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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1913)
SECTION FIVE Pages 1 to lO WOMAN'S AND SPECIAL. FEATURES VOL.. XXXII. PORTLAND, OREGON,- SUNDAY 3IORNING, JULY 6, 1913. NO. 27. 17 . iff mtm-n n$m$m v if 'PilBlM ; 1 0 Powers' Offers Broader Privileges to Credit Customers Than Any Other Store in the West Our credit service is of the helpful kind the kind that has helped to establish thousands of Portland homes. It is ad justed to meet your individual requirements it. is ex tended to you in a broad, liberal, helpful way. - Its mani fold advantages are yours and you are very welcome to them. Credit is extended to you by .this store in a pleas ant, simple and dignified way such as you might expect to receive and are entitled to. The standing of this store's credit service is absolutely unequaled. For Fine French Wilton Rugs-Try Powers' For This $15.00 Wardrobe Couch With Patent Spring Lifter Top is upholstered -with oil tempered guaranteed coil springs padded with moss and cotton. Couch is entirely covered with green denim. With the patent spring lifters the couch may be opened without being removed from wall. i 111 I i mm in mam NO OTHER SHOWING OFFERS SUCH GREAT VARIETY. .-Without question this store offers a greater assortment of fine French Wilton rugs than can be found in any other establishment. There is a greater number of rugs from and from a price point y.ou are sure of better satis faction here. , ANGLO PERSIANS, ARDIBEL, DAGESTAN, HE RATI AND ROYAL KA-SHAN ARE REPRESENTED. 4-6x7-6 sizes in a wide vari ety of colors priced : at 5-0x9-0 sizes for the hall, den rt O WF. or living room are priced at J)3 13 53 8-3xl(M3 sizes, splendid as sortment of new patterns, at 9x12 sizes, patterns for every room in the home priced at $21.50 $54.00 $60.00 1! ALBANIAN CROWN NOT WANTED BY PRINCESS MARIA OF SWEDEN First Likeness of Queen of Greece, Since Crowning, Reaches America Lady Lowther to Visit Former American Home Czarina of Russia Is 41 Mrs. Stetson Declares Self. I---.::..:-;:;: Il 1 1 v ! .'a.;...a:v.-" .-Tfai : III W"' V J I m . urn Featuring Maple Bed room Furniture in Our July Clearance Sale A group of especially attractive bedroom pieces In maple is offered at a decidedly spe cial price for this week's selling. A partial list will give you an Idea of the savins: $39.00 Birdseye Maple Dressing COO 7ti Table with triplicate mirror Pm9 4 J $63.60 Birdseye Dresser, with (jJyiQ "71 48-inch base, special at wtOt I J $51.75 Birdseye Maple Chiffonier to match dresser described 3Q 7l above, special wOft f $33.50 Birdseye Dresser, large . mirror, swell front drawers, jl " : ff $14.50 Dressing Table, with pat- tf " -f "TC tern plate mirror, special W 1 A I J $27.50 Birdseye Maple Dresser. large oval mirror, swell-frort tfJO "1 f( drawers, special it A JJ $29.50 Birdseye Maple Princess (99 'TIS Dresser, with 36-lnch plate I J $18.75 Birdseye Maple Dressing Table, pretty oesign, nas urge n-i j (r 1 1 al . . . . w a v V " r pattern plate mirror, special. $5.75 Panel-back Maple Bedroom t A Ot5 Chair, special J Ai $7.50 Maple Rocker t match l?r chair above, special ., . . O JSJV $11.60 Maple Dressing Table, 34 Q QC inch width, special P OmZJiJ $24.00 Birdseye Maple Dressing ' Table, oval mirror, scroll stand- g ff ards. special O XiJmJXJ $17.00 Birdseye Maple Dresser, 6 -1 ye with oval mirror, special O XJ I J $6.25 Maple Dressing Table Chair fl A Off with panel back, special w X0J $4.75 Maple Bedroom Chair with J cane seat, special $5.60 Maple Rocker to ,match,(jj special 9 $8.75 Birdseye Maple Stand, box d frame, large shelf, special 9 $27.50 Birdseye Maple Chiffonier. 0 1 colonial patterns, large size, sp'l Pi X VJU All New, Unf aded Pieces Fresh From the Maker O 3.75 4.25 7.00 o Think of Buying a Two-Inch Post Steel Bed With Ten Filler Rods for $13.50 is an honest price for it, for it is strongly made and very well finished. It has massive two-inch continuous posts and is fitted with ten-filler rods, each one connected to cross bar by ornamental cast ohilir It has a deep extended foot end and is fitted with brass socket ball-bearing casters. Conie Tomorrow and Get One of the Special Refrigerators, at 4 There are hot days ahead and a good refrigerator will be an absolute necessity. These that we are offering at a special price of $8.49 are good refrigerators, they will give you good service, they are insulated with mineral wool, very commodious 'and well finished. We have many others on sale from $13.50 to $45.00." Every number guaranteed toVve satisfaction. , For. refrigerator protection, we-advise you to come here. Seven-Piecs Mission 7 1 V ' D ining-Room Suite . P A The Usual Price, $89 48-INCH PEDESTAL TABLE SIX SLIP SEAT LEATHER CHAIRS Here is high quality seven-piece diningroom suite in fumed oak offered you at a saving of nearly $20. The. table is a pedestal patterns with 48-ipch' top arid octapronal barrel, instead" of round-as shown.' The six chairs have genuine Spanish leather sljp seats, are" made with box con struction and wide panel back. The entire suite is built throughout of selected quarter-sawed oak, finished a rich brown fumed. At the price it is exceptional value. We know it will please you. BUYS REED ARM CHAIRS UPHOLSTERED IN GENU INE LEATHER, WORTH FROM $35.50 TO $39.75. Chairs even larger and finer than illustration shows, all hav ing genuine Spanish leather up holstered seats and backs, hand woven reed frames.