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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1913)
14 BUSINESS OPPORTUMTTES. WILL, exchange a planing- mill and factory, well equipped, tor real estate of even value, $uOO; has engine, planer, band saw, jointer, patterns, blacksmith and all necessary tools. " We offer a very attractive 36-room ho tel proposition In town of 2000 people; on Pacific Highway ; furniture very good, kitchen anil dining-room well equipped, is making $250 to $;loi per month. Price $w;uo; will take uu to $250u In good real estate. Grocery at $IS00 to exchange for acre age, one for cash at invoice about $1100, one for $r,oO, another for $2000; restau rant for $400 ; laundry, rooming-houses, coffee house, bakery, confectionery; all investigated. If interested call or write to Kobards. Chapin-Uerinw Mortgage & Trust Company, 3d floor Chamber ut Com merce. HOTEL FOR SALE. I am ottering to good hotel man a chance to BLY RIGHT, one of the best US-room hotels in the city. The rooms are light and well arranged, hallways wide and light, large lobby ; vacuum system of steam heat and fine plumbing through out. This hotel U well furnisned and is doing a good business with a nice class o ueople. I own the building and took over the hotel through a concern that failed. Am not a hotel man and will sell the furniture at about half first cost and give a new lease at a low rental. The location is very .desirable. See Mr. Mc Klnney, 777 Lovejoy St., or phone Main 3593 and I will call. STOCKS AND BONUS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Tf interested in buying or selling any mining. Industrial, oil or other stock, con sult us. Ca 11. phone or write. We are tn the market to buy Metiline Consoli dated Mines; American Druggist Syndi cate, Riverside M. & M., American Tleg ra phone. Aseptic Products and others. WM. E. DAVIDSON & COMPANY, 21H-LM 7 Lewis bldg. LL'MUEKMAN A part or all of a long-established lumber business can be bought. The concern is located in one of the very best business and educational towns of tiie West and has made money in both local and shipping business. This propo sition will takti from $50')O to $iK,OUO and give a. man a Job. No triflers. If inter est dd give careful particulars, phone and street uddress and personal interview" will be arranged. AT 17. Oregonian. 1 OWN $iO,0u0 worth of stock in an $100, othj corporal ton, with assets of $300,000 ; th shares are $50 each; 1 am pressed lor ready money and will sacrifice anywhere up to f-'o,yuo worth at 3 per share; will bear strictest security ; expected to pay -.10 per cent In two years. J lht, Orego nian. BUY SOM1CTH1XG GOOD. A 2l-room house with ! 2-room apart ments and one 4-roora apt. right close in. Is not in debt and is making moiie, sell for part cush and bala nee to suit, or will take part in trade. Call room 313, Lumber Kxchange bldg. I NEED a partner in sawmill with, about $1 5iH ; I believe proposition good ; also will trade agricultural land for timber ; will aell one sawmill cheap or trade it for good land ; give and expect reliable in fnrmation. A V 107, Oregonian. WA NTED Live, honest man to take half interest In and assist in office and out side work of old-established collection agency ; to right man will guarantee $ 100 nvnth salary, in uadition to profits. 310 Lumber Kxchange. OWN EH of w ell-known business brokerage office, retiring, wishes to dispose of his business; can show big. profitable busi ness; will stay with -buyer a month; can make $300 month easily; emul! amount re quired. Particulars 2484 Stark st. A MANUFACTURING corporation wishes to locate in an inland town in Washington or Oregon; will locate where best offer is made ; will pay influential party for se curing concessions. Address In confidence, L ISO. Oregonian. FOR SALE In a town with a $00,000 pay roll each month a stock of ready-to-wear merchandise, clothing, shoes and furnish ings; invoice about $.jO0O; doing a strictly cash business; easy competition. Address AV 132, Oregonian. $300 TO $500 PKR MONTH. A manufacturing business for sale that will net you from $300 to $500 per month. A permanent business that will bear clos est Investigation. Particulars 315 Lum ber Kxchange bldg. lit'TCHER shop, country town, 2o miles from Portland ; pasture and slaughter house; well equipped shop; $1500; business $25'.M to $30.00 monthly. AV 125, Ore gonlan. PARTNER to take third interest, to take charge of office and shipping in good established business; stock w ill invoice $400o; price $12QO. 001 Henry bldg. $250 AND services will buy half interest in nice, clean business ; owner can' t depend on hired help; will show $50 monthly profits. Call 248 Stark st. PARTNER wanted with $0.10; rare oppor tunity manage office, look after help; I need a good man more than money ; ref erences exchanged. 423 Abington bldg. MANUFACTURERS of bags, binder twino and standard lines of agricultural ma ctvmery wanted in Calgary, Alberta. Write Industrial Commissioner. Ca 1 gary. MEAT market, shop and slaughter-house, also five-room new bungalow, in good country town, $10no will handle. JACOB HAAS, 303 Gerlinger bldg. MCE little cash merchandise business; stock and fixtures of the best ; can make $100 monthly; only $400, quick sale. Call 24S Stark st. HALF INTEREST in grocery store at In voice prices, doing good business. Call Monday. C ltfis, or Wood lawn 27 o. Snap for right party. WANTED House and lot in Portland or small firm in exchange for an improved quarter section In Alberta. AL Ore gonian. WOULD like to meet a good live man with some money, to start a branch to our busi ness In another city; come down and talk with us. 304 Hoyf st., city. REAL estate office In suburbs, one partner Is obliged to leave the state; can show $125 month npt profits; will sell for $-50. - Particulars, 24;j Stark st. FOR SALE A fine confectionery and ice cream business; owner leaving state on account of sickness; a good location for lunch counter. G 191, Oregonian. FINE corner grocery, 3-year lease, fine living-rooms, rent only $20 ; worth $1500 ; price $N50 If taken at once. See Cornell at a01Henry bids. a MANUFACTURING business, including ma chinery ; est ablished five years ; splenvfid patronage and profitable; must sacrilico on account of sickness. D 194, Oregonian. WANTED Lady having some cash, and willing to buy an interest in office busi ness, no experience necessary. Address AK 18.1, Oregonian. FOR SALE Large water power and mill, 25 miles from Portland. AG 2u3, Orego nian. RESPONSIBLE logger to put some logs in Luwr Columbia River. J. R. Haight, 207 Railway Kxchange. FOR SALE Rooming-house, 12 rooms, rent $40; first-class furniture, $150 cash. 510 Henry ijldg. Open Sunday. CASH grocery, with .nice living-rooms, fine location, owner crippled, about $1150 or invoice. 303 Lumber Kxchange. "WANT partner to handle office factory agency, stock invoice $3000, $1000 cash, balance from business. R ISO, Oregonian. 1 HAVE a market to sell; good location; your own price at your own terms. Frank L. Smith. 228 Alder. PICTURE show, full y equipped; seats 20O; well located- own two theaters; must sell one. F. A. Tipton. 04 Broadway. PARTNER for cash grocery, doing a solid business, fine location; rent $20; price $050. or invoice. 