The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 06, 1913, SECTION SIX, Page 6, Image 68

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Although Brought Up Sensibly Enough, Princess Mary Has a Keen
Idea of Her Own Importance and Is a Tyrant Among Her Brothers
ENGLISH society has been Interested
lately In' the Question of the com
ing' out of her Royal Highness, the
young Princess Mary As the only
daughter of the King of England It Is
natural that speculation should be rife
as to her future prospects, and her
name has already been coupled by
matchmakers with those of several for
eign royalties.
Princess Mary attained her sixteenth
birthday on April 26, but Queen Mary
has no intention of Introducing; her
daughter to the world" as a grownup
young lady till after she Is 18. As a
matter of fact the Princess looks
younger than her real age, and In mind
and education she Is younger, for
though naturally she has had every ed
ucational advantage Bhe has been
brought up so simply that in mind she
remains somewhat undeveloped.
To a certain extent she Inherits her
mother's shyness and lack of geniality.
Queen Mary even now will shed tears
of sheer nervousness at the prospect
of receiving an Ambassador and his
suite, though she will converse wltn
perfect aplomb. Intelligence and Inter
est with a doctor at a large hospital or
will present prizes in public to poo.r
children with a charming little greet
ing for each recipient in the view of
cheering thousands. Princess Mary's
nervousness and want of savoir vlvre
were exemplified not long ago when
she had to be fitted for a dress.
Two dressmakers attended, and the
young Princess, after much thought
and some hesitation, made a remark
about the weather. Then giving up the
attempt to -manufacture conversation
she occupied herself while alterations
were being made by busily picking up
the pins which had been dropped upon
the floor.
"I thought It was better than talking
when I had nothing to say," she told
her governess, "and at any rate it was
It Is Interesting to note that she In
herits some of the traits of her great
grandmother. Queen Victoria. She has,
like her ancestress, no sense of humor,
and In spite of the sensible upbringing
of her parents has a considerable idea
of her own Importance. The writer can
vouch for the following episode whicn
happened at one of the large garden
parties at Buckingham Palace about
two years ago.
Princess Mary, dressed In a simple
white dress, was allowed, rather as a
favor, to mingle with the guests. Run
ning up to a high court official whom
she knew well and who was In deep
conversation with a member of the
Government, she pulled his coat sleeve
several times to gain his attention. At
last he turned and said courteously but
rather impatiently: "Run away, little
lady, I'm busy now."
The Princess ran to her mother, who
had observed the little scene from &
"Mother!" cried the indignant daugh
ter. "Sir called me little lady' and
told me to run away."
"You had better go back to him, my
dear," said the Queen, "and tell him
that, though you are a Princess. you
have yet to learn to be a little lady."
Princess Mary is something of an
autocrat among her brotners, and at
Sandringham. the charming country
house of the King and Queen in Nor
folk, there is sometimes a good deal
of sparring and an exchange of much
plainness of speech. Once when games
were, being played with the children of
the gamekeepers on the estate, the
Princess, in a fit of temper, pushed one
of her playmates into a shallow pond
and then ran away laughing. The
Prince of Wales, then about 13, was
very angry with his sister ana ;;:?
her up In a Summer house, saying with
more truth than politeness:
"You are a disagreeable cat and you
shan't come out till you tell him you
are sorry."
"At last, after much kicking at the
door, she called her brother: "You can
say I didn't mean to," ungraciously.
"No, you must apologize to him your
self." was the stern mentor's answer.
In the meantime he victim had been
put into dry clothes by his mother, who
was evidently devoid of democratic
principles, for she Impressed on her son
that It was something of an honor to
be rolled in the mud by a real princess
and that he must apologize for having
been so near the pond. The Prince
of Wales, whose mind does not work
quickly, and who, like his mother and
sister, has no sense of humor, was
rather puzzled at the double apology
and felt, no doubt, that in some way
his Intended lesson had missed fire.
Princess Mary does not care much for
books, though she is a good linguist,
having had French and German gov
ernesses from her earliest childhood.
