The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 13, 1913, SECTION THREE, Image 33

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Advance Fashions By Special Arrangement With Home Journal Pattern Co. We Have Inaugurated a Special Weekly Pattern Service Issued in New York Every Monday
Special 25c Lunch Served Daily in the Basement Manicuring and Hair dressing Parlors, Second Floor Furniture, Carpets, Rugs and Draperies on the Third Floor
Sole Portland agents for
Fowne Bros.' Kid Gloves for
women. Supreme In quality
for over 131 years. Wtei yon -bay
Gloves, bay Fimnw.
All Oregon Electrlo cars stop
a.t our doors. Out-of-town
folks are Invited to make this
their headquarters. Parcels
checked free of charge.
Olds, Wortntan King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Store Honrs Si30 to BiSO Dally. Except Saturday. Saturday Honrs At30 A. M. to 8s3u P. M.
Rest rooms, retiring; rooms,
writing; ' rooms, emergency
hospitals and" nursery for
. mothers with small children
located on the second floor.
Delightful luncheon served
dally In our beautiful fourth
floor Tea Room. Unexcelled
cuisine and reasonable prices.
Have friends - meet you here.
$1 Black Taffeta 89c
Main Floor Special one-day offering of 36-inch
Black Taffeta Silk in a splendid weight and qual
ity for bathing suits, dresses, waists, etc. OQ,
$1.25 quality at 98; $1 quality, yaxd&ZrC
Main Floor 5000 yards of Beautiful Fancy Rib
bons on sale tomorrow at about half price. A
wonderful array of the very newest ef- o O
fects; widths to 5 in.; 65c values, yd. O
$1 Fancy NecRw'r 48c
Main Floor1 Showing the season's most popular
styles in Fluffy Frills, Novelty Collar effects, etc,
in lace, cotton srepes ; excellent values inyjrt
this lot up to $1, your unrestricted choice "OC
$7.00 Cowhide Suit Cases $5.48
24-inch high-grade Cowhide Suitcases with sewn ring Dent. Ofl Fourth Floor
i 31 i i ii i i -ii j i
uanQjes, large ieainer corners, two sirups an aruuiiu, urass
locks and catches. Cloth lined and has shirt flJCJ SiQ
folds. The regular $7.00 value. Special at PJtJ
$5.00 Traveling Bags at $3.98
Black ". seal grained goat leather Traveling Bags, extra
well constructed with large ' leather corners and-leather
lined. These are Bags that will last you a whole lifetime.
Regular $5.00 14-inch Traveling Bags, now only $3.98
Regular $5.50 15-inch Traveling Bags now only S4.48
Regular $6.00 16-inch Traveling Bags now only $4.98
Regular $6.50 17-inch Traveling Bags now only $5.48
$1.75 Matting Suit Oases $1.35; $3.00 grade at $2.48
Double Green Trading Stamps
Tomorrow on Women's Apparel and Millinery Second Floor
"With all cash purchases of "Women's Suits, Coats, "Waists, Dresses, Petticoats, Sweaters, Bathing Suits or Millinery made tomor
row (Monday) we will give double "S. & H. Green Trading Stamps. Checks must be presented at Stamp Booth day purchases
are made in order to get double stamps. A good opportunity to fill out that book and start a new one.
