i THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 13, 1913. ir r FOR SALE. BIGGEST BARGAINS OF THB SEASON. A $3200 Baker electric with coupe body for four passengers and Victoria body for two passengt rs, new Urea and extra tiro, batteries Just gone over, cleaned and put in good ehapo like new, car looks like new, at about qne-third of what it cost or illOO; it must be sold. 1912 roadster, well-known car. Just be ing overhauled, for leas thau one-half what it originally cost; if you can use a roadster, don't overlook this bargain; the terms and price will sure suit you. A six-cylinder Wlnton, four-passenger. In exceptionally good shape, has had tne best care, equipped complete, with two ex tra casings, to appreciate this buy it must be seen ; offering this splendid buy for one-third Its original cost, or $1000. 1500 to 20OO pounds truck, well-known make, with good dump body, ready for work, for $ou; almost nothing for it. but another case it must be Hold. Several others that you would call good buys ; our used cars are continually changing and before you buy, it will pay you to call and see the bargains that we are offering. C. L. BOSS & CO., 615-61 7 Washington St. Marshall 4022. A 4959. SEE US FIRST FOR REAL BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Chalmers 30, model K, 4-pass., pony tonneau, in finest condition, cost $2000 ; price $H75. lull Overland 80, 5-passenger, foredoor, IDll Overland 30, foredoor roadster, practically new, $4S5. I'.ill Flanders 2u, roadster, $325. lifll Overland 30, 6 -pass., $450. 1112 Old smo bile, 7 -pass., new, cost $4K; price $1350. 1012 Stearins Knight 30, 5 -pass., cost $4K); price $1050. IU10 Overland 80, roadster, $350. 1912 Warren 30, foredoor, roadster, $700. peerless SO, 5-pass., finest condition, would make fine truck; original cost $4000; price $575. CUSTOM -HOUSE AUTO CO., EA 13th and Hawthorne Ave. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. Alder street at 15th. One 1011 Maxwell runabout In good con' dltion and fully equipped for $300. One Buick roadster, fully equipped, for S4DU. One Cadillac, newly painted and In fine condition, for $575. One Chalmers 30, a real bargain for One Parry, a snap for $450. One Bulck delivery in fine condition. Tor 1450. Two 5-ton trucks will sacrifice for quick sale. Main 1161. A 4837. Open Sundays. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. Alder street at 15th. PACKARD8, We have a few used cars for sale left by owners who have purchased new Pack ard. 1 fore-door, 7-passenger six. 1 fore-door,- 5-passonger four. 1 fore-door, 2-passenger runabout. 1 7-passenger open car. FRANK C. KIGGS, 33d and Washington Sts. 1 1911 E. M. F. 30 H. P. TOURING car In good running condition, $55-0. 1 1011 4-pass. Cadillac, with detachable tonneau ; has been thoroug hly overhauled, repainted and has a great deal of extra equipment, $ 1000. 1 1012 Chu iliac touring car, overhauled and repainted, $ 1400. If you are looking for a good used car, x let us show you one of these. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. 2Mst and Wash. .sts. Main 62"44. SEE IT TODAY. Seven -passenger Stevens-Duryea, full equipment, just been overhauled and re painted, at a bargain ; will sell on terms; no real estate. THE WIXTON MOTOR CAR CO., Factory Branch, 23d and Washington Sts. Portland, Oregon. 7-PASSENGER Wlnton Six. repainted, nickel finished guarantee for one year; overhauled and new tires; will terms; no real estate. THE WLNTON MOTOR CAR CO., Factory Branch, 23d and Washington Sts. Portland, Oregon. $2500 FIRST MORTGAGE. TO TRADE FOR A-l MACHINE; NOTHING CONSIDERED UNDER 1912; MUST BE WORTH THE MONEY; THIS MORTGAGE IS ONE YEAR ON $10,000 FARM. 7J4 LEWIS BLDG. MARSHALL 420O. OA RFORD 7-pass., fully equipped, tires good, newly painted ; see it today; price will suit careful buyer. MOTOR BUREAU. 009 Washington Street. Main UU22. 1912 TWIN Merkel, with speedometer, new bearings, $150; 1911 Twin Merkel, good order, $125. terms ; 1912 Twin Harley, Presto and tandem, 'perfect -condition, $200 ; several good bicycles. Hamilton Ac Blocker. 228 First st. 191 2 STUDEBAKER "30," foredoor road ster, nickel trimmed, oversized tires, cut out, like now, at cheap figure. MOTOR BUREAU. 009 Washington St. Main 0U22. 6-PASS EN GE It, 1912 car, of well-known make, 4o horsepower, never been used ; price $2400 and will consider part trade for unincumbered property. AF 212, Oregonian. OAKLAND ROADSTER. Fine condition, fully equipped, pigskin upholstering, looks like new ; a real bar gain. Ask for demonstrator Mohr runa bout. 600 Washington st. Main 6022. SPECIAL BARGAINS. We have a 1911 5 -passenger car, fully equipped, nne condition ; win taK3 -passenger roadster in as part payment. 330 Eurnslde st. (i-CYLINDER, 7-passenger Pierce-Arrow, cheap for cash or payments if secured , exchange for Portland property. 771 E. Burnslde st. East 4 Go 2. CLEAR lots to exchaiiKe for Rood 5-nassen ger car. Must be lute model and In good condition. st. Charles Land Co., t. Charles Hotel, Portland. PACKARD 18, 5-passenger. just newly paint ed and in first-class condition: owner leav ing city for the East; quick sale wanted; price x w it, urKoiuau. I HAVE S LOTS IN ALAMEDA PARK TO TRADE FOR GOOD 5 OR 7-PASS. AUTO UP TO $3000 EVEN UP. PHONE SELL WOOD 10-40. FOR SALE 0-Passenger Plerce-Arrow, In beat of condition at price, will take smaller car in exchange. Phone Sunday, Tabor 47S5. Call 822 Cham, of Com, bldg. 6-PASS Cadillac, fully equipped, electric light, top, windshield, demountable rims, fine running order, good tires ; price $550 cash. Call 191 4th st. B U IC K, 0-pass., $ 1 95 , MOTOR BUREAU, 809 Washington Street. Main 0922. LOCOMOBILE, chtiln-drive 40, 4-passenger, equipped with seal covers and electric lights. Will sell for $1000. AD 224, Ore gonian. ONE 40 11. P. Oakland chassis, body burned off same; chassis and engine In good con- dition; will soil cheap. Landy Auto Co., 531 Alder. FOR SALE "Rellablw" gas range and water heater, used one year, and 1 dozen White Leghorn hens. AT 2 IS, Oregonian. 7-11. P. 1912 Indian motorcycle, with Presto Lite tank and tad em ; all in perfect con d it ion : fur qu Irk falo. $ 1 70. '2-J4 4th st. CADILLAC, 6-pnssenger. in fine condition. lOuO model; must sell at nnce for $000. AO 21M, Oregonian. 2-TON truck, used only a month or two, original price $29Su; will sell for $2000 and give terms. AD 223, Oregonian. 7-PASS. Stoddard Dayton in first-class con dition; will sell or trade In city lot. Call Monday, East 5553. EXCHANGE automobile and cash for equity in lot or house and lot, B 1S9, Oregonian. WANTED 1913 5-passenger auto in ex change for flrst-clas lots on carllne; cash value $1200. A.F 190. Oregonian. 4-PASS.. 4-cy Under, five lamps, top, glass windshield, newly painted; cash $300. Phone Wood 1 awn 202 5. WHITE 30. perfect condition; touring bodies: both $854. delivery and eitner $75o. Snead, 103 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 2948. DANDY 1912 Reading Standard motorcycle, equipped, tires first-class, $140, $50, $20 P'T mouth. 