Bhe Is devoted to outdoor life, especial
ly to riding. It is no secret that she
would much like to ride astride as so
many of her friends are doing In the
park, but this the Queen sternly for
bids. No doubt her majesty wisely
turns her head when In the privacy of
the sanaringnam paddocks her daugh
ter, springing on the back of her pony
with or without a saddle it is all one
to her tears madly up and down with
her hair flying and more often than not
both feet out of the stirrups.
On a bright Spring morning -there
are few prettier sights than the King
riding with his daughter in Rotten
Row. The Princess keeps up a con
stant flow of conversation, being evi
dently on the best of terms with her
father, and is delighted when they are
recognized and Bhe can give her funny
stiff, self-conscious little bow. On her
16th birthday her father presented to
her a beautiful riding horse of her
Like her mother, the Princess takes
very little interest in dress. Even her
beautiful golden hair is tossed back
as a tiresome mane, while at 16 she
leaves the selection of the color and
style of her clothes entirely to her
mother, who sets herself conscientious
ly to the performance of a duty for
which she is entirely unfitted. Many
people think it is impossible to make
a child plain and ungraceful, but cer
tainly that result has been achieved
many times by her majesty of Ens
land during the childhood of Princess
Mary.- At a flower show, in brilliant
June sunshine, the poor child appeared
swathed in hot black serge with no re
lieving piece of lace or tulle, because
her grandfather, the late King Ed
ward, had recently died. "Surely," said
ow a vy realty
i. ...
Vvcm a
PARIS, June 27. It looks like a
story from the "Arabian Nights'
Entertainments" when I write that the
King of Arabia is in Paris. Neverthe
less it is true, and his majesty is In
stalled with his suite in the Hotel da
Bequerel, Rue de Bequerel. Montmarte.
"The King of Arabia" is none other
than the experienced French explorer
Viscount de Breuil. There is a hazy
Idea that this interesting country of
Arabia, the cradle of Mohammedanism,
is an appendage of Turkey. Such is
not the case. Turkey nominally rules
the northern, eastern and western
coasts, while the south coast Is con
trolled by British India. Central Arabia
is a high and healthful plateau, where
Arab sheiks dwell in all the purity of
their race. It is of this vast plain,
peopled by a wild population of 30,000,.
000, that Viscount de Breuil is King.
The story ot how toe mounted the
throne Is simple. Inveterate explorer,
he was studying the manners and cus
toms of the people and. the flora and
fauna of Central Arabia, when he found
the various tribes in deadly antag
onism. Every Arab chief wanted to be
King. There was no hope whatever of
reconciling them. '
The explorer, who was well and fa
vorably known to the shleks, did all
he could to bring about peace and to
get .a King elected. The chiefs could
not agree upon one of themselves. Fi
nally they proposed that the intrepid
explorer himself should become their
King. He accepted. Then they thought
out a title under which 'he should rule.
Taking his first name, which is Alfred,
they by an easy Arabic transition made
it Al Ferid, and so they installed Vis
count de Breuil King of Arabia under
the title of Al Ferid I.
The King took an oath to safeguard
the Independence of Arabia and to pro
tect the Integrity of its territory. Un
der him is a Grand Vizier who executes
his orders. The King of Arabia, who
comes from an old French family, has
organized the Interior provinces, intro
duced a modicum of -Western civilisa
tion, promoted commerce, and trained
an army of 3.000.000 men ready to de
tend their country against all comers.
The object of his visit to Europe and
what he hopes to accomplish there is
explained In the following proclamation
which he has issued to his subjects:
"It is 30 years since we founded to
gether the independent kingdom of
Arabia 30 years since God made me
your King. Under the direction of the
eminent Vizier whom I left at your head
you have accomplished the desired evo
lution; you are now ready to receive
the blessings of Western civilization.
You are ripe for great things and for
vast enterprises. Your ancestors set
out to conquer the Old World, but their
power crumbled because it was based
upon the fragile foundation of Moham
med. But we shall win by peaceful
measures the glory of other days, and
a sympathetic mother in the .crowd,
"a black sash on a white dress would
have met the case."
