The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 29, 1913, SECTION FIVE, Page 6, Image 62

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gammer Belts Are Liable to Cause Shock By Their Enormous Length, Being Made to Fit Hips Instead of "Waist
line, and Thirty-Eight Inches Is Not Unusual Measurement.
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NEW YORK, Juno 2S. (Special.)
Lace veils return, perenially, for
there seems to be an especial
charm about these filmy veils which
float so gracefully about the face in
light Summer airs. The lace veil also
adds an effective finish to the light
Summer costume and is more becoming
than when worn with a heavy Winter
hat, high collared coat and furs. The
veil pictured has a fine thread mesh
in geometrical pattern and a graceful
rose border In Chantilly design. The
veil adds a touch of formality to the
simple hat and Summer blouse of em
broidery and Lace.
If you pick up a Summer belt in one
of the shops these days, don't be hor
rified at Its enormous lerigth and width
and conclude that the modern woman
is becoming an Amazon in proportions.
The new belts are designed to fit
around the hips Instead of the natural
waistline, and 28 inches is not an un
usual measurement. Of course the low
!Wom belts have to be proportionately
wide to give a graceful effect. The
collar cuff and belt set pictured here
are in Bulgarian colors, white, green
and pale yellow ratine being combined
under a ladder-like design- of white
The very latest whlmsey of the Sum
mer girl is the beach set. Including a
coquettish parasol and graceful scarf
built to match a charming hat. In this
case the hat has been designed to match
the scarf and parasol which are late
arrivals from Paris and are of plumetis
embroidered crepe. This embroidery is
done by -machine and imitates an old
fashioned stitch, small clusters of flow
ers heading spaces of drop-stltchlng.
The machine-embroidered flowers are
in shades of rose, green and blue and
the pretty hat of leghorn, with a shirred
silk crown is trimmed with small pink
roses and bachelors' buttons.
Strings of Beads Again in Vogue, the Ivory Finished O'nes Being More Fashionable Than Pearls, and Colored
Glass Beads, if They Harmonize With Gown, May Be Worn.
NEW YORK, June 28. (Special.)
It is always disconcerting to the
young woman, put for the first
time on a "dress allowance" and in
trusted with the entire responsibility
if providing her own wardrobe, to find
how amazingly large a sum must be
spent on nonessentials or, in other
words, accessories of dress in order
to keep up with the- modes. There are
hosts of little things really unimport
ant in themselves and apparently cost
ing but a song, which count so enor
mously in the knowingness of the en
tire toilet and which mount up, when
lumped together, into such an appalling
sum total.
Neckwear, for instance. If the neck
Is not modishly dressed, the whole cos
tume is wrong; and Just now a good
deal of small change may be spent on
the furbishing of the neck alone. In
the first place there is the frill of net
or the delicate collar which finishes
the edge of the bodice. Frills are a bit
more fashionable than flat collars at
the moment, and the really ultra frill
goes all around the neck and runs clear
down to the belt along the edge of the
bodice in front often down both edges,
outlining a little vest of shirred net.
or lace crossed in demure surplice fash-
Ion. At the back the smartest frills
rise in Medici effect and are supported
by invisible wires, and when this
standing frill reaches the front of the
neck opening it droops forward toward
the throat and not away from it,
against the gown, as is the ordinary
habit of neck frills. All this fluffiness
at the top of the bodice gives the neck
a rather thick effect, which Is precisely
what fashion demands at the present
time. The bare throat between the
softly drooping frills of lace or net is
exquisitely white and soft In effect.
Bda Now f n Vosue.
All bodices are rather deeply Vd
out at the front now some of them
shockingly so; but one may always
add a tucker of net if so inclined. The
tucker adds another item to the neck
wear account. Then there Is the brooch
which fastens the vest or tucker. This
must be a dainty and not too ornate
atialr. Round or crescent-shaped
brooches are now more fashionable
than long bar pins; and the favorite
styles are pearl-set circles or crescents
and little bluebirds made of enamel.