1503 Lumber Exchange. FACTORY agency desires man purchase 1-3 interest, handle office, $1U00, 4754) cash, balance from profits. R 187, Oregonian. RESTAURANT, seats 34, clearing $5 day; price $300, $150 cash will handle, balance easy. 303 Lumber Exchange. $500 TO $1000 to Invest, with services, state proposition in replying. AC 192, orego ni an. I"OR LEASE Only hotel in town of loOO; 4 furnished rooms. Address AV 02. care OresonlRii. GROCERY and butter and eiras ronm in connection. For sale on account of other xiusinesd. Apply 1W3 Chapman st. PRESSING parlor, with laundry agenc doing a good business; fine location; in-p. - t a n. i ii ii in, cor. in st. IF YOU want to buy a fine little confec tionery right, audress i 172, Oregonian. BARBER shop. 2 chairs, $135 if taken at j 1 1 l. " . wen. t j.-. oregonian. WANTED Capable barber to buy Interest GOING East, w ill sacrifice 10 acres loga berry land; snap. L 1S2, Oregonian. CHEAP rent tor ngnt manutacturing at 15th H 1141 VVU." sis. i'l a. I II CLEANING and pressing shop, established price $2H; reason for selling. 18 12th st! GOOD paying downtown barber shop; low DENTIST equipment, perfect order, good lutiiLiuu, very tjneap. ijregonlan. A BAKERY and grocery for sale. Address vv isi. uregoniaa. $tion CONTRACT for sale or trade for pool room. J li)5, Oregonian. BUSINESS opportunities at Union avenui and East Broad wy, good location. SHOE repairing shop, good location. 541 Karl st., near Miiwaukie. Sellwood car. GROCERY store, doin good business; will invoice or lump, i'uone oodlawn S077, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ARE YOU THE MAN? We desire services of one good reliable man to control state sales in Oregon for original advertising service for merchants in all Hues. This service gives the merchant three times the advertising at one-third the cost. You can employ salesmen or sell through mail order methods. Vour profit $40 on ever) $tit sale. We furnish expensive cata logues, prepay all express charges and pay for your advertising. Exclusive state rights given. $10o capital required to carry necessary stock on hand. Experience not necessary, but must be a hustler. Oppor tunity of a lifetime for energetic man. Write quick. Fan t us Bros., 525 S. Dear born St.. Chicago. CASH grocery with living rooms, good class of trade, business established and paying; parties sick; will make good term. 517 Henry bldg. Paying casn business, clean stock, fine location, good business; will trade and - assume some. 517 Henry bldg.- Ou r side parties will find that by onr co-operation we can locate them in a home or business with little or no expense. 517 Henry blo. Cigar and confectionery, light groceries and bakeries in or out of the city; guar anteed as we represent them. All kinds of business bought and sold. Agents wanted: 517 Henry bldg. A SACRIFICE. To a quick, cash buver. On account of III health. I otter FOR SALE one of the best corners on the East Side. Improved with a new and handsome store build ing and beautiful dwelling rooms' above. One of the very best locations for drug, confectionery, grocery or general mer chandise store In the city. 1 AM THE MAN. AG 192. Oregonian. A Bl'SlN ESS broker that has made small fortune selling stores, rooming houses, restaurants, and has been established In Portland for years. Is retiring, and will sell his business reasonable and will stay 30 days to teach you tho business. He will show you that the business pays $3O0 month clear before you have to invest a cent. This Is open to the fullest investi gation. Call 32 :J Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts. PARTNER wanted .to take had interest in prosperous mortgage loan, bond and fire insurance otlice and take full charge of the of lice work; Jong established and best of references; more business than one man can take care of; profits large; only $750 cash required if good, reliable party ; no experience necessary, will teach you the "business. Apply of owner, M 1S4, Ore gonian. ONLY $275 secures small farm; terms will pay buyer share in profits; guarantee 7 per cent; Ideal climate; good markets; fine Investment whether you ever move on land or not.. Write quickly for vlewsand particulars. u. W. Deen. box 472, Way cross, Ga. AUTO ju.Otii.LE garage and repair shop; also deal in second-hand autos; books will show that the business will pay you $200 month as partner; if you don t understand the business, owner will teach you; doesn't take much money. Call 323 Lumber Ex fhan s c. 2d and Stark sts. MANUFACTURER wants state managers to handle new patented article. establish office, direct salesmen ; must have $iuu to $100U capital and come well recommend ed ; $Sj0'JU per annum to right party. Na tional sales Co., Syndicate Trust bldg., St. Louis, Mo. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Drug stock and lixtures, $2500; also store building, $12o0 equity; also residence, $2000 .equity, all or part. What have you to trade '.' Farm land, improved, preferred. W. S. Harris, Buhl, Idaho, Twin Falls County. . PICTURE- SHOW. Close In on West Side, electric piano cost $0O0; other equipment first-class; price for quick sale only $8O0. THIS IS A SNAP. Full particulars 018 Yeon bldg. (C227) CAUTION, BUYERS. Bafore closing deal tor so-called inter est in establishing real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE", Secretary, 818 Cnamber of Commerce. WOOD and coal yard having trackage and fully equipped; owner is retiring from business and will sell and show buyer that the business is paying $300 month over and above ail expenses. 323 Lumber Ex change. 2d and Stark sts. meat" market! In thickly settled neighborhood, marble-top counters, nice office, electric ma chines, fine built-in icebox. Price $500 for quick sale. Call 013 Yeon bldg. C120 1 CAN help you with expert advice on sell ing your product or merchandise if it is meritorious, and on a most economical basis. Write full particulars for personal interview. A. D. Mann, P. O. Box 703. Portland. WILLOW RIVER British Columbia's new town of importance on Grand Trunk Pa cific. For free information write today. Pacific Land & Townsites Co.. 33 Rich ard street, Vancouver, B. C. Agents wanted. BAKERY. Fine West Side location, equipment the best, business averages $000 a month ; 2 living-rooms, rent $40, 3 years' lease, price $l5iio. See this tomorrow. 01S Yeon bldg. C2i6) STOCK of general merchandise for sale in best-growing town in Central Oregon; stock will invoice about $10,000; must be a cash deal; best of reasons for selling. Addreps AV 65. Oregonian. CASH grocery; owner prefers interested partner to mrea neip; he is willing to guarantee the business will pay you $126 month and it only takes $500. 323 Lumber Exchange. ::d and Stark sts. RES1 A I RANT, owner busy cooking, wants . Mcauj, so-oer partner to be cashier, etc.; good pay and very little money required. 