The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 13, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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Organization for Political Pur
poses Is Strongest of Its
Kind in World.
Self-Protection and Self-Enlightenment
Are Dominating XotesEx
pert Instruction Given by
League Lecturers.
2S- (Special Correspondence.) To at
tempt In a letter or two to rive any
adequate account of the organization
of German agriculture would be sure
to end In failure. Germany Is, above
all other countries, the home of rural
associations. In their complexity, in
their general unity of purpose and In
their sure-footed manner of going after
and getting results, the German farm
ers" societies stand unrivalled any
where in the world. One is almost
overwhelmed by the masses of machln-
"J uy wnicn tnese organizations look
after the minutest details underlying
rural welfare, economically, politically
and socially.
Considering, then, the breadth and
complexity of the subject, I shall at
tempt to -simplify matters by gather
ing what I have to say about two or
three outstanding features in German
agricultural organization.
"Finnen1 League" Well Organized.
For my subject today I take the
"Bund der Landwirte," which I have
translated "The Farmers' League." I
choose this organization for two rea
sons. In the first place, it Is the thing
uppermost in my mind, as we have
Just been through the splendid build
ings owned by the league, in which It
has Its headquarters for the German
empire. In the second place, the Ger
man Farmers' League is primarily a
political organization, and without
doubt it Is the strongest political as
sociation of farmers in the world.
To understand how it arose, we must
look briefly at recent German economic
history. Previous to the Franco-Prus-elan
war, the German provinces were
almost entirely agricultural. The farm
er had things pretty much to himself
in determining the policies of the va
rious kingdoms.
With the union of the Germanic states
in the empire, there began a new era
In German economic history.. Industry
began to compete with agriculture for
the lion's share of political recognition
and governmental support. Moreover,
the rapidly developing commercial and
industrial interests were strongly or
ganized. Class Struggle Developed.
Under the stimulus of the Raiffeleen
co-operative movement, the farmers
were learning the first principles of as
sociated action. The Ralffeisen socle
ties were purely non-political, and, con
sequently, their influence counted for
little In the class struggle which arose
on the basis of conflicting economic in
terests. The farmers early grasped the situa
tion and proceeded to organize with
the avowed) purpose of maintaining a
political and economic status worthy
of the fundamental industry of the em
pire. The first farmers' organization for
political ends- was the "Association for
Tax Reform and Economic Betterment."
It was formed in the Winter of 1875
. 76, and set as its principal task the se
curing of an import duty on foreign
breads tuffs. This object was attained
by successive tariff acts passed by the
Reichstag:, which brought the import
duty on corn up to J1.60 a ton in the
year 1887.
This made grain-growing profitable
in spite of rising wages and increasing
land 'values, and gave considerable
stimulus to agriculture.
In the meanwhile other interests
were steadily gaining ground. For a
time it seemed as if free trade In corn
would expose the German grain-grower
,to competition with the products of
the virgin soils of the new world. In
the conflict the inadequacy of the old
"Association for Tax Reform" to cope
with the situation became evident.
Political Model Adopted.
The farmers proceeded to reorganize
as the "Farmers' League." For their
model they took the Social Democratic
Party, the most scientifically organized
political body in Germany, and at the
same time the most vigorous foe of the
- The organization 1 - voluntary body
of farmers, whose aim, like that of its
predecessor, is to maintain and improve
the status of the farming class. It is
supported by contributions levied on
the members in proportion to the size
of their land holdings at the rate of
. about 1V4 cents an acre annually. Per
sons not farmers are admitted to mem
bership on acceptance of the principles
of the league and the payment of a
voluntary subscription, which must not
. be less than 75 cents a year.