The string of beads is a very modish
feature of the Summer frock, and these
beads may range anywhere In price
from a dollar to several hundred dol
lars. The short pearl necklace fitting
closely around the throat is quite out
of date and fashionable necklaces are
in what is called "opera length" the
loop of the string of beads coming at
the bust line and the necklace as it
hangs about the throat outlining very
effectively the deep V of the bodice
fronts. Ivory finished beads are more
fashionable than pearl beads, and one
may select a string of colored glass
Deaas or or imitation coral with per
feet propriety, if the color happens to
harmonize with one's gown for just
now color is the fetish and all dress
effects subscribe to it.
The black lorgnette ribbon, or sau-
toir ribbon as it is sometimes called, is
a feature of this season s dress. The
narrow black ribbon of moire silk has
tiny gold'or jeweled slides and from
it may depend, in lieu of a lorgnette or
monacle, a locket, watch or any other
trinket. The narrow 'line of black
against a white bodice is particularly
smart and effective. These ribbons
are seen in navy blue, crimson even in
green and pink; but black is the cor
rect monacle hue and a sautolr ribbon
of any other color is not correct form.
Lnce Veils In Favor.
When the real midsummer weather
with its sticky humidity arrives, face
veils begin to drop from favor, for
erven a filmy face veil is a good deal
of a burden when the thermometer is
at 90. But the graceful lace veils con
tinue in favor all Summer, and this
season they are especially fashionable
with the airy black hats that are par
ticularly modish. A new lace veil has
a trailing all-over Chantilly pattern
which stops short of the center of the
veil, leaving a circular space of plain
net through which the face peeps win
somely. The net circle measures abont
nine inches across and Is so placed that
the face comes Just back of it when the
veil is adjusted over a large or small
hat The white silk Shetland veils are
liked for motoring and traveling, for
the dust has a knack of settling on
these , veils instead of penetrating
through them to the skin beneath. . Of
course, the white veil is very dirty at
tne end or a long ourney, but a five
minutes immersion in hot, - soapy
water, a quick rinsing and a squeeze
will render it snowy white again and
it may be pinned out to dry over night
on a pillow.
Milliners who are in direct commu
nicatlon with Paris are showing the
most aaoraDie mantles and hats to
match; both articles being made of
printed chiffon in some soft, becom
lng coloring. A mantle and hat shown
in one of these shops have come
straight from Paris and are of tapes
try blue chiffon printed in a sprawled
design of leaves and vines in gray
and rose tones. The hat has a shirred
crown banded with tapestry blue velvet
ribbon, and a wide, shirred brim, faced
with ts-pestry blue silk.. Acainst the
edge of the brim, near the front, ia
tucked one exquisite pink rose. The
mantle, simply a wide, long scarf of
the printed chiffon, is lined with plain
blue chiffon in the tapestry shade, and
all around its edge goes a double box
pleating of the printed ana plain chit
fon used together. Such a mantle, over
a frock of machine embroidery, will be
Ideal for Summer days.
Large handbags are out of date, ex
cept for business women who have to
carry about papers, and for suburban
women who have to carry home sam
ples and parcels. Diminutive, daintily
fashioned envelope bags of pin seal,
suede, saffian and other fine leathers
are carried with, modish frockB, and
many bright colored purses are noted.
Moire silk purses, mounted on dull gilt
frames, have the new single-strap
handle which swings from the wrist.
A new hopping bag rather small in
size is attached securely to a leather
bracelet in which is a watch. The han
die of the bag is provided with metal
rings so that it swings conveniently in
any airection on the bracelet.
range on salad dish, or on individual
plates, three or four lettuce leaves for
each person, forming "cups," and fill
them with cress broken into small
pieces. Turn over them a dressing made
as follows:
Wash the yolks of three hard-boiled
eggs, smoothly, mixing with one tea
spoonful mustard, one teaspoonful salt,
one teaspoonful sugar and one-quarter
teaspoonful paprika. Add drop by drop
one gill of best olive oil and one-half
gill best cider or white wine vinegar.
