THE SUNDAY . OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, rUL,Y 6, 1913. E -DALLES ED Three Men, Driving Lozier Car, Make 365-Mile Journey in 161-2 Hours. TACOMA MARK IS COVETED Trio to Start for Montamara Festo In Hope of Chopping Few Min utes From Time Between Port land and Pnget Sound City. Several hours were knocked off the automobile record from Spokane to The Dalles last Monday by an adven turous party of three men, L. D. Hol land, Cliff McDonald and R. Paulsen. 41 of Spokane, -who left that city at 6 A. M. Monday morning: In a 1911 Briar cliffe model Lozier, arriving: at The Dalles at 12:30 that night having- lost an hour and a half by losing their way three times. Various estimates of the previous best time place it as between 24 and 30 hours. "We set out with the intention of putting up a time that would stand for at least a day or two," said Mr. Paul Ben when in Portland last Wednesday, "and our only disappointment is that wa were not informed of the change of time In departure of the boat at The Dalles, as we should then have de layed our departure a day, so as to make a record to Portland as well. "The speedometer registered 394 miles, of which 35 were extra, due to our losing the way. Start Made In Rain. "From'the start to Walla Walla rain fell almost all the way, making' the trip uncomfortable. We followed the old Oregon trail of 1S47. passing Col fax, Dayton, Walla "Walla, Pendleton, Echo, the John Day ferrry, or MacDon. aid, as it is now called, and The Dallea '.'The roads as a rule were good all the way except for a few mudholes, for which we di-d not slow up at all. We just took everything as it came. "Between Koho vand Pendelton we averaged 32 miles, hitting it up on the plateau to about BO except at the cor ners, and we had no trouble at all with our. tires. They were a new set of Lee tires, which we got Just before start ing, and they deserve every credit, as we did not have a blowout or even a puncture." Average of 22 Miles Made. Some idea of tho pace the motorists traveled can be gauged by the fact that they drove the 365 miles in 16 hours, allowing one and one-half ihours for the 35 miles covered while they were lost. This works out at a trifle over 22 miles an hour. The three men are going on to the automobile races at Tacoma and anxiously inquired what the record was between the Rose City and the scene of the Montamara Festo. It is their purpose to set a new mark for this trip as well. Both machine and men bore evidence of their trip. The auto was splashed with mud from stem to stem, and the travelers sunburned. OXT TOUR TOO FAR, FX DAY Jackson Iealer Says 200 Miles Is Excessive for Unhardened Driver. "This Is the season of- the year when hundreds of motorists are planning their Summer tours." says Al Hale, Jackson representative in this terri tory. "Many make the common mis take of trying to go too far in one day. For a man who is accustomed to driv ing over the country roads and han dles a car every day for a certain dis tance, 200 miles a day is not a hard drive, but for the business man who drives his car only a few miles over city streets, 200 miles a day is too far. "There is no sense spoiling a tour by arriving at the destination each even ing tJred out and ready to fall into bed. Have a good time and do not travel faster than is enjoyable to every person in the party. "When you plan on a trip, get started each day's run early In the morning. Do not wait until 11 or 12 o'clock to get started and then be forced to drive late to make up your distance. If you plan to get up in the morning early, do COST OF RUBBER TIRES CUT Increased Production Results In Re duction of 10 Per Cent. S. A. Falor, manager of the motor cycle tire department of the Goodyear Tiro & Rubber Company, Akron, O., an nounces a 10 per cent reduction in the prices of motorcycle tires to dealers, consumers and jobbeds. The new prices went into effect June 14.. "v Irx explaining the reduction In prices, Mr. Falor said it was not due so much to the fact that the crude rubber mar ket was lower, but that it was due more to the Increased volume of mo torcycle tire business which his com pany now has. "Our present output is 1000 tires a day," continued Mr. Falor. "Within the next two weeks we expect to be making 1600 tires a day. This In creased production naturally brings down the cost of tires, and we want to give the trade benefit of it." MOTORISTS SET UP NEW V SPQKAN RECORD SMASH ... s.f- . J- LKFT TO RIGHT L,. D. HOLLAND, B. PAULSEN, CI, IFF" MTJOJTAMJ, ALL OP SPOKANE, WITH B WAGNER, OS. PORTLAND (IN TONNEAD). NATIVES OF HAWAII ENJOY AUTO TOURING Dealer Uses White for Deliveries to Construction Camps on Islands Twoi Machines Climb to Crater. - - &&t-W: ? : . . . d L -6 . . . , i. 4 " W4 if - ' " 1 r' v, , A2, 'rS I ' , - - - w-. Ttkr , THE Irishman's Aphorism that "the rich can ride in chaises, but the ..poor can walk" etc., would not seem to apply in the Hawaiian Islands, where natives, garbed only in