Queen Mary herself has no sense of
dress and is the despair of her dress
makers, who, it is commonly reported,
are careful to conceal from their smart
customers that they have the honor of
dressing her Majesty. Her affection for
severe tailor mades is a positiye obses
sion, and though waists have long been
out of fashion she insists on having one
accompanied by the generous curves of
hip and bosom which might be seen
upon the portly form of a Yorkshire
farmer's wife. There are people who
say that grace, elegance and esprit are
not welcome qualities at court, and
lately there have been serious threats
of a strike among the maids of honor.
The way in which Princess Mary will
cling to an umbrella on any and all
occasions is a standing joke with her
brothers, who have nicknamed her, fa
vorite one "Mary's twin."
The daughter strikingly resembles her
mother in character and looks. Though
not in the least pretty, she has a pleas
IIP I 'V f- v
this time it will last because it will be
based upon the rock of Christianity.
"Persuasion and love invariably in
spire my counsels for you. There must
be no pressure and no compulsion even
for the most humble among you. I al
ways try to dry the tears of the widow
and the orphan. By the grace of God,
the Most High, I am your Absolute
Monarch. As such I will find for you
loving and devoted teachers who will
bring you the benefits of real civili
zation. "They will teach you the sciences and
the arts and will bring back to you
those principles of knowledge which
your forefathers scattered throughout
Europe. The promises of glory and of
fortune which I have made to you shall
be realized. On the anniversary of the
founding of the Independent Kingdom
of Arabia you shall see me enter our
capital of Eyoun not alone, but with
my companions In arms, your future
Instructors and friends. They will give
your sons a solid military education.
They will enable our great army of
' cL P
ing appearance rather marred by a
hardness of expression. The blue eyes
do not often melt to tenderness and the
mouth can set In a very haughty curve.
Only those who know the young Prin
cess and the Queen in the intimacy of
home have any idea of the genuine
kindness of heart and thought for the
comfort and haplness of others which
exist. under those rather hard and re
pellant exteriors.
Naturally in the great house of Eng
lish royalty there are housekeepers,
majordomos and others who manage
and organise the large staffs of ser
vants, but the humbliest kitchen maid,
the youngest footman, knows that as
a last resort they have the right to a
personal appeal to her majesty.
Little Prince George In a fit of tem
per once told his nurse to "go to hell."
Great was the consternation of his
father and mother when informed of his
Where could the Prince have learned
such reprehensible language? The cul
prit was sent to bed and told he must
remain there on a diet of bread and
water till he made amends by saying
-.As "uygf &
8,000.000 men to protect the integrity
of our new empire against the covet
ousness of Europe.
"I will bring you engineers who will
construct high-ways, railroads, forts,
canals and porta I will bring you
shipbuilders who will build up a navy.
I will bring you architects who will
make your old cathedrals arise from
the dust of ages.
"You can turn your minerals, your
rich cereals and your precious per
fumes Into a golden harvest. Quick
sailing ships will soon carry our prod
ucts to the great markets of Europe
and America, and bring back the raw
material which we need. No one will
be permitted to interrupt your pious
pilgrimages to the holy cities of Mecca
and Medina. These pilgrimages will
take on their first meaning. For be
fore Mohammed your fathers wor
shipped the God of Abraham, who with
his own hands built to the glory of
the Most High the first temple of stone.
"It is then in honor of Abraham that
you will make your pilgrimages to
he was sorry. He was a stubborn
youngster and remained Imprisoned for
two days in spite of his mother's ear
nest appeals.
At last the smell of food and the
sound of. his brothers and sisters play
ing in the garden were too much for
him. He said he would apologize. The
Queen, delighted, sent for the nurse.
Sitting up in bed and wiping the tears
from his eyes he said:
"Nurse. I told you to go to hell;
well, you needn't."