It should be of a creamy consistency,
and requires some patience and dex
terity, tout is well worth the effort.
Garnish with the whites of the eggs,
cut into fine lengthwise strips and the
crisp green pepper also cut into fine
This will serve six persons, and is
intended as a course at dinner. Mrs.
S. B. Ryan, Newberg, Or.
Date Podding.
Three eggs, one cup granulated sugar,
one tablespoon flour, three-quarters
teaspoon baking powder, one cup wal
nuts cut coarse, one cup dates cut fine,
two bananas, two oranges.
Beat eggs until light and add sugar,
beating thoroughly together. Mix flour
and baking powder and mix with dates
and nuts. Add to eggs and sugar and
bake In slow oven one hour. Bake
In quart size pudding- pan.
When done and cool break in small
pieces and add the oranges and ba
nanas, cut in small pieces. Serve with
whipped cream. This will serve eight
This pudding, before oranges and ba.
nanas are added, can be kept a long
time like plum pudding. Be sure and
bake slowly. Mrs. Roy Heaman, White
Salmon, Wash.
Graham Muff in a.
One cup graham flour, one cup white
flour, one-quarter cup sugar, four tea
spoons baking powder, one teaspoon
salt, one cup milk, one egg, one table
spoon melted butter.
Mix and sift dry Ingredients. ' beat
rSgg and add milk. Add dry Ingredients
to liquid and add melted butter.
Stir until free from lumps. Fill hot
buttered muffin tins two-thirds full
and bake in a quick oven. 15 to 20
minutes. This will make 12 muffins
and they speak for themselves. Try
them. Mrs. R. H. Todd, 135 Balm street.
McMinnville, Or.
Mock Veal Roast.
One-half pint shelled roasted pea
nuts, one-half pint lentils, one-half
pint toasted bread crumbs, one tea
spoonful salt, one saltspoonful pepper.
Soak the lentils over night, drain.
bring- them to a boil; throw away the
water, cover with fresh water and
boll until tender. Drain again and
press them through a colander.
Add nuts, chopped or ground, the i
bread crumbs and the seasoning, with
sufficient milk to make it the consist
ency of mush.
Pour into a baking dish and bake in
a moderate oven one hour.-
Beans or peas may be substituted
for lentils.
This will serve six persons. -Mrs. Q.
P. Henderson, Route 1, Box 75, Esta
cada, Or.
Iced Chicken Bouillon.
One chicken, one-half teaspoon cel
ery Bait, one tablespoon onion juice,
white pepper, one-fourth box gelatine
(ordinary size), one gill cold water.
Cover a large jointed fowl with cold
water. Set at the side of the range
where it will come slowly to a boil.
and simmer steadily for four hours. At
the end of that time, take from the
fire, season with celery salt, onion
Juice and pepper and set away to get
cold. Skim off the fat and strain out
the bones and meat; return to the fire
with the gelatine which has been soak
ing for an hour in a gill of cold water.
As soon as the gelatine is thoroughly
dissolved take the soup from the fire.
strain through a flannel Jelly bag, and
set aside to cool. When cold, put in
an ice chest- Serve this jellied bouil
lon in chilled cups, laying a sprig of
parsley on, each cup. Bouillon prepared
in this way is palatable without being
One dozen hard-shell clams, laid In
stew pan, a half gill of scalding
water added, and covered closely until
he shells are open and the clam juice
flows freely. When this Juice is
strained and chilled it may be used in
the above recipe in place of the "gela
tine if desired.
This will serve six people.
Lucy Brown, 1049 Corbett Street,
Portland, Or.
Combination Salad.