meager "full dress," may be eeen enjoying rides In automobiles. A White, owned by J. M. Madaros, a liquor dealer of Paia, Is used to deliver goods to the various construction camps in a. country that is quite rough. SOME SHORT SOLUTIONS GIVEN AUTO PROBLEMS Every-Day Worries That Confront the Average Owner Received and Answered for the Benefit of the -General Motoring Public. Copyright, 1913, by W. H. Stewart. Jr. OIOKING Department, The Orego nian One of our customers de sired ' to : Install a new non-vl- bratlng coll on his car. ,We put It on and connected It Just as the old one was, and never could get a spark from the magneto, but it ran as well as ever on the battery. As the customer was In a hurry and was afraid of his battery, we put back the old coil and tho car went off Just as It came In. Now, why would It not run on the magneto the came with either coll? Was the trouble In the new coil? When the car came In It was running' fairly ' well on either battery or magneto X-Y-Z Oarage Company. If the motor ran fairly well on the magneto with the old coil and would not run at all on tho magneto with the hew coil. It Is safe to presume that the trouble was in the wiring of the switch of the new coll. A slight short circuit by a strand of wire within the switch would be sufficient to cause the trouble. Motoring Department, The Oregonlan The magneto on my car is bolted to the crank case and to the touch gets very hot when on the road. Should this cause any trouble? How much, heat will the magneto stand? G. Gotshall. Overheating the magnets will demag. netlze them, but the heat which reaches FAST RECORD FOR TRIP FROM SPOKANE TO THE DALLES. 71 :' i Vl-o. ' 7 -,, -CS.':J:i;:S;:::i and in places almost ' impassable. The machine takes' the place of two wagons, but is not employed all the time, as it does the delivery work in a fractional part of a day for the -entire trade, in spite of an addition of trade through the increase in the number of extension camps. Two Whites ascended to the crater In Kalauea, in January, 1912. over a lava road. , the magneto in your case is hardlv in jurious. If there is sufficient heat to effect the magnetization, of the mas: nets, this would also affect the lubri cation of the bearings of the magneto. In your case, however, there seems to be nothing serious. There Is not much danger to the magneto from heat on the average engine. In motor design it is customary to avoid the exhaust pipe. mm Motoring- Department. Th Oregon ian I had overhauled my car last winter, and all the bearings were tightened at that time. Since then my motor knocks when idle, but when running fast this knock is eliminated. Please let me know what might cause this knock. Alfred Oliver. Motor knock may arise from many causes. Tightening the bearings will not eliminate them. Without more definite information it is imposlsble to guide you. From what you state It would appear that your trouble la slight. It may be that the timing gears are considerably worn and the knock you hear is due to tho back lash. When the motor Is running fast of course this would not be noticed so much. It may also be due to a side slap of one of the valve push rods. Such knocks as this are aggravated or rather more prominent when the . motor is idling. Then, again, the knock may be caused oy tn spam being too far advanced. - '3J -'-u . 7--. . i if-' BULLS CLEAR TRACK Texas Fair Official Has Unique Plan to Control Crowd. 4000 FEAR FOUR HORNS President of Paris, Texas, Fair Asso ciation Turns Xoted Animals Loose on Rumvay and Mad Dash for Fences Ensues. Two big red Durham bulls played an Important part at an automobile race meet at Paris, Tex., recently, when the crowd that turned out to see the speed machine in action was so large that It could not be handled by Just ordinary human beings. The Case racing team, whioh was on its way from San Antonio, Tex., alnng with several other drivers and cars, stopped at Paris to take part in a series of races staged by Dr. M. F. Maxwell, president of the county fair association of that place. "When Dr. Maxwell was told that the rules governing dirt track racing were stringent, and that It was necessary to keep all spectators away from the curves, he only smiled and said that it would be easy. Now, the Paris, Tex., fair grounds look anything but -easy to control, and when Dr. Maxwell was told that un less he had 50 deputies on hand the races couldn't go on, he smiled some more.' . The'daj- of the races came, and the crowd came not In hundreds, but in thousands, until there were 4000 per sons who paid admittance. Dr. Max well was there to demonstrate that he could keep hls word and that the turns would be free from spectators. The day of the races Dr. Maxwell turned loose two big red Durham bulls in open fields which surround the two ends of the track. Never was a. race track controlled as the Paris track was. Dr. Maxwell's big bulls had rep utations for tossing pver the nearest fence those who came near