The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 29, 1913, SECTION FOUR, Page 4, Image 50

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Frank C. Riggs Suggests Plan
for Rehabilitating Rose
Festival Feature.
Segregation of Visitors Cars, Bet
ter Prizes, Including: Cash, Strict
Instructions to Judges and Po
licing Are Recommended.
Of the Rose Festival Committee.
To some the automobile parade In
the recent Rose Festival Is not a thing
to be resurrected. Others, given to
eareful thought on the matter, say
this Is the very time to set about a
Sreorganizatlon of the parade, to study
the ways and means by which It may
be a glory rather than the mere pass
ing of automobiles along the streets,
to see wherein It 'fell down," and
thereby to avoid the pitfalls for
another year."
Seeing that the Rose Festival will
continue, and rightly so. In the opinion
rf the majority of people, we must see
to It that there Is an automobile
parade which is worthy of the name
and which, instead of being just one
of the numerous spectacles during the
week, shall stand out pre-eminently as
the first, or at least equal, to the best
parade -of them all.
Mrhat is necessary, then, for he suc
cess of such an undertaking?
First, one must make preparations
ufficiently ahead of time. This year
barely a fortnight was given to the
parade, and there was such a. Tack of
Interest that the scarcity of cars could
hardly fail to be noticed, even by an
utter stranger.
Strong Committee .Needed.
To obviate this, a strong commit
tee is necessary, which would be com
posed of a certain number of private
owners, a certain number of automo
bile dealers, a certain number of mem
bers of the Automobile Club and other
men of Influential standing. That
should be the first point. Each of
these individuals would be a strong
worker in his own class. Each would
stir up rivalry among his friends, and
It is rivalry that brings out the cars
rivalry of a friendly nature.
Again, there Is an urgent need of
more prizes and also of better prizes.
This la a great essential. We need
more prizes, so that we can have more
classes, more divisions of cars, and I
think cash prizes for this reason. Peo
ple spend a lot of money in decorat
ing their cars; at least they do when
they have made up their minds that
there is a. good prize for which to
compete and they like, very often, to
purchase for themselves some article
of utility or ornamentation by which
they can remember their success rather
than a cup.
In the last festival the cars were
divided into four classes, clubs, organ
izations and societies forming one di
vision, touring cars another, electrics
and runabouts & third and trucks the
fourth. I do not think it a sufficiently
diversified classification. Business
houses, for Instance, could be kept
apart, given a class to themselves,
benefit clubs another, and societies a
Segregate Visitors la Idea.
Then again there might be a prize
for the best car shown by, say, a mem
ber of the Rotary Club or the Ad Club,
one for the best car by a member of
the Oddfellows or the Masons. In this
way there would be a keen interest
taken by all the members of all the
clubs, for each, while eligible for some
of the big prizes, would run a sporting
chance of carrying off the award in
Its own class.
To my mind, there should be, too,
separate prizes for visitors' displays.
"We were -ery glad to see our visitors
gaining- prizes, and rightly so, but one
cannot get away from the fact that a
desire to do the right thing by our
quests has led the awards in some
cases to cars which were hardly In the
running, or which would not have been
considered so had they been entered
by Portland people. Let them, of
course, be eligible for the grand prizes,
but let them be considered on their
merits as they would have a class of
their own In which to make good.
We could also have prizes for the
best car from points in the state, a
prize, for instance, for the best car
from Pendleton, from Medford. from
Salem and other points, a prize for the
Desi car irom British Columbia, fiaii-
fornia and other outside states. In
this way again competition is stimu-
Perhaps, too. it would be better tn
divide the touring cars up into two
classes, if this could be done, for as the
case now stands, there are some people
uu iuei, wiin a cinain aegree of right,
that it is little use their enterina
against the cars owned by people with
almost unlimited means.
osaui. ici eleciriCS DA In n
class by themselves and the runabouts
also in tneir own class, for in this wnv
we shall get a larger entry of electrics.
wmcn aiways nave Deen weakly rep
Better Policing Advocated.