350 Alder. TWIN R. S. motorcyclo,ftne tires, tandem, $S0. 350 A 1 d er. 1 S-FOOT launch. 4-H. P., new; at a bar gain. 64 H Hood st. G. Bergersen. HOUSE BO ATS, new and used. J. L. Gil- ham, 1066 Front st. moorings. A 3471. NICK EL-PLATE your car In 2 days, port- LandUS-& Mfg. Jj:o. Main943, A 5282. FIVE acres land In cultlvatlon"and some cash for auto. M 216. Oregonian. 5-PASSENGER Cadillac, fine condition, for sale or trade. AC 216. Pregqnian. 5-PASS., good condition, for unincumbered real estate. AM 211. Oregonian. TWO Coos Bay lots, lirst. payment on 7-pass- enrer auto. K 2"9. Oregonian. $150 CASH buys 5-paBseuger automobile. Phone East 2Q12 FOL:r-HORSEPOWer 1912 model Pone $&5. 2ttt Kast 40th. uw "pe FOR Miscellaneous. SACRIFICE. SALE OR TRADE. MOTOR BOAT ( 32 -FOOT) FIRST CLASS. NEW ENGINE. 6-CYLINDER, 16 M1I,ES PER. NEW BOATHOUSE. COST HboO. MAKE OFFER, "CASH OR TRADE." ALSO, STOREROOM (WITH LIVING ROOMS, AND 2 LOTS. AT "SIFTON, WASH. END OF NEW CARLINE KVOOD OPENING FOR RESTAURANT, ETC.), NEAR VANCOUVER, WORTH $1200. MAKE OFFER. ALSO, "STANDARD ANEROID," WORTH $75. N E A RLT N E W. AD ' DRESS OW N E R J V M . ED W IN, P. O. BOX 222. PORTLAND. FIPE! PIPE! PIPEI We carry a large stock of pipe, new and second-hand ; black and galvanized, from up to 8 in. We save you 50 per cent on pipe. We also carry a full lino of plumbing supplies, new and second-hand; come in and get our prices, or ask through mail. Don't miss this chance of getting our prices, as it will pay. NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO., 203, 205, 205H Front Street, Bet. Salmon and Taylor. Phone Main 6631. BARGAIN. Launch, 20 feet long, top. glass front, cylinder, 4-cycle engine; fully equipped boathouse and engine, new last Summer, electric lights, horn, bell, tools, chairs, all flrst-ctnss shape. See Ray Gas En gine Hospital. House No. 12, foot Ells worth, or East 5627. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LEVIN Hardware & Furniture Co., 221 Front St., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. If you have anything in this line call Main 0072. Our buyer calls promptly. TEAMS WANTED Want to rent 15 to 30 teams, with harness, by the month; good feed, good care; three months' work; slip scraper work mostly. phone evenings, Black 3 15. Oak Grove. WE buy for cash second-hand National cash registers and sell them on easy terms. W. J. Macauley, 354 BurnsiUe st. Phone Main i 116. A 1816. WE BUY CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. Highest prices paid for ladles' and men s cast-off clothing and shoes. Call Main 2('S0 234 First, The Globe. HOUSEBOAT "completely furnished, price reduced, four rooms and bath ; moored at Oregon Yacht Club. Apply at House boat No. 4., Oregon Yacht Club. WE want to buy $1000 worth of second hand furniture In the next 30 days and pay all the cash it is worth. WUliams ave. Furniture Exchange. East 630. TINTING $2.50 up; paperhanging and painting reasonable. Joe Marshall, phone Marshall 1907. WANTED Large second-hand tent cheap ; state size and price. A, E. Emmett. Box 1164. LADY would like to care for home during Summer in exchange for home, -best refer ences given. V 2-13, Oregonlan. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE WANTED. Buyer calls promptly; estimates given. 184 1st., near Yamhill. Main 4773. WILL pay cash for a gasoline marine en gine from 15 to so horsepower; no cripples. A K 210, Oregonian. WANTED Typewriter in exchange for printing; must be good. AB 2ol, Orego nlaii. FAIR DEAL We pay best price for second band c'othir.g and furniture. Call Main 02V2. 00 N. 3d. M. Glickman, prop. WANTED Set books entitled "Messages and Papers of the Presidents." AM 205, Ore gonlan. B1RDSEYE maple chiffonier and glass cen ter table in good condition; must be cheap. Phone Tabor 3500. WANTED Small second-hand tent. Phone Marshall 3S47. WANTED Steel wood range In good con dition. AR 210, Oregonian. NEAT kalsomining, $2.50 room, woodwork cleaned, painting, etc. M aln 820. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlor, 400 Dekura bldg. WANT slightly used blue or light suit, about size SO; state price. AS 195, Oregonian, WANTED to buy. small second-hand ca&h register. Call phone Taoor 2 NATIONAL cash register; price must be reasonable. Phone Main 606, A 3006. WANTED Upright piano; will give equity modern bungai ow. Tabor 4704. CAMERA W ANTE D watch for camera. -Will trade a good X 211, Oregonian. WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur niture; highest prices paid. Sellwood 1682. WE PAY highest prices for second-hand clothing. 204 3d st. Phone Main 9263. SECOND-HAND goods bought for cash or taken in exchange for new. Tabor 4349, WANTED Second-hand furnace la good condition. East 5SS9. HIGHEST prices paid for cast off clothiag and shoes. Marshall 2354. FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Main 8951, A 2445. HEIJ WANTED MALE. REALTY SALESMAN. Opening for a good, energetic man ca pable of handling inside trades. Largo listing of good properties at your com mand. An office that does things when times are not the best. Sco Manager City Dept. T1AE FRED A. JACOBS CO., 209 Wash. St. BRIGHT young boy; opportunity to learn the automobile business; little pay to start; must live home. Apply H 215, Ore gonian. . WANTED Intelligent collector for first class proposition. Unlimited possibilitiei to right party. Merchants Collection Bu reau, 517 Henry bldg. ' BOY over 16 years for light farm work for Summer home and small wages; state ref erences, age, etc. F. Dayton, Milwaukie, Or., R. F. D. 1. - SEVERAL live salesmen to sell the best coal in the market for established concern having exclusive agency iu state. AF 201, Oregonian. WANTED Planing mill graders for night work must be experienced. Apply Pe ninsula Lumber Co., foot of McKenna avo. ; take St. Johns car. YOUNG man wanted to learn the mfg. lew elry business, one with some experience preferred. Apply A. G. Myers jo., room 25 Russell bldg., 4th and Morrison. WANTED Experienced window trimmer. cardwriter and advertiser; state salary. Address Billy Department store, Eugene, Oregon. WANTED Young gentlemen for vaudeville act; must play accordion or saxophone; no talking. AO 214, oregonian. WANTED Exceptional young man to quote freight rates In railroad office ; state age and experience. am. an, oregonian. CREDIT and general office man of expert ence in wholesale house. AO 212, Orego nian. WANTED High-grade specialty salesman for follow-up calls. Good money for the right man. B 3 90, Oregonian. WANTED House-to-house solicitor to call on best residential section with high grade specialty. B 195, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced farm hand; a permanent job for a married man; a Ger man or Dane desired. L 183, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced gasoline engine, salesman ; state salary, experience and reference. J 202, Oregonian. WANT EI 2 good newspaper solicitors. Ap ply 701-2 Spalding bldg., bet. 4 and 6 P. M. Tuesday. BOY for small farm, not under 18 years old; must have experience. AG 212, Ore gonian. WANTED By established firm, experienced house-to-house solicitor ; exceptional money-maker. R 215, Oregonian. MAN wanted to work on wooisaw or buy same on easy payments. Phone Tabor ' 4329. WILL pay two men mighty well to sell stock in high-class corporation ; no "blue sky" in thi3. J 208, Oregon ian. WANTED A Royal Invincible sanderman ; must be first -class; state experience. AR 21 S, Oregonian. WE can use a few first-class solicitors for house-to-house canvassing. Grand Union Tea Co. MAN of good address for employment agency; good pay to right party. AR 211, Oregon ian. WANT to hire 3 teams and teamsters. 