31tf Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. FINE modern residence in Decatur, 111., for saie or traue. Monthly rental $40. Would consider city property, farm or fruit land; paying business or small manufacturing plant. X 180. Oregonian. IF you are short of money when buyinr a business we will furnish It. if you must sell your business or lodging-house we will make you a cash offer. C. V. Ryan & Co., 419 Abington bldg. Marshall 012. ICE CREAM shop and shelf grocer, also popcorn ana peanut wagon, will sell all together or separate, fine corner and low rent. Call and see owner if you want sometning gooa. lioi Belmont. Tabor 4721. csuvv is the time to go Into business. We can place you in fuel and feed, manufac turing, transfer and storage, furniture or in most any otner line. Kinney & Stam pher, 531-532 Lumber Exchange bldg. ONLY up-to-uate shoe store, in Hoquiain, Wash., for saie ; rare opportunity for any one. with limited capital, to get mto a good-paying well-estaolished business. Ad dress Jean Hamberg. Hoqulam, Wash. CIGARS, ice-cream, confectionery, etc., best bargain this day; nice store for only $25o; owner has other interests and has reduced the price to sell Mondav. Call 31i Lum ber Exchange, 2d and Stark. FOR SALE Blacksmith shop, stock and tools, centrally located and doing good business ; price $buu cash. J. l Davis. Baker, Or. CONFECTIONERY and groceries; will sell for $450; new building, 4 living rooms, fine location. Cor. Lincoln and 64th sts. Take nawmorne car. BARBER fchoo for saie fhfflir lnntr .cheap rent; old established place, with kuuu, eieuuy iraue; owner is leaving city. 2rt5 Morrison si. SOLID business : nartntr wanted in tnrf ficef check wood, etc. ; -pay $100 month salary, also large profits. call 319 Lum- uer cxcuange, ana stark. $3DO0 STOCK jewelry, open for inspection; articles guaranteed. For cash ar- 4 se cured notes, 6. 12, 18 and 24 months. o io, uregonran. ACTIVE man for half interest in legitimate business that will stand investigation; must have $404O and good business repu- laiiwu. trx. v. e ivat ens, t croaaway. FOR SALE Restaurant in Th rnii rtw Excellent location, on main street nf tnwn Will sacrifice if taken at once. Inquire OPPORTUNITY for energetic man In a re name store : prefer man used to farm prouune; win pay you $12. month. 31 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. FOR sale or trade, good restaurant in prog- pei uub town, uiso one oiack Percheron stallion, by owner. Address AV 12tf, Oregonian. WANTED Partner in the resort business near the coming exposition grounds San Francisco. Address E. Schueler, Jr., Rock away Beach, Cal. BEST modern hotel In Nam pa, Idafco; 31 rooms, Vt block from depot; 12 trains daily; town OuOO. Address Arnold Hotel, Nam pa, Idaho. $5,000,000 EUROPEAN capital for Invest ment in attractive enterprises. Address Bankers' Alliance, 14 Bloomsbury st., London, England. WANTED Partner for school of dress making and corset making, small capital required ; large profits. 395 Yamhill. GROCERY store, worth $1700, at discount for cash; good trade and. location. Owner, J ISi), Oregonian. RESTAURANT and delicatessen in fine lo catton, with good business. Forced to sell by sicknesB. Phone Marshall 5938. GROCERY Big business; best location, old established, modern; good thing for good merchant ; $6500. A 192, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted in office business; can make $100 per month; $250 required. 519 Henry bldg. POO I -ROOM, cigars, etc.: requires small in vestment and is clearing $175 month. 319 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. WANTED Lady partner; very little money required. 408 East Burnt! do. East 5823. Bl'SIXESS OPPORTUNITIES. I WANT TO MEET 5 MEN, EACH WITH $5000 . OR i ONE MAN WITH $25,000 I will show these men an opportunity of a lifetime to make a fortune. This is not a real estate, oil or mining scheme, no gambling proposition or risk. Just Business and good business at that. A personal Interview Is solicited at which the fullest details will be sub mitted. Highest credentials will be given and expected. Never has such a splendid chance to make such large profits been offered in Portland. Address for interview. Manager, AS 143, Oregonian. LIVERY STABLE. Old-established livery stable, located In the heart of the business district, filled with good boarders, cheap rent, long lease and a paying proposition; must sell on account of sickness; cheap if taken at once. O 187, Oregonian. PRINTING PLANT. On account of sickness, must sell my third interest in modern, well-equipped printing plant, with well-establibhed busi ness, here in city. Part i-asli and balance terms, can see plant today. Phone East 2640. W OULD you lil3 to own a good -paying ,mail order business? We have a line that gets repeat orders all the lime; you can start in spare time; invest a dollar or two and soon own a nice business of your own. Write for particulars, Nadico, 16S1 Bel mont ave., Chicago. HERE is a fine chance for man with little capital to open a trardware or dry goods store; we have a splendid location in a prosperous business and residence sec tion, rent, including several living-rooms, $20 per month; balance of Julv free rent. Inquire h Gibbs. bet. 2 and 5 P. M. FOR SALE Stock of groceries and fixtures. loittuuii, aomg nice Dullness; stocn will Invoice $1500; location has privilege of lease at very reasonable rent; cash proposition only would be considered. AT 202, oregonian. AUTOMOBILE garage and repair business, owner wants mechanic as partner; can show $250 or better monthly profits. This doesn't take much money. Particulars 24Kifr Stark st- lb you can Invest a small sum of money and devote your time- to a going business and would be satisrted with $25 a week, call at 520 Lumber Exchange building, cor. 2d and Stark. MUST SELL OR TRADE 12 rooms good furniture, clear; swell lo cation, beautiful surroundings; will sacri fice. Come today after 10 A. M, 653 Wash ington Btreet. - FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Saloon In good country town; stock and license will invoice about $150U; will also rent, sell or trade building; good reasons for wanting to sell. AV 123, Oregonian. WA N T ED Par t n e r with $ 1 00O or JtlSoo cash to open office for State of Oregon and manage same; business will bring good returns besides increasing yearly bonus. Address AN 189 Oregonian. THE best 5-table pool and card room, witn confectionery, in the state for $ 1SOO, part terms; a cash business netting 76 per cent on investment. W. C. Kahle, Forest Grove, Or. FOR SALE Bakery and confectionery; price $0000; doing big business in best town in Oregon ; must sell at once; snap. AV 130, Oregonian. 2-CHAIR barber shop for sale; a bargain; good location; everything almost new; any reasonable ffer will be accepted. Inquire at Portland Cutlery Co., 86 th it STEAM shovel engineer of considerable ex perience, wanted for work in Idaho; one who can Invest some money. For inter view write P 192, Oresonian. BOARDING-HOUSE for sale everything complete, ready to start right in; have somo boarders; a snap at $300-. Phone Mar shall 2571, owner. ESTABLISHED wiring and electric fixture business; little down, balance terms or real estate; owner leaving city. AO 164. Oreponian. A GOOD opening is offered to qualified party wishing to open a furniture and undertaking business in small town in Washington. AM 1ST, Oregonian. WANTED Live business mail with $3000 cash to buy half interest and take cfrarge of old-established business paying $5U00 per year profit. AG 201, Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY, cigars, ice-cream, but termilk end eges sundries and canned goods; old-established place; satisfactory reasjns for selling. AO 167, Oregonian. FOR SALE Confectionery, cigar and to bacco store, Icji-cream and sandwich par lors. Call at ferry waiting-room, west side of street, Vancouver, Wash. BARGAIN $125 buys paying cigar stand if sold by Monday. Rent $2.", including lights and heat. See owner Monday ' morning at stand. S. E. corner 2d and Yamhill. WHOLESALE MANUFACURER DESIRES PARTNER WITH $5000 TO INCREASE OUTPUT. GOOD OPPORTUNITY I OR THE RIGHT MAN. X 201 OREGONIAN. LIVE butcher, with little cash, can make money easy at 133 Grand ave., all cash trade: no delivery; investigate this. Dan Kellaner. POPULAR and attractive little restaurant. Nob Hill district; owner has out-of-town business; investigate. 