The league is a highly centralized
organization with headquarters in Ber
lin. It covers the north and east of the
empire by means of 14 provincial
offices. Each of the provinces, again,
is subdivided according to the electoral
constituencies for the Imperial Parlia
ment. The electoral districts are fur-
' ther subdivided into what are called
principal groups, which are composed
of the local groups of Individual farm
ers. Now how does this elaborate machine
operate? let us ask. The center or
power is the Berlin office, which Is
managed by a presidential hna. it
members and a permanent committee
of 51 representatives from the various
These meet as a sort of Federal
farmers' council once a year. They
Liiieoii uut me wnoie agricultural situa
tion for the Intervening vt- ki
up the attitude of all imperial office
holders on questions affecting agri
culture, and outline the policy of the
league for the year to come. The mem.
bers of the permanent committee, and
most of the presidential board, return
to their farms to take up. the work of
rural leadership throughout the year.
Lecture Courses Provided.
The permanent work of the central
office is under the supervision of a
director and two vice-directors. Under
them is an office force composed of
experts in politics and economics, with
the necessary staff for stenographic
and other routine work.
The propaganda Is directed from the
Berlin offlcu. It is carried on by
means of lecture courses, newspapers
and magazines, special reports and
pamphlets, and picture postcards.
The lecture courses are carried on
mostly during Winter months, and
during election campaigns whenever
they may take place; each lecturer
must be especially fitted for his work,
and must have taken a course of in
struction under the experts in the
Berlin office. The number of lecturers
employed varies from 90 upwards ac
cording to the special need. '
Besides these personally-conducted
lecture tours, the league is constantly
pouring its principles into the rural
consciousness through the medium of
the press. There are at least 335
papers in the Empire Inspired by the
purposes of the Farmers' League. Sev
eral of these are under the direct con
trol of the association.
Unity Always Urared.
A small weekly, the Farmers' League,
Is sent free of charge to every one of
the 350,000 members of the organiza
tion. The key note of this paper is ex
pressed in the slogan which stands
under the title of every issue: "Unity
alone makes strong. German farmers,
unite!" Just beneath this, again, ap
pears constantly a famous- quotation
from the great Prince Bismarck: "Un
less our farm population unites and
hangs together, German agriculture
will never be represented in our legis
lative bodies in proportion to its im
portance." A question worthy of serious con
sideration by every American farmer is
suggested by this quotation. It Is this:
"Is American agriculture any better
Rev. J. M. Haskell.
CHEHALIS, Wash., July 12.
(Special.) J. M. Haskell, who
died here 'July 3, was born in
Dickenson Center, N. Y., March
18, 1836. At 21 years of age he
became a minister of the gospel
and gave his whole time up to t
tne date of his death to church
work. For a number of years
Rev. Mr. Haskell preached in the
vicinity of his boyhood, and in
1870 moved to Minneapolis, Minn.
In 1S85 he moved to Portland, Or.,
where he engaged in ministerial
work, and in 1890 moved to this
, county, locating at Wlnlock. In
1895 he became pastor of the Bap
tist Church of Chehalls. In 1904
he moved to Centralis, where he
resided for four years. Recently
he accepted a call as pastor of
the Baptist congregations at Gate
and Rochester, Wash. The death
of Mr. Haskell was tragic, the
direct cause being that he was
struck by a train at Gate while
driving across the railroad in his
buggy. He was thrown out and
suffered injuries from which he
never recovered. By h i s first
marriage were born six children,
as follows: Horten H. Haskell, of
Winona, Wash.; Mrs. Martin Mac
Donough, of Medford, Or.;Minard
A. Haskell, of McCleary, Wash.;
Mrs. T. K. Metz, of Chehalls;
Robert B. Haskell, of Chenalis;
also the late Mrs. E. H. Thomp
son, of Chehalls. His second wife
was Mrs. Edith E. Curtis, to whom
he was married In 1904, and who
survives him.
represented in our state and National
legislative bodies today than German
agriculture was in the days of Bis
marck? The condition deplored by Bismarck
has been overcome through the efforts
of the Farmers' League. When Ger
man agriculture requires legislative at
tention, it frames its measure, goes
to work, and gets what it wants. The
same is true when its Interests - are
threatened by legislation emanating
from conflicting Interests.