So much for these suggestions. Now
as to other details. Policing of the
course to prevent any trade advertising
entry "butting in" along the route, and
a committee which will enforce rigidly
I'Kjper uotonuon oi cars and the ex
elusion of any that do not rarrv nuffi
oient decorations. The use of anv arti
ficial flowers should be tabooed strictly
and it should be understood with the
utmost clarity by the judges whether
the preponderance to the, rose is to
count in a car's favor of not. In my
upinion ii snouia count heavily. During
the last parade some of the ludsrea ari-
mimea mil iney were not clear on the
matter at ail.
- .. . -. iu me iijaLier
-V tnorougniy. to gain from the nast
j-LivBi, wnue it is still fresh in the
eory. an insight as to what is nee
y ana as to what must be avoided.
me automobile parade, like the
can hold up its head once moro
e tne thing of beauty that it has
on tormer occasions.
ust Be Jacked rp and Leaves
ould Be Oiled Separately.
nave an neard annoying little
s from an automobile as it -os
a bump in the road or over a
want, says A. Hale, the Jack
representative here: "and mnr.
n than not these noises are due tn
ubrlcated springs. As the sorln-
t unuer me impact or a bump, the
avea naturally rub against each
er; ana just as naturallv thev
squeak if there is no lubricant between
Tne leaves.
"To oil the springs requires a little
work, but the leaves need the oil and
the elimination of squeaking poises is
worth the work. The car must be
jacked up to take the weight of the
body off the springs. Not more than
one spring should be jacked up at a
time. If there is a little clip to hold
the leaves together remove It. Then
the leaves can be pried apart with a
screwdriver or a small tool made espe
cially for this purpose. They can be
oiled, one by one, with an ordinary oil
can. but a better plan is to work
graphite or grease between the leaves
with a knife blade. The graphite or
grease should be fairly stiff, so that
the springs will be lubricated for a
longer time. Ordinarily twice a year
is sufficient, if the proper grade of
graphite or grease is used."
Rocky HUls Avoided and Travel to
Crater Lake to Be Bettered.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or., June 28.
(Special.) A macadamized street from
the new Courthouse block to the north
ern limit of the city is being built by
the Klamath Development Company.
Beyond the city limits this thorough
fare will be continued as a county road,
along or near the shore of Upper Klam
ath Lake, past the mill town of Al
gona, to a junction with the road lead
ing to Klamath Agency and Fort
This new road will give a good View
of the beautiful scenery surrounding
the Upper Lake, as it follows or la
close to the eastern shore of that lake.
The distance is about a mile less than
Vs Ms.-
? t2
Phil S. Bates and his seven Oregon girls paid a visit during their trip through the East to the Packard
factory at Detroit. They were given a ride all through the town: the making of automobiles was fully ex
plained to them, and they were presented with & rose, emblematic of their home city, and a copy of "The
Packard," the official organ of the company, and almost emblematic of Detroit. W. D. Walker, the manager,
sent the photograph to The Oregonlan so that local people could see "how Phil looks in his white suit."
by the present route and avoids the
rocky hills, which have been so trou
blesome for auto travel. Travel by
auto to Crater Lake will follow this
route as soon as it is completed.
Recent Experiments Show Operation
of Trucks at Less Than One
fifth Cost of Gasoline.
Natural gas fuel is being experi
mented with in "West Virginia, where
the largest gas wells in America are
located. . -
"These experiments are of vital im
portance to the automobile trade," said
G. E. Johnson, of the Chanslor-Lyon
Company, here. "Needless to say, the
price of gasoline has become almost
prohibitive, and for several years
chemists have been experimenting
witn carburetors and kerosene for use
In Internal combustion motors. So
far the result Is problematical.
"Gas fuel for producing motor pow
er has been used for a great many
years, and successfully, on marine and
stationary engines. The commercial
history of the gas engine dates from
1876, when Dr. N. A. Otto patented the
well-known engine now in extensive
use, but long before that year invent
ors had been at work, attempting to
utilize gas for producing motive power.
"Gasoline is commonly spoken of as
gas.' which it decidedly is not, for
there exists a great difference be
tween gas, which Is a fluid having
neither volume nor shape, and gasoline,-
which is vaporous liquid. Gaso
line is the product of petroleum, nat
ural gas a fluid always with petroleum
ana supposed to be caused by the for
mation of coal, or the decomposition of
animal remains. The term 'gas' was
suggested to J. B. Van Helmont by the
Greek word 'chaos, because of the
chaotic state In which the gas wai
first discovered.