3d and Irving. DRUG STORE $000cashTbalance" trade; terms. Steady trade. See owner. AO 201, Oregonian. FOR SALE Grocery and market doing good cash business. Phone Tabor 238. BUSINESS OfPORTTjyiTlES WANTED WANTED General merchandise business, grocery or hardware; have good income property and cash for same; give fuil particulars in first letter. Address Box fe5. Culver, Oregon. WANTED To rent, furnished hotel in coun- try town, by thoroughly experienced faru - ily. privilege buying later. V 184 Ore gonian. WANT a small grocery store with living rooms; rent reasonable and fair business. AV 133, Oregonian. A FEW hundred dollars and my services to invest in any good business; no agents. J 15. oregonian. WOULD 'pay cash for a saloon in Vancou ver, Wash.; state price In first letter. B 171, Oregonian. WOULD buy a real estate business in Van-J couver, wasn. a ivif, oregonian. WANT to buy a livery and boarding stable. - AP 184, Oregonian. WANT cigar, confectionery or grocery; will pay casn. AR 13, Oregonian. WANTED A good-paying poolroom, must be bargain. K 106, Oregonian. STOCKS AND ItONDS. TALK! WITH FLETCHER. 21 Clackamas So. Ry bid $10,C00 Ind. Electric bonds -bid 12 Mt. Scott Cemetery stock. ...snap 10 Pac. States Fire Ins $10,000 Port. Bldg. Co bargain 70 U. S. Casnler bid All other good, legitimate stocks, gee mu. - I WANT Almeda Con. Metaline Con. Cen. Oreg. O. A Gas Realty Associates Coin Machine U. S. Cashier Washington-Oregon Corp. bonds. 225 Abington bldg. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND If interested ii buvlnar nr nAlllnv r v mining, industrial, oil or other stock, con sult us. Call, phone or write. We are in the market to buy Metaline Consoli dated Mines; American Druggist Syndi- xvi vci siuo aa., k m.., American leleg raphone. Aseptic Products and others. WM. E. DAVIDSON A COMPANY 210-217 Lewis bldg. FOR SALE oi snares Portland Concrete Pile Co. stock. Box 238, Lexington. Or. ROOM LVG-HOISES. $250 BUYS 12 rooms, west ; fine location; clears $d0. per month, elegant furniture, best of location. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 201 Hamilton bldg. S ROOMS, housekeeping. $200 for quick sale. 12S',i 13th St., -between Washington and Alder. $3MH HOTEL for sale In a live town; will exchange a part or all for Portland nrop erty. W. M. Barnett, Wasco, Or. - FOR SALE 10-room house, furnished, close in. West Side, $50 down, quick sale . Phone Main 4663. 14-ROOM furnished house for sale. Desirable location, close in. East Side, low rent Terms. Call owner Mondav. East 2S.V CHEAP 15 rooms, furnished ; always full' walking distance: choice location. West m rr . ii cT-rxj.t-oL i tr ii one Main 4GJ3. 12-R-OOM boarding-house for rent and fur". i 16-ROOM rooming-house by owner; a snan It taken now. 05 West Pax, ROOMING-HOUSES. R. H. GOODK1ND CO.. INC. R. II. GOOD KIND CO.. INC. LEADING HOTEL" AND APArtTMENT- HOUSE BROKERS IN THE CITY. OLD-ESTABLISHED ALWAYS RELI ABLE. H IGH EST COM ME RCIAL AND BANK REFERENCES, OUR PAST SUCCESSFUL RECORD IS A GUARANTEE OF RESULTS. SEE OUR LARGE LIST OF HOTELS AND APARTMENT-HOUSES, BOTH FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE. APARTMENT-HOUSE EXTRAORDINARY. We offer for sale absolutely the finest furnished apartment-house in the city; contains 40 apartments, furnishings are ele gant, tine large leather rockers, finest of rugs, some turklsh rugs, all large heavy m brass beds, lines t of mattresses, solid ma hogany and blrdseye dressers, silk drap eries, finest of lace curtains. This house cost $30.o0o to furnish: for the best rea sons it MUST BE SOLD and . is opened for an offer on terms of $50u0 cash, bal ance mortgage or exchange. This place caters to the very best people, is always full and guaranteed clearing over $5O0 a month above every expense; located in finest West Side district. EXTRAORDINARY OFFER. We are instructed by the owner of one of the best large rooming-houses in the city to dispose of same at once. This is . strictly modern in every detail, extra well furnished, corner brick building, on up per part of Washington st. and the fuil price is $7000. Free and clear of all in cumbi ance ; will trade for market value property, either acreage, house, lots or anything worth the money ; will assume some; the cheapest rent in the city, equals only $5.00 a room; open for thorough in vestigation. Full details at our office. APARTMENT-HOUSE SPECIAL 50-room elegantly furnished. Nob Hill district, rent only $200 a month, long j" lease, lull price only moo; terms $1000 cash, balance $fUO takes a lot. If you ever expect to buy right see this quick. We sold this very same house 1 year ago for $525 EXTRAORDINARY GOOD BUY. RUN BY PRESENT OWNER 4 YEARS', FIRST TIME OFFERED FOR SALE. 50-room combined rooming and apartment-house, located in the finest West Side dist ri t ; owner has cleared from $200 to $275 a month for the last 4 years, right now is clearing $20O a month; it is located on a corner, has furnace heat, hot and cord running water In some rooms; the rent is $225 with 3 years lease; not a dollar 'owing here; tiio owner will sell ail for " $3500, which includes $750 cash ' up on the lease; you don't need much money; ho will "take $500 cash and the balance of $3000 will take market value house and lot or vacant lots or close-in acreage: this is a gilt-edg money-making proposition and we can prove it. v ' SELECT FAMILY HOTEL. 30 rooms, extra well furnished, steam heat, modern West Side residence district; caters to best of people, full price $4000 ; not a dollar owing here. Clears $250 to $300 a month; will take $1000 cash. $2000 in property, balance mortgage. R. H. GOODKIND CO.. INC.. ' 401-402-403 WILCOX BLDG. COR. 8TH AND WASHINGTON STS. MODERN APARTMENTS. t S4 rooms, in 2 and 3 rooms each, pri vate bath In each, well furnished and new, new corner brick, fine location; rent $135; sell or trade, price $2500; take city property to $2000, some cash. ; O. C. R. ELLIS & CO., 300 Board of Trade. HOTEL BARGAIN. 42 rooms, steam heat, fine brlqk build ing, rent $175, 2-years' lease, clears $100 to $200 a month. Furniture the best. Never on the market before. Will trade for good real estate. Full particulars, 618 Yeon bldg. (B219) GOOD puying as well as a fine home in a line location on west bide; must sell at once on account of leaving the city ; will pay you, if wishing to" buy something of the kind to Investigate at once. Phone Marshall 3019 or call at 201 16th st. No agents. 