All this does not mean that the
league Is a farmers' political party. It
is not a political party, nor does it
pursue any partisan policy in the nar
rower sense
It supports certain principles which
must be upheld if agriculture is not
to be exploited by the thoroughly-organized
forces of capitalism. The
man who can be depended upon to
work for the welfare of agriculture
under all circumstances, is indorsed
by the league and supported by the
farmer at the poles.
Facta Laid Before Members.
The league as such does not take
any partisan stand. It does something
which in Germany is far more effective.
It checks up the record of every man
In public life In Germany. His birth,
his training and sympathies, his public
acts and utterances, are all carefully
registered. These essential facts the
league lays before the farmer, and
leaves the rest to him.
A simple method, you may say. Yes
It Is, but 20 years' experience has dem
onstrated Us efficiency. No grand, old
party slogan can save a man in a Ger
man rural constituency, if the league's
record Is against him.
The league is the German farmers'
organization for self -enlightenment
and self-protection. Up to the present,
the powers, of organized capitalism
have been utterly unable to prevail
against it.
Monument , to Mark Spot Where
Balm of Gllead Stood.
12. (Special.) The spot where the old
witness tree stood is to be marked by
a concrete monument. C. A. Homan.
Government Engineer, today began
placing the concrete over a point above
the center of the historic Balm of Gll
ead tree, from which all surveys in
the Pacific Northwest started. This
tree was on the southeast corner of
the reservation.
The witness tree four years ago was
washed down by the high water of the
Columbia River. A brass plate, proper
ly marked, will be buried under about
three feet of ground on the spot.
Single Term Bill Introduced.
WASHINGTON. Jn7v 15 a n,
constitutional amendment to provide
me rreswent and Vice-President
after March 4, 1921, shall serve single
six-year terms and any person who has
heretofore held the office by election
or who has discharged the powers and
duties or has acted as President shall
be ineligible "to hold the office again
by election" was introduced today by
Representative Madden, of Illinois.
Dry Weather Menaces Forests.
WASHINGTON, July 12. Lightning
mm tmuiiera are me causes or most of
the fires in National forests, as shown
by telegraphic reports during the last
week to the Forest Service. Colorado,
Southern California. Arizona. TCom
Mexico offer tha fields of most danger
on account oi continued dry, hot
if-' ;-v , ' ' 'V-i
Bryan Proposes Status Quo in
War Preparations Pend
ing Investigation.
Third Phase of Secretary's Scheme
Submitted to 2 0 Powers Whose
Assent Has Been Given, as
Well as 19 Others.
WASHINGTON. July 12. A proposal
to maintain the status quo as to mili
tary and naval preparations among dis
putants during the period of Investiga
tion of international differences con
stitutes the third and final proposal in
Secretary Bryan's peace plan.
In making that portion of the pro
posal public today, Secretary Bryan
said that the obligation to maintain
the. status quo would not be obligatory
In the event of danger to either of the
two contracting parties from a third
The proposal is submitted to the 20
nations which have accepted his plan
in principle, as well as to the other 19
nations not yet heard from.
Status Quo onaldered.
"This Government is prepared to con-
siaer, says the communication, "the
question of maintaining the status quo
as to military and naval preparations
during the period of investigation, if
the contracting nation desires to In
clude this, and this Government sug
gests tentatively that the parties agree
that tnere shall be no change In the
military and naval programme during
the period of investigation unless dan5
ger to one of the contracting parties
from a third party counsels a change
in said programme. In which case the
party feeling Itself menaced by a third
power shall confidentially communicate
the matter in writing to the other con
tracting part- and it s.iail thereupon
be released from the obligation not to
change its military or naval programme
and this release will at the same time
operate as-a release of the ot,.or con
tracting parties. . Thir protects each
party from the other in the ordinary
cases and yet provides freedom of ac
tion in emergencies."
Ver Given for Lnvestlsation.
The proposals previously announced
provide for an international commission,
of five members, one from each of the
contracting countries, .o be chosen by
the government, one to be chosen by
each of the contracting countries from
some other country and the i.. i to be
agreed on by the two contracting gov
ernments. One year is suggested as a
proper time for the inv stlgatlon of the
subject under dispute.