This was the apology. Even her
majesty had to turn away to hide her
Simplicity and common sense have
governed the Queen in the bringing up
of the royal family. Many a sprig of
nobility, many a son of some million
aire man of business is accustomed to
greater luxury in his daily life than
falls to the lot of the heir to the Eng
lish throne. A true story Is told of the
Prince of Wales' visit to one of the
merchant princes.
The occasion was the launch of a
great liner and the Prince was to be
Mecca to worship God. Medina was
founded by Ismail, the father of your
glorious race. In the days of the
Crusades your women married the
Franks. French blood flows in your
veins as in mine. We salute together
the generous French nation of which
you and I are the issue."
Yes, there at the very gates of Eu
rope, five days from the Port of Ver
sailles, is a country four times as big
as France. It is the key to three con
tinents and is situated between tour
seas. And yet it is an. unknown land
except to a dozen or so' of explorers
among whom is King Ferid L
The King informs me that Sir Rich
ard Burton, the celebrated English ex
plorer knew that Arabia is richer than
Europe in mines, than America in pe
troleum and than the Transvaal in gold.
The reason this country has remained
so long in the shade is because Turkey
pretended to Europe to claim sover
eignity not only over the coasts but
also over the Hinterland, a sover
eignity which the chiefs have never
acknowledged and which Turkey can
not enforce. Only one side of Arabia,
that which looks toward the Red Sea,
is on the highway of commerce. The
other parts of this quadrilateral pen
insula are off the beaten tracks.
"My oountry." King Ferid said to me,
"has 600.000,000 acres of arable land.
These form a plateau at an altitude
of from 900 to 1500 yards, and the part
between the twentieth and thirtieth
degrees of latitude is perpetual Spring
like the French Riverla. Gold abounds
in the Northwest; there are also mines
of silver, nickel, sine, lead and iron.
Coper is its dominant metal. Its agri
cultural and Its mineral wealth are a
Copper is its dominant metol. Our Arab
steeds alone are worth a kingdom and
we have a stud-book showing a race of
thoroughbred Arabs going back many
. The Mighty Y. M. C. A.
"World's Work.
Threescore years ago T. V. Sullivan,
a sea captain, organized in Boston a
new business, modeled after something
he had heard existed in England. It
was different from any American busi
ness then in existence. The new ven
ture began in a very small way, with
practically no capital and no backing.
As it became a demonstrated success,
capital came to it and men of affairs
became interested in its management.
Today this organisation has thou
sands of employes. It has 2196 offices
in almost as many American cities. Its
expenses are more than - (10,000,000 a
year. It has recently erected a building
in Chicago worth $300,000, one in New
York costing $400,000, and another in
Cleveland valued at 3953,000. It is
building an office building in Atlanta
at a cost of 3143,000, another in Phil
adelphia valued at 3687,000, and a third
in Boston at an expenditure of $1,300,
000. For five years this corporation
has been erecting branch houses at
the rate of one every six days. All told.
It owns 726 buildings. Its real estates
is worth $70,000,000, and it has main
tenance funds of $14,000,000 more, giv
ing it a total capital ot 384,000,000.
The name of this organisation is the
Young Men's Christian, Association.
Its business is the conservation of
America's manhood.
Unsatisfactory College) Presidents.
Of the 105 colleges and universities
that I have visited, I have become suf
ficiently acquainted with possibly 61
to form judgments concerning the suc
cess of their presidents in meeting
the expectations of those whom they
served. Of the 61 presidents, 34 appear
to be unsatisfactory. . I mean that a
majority of the faculty, students and
alumni of 34 institutions appear to be
in favor ot a new president. In other
words, if my observations are correct,
two college presidents out of,three are
regarded as failures.
,llilJf (E ll
a guest in the magnificent mansion of
one of the partners in the firm. Great
preparations were made. Among other
things a set of costly pillow cases with
monograms and real lace frills was
specially prepared, and a real crystal
ewer and basin heirlooms in the fam
ily were placed in the royal bedroom.
