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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1913)
XM1S SUNDAY OKJKCtOJNIAX, FOKTLAU, JULY lillK. if REAL ESTATE. 1 of huti-HouBeft. 61 EAST 23D NORTH $1975 JUST COMPLETED $175. $2600 FOR 1975. New, modern 6 -room California bun sal low, 60 days old, sacrificed for $19 To. Kast front lot, has elegant fireplace, full basement with cement fioor, near car, .church and seimol, among refined neigh bors and beautiful homco; has costliest enameled plumoing. rooms all large and conveniently arranged, artistically tinted and pjni.-d; equipped with unique elec- trto mower fixtures; has Dutch kitchen. Woodiift. medicine chest, panel dining rocm, built-In seat and large reception hall, cement stairs and walks around house. a gem for $1976; home broken. Terms. . OWNER. &R1 E. 23D X. ALBEKTA CAR TO -3D ST. THLW 2 BLOCKS SOUTH. REMEMBliR, BAHG.V1N6 DO EXIST. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. $150 CASH. $19 A MONTH, INCLUDING INTEREST. Strictly modern 5-room bunga low ; paved streets ; owner has" loft his position and cannot make his monthly payments; price 52400. mortgag e. $S50, payable $10 a month, including Interest ; will take Stf.o cash and vacaut lot or automo bile for balance ; must be clear of Incumbrance ; th is in corner lot, 50x loo, block from car. 2 blocks to school; now rented for $15 a month; come In and see It today. DORR E. KEASEY & CO., 2d floor Chamber of Coin, bldg. $5bOO LAU K ELHU RST $5800. THE ON a UK ST BUY. Elegant new 8-room home, located on one ot the choicest lots ia this addition, commanding a line view. Polished oak floors In every room ex cept kitchen and bath; the arrangement, liniah, construction and details are abso luuly right in every way; largo reception hall, living -room 14x2(5 with dandy den adjoining; heavy cornice work on ceiling, line (lining-room with massive buffet, uil in bevel-edge plate glass; extra fine kitchen witn bru ak fast-room ; oak treads on stairs, 4 largo bedrooms, large closets, each with a window, and large sleeping porcn, Bcreenea ing screened oacK porcn. extra toilet and full cement basement with laundry trays, fruit closet and fur nace. Nothing to equal this In Portland and easy terms may be arranged. For ap pointment phono owner, E. 5208. No agents wanted. HAWTHORNE AVENUE 6 NAP. 5-room bungalow, with hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement, nice corner lot, commanding a beautiful view. In a swell neighborhood, all street Improve ments paid up. Window shades and elec tric fixtures Included. This Is the biggest bargain we ever saw. $-650. only SHOO down balance $10 per month, with only 6 per cent Interest. To see this means you will buy it. RALPH ACKLEY'LAND CO..' 204 Falling Building. Third and Washington. SUBURBAN RESIDENCE. A thoroughly modern 8 -room residence, with every modern convenience, hard wood floor, large furnace. 8 fireplaces. Bleeping porch, priv.te water aystem, ar tist ie lighting fixtures, screens, excep tionally large porch, full basement, eet tubs, fruit room, beautiful grounds, fruit trees, unexcelled location. There la no home In all Portland more modern or de lightful; price much below cost on ac count owner's change ot business; very favorable terms. E 106, Oregon ian. LOOKING FOR A BIO BARGAIN in a home YES, a real bargain. It's Just finished the price was to be $4600 but the owner must have money. o he cut oft his profit. IT'S NOW $400. 6 large rooms and sleeping porch. Hardwood flours, furnace. Only block from Sandy Boulevard on Tillamook st. SCOTT & BEESLEY. 211-12 Abington bldg.. or phone foday Tabor 1893. MT. TABOR! Beautiful bungalow, with view, south ern exposure, large, light living-room with open fireplace, reception hall, dining-room, two bedrooms, bath, kitchen and porches; all built-in features, hardwood floors, at tic, full cement basement and furnace ; linoleum on bath and kitchen floors ; owner in city from California; will sell for what It cost, $41 SO, easy terras. Call Sir. Cobb, Muin 7715. IRVINGTONS wellest small home, 0 or 7 rooms, gen uine solid mahogany and white enamel finish, sunroom, 2 fireplaces, sleeping porch, and a dozen lesser pleas ing features out of the ordinary, 3 blocks to Irvlngton Club; $7300 and $300 liens. R. T. STREET. Henry Bldg. The Irving ton Real Estate Man. $7SO0 LAURELHURST HOME $7 80 0. Owner desires to sell modern home; gar age, lawn, shrubbery, etc.; fine location; large living room, fireplace, den, library, paneled dluing-room, pass pantry, kitchen, bkf. ioom, 4 bedrooms, large sleeping porch, tel., bath, furnace, shades, fix tures, linoleum, carpets, etc. 138 Hazel fern, near G-leeson. Tabor 2952. i $3000. IRVING TON. 6 rooms, 8 up, 3 down, 30x100, close in, near Tillamook st., built for present owner year ago; easy terms. R. T. STREET, Henry Bldg. The Bargains in Irvlngton Realty. .NEW IRVING TON HOME. I will sell $1500 below cost my new 7 ioom modern residence at 0i'7 Weidler at.; take Broadway car to East 21st st. and see the houso; I am going to sell cheap; the best otter takes it. E. J. GE1SER, 420 Chamber of Com. BRAND-NEW 5-room bungalow, large at tic rooms for sleeping porch, all latest huilt-in effects, corner lot 52x70. E. 37th and Mill. Price $3400. $100 cash, bal ance easy terms and will sell for less if you can pay half cash. By owner. Call labor 4.y4. 1 $3500, EASY terms. Hawthorne district; will be finished Wednesday, complete: furnace, light fixtures, window shades. Be sure and go see this before you buy. tio see for yourself. 363 East 43d st., or phone Tabor 05 1 . IF YOU want a bargain go after this 3 acres, fair house, barn, orchard, etc., good schools, bot h normal and high ; you can buy this place for $3000 and it Is .a bar gain. For particulars write AR 202, Ore gonian. FOR PALE On account of the death of my husband 1 will sell my beautiful new, modrn bungalow at a bargain If sold this week. 1017 East 21st St. North. Al berta car. Owner. FOR SALE New, modern 5-room bunga low and 7-room house, on 32d and Salmon sts.. 2 blocks from Alt. Tabor and Haw-thorntj-ave; carline- Room 2-0. Henry bldg. ROSE CITY SACRIFICE. 7-room new, modern house; hot water heat, concrete garage; $lSOO underprlced, terms. Let me show you this elegant home. H 187, Oregonian. MUST sell new modern 6-room home 1141 E. 30th N. ; a $3000 sacrifice for $2300; easy terms : quick sale : owner leaving town. Call Medford Hotel. NOTHING down, $40 month, naw 7-doom modern 1 Vj -story bungalow in M t. Tabor section. 150 feet from car, 2 fine view lots lOOxlQO. Owner, AP 100, Oregonian. 1RVINGTON. Beautiful 1 l-room home In Irvlngton; every modern convenience. East 4410. No agents. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. $4650. 6-room house and garage street Improvement paid. 5h5 E. 10th X. Phone B. 1872 todav. S PL E N DI D HOME. Irvlngton, V rooms. 2 baths, oak and mahogany. 736 Halsey at. Verv fine at tractive. East 273. W. H. Herdman. ' ROSE CITY PARK $590 equity for $300, 6 room bungalow, hardwood floors, fire place, white enamel bath and Dutch kitch en. Tabor 4607.