"Experimenting with natural gas In
connection with automobiles, the gas
is compressed in seamless tanks, hold
ing from 500 to 2000 cubic feet.
"A well-known car using natural
gas. on the Indianapolis Speedway,
made a mileage of 100 on 25 cents'
worth of fuel. The same car consumed
20 cents worth of gasoline in running
jo miles on the same track. A one
ton truck was driven 75 miles on the
contents of two 500-foot tanks with
out exhausting them. A comparison
recently made by one of the largest
auiomoDiie manutacturers, between
gasoline at 13 Vi cents a gallon and
natural gas at 30 cents for each 1000
cubic feet, which were tested in the
40-horsepower, four-cylinder ' motor.
showed a cost of 20 M. cents an hour on
gasoline and 3.6 cents on natural gas.'
Bulck Dealer in East Tells of Rush
Journey Real Record.
Fifteen dollars flat for a rush trip
from Savanna to Morrison. 111., 3S miles,
and a dollar a minute for every minute
he beat 10 o'clock was the proposition
made by a hustling young lawyer of
Savanna, to J. D. Fulrath. Buick deal
er in the same town. The order came
at 8:30 A. M. At 8:45 they were on the
road, and at 9:43 they arrived at the
Morrison Courthouse. Mr. Fulrath got
jj ror tne trip.
"I am not making: any boast because
the Buick covered 38 miles in B8 min
utes," says Mr. Fulrath. "but It was
some record considering the roads. The
route was over the worst hills in the
country, but I didn't shift a tear. In
several places I had to follow teams
tor quite a distance, and It cost m v.
I erai aonars.
Pacific Coast Automobile En
gineer Tells Convention
Great Benefits.
Address Outlines Future of Western
District and Shows How Large
Will Be Demand for Pleasure
Cars on Coast in. Time.
When Peter Steenstrup, the only
member of the Society of Automobile
Engineers residing on the Pacific Coast,
f V. U ' I. .J. v A 7t3M -
n-UT fit
4 , A
made his appearance in Detroit for the
annual meeting and cruise of the so
ciety, he went to boom the Panama
Pacific Exposition of 1915 and the State
of Oregon as an apple-growing coun
try. Mr. Steenstrup took to the engi
neers a trunk full of apples from the
territory near Medford, in which he
has located a fruit farm. At the
meeting of the S. A. E. en route on
the City of Detroit III, Mr. Steen
strup introduced before the en
gineers a prospectus outlining the fu
ture of the Pacific Coast as he sees
it and asking the organization to
meet for 1915 in San Francisco. His
remarks were well taken and it is
very probable that the Society of
Automobile Engineers and the Institu
tion of Automobile Engineers of Eng
land again will combine In 1915 at
an annual meeting and that this meet
ing will be held on the Pacific Coast.
The following Is the statement of Mr.
Steenstrup, ably read, before the engi
neeers and heartily applauded:
"In 1915 California will put on the
greatest industrial exposition ever
held. To many of you the fair itself
will mean little, but no other country
ever offered such Inducements. No
fair was ever before made an excuse
for one grand National scenic Joy ride.
"The opening of the Panama Canal
will divert the tide of immla-ratlon
from the East to West, because the
thrifty Germans or Scandinavians can
then land on a farm in Oregon for less
than it would coast to land them in
"Most of you fall to realize the won
derful resources and vast unsettled do
main of the Pacific Coast States, but
Just as surely as the supply of motor
cars will ultimately meet the demands.
Just as surely that great country will
ultimately provide the greatest market
for pleasure cars. It is a country
where to compare the scenic wonders
with those of Switzerland would be ft)
compare a Packard with a Brush. Only
people do not know it, and when they
learn what we have out West, Switzer
land will be forgotten about as
quickly as the Brush will be forgotten.
