r NOW OR A trAEAT DJSU)S"& 'yi I'M GONIVA. VlsSlT A DEN OP THIEVES ,and Tey Discovered yyko i W A I'D B5- SH6T' AA. W -v . ig A VAA i o 1 I Ij 4R THS5 THINGS THAT MAKE TH& .AW A tA T HESH FALSE WH I S Kg R Am a pjllowTo make ME- rAT WILL NELP SOME 5 1 1 JVr-A? L -A.,, r.TTAxTT taa I. j NOVJ VvlHO WOULD YR EEL! EVE- I MOIME-S, THE1- - iiliiiniwniiii-rti aa w -it; v. 0? V Years ago Bob Ostertag and I" were in the lumber business. A treacherous dam wasted much lumber for us and I decided to check, it. I instructed Bob and then crawled into a hollow log. " c - ; : . - .1 :.;v:-. i:::; :'L: r . v;..V lllSPIl C1 VLLl VJai'A VVELll! 1 ' TME SAME FACE-rNESAMt t-s YQO HAVEN'T CWA.Mti&OA S IT AND 1AINY.SFFK ) YOU IW Ywt'WTY YEAi? v C -i l i -A i, ilh.,..,ilT5At- ifS MY OLD fRlENDN SHERLOCK WOLfAKI. v : - Vsn. . - N A if V 1 f , I This dim shot Iocs beneath J h ' Af':yM'0 rocks and into crevices and lost ft' ''' J:''''''- them. Floating down stream in tt, r ' tay hollow log and with Bob )it :r:. W-i)' yih'- astride another Jog, we went over our scheme thororghly. Soon wc hit the d;m. O'.d Bob went on down. As my log pluri-rJ. cc a I br.c k out cf it. Our i-,;j rift c::;r;.? on s-.v;t';ly. It would take fast work the next unutes-to sve r ,:r 1. yA VV:'A vy'A A V - . xj Xv ' A. 'A 'AA- ' v.:. A -v;-v 1 v. v A AAA A v ' A --.V Vv v:-v'Aa i ' V':-' t (Ja. A; As I backed out I grabbed the j hnllow loi? between my hands. ! Then I steered it as we plunged downward in between two solid rocks. Immediately the waier gushed up.through the log. mm A:A:v .V--'-;;s:.v iiilfflllil S.A-'; - AN A 4 f. -VTA ... -A - 3 ?v. I A;AAA:AAA iihillliiljliii:!!! vv'' " A '"AAVv'A'A "A f -r ""-AvAAv'ite . As the ereat stream flowed up through the log, so swiftly did it W Pm- 'X.i I:;: A1- rM iii:yAA:A come that I steoned unonit anrft " i AS. - A . . - A.. .!".. .. .V-X' Ai A . : balanced myself while I shoved the thousands of legs in the ci rections in which they should go mm AA5-A i:;iAYA,:AA:r: That springwe floated seventy ''. thousand logs down to our mi H, :i ! and as I steered each one in its I proper course we didn't lose a ..: ; single log. Bcbwrole Sen Lewis ! J wbat I was a perfect wizard. ,. , ,