The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 13, 1913, Page 13, Image 13

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Portland, had a badly-bruised engi
neer at the throttle in the person of
William Christen. The railroad man.
Miller is assistant to the industrial
agent of the San Pedro, Log Angeles
& Salt Lake Railroad.
while on his way to the depot to take
Mrs. Charles C. Wanker, her daugh-
charge of his train, was assaulted by
ter.Mda, and grandmother, Mrs. H. F.
Libbey, will leave on a trip through
Washington, visiting Seattle, Tacoma
Charles Perana, who arrived here yes
terday from California, where he has
been for the last 12 years. Using his
and all points of interest on the Sound.
After their return Mrs. .Wanker and
fists, Perana gave Christen a decisive
beating. Perana was arrested and re
leased on bail pending a hearing.
Transportation Club Installs
Directors at Dinner.
Commission Makes Selections
for Public Schools.
daughter will pass August at Ocean
Park, Wash., In Fern cottage. ,
Perana refused to talk about the
Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Gilbert, of Alex
case when asked why , he assaulted
Commission May Visit Exposi
tion Site Before Appoint- -ing
Officers. .
Christen, except to say he had an "old
andra Court, have returned to Port
grudge" against 'the trainman. It is
land after a two months trip in the
East. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert, who re
turned by way of Washington, D. C,
the Grand Canyon and California, were
said that' Perana has been harboring
ill feeling against Christen for several
years, for after he went to California
12 years ago, Mrs. Perana got a di
vorce and married Christen.
accompanied by their son, Wellington,
who has completed-the season at Tale
Superintendent and Director-General
for Oregon Exhibits and Build
ing Xot to Be Chosen Until
Affer Conferences.
"A meeting of the state commission
on the Panama-Pacific Exposition -will
be held some time in the coming week
for organization and until after that
meeting it is difficult to make any pre
dictions as to appointments' or plans
tor the work." said O. M. Clark, one of
the Portland members of the Commis
sion yesterday.
"Probably before any definite plans
-are made or any one is appointed to
"be superintendent or director-general
of the Oregon exhibit at the Fair, the
Commission will visit the ground, look
It over and hold consultation with rep
resentattves of commissions from other
"There are many legal points to
look up to determine just what are the
bounds of the power of the Commis
sion, before it can begin active work
on the exhibit."
Mr. Clark has written to other mem
bers of tHo Commission requesting
them to come to Portland -ror the or
ganization meeting. At that time a
chairman and a secretary will be
selected and first steps in the work of
the Commission will be made.
Some of those mentioned for the ap
pointment as director-general of the
Oregon exhibit are u G. M. Hyland. A.
C. Callan, Colonel H. E. Dosch, Paul
Sroat and D. C. Freeman.
Mr. Clark says that he has no idea
bow many aspirants for the position
there may be.
Mrs. Campbell Is Alleged to Have
Taken Over $15,000 for $2000.
Del V. Meagher, one of those arrest
ed as a member of the vice clique, as
serts in a complaint filed in Circuit
Court yesterday 'against Alice M.
Campbell that Mrs. Campbell got' his
business in return for furnishing bond
of $2000 -for him. He formerly owned
Haggerty's Smart Shop, in the Eilers
building, on Broadway. lie says that
when he was taken away to Jail here
was a large stock of goods, in addition
to $500 in cash and book accounts, the
whole valued at $15,000.
The business was assigned to Mrs.
Campbell as protection for her in fur
nishing ball, he says, and the business
never cost her a cent. He wants the
Organization Little More Than One
Year Old Has Membership Xura- .
bering 400 and Is on Suc
cessful, Progressive Basis.
CHICAGO, July 12. (Special.) The
following from Portland, Or., are reg
istered at Chicago hotels: Portland
At the Congress: Nora White, F. W.
Vogler, H. C. Harris. At the La Salle:
A. C. Cowperthwalte.
A new set of officers now is in charge
of affairs in the Portland Transporta
tion Club. ' They began their work on
the first of the month, but were not
formally inducted into office until Wed
nesday evening, when a dinner was
given in their honor at the Commer
cial Club. More than 250 railroad and
steamship men attended.