183 , Madison st. V, ANTED A registered druggist. Address AV 158. Oregonian. TWO steamfltter's helpers; must be first class. A. L. Howard. 451 U Morrison st. WANTED Man and wife for farm work. finj nenry uiug. WASH man for institution. F 209, Orego nian. STARCH ER and polisher. New Method ijaunary, -suo isi., xioquiam. Wash. WANTED Heading sawyer., Apply Western Cooperate Co.. b22 Corbett bldg. PHOTO COUPON agents, new winning con test off'?r. Sarony Studio. .'46 Morrlnon. PHOTO coupon, best offered, beauty contest started. Cutberth Studio. Dekum bldg. SALESMEN" and diet. mgrs. for Orejcon. Nat. Casualty Co., 501 Railway Exeta. Dldg WANTED Man and wife to work on dairy farm. Phone Sellwood 849, HELP WANTED MALE. HELP FOR ALL WORK FOR ALL at the PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, 222 and 224 Couch st., bet. 1st and 2. Phones Main 6570. Marshall 1139, A 1406. Open Sunday 8 A. M. to 3 P. M. SPECIAL WANTS TODAY. Millwrights, $4. Ratchet setter, small mill, $3. Gang trlmraerman, $4. Off-bearer, large mill. $2.75. Head off-bearer. $2.75 up. Three graders from planers, $2.50 and $2.75. Three sash and door machine men, $2.75 to $3.50. Teamster, haul ties, $37.50 and board. Two lumber truck teamsters, city, $2.50. Two lumber truck teamsters, country mills. $2.5t) up. Ten yardmen, city, $2.25 and $2.50. 25 men for large sawmill Just starting, wages $2.50 to $4. 12 men for pipeline work. Just starting "P. long Job, wages $2.50 up, 9 hours a day. Two boiler-makers, citv $4. 50 laborers, city, $2.50. 9 hours. Two teams to haul shingle bolts, $1 50 cord. Two lumber trimmers, city, $2.50. Bridge carpenters. $2.75 and $3. Ten mill and yardmen, $2.50 to $3. Loggers, $2.50 to $5. Woodcutters, $1.25 cord. Rest, waiters. $12 to $15 week. Waiter, clubhouse, $40 month. Dishwashers. $9, $10 and $12 week. Swiss milkers, $40. Fifteen farmhands, $30, $35 and $40. Frve milkers. $40 up. Ranch blacksmith, $05 and board. Newsboys, railway service. Section men. log road. $2.50. Others too numerous to mention. Hundreds of new Joba every day. Open Sunday 8 A. U. to 8 P. M. Don't Forget the Place. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY 222 and 224 Couch st- bet. 1st and 2. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. I WANT A LIVE MAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF SALES OF HOUSES. LANDS AN D AC RE AG E ; GO'vD OPPO RTUNITY FOR THE RIGHT PARTY; ALSO CAN USE TWO SALESMEN; PAY GOOD COMMISSION", AND HAVE PROPERTY THAT WILL SELL IF ANT DOES. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO. SEE MR. DERR, 272 STARK ST. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED SALES MAN FOR OREGON, WASHINGTON AND MONTANA TO SELL OUR POPULAR PRICED LINE OF MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING; ONLY MEN WITH BEST OF REFERENCES NEED TO APPLY. FELIX ROTHSCHILD &. CO.. 320 SO FRANKLIN ST.. CHICAGO. CAPABLE salesmen, men experienced mer cantile lines, exclusive territory; Cham pion complete accountant (fireproof), all fteel combination account system, cash system, desk, which when closed forms a fireproof safe; our men are making from oOO to $800 per month. Champion Reg lster Co., Cleveland, O. SALESMEN Manufacturer of leading line among fast selling nationally advertised goods sold In hardware, furniture and de partment stores has splendid sideline prop, osition to offer few business-getting sales men. Write quick. General Mgr., 1340 W. Bancroft, Toledo, O. EXPERIENCED specialty paint salesman with successful record among architect and large building traAe on Pacific Coast to represent lance Eastern ntirt. excellent connection to right man; state h-ouiiwuuiis mm experience. Colorcraft Company. Cleveland. O. WANTED by the Continental Casualty Com pany, experienced accident and health In surance agents; liberal home office com mission contracts will be made, whereby the right party can create a pei manent paying business. Call or write Room 4O0. Oregonian bldg., Portland. Or. SALESMAN, LACE AND EMBROIDERY IMPORTERS, Well established trade, Oregon, adjoining territory; excellent opportunity right man with established trade, Fuld, 447 Broad way. New York. CAPABLE experienced salesman, one with general experience preferred; good opening iwi 111M.1J mat, can aeuver acquaintance with wholesalers and brewers; desirable; submit references and full particulars. P. O. box 9M3. Tacoma, Wash. PREMIUM salesman, side line, aluminum specialties; great demand at present from newspapers, tea, coffee trade, grocers, itc. business everywhere; write, stating experi ence. Aluminum Products Company. La Grange. 111. v SALESMAN for general mercantile trade Oregon to sell NEW proposition of MERIT Vacancy now; attractive commission con tract; $35 weekly for expenses. Miles F. Blxler Co., wholesale jewelers, 220-28 Car lin bldg.. Clevelund. Ohio. SALESMAN Experienced any line, to sell general trade Oregon; unexcelled specialty proposition; commission contract; $35 weekly for expenses. Continental Jewelry y--a v-ii i mrrw um.t LiCVClanq, OhlO. WANTED Am securing a crew for new high-class cafeteria and lunch, to be open ed about August 1; give age, experience, present occupation, reference and phone number. C 296, Oregonian. A MAN who can run a light motor truck and take care of It; must be married and l)e willing- to move into one of our houses $46 Clinton at $12 or 615 4th at $18. Ed wards Company, 101 1st St. CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with staple line; high commission with 1 nn monthly advance; permanent position to iiKut man. jess . &mitii jo., Detroit. Mich. TWO to four hundred monthly salary or commission selling high-class paints, var nishes, white lead, many other exclusive specialties, no competition. Finishing Prod ucts Co., Cleveland, O. STOCK SALESMEN If you are a first-class salesman and wish ner manent em nlnvmnni ,amn i. of rapidly-growing local corporation, call HUSKY young man, about 17. irood