- A P 183 Oregonian S300 -7 ASH. balance easy, new 5-room hun ara low, 2 blocks from the car, 3o minutes out. K IP LEY & PTSHOP, 201 Hamilton bldg. CHEAP bungalow, 15 min. walk from Brook. Ivn carshons. fine for railroad man: lihi-. terms. Call 1183 Milwaukee st.. or phone oenwooq iom iwr imuier luiurmation. A MODERN fl-roora house, lot SOxlOO ft? garden and fruit trees, close to school, in r orest urove, cr. r or imormauon au dress N. W. King, Forest Grove. 7-ROOM house in residence district of Al bertn, full lot, worth $3000; will sell for . 5J40O; 14 cash; terms or trade. AL 1S8, Oregonian. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT-New 3 roorn bungalow, east front. $22.50. small payment down, balance easy terms. Phone owner, ( jso. NI"l-3 5-room bungalow, .new, 3 blocks from ooctstocK car; price $1600; $100 down 520 Hamilton bldg. WE have new bungalows or build to suit; asy icrrnn. nawiey at v;o. Marshall 31SQ, Multnomah station. PROPERTY for sale on Pell wood carline; pavea streets, cneap. 547 Milwaukie 1 corner Mace st. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE Attractive mod ' ern home, central location; great bargain. easy lerma. .i;n eu;? Ji,ast SU4. 6-ROOM house; will take lot as part nay mnt; waiKing uisianco. 83o Eugene su REAL ESTATE HOMESEEKERS. "ATTENTION. 981 East 2Bth North. $2000 for $1075." $260O for $1073. Nw, modern 5-room bungalow. Just completed. Too many Irons In the fire causes me to sacrifice this beautiful home for $1 bt 5. . Amid pleasant surroundings, BOO feet above trie rivers, close -to schools, church and picture theaters ; east front lot, lo-foot elley, full basement, ce ment floor, htyh-class enameled plumbing fixtures, enameled bathroom, rooms are larsu and nicely arranged, at tistlcally tinted and painted : high-claws electric fix tures. Dutch kitchen, woodiift. medicine cheat, paneled dining-room, h-sll seat, large reception hall, cement stairs and walks around house ; superior workmanship and material. See this at once. One block to car. Absolutely the biggest snap in Portland. TERMS. Owner jtsu. East, 2th North. Alberta car to 28th street. One Block South. Hurry, it won't last. I BUNGALOW. SEE THIS AT 5-ITH AND SISKI YOU STREETS. Take Rose City Car. Haj two disappearing beds, mak ing house etjual to 0 rooms; paneled di nine-room paneled den, polished floors, handsome butrt-in . buffet, fine large fireplace, cement base ment, laundry trays, nice handy Dutch kitchen ; located on corner lot, east and south front, sidewalks In and paid for, location is ideal, the one best buy in the city, for $2250J terms very easv. T. W. NOR DRY. Owner, Main 1277. 302 Couch bldg. FOR SALE My home at 1101 E. Salmon st. near 30th. Bungalow style, 6 large airy rooms, is strictly modern and up-to-date ; two bedrooms, closets and bathroom all white enameled, also sleeping porch on fcecond floor; living-room, dlnlngroom, W". E. Butch kitchen, one bedroom, closet, extra toilet and lavatory and porches on first floor; living-room and diningroom papered in latest effects with cut borders ; dining room has cornice and paneled wainscot; all built-in effects except fireplace ; ce ment basement with laundry trays, furnace and gas water heater. Lot 43x100. Price $3300. easy terms- Call Tabor 194 or come any time. NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. $100 DOWN, Beautiful new 5-room bungalow; large attic. Dutch kjtchen. fireplace, bath, modern plumbing. cement basement, laundry trays, window shades; 1 block from car; fine view; $2700. $100 down, $25 a month. Including interest. DORR E. KEASEY A CO.. 2d Floor Chamber Commerce Bldg. (1850) MUST SACRIFICE MY HOME. A strictly modern bungalow, 4 rooms and bath, comfortably furnished, Dutch kitchen, paneled dining-room, all finished floors and built-in conveniences. Phone and electricity in. gas if desired. Excel lent lawn and garden. Rose City Park district, 2 blocks from Sandy blvd. and car. Built for a home and not for specu lation. Price $1850- if taken at once. Terms to suit, phone E. G. Osborn. C 1914. MODERN BL'NOALOW ON ONE ACRE. $3500. Modern 6-room bungalow, 1 acre ground, close In, on electric line, has electricity, furnace, fireplace, beautifully situated, less than 2 blocks from the carline, gasoline engine, electric stove and many modern appliances. House has hardwood floors. Terms to suit. DORR E. KEASEY & CO., Second Floor Chamber of Commerce bldg. $20,00o! IRVINGTON. - Double corner, facing south and east; 12 rooms, 5 on second floor, dressing-rooms and built-in mahogany dressers; hot water heat, mahogany finish down, white enamel up; 2 baths, 3 fireplaces, beautiful view, select neighborhood. R. T. STREET. Henry Bids:. The Bargains in Irvlngton Realty. ABOVE THE AVERAGE $4000 HOUSE for $3500. Pressed brick fireplace, full cement basement, solid panelled dining room, large built-in buffet, all rooms un usually large, swell porch, east front. Box iot. resLriciea uisinci, one diock to Alberta car. Easy monthly payments. See It today at 11, sj E. 2th st. N. Was NOT hence the sacrifice. ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN HOME. Beautiful running stream, also water piped on place, new bungalow; five acres in tnis tract, tnree acres in natural grove. On finest hard-surface road east of city; nice view of Columbia River and Moun tains: nine miles from center of itv. hard to find any other with all natural environments like this. Sacrifice price. JA-oa nAAo, oOa uernngeT bldg. NO CASH DOWN. It means more to us to do business with a gooa Bteauy man having a regular in come than to get cash payment. Pay $25 per month and take immemdiate possession 01 t he new -room bungalow modern in every way; lawn, garden, ber ries and fruit; close In. East Side; good car service; price $2S00. C. W. -Davis & Co., ot commercial block. . $30,00O. " IRVINGTON. Large, beautiful home on big corner. heart of Irvington; 5 bedrooms and 2 baths on 2d floor; also a 3d floor; this is a qual ity home; you will not find a thing miss ing. R. T. STREET, Henry Bldg. The Irvlngton Real Estate Man. $50 DOWN AND $20 PER MONTH Buys a nice $ltX)0 home on lGth st.. Al berta car; living-room, bedroom, kitchen oatn ana unnmshea second story : new and modern cottage; bargain. Phone Main :M04 today or Marshall 139 tomorrow. W1NTHROP HAMMOND & CO. 42.V Chamber of Commerce. BUNGALOW SACRIFICE. $3300. 7 rooms, all modern conveniences. In cluding furnace and some furnishings. Owner must sell at above nrice. whir.h is less than actual cost of house. If you are inomng ror a snap ana at terms, don't' fail to see this, as It is well lo cated and a beautv. CALLAN & KASER. 722-24 Yeon bldg. PAY $J 5 A MONTH AND OWN THIS HOUSE. A verv "liberal offer: comfortable 4-rnom house with big veranda, electric lights and shades; beautiful terraced lot, fine neighborhood ; $1700, $15 per month. A. N. Searle, E. TOth and E. Glisan (M-V carj. inrice open isunuays. SUBURBAN BUNGALOW. 