a Great V2 Price Sale Women's Suits
$30.00 Grades $15.00$87.50 Grades $43.75
Suit Department, Second Floor Here's an attractive Suit offering that should prompt hundreds of Portland women
to visit this store tomorrow. Smart tailored Suits from our. best selling lines grouped .for a quick clearance at
just half original prices. .Plain tailored or fancy models in ratine, repps, serges,. fancy stripes, novelty suitings;
also white Suits and white with hairline stripes. Several models in combination styles with serge and novelty
skirts. Skirts have finished waist band with pleats or draped effects. All this season's newest styles.-
Women's $30.00 Tailored Suits, special now, $15.00
Women's $32.50 Tailored Suits, special now, $16.25
Women's $35.00 Tailored Suits, special now, $17.50
Women's $38.50 . Tailored Suits, special now, $19.25
Women's $45.00 Tailored Suits, special now, $22.50
Women's $47.50 Tailored Suits, special now, $23.75
I Women's $50.00 Tailored Suits, special now, $25. OO
Women's $52.50 Tailored Suits, special now, $26.25
women's $55.00 Tailored Suits, special now, $27.50
Women's $58.50 Tailored Suits, special now $29.25
Women's $67.50 Tailored Suits, special now, $33.75
Women's $87.50 Tailored Suits, special now, $43.75
Women's and Misses9 Coats Are Specially Reduced
$15.00 Coats Now $11.25 $48.00 Coats Now. $36.37
Garment Department, Second Floor Hardly a day throughout the Summer but what you will need a wrap of
some sort. This timely offering of women 's and misses ' Coats brings to hand a splendid opportunity to save. A
wonderful variety of styles in plain tailored effects or fancy draped effects in Silk Moire, Silk Poplins, Brocaded
Silks, Fancy Pongees, Silk Messalines, Silk Crepe and Two-toned Bulgarian Silks. Also a superb line of plain and
fancy wool Coats in an excellent line of sizes for both women and misses.. Remember, these are from our regular
stock and consequently are the best in style, fabric and finish. Double trading stamps on cash pur- CO? iT
chases in this department tomorrow. $15.00 to $48.00 Coats now selling at from $11.25 up to VWOtO
Women's One-Piece Silk and Wool Dresses at !4 Off
Full Line of Women's and Children's Bathing Suits
Garment Department, Second Floor Getting ready for
the beach f.- Don't overlook our stock of . Bathing Suits,
for we carry the largest and most complete line in the
city. Styles to be. worn with bloomers-or- tights.. Alpaca;
mohair, taxieta, moire, satin, etc., trimmed with JBuJga-
Special Sale
Trimmed Hats at
White and Colors.
Second Floor Visitors to our Mil
linery Department tomorrow will find
a rare bargain, awaiting them. We
have picked about 200 of our best
trimmed Hats and grouped them in
one' big lot for quick clearance, and
the price we have put -upon them bare
ly covers cost of materials alone. The
season '8 latest and best JO QQ
styles. Choice tomorrow P
Wonderful Sale of Corsets
Grades Selling Regularly at
From $6.50 to $25.00 .
Special Tomorrow atM$$ki
Second Floor Tomorrow will usher in the great
est sale of Corsets ever held in the Northwest
It will be launched with a firm determination of
making this our banner week in the corset de
partment. . Every woman who studies the fash
ions will readily appreciate the unusual saving
opportunity this sale presents. On account of the
extreme low price put upon these corsets it will
be impossible -for us to fit them during this sale.
Included in this sale are the famous Mme. Mari
ette Corsets, which sell regularlv at $6.50, $10.00,
$12.00, $15.00, $18.50 and '$20.00 a pair and our
entire stock of Mme. Helene Corsets, which sell
regularly at $10.00, $12.00, $18.00 PO OCT
and $25.00. On sale at low price of
New Today New "Mermaid" Corsets for bath
ing, beach and general athletic wear. Priced at
$1.00, $1.50 and $2.50. They come in all sizes.
"Baby Week" Sale Infants9 Wear
Second Floor Experienced saleswomen who know thoroughly the needs
of children are here to help you make your selections of Infants' Wear.
Free Baby Book.
Ask for one.
Garment Department, Second Floor Choose from this
special group of Silk, and Wool Dresses tomorrow at a
clear saving of 25 per cent. Popular Russian blouse
models or combination styles -of. foulards and eharmeuse.
Over 250 Dresses in 'this special offering. Materials in
clude wool, serge, Bedford cords, ratine, black and white
checks, wool challies and all the popular silks. Double
Stamps with purchases in -this dep't all day tomorrow.
$20.00 Dresses at $15.00
$27.50 Dresses at $20.63
$32.50 Dresses at $24.38
$35.00 Dresses at $26.25
$40.00 Dresses at $30.00
$42.50 Dresses at $31.88
$45.00 Dresses at $33.75
$50.00 Dresses at $37.50
rian collars and-cuffs, fancy braid and silkpipings.
Great many different styles to select C0T-0
from, and all sizes.-Priced $2.75 to POW
Children rs Bathing Suits in flannel, brilliantine and
Jersey, plain' of trimmed, Ages 2 to 14; $1.25 to $7
Bathing Shoes, Caps, Etc. Full assortment, plain and
fancy Caps, Shoes, Water Wings, - Suit Bags, etc., etc.