Three firm tomatoes, three cucum
bers, one head lettuce, one small onion
one can cold cooked peas, one cup cold
tnng beans sliced, one can asparagus,
Chill vegetables and cut into pieces;
lay aside peas, asparagus and lettuce
and mix the remainder with mayon-
alse. Place a few lettuce leaves on in
dividual plates and heap salad on them
finishing with a mound of peas, a few
stalks of asparagus and a spoonful of
If any of the vegetables are disliked
they may bo omitted or celery may be
Serve with. cheese wafers for
Net Garment With Dainty Frills Furnish All Elaboration Necessary New Decree of Fashion Is Pleated Frill
Rising at Back of Neck, Made of Bohemian Lace, Designed for Medici Effect.
Oddly Named Preparation Will Speak for Itself, Declares Entrant in The
Oregonian's Recent Contest. '
THE following recipes ' have been
tributed by readers of The Oregon
Ian in connection with the recent
recipe contest:
Spider Corn Cake.
One, and one-third cups of yellow
corn meal, one-third cup of flour, one
fourth cup of sugar, one cup of sweet
milk, one cup of buttermilk, one tea
spoon of salt, one teaspoon of baking
powder, one-half teaspoon of soda, two
Beat eggs real light and add butter
milk, in which the soda has been dis
solved. Then add sweet milk and mix
thoroughly. Sift cornmeal, flour, su
gar, salt and baking powder. Add the
liquid mixture and Btir well. Have an
iron spider real hot. Put In one table
spoon of butter. When melted pour in
the mixture and set In a fairly hot
oven, iserore closing the door pour ove
the cake one-third of a cup of milk or
cream; first one way, then the other.
so it will be streaked through. Invert
a pan over the spider and bake 30
minutes. If directions are carefully fol
qwea the result will speak for itself.
xne cane will serve six persons.
Measurements level. Mrs. C. H. Brown,
nuaauus, w use
Spring Salad.
One firm, well-blanched head of let
tuce, one bunch water cress, one fresh
green bell pepper or canned pimento,
three hard-boiled eggs.
Prepare the lettuce, cress and green
pepper by picking over, washing thor
oughly and removing seeds from pep
per. Make all as cold as possible. Ar
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EW YORK, June 28. (Special.)
New this year are cool, dainty
net gulmpes, low at the throat
and without sleeves, which may be
worn beneath smart little linen or
eponge coats on warm days; or be
neath frocks of silk or lansdowne which
have deeply V'd bodices, or vest effects.
It is the easiest thing in the world, this
season, to build a modish bodice which
may be cut on kimono lines and simply
hemmed like a kimono around the neck
and down the fronts. The little net
guimpe with its dainty collar and frills
furnishes all the elaboration necessary.
So fashionable now is the pleated or
wired frill of Lace rising at the back
of the neck, that the unfrilled. neck
looks almost bare and unfinished. These
tali frills slope downward to narrower
width at the front and continue along
the edges of the vest, or fall in grace
ful jabots as in the frill pictured here.
This dainty neck trimming is made of
Bohemian lace and there are curved
wires at the back of the neck which
hold the frill up in Medici effect. The
cameo brooch set between the jabot
frills accords with the quaintness of
the neck dressing.
luncheon,' as it is a whole meal itself.
This will serve four hungry persons.
Mrs. L. A. McLain, Tenino, Wash.
Bacon a la Golden Rod.
Four tablespoonfuls of butter, four
tablespoons of flour, two cups of milk
and salt.
White sauce:
Two eggs, two pieces of bread, toast
ed, four slices of bacon.
Take two eggs, put In pan of cold
water (just enough water to cover
the eggs), let water come to a boil,
and continue boiling 15 minutes.
Make the white sauce. First melt
four tablespoons of butter, take from
fire and stir in four tablespoons of
flour and also some salt. When well
mixed add two cups cold milk and stir
until done while boiling. Starch must
be thoroughly cooked.
Toast two pieces of bread and butter
them. Take boiled eggs, dip in cold
water and shell. Take the white of
eggs, cut into small cubes and put into
boiling white sauce. Put toast into
warm platter, pour white sauce over
it and then grate the yolk of eggs on
Garnish platter with four slices of
bacon nicely browned to a crisp.