In the morning it was found that his
Royal Highness had taken off the pil
low cases and folded them neatly on a
chair as too precious to use and had
washed his hands in the sponge bowl
for fear of damaging the crystal
"Noblesse oblige" may be said to be
the motto on which the King and
Queen try to act. There are critics
who say that life at court is dull, that
there is too much "fussing over grubby
you see. he was on a train and he shot
the newsboy. At first they weren't go
ing to do anything to him tor they
thought he just had it In for the news,
boy. But then somebody said, 'Why,
he's, plumb crazy, and he's liable to
shoot any of us!' and then they threw
him off the train. It was here at Me
dora, and hey asked if anybody would
take care of him, and Bill Jones said
he would, because he was the Sheriff
and the jail had two rooms, and he
was living in one and would put the
lunatic in the other." Here Bill Jones
interrupted: "Yes, and more fool me!
I wouldn't take charge of another
lunatic if the whole country asked me.
Why" (with the air of a man announc
ing an astounding discovery), "that
lunatio didn't have his right senses!
He wouldn't eat, till me and Snyder
got him down on the shavings and
made him eat." Snyder was a huge,
happy-go-lucky, kind-hearted, Penn
sylvania Dutchman, and was Bill Jones'
chief deputy. Bill continued: "You
know, Snyder's soft-hearted, he is.
Well, he'd think that lunatic looked
peaked, and he'd take him out for an
airing. Then the boys would get josh
ing him as to how much start he could
give him over the prairie and catch him
again." Apparently the amount of the
start given the lunatic depended upon
the amount ot the bet to which the
joshing led up. I asked Bill what he
would have done if fenyder hadn't
caught the lunatic This was evidently
a new idea, and he responded that
8nyder always did catch him. "Well."
said Bill Jones, "if Snyder hadn't
caught the lunatic. Id have whaled
hell out' of Snyder!"
Under these circumstances Snyder
ran his best and always did catch the
patient. It must not be gathered from
this that the lunatio was badly treat
ed. He was well treated. He became
greatly attached to both BUI Jones and
Snyder, and he objected strongly when,
after the frontier theory of treatment
of the insane had received a full trial,
he was finally sent off to the terri
torial capital. It was merely that all
the relations of life in that place and
day were so managed as to give ample
opportunity for the expression of Indi
viduality, whether in Sheriff or ranch
man. The local practical joker once
attempted to have some fun at the ex
pense of the lunatio, and Bill Jones
described the result. "You know Bix
by, don't you? Well." with deep dis
approval, "Blxby thinks he is funny,
he does. He'd come and h'd wake that
lunatio up at night, and I'd have to
get up and soothe him. I fixed Bixby
all right, though. I fastened a rope on
the latch, and next time Bixby came I
let the lunatic out on him. He 'most
bit Bixby's nose off. I learned Bixby!"
Bill Jones had been unconventional
in other relations besides that of Sher
iff. He once casually mentioned to me
that he had served on the police force
of Bismarck, but he had left because he
"beat the Mayor over the head with
his gun one day." He added: "The
Mayor, he didn't mind it. but the Su
perintendent of Police said he guessed
I'd better resign." His feeling, ob
viously, was that the Superintendent of
Police was a martinet, unfit to take
large views of life.
It was while with BUI Jones that I
Noise Is Steadily
MVNS nerves and hearing apparatus
were evolved In comparatively
quiet surroundings, to detect faint
sounds warning htm of danger or of
the presence of game. Sudden loud
sounds shock the system greatly In
childhood they may cause convulsions.
In time we might evolve a race im
mune to noise, but it can only be done
by killing off those who are most in
jured by it, and these nervous people
are often the very ones who are doing
the most to advance civilization. So
Aztecs Have No
THE famous Aztec calendar stone,
now in the National Museum of
Mexico, is a block ot basalt weighing
25 tons and having a diameter of 11
feet. Encircling the head of the sun
god is a diadem bearing hieroglyphics
representing the divisions of time and
the Asteo method of numbering the
The number of days in their year
was 365, as In ours. Each year had a
children." too little attention paid to
the wealthy and highly placed. The
Queen, they say. is early Victorian in
her tastes; manners are starchy; the
discussion of scandals Is not encour
aged. The complaints may be summed
up in the words of a member of the
smart set:
"There's a middle class atmosphere
about Buckingham Palace which is de
pressing." Perhaps there is some foundation for
these strictures. The royal family is
popular up to a certain point, because,
to English people, loyalty to the reign
ing house has become a habit; but It
will be long before there is the same
intense personal devotion on the part
of the man in the street to King George
as there was to the late King Edward.