Annoor ance. to work in general store In suburb; must be absolutely honest and furnish good references; one not afraid of work. y. n. jjupuy, iv en ion. WANTED Young man to work In lumber uiiiyuuy BLore; must nave nign school edu cation, and butcher shon pxiipripnco ferred. Apply 505 Lumbermens bide 7 NEW JERSEY PRINTED STRING CO INC., io Montgomery, Jersey City, requires traveling salesmen each state tn vanHi. sideline; salable everywhere; exclusive or siueiine. WANTED A few men for yard work. Ap ply Monday morning, ready for work. vt-oi rs. Xj l yi J. i- tt CO., Llnnton. Oregon. United Railway car. THREE experienced solicitors, young men only; reference; salary $125 or commis sion. 428 Lumber Exchange. Morning 9 to 12. WANTED Timekeeper for logging camp $oO per month and board; state age ex perience and where to reach you on "tele- t phone. H 202. Oregonian. WANTED Man to drive Franklin auto-bus and to make himself generally useful on sutturuan tract. tjaii at Selling bldg between 10 and 12 o'clock. WANTED Out of town sawmill wathmo - none but strictly temperate, reliable man required. Apply 505 Lumbermens bid 7 to 9 A.M., July 15. T RAVELING salesmen Best sideline yet I'aya nil expenses; pocaet sales outfit; easy nviiri , n oniiL cuuiiii:ssioiis. l Hi ax 3 i JEW ELRY CO.. 205 Michigan ave.. Chicago. ACTIVE salesman, ac customed to big earn ings; oil or automobile business experi ence essential. M il waukee Tank Works 150 Clinton St., Milwaukee. SALEM EN Sell merchants sales order books; large demand; liberal commissions pocket samples. Wirth Salesbook Co., Chi cago. SALESMEN to sell our check protector; it sells to every person who writes a check; circulars and information free- sample ''Sc Terry Mfg. Co.. 122 Colton bldg.. Toledo" p faA.LE.SMEN Do you want $10 a day side or main line retail and punch-board deals,? Ten propositions. American Factories Co St. Louis, Mo. MEN of ideas, inventive ability should write for new list "Needed Inventions." "Prizes for Patents." Randolph & Co., Patent At torneys, Washing-ton, D. C TYPEWRITER repairman, salesmen, take orders for our Pneumatic Cushion Keys large profits, no risk. Imperial Manufac turlng Co., 301 Washington, Newark, N. J. FIRST-CLASS teamster, no other need ap ply. Phone Woodlawn 1577. between 8 and 11 A. M. DENTIST for a good suburban location; no opposition; give phone number. Y 218 Oregonian. ' WANTED Young man about 25 as packer and shipper in wholesale house; state age and experience. Y 203, Oregonian. WANTED Chicken-picker who understands dry picking:. Hazel wood Co., Front and Ankeny. BOY wanted. Northwestern Pipe Co., 203 505. 205 Front st. WANTED Capable man to sell real estate, commission basis, 211 Lewis bldg;. HELP WANTED MALR, INCIDENT. (One of Many) Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C. A. Young man, stranger, .seeking employ ment 20 his total tash asset) If I pay you $5 for employment membership I will have only $15 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $5 for employ ment membership you will have the Y. M. C. A. with all its resources between you and starvation. Result Young man Joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for 6 mo. ending June 30: Calls for men from employers 1174 Positions filled 1037 Our sptc lal employment membership guarantees members will secure employ ment or refund of membership fee; gives two months' full and xO months' social privileges. Constant demand for CL25RXCAI TECHNICAL and COMMERCIAL MEN. All young men seeking employment, especially strangers, are cordially invited to consult with the Secretary of the Em ployment Dt:partmenr THE JAEGER VACUUM SWEEPER. FOR AGENTS AND CREW MANAGER. Do you want to make $5 and over daily and ss high as $15 to $20 a day with a crew ? Get our prices on the Jaeger vac uum sweeper, the new 3-bellows machine at the cheapest price ever sold on the Coast. Our Portland factory office price does the work. NO STATE OR CITY AGENT WILL MAKE A COMMISSION ON YOU. If you think you can sell any thing, drop in and see us at 701 Rothchild bldg. We want agents in every county. WRITE US. The Jaeger Manufacturing Company. BRIGHT YOUNG MAN WANTED. One with some experience in repairing jewelry. Splendid opportunity for advance menu Apply between 8:80 and 9:30 A. M. at superintendent's office, 6th floor. MEIER & FRANK CO. MEN WANTED To work at steady work in small town. 60 miles from Portland, $2.25 per day ; plant has been running for several years and wants more men who will make them selves permanent citizens. A very small payment down on your home will be con siuereU satisfactory. See Mr. Damon, Chapin-Herlow Mortgage &. Trust Co., 3d floor Chamber of Commerce. WANTED SALESMEN. Wanted, five good, energetic salesmen to help dispose of Dixon Place, adjoin ing Irvlngton, fifteen minutes' ride to heart of the city, at prices far below sur rounding values; the best-selling propo sition in cltv open to you; see Mr. Benson. TATE INVESTMENT CO., " 1O02 Wilcox Hldg. Marshall 284. WA?CTF:r FOR U. S. ARM V able-bodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 36; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For information apply to Re cruiting orticer, Worcester Duiiaing, ou ana oaK sts.. t-ortiana, ur. STOCK. SALESMAN. Wanted High class stock salesman: only man who can show results and hab clients; no advance; must finance him self; commission only; the greatest thing on the continent. Address Dr. E. Schueller, Rockaway Beach. Cal. EXPERIENCED WINDOW CLEANERS WANTED. APPLY AMERICAN WINDOW CLEANING CO., HOARD OF TRADE BLDG., BETWEEN 9 AND 12 THIS A. M. WAN TED Resfdent salesman for "Portland and vicinity for misses' and children's me dium and better grade shoe line carried In stock in Chicago. One with established trade preferred. Must have previous ex perience. Address, Slnbac, 211 W. Monroe st.. Chicago, 111. WANTED All around married farm hand, familiar with horses, to take steady posi tion on large orchard at good wages; must be willing to locate on small tract in neighborhood ; small cash payment re quired. School and store on premises; Y 213, Oregonian. WANTED Man with knowledge of railroad material and prices to assist in inventory work ; must be accurate and reasonably fast at figures; position good for several months to right man. Address AH 213, Oregonian. W A XTED By wholesale house, young man as bill clerk; must be -able to operate typewriter and be quick and accurate at figures. Apply in own handwriting, giv ing age and experience. AC 210, Orego nian. WANT ED Steady, ambitious men (or la dies) to sell well-known Orenco trees, roses, etc.; experience not necessary. It you aro the right person we will teach you the business. For full particulars :ridres3 Oregon Nursery Co., Orenco, Or. TRANSIENT Y. M- C. A. MEMBERS can se cure furnished rooms at reasonable rates In the new fireproof association building, cor. 6th and