"All of Lese suggestions, said Sec
retary Bryan, discussing bis plan to
day, "are presented for consideration
and not with the intention of imposing
any mea conditions, ihrf principle of
the investigation being accepted, the
details are matters for conference anu
The 20 nations which have accepted
th0 principles of the peace proposal, in
the order named, are: Italy,- Great
Britain. France, Brazil, Sweden, Nor
way, Peru, Russia, Austria-Hungary,
Netherlands. Japan. Germany, Bollcia,
Argentine tepuDiic, China, Dominican
Republic, Hayti, Spain, Portugal and
Mortgagees to Have Opportunity to
Protect Interests When Water
Charges Are Unpaid.
WASHINGTON-, July 12. Secretary
Lane approved today an amendment to
the regulations under the reclamation
act designed to aid entrymen and land
owners in reclamation projects in se
curing loans for the Improvement of
their farms as well as to add security
to mortgages given in conneetion with
such loans.
- By the terms of the amendment, after
water right applications have been
filed for privately-owned lands in rec
lamation projects, mortgagees of such
lands may file with the "local Land
Office and with the project manager of
the reclamation service a notice of
their interest.
Thereafter they will receive notices
of any default in the payment of water
right charges. That will enable -them
to prevent the loss of security through
failure in payment.
Guatemala Invites Youths From
United States to School.
WASHINGTON, July 12. The Guate
malan government, through Minister
Mandez, has offered the United States
five scholarships available for Ameri
can boys and' girls desirous of pursuing
oourses in Guatemalan institutions of
learning. These scholarships Include
board, lodgings, uniforms and wash
ing, and are good for courses either
in military, academic or technical in
stitutions. ,
In throwing Guatemalan institutions
open to American students so that
they may acquire the Spanish lan
guage and obtain an insight into Latin
American Ideals, Senor Manuez writes:
"My government Is animated by the
most ardent spirit of pan-American-Ism."
Inventor of Even Keel Submarine
Evolves New Type for Air.
NEW YORK, July 12. Christopher J.
Lake, one of the inventors of the "even
keel" submarine boat used in the Uni
ted States Navy, has reported to the
Aero Club of America that he and his
son Simon Lake,, have evolved a type
of aeroplane, which tested by being in
verted at an altitude of 60 feet, easily
recovered its balance and made a safe
and easy descent.
(Continued from First Page.)
Suitchar to Rodovitch, a distance of
about 300 miles, the Bulgarians were
compelled to retreat, hotly pursued.
Bulgarian detachments were crushed
and in one instance 14 field batteries
were captured.
According to a dispatch from Con
stantinople the Turkish troops at
Tchatalja and Bulalr have received or
ders to march for the reoccupatlon of
the Ottoman territory now held by the
Bulgarians. Preparations are being
hastily made for aft advance.
Sen-la and Turkey Agree.
The Bulgarian delegate, M. Natcho
vltch, tonight expresed regret at the
failure of his mission, which he had
hoped would result in a Turco-Bulgar-ian
alliance. The mission of the. Ser
vian delegate, M. Pavlovlch, has proved
successful. It is said that an agree
ment between Turkey and Servla will
be signed tomorrow.
According to Turkish accounts, the
agreement Insures to Turkey the re
covery of a large part of Thrace. Ne
gotiations for an understanding be
tween Turkey and Greece have been
proceeding at the same time, it is be
lieved, with- good prospects of a satis
factory conclusion. .
It is announced in official circles
that Roumania proposes to annex the
quadrilateral formed by Sillstria, Rust
chuk, Shumia and Varna.
Pound of Drug Is Concealed In Pipe
So as to Be Forced Into Water
When Drawn Clew Found.
BAKER, Or., July 12. (Special.) An
attempt to poison the family of Mrs.
John Bumgarner by strychnine placed
In the spout of a well was disclosed
yesterday and Sheriff Rand and his
deputies have fastened suspicion on a
man who probably will be arrested to
morrow. The officers have traced the
purchase of the strychnine and declare
their deductions are well founded.