The-new officers are among the most
active and most popular in the trans
portation affairs of this city. They
represent the younger element ln rail
road and steamship affairs the execu
tives and officials of ' the future,
i ii'r.iA ')&-yAii
Kg Poon Chew Greeted by Large
Crowd at Albany.
ALBANY. Or.. July 12. (Special.)
Ng Poon Chew, Chinese editor of San
Francisco, was the leading speaker at
the Albany Chautauqua today. His
topic was "The Awakening of China."
He was greeted by the largest attend
ance of the assembly.
At tonight's session Dr. Frederick
Vlning Fisher, of San Francisco, pre
sented an illustrated lecture on "The
Panama Canal and Its Relation to the
Pacific .Slope and the Panama-Pacific
Musical programmes were presented
under the direction of Professor C. H.
Palmer, of this city. A programme also
was rendered by the Palmer Studio
Quartet of - Brownsville, consisting of
Miss Edna Rebhan, soprano; Mrs. P, E.
Baker, alto; Earl Oxford, tenor, and
Earl Cochran, basso. Mrs. Lena Palmer,
of this city, was accompanist.- This
evening Professor Palmer presented
Mrs. Frank M. Powell, of Albany, con
tralto; Clair Lee, of Junction CityJ
baritone; and the Palmer Studio Quar
tet, of Brownsville, with Mrs. Palmer,
,of this city, accompanist.
Professor W. E. Lawrence, of the
Oregon Agricultural College, lectured
on "Plant Life" in the Summer school
today. Miss Mary E. Sutherland, of the
University of North Dakota, conducted
the class work in the domestic science
class and Rev. Franklin T. Conner, of
Seattle, continued the ' work of the
Chautauqua Bible school.
1 A ifMl
: inn' . .
4 j "
Upper Row W. A. Robbins, Prcaldeat; William Merrlman, Vlcv-Preatdenti
w. o. Roberta, Secretary E2. w. Moaner, Trcaura. Lower Row N. C
Soule, Herman Saeedi", A. D. Wick, H. H. Keck, Directors.
store back-as It was when assigned or
judgment against her for $15,000. The
store is now in the hands of Ferdinand
E. Reed, appointed as receiver by Cir
cuit Judge Morrow, following a dis
agreement between Mrs. Campbell and
Elizabeth Reidel, who formed a partnership.
Kxpert Jones Given Purse.
Some Australian wavl appear father
odd to Americans. Here is one of the
ways referred to: "A meeting was
held last Friday to arrange a presenta
tion, to A. B. Jones on the eve of hie
departure to England as one of . the
Australasia's team for the 1913 contest
for the Davis Cup. A substantial sum
was subscribed at the meeting as a
nucleus of the fund, and it will most
aptly take the shape of a traveling bag
and a purse of sovereigns." Sydney
List of Books Adopted- by Commis
sion, as Result ot Its Delibera- '
' tions Compiled ' and Is
sued to the Public.
Further changes in the' text books
for use In the public schools of the
state have been made by the State
Text Book Commission. These changes
concern principally the grammar
grades, and are In addition to the
changes in the high' school courses
previously made.
The books adopted by the Commis
sion are shown in the accompanying
Counterfeit Half Dollars in Circu
lation Since July 4.
BANDON, Or., July 12. (Special.) In
the last few days business men and
others have found themselves possess
ors of half dollars which are not genu
ine. Upon investigation it Is learned
that the circulation of the counterfeit
money began during the Fourth of
July celebration in Bandon.
It seems that the counterfeiters have
confined their work to Bandon, as no
reports from other towns have been
beard.-;. Local drtCtives are endeavor
ing to locate the bogus money men.
Approximately $250 of the half dollar
coins was placed in circulation here.
Superintendent Churchill to
' Teachers Exams Results.
SALEM." Or.r July 12. (Special.)
Applicants for teachers' certificates.
who recently tried the state examina
tion, will be Informed next Wednesday
by Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion Churchill whether they passed.
The- ' are 1800 applicants, 600 more
thr.n ever before, and it required sev
eral days longer for the county school
superintendents to examine the papers
than heretofore.