In fact, I venture to predict that
when our people have learned to Bee
America first, steamers like the
Lusitania will be put into service be
tween New York and San Francisco
in competition with the new cement
highway now being projected. Then, as
in addition, the seat of learning and
the science of real living will gradually
draw the center of population to beyond
the Rocky Mountains. Then the land
of the sundown sea will come into
Us Own and the biggest market in the
world for pleasure cars will be found
"It would, therefore, seem fitting that
this body of engineers should investi
gate this tremendous region. Only by
close study of their peculiar condi
tions existing on the Coast can the
tremendous possibilities there be fully
realized. The lamentable spectacle of
our National Government trying to
judge the problems of the Pacific Coast
by discussing it 3000 miles away is the
point in proof.
"The fair will bring you all there,
anyway, in 1915. As the only member
of the society from the Pacific Coast,
I, therefore, move that we, as members,
put ourselves on record as being in
favor of holding our Summer meeting
on the Pacific Coast In 1915, provided
the council should find it advisable to
so arrange."
Apperson Enters Road Race.
Probably the greatest race In the
history of motor cars will be run from
Los Angeles to San Francisco on July
4. . Out of the 40 entrants two which
are attracting much favorable com
ment are the Apperson "Jack Rabbits."
These have been entered by Leon T.
Shettler, who Is distributor for the
Apperson Bros. Automobile Company,
9, . x;3"
V3 i
f-jr'S'i ' ....
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of Kokomo, In the Southern California
territory. One of the "Jack Rabbits"
will be driven by "Wild Bill" Bram
lette and the other by Harris Han
schue. Both are well known drivers
on the Pacific Coast. Those who know
predict that the Apperson has one of
the best chances, barring accidents, to
win the coveted trophy.
Use of Invention Is ComparatlTely
New Idea In Business, hut
Practlcahlllty Proved .
- The wireless apparatus located at
the Detroit branch of the Goodyear
Tire & Rubber Company recently sup
plied news to the steamer City of De
troit, on which the semi-annual meet
ing of the Society of Automobile En
gineers was held. This wireless has
been in use over a year. It was in
stalled in order to gain quick commu
nication with the factory at Akron,
and in order that the service would
never be impaired. During the recent
flood, when all other lines of commu
nication collapsed, the Goodyear fac
tory was in close touch with Detroit,
and their branch service to the large
Detroit . automobile manufacturers
never diminished.
During the terrific wind storms on
the lakes, the Marconi tower, used by
many boats out of the Detroit port,
was offered to the D. & C. Comoanv.
who was enabled thereby to keep in
loucn witn tne many Doats of its line.
The use of the wireless is a comoara-
tlvely new idea in business, but Its
practicability has been proved in su
many crises and specific instances that
it seems safe to predict that this form
of communication will be adopted by
more and more of the larsre manufac
turers operating branches all over the
Repair Disputes No Longer
Referred to New York.
Manager for San Francisco Loiter
Branch Tells or Boulevard
Like Stretch Between Bay
City and Sacramento.
.Among the visitors to Portland dur
ing the past week was A. R. Dawson,
manager of the San Francisco branch
of the Lozier factory, who also holds
the Important position of really look
ing after the service end of the whole
. Such a position may need a little
explanation. With the change in the
personnel of the Lozier head. Paul
Smith, who was here recently, became
general sales manager and Lou Rose
has charge of the . Western territory
west of Denver. These two men im
mediately began to get busy and one
of the great changes, that was Inau
gurated by them was that of having
local conditions managed locally. It is
best explained by Mr. Dawson himself:
"Formerly when a man broke a rear
axle, for instance, and thought it was
up to the company to pay for it. while
the company thought It was up to him,
the matter had to go to New York to
be threshed out. Now there is as much
difference between conditions here and
in New York as there is between con
ditions In New York and in Paris, for
example. Consequently it was de
cided to have Coast matters settled on
the Coast. In this way there Is no
delay such as was frequently the case
and my mission on this trip is to be
come acquainted with Portland condi
tions, Seattle conditions and British
Columbia conditions, so that if any
thing comes up I shall be more com
petent to handle it."
Arrangement Works Harmoniously.