This recipe will furnish a good nour
ishing dish for two persons. Margaret
Bot&ford, 390 East Forty-third street.
North, Portland, Or.
Marsh mallow Cake.
Two cups pastry flour, two teaspoon-
fuls baking powder, one cup sugar, ten
teaspoonfuls melted butter, two eggs.
Sift flour, sugar and baking powder
three times; break the eggs in a meas
uring cup (minus white of one), pour in
enough milk to fill cup, then add the
dry materials with the melted butter
and beat all together two or three min
utes. Bake in three thin layers.
Marshmallow filling: Two small table
spoonfuls of powdered gelatine, half
cup sugar, half cup cold water, half
cup boiling water, whites of four eggs,
half cup English walnuts (ground).
Dissolve gelatine in half cup of boil
ing water and put aside to cool.. Beat
whites of eggs till stiff and add sugar
and then the dissolved gelatine. Add
the cold water. All of these must be
added gradually, stirring all the while.
Divide this mixture into three parts
and flavor and color to suit taste. A
delicate pink and yellow, with the white
are pretty. Put between layers and on
top and sprinkle the ground nuts on
each layer and on top. This cake makes
a pretty dish when cut lengthwise and
served with whipped cream. Mrs. W. S.
Roberts, 1310 East Clay street, Port
land, Or.
Mile of Pennies Is Easily
Collected for Charity
Pennsylvania Girl Kindn Novel Snb
Mitute for Unpopular Kndleas
Chain Method ot Securing Money.
They Will Go Under Seat of Pullman, in Locker on. Motor-Boat or Along!
Running Board of Automobile.
I n AflfffL Y" '3' hM
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Menus for the vVeek
Cherrv Cocktail.
Broiled Chops Mint Butter
.Brown Potatoes Green reai
Lettuce Heart Salad
Straw berry Bavarian
Green Pea Soup
Braised Tongue With Jardiniere
of Vegetables
. New Potatoes Creamed
Cherry and Nut Salad
Chilled Blanc Mange with Cream
Vegetable Soup
Sliced Tongue with Potato Salad
Cheese Ramekins
Sweet Fruit Salad with Cream
Strawberry Cocktail
Boiled Salmon Cucumber Sauce
Boiled Potatoes
String Bean Sulad
Gooseberry Pie
Cordial tioup
T?rnild Flank Steak with Horseradish
New Potatoes Young Carrots Buttered
Lettuce aiad
Strawberries and Cream
Bouillon. Hot or Iced
Chicken en Cats role with Biscuit Crusts
New Potatoes Green Peas
Tomato Jelly Salad
Ice Cream Sponge Cake
VAretable Puree
Spanish Stew ot Jiblets with Rica
Banana Salad
Quick Cherry Pudding
Rice and Fried Green Peppers.
Boll rice and turn it Into a vegetable
dish. Cut green peppers into rlnps
remove the seeds and soak the pep
pers In salted water for half an hour.
Then drain, and fry them In butter.
Arrange the pepper rings on top of the
rice and turn over them the butter in
which, they were cooked. Cover and
place In the oven for five minutes, then
OBODT knows what comfort really
is, who has not used one of the
completely equipped luncheon
baskets which are provided for travel
ers, picnickers and motorists. These
admirable baskets come in all sorts of
shapes, and in every conceivable size,
so that they will fit into various nooks
and crannies under the seat in a Pull
man; in the rack overhead on an ordi
nary day ooach; In a locker on motor or
sail boat; along- the running board of
an automobile, and in other convenient
spaces. The smaller baskets are equip
ped with tableware for a party of two,
and seme of the larger hampers pro
vide for a dozen hungry folk.