5-room California bungalow, with every "inuern convenience, rignt on canine, . acre every ming in very net con dition bearing fruit; immediate posses sion: only 35 minutes out. Deal with own er direct. O i:2, Oregonian. IRVINGTON HOME. $10 000. Block to Irvington Club; entire house hardwood rioors, 2 swell fireplaces, living-room 17x25, 4 very large, fine bed rooms and sleeping porch on 2d floor. R. T. STREET, Henry Bldg. Irvln gton Realty. T ABO R district, tine view property, consist ing of six lots and two modern, double constructed bix and seven-room dwellings, with sleeping porches, elegant homes with lawn and shrubbery; will sell in part or wotld consider trade for home near High t-cnooi. uwner, o iast list st. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. 5 rooms,, bath- den and hall 1st floor 2d floor has sleeping porch. Tsalance un finished; new thoroughly . modern home, lout st. $4boo and assume street liens. R. " T. STREET. Henry Bldg. The Bar gains In Irvington Realty. ROSE CITY BUNGALOWS. Foreclosure of mortgage lets us oifer a SNAP. 7 rooms, cost over $3400; you can get tnis out cneup. Another line on cut from $3050 to $3250. gee Mr. Adams Chapin-Herlow Mortgage & Trust Co., 3d noor vnamoer 01 commerce. FOR SALE 10-room modern house, large corner iuxiui; nne Enaae and riowers; house nearly new ; Piedmont district ; will sen nt creat sacrmce it soia immediately m ust go East ; need money. R 102, Ore goman. SNAP SNAP SNAP. $2000 and only 1-3 cash, balance easy, for a fine lot 50x140 on business street. with nice fruit trees and good 7-room house; could re mad 9 into a store. F. FUCHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce, HOMESEEKERS. TAKE NOTICE. 4-room new modern bungalow, lot 50x108 3 -blocks car; price $2330; take $250 cash uown. oaiance .i mummy, including in' TeresT. i 1 iii, v.regonian. ONE of the best houses in Rose City Park lurnace, xirepiace, narawuoa floors; al built-in conveniences; no incumbrance sman cash payment, balance like ren Owner. 634 E. 59th st North. Call today, $55,000 HOME. Large grounds. Irvlnirton district. Trfr. land's finest suburban home, but close In. n. -i 1 k r, l 1 1 iienry tJiag. The Irvlngton Real Estate Man. 3-ROOM modern house, 50x100 lot, $800 $60O flown, balance $10 a month. - AF t!', urefiuniiui. FOR SALE S-room bungalow. Rose City r-i J , luuuei 11, i"i snoi L time .iWO(J snap: no agents. AF 191, Oregonian. FOR SALE In Laurel hurst, beautiful bun Bra low, with or without furniture. $1000 unuer marnet. ,ai. owner, laoor ltoy. PHONE owner East 2756. modern 5-room oungaiow, cast ana a. nompsoa sts. Rose city car, du'JO. t-asy terms. REAL ESTATE lor Sale House. STOP THAT RENT! 4-room bungalow, with disappear ing beds: the very latest In house construction, making equal to 5 room house ; Dutch kitchen, built-in handsome buffet, nice dining-room, large living-room, bedroom, bath with latest sanitary plumbing, all modern conveniences and only $1U30 with very easy terms; pay ments like rent. Take Rose City car to 7d st., go south three blocks; also one on h2d st. at $1H50. W. T. NORDBY, Owner. -802 Couch bldg. Main 1277. FURNiSHED BUNGALOW. $2000 $200 DOWN. Modern bungalow, with -sleeping porch, lot 00x1 u0, gas and elec tricity, close to car, beautiful grounds with roses and shrubbery; well furnished throughout; furni ture alone is worth much more than the cash payment required. See this at once. DORR E. KEASEY A CO.. 2d. floor Chamber, of Com. bldg. THIS exceptional opportunity to purchase a neautuui s -room mouern noma wim California pergola., porch, full cement base ment, wash trays, finished floors, fireplace. --paneled dining-room and plate rail, built "n Ditch kitchen, two nice large bedrooms. bathroom large closets, every inch 01 space is used in this home: the liv- .intc-room is cheerful and well arranged; lot Is 50x100; improvements all in ana paid for; just think "of all this for only $20 per mouth including interesbf Call E. 2549. - FOR SALE; My suburban home In New- oerg, Oregon, at a eacruice; tract -t feet front by 125 feet deep, a five-room house, woodhouse and barn, fruit, garden and plenty room for chickens; in a good neighborhood in a live school town, grade high school and college, no saloon; have held this property at $1500 but now, owing to reasons affecting the owner, but not the property, will sacrifice It for $1100. Address boc 3Sti, Newberg. Or. " THIS IH FINE. Five rooms and den, with Inlaid hard wood floors, artistic mantel, tile fireplace, elegant butfet, dining-room paneled and bsamed, fine kitchen with built-in refrig erator; furnace, fixtures and shades. Is ton a full lot convenelnt to car and in high-class district. Call Tabor 4469. A POSITIVE BARGAIN. 5-room, new, modern house ; 50x100 lot, close to a car; will sell this for $2200 and give easy terms; seeing this will convince you that it Is a piece o property well worth $28O0; if you want a new, nice, modern home of this size, you will buy it when you see it. J. E. Smith, 414 Chamber of Commerce A BARGAIN A modern home, 7-room bun galow, sleeping porch, electric lights, gas, garden, woodshed, chicken-house, 40 choice roses, cost $2500, on account of sickness will take $1800; li blocksfrom carline; no agents. Phone owner. Tabor 1543. 218 4th tve., Lents. WEST SIDE . SNAPS. Full lot with 6-room house, 15 minutes walk from 3d and Washington, $3500; ad jacent vacant lot held at $ri00Ov NEJLAN & PARKHIDL, 303-4-5 Stock Exchange bldg. Third and Yamhill. ROOMS 6 rooms 9 rooms 7 rooms 5 rooms (bungalow) . AU new and modern. Call Tabor 4469. .$25 . . . o0 ... 2-3 ... ao $200 CASH and $25 ner month and interest will hn a most attractive rtew home of six rooms and bath. AU improvements. Built for $4000. .Builder failed. Can sell for $3000. On Division st. near 50jh; a bargain. Ad d ressow n er , P. O. b ox S 1 9. OY NER moving away, desirable home at a bargain, tJ-room bungalow and 1 y. acres In choice locality, lu-cent fare to Portland. Oregon City car, near Risley Station, less owu. w . a. ntgniana, AiuwauKie, Or., Hr 1, box lOoA. , EAST SIDE PROPERTY. For East Side bargains see J. J. OEDER, Real Estate. Cor. Grand. Ave. and East Ankeny. 9 ACHES, 2i miles from Gladstone, 5-room nouse. Darn, cnicken-nouse 54 feet long ; good soil, no rock, some stock; price -.oou , want nouse ana iot, H IO LEY & BISHOP, 201 Hamilton bldg. $750 FOR 3-room furnished house, wood shed, full-sized lot, cement walks, graded streets, xsuu itun water, a blocks to Fre mont station. Mt. Scott car. Geo. A. Klggs, 010 bpaiaing oiag. PARTY with some capital, willing to build nome ior tnorougniy reliable parties: un usually liberal terms; best localities ; give phone or address. AR 100, Orego nian. YOU can pay for a home built as you want it with the same money you are now pay ing for rent ; your payment covers both interest and principal. Good location. pnone Mr. Pfister, A 7374. HAVE a nice 5-room home, half block irom canine, strictly modern, and com plete. that I would like to sell on small rirst payment, balance f22 per month. Mr. Malboeuf. Main 7750. -ROOM modern bungalow on easy terms by owner. 804 S. E. 46th st. h'or Sale Business Property. FINE APARTMENT-HOUSE SITE. One block v from Mt. Tabor and Sunnyside cars, southeast corner E. 17th and Alder sts. ; splendid dis trict, closo ti Washington High school. Price $4000, liberal terms. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 85. 