THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 6, 1913. CAMERA DEPICTS VARIED RANGE OF INTERESTING EVENTS Strikers Reproduce Scenes of Strife in Big Pageant Dam Stems Waters of Mississippi River Pope Honors Americans Mammoth Ship in Service Police Women, Patrol Board Walk. ' WJW JBMWA JlW(W. r; i ir-r r;- iv-KVVN-.' e v I I I' I , " k.m "Viw '-"""f mm m" "" ' ' ""'."',. j i i "' I I I I - lt"m ii ..ri- -i ' -',a"" ' wri'' - - ...... I 1 N i SW YORK. July The Paterson, N. J., silk strike. with its picket lines, incendiary apetches and riots, was foug-ht all over again at Madison Square' Garden last month in a big- dramatic six-episode pageant, enacted entirely by the strik. ers themselves. The most somber epi sode of all was the portraying of the funeral of a man killed by a police man's bullet. The Keokuk dam, which will stem the waters of the Mississippi River at Keokuk. Ia., rapidly is nearing com pletion. -It will be the largest in the world, except one, the Assouan. The waters passing through its 30 turbines will generate 250,000 horsepower, enough to light every public and pri vate lamp, run every streetcar and turn every factory wheel in every Mls elppl Valley city and town from St. Paul to St. Louis. Milton and Sargent Aborn have been chosen by the backers of the new opera company in New York to direct its ar tistic and business ends. A fund of $300,000 is being raised as a guarantee and the members of the City Club com mittee having the matter in charge are ptlmlBtic about the returns from pur chases of the company's stock. The Aborns have been, with Henry Sav age, the most successful producers of higher grade operas in the United States. Charles Locke and others have produced operas at a loss from time to time but the Aborns and Savage have made money from opera. The Aborns are going abroad shortly to select ringers for the new company. They have outlined their plan, which is to produce different operas for one week each. An effort va made to learn public taste in the choice of operas and a vote taken showed that "Aida" was the most popular of the heavy operas, so "Aida" will open this season at the 6, (Special.) Century Theater, which hereafter will be known as the Century Opera-house. It is likely that "Tristan and Isolde" will be the second opera, for it was second choice of the voters in the expression of popular taste. It la intended to have these operas sung In the language In which they were written and not in English at least for the first season. The price of seats will be 2. The Century is admirably adapted to opera. It was used by the Metropolitan Opera Company for the production of its lighter works one season". Falling in line with other cities, Newport has Just appointed two po licewomen. Their special . duty is to patrol the boardwalk at the beach and hear complaints of women and children. They wear a. simple uniform with a round flat-topped hat. To a party of Americans was accord ed the honor of being the first tour ists to see Pope Pius after his recent illness. ' The Pope stood on a balcony, overlooking the courtyard of the Vati can, bestowing blessings on Americans below. One of the interesting types of tne Philippine Islands is the Moro warriors that engaged in battle with American soldiers. The Moros have been the hardest tribe to subdue. The world's largest ship Is the steam, ship Imperator. It was built by the Hamburg-American line and reached New York on her maiden trip recently. She is the last word in ships. Her great size has made it possible to equip her with many original features never before enjoyed at sea. including in ad dition to the regular cabins, a Roman bath, gymnasium with running track, a tennis court, etc. The Imperator has 84 lifeboats and also is equipped with all the newest safety devices. A tour ist crossing on this vessel may engage a suite of 12 rooms, where he may en Joy all the privacy of his own home. MOTHERHOOD PENSION IS CALIFORNIA FEATURE i Delegates Return From Annual Meetings of California and Washington Mothers' Congress and Make Reports of Good Work Being Done. BY r.ERTHA TAYLOR VOORHORST. TIE delegates appointed by the Ore gon Congress of Mothers to attend the annual meetings of the Cali fornia and the "Washington State branches have returned with enthus iastic reports of the splendid work be ing done. Mrs. Julia LaBarre brings word 'from the California meeting at Berkely that more than 90 delegates were pres ent, with a good representation from the State Federation. Fifty-nine new circles have been organized during the year, one circle alone having more than 400 members, and paying more than $60 annual