first made acquaintance with Seth Bul
lock. Seth was at that time Sheriff in
the Black Hills district, and a roan he
had wanted a horse thief I finally
got. I being at the time Deputy Sherif
two or three hundred miles to the
north. The man went by a nickname
which I will call "Crazy Steve"; a year
or two afterwards I received a letter
asking about him from his uncle, a
thoroughly respectable man in a West
ern state; and later this uncle and I
met at Washington when I was Presi
dent and he a United States Senator. It
was some time after "Steeve's" cap
tuisf that I went down to Deadwood on
business, Sylvane Ferris and I on
horseback, while Bill Jones drove the
wagon. At a little town, Spearfish, I
think, after crossing the last 80 or 90
miles of gumbo prairie, we met Seth
Bullock. We had had rather a rough
trip, and had lain out for a fortnight,
so I suppose we looked somewhat un
kempt. Seth received us with rather
distant courtesy at first, but unbent
when he found out who we were, re
marking, "You see. by your looks I
thought you were some kind of a tin
horn gambling outfit, and that I might
have to keep an eye on you!" He then
inquired after the capture of "Steve"
with a little of the air of one sports
man when another has shot a quail
that either might have claimed "My
bird. I believe?" Later Seth Bullock
became, and has ever since remained,
one of my stanchest and most valued
friends. He served as Marshal for
South Dakota under me as President.
When, after the close of my term. I
went to Africa, on getting back to Eu
rope I cabled Seth Bullock to bring
over Mrs. Bullock and meet me in Lon
don, which he did; by that time I felt
that I just had to meet my own peo
ple, who spoke my neighborhood dia
lect. Doing It First.
When serving as Deputy Sheriff I
was impressed with the advantage the
officer of the law has over ordinary
wrongdoers, provided he thoroughly
knows his own mind. There are ex
ceptional outlaws, men with a price
on their head's and of remarkable
prowess, who are utterly indifferent to
taking life, and whose warfare against
society is as open as that of a savage
on the warpath. The law officer has
no advantage whatever over these men
save what his own prowess may or
may not give him. Such a man was
Billy the Kid, the notorious man-killer
and desperado of New Mexico, who was
himself finally slain by a friend of
mine. Pat Garrett, whom, when I was
President, I made Collector of Customs
at El Paso. But the ordinary criminal,
even when murderously inclined, feels
just a moment's hesitation as to
whether he cares to kill an officer of
the law engaged in his duty. I took in
more than one man who was probably
a better roan than. I was with both
rifle and revolver; but in each case I
knew Just what I wanted to do, and,
like David Harum, I "did It first,"
whereas the fraction of a second that
the other man hesitated put him in a
position where it was useless for him
to resist.
(To be continued in The Oregonian
next Sunday.)
Killing Mankind
the only thing to do is to make the
environment fit for them and not kill
them as unfit for the environment.
The first step is to abolish unneces
sary bells, whistles and street cries,
construct less noisy pavements and
give children playgrounds where they
can blow off steam to their dear hearts'
content and not annoy any one, not
even long-suffering, headachy mamma.
A genius who can still the noise of
our dreadful streets and tube railways
will be dubbed "blessed" by the world.
Fear of Hoodoo
different emblem repeated every four
years. The first year was called Toch
tll, or rabbit: the second, Acatel, or
reed; the third, Teeptal, or flint; the
fourth, Calll, or house. The years were
further arranged by thirteens, four
such periods making a Mexican age.
When the City of Mexico was taken
by Cortes In 1521. and the great temple
destroyed, the calendar stone was left
in the square. It was burled in 1555.
and not recovered again until 1790.