102 Fourth st. A 3500. BIGGEST SNAP IN PORTLAND. $23,000. about $13,000 cash; 200 feet business front, closw in ; now rented, but by proper improvements will easily bring per cent, investigate. F. FUCHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce. THE F. E. TAYLOR CO., REALTY FIRM. have removed their place of business from 404-ft Lewis bldg. to the offices formerly occupied by C. K. Henry Co., S3 4th at., ground floor, Henry bldg. THREE homesteads, two fine agricultural. $4X each, one with 0,000,009 beautiful timber. $800. All close to town, rail and wagon road- 603 Oregonian bldg. WAREHOUSE and 4 lots in Wilksboro. Or.. on United R. R.. 150 feet trackage; rented, paying good interest; bargain. Owner 671 Insley ave. Tel. Sell wood 802. AT big discount, must be sold at once, gilt- eage siock in nrsr-ciass modern apart ment house. . Pays large monthly divi dends. Address A E li8 Oregonian. $18,000 LOT 50x100, stores and apartments. prominent street, close in. West Side, well rented. Owner, 324 Worcester bldg. For ale -Acreage OREGON CITY ACREAGE. Had 5 acres, 8c fare, sold 4 and getting prompt payments equity $2200. payable $32 per month. Will sell above and re maining acre or trade for good Laurel hurst home. One-half acre, &1000, or 1, 2 or more acres, 80 fare, $1200 and dp, facing car line. New 6-room bungalow and 1 acre, $2700. One acre adjoining, $ 1000. One or more acres, grand view of river, close to 8c fare ; price on application. This Is very choice. See Mr. Adams Chapin-Herlow Mtg. & Trust Co., 3d floor Chamber of Commerce. A GENUINE SACRIFICE. BY OWNER. 13 acres in the rich Tualatin Valley, the garden spot of Oregon, in town limits of the best town in valley; good schools and churches; on S. P. electric interurban, about 12 miles southwest of Portland; nearly all land in crops; tine bearing or chard, all kinds small fruit, new 7-room modern house ; hot and cold w-ater. bath, toilet fireplace, good barn; one tine cow, 150 chickens; $350O will handle it, balaace on easy terms. U. E. WARNER, Sherwood, Or. TWO acres, six-room house, not finished upstairs, chicken-house and yard, one acre in strawberries, one acre fSOO at $15 per month ; both acres $25t)o, at $25 per month; 0 blocks Metzger station. Phone Main 0507 or uo5. Owner. 2hs ACRES rich land, cleared, 5c carfare to Oregon City. Good neighborhood, high school, etc. Exceptionally good buy at $900, terms. O. W. Eastham, owner, 211 Commonwealth bldg.' PARKROSE BARGAIN. - I have a fine acre tract 2 blocks S. E. of station, under cultivation; fine view" of mountains and valley- must sacrifice equity -for cash. O 193. Oregonian. 1 ACRE with modern house, every con venience, commuters' fare 0c. Ryan Place, Oregon Electric. Price $3000. T 188, Ore gonian. TEXAS school lands. $1.50 to $5 acre; l-40th ' down, balance 40 years; information and Texas map free. Journal Pub. Co., Hous ton, Tex. 1 ACRE, ail in cultivation, good 2-room house. partly furnished: 4 blocks from Multnomah Station, Oregon Electric; $1400. part terms. AO 193. Oregonian. PIEDMONT snap, one. two or three fine lots, your own price; terms. AT 189, Oregonian. 160 ACRES. $6 per acre; 120 acres, $3 per acre; within 40 miles. Tabor 4757. REAL ESTATE. for Sale Acreage ACREAGE. 2 hi acres all in cultivation and all kinds of fruit, with a new five room bungalow, running water, etc. This is an ideal country home. 20 .acres all in cultivation, 18 miles from Portland, at Reedvllle, "Washington County. Price $250 per acre. 30 acres fronting or the Tualatin river, 24 miles from Tigard, 22 acres in cultivation, 4 acres in or chard 4 acres slashed and 4 acres in timber, with a new 5-room bunga low, barn and outbuildings. Price $300 per acre. THE LAWRENCE CO., 171 Fourth St., Bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main 6915. A 2815. 10 ACRES ON MT. HOOD ELECTRIC. CLOSE TO CITY LIMITS. Small 3-room house and chicken house, good well and pump, part In cultivation, balance slashed and easily cleared; 42 2-year-old fruit trees, .berry bushes, etc., recently set out; land Is high and sightly; only 4 citv blocks from Mount Hood Electric Ry. station, 10-cent fare from 3d and Yamhill sts. ; hourly service from July 1; $700 an acre; adjoining unimproved land la held at $1000 an acre. $7000 Easy terms.- DORR E. KEASEY A CO.. 2d floor Chamber Commerce bldg. 2 ACRES AT OAK GROVE. - This fine tract right on the Ore gon City carltne all in cultivation and In full bearing 6-year old treea in fine condition. Soil is black and fertile. Price only 1600. Make your own terms. DORR E. KEASEY & CO.. 2d Fir. Chamber Commerce bldg. NEW CARS. 1J912-1913 Standard Makes. Electric lighttng and starting. PRICES RIGHT. Two 7-passenger. Three 5-passenger. Two roadsters. Bring your car in and get a new stand ard make. We trade, sell for cash or terms to suit. Call and see us. THE MOTOR BUREAU. Main 6922. 609 Washington St. 10 ACRES 1 miles to Amity, 3 acres In cultivation, some cleared, some timber, a fine running stream; fine view to build a house. Price $1000; $100 down, balance $10 per month, 6 per cent. 7.S0 acres, adjoining the above 10 acres; good rich land, a fine stream runs through this tract. Price $600; $50 down, balance $10 per month, 6 per cent. R. R. will be electrified to Portland. See Searchrest. Chapin-Herlow Mortgage & Trust Company, 3d.' floor Chamber of Commerce. HALF ACRE. Will make 4 city lots; street graded and city water, all paid; 1 mile from Council Crest and close to electric carline; fine fruit trees and an assortment of berries; running water; very suitable for country home. Price $730, easv terms. GODDARD & W1EDRICK. 243 Stark St. THIS IS WHAT TOU WANT. acre, Ryan Station, 18 minutes out, 5-cent fare, all cleared and lies beauti fully. Price only $1050. Terms easy. This is what you have been looking for. It has city conveniences and contains as much ground as 7 ordinary city lots. C. DeYOUNG & CO.. 514 Chamber of Commerce. YAMHILL RIVER. Five acres, all cleared, planted to 100 nice apple trees 2 years old; splendid soil; five minutes' walk from station. 35 miles from Portland ; $260 per acre ; ad joining property sold for $5u0 an acre; one -fourth cash, any reasonable terms on balance. A. A. FISHER, 213 Lumbermen Bldg. ELECTRIC LINE. eight blocks station chicken and fruit ranches near Portland; new subdivision, near Gresham: 5 acres, $400. $300. $700; 8 acres $500, $70; 10 acres, $750, $900, $1000 per tract; best son, free wood, spring water; acreage at scappooae, ur., to siuu per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO., 809 Yeon Bldg., Portland. A LOVELY home site, 6 miles west of city beautiful view of valley and town. This beautiful 3 acres Is one mile from Oregon Electric R. R. .station, two miles from city limits; fronts on county road, rocked all the way to Portland; on telephone and rural route; price, $2500; terms. Address K. M. Ellis. Box 710, Portland, Or. ST. JOE. 23 acres, part stump and timber; will sell as whole or cut .up in two or three tracts at $135 per acre. There Is no bet ter acreage than this In the State of Oregon. One-fourth cash. A. A. FISHER. 