15 ROOMS, rent $50; furnace heat, located on Park, near new high school ; large yard; pays $100 month; owners are com pelled to sell, regardless of price. PRICE $U50, ON TERMS. H. E. JAMES CO.. SS 10th, near Stark. $20010 ROOMS $ 200. Well furnished, clearing $35 s month. Owner must have money quick; this is sure one BIG SNAP. Only 1 block from Courthouse, on 5th st. Balance of $170 on terms. Full particulars 018 Yeon bldg. 30 ROOMS, close in down town, transient and steady roomers ; a fine place, owner forced to sell and will almost give away; consider some , trade ; see this early for, a snap. H. E. James Co., bH loth, near Sturk WILL sacrifice beautifully furnished rooming-house, 12 rooms, always full, corner house, modern, 'cheap rent, good Income; owner leaving city. U37 Chamber of Com merce. LEASE and furniture of first-class apt. house for sale, within 3 blocks of P. O. ; Uousa has best reputation, prices and terms. phone East 4350, B 2332. ROOMING-HOUSE, 10 rooms, all on one floor, good furniture, luw rent, a splendid buy at $000. E. J. Goiser, 420 Chamber of Commerce. ROOMING house, 27 rooms. West Side, good locution; a bargain; owner goes East; $500 closes the deal. Call afternoons room 12, lttO ad St., cor. Morrison. 11 ROOMS, furnished complete, four house keeping suites, nice home, will be sold Monday, $175. easy terms. Clear bill of sale. Owner, A 7504. WIL exchange boarding and rooming-house for lot. House can make $lo0 monthly clear. Phone owner. Main 3274. 14 ROOMS, all full; good location; for sale by owner; easy terras or special bargain for cash; no agents. AB lst. Oregonian. to ROOMS, furniture for sale cheap; rent paid until September; long lease; part' trade. Hotel Portola, 3d and Burnslde. 37 ROOMS, modern corner brick, worth $3500, account sickness will sacrifice for $1500, easy terms. 301 Henry bldg. $500 CHATTEL mortgage, payable $50 per month, as -first payment on good rooming house. 301 Henry bldg. 12 ROOMS, center of West Side; rent $30. clearing $60 per month ; price $450, $250 cash. 301 Henry bldg. 25 ROOMS, corner brick, good furniture, o minutes to p. O., clearing $125 per month; price $8oO. $250 cash. 301 Henry -bldg. 10-ROOM house, good location, sell cheap for cash or trade. 295 Salmon st. 12" ROOMS, good lurnmire, iong lease, rent reasonable ; will sacrifice. 327 Broadway. LOST AND FOUND. THE following is list of articles found on tne cars ot the Portland Kaiiwa.., L.Kht & power Company and turned in at the different division points. Owners may secure same by applying at barns as in dicated : Piedmont Barn, phone A 0131 C um brellas, 3 coats, 1 basket, 2 grips, 1 bun- t die overalls, 2 miscellaneous packages. Sellwood Barn, phone A 0131 2 brooches, 1 suit case, 1 bottle milk, 1 lunch basket, 1 handbag, 1 grip, 1 key, 1 bracelet, 1 pipe, 1 nail file, 3 umbrellas, 1 music rack, 2 sweaters. . Ankeny Barn, phone A 6131 1 um brella, 2 parasols,, 1 can antiphlogistine, 1 chain, 2 baskets, 2 packages, 1 bundle tools, 1 satchel, 1 suit case, 1 small grip. Savler-street Car House, phone A 6131 2 suit cases, 2 overcoats, 5 umbrellas, 1 bunch keys, 1 package merchandise, 1 -book, 1 sprayer. THE following has been found and turned In at the Union Depot: Found on S. P. train No. 15, July 4, two women's um brellas, one man s - umbrella. Found on O.-W. R. & k. train No. 5, July 4, man's straw hat. LO.vT Ladies' fine gold watch and fob on Mt. Tabor or Williams-ave. car, between . 10:30 and 11:30 Tuesday evening, July 1. "Finder please return to 507 Wiiiianis ave. for reward. LOST Mink fur on road from Hillsboro to Sandy. Finder either return or notify Bunneister & Anderson. Oregon City, and receive iioerai rewara. REWARD TO FINDER Lost in shopping uistrict mays cnain, platinum pendant, set with two diamonds. Phone Main ViOi. LOST Ivory and silver f handle umbrella, Wednesday night, Vancouver car. Reward. ' bfc E. 15th st. B 30S1. LOST Safurday, 2 rings, diamond and jade. Finder please return to 077 Powell st; reward. D IsS. Oregonian. WILL party taking picnic basket by mistake - from Rose City Park car last evening please telephone C. H. Still, Tabor 1S27. LOST Large green and red parrot In the vicinity of 7th and Alder sts. Return to 150 Park st. Reward. LOST Lady's closed-face watch and pin, initials "M. D." Phone Main 53uS. Re ward. LOST Lady's gojd watch and fo-b Tuesday, between 12th st. and Russell st. 507 Wil liams ave. PARTY that took tbe purse containing $5.35 from room ti, Washington High School, on June 2ti, is know n. Return to 302 12th st. LOST At Oaks, Sunday, zither musical in strument; no questions asked. Phone Marshall 2S45. LOST at stadium -or park, sterling handle umbrella. Leave at Oregonian office. Re ward. LOST English bull terrier bitch, answers name of Bee; pure white, ears cropped -reward; about 45 pouhdg. 317 E. 30th st. LOST Pair razor strops. . Return to Cham ber of Commt tcc Barber shop. Reward. LOST An umbrella on bench at E. loth and Broadway. Phone East 6010. Reward. LOST Sorrel mare, white face; also pay ware. Marshall 3719, A 3299- LOST AND FOUND. LOST A cameo brooch; plain gold . band; reward for finder. Call East 6239. SPECIAL NOTICES. Pro do sals Invited. SEALED proposals, addressed to E. E. Wil son, Secretary of the Board of Regents, Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallis, Or., will be received by the said Board of Regents until s o'clock P. M. July IS. 1913, for the furnishing of all materials and the performance of all labor required for the erection and completion of the cen tral portion and left wing of the men's gymnasium building and the right wing of the women's economics (known as the Domestic Science building), for the Agri cultural College, State of Oregon. All bids to be indorsed "Proposals for (giving the name of each building i."-; Said pro posals to be opened upon the above date bj the said Board oi Regents, All the worls and material must conform to the plans and specifications therefor on 1ile at the office .of the college, Corvallis, Or., and of the architects, Bennes & Hen dricks, 40u-5 Henry building, Portland, Or. Each proposal must be Accompanied by certified checV of 5 per cent of the amount bid as a guarantee that the" successful bidder will enter into a contract according to said plans and specifications. Said check to be made payable to the Oregon Agri cultural College. If for any reason the bidder fails to execute the proper contract and bond required within 10 days after notification or the acceptance of his bid, then said certified check will become for feited to the Oregon Agricultural College. IX the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon In the matter of R, G. Biackwell, bankrupt: Advertise ment of sule. I will receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise consisting of cigars, to bacco, pipes, confectioneries, candies, etc.. situated at Bend, Oregon, of the Inven toried value of $294.05. and fixtures, in cluding 3 pool tables. 1 billiard tabie and accessories, pertaining to the same, of tne inventoried value of $1902. 5, up to and until 12 o'clock noon on Monday, July 7, 1913, said property being formerly the property of R. G. Biackwell. Certified check for ten per cent 00) of the amount offered fnust acconipar.y each bid. . J Sale subject to the approval of the court. Inventory of the -property may be seen at my oifice and also at Bend. Orcco:i. at which latter piact the " property may be lUbpecteU. K. L.. SaAlal.N, 7 First Stf Portland-, ungon. Dated at Portland, Oregon, the 24lii day Of June, 1913. IN the District Court of the United States for the District ot Oregon. In the matter of W. R. Arndt, Anna c. Kandy, and tier iruae blierwood, trading as Iowa tiro eery, bankrupt. ad ei tisement of sale. I will receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise consisting of groceries, con fectioneries, granite and tinware, etc., sit uated at 392 Sixth street. Portland, Ore gon, of the inventoried value of liMJ5.tS0, and fixtures pertaining to the same of the Inventoried value of $1297.50, up to and until ll;3o o'clock on Monday, Juiy i, 1913, said property being formerly the property of W. R- Arndt. Anna C Kandy and Gertrude Sherwood, trading as Iowa Grocery. Certified check for ten per cent (10) of- the amount offered must accompany each bid. Sale subject to the approval of the court. Inventory of the property may be seen at my office, and the property inspected upon appointment. 