Taylor sts., and have privi lege of consulting Advisory and Employ ment Department. TEXAS OIL LANDS. Oil land, Elcctra. Archer County; pro moter to organize companies and sell small block land. TEXAS OIL LAND INVESTMENT CO., ' Ft. Worth, Texas. EXPERIENCED farmer and wife for small mountain farm ; must understand care of stock, gardening, poultry ; state exper ience and references; wages $50 and board. P. O. box 108, city. I NEED good men, everywhere, part or all time, learn my business; make money with me ; no experience needed ; desk, type writer and outfit free. W. M. Ostrander, Dept. SS, 12 West 31st st.. New York. FJ RtfT-CLASiS saddlemaker who can do flower stamping wanted for Montana; steady work for right man. Seo H. A Warner, Marshall Wells Hdw. Co., 5th and Pine, Tuesday morning. WANTED Salesman, sell our line of fancy fruit cid-ers in small country towns; 25 per cent commission; $40 weekly drawing account. Red Cross Company, Dept. XJ, St. Louis, Mo. AGENTS, make big money, become sales managers for our goods; fast office sellers; fine profits; particulars and samples free. One Dip Pen Company, Dept. 471, Balti more, Md. vV ANTED At once, a sober and reliable block man at a market in The Dalles; willing to pay good salary to the riht man. Kelly-Avenue Market, The Dalles, Oregon. WANTED Automobile salesmen on com mission basis only; none but experienced need apply. DULMAGE AUTO CO., 40 North 20th street, ' A COOK who can do good plain home cooking In a first-class delicatessen can have 2 helpers. Must be cleanly and eco nomical. No short orders. L 211, Orego nian. RELIABLE young man of ability who is a business-getter will find exceptional op portunity with splendid remuneration and rapid advancement by calling mornings at 609 Northwest bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALlt. WANTED MONDAY. Cook and waitress (out), $60 and 25. Camp helper, $23 month. Chambermaid (country), $25, .room and board. Two waitresses (beach), $9 -week. Two waitresses (beach). $25 month.. Cook (country), $40 month. Restaurant . cook, $10 week. Girl, housework (country),- $30 month, PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, Ladies' Dept. 205 - Morrison. HOTEL cook, $40. 2 waitresses, beach, $25. Second girl. $30. Chambermaid, $35. Housekeeper. $20. Kitchen helper, $25. Ranch cook, $25. HANSEN'S EMPT OFFICE, 3454 Wash. St. SPLENDID opportunity for ca-pable young lady. If you can handle this work there is no limit to your earning capacity. Call mornings. VAtv ortnwest bldg. EXPERIENCED hairdresser, manicure and hair worker. Rosenthal Sisters, 110 Broadway. GOOD GIRL for general housework; must be good cook. Apply Monday, 715 Tillamook, corner 21st st. Two in family. AT once, young lady for vaudeville; clever amateur considered ; permanent ; give phone. H 205. Oregonian. WANTED -Girls for general housework. Ap ply Monday morning after 9 o'clock. Catholic Women's League. WANTED Manicuring girl; first class. Ap ply Board of Trade Barber Shop. WANTED A nurse for maternity case that will do housework. Call A 5470. TWO lady musicians, string or voice, for local and road later. AM 210. Oregonian. MUSIC lessons given in exchange for few hours' housework. Main 7S88. GIRL for general housework; no washing $25. . Phone Sellwood 1344. LADIES wanted to earn big pay selling a household necessity. 433 Stark. WANTED Experienced lady cook for deli catessen store. 112 N'irth 21st. LADY barber wanted. 320 Burnslde st. GOOD dining girl wanted. 79 West Parkl LADY barber wanted. 285 Burnslde st. WANTED Waitress. 313 Burnside." -FEMALE. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TELE PHONE OPERATING WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE; PAID WHILE LEARNING APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH COM PANY (EAST OFFICE), COR. 6TH AND EAST ANKENY STREETS, OR MAIN OFFICE, WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 250. WANTED A thoroughly experienced sales woman for perfume department ; permanent position, excellent salary. Apply Monday, superintendent's office, seventh floor, be tween 8:30 and 10 A. M. Llpman, Wolfe & Co. - EXPERIENCED WAITRESS WANTED. Apply seventh-floor restaurant desk. 8:80 to 10:3O A. M. MEIER & FRANK CO. THE Municipal Department of Public Safety for Young Women, 40 7 Merchants Trust Diag., win be glad to give advice or as sistance to any woman or girl who may, be in need. Interviews are confidential 'ex cept In cases demanding criminal action. Office hours 8:30 to 5. Mrs. L. G. Bald win, Supt. STENOGRAPHER of intelligence and quick perception for brokerage and manufactur ers' agent's office; general usefulness and willingness more essential than stenog raphy qualif ications; salary $35 to staru S lhS4 Oregonian. TWO women bakers wanted ; must make first-rate bread and delicious pastry; only those answering these requirements will be considered ; sisters or relatives pre ferred ; give references. E 20 7, Oregonian. WANTED Middle-aged woman for general housework in country, three adults in family; easy place and home for right party; salary no object. Phone Milwaukie Black 202. WANTED1 Am securing crew for new high class cafeteria and lunch to be opened about August 1 ; give age, experience, present occupation,- reference and phona number. C BOO, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, thoroughly conversant with discount and Interest; reference required. ROBERTS BROS., 3d and Morrison. FIVE bright, capable ladles to travel, dem onstrate and sell dealers; $25 to $50 per week; R. R. fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Omaha, Neb, Call for Howard Good rich, Hotel Portland, Mon. and Tues. WANTED Capable girl for general house work in small family, good wages. 2 1 8 Ainsworth ave., corner of Williams ave. Take "U" car. WANTED! WANTED! WANTED! 5 girls to learn beauty culture. Pay while learning; position guaranteed. 400 414 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors. PASTRY cook, head waitress, waitresses, temporary, country; good wages, fare paid; housekeeper. Howe's Agency, 35-270 Washington. COMPETENT girl for cooking and general housework, family of three. Phone morn ings, B 2616, or call 3tl5 Hemlock St., Ladd's Ad., Hawthorne car to E. 20th. $4 DAY and up, crew mgr. of ladies; bona fide proposition; must be live wire. Call at 3o9 Hotel Retiwick, Sunday P. M. or Monday A. M. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Scandinavian preferred. Phone Main 1108. Take W car. Mrs. A, E. W. Peterson, IMPS Raleigh st. FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, dem onstrate and sell dealers; $25 to $50 per week; R. R. fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. HOUSEWIFE; $1 starts you in permanent, profitable home business; solicitors also wanted. 2 to 4 every afternoon. 