218 Lumbermens BTdg. 28 ACRES Six acres in clover, five acres pasture, oaiance smau stumps and brush on the Yamhill River; $173 per acre; one fourth cash, balance to suit at 6 ner cent or will divide in two or three tracts; will price accordingly. - y A. A. FISHER. 218 Lumbermen Bldg. WILL sell my home at Goldendale. Wash ington. consisting of 7 acres, all in culti vation, nearly new 7-rooxn house, milk house wooahouse and largo barn; 2 acres in orchard, z in aiiaiia ana a in oats. Ap ply to P. Mlckelson, 225 Lownsdale st.. ir'ortiana. ur. ACRE HOME AT COURTNEY" STATION. Oregon City electric, house, water and fruit, $50 down, $20 per month. Phone BECK WITH. Marshall 1399. 10 ACRES. $400. EASY TERMS. Near Castle Rock., ' Wash. walking dis tance from R. R. Sta., hi mile to boat landing; good land.. See Gardner. Chapin-Herlow Mtg. & Trust Co.r 3d floor Chamber of Commerce. NEW ACREAGE SUBDIVISION. NOW $350 AND ?4O0 PER ACRE. Schools, churches, stores; electric depot. Running water, auto roads, phone, R. F. D. WELLER. 202 Empress Bldg. Mar. 4767. 6 ACRES 7 miles west of Portland Court house, near station, on Oregon Electric ; 4 acres cleared, no waste land ; will sell for $100 per acre less than adjoining land priced at ; no agents. Address Geo. Ed mund, Vancouver. Wash., Route 1. ACRE in Brentwood Add., on 71st St., near Vth ave. S. E.; 2-room building, 12x22 woodhouse, fenced, fruit; nrlce, $1000; $50 down, $10" month. Phone owner. Tabor 4120. SNAP. H acre, 30 minutes out on Estacada line, 1 block from car, $550, easy terms. KUPPER & HUMPHRY. 212-213 Chamber of Commerce. IF SOLD THIS WEEK. 2 14 acres, at M ultnomah, 5-cent fare limit. Ore. Electric. Price only $3tKK. Lots adjoining this are bringing $500 each. Purse & Co., 81? Chamber of Com. TEN acres, all in cultivation, best of soil. 3 blocks from station, 30o fare; price 4,ou, worm tuvv. HKtLEY & BISHOP. 201 Hamilton bldg. 5 ACRES close in on electric In Powell Val ley, stream of pure water, shade trees price $1730, terms to suit. L 176. Orego njan. MJ ACRES logged-off land. mile from railroad and ; several houses on tract. Apply of owners, Marshall 839, 604 Worcester bldg. Zhi ACRES, adjoining Portland; sacrifice for cash or trade, improved, unincumbered city property. McKenny, 613 Oregonian bldg. phone Main 2240. 20- ACRES, 2 - miles from Oregon City, cheap. $2350. Address P. J. Hunt, owner. Aurora, Or. 20 ACRES on county road, near Lyle. Wash. Best of soil, a snap at $30 per acre. R. H. Holmes. 353 Stark.' Main 234. A 3291. ONE acre, all cleared, with small house, on Oregon Electric, near Garden Home; price $1200 ; terms. AL 177. Oregonian. ONE ACRE Snap; improved; worth In vestigatipn. For information, call B 6111, ask lr Williams residence. IMPROVED ACRE and 4-room house, cheap . After 7 P. M. or . Sunday, call B 6111, then ask for 2825. 4-ROOM bungalow, on quarter acre, at Mult nomah. $1400; 5 minutes from station, easy terms. M 190, Oregonian. 2Z ACRES for $720; fine soil, southern slope; electric line; $12 per month will handle. W 194, Oregonian. SUMMER home site, one acre; shads trees, near river, electric line and auto road; $300, $5 monthly. W 191. Oregonian. 80 ACRES choice irrigated land at a. bar gain, near Nam pa, Idaho. AO 160, Ore gonian. $1 DOWN and $1 weekly buys H acre, 2,3 minutes out. Bilyeu, Main 3317. 2 ACRES for sale. Phone Woodlawn 200. REAL KSTATE. For Sal -Acreage THINK IT OVER. A nice? suburban home, with the new electric cars running 30 to 35 minutes out on the West Side. Rap id transit conquers time and annl- hilates distance. Our acreage is one of the most reasonably priced and favorably located districts for sub urban homes within a radius of 8 miles of, Portland. A comparison of our prices and other advantages with land not so well located, will prove conclusively that our state ments are correct. Any sized tract fronting on graded road, Vs to 5t mile tu station $250 per acre and within 7 or 8 minutes' walk of sta tion, on graded street and side walk, $500 per acre, $25 to $30 aown and small payments, monthly on the balance. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main S5. 102 fourth st. A S300. GOOD BUYS AT TIGARD. 1.75 acres, cleared, good house; barn and other buildings; adjoins new station property; $700 cash - needed, balance ean be arrarvged. 5 acres, close to Tigard school; house, barn and buildings; can be bought with all Improvements for less than the price of bare ground; $1200 cash needed, bal ance on mortgage. 3 acres on county road; best of -soil, R. F. D., telephone; best buy around Tigard at $273 per acr. We make a specialty of close-in acreage and have the largest list of small tracts near .Portland. THE ATCHISON-ALLEN CO.. . 210 Gerlinger Bldg., 2d and Alder Sts. RIVER FRONT ACREAGE. We have some of the fines river front acreage on the market. From half acre to acre-tracts, fronting on the Willamette River near Roethe Sta tion, on the Oregon Electric. Ten acres fronting on the Willamette River and the river county road near Vine yard Station, on the Oregon City electric line. For further particulars see THE LAWRENCE CO.. 171 4th St. Between Morrison and Tarn hi 11 sts. SACRIFICE DAMASCUS ACREAGE. 90 acres of flne'aotl on main county road; 85 acres cleared, 40 acres or more first-growth timber, not much under brush, no waste land, timber easily taken off ; new 7-room bungalow, some bearing fruit tree plenty of water, near church, schools and stores; will sell all or a part 80 acres at $125 per acrej 90 acres $13, 600. Good for planting in smaller tracts. KUPPER & HUMPHRY. 212-218 Chamber" of Commerce. 10 ACRES $300. $10 DOWN, $5 PER- MONTH. Buys 10 acres of logged-off land; one mile from the railroad station, town and the Columbia River. The soil Is free from rock and gravel and none of this land overflows, some of these tracts have run ning streams on them, these tracts are Ideal lor cmcken ranches or dairy pur poses, perfect title and warranty deed. BELL REAL ESTATE COMPANY. 212JRailway Exchange bldg. 15 ACRES LOGANBERRY LAND This Is rich black land, all In cul tivation, on county road, ckse to Oregon Electrio station. Will sell any part. 5-acre tract $1000. $200 down, balance long time. 6 per cent interest. DORR E. KEASEY A CO.. 2d Fir. Chamber Commerce bldg. 15 ACRES, on Yamhili River, five minutes from St. Joe station; roads being electri fied: new five-room house, well and pump, new stable, chicken-house, loO apple trees 2 years old, nine acres cleared, balance pasture -with some oak and fir; all level, fine soil ; beautiful maple shade trees around the house three miles from Me Mlnnviile; price $4000; any reasonable terms, monthly or annually. A. A. FISHER, 21S Lumbermens Bldg. WEST SIDE 3-ACRE SNAP. 3 acres on edge of city limits, near 'Sylvan on Canyon road; a few pretty trees ; balance in pasture; an Ideal place for a close-in country home. This is way under the market. Its surely a rare bar gain. Price $1800, $b00 cash. AS 142, Ore gonian. 20 ACRES FOR $700. Stump land, all level, fine soli, no rock or gravel ; 1 4 miles to Postoff Ice, store, school, railroad and large sawmill with plenty of work at going wages; 2 miles to good town of 15u0 with high school, bank, creamery, electric liHts, etc, $70 cash, bal. 5 years at 6 per cent. ALVORD & CO. 218 Board of Trade. 