Mr. Dawson, though, has entire
charge of his own branch In San Fran
cisco as well, but he thinks so highly
of the new organization that they work
In harmony all the time, their combined
aim being to make the word Lozier a
synonym for all that is best in the mo
tor world. In the San Franciscan's
opinion the new heads have already
This being his first visit since 1906.1
Mr. Dawson was astonished at the
great growth the city has undergone
in every line of business, the building
activity especlaly striking him as
little short of phenomenal. He pre
dicts a wonderful future for the North
west, but not until the roads have be
come known for their smoothness
rather than their bumps and holes.
"Take Sacramento for example of
what good roads will do. A year or
two ago the old heads of the city did
not realize the value of travel and the
city was nothing. What happens to
day? There is a boulevard for 132 miles
to Sacramento and you can make the
trip from San Francisco in something
less than five hours and comfortably at
Looks Like Boulevard.
"Now that road looks like a 10-mile
boulevard to see it on a Saturday af
ternoon or on Sunday and if you wish
to stop over night in one of the Sacra
mento hotels it Is necessary to make
reservations ahead. The road cost a
lot to build, but it has paid tenfold
already and Instead of being considered
a back number and losing out. Sacra
mento is now a go-ahead, live place and
the money that the automobile men
have brought in has had a great deal
to do with it, while the publicity that
has. accrued from those who make the
trip is another great factor.
"With your climate here so refresh
ing at a time when down there we are
baking in the sun. It seems to me a
short-sighted policy that you have not
a boulevard-like road up to Portland
and down to the beach. The hotel
men themselves could build It and reap
a profit, for motorists would make the
Portland hotels their headquarters for
trips around. With Mount Hood and
other attractions so close by and the
wonderful Columbia scenery, Portland
has so many natural advantages over
other cities that they should be taken
at their face value and not lost for
lack of a road."
Dealers Not All In Row.
One thing that struck Mr. Dawson
was that the dealers here are not all
In one row, as they are in so many
towns. This he thinks a good thing,
or at any rate he cannot see why they
should be all in one street, any more
than all the grocery stores or hardware
He is strongly in favor of a live
dealers' association in every city and
has absolutely no use for the man who
will backbite the other dealer. "The
time has come for all dealers to swing
together and to be friends in the busi
ness," he said emphatically. . "If they
cannot swing a deal, let them do their
best for the other man rather than
persuade the fellow not to buy a car at
all. for what helps the industry will
help him eventually."
Mr. Dawson thinks highly of the local
proposition to handle the credit situ a"
tion. whereby efforts will be made to
put an end here to the man who runt
up a bill at one garage and then leaves
that to run up another bill at another
Big Field Declared to Exist for In.
derslung Car Both In City
and Country Districts.
Another salesman was added to the
force of Peterson & Sleret. Regal dis
tributors for Oregon, last week when
Tom Fitch started selling the under
slung car. The acquisition of Fitch
brings to the Regal people one of the
best-Known automobile men in the city.
Fitch has been in the automobile busi
ness for years. He was with the
Packard factory for more than 10
years and came to Portland to Join the
organization of Frank C. Riggs, with
whom he remained for about three
Three Regals were delivered to own.
ers by Peterson & Sleret last week.
This Is indicative of the manner in
which the underslung car la being ac
cepted here. After a little more mis
sionary work in Oregon Mr. Peterson
expects to develop the Regal Into one
of the most popular sellers in Its class.
He has had unusually good success in
the short time he has been representing
the Detroit car here.
"Experience gained thus far con
vinces me that there is a big field in
this state for this car.", said Mr. Sleret.
after announcing the appointment of
Fitch. "It's hard, at first, to make
some people see the superiority of un
derslung construction, but after they
become interested and begin to learn
the numerous Movant, o- n . I - Mw
All Leading Makers of Electric Cars
Have Adopted -
otz Cushion Tires
After four years ceaseless experi
menting with every conceivable tire,
makers of pleasure electrics have
come to realize that the Motz Cushion
Tire is best. All leading electric car
makers have adopted the Motz, even
though it costs them more than other
tires. They wan to give their cus
tomers trouble-proof cars. And they
don't want tires that allow their cars
to be jolted and pounded to pieces.