Each applicant supplied 10 manu
scripts, which necessitated the teach
ers examining 18,000 papers.
The next examination for teachers'
certificates will tie in December. Su
perintendent Churchill has announced
that questions will ' bo prepared from
the old textbooks as well as the ones
recently adopted by the state textbook
commission, so the applicants may
elect to be examined from the books
with which they are most familiar.
The Dalles Man Beaten Up hy Wife's
Divorced Husband.
THE DALLES. Or., July 12. (Spe
cial.) The O.-W. R. & N. local train
which left this city this morning for
Kpiscopal Church Leaders Gather at
Seaside for Conference.
NEWPORT, Or., July 12. (Special.)
The central convention of the Episco
pal Diocese of Oregon is in session here
for four days. Those in attendance are
Bishop Scadding. Dean Hammond," the
Rev. F. O; Jones, Archdeacon Cham
bers, the Rev. Bar G. Lee, head master
of the Bishop Scott School, and the
Rev. A. W. Griffin. The object of the
conference is to discuss ways and means
for carrying on the work of the Episco
pal Church in the Willamette Valley.
In addition to the transaction of busl.
ness, devotional hours will be passed in
St. Mary's Church, when Bishop Scad
ding will give a series of addresses on
"TheSpirltual and Personal Life of the
Clergy." Services will be held at To
ledo and Yaqulna and the conference
will adjourn on Tuesday, July 15.
A pretty wedding was celebrated at Fair Acres the Hillsboro home of Mr.
and Mrs. R. E. Harbison, Tuesday, when their daughter, Blanche Irene, was
married -to John Davison Bergen, Rev. Evan P. Hughes officiating. Miss
Hester Harbison, sister of the bride, attended as bridesmaid, and Roger Mills,
of Corvallis, a classmate of the bridegroom, officiated as best man. Mrs.
Fred J. Seweli played the wedding march from ''Lohengrin," and accompanied
Mrs. Pauline Chapman, who sang ''Oh, Fair, Oh, Sweet and Holy."
The bride was beautiful In white messaline, en train, with a veil, caught
with lilies of the valley, and carried a shower bouquet of bride roses and lilies
of the valley, and an incident was wearing a brooch that was worn by her
mother at her wedding. Little Elizabeth- Hornung was the- flower bearer.
Mrs. Bergen is well known In Hillsboro and Forest Grove, and is a grad
uate of the Conservatory of Music, Pacific University. The bridegroom is
well known in Hillsboro's business circles, and be and his bride will reside
in their handsome new home in East Hillsboro, where they will be at home
to their friends after August 1. They are enjoying their wedding trip at
Newport '
While nearly all the men occupying
high positions with the transportation
companies are members of the club,
they have shown a disposition o allow
the active management of the club to
remain in the hands of the younger
W. A. Robblns, the new president, is
associate attorney for the O.-W. R. &
N. Company; William Merrlman, vice
president, is local freight agent for the
Southern Pacific; W. O. Roberts, secre-,
tary, is soliciting freight agent for the
Great. Northern; E. W. Mosher, treas
urer, is city passenger agent for the
Pennsylvania system; N. C. Soule, di
rector, is chief clerk and private secre
tary to J. P. O'Brien, vice-president and
general manager of the O.-W. R. & N.
Company; Herman Sheedy, director, is
acting local freight agent for the North
Bank road; A. D. Wick, holdover di
rector, IS traveling passenger agent for
the Southern Pacific, and H. H. Keck,
holdover director, is chief clerk in the
North Bank freight office.
The club has handsome quarters in
the Multnomah Hotel-building., with all
the comforts and conveniences of a
private residence. Although it has been
in existence only 16 months the club has
400 members and Is growing like the
proverbial weed. J. E. Werlein, the re
tiring president, and his associate of
ficers have done much to bring the club
up to its present successful and pro
gressive basis.
W. G. Ayre, of Baker, is at the Port
land. L. Rayburn, of La Grande, is at the
Mrs. R. Rizor, of Chehalis, is at the
Mrs. A. C. ,Dixon, of Eugene, is. at
the Imperial.