1824 Sandy Road. Rose City car to 72 d st. NURSE girl for one child. Experience and references required. Inquire 2o Cornel) road at head of Marshall st. EXPERIENCED saleslady wanted for dry goods store. Apply Brum berg's, cor. Bea con and MilwauKie sts., Sellwood car. NEAT, competent girl for general house work in family of two ; must be able to c jok ; nice room ; references. 705 Everett MANY of the best families of the city are registered with the Domestic Service Bu reau for cooks, general housework and second girls. 306 Central bldg. M. 7007. COMPETENT woman housekeeper, four in family; adults employed; children 5 and 3 years. Main 7257, evenings Woodlawn STENOGRAPHIC substitution vacation work, pay best wages. Call Remington Typewriter Employment Department, SO Broadway. LADY of middle age and refinement to keep house for young married couple ; modern homo, very light work ; references re quired. Y 200, Oregonian. EXPERIENCE D girl for general housework to go to the beach. Apply 215 North 24th. Phone Main l30& FIRST-CLASS lady violinist and lady cello is t for ladies' orchestra; experience not necessary. E 212, Oregonian. ELDERLY woman housework in small fam ily. Will give good home and fair wages. 137 Florida St., River view car. WANTED Experienced makers. Brad sliaw Bros., wholesale millinery, Broad way and Morrison. YOUNG lady to take phone orders. East Side grocery store; one with some ex perience preferred. AE 214, Oregonian. WOMAN for general housework, 2 in fam ily, good pay; none but well trained need apply. Main 1187. WANTED Young girl, about 17, to assist In housework and care of baby; must sleep at home. Phone Marshall 5718. Y'OUNG girl to assist with light housework for 1. Stellwyn Apartments, apt. 4, Wash ington and St. Clair. WANTED Live representatives for the Bar cley corset, guaranteed custom-made cor set. Address room L 857 l-'th st. COMPETENT woman, general housework, small family, work light. 43S East 20th North. WANTED Woman for chamber work, and girl for dining-room work. Campbell Ho tel, 33d and Hoyt. WANTED 5 girls to work on Sunday and holiday ; $2 a day ; S hours. Ac Council Crest Tavern. GIRL for general housework, $25, Scandi navian or German preferred. 74 E. 20th St. N. Tel. B 2799. GERMAN girl for cooking and general housework; small family. AJ 205, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED family Ironer wanted on fancy work. Washington Hand Laundry, 530 Washington st. GIRL or middle-aged woman to do cham ber work and manage rooming-house. N 181, Oregonian. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co., 699 Roth child bldg., 4th and Washington. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg., 270 Wash., room 35, near -Itn. Phono Main 683 or A o216. GIRL to do cooking for small family. Ap ply Immediately, 530 Tillamook st. Mu be willing to go to beach. WANTED Young girl to assist with chil dren at beach; not heavy work. Call 403 E. 9th. N. RELIABLE woman for cleaning, two days a week; for good home in small- family. 00 E. 30th North. WANTED A neat, capable girl for general housework. Phone Tabor 107. FINISHERS on pants, steady worker. 205 Jefferson st. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Main 10O. MIDDLE-AGED woman to care for rhou matic lady. 975 Michigan ave. HAVE a good home for young girl. Pen insula Park district. Phone C 2019. EXPERIENCED policy clerk for fire in surance office. W 208, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED laundry help,-all kinds. F 209, Oregonian. COMPETENT maid for upstairs work. 6?3 Johnson st. WANTED Marker and sorter. Crystal Laun dry Co., 21st and Sandy road. GIRL, cooking and some housework, good wages. 017 Johnson St. Phone Main 9212. A COMPETENT girl for general housework 204 E. 25th St.. S. WANTED Woman- to work for husbanwls room and board. 97 Russell st. WANTED Cashier. Apply Creamerie res taurant. 10S Fourth st. WANTED Experienced stenograplter In Insurance office. Apply 507 Yeon bldg. GIRL to assist In general housework CaTl mornings. B 3164. 107 E. 37th. WOMAN for housework, forenoons 110 Ellsworth st.. cor. E. 41st.; "WR" car " H ELp WANT EL HELP W AN T E D FE MALE. HELPERS and apprentices for gowns and suits. 2S0 Park st. HELP WANTED MALE OK FEMALB. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, the New York publishers, require the services of several good solicitors for their magazine and subscription department; good money made by live men and women. Call Mon day, 11 to 2 P. M., 20S Lumber Exchange bldg. MAKE money writing short stories; big pay. Send for free booklet; tells how. United Press Syndicate, i o, San Francisco. FISK Teachers' Agency secures positions for teachers. 316 Journal bldg. Main 4835. HE LI V.ANTKU HISCX1XANKOU9. LEARN automobile repairing, driving on up-to-date cars ; electric, civil engineering, surveying; methods most practical; roots and board while learning; positions se cured ; satisfaction guaranteed ; catalogue free. National School of Engineering, 2100 West Seventh, Los Angeles. A comfortable living earned at home sewing plain seams; all home work; no canvass ing; any sewing machine; no trif lers; steady; send 10 cents for samples postage, etc. ; returned if not Hatlsf actory. Home Sewers Co., New York, Jobbers' Sewing Dept., Or., Chicago, 111. SHOKTHaND SCHOOL Expert men teach ers, with $500,000 equipment. moderate fees. Not run to make money, but con ducted by business men to aid young men In securhig practical education. Regis ter now. Y. M. C A., corner 0th and Tay lorsis. POST OFFICE CLE Rlv -CARRIER and other GOVERNMENT "exams" every where soon. Get prepared, former U. S. Civil Service secretary exam iner. Write NOW fur free booklet. L 10S, PATTERSON CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL, ROCHESTER, N. Y. WANTED I will teach several young men tlie automobile business in IO weeks by mall and assist them to good positions. No charge for tuition until position is secured. Write today. R. s. Price, Auto mobile Expert, box 463, Los Angeles. Cal. NO expense to learn electricity, automobiles, plumbing ; correspondence lessons fur nished; then actual work on contract Jobs; your work pays expense; 300 students last year; get free catalogue. United Trade Sen :ol Cont ranting Co.. Los Angeles, Cal. LADIES to make shields, home, $20 per 100; ordinary plain sewing ; can make 4 an hour ; material furnished ; work sent pre paid. Send stamped, addressed envelope particulars. Paragon Supply Co., E. 334 Myrtle ave., Kansas City, Mo. WANTED 100 men and women to learn barber trade In H weeks; position guaran teed; modern college; tools free; learn a trade that you can get in business for yourself. Oregon BarDer College, 233 Mad ison st. SALESMEN, no experience required; earn good wattes while you learn: position euar- anteed ; write today particulars; address nearest of rice. Dept. 4t(, .National Sales men's Training Association. Chicago, New 1 orit, Kansas city, ban t rancisco. WIRELESS OPERATORS In constant de mand. This coming vocation taught at 1. M. c. A. Ail tne lear rtouna Vay and Night Schools; complete equipment; best on Coast. THE Moler Barber College, 35 N. 4th St., 20 years in the business. 