20 ACRES, all cleared and with good 6 room house and barn, 7 miles east of Hawthorne ave. and 2 miles east of city limits; one of the most beautiful loca tions for a country home in Multnomah County; nothing can eq.uai it as an in vestment;, good money can get it at a bar gain. Inquire of A. Seidel. R. R. No. 1, cor. Buckiey ave, and Powell Valley road, Lents, Or. FOR SALE BY OWNER 6 acres, all improved, 6-room ' house, large barn, chicken houses, runways, young . orchard, 400 feet from Cazadero line and station; 10c fare; 1 milo to city limits; horse, wagon, tools, chickens -and crops go with place. Price $43oO, some terms. Ramapo Station, go south to white house on left side of road. Bluhm. Owner. TWO-ACRE TRACTS ON THE WILLAMETTE RIVER. Near electric station on county road, 50 minutes from Portland- Very deep, rich soil. . no rock or gravel. Price $900 ; small cash payment and balance $15 per month. PHONE MARSHALL 10$3. 10 ACRES FINE LAND. 10 miles from , Portland on Germantown road, 2H miles' from 5c carfare. Whit wood Court, 1 3V miles from WUlalatin Park, for $1750; $175 down and $26.63 monthly. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35 102 Fourth St. A 3500. SUBURBAN BUNGALOW. 5-room California bungalow with every modern convenience, right on carline. acre land. Everything in very best condi tion, bearing fruit, immediate possession; only 85 minutes out. Deal with owner di rect. jt AJJ-, oregDnian MOST beautiful ranch near Portland, con sistlng of 83 acres of finest land, run ning water, crop, stock and implements, suitable for subdivision, for sale ; may take some trade as part payment ; will sell without stock and crop if preferred. AG 186, Oregonian. 9.22 ACRES; 2 miles to Amity and R. R.. in Yamhill Co. Half In cultivation ; half In good timber; no waste land, no rock or stumps, only $00 ; $50 down, balance $10 per month, 6 per cent. See Sea chrest. Chapin-Herlow Mortgage Vfc Trust Company. 3d floor Chamber of Com. ACREAGES A beautiful little fruit farm young orchard ready to bear. Because of lcanesg win sen ror less man cost; 1 wo to five acres on easy terms. Write to Minerva Brown, box 365, Hlllsboro, Or., or call at Sewell Station, on Oregon Electric R. R. phone;Farmers 742, Hlllsboro. CHOICE 5-ACRE TRACT. $750. Small payment down, balance monthly; on the United Railways, close to Port land, rich soil, ideal spot for a small farm. CALf-AN A. KASER. 722-24 Yeon bldg. 5 ACRES, new 5-room bungalow, mile from a good town In the " Willamette Val ley and 1-3 Interest in a factory with water power.; will pay good; for $3000; $1500 "cash, and balance In three years 414 Graham ave. East. V OR hi acre at Luther station on Estacada line, 1 block from station and only SO minutes from town ; bargain price, easy terms. KUPPER & HUMPHRY. 212-213 Chamber of Commerce. 1 ACRE fronting county road, electric line touching rear; good soil; 20 trains dally each way; $730. $12 per mouth. V 190, Oregonian. CALIFORNIA LAND Send for catalogue. Properties In all counties. Valuable, reliable information, C. N. Wooster Co., Phelan Bldg., San F.rancisco. 5 AND 10-acre tracts, ocean beach frontage, 2 miles north Oearhart, $2O0 per acre; easy terms. Particulars write owner. Box 412, Seaside, Oregon. Homesteads. TWO fine agricultural homestead relin quishments, close to town and railroad, on county road and creek, $400 each. 603 Oregonian bldg. 0 HOMESTEADS near Portland, good farm land, timber, watej also prairie. $50 this week ; good claim, house, garden, trade for lot. Covey. 267 Oak, room 21. FREE homesteads. Alberta, Canada, close te new railroad and town; we locate you, 43 .6th st. North. S Fruit Lands, FOR SALE below cost, 70- acres orchard. Goldendale; small down payment. 1817 Orchid, Hollywood. Cal. KEALK5T A T"B For Sale Farms. FARM LANDS IN CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA, ALONG THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC HIGHWAY- The railroad will soon be completed, giv ing settlers main line transportation ; an army of men are rushing the work that It may be completed in 1014. The land along this new railway is unsurpassed for fruit, mixed farming, gardening, dairy and stock farms; no irrigation ; Summer rains; pea vine and wild grasses to horse's back; rich soil; .good climate; fine drinking water, beautiful rivers and lakes; wild fruit; fish and game in abundance; thousands will go into the country when the railway is com pleted. We sell the best vallew land In all size tracts at a low price and on unusually easy terms; can give guaranteed title to every acre we sell; over 100 stereopticon views of Central British Columbia free; everybody welcome. Call week days; will show views evenings by appointment. For maps, government report, field notes ajfid full information, call or write W. A, Stock ton, district salesman for the NORTH COAST LAND CO.. LTD.. Paid-up capita!. $1.5O.,000. 824 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland. Or. ONE OF THE BEST IN THE VALLEY. 1 44 acres located 5 miles from Dayton. 1 mile from good landing on Willamette River, S3 acres under cultivation, balance in pasture and timber, running water in pasture year around ; 40 acres now in clover; good family orchard: good 7-room house : good bai n ; other outbuildings ; 7 high-grade Jersey cows ; 1 registered Jer sey cow, 1 high-grade Jersey heifers. 1 registered Jersey heifer. 60 head hogs, large and small ; 4 dozen chickens. 2 horses, 1 brood mare. harness, wagon. bu?v". mower, rake, binder, disc harrow, 2 drag harrows. 4 milk cans, pails, pans find all fixtures, 1 new cream separator, all small tools. 3O0 worth of oats; $100 worth mt hay; possession In 10 davs. Price $16,000. will take Portland property up to. $7000; must be worth the money. HUMPHRY & CRISP, 337 Chamber of Commerce. EXTRA SELECT. 270 a. $30,000. Best fruit and grain land in state- rich black loam; 220 a. cultivated. Wheat yields 60 bu. per a. Fine improvements, family orchard, ber ries, etc. Broken health forces aged owner to sacrifice. Terms, half cash. 310 a. $45,000. Best diversified farm within 11 ml. of the city; lies Ideal; half in cultivation, balance parked and seeded pasture. Extra good set improvements; on Pacific Highway. Very f ino complete set Implements; at least $5000 worth choice dairy stock, horses, hogs, etc. You would like to own this. Terms to suit. We have others. See Mr. Beck. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO., Chamber of Commerce bldg. BIG SNAP FOR CASH. 100 acres all in cultivation and In hops, 4 large hoo kilns and nthr bnilri Ino-rn $75,000 worth of hops taken off the place In the last 3 years, land is of the very best and fine for subdividing, onlv 12 miles from Courthouse, i mile from elec tric line on West Side. Land all around this place has sold for irom $400 to $soo per acS"e, our price for a few days only $210 per acre, $11,000 cash, balance two years. f No trades, . the only reason we make this price is because we need the money. GRUSSI & BOLDS. 318 Board ofTradebldg.. 