S. Biddle. of Vancouver, Wash., is
at the Carlton.
Miss C. M. Ploch, of Corvallis, Is at
the Multnomah.
C. H. Obenhaus, of San Antonio, Tex.,
Is at the Annex.
George McKay, a Condon stockman,
is at the Perkins.
Dr. Frank J. Brown." of The Dalles,.
Is at the Cornelius.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Shelley, of Eugene,
are at the Imperial.
JS. D. Zercher, a Roseburg abstracter,
is at the Cornelius.
F. M. Clark is registered at the Mult
nomah from Eugene.
L. N. Rosenbaum, of Seattle, Is reg
istered at the Oregon.
Don Steffa is registered at the Carl
ton from San Francisco.
J. C. Kitchen, a merchant of Bull
Run, is at the Cornelius.
Charles G. Early is. registered at" the
Imperial from Hood River.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Turlev. of
Angeles, are at the Annex.
M. C. Eldridge, a business man of
Independence, is at the Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Knox, of Van
couver, ,B. CL, are at the Portland.
Miss Bessie Tochle left for Tacoma
and Seattle last week to visit friends.
D. H. A. Llttlefleld and W. H. Nel
son, of Newbergr, are at the Cornelius.
C. L. Ireland, publisher of the Moro
Observer, is registered at the Perkins.
H. H. Van Valkenburg. postmaster
of Klamath Falls, is at the Imperial.
B. B. Eastrldge and W. H. Herrah.
Pendleton stockmen, are at. the Perk
ins. 1
M. Tompkins, a business man of Hal
sey, registered at the Perkins yester
day. William L. Ferdon, a San Francisco
druggist, is registered at the Mult-
nomab. -
Mr. and Mrs. J. Roberts and Mr., and
Mrs. Will Ryan, of Butte, are at the
Portland. .
Miss Edith Clancy, of Seattle, and
Miss Bernic"e Belden, of Spokane, are
at the Carlton.
Frank M. Prince, of Minneapolis, and
George M. Prince, of St. Paul, regis
tered at the Portland yesterday.
Mrs. J. C Neeley and Misses A. and
M. Neeley, of Welser, Idaho, and Mr.
and Mrs. J. S. Hixon, of Holton, Kan.,
are registered at the Annex.
Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Barlow and Mr.
and Mrs. R. L. Barr, of 9ellinghan
are at -the Oregon. They are making a
tour to California by automobile.
J. M. Alasten and daughter Eugenie,
of San Francisco, are at the Multno
mah. Mr. Masten is president of the
Crocker National Bank of that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Miller,' of
Los Angeles, are at the Oregon. Mr.
Date of Ex- Intro-
" , . copy- change ductory
Text book and publisher rirht. price. nrlce.
Agriculture for Beginners, by Burkett, Stevens and Hill;
Glnn & Co.. publishers, Boston, Mass 1904 C ... I .TO
Numbers Step by Step, by Frank Rlsler; O. P. Barnes, pub
lisher, Chicago 111. ,' 1913 .34 .85
Complete Arithmetlo (special edition), by Watson ' and
"White; Heath & Co., publishers, Boston, Mass 1008 .30 .81
Principles of Bookkeeping) and Farm Accounts, by Boxell
and Nichols; American Book Co., publishers. New York.. 1013 .80 .89 '
Civil Government
Civil Government with Oregon Supplement, by Relnsch;
Benj. H. Sanborn & Co., publishers, Boston, Mass 1918 .33 .68
World Geography (Oregon edition), by Tarr and MoMurray:
The Macmillan Co., publishers. New York 1912 .60 l.oo
Kimball's Elementary English, Book I, by Lillian G. Kim
ball: American Book Co., publishers. New York 1911 .18 .88
Kimball's Elementary English. Book II, by Lillian G. Kim
ball; American Book Co., publishers. New York 1911 .23 .43
Introductory American History, by Bourne and Benton;
D. C. Heath & Co., publishers. Boston. Mass ISOO .3t .60
A School History of the United States, by William M.'
