HP n raff 1 1 r - ' ' A- :.:;r:x. THAT'S THTEr PEIXOW HLS A CROOK. BUT .CANT Q u lit: pi.ach;nv (ear Jp U Dn YOU'VE DODGIN MS FOR VJEEICS 80T h&-CAU,MT YOU AT LA f 1 ' . (IT) 1 s "M III 1 think hs T FRANK HOWLU YH HOTEL BEAT I That uves on fc--, HIS. NERjE AND Kl&YEfc PASABIty Z3 " -. i AfA SHmOCK H0UAE5URJ LKIUKZ . the- detect ive . J (vJHAT. COMP WITH NB - Wl.'? ' trOlNb TO OA1U " v-- jtrjn - ' SOj.' YHERE toUARI? H ? 1 DON'T JUST REMEN8E-R WHS YOU ARE Bur Your, face- js J .J f ilU. I'M ft AYTrAA TA 11 r t-o k. rftyiNirni to PAY THAT TOJ OWE. C-O rA E- VAIITH fAfe W&Tlg. QoiN3 TO A . . V.V.V A 4 v I was out in my motor boat one day when an excursion steamer, about two miles away, suddenly blew vrp, throwing the two hundred passengers out into the water, blie 6anlc rapidly. V V,1- !A I . All O.i' SS ! Two seconds later I was at the scene of the disaster. I Worked hard for awhile getting the panic-stricken passengers into my motor boat, but I finally saved each and every one of them. Then, having fastened to my belt a peculiar shaped auger of my own inven tion, I dove off the motor boat. - I went down a thousand leagues or so before I discovered the sunken boat. i9. .. -.-V 2 worked furiously for a few seconds boring several holes into the hull of the steamer. This auger bored holes that let the water run out fast, but owing to its coiling bore would admit no watery (. - - J - , 1 In one or two spots where it .-T"-- v , V-'j'" "' V I f -Jj-- ' ' . 111 ' was badly damaged I patched a -wr-". ' ;; ; --.. r -v 4- few sheets of steel As the water - ' ' . -C ran out of the holes the grit h " -r " - -C, v -ru-1 Ti- ' , ) 71" steamer shuddered and then rose ' J -"- J,1" . 1" " . 'A .- v:?- majestically to the top. : J ' fc ' ' v-- . . 4 t-.----r-r. . . 1 E :. ' ' ' I I-:.-:... . jf1 i .!-;:. ! TTI t iicn 1 rose to rni enr ar r, fcrrtd the happy pasencrs from my motor boat to the decks ofthe excursion B-pamcr ana roacaway, their glad hu and cheering following mc far rxiilci zxaa leu