Silk Petticoats at
$2.49 ,;
Bargain Circle, Main Floor Messa
line, Taffeta and JerseyjTTop- Petti
coats in newest colors, some in the
popular changeable effects, with or
without underlays. On 2JO
sale Special low price P&t7
Lingerie Waists,' 98c High or low
neck, long or short sleeves. Many at
tractive styles and full line of sizes.
Fine Hand-Made Slips
Made plain Bishop style or with
dainty yokes, very best materials.
Reg. $2.00 Slips, special, . $1.35
Reg. $2.50 Slips, special, $1.67
Reg. $3.00 Slips, special, $2.00
Reg. $4.25 Slips, special, $2.94
Reg. $5.00 Slips, special, $3.34
'-Nainsook Bishop Slips, spcl, 49J
Infants' Yoke Style Dresses, 79?
Hand emb. pique Buggy' Robes 1-2
Cassimere Sacques, Robes 1-4 off
Infants' Sacques. slightly soiled,
now on sale at just . 1-2 Price
Arnold's, Reuben's and Zummerli
Knit Goods special for tomorrow.
Ask for Free Baby Book
An Important Sale of Women's Blouses
Lot 1 Women's and Misses' high
grade Blouses, dainty lingerie,
voiles and crepes styled with long
or short sleeves and high or low
necks. Attractively trimmed with
pretty laces, embroidery, pin
tucks, pleats, fancy, frills, etc. A
few models have fancy lace and
net yokes. Ordinarily these would
sell at $5.00 to $6.00 J0 AQ
your choice, now p-"
Lot 2 Charming styles in the'
daintiest of sheer material 1 for
warm weather wear. Lingerie,
voiles, cotton crepes, batistes, etc.
Beautifully trimmed with clusters
of fine pleated frills, fine laces,
hand-embroidered, etc." High or
soft roll collars, long or., elbow
sleeves. Fropt or back fastenings
and all sizes. Spe- 3J vj. 7Q
cially priced at only P" J
Lot 3 Dainty sheer voiles, crepes,
batistes, lawns, marquisettes, eto.,
in scores of beautiful new. models,
many of them trimmed with hand
embroidery, while others ' have
fine tucks, Cluny, Val. and Irish
crochet laces, novelty buttons, etc.
High or low neck, long or short
sleeves. Some with sof t . roll col
lars. AH sizes. Now 3?3- QCS
priced at only
Mid-Summer Sale of Men's Clothing
Entire Stock of Fancy Suits at Reduced Prices
Men's Store, iilain Floor, Morrison Street Way About this time every year we hold our Annual Sale
of-Men's' and Boys' Fancy Suits. -It is our aim to reduce the lines to the lowest possible level in order
that we may start each season with bright, fresh merchandise.. We don't believe you'll find a finer
assortment of styles,- fabrics and patterns in the city to choose from and the tailoring is of -the best.
All Men's $12.50 Fancy Suits on sale $ 9.38
All Men's $15.00 Fancy Suits on sale gll.25
All Men's $18.00 Fancy Suits on sale $13.45
All Men's $20.00 Fancy Suits on sale $14:95
All Men's $25.00 Fancy Suits on sale $18.75
All Men's $30.00 Fancy Suits on sale $S2.5Q
All Men's $35.00 Fancy Suits on sale $26.25
Boys' Reg. $ 5.00 Fancy Norfolks, $ 3.75
Boys' Reg. $ 7.50 Fancy Norfolks, $ 5.60
Boys' Reg. $ 8.50 Fancy Norfolks, $ 6.35
Boys' Reg. $10.00 Fancy Norfolks,, $ 7.45
Boys' Reg. $12.50 Fancy Norfolks, $ 9.35
Boys' Reg. $15.00 Fancy Norfolks, $11.25
Boys' Fancy and Blue Serge Norfolks Reduced
Buy a Standard
"Central Needle"
Sold on the $1.00 Week Easy Pay
ment Club Plan.
If yon haven't been told or shown
what a Standard Central Needle
Sewing Machine will do, you don't
know the possibilities of a GOOD
machine. We have an expert sew
ing machine woman in charge of
our- department and she will be
pleased to personally instruct those
who buy their machines at this
store. Remember, a lifetime guar
antee goes with Standard Machines.