37 schools. The only moaern school in existence, lerm b week, Tools free. Massage and dyeing a spe cialty. Littitime scholarship to each student. S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept 15. No profession offers equal opportuni ty. Catalogue free. C. Keane, Pres.. 1818 Market st., tan if rancisco. MEN and women; let me show you the surest, safest, quickest and cheapest way to a home of your own and Independence. AH 210, Oregonian. BARBERS State Board of Examiners will be in session in this city July 14, lo, 10, a 167 First st. to examine all those hold ing permits. T. M. Lea bo. Secretary. GOVERNMENT positions, parcel post sys tem requires additional help ; salary up to 51S00, free dook. I'acuic states scnooi McKay bids.. Portland, Or. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPO N D E N C E SCHOOLS, 505 McKay bldg., cor. 3d and Stark ts. Phones: Main 1020, A 412L Also Headquarters I. C. S. Fraternity. WANTED Girls between 18 and 25 years old to learn comptometer adding machine good positions provided when course com pleted. Call 807 Spalding. GO VERNM ENT positions are easy to get. My free booklet, Y-30U, tells how. Write today now. n.ari 11 op Kins, Washington, D. C. BECOME detectives; big pay; easy work; traveling opportunities. Write Frederics. Wagner, 1243 Lexington ave.. New xork. LEARN by mail to make $1 an hour. Show Card gctiooi, yi5 an pess ave., ban J? ran cisco. INTERN AT ION AL correspondence schools, 105 Third st. (near Morrison), rooms 7 and 8. Phone .Main 404S, A 3044. LUCUMO livid 11 re men, hrakemen. wages about $ IOO ; experience unnecessary. Send age. stamp. naiiway, care Oregonian. SHORTHAND course, thorough, rapid : Do sitions guaranteed. 62U Worcester block. Marshall 2751. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, book keeping. C42 Hamilton bldg. Mar. 4258. ACADEMY scientific dressmaking, tailored suits ana corsets; teachers and oemon strators wanted; big profits. 8l5 Yamhill. SECOND-HAND MOTORS and generators. Kobert Skeen Electric Works, 400-402 Gli san St., corner 0th. SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING SCHOOL. 200 14TH ST. M. 3803. EXP. INSTRUC'N. Keister' s Ladies' Tailoring College and School of Dressmaking. 143 11th st. GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work. Earn money while learning. 013 Rothchild bldg. SITUATIONS WANTCI) MALR ri-pir mid rtrrUa. COLLEGE graduate, single, 27 years old, good accountant, understands fire insur ance and loans, admitted to Oregon Bar, desires position with city firm; would con sider partnership in law and real es state outside of city. AC 211, Oregonian. YOUNG man desires a position as collector and assistant bookkeeper or office work; willing to begin with small salary where there is a chance for advancement; can furnish best of references. Phone " East 2N36. H. J. Gardner. 420 Cook ave. EXPERIENCED and reliable bookkeeper de sires permanent position, strictly temper ate, good penman, accurate worker, ex cellent references. Phone East 2786 to day before 4 P. M. or Monday. T 189, Oregonian. YOUNG man, single, total abstainer) clear record, with experience In bookkeeeplng, credit and collection, seeks opening, can furnish bond. Location and salary sec ondary. AM 208, Oregonian. HAVE you an opening for me? Have had eight years' experience In bookkeeping and office work, also In selling goods. Have made acquaintance and can furnish best of references. H 204, Oregonian. W" :LL AUDIT, OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balance and statements, install systems. Gillingham, auditor, 414 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. STOCK salesman with several years' experi ence, recently arrived in Portland open for proposition with good legitimate pro motion. AH 207, Oregonian. EXPERT accountant wishes small set of books to keep evenings; any line. AM 204, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, employed, and with best of references, wishes set books to keep even ings. X 208, Oregonian. WANTED A position in an office or store by young man, 18 years old. Phone Main 1458 or write AT 200, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, experienced, has spare time to open, close or post books; terms rea sonable. T 21 9, Oregonian. YOUNG man, 32 years old, wants position as bookkeeper. 'AM 200, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. C A RPENTER foreman wishes position, rea sonable wages, best of references. X 210, Oregonian. CARPENTER repairing done by day or con tract. G 211, Oregonian. AN experienced office man wants employ ment. B 187. Oregonian. STEADY work by reliable man, ranch or dairy; state wages. E 214, Oregonian. WANTED Garden work and lots to cut. M. Dey. 829 E. 9th st. N. CHAUFFEUR wrts position; sober and re llable; reference. AK 211, Oregonian. BOY, iti, wants, work on farm. A 214, Ore rj on ian. WANTED Place as wAtchman; can give bond. K 208, Oregonian. WANTED Position at a ranch, long experi ence. FJ 1SS, Oregonian. WANTED Steady work In Portland or Washington Co. AB 208, Oregonian. CHEF wants position in or out of city. X 1 Oregonian. BOY 13. wants work, city or ranch near city. Main 800tf. - GROCER YM AN or collector, good city ref erences. An 205, Oregonian. NEW COOKS' headquarters and kitchen help. tf41,it h at- Main 7524. BOY wants work, any kind) fair wageX Woodlawn 1S3; Ask for C. Jackson. EOY of 16 wants to work on farm;-can do all kids of work. Inquire Tabor 173. VoUXG man .with motorcycle wishes to collect or deliver. Marshall 5443. SITXTATTOXS WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. YOUNG MAN, HUSTLER, WELL EDUCA TE U, UhSIKKS CLE K1CAL" fUSlllU., PREFERABLY WITH MANUFACTUR ING LUMBER CONCERN; 3 YEARS' LUMBER EXPERIENCE ; A-l REFER ENCES COVERING EVERY REQUISITE; WILLING TO GO ANYWHERE; CAN AND WILL MAKE GOOD. D 220, ORE GONIAN. WINDOW TRIMMER AND CARD WRITER, experienced in men s clothing and depart ment store work. AV 200, Oregonian. A HIGH-CLASS promoter, now at liberty. wouiu engage services to worthy cor poration; can show record of unexampled success; thoroughly understands the sale of stocks and bonds; also skilled in ad. writing and business correspondence. AS 180 Oregonian. GAS engineer, stationary, auto and marine. Factory ana field experience 12 years. Electric lighting and pumping stations, touring cars and motor trucks, racers and cruisers. P. V. Marshall, 208 Glisan st-, phone A 1409. COOK, first-class, reliable, good worker, all round and pastry, wishes position in res taurant, club, hotel or -second cook. Best references from big restaurant and hotels of San Frnnnifin. Xilt Ca ram has. W. 209, Oregonian. WOULD like a situation as watchman or any