When Mrs. Bumgarner, who lives in
South Baker, went to the pump yester
day she discovered a piece of paper in
the spout. Closer investigation re
vealed the fact that the wrapper bore
a "poison" label, and that a pound of
strychnine had been placed in the well
pipe in such a way that it would be
forced into the pail when water was
taken from the well. That murder of
the entire family was attempted is de
clared conclusive by the evidence found.
Mrs. Bumgarner recently was grant
ed a divorce from her husband, who
is now on parole from the County Jail,
having been convicted of assault with
a- dangerous weapon.
Oregon's Ttoyal Anns Make Italian
Fruit - Look Like Peas, Says
Buyer for Big Firm.
THE DALLES, Or., July 12. (Spe
cial.) One million, eighty thousand
pounds of cherries have been marketed
by the fruitgrowers of The Dalles and
vicinity this year, for which they have
received over $40,000 in cash.
Of this total of 540 tons, 476 tons were
shipped to Portland and San Francisco,
where they will be made Into mara
schino cherries. The Oregon Packing
Company, of Portland, which Is a
branch of the California Fruit Packing
Company, of San Francisco, shipped
100 tons. The entire crop of the big
Seufert orchard, east of this city, which
amounted to 84 tons, was also sent to
the Oregon Packing Company to be
made into maraschinos.
"I have been buying cherries for the
past 15 years and have traveled all over
the world in the work, but I never have
seen such perfect cherries as those
raised here at The Dalles," said Arthur
C. Rass, of the Lyon & Raas Company,
who bought the fruit for his firm. "I
wish I could have bought 600 tons in
stead of 100," he continued. "Other cher
ries I have bought look like No. 3
grade compared to these at The Dalles.
The Italian cherries which ar.e import
ed by New York firms for maraschinos
look like French peas beside your Royal
The. Lyon & Raas Company will pur
chase several hundred tons of peaches
and apples here for manufacture into
fruit Juices.
. Rains of the last three weeks, al
though doing a little damage to the
cherries, greatly benefited other fruit
Friends of Measure, However, Filed
Arguments In Favor Pamphlet
Publication Prevented.
SALEM, Or., July 12. (Special.) An
oversight of persons favoring and-opposing,
with the exception of friends of
the university appropriation bills, will
prevent the publication in pamphlet
form of arguments for and against the
measures to be referred to the people
at the special election in November.
The Day bill, providing the election,
stipulates that the arguments must be
filed with the secretary of state not
later than 12 days after the filing of
the petitions.
It is evident that the oversight was
due to a provision In the laws provid
ing for general elections which stipu
lates that the arguments, favoring
measures must be filed not later than
115 days before an election and nega
tive arguments not later than 105 days
before an election. This gives the ad
vocates of referred measures an op
portunity to answer the arguments of
the opposing side.
. George Cornwall, of Portland, asked
Secretary of State Olcott today to file
an argument in support of the work
men's compensation act, and was some
what perturbed when Informed that
the time limit had expired. H. J. Parkl
son, who wished to file an argument
opposing the reference of the Univer
sity of Oregon bills, had the same ex
perience. Friends of the measure, how
ever, filed their arguments within the
time provided by law. Mr. Olcott de
clined to file an argument presented bv
Dr. Marie Equl, who desires to initiate
at the special election an eight-hour
women's labor work bill for the reason
he had declined to file the bill, holding-
tnat Dins cannot De initiated at the
special election.
Reports From Vessels.
(By Marconi Wireless.)
Steamer J. B. Stetson, northbound,
orf Ventura, at 9 P. M. July 12.
Steamer Falcon, passing Point Firmin
at 7 P. M. July 12.
Steamer Colusa, Seattle to Portland,
Round and. Round
Go the Seasons--
and .Midsummer has brought a lowered price ,
to every man's and young man's fancy suit
in the store last week's sunshine brought
some wonderful' buying, as well. Come and
choose from the best fabrics that the world
produces, fashioned ready "for your Rearing.
off Cathlamet, Columbia River, at 8 P.