dues to the state body. California is fortunate in having as chairman of the membership commit tee, Mrs. Noble, who is considered the Queen of Membership workers. The Legislative body reported a number of hills put through at the recent ses sion of the Legislature, one being the red light and abatement hill, another known as the kindergarten bill, which makes the kindergartens a part of the public schools; a motherhood bill was passed which differs from the Ore gon widow's pension bill in that it provides for the maiden-mother as well as for the wife-mother who is widowed by reason of death or deser tion. Excellent work is also .being done In numerous reformatory lines, with the assistance and support of probation officers. Mrs. H. L. Walter was royally re ceived at the Seattle gathering, and cites as an incentive to the Oregon membership committee that Washing ton has 136 affiliated circles, with a total of 180 circles throughout the state. Through the Influence of these circles, 42 fresh-air schoolrooms have been established as a part of the pub lie school system, mostly in the City of Seattle. In the annual address of the President, reference was made to the various good measures which have been passed by the women within the brief period of their citizenship, which the women of Washington, D. C., con sider simply wonderful, as it required 22 years of hard work on their part to carry similar measures. Some of the resolutions passed were that effort should be concentrated on the classification of crimes and that they should be published on other than the front page of the newspapersr that a committee of mothers should be pres ent at every session of the Juvenile Court: that there should be a Domestic Relations Jourt where divorce cases could be tried without need of pub licity. Washington Department Sought, From the National Congress held in Boston, word has been received that a. resolution was passed providing for a Home Department In Washington, D. C, with the National President, Mrs. Frederick Schoff, in charge: This Home Department will be conducted along the lines of the Portland Parents' Ed ucational Bureau, but will specialize more on good roads in country dis tricts to prevent migration to the cities. In this connection Dr. J. Stanley Hall recommended that the Parent-Teacher Circles co-operate with the University Extension Departments. The programme for Mothers' Con fress day at Chautauqua, July 14, is also under consideration. At the morn Jng forum an address will be given on The Federal Children s Bureau ' by Lewis Merian, assistant chief of the bureau, Washington, T. C, followed by folk dances under the direction of Miss Mabel Raab by the children from the Alblna center of the People's Institute. Plans for the afternoon have not as yet been completed. Last, but not least or, rather, first, last and all the time interest centers in the scoring of babies at the Parents' Educational Bureau. This scoring is not in any sense a contest, but merely an opportunity for mothers to bring in their babies, whether well and hearty or puny and ailing, for scientific tests and advice, which will be given abso lutely free by the most eminent child specialists of the city. It is truly sur prising how much Interest has been created in so short a time. Parents are coming to realize how their habits and environments affect the future generation. One mother voluntarily testified to the 111 effects of tobacco and careless, thoughtless habits by pointing out the difference in her two children, the younger being superior to the elder, due, she explained, to the fact that neither she nor her husband realized the sacredness and duties ' of parenthood until after the first child, a. delicate babe, came to them. The fath er then ceased smoking, lived more out of doors, slept in the fresh air and ex ercised frpely, with the result that the second child has perfect health and a strong constitution. Tribute Paid to Oregon. Another mother paid a tribute to Ore gon by presenting two hearty young sters, born in Oregon, in comparison with three delicate children born else where. The three elder children, as she puts it, "catch everything that comes along in the way of an epjdemic," while the two husky Oregonians axe free from all ills. But Oregon cchildren will have to look to their laurels if many such babies as little Maxlne Lolita Figman come to town. The little 1-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Figman captivated the five specialists who were summoned to fill out the official score card for the real prize contest to be held the following day. A special ex amination was given