- The very best chairs it is possible to make. Four or five patterns to choose from. . All high grade guaran teed hand-woven pieces. v. ft jK-?rt mm. : ... m&m I m I SANITARY MEAT SAFES FOR $1.19 The retrular J1.76 kfti d. La.rgre size with screen sides and door. Fitted with shelf. W !'.jlllJ.IIL4.ll.luiUllUllUIUlllllimn,:!!Bglis, These Cedar Boxes Are Worth $11 . $695 For the storagre of furs and w inter wearlngr .apparel. Eleven Inches deep and meas uring: 17 by 36 Inches. - The price Is unusual. - $3.25 Upholstered Cots $1.79 The size Is two feet six' inches wide. They are supported in the center-by coil spring's and top Is padded and cov ered in striped ticking-. ASK FOR STAMPS OAK CARPET SEAT FOLD ING CHAIR. ONLY $1.99 A S3 Foldinar Camn Chair mad of oak. having- carpet seat and wide arms. Folds very closely; conven ient for porch or boat use. 1 r3J!r e a r - --w,. $1.99 For These $3.00 Oak Fold - ing Steamer Chairs They are fitted with foot rest whioh may be- folded underneath Beat HfiJITV Btrfncul i.l, 1 Fold Tery compactly. W 7 J L VIA 'if, i ,"4 :r-u OkSI1- ' fv hi' VU- fR if. V - I i fiW-x 1 V NEW TORK. July 5. (Special.) Princess Maria, of Sweden, says she doesn't want to be a Queen. -There has been some talk of making- her husband, Princ AV'illlam, the- ruler of Albania. But the Princess does not want to live in Scutari, even If' she may wear, there a "regular royal" crown. She is too much interested In her own country and countrymen. She is a practical person, and she has taken a course in bench work with tools. She is interested also in avia tion, and has been in the air many times with the flying men of the Swedish army. ' The first plcfure of the Queen of Greece, since she assumed the crown, reached here recently. She is Sophia, Princess of Prussia and sister of the German Kaiser. The"Czarina of Russia celebrated her 41st birthday on June 6. She was the Princess Alexandre Alix, daughter of Ludwig IV. the Grand Duke of Hesse. She Is the mother of five children. Lady Lowther is reported about to visit the United States to renew ac quaintances in Philadelphia, Washing ton, Newport and New York. She was English Perambulators in Hand-Woven Reed and Wood Reed Sleepers Reed Go-Carts immmmmm Less This Week $39.50 Reed Perambulators, with . large reed Jiood . .$29.60 $29.00 English Perambulator, with wood. body and mohair hood . .$21.75 $33.50 Reed Perambulator with mohair, hood, special .... .$25.20 $18.00 Reed Sleeper with large hood at. . . . . . .$13.50 .' Also many other styles and grades at special prices. SULKIES A LARGE LINE -Ranging in price from $1.29, $2.99, $4.50, up to $7.65 ONE-MOTION STEEL GO-CARTS A showing that provides almost every wanted 'kind, ranging in price from $6.10, $8.10, $11.25, tip to those splendid luxurious Carts at S28.50 K bBjaKEi 111 Alice Bligrht, and her home was in Philadelphia when she married Lowther. He was then Minister of Great Britain at Constantinople dur ing the troublous period of the Balkan 'war. Mrs.. Augusta Stetson has published a book In which virtually she declares herself the spiritual head of the Chris tlon Science Church. It will be re called that Mrs. Stetson was at tha head of the church in New York City and practically ranked next to Airs. Eddy in authority. But she was ex-, pelled from the church. Mrs. Eddy, dying, left her kind words and a sou venir in- her will, and Mrs. Stetson saya that Mrs. Eddy realized that she was more reliable than the men and women who would be left in direct control of the church and wanted her to become its leader. ' Not long ago the engagement o Suzanne Carroll, of the old Maryland family of Carrolls, was announced. Sh was to marry Major John Philip Hill, of that state. Now word comes from Baltimore that Miss Carroll has suf fered a nervous breakdown, and has been obliged to go to a sanitarium, and it is reported that her engage ment will be broken. This rumor 13 not confirmed, however, and Major Hill has been a.uite devoted to her in her illness. OFFICIALS ARE VIOLATORS Washington Tire Warden Points to Provisions of Law Xot Observed. OLYMPIA, Wash.. July 5. (Special.) It is the county officials in timbered districts, and not the loggers, lumber ing mills or campers, that are causing the state fire warden most trouble in his campaign for tho prevention of fire. Warden Ferris, who left far Pa cific County recently on a trip of in spection, says that county commission ers and engineers, while in most cases observing the law with due regard, in others violate It palpably In cutting brush from new rights of way and dumping the refuse over the embank ments on other people's land, leaving it there undestroyed. The law requires It shall be on the right of way from which It is cut. Mr. Ferris and his county wardens are having trouble in causing some county officials to ob serve this provision of the law. No destructive fires have occurred yet, but Warden Ferris says that the damp weather makes this an ideal time to destroy slashings that later will b a Kreat menace If allowed to accumu HT1 107.2