Mace; Band, McNally & Co., publishers, Chicago 111 . 1904 . .50 .' .90
' . Physiology.'
Primer of Sanitation, by John W. Ritchie, World Book Co.,
publishers. Yonkers. N. Y ; . . . 1U0S .23 .45
Graded Lessons In Physiology and Hygiene, by WiHlam
O, Krohn; D. Appleton & Co., publishers, New York 1907 ... .60
Sloan Primary Reader, First Book, by Katherine E. Sloan;
The Macmillan Co., publishers. New York 1903 .18 .US
Sloan Primary Reader, Second Book, by E. Katherine
Sloan: The Macmillan Co., publishers. New York 1905 .18 .80
Wheeler's Graded Primer, by Calmerton and Wheeler; W.
H. Wheeler & Co., publishers, Chicago, III 1900 ... .25
Wheeler's Graded First Reader, by Calmerton and
Wheeler; W. H. Wheeler & Co., publishers. New York.... 1001 ... .25
Wheeler's Graded Second Reader, by Calmerton and
Wheeler: W. H. Wheeler & Co., publishers, Chicago, 111.. 1903 ... .35
Wheeler's Graded Third Reader, by Calmerton and
Wheeler; W. H. Wheeler A Co., publishers, Chicago, 111.. 1904 , ... .45
Wheeler's Graded Fourth " Reader, by Calmerton and
Wheeler; V. H. Wheeler Co.. publishers. Chicago, 111.. 1910 .20 .4$
Wheeler's Graded Fifth Reader, by Calmerton and
Wheeler; W. H. Wheeler & Co., publishers, Chicago, 111.. 1911 . .23 .55
(The Elson Grammar School Readers were adopted.
leaving it to the State Board of Education to choose
whatever book or books the board may consider neces- w
sary to complete the work in the first eight grades of
the grammar school, after having first finished the
Sloan Readers, the Wheeler Primer, -and the five Wheeler
Elson Grammar School Reader, Book I, by William H.
Elson: Scottt Foresman' & Co., publishers. Chicago. 111... 1911 .25 .50
Elson Grammar School Reader, Book II, by William H.
Elson: Scott. Foresman &. Co., publishers, Chicago, 111... 1910 .25 .00
Elson Grammar School Reader, Book III, by William H.
Elson: Scott. Foresman & Co., publishers. Chicago, III 1910 .80 .
Elson Grammar School Reader, Book IV. by William H. .
Elson; Scott, Foresman & Co., publishers, Chicago, 111 1909 r .80 .BO
Hicks' Champion Spelling 'Book, bv Warren B. Hicks;
American Book Co., publishers. New York 1909 .12 .23
Writing Lessons for Primary Grades, by A. N. Palmer;
The A. N. Palmer Co.. publishers. Cedar Rapids, Iowa.. 1012 .15 . .20
The Palmer Method of Business Writing, by A. N. Palmer;
The A. N. Palmer Co., publishers. Cedar Rapids, Iowa... 1008 .20 .25
(The writing books were adopted by the , Commission
with the stipulations (1) that The A. N'. Palmer Co.
will place at the disposal of the -Superintendent of Pub
lic Instruction o Oregon, during the institute season of
1913. the services of an expert teacher of the Palmer
Metbod. who will demonstrate the Palmer Method
at each of the annual Institutes held in thin state
and that he will not receive from anyone in this state
pay for such services: (2) that The Palmer Co. will
offer to all teachers In this state, without charge, ex
cept postage, specimen practice pages of their "Normal
Course by Correspondence:" (3) that the company will
furnish their "Teacher's Guide for Writing Lessons for
Primary Grades," free to teachers of the first and sec
ond grades.) .