Sole Agents Richardson's Irish Linens
Table Linens and Domestics, Main Floor
This is "Opportunity Week" in the Domestic Aisle. Hundreds of special
bargains in household needs of all kinds. S. & H. Stamps with purchases.
Sale of Heavy Linen Tablecloths.
Size 66x72 inches, special $1.48
Size 66x90 inches, special $1.78
Size 66x108 inches, special $2.25
Special sale of White and Colored
Mercerized Table Linens. Full line
of all colors. Extra fine quality.
Specially priced now at yard, 75
Totvels9 Sheets, Pillow Slips at Less
Bedspreads $2.25 Full
cially priced now at only $2.25 each.
Bedspreads $1.18 Large size cro
chet spreads in . fancy patterns.
Dresser Scarfs S8c Size 22x6J in
Hemstitched, extra Jieavy. ' All
6heets, sheetings, cases, etc., reduced.
Tea Cloths 78c Fancy embroidered
linen tea ' cloths m several designs.
Specially priced now at, each, 78
Guests' Bath Towels, special 38
Colored Bath Towels, special 65
Large size sheets,- special at 58
2 yd. Wear-U-Well sheeting at 2l
2Y4. yd. Wear-TJ-Well sheeting 23
Main , Floor, Aider . Street Way.
$5 to $1 0 Lace Curtains $2.48
Draperty Dept., Third Floor To dispose of several hundred odd
pairs of curtains we quote a drastic reduction. Irish flJO AtSt
points, Cluny, French Nets, Brussels Nets, etc. Pair V'TfO
$3.50 Covered Shirt Waist Boxes Now $1.98
$2.00 Fancy Pillow Tops Only 48c
Fancy Covered Shirt Waist
Boxes. Great many different de
signs. Rg. $3.50 vals, $1.98
Entire Stock
Irish Laces Now
14 Off
Main Floor Tomorrow we offer our
entire stock of Real Linen, Cluny and
Irish Laces, at exactly one-fourth off
the regular marked prices. An im
mense asortment of styles in edges
and insertions. Choice m f-ff-for
one day ' only , at Vff.
$1.25 Embroideries 68c
Main Floor 27-inch Swiss flouncing
in all the newest designs. Regular
values up to $1.25 a yard. JO
Special for one day only at "Ol
Tapestry and , Velour Pillow
Tops in richest of colorings. Val
ues up to $2.00 at, each, 48
9x22 Crex Grass Rugs, Special Now at $7.25
$4.00 Carpet Samples Tomorrow 98c
9x12 "Crex" Grass Rugs in II Royal Wilton Carpet Border
green and brown with fancy Samples, bound. 1 - yard
borders. SpeciaL each, $7.25 I! lengths. Worth $4.00 a yard.
Just In New line of Cedar Chests and Boxes, made with trays.
Prices for tomorrow range from $10 up. ' A' great many styles.
At the seashore or mountains or
wherever you go on your vacation
you'll want to take . with you a
supply of toilet needs. We guar
antee Maurine Preparations mon
ey back if not satisfactory in every
way. Free full treatment given in
the Rest Rooms on the second floor
tomorrow. Come and investigate.
Sale 2000 Wash Remnants Tomorrow Half Price
Bargain Circle, Main Floor Warm days are now at hand and here's a wonderful opportunity
to buy the Summer wash materials at half price. Short lengths of dainty wash fabrics in
lawns, batistes, crepes, ratine, dimities and novelties of every description for dresses, waists,
unaerwear, cnuaren's wear, etc. A vast assortment or tloral and figured 1 fitPJJjrt
effects, also plain white. We place them on sale for one day only at just
I Men's $4 and $5 Shoes Special$3.35
titgn or ioiv curs au sttzes
Main Floor Special one-day sale of Men's
Shoes and Oxfords at a decided reduction. This
includes our entire stock of $5.00 tan Oxfords
in lace or button styles and high Shoes in tan
calf, brown vici, gunmetal and velour calf.
Burt & Packard's-famous $5 Shoes also to go
at this price. For tomorrow only J Q Q CZ
men's $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes at V"uO
Women's Linen Boots at $2.69
Regular $3.50 Grade
Main Floor 1500 pairs women's white Linen
Boots in all the popular lasts with Cuban heel.
The regular $3.50 grade every- JJO fZCk
where. All sizes. Special, a pair, UI?