them. And everyone in the country knew of the bulls and their ferocious natures. Dr. Maxwell won two new hats and $25 on the side by his unique methods. DRIVER 84 IS EXPERT OID AGE NO DETERKENT TO MOTOR ENTHUSIAST. A. li. JTanrbleton Makes Notable Trips and Gets Along Nicely Without Chauffeur's Aid. Not many men of 80 years have the inclination to drive motorcars, to say nothing of the alertness and active re quirements of this modern pastime. There is one, however. A. B. Hamble ton, who lives at Shaker Heights, Cleveland, O., who Is 84 years old, yet drives his -touring car with the utmost east. In fact. Mr. Hambleton is. a long distance tourist of note, and he intends to pilot his new car on a tour to New Tork and Cape Cod In July. Mr, Hambleton has been driving motorcars for eight years, and in that period he has made a number of tour neys that would be notable even If made by a Glidden . tourist. A little run to New York and back Is a mere incident in his motoring career, while he regards a run to Buffalo with no more concern than the routine of run ning downtown. He takes care of his own car for the amusement of It. Before purchasing a White, Mr. Ham bleton employed a, chauffeur, but he does not need one now. When he starts East on July 1 there will be no chauffeur in the car. In his eight years' experience he suffered only one accident, which occurred while crank ing, and resulted In a broken wrist. In purchasing a new car his choice of a White was Influenced largely by his own experience in mechanical' lines, as Mr. Hambleton was Instrumental in building up the Globe Iron Works, now th American Shipbuilding Company, which concern built engines among other things. Mr. Hambleton has re tired and he finds keen enjoyment In motoring. GOOD DRIVE WW OPEN STREETS TO OAKS AMUSEMENT PARK ARE Alili PAVED. Autoists Find . Stretch Closed Last Year Reopened "With Hard Sur face, Mating Run Joyous One. With the completion of the hard paving on Milwaukie street there is opened once more one of the most pleasant short drives in the neighbor hood of Portland. Excepting only four blocks of oiled macadam,- there is hard surface paving all the way from Hawthorne Bridge to the Oaks Amusement park. Until last year the Oaks' run was a familiar one to many motorists and it was no uncommon sight to see from half a dozen to two-score machines parked on the amusement park's drives. During last Bummer roads into Sell wood were torn up. and the fact that the Sellwood Ferry closed at 8 o'clock made It impracticable for an evening run to the park. Capital roads lead to the ferry on the West Side, but the East Side route Is now far superior. From Hawthorne Bridge tne autoist should run due eaa t on Hawthorne avenue, turning south with the car tracks on East Eleventh street. Eleventh street should be followed to Milwaukie street. Across the Southern Pacific tracks and almost into Sell wood Is the best route to be followed, turning off at Maiden avenue, a few blooks north of Spokane avenue. Mai den should be followed west across WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC STARTER ALDER the car tracks - on East Thirteenth to East Eleventh. This far the way is completely hard surfaced, but there are four blocks of oiled macadam be tween East Eleventh and Spokane ave nue, which leads directly to the Oaks' entrance. Spokane avenue, but re cently completed. Is also bard sur faced. Returning frofn the Oaks the auto mobilist should remember to turn off from Spokane avenue on East Eleventh, j otnerwise tne sxreet Decomes execrable before Milwaukie street is reached. John i Cordray, manager of the Oaks, has had erected at the various turns plain and legible signs which direct the autoist to the park. These signs if watched make travel corn- : paratively easy. There is an abundance of room In ! the Oaks for the parking of autome- . biles. On the West Side run the last ferry leaves the West Side about 7:30 , P.. M., and the last trip from Sellwood Is at 7:60 P; M. MOTORCYCLE COMFORT HERE New Spring Equipment "on "Indian" Eliminates Vibration. "Pullman comfort on the .highways no longer Is confined to automobiles" asserts C. F. Wright, of Ballou & Wright, the local Indian motorcycle dealers, "for the cradle spring frame of the 1913 Indian renders it the most luxurious riding motorcycle ever of- xerea to the public It is easily the greatest improvement offered motorcy clists in recent years, for it eliminates one great objection which the pub ic nas neld against the motorcycle heretofore that they 'shook the riders to pieces.' This Ingenious solution of the com fort problem for the motorcyclist is nothing less than automobile spring suspension applied to the rear of the motorcycle in such manner that prac tically no vibration reaches the rider. Being of absolutely original construc tion, it is covered by broad patents. It nas elicited much favorable comment both from motorcyclists of all classc?s and the general public, for its sim plicity