Applied Arts Drawing Books, No. 41, edited tfy Wilhelmlna
Seegmiller; Atkinson, Mentzer & Co., publishers, Bos
ton. Mass 1013 .09 .13
Applied Arts Drawing 3ook. No. 42, edited by Wilhelmlna
Seegmiller; Atkinson, Mentzer & Co., publishers, Bos
ton. Msb 1913 -O'J .15
Applied Arts Drawing Books, No. 43, edited by Wilhelmlna
Seegmiller; Atkinson, Mentzer & Co.. publishers, Bos
ton, Mass '. 1013 .00 .15
Applied Arts Drawing Book. No. 44, edited by Wilhelmlna
Seegmiller; Atkinson, Mentzer & Co, publishers, Bos- '
ton. Mass T 15,13 oa -15
Applied Arts Drawing Books, No. 4,", edited by Wilhelmlna
Seegmiller; Atkinson, Mentzer 1 Co., publishers. Bos
ton. Mass .VV ' ; 10 3 -12
Applied Arts Drawing Books, No. 46, edited by Wilhelmlna
Seegmtller; Atkinson, Mentzer & Co.. publishers. Bos-
ton, Mass lSJa .1 .-O
Applied Arts Drawing Books. No. 47, edited by Wilhelmlna ..
Seegmiller; Atkinson, Mentzer & Co., publishers. Bos-
ton Mass ..........-...........- 191 3 .1 . v
Applied Art's Drawing Books. No. 48. edited by Wilhelmlna
Seegmiller; Atkinson, Mentzer & Co., publishers. Bos-
ton. Mass 1813 "
New Educational Music Course, First Music Reader, by
McLaughlin. Veazle and Gilchrist; Glnn & Co., pubish-
ers, Boston. Mass. i."'J""V 1JU8 -
New Educational Music Course, Second Music Reader, by
McLaughlin and Gilchrist; Ginn & Co., publishers. Bos-
ton Mass -. lwOo ...
New 'Educational Music Course. Third Music Reader by
McLaughlin and Gilchrist: Glnn & Co., publishers. Bos-
ton Mass ..................-. .
New 'Educational Music Course, Fourth Music Reader, by
McLaughlin and Gilchrist; Ginn & Co., publishers. Bos-
ton M ass ................------" lwuo ... ...
New ' Educational" " Music Course, Fifth Music Reader, by
McLaughlin and Gilchrist; Glnn & Co.. publishers. Bos-
ton. Mass. . - l80B
Pastor Sees Natural Desire for Expression in Women Through Enhance
ment of Beauty, "Which, he Declares, Is God-Given.
ale Ad
Front Page
AT 8 P. M.
Sunday Is the Bible Human or Divine?
Intensely Interesting. Cornel
tor of the Church of The New Je
rusalem, spoke last Sunday morn
ing on "The Ethics of Dress." a topic
awakening- much Interest at one of the
Christian CltlzenshiD Conference meet
ing's, where the preseni extreme style
of women's dress was critically dealt
with. Dr. Nussbaum, however, treated
the subject comprehensively and from
a point of view apparently new.
"We must fro back to the beginning
of the human race," said the speaker,
"if we-would discover the origin and
meaning; of dress, its ethical value and
aesthetic claims in human conscious
ness. "In biblical history which Is the his
tory of the development of the human
soul we are told that 'the man and his
wife were both naked and not ashamed.'
That Is, they were in that state of per
fect Innocence which perceives truth
and acts-spontaneously from that per
ception. This is the state of .the child,
or of the childhood of, the race; but the
development of a personality requires
knowledge of both sides of the shield,
and freedom of choice, or self-expression.
Knowledge used rightly to direct
the choice brings mankind again Into
a state of perfect innocence, the inno
cence of wisdom, while the first state
was the innocence of ignorance.
, Innocence Is Explained.
"To- this state, of the innocence of
wisdom, did Christ .refer .when he said
'ye must become as little children.'
"Ij the meanwhile, however, in this
long 'process of the growth of a ouL
so long as man's external is in har
mony with his internal, he is 'naked
and not ashamed.' It la when his acts
do not correspond with his perception
of truth and righteousness that he dis
covers he is naked, .and desires to be
clothed; that is, he desires to protect
this internal perception of truth or
goodness, to preserve it, and also to
give it expression or clothe it, hence in
correspondence therewith he sews the
figleaves into a garment to cover his
"This is the spiritual origin and re
member everything in human con
sciousness has a spiritual origin of
dress. It grows out of a twofold de
sire to Bhield and at the same time to
express that which is within.
