THE SUNDAY- OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JULY G, 1913. BALMY DAYS SEND CITY THRONGS TO OREGON'S BEACHES " "- - - i ... , ; ; ! Gearhart-by-the-Sea Favorite Resort for Those Who Seek Rest and Summer Sports Hotel Soon' to Resume Popular Hops. QEARHART, Or., July 5. (Spe cial.) Glorious, balmy, sunshiny weather undoubtedly is respon sible for the bustling: activity permeat ing Gearhart-by-the-Sea, which is rap Idly gaining in popularity aa a Summer resort of many alluring attractions. The Gearhart Hotel Is planning- to enlarge Its present capacity, and will soon have completed 11 additional rooms. The Natatorium, always a popular feature of this delightful resort, remains the center of attraction. All around are signs of progress. A large number of new and attractive cottages are about completed. The Hotel Gearhart soon will start the popular Saturday evening L-hops, and the riding and driving school. under the management of James Nicoll, lally call forth a number of devotees J f the good old Scptch game, and the tennis courts claim much attention. Among the patrons registered at Hotel Gearhart over the week-end were Miss Zugelman, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Collins, Wallace W. Collins, Frederick B. Collins, Mary Collins. Mrs. Edwards, of Seattle; Emery Sengstead, of Port land; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Olmstead, of Minneapolis; Frank Woodward, of Port land: M. K. Covey, of North Yakima; Alexander McLaren, of Portland; W. D. Walker. Mrs. I. M. Ikle, Newberg; Misa Alice B. Rhodes, of Pomeroy, Wash.; Miss Gladys Rhodes, R. H. Conant, also of Pomeroy, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. James H. Clark, Portland; Arthur Cavill, H. H. Plummer, E. O. Mlchenor, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kin ney, of Astoria; E. Angelman,' Los An geles; G. G. Joyce, Ethel E. Nordberg, Rachel E. Hallingby, Clara Walmstad, Parma, Idaho; E. E. Hamilton, Wana, Or.; A. B. Carter, M. Hay, Astoria; John Hawthorne, Astoria; Mrs. S. J. Cutting. Miss Margaret Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Fox, St. Paul, Minn.; Mrs. S. A. Ross, Astoria; Mrs. M. A. Swoper, Astoria; E. B. Partridge, San Francisco; W. G. Howell, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Prudhomme, Wilben and Frances Prudhomme, W. D. Walker, Mrs. Emma Cohn, of Spokane, Wash.; Mrs. J. W, Mills, Miss O. James. Boonvllle, Mo.; E. J. Frohman, Portland; G. Hooper, Spokane; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Teague, Calgary, Alberta; Mr. and Mrs. Graham Glass, Miss Ethelwynne Glass, Miss Jean Morrison, Graham Glass, Jr., Shel don A. Volkman. .. Mrs. Ben Lombard and. children Are passing the Summer in the Lombard cottage on Ocean avenue. Mrs. Elliott R. Corbett, her chil dren, and sister, Miss Leslie Smith, ar- lved last week and are domiciled In fhe Smith cottage for the Summer. Miss Jean Mackenzie was a 'guest of Miss Smith's during the week. Mrs. John Latta and family recently opened their cottage lor the Summer. Mrs. Lee Hawley Hoffman and sister. Mrs. Thomas Robertson, are occupying the W. J. Burns cottage. Mr. Robert son joined them on Sunday and passed the week. Mr. and Mrs. Max Hirsch are among the cottagers who will pass the Sum mer here. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise- with his wife and children arrived Wednesday to pass the Summer in a. cottage. Mrs. Julius Levy and family 'are oc cupying their cottage for the season. Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Halverstadt and family of Seattle -recently opened a cottage at Gearhart. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Prudhomme nassed Tuesday and Wednesday in Gearhart Hotel attending to the open ing or tneir new Beach home and will return on Monday for the remainder K the Summer. Mr. and Mrs. B. Glendenning and family of Spokane have leased a cot tage for the Summer. Mr. and Mrs. B. Latz and family ar- fi-lved on Wednesday and are occupying tneir cottage on cottage avenue. Mr. and Mrs. James Balrd and family of Portland are In a cottage. Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Banter are oc cupying the Dellray cottage. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Cappa and family are In the Westwood cottage for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Beach opened heir cottage last week. Among other cottagers who plan to iass the remainder of the season In learhart are: Mrs. A. Davidson and amlly In the Stewart cottage; Mr. aid Mrs. Peter Grant, Mrs. C. Holland i.nd family, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Magnnss, who have taken the Wells i-ottage; Mrs. J. W. Ross and sister. flss Wrenn, In the Triwold cottage; vai. mm irs. a. nuDjr ana lamuy lave ine lioit cottage lor the Summer. Mrs. M. Rosenthal and daughter. Miss "auline Rumelin, Dr. A. Tilzer and amily and Miss Compote, Mrs. O. W. Taylor and family are occupying their attractive cottage. Mrs. A. H. Birrell ind daughters are spending a few kveeks in their cottage In the Meadows, Airs. jnaries .Douglass, Mr. and Mrs. I-arry Hamblett and family, Mrs. John Seating and family are domiciled In he Fairhurst cottage, Mrs. F. Langer nan and family have leased the Gay 'ottage. Mrs. J. F. Marias, Mrs. K. F. Iolloy, of Spokane; D. P. Price and i'amily, Mrs. L. R. - Rosenblatt and iamily, Mrs. F. Rothschild and family ire established In their new cottage, me of tne most attractive In the rleadows. (Occupying a cottage for the Summer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flltner also have cottage. Crowd Flock to Sea-view. SEAVIEW, Or., July 5. (Special.) mong the preparations for visitors o Seaview this year are a tennis court vhich Is to be run on a club basis, aud roquet grounds, open to all. Mr. and Mrs. R. Austin are responsi- le for these delightful diversions, and vill register all who wish to become aembers. Constable and Putnam have clndly donated the croquet sets and ssisted Mr. Austin to establish these opular attractions. Mrs. F. G. Wheeler, Misses Katherine md. Anna Wheeler and their guest. Iiss Elsie- Fry, are occupying their otiage tor tne season. .JUr. and. Mrs. Allen W. Todd, Miss uriHTO ana Alien w. Todd, Jr., are now ccupying aV cottage for the season. 1 Miss Daisy bibson is at Seaview with er parents. Mr. and Mrs.v Harvey O'Bryan and heir children, Ernest and Jack, are mong recent arrivals in seaview. Mrs. Ida Hoewenson, of Portland, Is iow flomicuefl in seaview. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson C. Elliott and amily, of Walla Walla, opened their ottage &t Beaview Tuesday. Mrs. W. C. Alvord was a guest d,ur- t .ysgg-s5- gagfe i r a - rw-- T " ' 1 ' " ' ' j 4 VSfeAij ' - ' mt-Tim.i..T.ili.iiii,...irli.i,-.,J- ,,., M ...3-1. - . tJm w -i.-rK. &lmlNaiBm' 4k lng the week of her sister, Mrs. F. G. Wheeler, returning to Portland Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, of The Dalles, reached Seaview Monday for the Sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. G. Broughton a"nd daughters, the Misses Mildred and Alda Broughton, arrived Tuesday morning. Mrs. O. D. Ireland is at the Wolfard cottage for the season. A Mr. and Mrs. H. Glenn, of The Dalles. arrived Monday and are established in cottage for the Summer. . Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Gibson, of Port land, and children are among the cot tagers In Seaview. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Freedman and family are In the Baum cottage. Mrs. Esther Seaborg. of Le.wiston. Idaho, arrived last week to pass the season. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hlbbard. of Helms Mont., are recent arrivals. - Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bisbee. of Seattle. are In a cottage for the Summer. Mrs. O. Watson arrived Sunday and opened her cottage for the Summer. , Mrs. W. W. Plimpton also is at Ron. view for an indefinite visit. MrB. Victor H. Wolff and famllv sr. occupying the Honorlue co.ttage. Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Klnnt.rm.n family are among the season's cot tagers. . Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Sinnott and f.mii have opened their cottage for the Sum. mer. Mrs. H. L. Shepard Is at Seaview. Seaside Lures Portlanders. SEASIDE. Or.. Julv K fRni.i Seaside Is luring residents of Portland ana surrounding country, and many cottages are In readiness for the Sum mer festivities. The new Catholic Church Is nearing completion, and sev eral new stores and attractions Main street will add to the season's gaiety. The perfect weather of thel past week has made surf bathing pop ular. Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer Hah D-lvpn nn her cottage on the ocean front and will make short visits during the Sum mer. While making necessary moving arrangements, Mr. and Mrs. Bauer were tne nouseuests of Mrs. Bushong. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Prickett or Snn. kane, have rented Surfside cottage for me season. Mrs. J.. H. Jaggy, of Van whose ocean-front cottage has Just been completed, nas movd in and will pass the season here. Mrs. JaB-irv'8 nn. Sidney, who Is a student at the Wash ington University, will pass the Sum mer vacation with his mother. H. O. Hickox has leased the Florence cottage for the Summer. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Laffertv hum brought their family to the seashore lor the bummer and have ranted th Larelei cottage In Hermosa Park. miss JNina J oy, daughter of ex-Councll- man Joy, of Portland, and Mrs. A. B. Combs, have taken up their residence at Seaside for the Summer. Mrs. L. R. Bailev and children, of the Rose City, have opened their Irvington cottage for the Summer. Mr. Bailey will pass week-ends with his family. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Carl, of Boston. have taken the Knapp cottage until October. Visiting them are C. R. Simp son, G. Dartmouth and C. O. Moore.'OS, from the H. M. A. of Portland. A. C. Doyle and family have taken the Piper cottage for the Summer. Judge' Cleland and family, of Chi cago, will pass the remainder of the Summer here. Mrs. E. G. Gray, who has Just re turned from an extensive trin tn Europe, has taken the Bungalo cot tage for a month. Mrs. J. E. Jones and family have opened their cottage. E. W. Rlner and family have taken the Glenn cottage for the season. Charles Abercrombla and family are installed at the Mount Hood cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bergmann have taken possession of the Rlvervlew cot tage on Roosevelt avenue. Mrs. Ella M. Miller, of Eugene, has purchased the McCallan cottage and will make Seaside her home for the season. John Ef finger, who has Just returned to Oregon after an extensive stay in Honolulu, was a Seaside visitor early in the week. It has been several years since Mr. Effinger visited Seaside, and he marveled at the rapid growth of the town. Mrs. P. J. Dooley, of Montana, has bought the Levens cottage on the ocean front and will bring her family here for the season. W. G. Smith, of Lyle, Wash., who recently purchased the Walcott cot tage, will bring his family here foi the Summer. Mrs. Captain Jessen, of San Fran cisco, sister of Mrs. A. S. Young; Miss Myrtle Bates, Miss Clara Miller and Miss Rhoda Ross, of Portland, are vis iting Mrs. Toung at Loch Lomond cot tage. MIbs Hazel Camp, of Oregon City, is the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Katie Camp, at Harvest Home cottage. Miss Margaret C. Johnson, who has been the guest of Mrs. W. 1C Slater for three weeks, has returned to her home in Portland. While at Seaside Miss Johnson was honor guest at sev eral luncheons, besides a number of automobile and fishing parties. Patrons of the Hotel Moore from Portland were: 'Mr. and Mrs. K. J, McDonald. G. S. Stienman, Ed S. Os burn, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Thlehofh, B. Kieinstien. u ssommer, Rodger D. Lew. Miss Helen Mae Clark, Miss Rachel Mary Clark. Frank Woodland, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Wilkinson and son, Mrs. A. McCalman and son Adrian, Guy E. Smith, Dean D, Ballard. W, M. Fralne. I j.-- .C?-- t V - C - ? " ' M. B. Salllon, Judge and Mrs. Thomas O'Day, Julius Jacoley, F. A. Naramore, Charles E. Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klumpp, G. W. Kern, R. B. Watt. Miss Mary Barbur, Edward Bergmann, Frank Anderson, William Young, Mr. and Mrs, F.'H. Swift, Mrs. C. Estey. W. C. Brethel, Louis Ostley, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. JM-iiier, Joseph schorn and O. JA Leitz. Patrons from other places were: Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Schritz, North Yakima; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Wilkerson, La Grande; V. Kennedy, Medical Springs, Or.; E. Frieder, New York; Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Helland, Huxley la.; Mrs. An drew Jacobson, Minneapolis, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller. Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Gibson, Spokane; Miss Bertha Hayon, Spokane; F. A. Slade, San Francisco; Miss E. Martin, New York; Mrs. John Vert, Pendleton; Miss Wilkie, Kirriamier, Scotland; C. M. Harmon, San Francisco; D. I.- Lake, Shenandoah. Ia.; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Crowe, Salem; F. C. BidwelL Fort Stevens; E. Hallenback, Astoria; Miss Hazel McGuire, Hammond; J. B. Duffey, Fort Stevens: Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Clark, Spokane; C. E. Smith, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Roman, Astoria; L. L. Akin, Astoria; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mayo, Stay ton, and F. R. Brusley, Detroit. Mrs. M. L. Myrlck and Miss E. W. Myrick arrived Wednesday to open their cottage for the Summer, and have as guests Mr. and Mrs. J. Myrlck, r of Los Angeles. A. W. Williams, of Portland, arrived at the Hotel Moore Wednesday for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brill and family, of Portland, are In the A. E. Wright cottage for the Summer. Mr. and Mrs. Max Fleischner and family reached Seaside Wednesday and have opened the L N. Fleischner cot tage on the boardwalk. Blaise Labbe and family have opened their cottage on the ocean front. Mrs. Willie, of Portland, arrived last week to visit her mother, Mrs. Charles H. Precemeder, for a short time. Mrs. Lisa P. Coleman has purchased the W. W. Graves cottage and will occupy it this Summer. Long Beach Has Many Visitors. LONG BEACH, Wash.. July 5. (Spe cial.) Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Logan have opened their Summer home at Long Beach for the season. Mrs. W. R. Whit- GRADUATES OF i-itCZ.-i Jiff 2 left to Right Henry denser, Robert Hendricks, Valedictorian Victor Hendricksent Mlsa Rowena Arthur. Teacher; Arthur, Glenn Harnlan, Opnl Mlddleton. the eifnai'V,??010-ne f the most successful graduating classes of this school year was -Ms Roenl Arthur. Commencement exercises' were held under the supervision of the teacher, Th0rJfimerS a cla Pfssed 'the state examinations considerably above the required average, of rti. Zll CtS?red, th heduled eighth-grade work in seve'n months. Robert J Hendricks, 13, wasne fn s?tm Sh.L';1"8 and ea"lnan standings averaged 97 per cent, one of the highest averages . in the state. The total average of the class was 92.4 per cent. 8 ,IBJll3j!Z?a d,?clar5d asban,ner year ,ln the history .of the school. The average attendance for the term lUl 1", , f PU.P. 8 di5 not mlss a word J spelling during the new year. Some remarkable rec rr 3 de, ln f"6"0' ad the ,work- accomplished In geography was of a high order. Steady prog ress was made in all branches. Composition and nature study were made a specialty. Discipline . and in struction were conducted along progressive lines quite unusual in a one-room school building. Miss Arthur, one of the successful teachers of the state, has been highly complimented for her work. Mrs. S. J. Mini- are their guests. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Young, of Portland, who were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Logan, returned to Portland last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Smith, of Pendle ton, passed the week at Long Beach. Thomas Moran is a guest at Drift wood Cottage. Donald Woodward and family, of Portland, opened their cottage last week for the season. Mrs. A. R. Draper and son, Leroy, are guests at the A. B. Cox cottage for this week. Mrs. Cox presided at a luncheon recently In honor of Mrs. D. Gillespie, of Portland, and Mrs. Belle Lawrence, of St. Louis, Mo., house guests of Mrs. K. Stuart McGuire at Beach Center. After luncheon the guests passed the afternoon playing 500. Mrs. J. B. Mumford, of Pendleton, has opened Ijer attractive cottage, "Ocean Roar," for - the season. She 'has as-' a house guest her niece, Miss. Edna Zerba, also of Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Henry, and chil dren are at Long Beajh. Mr. and Mrs. Chris C. Sturgls (Miss Eunice Smith) are passing their honey, moon in "The Meadows" cottage. Mrs. Dora Schloth, Miss Hannah Schloth and M. R.; Schloth are among the cottagers at Tioga.. Mr. and Mrs. Gellette and children, of Deer Lodge, Mont., are occupying a cottage for the Summer. Mrs. T. A. Jones and mother, Mrs. F. Tromblay, of Portland, are visitors in Long Beach. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bell and daugh ter, of Portland, are at Tioga. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McDAnald left Tuesday for Portland, having passed a fortnight at Long Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver K. Jeffrey are expected tomorrow. . Mr. and Mrs. J. E. WendeV of Port land, are In a cottage. One of the chief attractions at Long Beach thus far is the natatorium, which is the mecca for large gatherings from nearby resorts. On Sunday over 180 people from Chinook, Seaview, Beach Center and Tioga enjoyed the tank and swimming. Mrs. Carl Evans gave a dinner at her cottage, Kozy Korner, Sunday, June 29. The guests were Miss Agnes Nel son, Miss Hazel Nuckolls, Mr. Ray Eley, of Portland; Captain John Llnd berg. First Mate John Peterson. Chief GRESHAM SCHOOL WHO MADE comb, of South Bend, oran, of Prineville, Or. Engineer Blllie Healey Murplty, As sistant Engineer William Nelson, Ship Carpenter Tom Trulsen and Govern ment Inspector A. J.' Cross, all of the dredge Columbia, Beach Center Active Point. BEACH CENTER, Wash., July 6. (Special.) Various cottages and hotels in Beach Center are taking on an air of activity. . The handsome Summer home of M. G. Thorsen was opened re cently and Mr. Thorsen and Miss Helen and Warren will occupy it for the Sum mer. They have as guests for a few days the Misses Pearl Westberg, May Johnson and Chester Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Ladd and children, William R., Jr.. and Miss Lois Ladd and Jane Ladd are in their cot tage for the Summer. Miss Ladd will enter the University of Oregon this Fall, taking a special course in Jour nalism. Mr. and Mrs. J, S. Johnstone and Miss Mabel Johnstone are among the sea son's cottagers. Mrs. E. D. Porter has opened the Sand sea wave cottage, one of the most attractive places in Beach Center. Mrs. John McGrath, Mrs. James J. McGrath and Miss Rita McGrath, of Butte, Mont., are in the E. D. Porter cottage, also Miss Mary McGrath, of West Pawlett, Vt. Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Slchel and chil dren, Martin and Scott, are in their cottage for the Summer. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Chemln and Miss Chemln are among the recent arrivals In Beach Center. Mr. and Mrs. James Manner are domi ciled In their cottage for the Summer. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Corcoran and William Corcoran are in their cottage for the season. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Stout have opened "Gearhart cottage." . Miss Carrie Barbey and Miss Helen Wegman, of Portland, are 'visitors here. Mrs. J. D. Wilson, Jr., of Portland, and Mrs. C. R. GarloW, of Helena, Mont, are passing the Summer in their cottage at Beach Center and have as their guests Mrs. P. J. Ryan and Miss Helen Mason, of Helena, Mont. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kernan and chil dren, Ruth and Francis, are occupying the Lawlor cottage. . - Mrs. R. B. Knight, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs E. K. Holmes, the Misses and Florence and Mary Holmes GOOD RECORD and George Knight, arrived Sunday and will pass the Summer in the Knight cottage. Manzanlta Beach Becomes Resort. MANZANITA BEACH, Or., July 5. (Special.) With the opening of a new modern hotel and a general store, Manzanlta Beach, near Nehalem, Is now on the map as a Summer and Winter resort. A small quantity of ambergris was found on the beach this week by two women from Gresham. Mrs. W. C. McCullach, Miss McCul lach and George McCullach are at the McCullach camp for the Summer. Registered at the Manzanita Inn last week were: Mr. ami Mrs. E. W. Peterson, Mr. Shannelly, Portland; Elton Eastman, Mr. and Mrs. John Brown. E. C. Lindsey and John Parker, Gresham; Mr. V. L. Johnson, Van couver, Wash.; Mr. C. L. Babcock and son, Ralph, Astoria. . - Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Glbbs, of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mack and son. of Hubbard, Or., are camping here for a week. Miss Babcock. of Manzanita Inn gave a oinner party last night to a few friends. Mr. and Mrs. Emil G. Kardell and Inez Lusted, of Gresham, reached Man zanita last week. Among those who are building oungaiows are J. c Petersen. Rav Peterson. Fred Fleldhouse and James Lawrence. NEWPORT IS ANGIiERS' DELIGHT Season Opens With. Hotels and Cot tages Well Filled. NEWPORT, Or., July 5. (Special.) Newport offers a great variety of sea fishing as well as surf-bathing, dan cing and other Summer resort amuse ments. Being on Yaquina Bay as well as on the ocean It has th advantage of fresh crabs, oysters, clams, saltwater HOTELS AND SUMMER RESORTS. Newport or Yaquina Bay is the ideal place for your Summer vacation. Keep your children . healthy by taking them away from the sweltering heat of the interior into the cool and delightful ocean breezes. Good auto road in from the valley and fine beaches for walking, riding or motoring. Hunting and fishing at all times with deer and trout in season. Deep sea fishing for halibut and rock cod. Fine side trips to scenic points as Government Lighthouse, The Devil's Punch Bowl, Otter and Seal Rocks and the Siletz Big Timber. Round trip tickets on all roads at reduced rates. Always something doing- the Summer Girl and the Summer Man take hold of things with a vim at Information, rates, reservations at Both phones or The Shelburne NORTH BEACH. Modern Improvements, beautiful dining-room. Now one of the larg est hotels on North Beach; with large airy and sunny rooms. We raise our own poultry. Reasonable rates, and special rates by the week tor families. Make reservations by mail or wire. Long distance phone ln hotel. Bay tickets to Shelburne Station Trains stop right at door. Address S13AVIEW. WASH., T. J. IIOARE, PROP. Camping Tours Third Season A RIDING AI KISIIING TOUR by Horse Trail, at from 5000 to 8000 feet elevation. McKenzie Bridge to Crater Lake AND RETURN, v August 1 to September 1. Write Horse Trail Camping? Co.. Sum mit Court. Portlund, Or., ur Blue River, Or. Applications must be made prior to July 15. Party limited. Tent City by the Sea THE ELK CREL'K HOTEL, ON CANNON BEACH. NiTAR SEASIDE, is now ready to receive guests. We still continue to give first-class service. Home-cooked meals at lower prices. S. W. FISHER. Prop. Sol Due Hot Springs Hotel In the Heart of tbe Olympics. For descriptive literature, address the Manager, Sol Cue, Clallam County, Washington fish, etc. The clams are blue, rock and razor variety, the oysters are Eastern, native and rock-oyster. The edible crabs are limited to one variety but there are more than 30 varieties of fish, fishing being the chief industry of the town outside of caring for Sum mer visitors. The resort has assumed its Summer appearance. Until yesterday the hotels and boarding houses were not well filled, only the number of cottages be ing occupied gave the appearance of the approach of the "season." The Fourth of July celebration brought several hundred, as the festivities lasted through today, and tomorrow being Sunday, the town has been lively for several days. Improvements noticeable to annual visitors are the large new postoffice on the hill near the skating rink, many new boardwalks, numerous new cot tages, the openintr of a district Iving between Newport and Nye Creek, known as "The Promised Land," and various new graded streets. The new cottages number 125, but unfortunately some or tnese are about the size of tents and erected so close together that the question of their sanitation has arisen, but they are situated in a dis trict by themselves. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. LueOscher, of Port land, are visitors to the beach. William Eagles, of Albany, Is among the regular Summer arrivals. E. T. Hay, of Spokane, is registered at the Nicolai Hotel for two weeks. Edward R. Brison, of Eugene, and C. M. McKellips, of Oregon Agricul tural College, Corvallis, are at the Ab bey House. Clyde Royce, his mother and sister, of Albany, are at their cottage for the season. J. L. Scoville, of Grants Pass, is vis iting his daughter. Miss Ruth Scoville. Roy - Hendry, formerly of Newport and now residing at Marshfield, walked up the beach with Mrs. Hendry, fTom Coos Bay, arriving during the week. R. F. Baker, a veteran of Gettysburg, is entertaining his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hayes, of Corvallis. The Brownsville Band, which came over for the Fourth of July, registered at the various hotels as guests of the Commercial Club. J. M. N. Manly, of Albany, is at Nye beach. Mrs. William Barrett and children, of Albany, are at their cottage for the Summer. Mr. Barrett will Join them later. The Misses Ruth Knowles and Dana Gibson, of Albany, are among the early visiters. Mr. and Mrs. Gale Sanders, of Seattle, are visitins Mrs. Sanders' mother, Mrs. G. C. Burton, at the Burton cottage. Mrs. B. L. Baucon and family are at their Cozy Nook cottage for the season. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jacques, of Sa lem, are at their cottage for the season. Miss Marie Rice, of Portland, and Mrs. E. D. Dunn are at Ashland Lodge cottage for the Summer. Miss Alice Bayer, Miss Georgia Foss and Earl Keppler, of Portland, ate vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G. Irwin at Nye Creek. Mrs. Calvin S. White and family, of Portland, are staying at the Nicolai Hotel. Mrs. E. F. Pernot and children have opened their cottage for the season. Professor Pernot will Join them from Portland later in the month. E. W. Gibson, of Salem, Is at his cottage at Nyebeach for the Summer. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walker, of For est Grove, are here for the season. Mr. Walker and his brother will have charge of the Casino for the season as heretofore. W. W. Brown and family have opened their Summer cottage Idylwlld for the Summer. Mrs. Helen Hoskins and family, of ( ortrludfri on Pase fi.- BAYOCEAN "The Playground of the Pacific Northwest" the Portland office, 720 Corbett Bldg. S. P. R. R. agents anywhere. SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square European Plan $1.50 a day up American Plan $3.5Q a day up New steel and brick structure. Third ad dition of hundred rooms now building. Every modern convenience. Moderate rates. Center of theatre and retail dis trict. On car lines transferrins all over city. Electric smaibu aecU traima sad steamers. Enderly HOOD RIVER. OREGON. A Modern Country Home Open for Sum- mer Guests. Children Under Twelve Years Not Taken. RATES 2.0O PER DAY, References Requested. "The Hackney Cottage" Beautiful surroundings and the most pleasant spot -on North Beach. Hnie comforts and spring water tp drink, and the house is electri fied. Make reservations by mail or wire. Sea View, IV ash. JAMES HACKNEY. HOTEL SUNSET BEACH CENTER. Ideal spot, modern family hotel, country and seaside combined; ocean ln full view; large yard for children, croquet ground; best cuisine and table service fishing, surf bathing. POSTOFFICE, LO.G BEACH. WASH. Mrs. Dedmaa, Prop. In the latest effort to excavate the vast baths of Caracalla at Rome it has been found that underneath the baths proper Is a subterranean citv. ronKlrin a. STEWJIPT yards of vast galleries. .V J X :