for the reason that little Miss Figman was to be car ried away by Papa and Mamma Fla:- man before the time of the contest at the Multnomah Hotel. One of the pnysictans who assisted with the spe cial examination pronounced the Fia-- man baby a perfect child, full of energy and histrionic ability. "Daughter of an actor, daughter of an actress," said the physician, "full of the spirit of in- nerent qualities, constantly entertain ing the audience present. With the careful training and care provided by the parents, giving the brain an oppor. tunity to develop to its highest degree, with this histrionic. Inherent ability which the child shows in every move ment, it Is quite likely that the world win be treated in another quarter of a century to a great acresa. named fliaxine Joiita tigman." Avio-ny uiuLiiers wnose little ones nave tne sneiter or a permanent, fixed home might well profit by the strin gent system adopted in the. Figman nursery, for there is a real nursery in the private i car in which the family travels. The child is cared for In ac cord witn tne latest eugenic ideas. It is Kept quietly, away from the lime light, so that its nervous system and brain development are not subjected to tne usual turmoil or travel. Many children who are considered prodigies in their early youth become very Hieaiocro in later years, duo jta 17 lPvtT"1 1 1 : ? 3& Am '1 HP t in m r:;v- ;- 'IT f As; IN IIP W " , v i I I I 4" riiri"",n.n iiWmih mi i ,i ti .... i iti 1 1 """!Ss. -sar- III III -5a 1 -( ' 1i tcy77 -V V ? T ...... . . 1 S: si r &Sfc!:',. ill. Sir. ' lit. if ' ' JTT xS'i irrf- ; LmmmLmMMm t -1 , - the taxation of their Intellect during that stage of rapid brain development from 3 to 6 or 7 years of age. HAREM QUEEN IS "INFIDEL French Factory Lass, Captured by Tribesmen, Becomes Favorite. PARIS, July 5. (Special.) Some weeks ago Moroccan, tribesmen at tacked a French factory and carried off the manager's "petite amle," Eleo nore Lloret. - El Haddin's harem be ing presumably sufficiently well stocked, the fair captive was handed over by him to Mohammed Chegult, the Rogul of Taza, who made her his first favorite. To keep the whole af fair in the lightsome tradition of comic opera, the French High Commissioner, M. Varjiier, opened negotiations for the lady's ransom, first with El Haddin and later with her lord and master, the Rogul of Taza. El Haddin expressed himself willing to surrender the captive for $45 and a magazine pistol, but the gallant Rogui, in spite of the fact that his tribesmen, under threat of rebellion, called upon him to banish the infidel charmer, re fused to surrender her, save at the price of a golden Louis for every hair of ber bead, On ibege terms Eleoaore 7pe of is long likely to remain the queen of his harem. Advertisements Are Pretty. PARIS. July. 5. (Special.) Now. that the large advertising posters that were so great a disfigurement of the country on either side of the French railway lines have been rendered Illegal, ad vertisers on the Orleans Railway have begun to plant flower beds of brilliant colors In the fields on either side of the line, with the flowers arranged so as to spell the name of the goods to which they are to call attention. OFFICE PROVES UNPOPULAR Post or Turkish Grand Vizier Harks Back to Sultan Selim. CONSTANTINOPLE, July S. (Spe cial.) The office of Grand .Vizier is becoming aa undesirable, now as it was 400 years ago, under Sultan Selim, the Grim. It was regarded then as a high road to execution, and "Mayest thou be Sellm's Vizier!" was a common phrase for "Strike you dead!" Upon one occasion Selim consulted his Viziers as to what should be done concerning hi3 troubles with the Mam luk ruler of Egypt. His secretary, Mohammed, advised war, and Selim was so pleased that he made him Grand Vizier on the spot. But It re quired a dose of the bastinado to per suade Mohammed to take on the doubt ful honor. Danzig to Oust Thistles. DANZIG, July 5. (Special.) A po lice order published In a Danzig news paper warns those concerned that all thistles in fields and gardens must be uprooted by the end of July. Disregard of this order will mean a fine of J27.50 or imprisonment. Centralia Roundhouse in Use. CENTRALIA. Wash., July 5. (Spe cial.) The new roundhouse recentlj completed in Centralia by the Northern Pacific was placed in service Tuesday The shops will begin with a force ol 60 men, which will be increased as sooi as the occasion demands. Harriman Club to Camp. The Harriman Club members have decided to pass their vacations at Sea view, Or., on the Garibaldi Beach. This is one of the most attractive and pic turesque places oa the Pacific Coast.