M. July 12.
Steamer Bear, northbound, 12 miles
east of Point Conception at 8 P. M.
July 12.
Steamer Lurline, Honolulu
Francisco. 1165 miles out at
to San
8 F. M.
July 11.
Steamer Honolulan, San Francisco to
Honolulu, 1037 miles out at 8 P. M.
July 11. , -
Steamer Nile, San Francisco to Hon
olulu, 738 miles out at 8 P. M. July 11.
Steamer Herrln, Honolulu to .Mon
terey, 630 miles out at 8 P. M. July 11.
- Steamer Santo Rita, Honolulu to San
Francisco. 858 miles out at 8 P. M.
July 11.
Steamer Camlno, Portland to San
Francisco, 20 miles north of Point Are
nas at 7 P. M. July 12.
Naval Cadets Visit Spain.
VIGO. Spain, July 12. The American
battleship Illinois arrived here today
from Antwerp with naval cadets aboard.
Hammer Falls on Head.
EUGENE. Or., July 12. (Special.)
Results Not Influenced by Age or
Time Standing, Says Expert.
Rupture is not a tear or breach in
the abdominal wall, as commonly sup
posed, but is the stretching or dilat
ing of a natural opening, therefore
subject to closure, said F. H. Seeley,
on a late visit to Portland.
' ' The Spermatic Shield Truss closes
the opening in ten days on the aver
age case, producing results without
6urgery or harmful injections." Mr.
Seeley has documents from the Gov
ernment, Washington, D- C, for in
spection. Anyone interested will be
shown the truss or fitted if desired.
Sold and fitted only by Laue- Davis
Drug Co., sole and exclusive agents
for Oregon.
Other firms advertising' and selling
imitation "Seeley" Spermatic Shield
Trusses are impostors. Look for the
word patented on each spermatic cor
rugated shield.
Men's SI 5 Fancy Suits for
Men's $20 Fancy Suits for
Men's $25 Fancy Suits for
Men's $30 Fancy Suits for
Men's $35 Fancy Suits for
Sacks, Norfolks, English sacks;
for men and young men ; all sizes.
Soft grays, hairline stripes, club
checks, two-tones, fine mixtures.
David Reese, foreman of the bridge
crews working on the extension of
the Booth-Ke'ly Lumber Company's
logging road beyond Wendllng. suf
We make Screens to measure at surprisingly low prices. Our machin
ery and facilities enable us to do so. Phone us for an estimate. If
you think our prices are not low enough, don't buy. You are under
no obligation. We also manufacture oak flooring.
Phone East 32, B 2633
Is more) prevalent and more destructive than any other disease suf
fered by mankind, and you should not allow its delusive character to
blind you until the advanced stages have been reached. If you're
nervous, lack ambition and have backache and indigestion, it is al
most certain that the function of the kidneys to remove impurities is
tVj.j jijA impaired and should be
' Warner Saf K.
cis pwmcwiy npoa ia
ser tnat it tones tnese
and establishes a healthy condi
tion if not taken too late. For
36 yeara it has been the standard
remedy for kidney aad liver dis
eases. " I was a great sufferer from
kidney and liver trouble. War
ner's Safe Kidney and Liver
Remedy relieved me at once. It
baa made ma a new person.
Mrs. John Richer. SaltiUo. Mist.
fered a fractured skull yesterday when
another workman accidentally let fall
an eight-pound hammer from a height
of 30 feet. He may recover.
Keep Him
He Is
44 Union Avenue North
remedied immediately.
lHnpv anH I iir-- T? m -Jn
J - -. w AbUlUJ
Kiaael ua uver In such a
1 KiHaer and Liver Ramady
2 Rh lunatic Rmdy
3 Diabates Rcmady
4 Asthma Raoaady
v Nerrina
Write for a free sample giving the
number of remedy desired to
Warner's Saf e Remediee Co.,
Dept. . Rocheter. N. Y.
i 1
MW Out,