&ale Motor Shawls
Steamer Robes
At Special Prices '
Third Floor Your traveling outfit is not
complete without ,one of these wool Motor
Shawls or Steamer Robes. Tomorrow we
price them at a great saving. Plain colors
or fancy plaid effects. Good heavy grades.
$6.50 Wool Shawls or Robes now $4.75
$7.50 Wool Shawls or Robes now $5.25
$9.00 Wool Shawls or Robes now $5.95
$12.00 Wool Shawls or Robes now $7.95
$15.00 Wool Shawls or Robes now $9.95
$17.50 Wool "Shawls or Robes now $11.75
$20.00 Wool Shawls or Robes now $13.75
Special Sale of Enameled Cooking Utensils
Department Third Floor
High-Grade, Extra Heavy Gray Enameled Ware. Blue and
.White Triple-Coated Ware. Best Pure White Enameled Ware.
40o 13x9x2-in. Gray Enameled Biscuit Pan, special price, 32
12c 16-in. Gray Enameled Basting Spoons, special price at 9J
12c 3-in Gray Enameled Solid Ladles, special price at 9S
20c one-pint Gray Enameled Funnels, -specially priced at 16
Gray Enameled
No. 80 Enameled Tea Kettles, only
40c. 2-quart Coffee Pots, special.
45c 4-qt. Cot. Berlin Bailee Pan at
60c 6-qt. Covered Berlin Kettles, only
70c 2-qt. Enanieled Double Boilers at
75c 8-qt. Straight Sauce Pans, only
85c 8-qt. Lipped Preserving- Kettles.
13c 2-qt. Pudding- Pans, deep, only
40c 10-qt. Enameled Dish Pans,' only
86c 10-ln. Seamless Colanders, only .
18c 9-ln. Deep Pie Plates at only
18c Deep Cake Pans, special.' only
20a 5-ln. Fruit Jar Fillers, special.
19o 2H-qt. Lipped Sauce Pans, only
IKo 64 -In. Flat Pierced Skimmer at
66o 10ttxlB-ln. Seamless S. Pan at
18c 9 8-8x5 (-8 Deep Bread Pan. only
Blue and White
65c 3-pt. Covered Berlin Kettles at "43C
65c 5-pt. Covered Berlin Kettles at 50C
47c 8-pt. Lipped Preserving Kettles. 36c
60c 14-Rt. Lipped Preserving? Kettles, -48c
95c 2-pt. Double Boilers, special, at 75
81.25 4-pt. Double Boilers, special, -SI. OO
25c 3-pt. Lipped .Sauce Pans, only 20
83c 5-pt. Lipped Sauce Pans, only 26
81.50 Mo. 8 Enameled Tea Kettles, S1.20
81.20 21-qt. Enameled Dish Pans at 96
96c 2-qt. Seamless Coffee Pots, only 75
85c 1-qt. Seamless Tea Pots, only 67c
35c 9-ln. Deep-Tubed Cake Pans -at 27c
81.10 10-qt. Seamless Water Pail at 88c
57o 2-qt. Covered Buckets, special, 43
55o. 2-at. Graduated Measuron. nnlir .-i 't
i 45o 6H-ln. Seamless Soup Strainers, 3 -4C
White and White
81.10 5-qt. Covered Sauce Pans, only 88c
81.30 6-qt. Covered Sauce Pans at Sl.O-
81.55 '8-qt. Covered Sauce Pans at SI. 24
81.00 1-qt. Covered Lipped Sauces, SOC
81.10 2-qt. Lipped Sauce Pans, only 88c
82.15 7-qt. Enameled Tea Kettles, S1.T2
81.10 10-qt. Seamless Water Pall at 88
81.10 2-pt- Enameled Double Boiler. 88c
90c 2-qt. Milk Kettles, special, only 720
56c 6-in. Enameled Soup Strainers, 43c
75c 11-ln. Enameled Oolanders only OC
22c 9-ln. Enameled Pie Plates."- only 17C
23c 9-ln. Jelly Cake Pans, special, at 18c
66o 8-qt. Lip. Preserving- Kettles at 50C
65c Enameled Water Pitchers at only 50t
jdo .cn&ineiea nanaiea jups at only
15c Handled Straight Mugs at only
65a 1 -quart Measures, special, only