7 First st.. Portland. Oreeon. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this 1st SEALED proposals will o received at the office or tn undersigned, 4o2 Tllford building, until 12 M. Wednesday, Juiy 9, itf id, ior partition and cabinet work in the County Court House.-Plans and sped lictlons may be obtained at the office of r . a. Aaraniore, superintendent of urou- erties, 408 Tilford building. A deposit of im rt quirt a ior eacn set oi piaus ana specifications. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount oi tne proposal, payable to R. H. X nomas, benoool ClerK, must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors re serves the ritfht to reject any and all pro- iiu&ais. iv. xx. x xxj&LA&t Dated July 2. 1913. School Cleric SEALED proposals will be received at the office o the undersigned 40U Tllford building, until 12:00 M., Wednesday, July 10, 1913, for the general work of the Sellwood School, plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of F. A. Naramore, Supt. of Properties, 40& Til ford building. A deposit of $10 is re- quirea lor each set of plans and specif 1 cations. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of tne proposal, payaoie to R. i. Thomas, School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors reserves IlfcU-fc IU CLU ttUU Hit 'OPUSMl. jrt. ti. riiuaiAS, bcnooi uierK. Dated July 2, 1913. Miscellaneous NOTICE is hereby given that my wife, Mary A. Miller, has left my bed and board and thajL I will not be responsible for any Dated at Portland, Or., this 5th day of juiy, ivid. james vv. aimer. NEW system of healing for all ailments, by eminent, pnysiciau ; no me treatment ; won- ciertuuy successful, write today ior par ticuiars. jsox J do, ioa Angeles, cai. nAClAL WANT ED Secretary-treasurer for multi million, corporation now orcanlzine for ex tensU e world-wide business ; must be qualified for position and able to invest $ 1O.L00; rich stock bonus and satisfactory t-aiary. r am, ureonian. WE BUILD ON EASY PAYMENTS. WE FURNISH PLANS AND MONEY A.-N U JUlJ-.J- 1 OUR HUMK OR APART MENTS. ETC. TA x LOR BUILDING CO. 500 M'KAlf BLDG., 3D AND STARK STS. WE will furnish the money at a low rate o interest and save you more than the hrok - erase of 2 per cent if we do the planning and building for you. it will pay you to see us. L. R. Bailey Co., inc., 324 Abington, WISH to dispose of $S00 chattel mortgage, coming due In about four months; se curity good, covered by insurance. A 190, Oregonian. WE have clients wanting money at 8 per jjwj- u mi u in, real estate security. iviU' ney & Stampher. 531-532 Lumber Ex ciiange Diag. MONEY LOANED. $500 AND UP ON IMPROVED REAL TY. CURRENT RATES. .yUICK ACTION 301 BOARD OF TRADE. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Western Bond & Mortgage Co., 41o Commercial CIu bldg. FIRST and second mortgages and building contracts bought. E. B. Miller, 410 Ab- ingiuu Diag. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort- baBca (lai miu equities pure n a sea. F. K.Lewis Ac Cov, 3 Lewis bldg. $2500 OR'iss to loan at 7 nr ppti rn riSA in farm and city property; give full par l n- umi 3. vv vo. ji eg on lap . $1900 MORTGAGE; will discount $ lOti. 422 v uainuci ut uiiimei ce. LOANS procured on real and collateral se tuniy. rveitwn .Bros., su 'Lewis bldg. FIRST mortgages for sale; several amounts S'5a trt s:'.:;oo ktm u-ii.a . T - $0tK) REAL ESTATE mortgage for sale, $500 Money to Loan Keal Estate. MONEY loaned 5 per cent, anv m lift your mortgage or build home. AddIv a Visa im a f.tfl t tvacrnn 1 a K1J f r J LOANS on Improved and unimproved city and suburban real estate, mortirau-e w . . . . v. . -v u x-,.n ,u fi - e1" -wtj oncnocK Oldg. TO LOAN $30,000 OR LESS FARRINGTON, COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDQ $5000 TO $10,000 to loan on good city nrou JACOB HAAS, 308 Gerlinger bldg. $10M TO LOAN at S per cent on improved city property. Call 318 Board, of Trade oitiK. a 4 -'.' 1. MONEY to loan on Improved ritv at current rates. Lawyer's Abstract & v. jdi n or trader bldg, x.juu to j-va.n on iirst mortgage city '' - Ajpiy oij Ore gUJIItlll UlUg. MONEY to loan on improved realtv iTr T 424 Hamilton bldg. w MONEY to loan on improved city property! -..i y.i.ciu. oju nenry bldg, J',." ye A' c. ?Per cent. W $1000 TO. $2500 to loan on real estate to i " u jvg, uregonian. sHORT term loans on real or collateral "J - e .t. TO loan, $1000 $1000 on city property. Am u ryots, 11 diu ' i o. MORTGAGE LOANS at current ratM T TT MAXWELL. 310 Chamber of Commerce! $1700 TO LOAN, 7 per cent interest; state MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount, no delay. neni; v.. i ""'iiiiic, ft.jt, u hqx blag. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and jaw ciij. v iu. nun, uuiii v. wasnington blag, $500 AND '$1000 to loan. Smith-Wagoner o.. to toe k r-xenange. MONEY loaned easy terms, $100 to $10,000, jdo.uuu iy win divide to suit. aiain iivo. ; s J 2Q, Oregonian Money loaned, real estate contracts & mtirs r ft 'ej. vt oeriinger bldg TO LOAN, $700, on city property. E. J ueiser, - ' ' iibiii uer u I commerce. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE a. re. nAnui.Nu, jij tn. or Com. STATE FUNDS, 0 per cent. W. E. Thnm. agent Multnomah County, 400 Ch. of Com. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Real Estate. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber of Commerce. We have the following sums for immediate Investment in PurUand first mortgages : $ l.uoo at 8 per cent. $ 1.5oo at 8 per cent. $ 3.OU0 at 7 per cent. $ 3.5O0 at 7 per cent. $ 5,000 at 7 per cent. $10,000 at 0 per ctnt. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423 Chamber of Commerce. 6 PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN. The Equitable Life Insurance Society will make loans on approved home prop erty to be repaid by fixed monthly In stallments over a period of 10 years, with the additional provision that In event of death of borrower, loan is cancelled by a policy of life insurance issued there with. Interest 6 per cent. These loans are made only in - the better residence dis tricts and only on Improved homes. Others need not apply. Home Purchase Dep't., Equitable Life. 306 Oregonian bldg. MONEY TO LOAN OS IMPROVED REAL ESTATE "FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS. NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO., ltJ SPALDING BLDG. IRVINGTON LOT BARGAIN. Beautiful lot in choice part of Irvlngton at a bargain price. Owner leaving town and needs money. Part cash, balance easy. R. F. BRYAN, Main 1003. 500 Cham, of Com. A 1227. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security at reasonable rates in sums from $50o and up. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, 171 Fourth st. Between Morrison arid Yamhill. TO LOAN. I HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE SECURITIES AT o TO S PER CENT. EDWARD P. MALL, 300 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. MONEY TO LOAN. Plenty of money to loan on city and farm property at reasonable rate of in terest. OSCAR W. BRYAN. OOa-U Chamber of Commerce. PRIVATE funds on hand to loan: $ 5 0, $ 500, $ 1 00 O, $ 1 200, $ 1300, $2OO0. $2500. $4000, $3000. M'RENZIE & CO.. 515 Gerlinger Bldg. $15O0, $1000 TO $10,000 TO LOAN. Portland City and Farm Property. Current Rates. MALL & VON BORSTEL. jiM second st.. near Stark. LOANS from $1500 to $10,000 on good Port- HACKER & THERKELSEN, 30tt Spalding bldg. Main 7592. ON improved city property or for building jjuipujjcs, o 10 o years urne; iioerai pay ment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings &. Loan Asoclation, 240 stark st. $1000, $5000, $10,000. In sums to suit on city property, T per cent. AR 182, Oregonian. GOOD MONEY FOR YOU on improved real estate security at lowest rate justified. Tonsend & Riley, 310 Oak. Main 12S3. HAVE $10,000 to loan at 7 per cent or will divide to suit; want good city or farm property for security. Write, giving loca tion of property, care AN 158, Oregonian. WE have money to loan on your real es tate; first mortgages only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan on real, estate in amounts from $500 to $10,000; quick service, mod erate charges and no unnecessary delays. nn Lnamner oi commerce bldg. it iuu want to loan your money on realty t i iu o per tcui interest, or to invest it safely, see me. Mr. G., 424 Hamilton Diag. SEE US TODAY for loans on Improved city property. 6 to 8 per cent, $3u0 and up. CELLARS-M URTON CO., 825 Yeon bldg. $1500 TO LOAN at 8 per cent on Portland property, improved. Address P. O. Box 810. MORTGAGE LOANS Real estate security, current rates. 201- p atoca r.xcnange oiag., 3d .and Yamhill. MORTGAGE LOANS on city property ;. lowest ruLcu. a. n. jairren o., iU2 MCJxay bldg Third and Stark sts. 1 LOANS, real estate mortgages and sellers' contracts bougnt. Bold Realty Co., 20tf Alder st. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 220 STARK ST. Money to Loan CHattcis mud Halarle. NEED MONEY? We can procure money for you on short notice and at reasonable rates on your furniture, piano, auto, storage receipts or your plain note. PORTLAND LOAN CO 413 Mauleay bldg. 4th and Wash. Open A. M. to 0 P. M. Saturday evenings until 8. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES $10 TO $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACH TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. hours s a. m. to b p. SATURDAY TO 9 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO., 30S FAILING BLDG. MONEY for salaried people and others upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments. See me before dealing else where; confidential. D. D. Drake, 323 Henry bldg. ELBY CO A private place to obtain money on watches, diamonds, jewelry, kodaks, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc.' 320 Lumber Ex. bldg., 2d and Stark. A DESIRABLE place for ladies and gentle men to borrow money on diamonds and jewelry at Lantern rates. Diamond Pal ace, 3-4 Washington, opp. Owl Drugstore. MONEY loaned on diamonds matches, jew elry, pianos and warehouse receipts; strict ly confidential. Brown & Co., room 10, Washington bldg. IMMEDIATE and confidential loans on fur niture, autos, pianos, warehouse receipts. Mortgages bought. Bauer, 200 Alder st. MONEY for salaried people and others. Quickly and confidentially. Martine, 32o Lumber Ex. bldg., 2d and Stark. WE LOAN money on diamonds and jewelry at half the rates charged by Droit era. Marx & Bloch, 74 3d st. juONcY loaned on diamonds and jewelry, j"! icily confidential. 341 'j, 3d. near Aide r. MONEY sold on installments; confidential; salaried people. F. A. Newton, Henry bldg Loans Wanted. LOANS WANTED. $1500 Alberta, 8; residence, big lot. $2500 Laurelhurst, 7; value $5000. $32oo Laurelhurat, 7; value $7000. $lO0o Troutdale, 8; 40 acres Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Exchange. $700 first mortgage drawing 7 per cent, covering property in the City of Port land ; 1 w ill give a reasonable discount. J. E. Smith, P. O.'byx 1131. 4000, 3 YEARS, at 7 per cent; beautiful Laurelhurst home, in choice location, vuluo $:i50o. B. Lee Paget, 304 Failing, bldg. Phone Main :;5. ' $25,000 ON FIRST-CLASS Portland real es tate security. This is a flrst-clasa busi ness proposition and will bear the closest Investigation. T 107. Oregonian. WANT loan of $350 for one year on 70 acres, partially Improved farm in Wash ington County, with no incumbrances, AE 1ST, Oregonian. WANTED $ 7 0 0 0 on first mortgage. aTi farm security; prefer private party; 5 Sears' time. Address box 612. Newberg. Or. I V ANT to bo rro v $ 1 50O, 3 years, 8 per cent, from private party; security good P lMft, Oregonian. WILL pay private party lu per cent for $looo one year on house and lot Haw thorne district. AC 167, Oregonian. $3:;00 FIRST REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE for sale; several amounts from $250 to $20uu. Henry C. Prudhomme, Wilcox bldg. WANT $1500 loan on modern cottage val ued at $3500, pay commission. 233 ' Wor cester bldg. PICK up this $500. Will sell a $4000 mort gage for $350'.). Need the money. Security valued at $7500. AM lsS. Oregonian. WANTED $15 00 at S ner cent onf7ne new bungalow. Call 31S Beard of Trade bldk Main 7452. A 4401. Ufc' $000 WANTED for one year at s per cent interest. i per cent commission, gilt-edge security, phone East 3002. WANTED Loan of $12X on" 150 acres of srood timber land. at iqa j v A A i $2000 at s per cent on close-in acre age; ample security. X 180, Oregonian. WANTED About $S0O on first-class lm proved city property, phone Sellwood 20 S3. $12i)0 WANTED. S per cent, on $2750 mod ern home. AS 170, Oregonian. WANTED on .-m;iui farm, house, barn, etc. " 202, Oregonian. $3000 ON 320-acre dairy farm, well Improved already. H 11)6, Oregonian. I WANTED $4500 on close-in improved prop- ci 1 j , value i.'.wu, f none diain 11 bo. JriNAfClAL. Loans Wanted. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, . 423 Chamber of Commerce. We offer the following approved appli cations for first mortgage loans: $1400 on 00x100 lot in 'Irvlngton Addi Sfc tion, with new G-room house ; property valued at $3000; good moral risk. $1800 on new bungalow and 00x100 lot. Hro Lincoln-st. district ; house very beautiful and valued at $3700. $2500 on five choice lots (no buildings) H'o In Alameda Park; value of se curity over $750O. Mortgage dated April, 1912, for three years. $5000 on S lots, 50x100 each, with good T'o homes, bringing in a steady, saie income; security $12.00o. $10,000 on East Side store and apartment 1 building: a fine security and in come of $300 per month ; value of security $25.uoo. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber of Commerce. FARM MORTGAGES FOR SALE. We can furnish you with absolutely " safe first mortgages on improved farms In the best districts of Oregon and Wash In e ton. All titles guaranteed by us and Inter est collected without charge to you. Bank and Individual references fur nished upon request. THE DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO.. 1007 Spalding bldg., Portland. Oregon. ' WANTED ON A-l SECURITY. $ 15,000, 0 years at 7 per cent ; value, $0o,oo0. $20uo. 3 years, at 8 per cent ; value, $4000. $1700, 3 years at 8 per cent; value $4000. $1000, 3 years at 6 per cent; value $oOOO. $1000 4 months at S per cent; value $5JUOO. $1550, 3 years at S per cent; value $4000. M'KBNZIE & CO.. Main 2SOL 515 Gerlinger Bldg. WANTED Loan of 2O00 for 3 years, se cured by gilt-edge first mortgage on hign ly improved country property; money goes into uuditional improvements; pre fer to deal with private party. F ISO, WANTED $2500 to $5000 In fast-growing enterurise: monev cruuratiteed and emmtrli business contracted for to now insure big, legitimate projit ; investor must be a man of good standing and Inclose references with answer. D 195. Oreconian. $7000 AT 8 per cent on strictly first-ciasj business property, close in. Apply 20f Oregonian bldg. Phone Marshall 322. PERSONAL. HAIR-HAIR-HAIR-HAIR. $32 34-iuch switches $4.45 $ti 20-inch switches ................ 1.05 Hairdressing ... .25 Face massage ...... .25 Shampoo .25 Manicure, 25c, 0 for ...,......... l.uO 12 scalp treatments ................ 0.00 Superfluous hair removed by electrio needle; guaranteed not to return. Cut hair in any shade ; switches any length. Prices half. Sanitary Parlors, 400 412 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington. TO some lady who has money and wants to make money mining ; investment will pay IH per cent per annum; genuine proposi tion and Is now rwidy tor proposition ; new mining camp, gold; need stamp mill, cost neighborhood of $lo,dOO ; can explain everything satisfactorily and give best of references. If you wish an interview, state time and place. Address AE 2UJ, Orego nian. LADIES You can make your skin naturally beautiful by using Dream of Youth, a so cret formula of a famous French beauty and skin specialist. It is not a rouge or a "cover-up" process; it gives honest youthful beauty. Guaranteed to give you satisfaction- or your money back. Address The Heldfond Drug Co., 222 Morrison St., Portland. Price. $1. YOUNG married couple, new to Portland, em ploy ea, are lonesome ; want to meet some jolly working girls or boys or young murrleu couples who are lonely and wVjuld like to spend a few evenings each week w ith jolly companions ; can give refer ences. If lonely, address AF ISO, ore gonian. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE AND MASSEUSE. Long experience, best references, treat ments for rheumatism and lumbago, etc.. massage and baths. 220 13th st., between Main and Salmon, Marshall 5033. Open Sundays. SCIENTIFIC electric spondylo treatments for all. nervous and chronic diseases. Pa ralysis, lung, stomach, bowels, kidney, bladder, pelvic, heart trouble, etc; aisj goitre, warts, moles, hair removed. 602 Buchanan bldg., 2bOH Washington st. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingfors graduate, rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments under physician's direc tions: baths, massage. No. 7 East 11th St., second door south' irora East Ankeny car line. Phone East 200, B 1803. FEB VET & HANEBUT, leading wig and toupe-inakers; finest stock of human hair goods; switches front 05c up; hairdressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatments; combings made up to order. 147 7th. near Morrison. Main 546. EIGHT years of unsurpassed successn treating sick men and women of Portland. I . use radium, light, heat, every known electrical treatment, baths, massage manipulations and adjustments. Dr. W E Mallory, naturopath, 312 Rothchild bldg! IF YOU doubt the merits of Barke Toniu for rheumatism, boils, kidney, liver and bowel troubles, just ask your neighbor, who has used It ; 75c the bottle at the CJemenson Drug Co., Front and Morrison streets. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, moles, etc.. perma nently removed. Electric needle process Established 1S94. Physicians references, lady operator, at room '2 Russell bld-., corner 4th and Morrison. Phone Mar. 194.1. 11 A V E comfortable feet; our treatise on foot torture tells how, only 50c including large package foot powder, also corn remedy. Taylor & Taylor, So4 W. 11th St., Los Angeles, Cal. HERMAN F. GOEHRING, of Santa Monica, Cal., requested to communicate with the secretary of Elks' Lodge, B. P. O. E.. No. !H, immediately. DRESS SUITS for rent Keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons seAed on, rips repaired, $1.50 month ; pri rapt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 3oi Stark. MISS STOCKS, treatments general debility, also readings daily. 2o4 Union ave. N. Woodla wn-Alberta car, cor. Multnomah. East G3Si- MRS. STEVENS, lfc yrs. Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her book, "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale 557 Vi W il liams ave. MISS PERRY, Eastern graduate masseuse. New York School of C. and D., treats rheumatism and nervous cases. l!iQ 13th st, 13th or Jefferson cars. Phone Main 71. BUST developer, our perfection bust de veloping treatment is absolutely harmless, guaranteed to- produce results. The L- B. Specialty Co., 123 Sod ave., Oakland, Cal. MANICURING, scalp, facial massage, ladies and gentlemen, open Sundays. 32t 4 Star street. WANTED Address of Frank Roessler, last seen In Klamath Falls, Or. Notify Wil liam Roessler, Mancos, Colo. LORENZ Nerve Tablets restores lost vitality. 25c per box, 0 boxes $1.25. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co., 2S9 Morrison st. Rev. Mrs. Coon, spiritual teacher and healer; Circles Tuesday, Friday evenings. JutJ W. Park, bet. Wash, and Stark. Marshall 5045. BE your own doctor; chronic disease yields to 1113 methods ; satisfaction guaranteed. Lora C Llttie, health expert. Tabor H73 WRINKLED faces made smooth quicKly, complete formula now 50c. 20th Century Sales Co.. Box 007. Seattle. Wash. CHIROPRACTIC treatments and steam baths for rheumatism, lumbago, etc. 413 Northwest bldg Open Sundays. Main 3TU0. BOSTON graduate nurse, sanitarium treat ments, medical gymnastics. 3S7 Yamhill st.. up one flight, room 7. FRENCH Packs will prevent wrinkles and t;rivtt away those you now have. Fleur de Lis. 427 East Morrison. SPIRITUAL med i u m f Ttev. May Price. Read- ings. healings daily. Circles Tues. 2, Wed. and Sun. S. 304 Montgomery. Main 7227. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches, 5c; curls and puffs. 75c; San itary Beauty parlors, 41-Q Dekum bldg. MRS. s! cl MORRISON Steam baths and massage for rheumatism, lumbago, etc 333 Madison. A 4470. Marshall 306S. A B ROLAND Have written jot at B. E. "sickness. Wire at once. Mrs. H. G. D-. Carrlzzo. N. M- MANICURING, face and scalp treatment. 412 Northwest bldg. Main 3ii9. Open Sun days. I TEACH chiropody reasonable. rt Nelson, Globe bldg.. 11th and Wash., room 311. MOLES superfluous hair removed. Mrs -M P. Il'll, 420 Fliedner bldg. Main 3473. EASTERN trained operator gives facial and scalp massage. 125 6th st., room 2. MRS. DR. WRENN, spiritual adviser; read- ings dally. 34 N. 16th. Mar. 4230. A 7014. BALM OF FIGS. Compound Roval Tonic Tablets. 50 G Davis st. jhone Main MANICURING, face and scalp treatment, shampoo. 401 Northwest bid., formerly 307. L. MORIARTY. dead trance medium; circle tonight. 84 N. 10th st. Mar. 4 23 9. IF you want free expert legal advice. ad dress P 184. Oregon i a n . L. Moriarty, dead trance spiritual medium; readings daily. 34 N. 16th st. Mar. 423a,