED stenographer and book keeper desires position. Can furnish best of references. AB 242, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER-bookkeeper desires even ing work. AB 241, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and typist wants position; best references. 1C 44, Oregonian. POSITION by young lady, cashier or assist ant bookkeeper, experienced. Main 03M. COMPETENT stenographer desires piece work. Call afternoons, Main 12. COMMERCIAL and legal experience, tem porary or permanent. Phone labor UmtDjnitker. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wishes few more engagements by day ; best city references. Phone Marshall 58. FIRST-CLASS Dt ESS MAKER and tailorets would make a few more engagements fur August. Phone Main 623. DRESSMAKING French dressmaker can make yon a dress in two days. Latest style; 3 a day. F 251, Oregonian. DRESSMAKING, all kinds sewing, $2 day. or at home. Mrs. Fuller, 2a Lexington ave., Sellwood. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tailoress wishes engagements; references. Phone East . 3322. DRESSMAKER, good fitter, references, home or out by day. Marshall 4738. EXPERIENCED work. E. 3297. dressmaker wants day Nurses. MIDDLE-AGED experienced nurse would care for invalid or ngt-d couple; physi cian's reference. Phonts C 110S. Woodlawn 173. TRAINED nurse and experienced traveler will take mid mental or nervous case to beach or California or care for invalid in my home or theirs. AE .42, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman wants position as nurse for children where help is kept Phone Marshall 14S8. PRACTICAL nurse wishes care of invalid or elderly; or will act as companion; price reasonable ; references. Phone B 12 SO. YOUNG girl would like position as nurse girl or will do other light work; will go home nights. Marshall 3043. NURSE would like hospital position or pri vate case; will take contagious cases. East COStf. ; YOUNG lady wants position In doctor's of fice; hospital und office experience. Main 1311. AN experienced Infant and child's nurse de sires position. Willing to leave city. Ref er en c eg. V 234, Oregonian. GRADUATE nurse wishes patients at home or care of Invalids, maternity cases. Phone Columbia 450. 1709 Berkley st. GOOD practical nurse, doctors' charges moderate. Main 0937 Houe keepers. references. A YOUNG LADY who prefers housekeeping to business life would like position in a comfortable home; am a good cook, neat and systematic housekeeper, and of a kind disposition. References exchanged. Ad dress Miss E. Andrews, 615 South M at., Tacoma, Wash. LADY from the East wishes position as housekeeper, either high-class apartment house or hotel. Satisfaction guaranteed. Absolutely without an equal. I 258, Ore gonian. A WIDOW wishes a position as house keeper; no objection tb children ; ex perienced and. references. Adress AP 245, Oregonian. REFINED and experienced woman with grown daughter wishes position as house keeper in home where daughtr may board. . Y 242, Oregonian. 2 ACRES on hard-surfaced county road, close to electric line; best soil; eastern slope; $S50; $14 per acre. W 239, Ore gonian WANTED By thoroughly experienced wom an, position as housekeeper for widower or in smail family. D5 10th St., corner Stark. SITUATION wanted as housekeeper by wo man of refinement and education ; ex perienced with servants and children. N 220. Oregonian. RESPECTABLE middle-aged woman wants place as housekeeper for gentlemen. Old couple or care of motherless children. E 253, Oregonian. COMPETENT and experienced midd ie-aged woman desir.-s position us manager of apartment-house. Mrs. Taylor, 272 hi Williams ave. A WOMAN with boy 4 wishes position ta cook on ranch or small logging camp or keep house for gentleman. Apply room 9, 203 H Morrison, Sd floor. RELIABLE woman -with son wants a po sition, good cook and housekeeper. H 246, Oregonian, - COM PET ENT, respectable lady wishes housekeeping for widower or bachelor. E 252. Oregonian. WANTED Housekeeping Job for widower, batch or apartment-house. C 243, Orego nian. REFI NED, competent woman desires situa tion as housekeeper for gentleman. AN 249. Oregonian. LADY wants position housekeeper. Oregonian. Drmiestlc. SWEDISH girl wants second work in private family. Home phone A 3346. MiHcelbaneous. YOUNG woman wishes chamber . work, tel. rooming house or second work. 247, Oregonian. ho-AP