and efficiency are clearly ap parent even to the unversed In me chanics. "The springs have a forward anchor age on a horseshoe-shaped cluster in tegral with the frame, and are shackled at the rear Jo hinged stays. Therefore, the entire rear end of the motorcycle, which carries the rider, is free to move Independently of the wheel, and prac tically all road shocks are absorbed be fore they reach the operator. Now the Indian has the Unique dis tinction of "being the first and only motorcycle to be sprung like a car. and the springing is carried to a logical culmination in the new style saddle, which also has leaf springs. The whole suspension system marks a radical de parture from the antiquated spiral springing system handed down from bicycle days, and is the last word known to present-day motorcycle build ers in the art of building comfort into their machines." Motorcycle Notes W. C. White, of San Jose. CaL. has Just completed a 1650-mile motorcycle trip into Mexico. During the entire trip his engine gave' no bother what ever, and a single puncture was his only tire trouble. In the two years of Its existence the Indianapolis, Ind., Motorcycle Club has outgrown its present quarters, and is considering the erection of a country clubhouse. A number of motorcyclists of East ern Washington expect to make the trip through the Cascade Mountains to Seattle at the time of the Golden Pot latch. A" motorcycle squad was one of the leading features of a parade In which 12.000 employes of New York City re cently participated. The first motorcycle used In the Sac ramento,' California, fire department has given such good satisfaction that the department contemplates the pur chase of several additional machines this Sumnfer. W. T. Little, of Akron, O., plans to take a 2000-mlle motorcycle trip through the East this Summer. Mr. Little has a sidecar attachment on his machine, and by a special arrangement he can drive the outfit from the side car. June 15 the biggest run of the season was stages by the Butte, Mont, Motor cycle Club. The course was to Deer Lodge and return, and about 75 riders participated in the event. Charles Swartzbaugh and John Cager, of Toledo, O., have started on a mo torcycle trip which will include all of the principal countries of Europe. It is expected that no less than 800 motorcyclists will participate In the Fourth of July parade at Canton, O. Carrying 300 pounds of baggage In addition to his own weight, J. Lamping, ctC Olathe, Colo is making a motor cycle trip to Central Kansas. Figured from the standpoint of actual dollars and cents the White Motor Truck actually shows a net profit at the end of each month. Let us prove this. The White Company E. W.Hill, Mkt 69 Broadway. In tb Business District for Your Convenience. United Auto Co. STREET AT SIXTEENTH I msmi iilhWMiitiipl ftp . K ;vl.;'.- B" I:f!iiPlP311ii "irtM rfiiflr -- (No Clinch) Tire Perfect 3-Point that holds with a vise-like rim grip, absolutely pre venting the tire from breaking above the rim, insuring perfect rim fit and eliminating all rim troub les. Also the No-Pinch Safety Flap for inner tube protection. So this time buy Diamond Vitalized Rubber Tires you can get them to fit your rims from All over the United States the proven superiority of Real Under-slung- cars has been recognized. For' $1125 you can obtain more motor car values in a regal than in other cars at twice the price. ... You want a car that is absolutely safe, and that will not skid or turn turtle that rides easy, is dependable and long-lived that Is cheap in first cost, that is always an economical car. Tou .have only one choice a Regal Underslung. You can judge our success and that of the car when we sav that Regals actually encircle the globe. Our remarkable growth is history In the automobile Industry. If you become a Regal owner, you will have the benefit of the comprehensive and thorough service offered by us. We are always prepared without delay, to supply you with necessary parts. Write, phone or call, and a . Regal will he sent to your home or office. A ride in a Regal is our best argument. PETERSON & SLERET Portland Dealers. Plumes East 648, B-2177. Hawthorne Ave. at East Eighth St Everything in supplies and repairs. Frank O. Renstrom Co., Ban Francisco, distributors. Regal Model "T'VUnderslung Touring Car, $1125 Delivered in Portland Every day is "Independence Day" to him who owns a Ford. Liberty from confinement to narrowing .environment and that at small cost is one of the many boons which the sturdy, powerful Ford has brought to un told thousands. Why not to you? Here's the test: 300,000 Fords now in serv ice. "Runabout $525; Touring: Car $600; Town Car $800 f. o. b. -Detroit, with all equipment. f Get catalogue and all partic ' nlars from Ford Motor Company, 61 tfnion avenue, corner East Davis-street, Portland. ft made of More Mileage Vitalized Rubber with Rim Contact Cross Section of Diamond Safety. Tread A Quality Car At Economy Cost Phone Main 4337, A-7173