other work where a steady, reliable man Is needed ; city reference of nearly 10 years' continuous service from last employer. Address W. R. S-, care Y. M. C A. employment dept. CIVIL ENGINEER Experienced vdraf tsmaii, computer, esti mator, instrument man; terms reason able for permanent employment or long Job. W 2o6, Oregonian. YOUNG married man desires position in retail or wholesale Dusiness; nave naa J " years' experience in city retail trade; furnish best of references; not afraid to work. O 212, Oregonian. BLACKSMITH wants work; 15 years ex perience as working foreman in shop on carriage, wagon and auto parts; also gen eral machine forgtngs. Phone Main 3l3S. AH 212, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED collector, with motorcycle. reference and bond, w Is lies current ac counts, or will consider position. M 212, Oregonian. HOTEL or club manager or steward, 25 years eastern nnd local experience, com petent, economical; best of references.. AH 205. Oregonian. ENGINEER and good all around mechanio wants position ; can do steam fitting and plumbing; good reference. AS 180, Ore gonian. WOULD like a position as superintendent or woods foreman for a logging company; can give A-l references. AN 204, Orego nian. WA NTED By single man. care of country place or fruit ranch or farm, experienced In all lines of farm work. M 200, Ore gonian. MECH AN1C, 12 years' experience on auto mobiles. Al man, sober and rel label, best of references. N. Petersen. 7'.Hi East Mor rison st. MOVING-PICTURE operator would like to get woi in evenings and Sundays; 8',-a years' experience, have Edison machine; good man ; cheap. Phone Woodlawn 1261. CHEF, reliable, first-class, wishes position in private family, best references of high class from San Francisco and East. Nick Carambas, F 213. Oregonian. CITY salesman, well acquainted, desires po sition ; experienced hard ware, stoves and crockery ; salary or commission. AH 214, Oregonian. SALESMAN, with 12 years experience In Oregon, Montana, Idaho and Washington, desires a staple line. Salary or expenses and commission. W 213, Oregonian. MAN and wife want work by year, ranch or small farm; understand grain, stock or mixed farming, or care for country place. Address AV 201, Oregonian. Fl RST -CLASS chauffeur and repairmau needs work; willing to do garden and other work ; best references. C 202, Ore gonian. A DINNER and short-order cook, sober and steady, wants a job in or out of town. W 215, Oregonian. JANITOR who understands furnace and elevator and housework. AF 213, Ore- . gonian. CHAUFFEUR wants position, private; 2 years head mechanic In garage. Phone Sellwood 286. POSITION as gardner and other chores by party who is experienced. B lyo, Ore gonian. WANTED Staple line tor good specialty by experienced salesman. AD 217, Oregon ian. CHAUFFEUR, single, desires positlnn, pri vate car or truck ; references. AH 200, Oregonian. WANTED By a husky young man, work on farm or harvesting hand; reliable party. A J 2O0, Oregonian. WIN DO W-CLEANING. paint removed; new dwellings and flats a specialty. Main 0573. evenings. BOY, 17, wants position In city where there is some chance of advancement. Address Norval Magravv. 15784 E. Qllsnn. YOUNG man (31) with good education and mechanical ability desires any kind of work ; best references. C 204, Oregonian. GOOD all-round dinner cook wants work in cafeteria or restaurant, 20 years experi ence. V 204. Oregonian. BOY 10 wants work; permanent position pre ferred ; can give references. Tabor 3242. Ask for Clifton TIsdale. FIRST-CLASS foreman on cakes and pastry, reliable, sober, wishes position. A 210, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED Japanese chauffeur wants a position as mechanic in private family, 2 years, best reference. AF 203, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marshall 791, A 4010, Portland Walters' Club. 148 3 5th, Portland, Or. G. C. Gerald, manager. YOUNG MAN, 19, wants work on small farm or dairy or delivering on large dairy. X 20rt, Oregonian. YOUNG man wants work In garage where he can learn to repair and drive automo biles. AT 210, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY reliable builder wants your repairing, building, screen work. Phone Sellwood 1O05. MAN and wife want work on ranch. Phona. or call at Hoosler, 205 Jefferson. Phone Marshall 522. MARRIED couple, English, seeks situation, gardener' and cook, experienced, refer ences. H 200, Oregonian. KALSOMIXE rooms, clean woodwork, $2750 up ; papering, varnish, painting; all work first-class, pho.ie Main 2006. WANTED Position as track foreman, 1 5 y tars' experience ex-gang work. J 2G0, Oregonian. EXPERT card writer and window trim mer, ten years experience and first-class references. H 211, Oregonian. YOUNG mau desires position with liquor ' house; experienced, good references. AL 203, Oregonian. YOUNG man of good character wants light work in country. AH 21S. Oregonian. RELIABLE young man wants any kind of work. E 208, Oregonian. PAINTER, good nil round hand, married, wants work. AG 215, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTKI -FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. WANTED Secretarial position; have a thorough knowledge of office routine, founded on a mastery of shorthand end typewriting, good command of an ade quate English vocabulary and an insur mountable determination to "make good." Address Marguerite Kerr, Astoria, Or. BY bookkeeper thoroughly familiar with interest, discount and costs. Number of years experience in Portland. Only re sponsible firms considered. P 215, Ore gonian. STENOGRAPHER, rapid typist, assistant bookkeeper, four years' experience A-l references, desires position immediately. Age 22. Salary $11. AB 199, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenograph er desires to substitute during Summer months; excellent references. AB 20ti, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, experienced In filing and the dictaphone, also shorthand; reference. Main 0007. STENOGRAPHER, neat and accurate, de sires position; will substitute. Phons W oodla w n 1611. COMPETENT experienced stenographer wishes substitute work during vacations; any machine. Main 55S9. POSITION wanted, experienced office at tendant; best references. C 297, Oregon ian. STENOGRAPHER with experience. accu rate and rapid, seeks position. Marshall 2751. WANTED Office work or private exchange; permanent or temporary. C 292, Orego nian. - EXPERIENCED stenographer and boolH keeper; general office work preferred. K 203, Oregonian. YOUNG lady stenographer and bookkeeper wants position at once. Marshall 695. POSITION as typewriter or stenographer by beginner. Y 209, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS stenographer. 5 years' experi ence. desires posit ion. Telephone A 7504. Drftina rsers. CHILDREN'S and infants sewing done very reasonably. Mrs. E. H., 3o5 East 75th N.