Thus the great majority of electric
owners now use Motz Cushion Tires.
Thus the demand for these tire3 has
increased fen-fold in two seasons.
Only the man or woman who won't
or doesn't investigate Motz Cushion
Tires continues to use treacherous
pneumatics or hard-riding solid tires.
Amazingly Resilient
and Easy-Riding
New users are simply amazed at
the comfortable' riding qualities of
Motz Cushion Tires.
None of the jolts, jars and bumps
that molid tires give. Riding at night,
one could not tell whether his electric
were Motz or pneumatic - equipped.
The ingenious application of a
mechanical principle made these tires
The double, notched treads (A in
picture) prevent skidding and dis
tribute the weight to the sides. The
sides are undercut (see B), which
Chans! or & Lyon, Distributors
The Motz Tire and Rubber Co. F"t.ri aA l
Service Stations in
paratively easy matter to sell them a
"When first we took up the Regal
we met with little encouragement.
Those in the field for a motor car knew
little about its merits. It was hard to
talk to them, because they were unwil
ling to admit that it was anything but
a 'freak' car. After they investigated,
however, and saw the natural advan
tages of an underslung, it was differ
ent. Now we are doing not only a nice
city business, but getting results from
the country. I suppose there have
been more than 100 people living out
side of Multnomah County who read
w m
4&-Sx'. Sevca-Puaencr tooting J5000
THE outward beauty of the Peerless is unmeditely
acknowledged. It is one thing that individualizes
the Peerless among all other cars, anywhere. Yet the
beauty of the Peerless is a secondary consideration.
Safety, strength, comfort and durability arc the
principal merits that give preference to the Peerless
the car of matured details; power for hilly flexible
control for city traffic, eicAric starting for convenience,
irreversible steering gear for effortless driving, mu
mum comfort for every passenger, and durability of
para obtained by scientific heat treatment of steel
these, in addition to beauty are Peerless character'
istics Practically and esthetically the Peerless is all
that the name implies.
Three Six-Cylinder Models "$8-Si, 48-Six,"
60S ix." Prices $4300 to $7100.
Broadway and Burnside Sts.
Dealers aba 2n Peerteu Tracts
Over the hills to the poorhouse
he goes in a heavy money-burning
monster. But "can you afford
to spend ridiculous sums for
automobile travel when a Ford
will carry you in comfort, style,
safety and record time at mini
mum cost?
More than 275,000 Fords now in service
convincing evidence of their wonderful
merit. Runabout, $525; Touring Car, $600;
Town Car, $800 f.o.b. Detroit, with all
equipment. Get interesting "Ford Times "
from factory, Dept. F, Detroit ; Ford Motor
Company, 61 Union ave., corner East Davis
fct., Portland.
allows free action of slantwise bridges
(see C). These bridges are elastic.
They give and yield like the air in a
pneumatic tire. Note D in the pic
ture, showing shock-absorbing quali
ties when tire runs over a stone.
Utmost Economy
2 These tires end punctures, blow
outs, tire repair bills and the carrying
of extra, emergency tires. .
And when it comes to mileage, no
other tire is to be COMPARED. We
actually GUARANTEE each set of
Motz Cushion Tires for 10,000
miles two yean!
What more could one ask of tires?
Postal Brings Tire Book
Motz Cushion Tires fit any standard
clincher, universal quick-detachable
or demountable rim.
Learn more about them. Send a
postal now and receive, by return
mai", our handsome Tire Book. It's a
revelation to most motorists. Give
specifications name of car, model,
size of rim, etc.
- AAAUn. 1 J-4 If 1
All Principal Cities
the underslung advertisements In The
Oregonian and wrote for information."
"Jaokrabbltt" to Be Seen en Track.
In Tacoma. Wash., on July 4 will be
run the annual road race for motor
cars. It will mark the introduction of
the Apperson "Jack Rabbit" on the
track to the racing enthusiasts In the
Northwest. F. G. Swanton. who sells
the Apperson in Tacoma, has entered
the car and. although it will be select
ed from stock, motorists out In the
Northwest say that the "Jack Rabbit"
will be running right up in the front
at the finish.
od of building automobiles, it Is a com-1