'. "Now how do we account for the per
fectly obvious fact that women care so
much more for dress than do men? Ob
serve children; the little girl wants to
dress up and look pretty; does the
small boy? Not at all. he wants to go
out and lick another boy, not from
bloodthirsty intent, but to show his
strength, his prowess.
"Here again ' we must look for the
spiritual origin of this difference; for
the acts of each are the legitimate ex
pression of that which is within.
Cnrelesraeiis la Rebuked.
"We are told that God is infinite love
and infinite wisdom; that 'He created
man In his own image, male and fe
male created he them.'
"Now, man representswisdom, truth,
which goes out to battle for the right.
Woman represents love, and the nat
ural expression of love is in beauty,
Her normal desire In self-expression
to be beautiful, or if she have beauty
to enhance it. So far good. But to
what purpose? This is the test of a
woman's character; the use she makes
of her charm, her beauty. If she uses
it to uplift, to inspire mankind, to ap
peal to all that is good and noble in
him, she is acting in harmony with
the divine law of use, and jewels and
beautiful raiment are but the harmon
ious expression of the loveliness within.
"This is the ethical use of dress: to
attract toward goodness. But when
woman seeks selfish ends, personal
gratification or the homage of man for
herself, she makes evil use of the
wonderful gift God has given her, and
fittingly clothes herself in the fash
Ions put forth by the demi monde of
the French capital.
While many women and most girls
follow the prevailing modes thoiayht
lessly, thus failing to cultivate inde
pendence and originality, through
which comes true self-expression.
nevertheless this carelessness is cul
pable even where selfishness is not
the guiding motive."
Mrs. 3Iartha Montague Dies, Aged 80
HOOD RIVER, Or., July 12. (Spe-
clal.) Mrs. Martha Montague, mother
of H. M. Vannler, an orchavdist of the
East Side, died at her son's home July
9. Thursday the body, accompanied by
Mr. Vannler, was taken fa Orwell.
N. Y., to be interred in the old family
burial ground there Mrs. Montague,
who had reached the age of 80 years.
had been living here with her son for
a number of years. She leaves, besides
her son, three daughters, two of them
residents of New York and the other
living on the Isle of Pines.
, Wagon Bridge Contract Let.
CENTRALIA, Wash., July 12. (Spe
cial.) A steel wagon bridge over the
Toutle River, In the northern end of
Cowlita County, is to be built this
year, a contract for its construction
having been awarded to the Huber
Construction Company by the Cowlitz
County Commissioners. The new
bridge will cost 9798.
More New Land Brought Under Cul
tivation This Year Than Ever
Before in Section.
ENTERPRISE, Or., July 12. (Spe
cial.) Five traction engines are break
ing sod in Wallowa County on the
thousands of acres of rolling grain
land., More new land will be brought
under the plow this year than In any
previous three-year period. The grain
lands lie all around Enterprise and
havev been used only as pasture since
the flrse settlement of the county.
Some farmers have broken a few
hnudred acres, and have reaped good
harvests If the land vas properly
tilled. Others did not, however, profit
by 'the experience in the Palouse and in
Umatilla County. They tried to fol
low Eastern methods, with all spring
crops, and met with little success.
Stock-raising was easy, profitable and
popular. But homesteaders have taken
away the ranges, and the free gov
ernment land is nearly all gone. Hence
attention has been turned to cultiva
tion and the tractors are replacing the
Last year Evans Brothers brought
in one traction engine and plowed In
the hills between Enterprise and Los
tine. Last spring the same firm
brought In a second tractor. Then G.
R. Matthes bought one. He had more
work than he could do, and C. P. Rags
dale bought the engine for his own
use. Mr. Matthes has bought a. new
machine, which he will use. W. A.
Jones has added the fifth tractor which
he is using on his large farm between
Enterprise and Joseph.
In a few years at the present rate
all the hills northwest, north, north
east and east of Enterprise - will bo
waving grain fields.
To a Weak Stomach
or Inactive Liver
A 301 TL 0
yMm . cramps -
ll'BSS' FEVER and AGUE '
X.V.--.. m a