Four people will enjoy the comfort
of the hamper illustrated, which will
accompany a party of motorists on a
tour through France and Belgium this
Summer. The hamper Itself is a smart
looking affair of brown wicker, with a
leather handle for carrying and a se
cure brass padlock so that supplies may
not be pilfered before the luncheon hour
comes around. Along the inner lid ot
the hamper, under leather straps are
arranged the forks, knives and spoons
enough for four people. Strapped in
place at the center are four unbreak
able plates of enameled agate were,
with four fringed napkins folded be
tween. The removable tray contains
cups, sugar and salt receptacles, cov
ered, air-tight cases for sandwiches
and salad, and two thermos bottles for
hot and iced beverages. Under the tray
is a roomy space in which various other
edibles and beverages may be carried, if
Don't Hide Them With a Velli Remove
Them With the Othlne PrMcription,
This prescription for the removal of
freckles was written by a prominen
pnysiclan ana is usually so successful
In removing freckles and giving
clear, beautiful complexion that it i
sold by Woodard, Clarke & Co. unde
an absolute guarantee to refund th
money If it falls.
Don't hide your freckles under a veil
get an ounce of othine and remov
them. Even the first few applications
should show a wonderful improvement.
some of the lighter freckles vanishing
Be sure to ask the druggist for th
double Btrength othine; it is this tha
is soia on tne money-back guarantee.
JNDS were secured in a novel manner
recently for a large charitable en
terprise. Everybody has grown tired
f the "endless-chain" method, and the
individual who receives, now one of the
neatly worded requests to send $1 and
pass along the letter feels more or less
irritated and aggrieved. The letter may
be passed along and the dollar for
warded, but it is much more likely that
the letter will be speedily dropped into
the waste paper receptacle.
The indefatigable collector of funds
for charity has therefore been put to
it to devise some other method, and
the mile of pennies was thought of by
member of a business girls' club in
Pennsylvania. Five thousand two hun
dred and eighty bags the number of
feet in a mile were made. The bags
were exactly a foot long and an inch
and a half wide and were of bright
colored, cheap calico. Each bag was
stitched across into 16 small pockets.
lor It was ascertained that Just IS
pennies, ranged in a row, are neces
sary to cover 12 inches of space.
These foot-long calico bags were dis
tributed among the girls of the club
and others interested in the work.
which was in aid of a philanthropic
enterprise afoot in the town, and each
recipient of the bags persuaded her
friends to take one or more and pass
them on, perhaps, to other friends. Ko
body minds putting 16 pennies in a ba?
for sweet charity's sake, and It was a.
comparatively easy matter to get rid
of the 5280. The mile of pennies
brought in over JS00 a tidy sum to bo
amassed with such comparative ease.
Eruption Came as Pimples on Face
and Scalp. Less Than One Box
of Cuticura Ointment and One
Cake of Cuticura Soap Cured.
Arapahoe. Colo. "My daughter, white
an infant, had ecald head very badly. Th
eruption came SB pimples, then a scab would
form. If the scab was re
moved yellow excretion
would ooae orrt and
would spread where the
( excreaon wenv. i wm
J? on her face and scalp.
' I used Oattcura. Soap
her every time sh
bathed, using the
Cuticura Otefcmetit afterward, also every
night. I used leca than a box of Cuticura
Ointment and one oak of Cuticura Soap
and she was soon cured of the trouble."
(Signed) Mrs. Clyde Snyder. Sept. 23. 1913.
Lock Box ol, Ovid. Colo. "My hands
were wet the biggest part of the day and
they began to chap. They were tn bad
shape. My hands chapped so they would
bleed quite badly and were red and rough.
I began to use Cuticura Soap and Ointment,
washed with the Cuticura Soap three times
a day and need the Cuticura Ointment at
Bight and had relief in three days time. I
used the Cuticura Soap and Ointment s
week and a half and they completely cured
me." (Signed) Julius Beisel, April SO. 1912.
Cuticura Soap 2So. and CutlouraOintment
50c are sold everywhere. Liberal sample of
each mailed free, with 33-p. Skin Book. Ad
dress post-card 'Cuticura, Dept. T.Boston."
OTender-faced men should use Cuticura
Soap Shaving Stick. 25c. Sample free.