4th and Oak. 150-A ORE FARM. $45 PER ACRE. 35 acres in cultivation, balance is light clearing. 2 acres in bearing family or chard, 5 acres in hog pasture with hog tight fence, has enough timber on one . corner to secure sufficient fuel for 20 years; has good 1 l-room house, full fin ished, with two large porches. Complete farm equipment and tools go with the place. two and one-half miles to good river town, quarter mile to good school. The place is a bargain at the price and terms of $1000 down, balance In annual payments. CALLAN & KASER. 722-24 Yeon bldg. RANCH AND EQUIPMENT. 860 acres in a body, now used for stock fruit and dairying; part well cultivated! balance in good timber; three full sets of buildings and a blacksmith shop; horses, cattle, hogs, poultry and all nec essary farm and orchard machinery; an extra fine stock ranch, well located as to market, railroads and school; good shape to divide Into half dozen fine farms; want to sell to make partnership settlement. If Interested, come to see me 1 1' a h1h- grade property at a low price ; no com- niiaiMiia. nenry Jriajg, auu Lyon street, Albany, Or. FINE COUNTRY HOME ON FOURTH - STREET ELECTRIC. 18 acres, all under cultivation, with bearing family orchard, berries and gar den; splendid soil, about six acres beaver dam ; pood eight-room house, large barn and outhouses. Location is 18 miles from Portland, close to Hlllsboro. right on S. P R R. 4th-st. line (being electrlned now), " but 200 feet from station and one-half mile from Oregon Electric- fronts on two coun ty roads; price $6500. terms. C. W. Davis s jo.. out ommerclal block. 40 ACRES of the choicest Central Oregon Crook County land; 15 acres in cultiva tion, fenced ; 300 feet from railroad. 15 minutes walk to station, postoifice, schools, stores, etc.; rich soil: irrigation if desired; no buildings; $200 per acre to be paid for 4 years the only Incumbrance: will trade my equity of $2000 for Port land property; a bargain for a ranch home. State exact location and price of your property and address owner, P. O. Box 819 Portland. A BARGAIN IN WHEAT LAND. 640 acres good raw land, 12 miles from Alderdale, Klickitat County, Wash. Will divide if desired ; 500 acres fine farming land, balance pasture. All things con- slderd we believe this to be the best Dargam in the state of Washington at me present nme. rice 51'J.riO per acre, HUMPHRY & CRISP. 337 Chamber of Commerce. $4000. acre, short distance from city limits; Improved with a nice house and barn; place in first-class condition; short dis tance from carline; would consider an exchange for a 5-room buncalow : would also soli personal property, consisting of horse, harness, buggy and several dozen cnicnens. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO.. 133 Vi First St. LOOK. 93 acres. 80 acres In cultivation, nnt foot of waste land, 17 miles from Port land; nne set of buildings, good road telephone, R. t , D-, school, church. This farm is given up to be the best farm In me county, ror snort time onlv $15,000; 1-3 cash. See Easier. (.'hauln'-HH.rinw Mortgage & Trust Co., 3d floor Chamber 01 commerce. POULTRY, FRUIT AND GARDEN TRACT. 6.33 acres, good, rich soli, 5 aces under cuiuvauon, over i acres commercial orchard, trees in fine condition: wli lo cated, within quarter of mile of good Ut ile wn wnn up-xo-aate scnooi and mod ern facilities; Ideal for poultry; good niamet ; employment nearby if desired; real bargain for $100O; only $250 cash requiren. it 10,. oregonian. 60 ACRES AT PUBLIC AUCTION" Located m miles from Snringbrook: 24 miles from Portland, on S. P., 30 acres unaer cultivation, balance good pasture 11-room house, good barn, outbuildings, water wiped to build In us. 20 bni caul,' 6 horses, farm implements. Sale on Thurs- oay. juiy !. irain leaves Jefferson st. depot at 7:2o A. M. Free lunch. E. A. ims, isewoerg, or. TH E BEST dairy or stock ranch in Ore gun, 240 acres, 2 A miles from Tol-do 140 acres of level land, the verv best o hay land, and worlds of nicn irreen nas ture ; new house and barn, finest kind of water. 3 head of horses. 20 head of cattle. f') head of goats. 45 hogs and all farm 'm piemen is; tiz.wu. Crosno & Crosno, Toledo, Or. run tAbt, u acres located in the famous lruu Deit. i miles west of Goldendale; all in cultivation ; 10 acres In alfa'fa; fine stream ot water running across the place price $t0 per acre; $I9oo cash, balance - years at t per cent; will exchange my equity for acreage near Portland if the price is right. Apply to P. Mlckelson. 225 Lownsdale, st., Portland. Or. CHEAPEST little ranch In Columbia Conn ty; 50 acres, 30 in cultivation; house, barn. implements,- livestock and crop, fine or chard and spring, large creek, graded school on place, telephone, rich soil, 60 miles from Portland. 2 h? miles from de pot and boat landing ; price $4 750 : $3000 cash, balance to suit; no agen ts. Box Houlton. Or. NICE LITTLE FARM $3250. 38 acres, near Gaston, 35 miles from Portland. 5-room house, barn and out buildings, 1000 Royal Ann cherry trees 5 years old and fine family orcnard : horse, wagon, cart. 1 hog. 20 goats and implements; $1800 cash; this is good value and is worm your inxestigation. Fred W. German Co., 3Z c. or C. oth phones. $S0 PER ACRE. For 22 acres, southwest of Beaverton, one-half cleared. Terms. GODDARD & IEDRICK. 243 Stark St. FOR SALE or trade, a good farm, 63 acres, with buildings, stock, farming im plements and furniture, for Portland prop erty or small place close to Portland up to sdtp. ti. ccnneinereiter, neriin, ur. HAVE to sell my chicken ranch on account of sickness; 7 acres, 4 in good apple3, bearing five years ; good cow ; and store right at the R. R- station. For further in formation write a v lzv, oregonian. FOR SALE By owner; 40 acres, 1V miles west of Turner, Or. Best of land; $100 per acre. Wm. McKay, 900 E. Glisan st. REAL ESTATE 13 U ACRES, ALL IN CULTIVATION. It will prod uce '' J 5 bushels of po tatoes to the acre, for It is new, t rich land ; 1 mile to town witn electric and steam lines. ' high school ; in a we 11 -set tied district. Owner has 800-acre ranch which takes all his time, so will take a small payment and give long time at 6 per cent to the right man lie needs the man more than the money. Here's your chance to set tle "the high cost of living at practically no cost. Take it now and before Summer is over the crop will put money in bunk for you sufficient to carry you through the Winter to another harvest tune. See this at once. DORR E. KEASEY' & CO., 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce Building. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS s REMARKABLE OPPORTUNITY. 42 a. $3300. Best laying silt loam. Family orchard, 33 a. In crops, 7 a. pas ture. Water under pressure. Fine set bids., consist of 8 r. house. 70x100 barn and usual outbuildings. 6 mi. out on con crete and plank road from R. R. and town of 50O0. Terms, $2000 cash. bal. to suit at 6 per cent. 126 a. $7800. Fine Improvements, the equal of above. 95 a. in crops, bal. fine pasture, no waste, fine silt loam soil, very finest roads, phone. R. F. D., etc. Terms $3120 cash, bal. to suit. Cheap, fertile, well improved farms our specialty. See or write Mr. Beck, CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO.. Chamber of Commerce bldg. 334-ACRE RANCH ONLY $20 AN ACRE Fine body of farm land in Wil lamette Valley, only mile from railroad, 2 S miles from eood val ley town, near school, stores, on main county road; has good D-room house, 3 barns, chicken-houses, toolhouse, frirfT house, family or chard, water piped to house and barn ; 40 acres in crop and a large body available for grazing ; about 6 million feet fine timber; mill with in 200 yards; only $20 an acre and your own terms. DORR E. KEASEY A- CO.. 2d Floor Chamber Commerce Bldg. IDEAL STOCK RANCH Of 80O acres. 05 miles southwest of Port land, on Yamhill River, 4 miles from rail way station and good little town and close to new railway survey to coast; soil could not be better; 150 acres bottom land under cultivation ; 100 acres more in open pas ture, but can be plowed, if desired; bal ance timber; fine springs. 2 creeks and river; plenty of good water the year around ; ono 5-room house, one 9-room house. 5 barns and outbuildings. If you are looking for a stock or dairy ranch you could not find a more suitable place, and the price is only $t5 per acre, with easy terms at 6 per cent. We have pictures of the ranch at the office. If interested come and see them. KAI'FFMANN & MOORE, 323 Lumber Exchange. A GOOD STOCK FARM. 148 acres, 7Ms miles wst of North Yam hill, mile to R. R. station. tiO A. in cultivation, balance pasture and timber; lies rolling, but not rough ; lots of water on the place ; good trout stream, good 7-room house, good barn, chicken -house and outbuildings, set of farm implements, good family orchard; all fenced and cross fenced and on main county road ; price $60 an acre, mortgage $3300, runs 3 years at 7 per cent ; owner wants a little cash, balance In Portland property. What have you got to submit ? KUPPER & HUMPHRY, 212-213 Chamber of Commerce. HOP FARM FOR SALE. 120 acres, situated 13 miles west of Portland and half way between Oregon Electric and United Railways, 1 00 acres of whih is clear and 50 of cleared land in hops. Hophouse of two 30-foot kilns; will soli all or one-half, including hop yard. Inquire of owner, box 275, Hills boro. Oregon. , RE A D Y - M A D E PO U LTRV RANCH. Adjoining our model poultry ranch we have live acres, all planted to clover, vetch and potatoes; convenient to depot, store, school and postofl ice ; but 25 miles from Portland with good transportation. We will furnish lumber for dwelling, brooder and laying houses. Incubator. Im plements and some very choice poultry for a sturt; our price (everything inclui-d $2000; pay $300 cash, long time on bal ance. C. W. Davis & Co., 006 Commercial block. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 160 acres, 33 acres plow land. SO acres timber and the balance slashed; there is a splendid orchard, one-fourth of the land is bottom and the balance upland; run ning water on place all the year round ; three-room house and barn ; place is lo cated 4 2 miles from town and owner property or a house and lot in Portlana to the value of $2H0. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., 133 v2 First St. $25 PER ACRE. 150 acres of fine land, easily cleared. 2' miles from town and 11. R. station; good timber, plenty water, on county road, good pasture, garden; parties purchasing this land can have use of new bungalow, barn and outbuildi ngs for year or more ; very easv terms. Mrs. L. S. Thompson, Y'acolt, Wash. 1 1 BAL chicken and truck farm for sale ; 20 ircres, mostly creek bottom; 16 cleared. 4 acres timber; good house and barn; 20 chicken coops; lov'O Spfing chickens, utility and best strain on ' oast ; new out fit to raise 5ouo chic liens; uood locality, good markets; price $25tkK For full par ticulars and terms come and see the place or write James Heattle, Rrookrield. Wash. U CAN MAKE $10.0tm PROFIT buying 223 acres at $35 and subdividing ; only Vz mile to O. W. P. station. Clacka mas River on edge, county road runs thi ough place. Has a valuable piece of river bottom land, rt-st bench land, no waste ; will subdivide nicely and ver.t profitably. Purse & Co., Sis Chamber of Commerce FAR M E RS A N D HO M E S K KKE RS. We have all kinds and sizes of choice farm lands throughout the Northwest; we handle only property well worth the price and give good value and a square deal tc everybody. If you want good valu re ceived, see F. FUCHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce. FAR M for sale ; the biggest bargain in the Willamette Valley; ll.".i acres; 314 miles from railroad; 130 acres clear, 1)00 acres pasture and timber, 12.0i,0'jo feet fir tim ber; 4-room house, large barn and out houses; nearly all level land; $20 per acre, terms. V oregonian. FOR SALE 1HO acres on the White Salmon River, in Klickitat county. Washington; some of the best land In the Valley; 100 per acre ; very easy terms ; SO acres one mile north of Husum. near the White Sal mon River ; $o0 per acre. M. Morrison. 307 i,a Main St.. Vancouver, Wash. ONLY $275 secures small farm; terms; will pay buyer share in profits ; guarantee per cent; ideal climate; good markets; tine " investment whether you ever move on land or not. Write quickly for views and particulars. G. W. Deen. Box 472. Way cross, Ga. GO ACKK S of t h e vrry finest k i n 1 of land, 2 mill s from Lents ; lis practically level ; overlooks Happy Valley. Price $0000, $10o-0 down. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 24:1 Stark St. FOR SALE Farm 50 acres, all in cultiva tion, 2 milss from courthouse, Oregon City, facing on 2 main country roads, the Molala and Highland roads. I or prices and terms address A. F. Baily, Route 3. Box 113. Oregon City. Or. A CP. E home, 2 mile from Beaverton. all kinds of berrit-s, 2 acres in- apples; 0-room house and other build ings. all in good condition; terms. Inquire F. Vandermost, Reaver ton. Or. FINE CHEAP LANDS IN WASHINGTON. ALONG THE "NEW LINE." FGr particulars, write Immigration Bu reau, CT, M. 6c. St. P. Ry., S37 Henry bldg.. Seattle, Wash. 15 ACRES, 2 miles from Lenta 10 acrs in cultivation, very best kind of soil, no waste. Price $3730, easy terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. FOR SALE 1'iO acres, including mill site; 50 acres in grain, balance in pasture and heavy timber ; ideal da iry and hog farm ; 4 ' 3 miles east of Sublimity. John Will ing, Stay ton. Or.. Route 1. . SALE or trade, a good 56 -acre farm, river bottom, best of soil. fee or write E. G. Wilson, Canby, Or. R. R. 1, Box y. Owners on ly. 170-ACRE dairy farm with 70 cows, eastern part of Multnomah, 12 miles from Port land, under high state of cultivation, for sale or lease. AM 181, Oregonian. FOR SALE COO acres of land on electrio line. 19 miles from Portland ; 400 acres under cultivation ; will sell all or Write or call on owner. E W. HaUe. Forest Grove. Or. FOR SALE 10 acres; 4 acres cleared; new barn, well, 2-room house ; 31, m iles east of Estacada; $1000; hi cash, terms. L. H. Burd. Lents. Or. - COMBINATION farm and stock ranch, 250 acres. 120 in cultivation, good buildings; sell all or part. Owner, Sell. 25.