THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, 'JUNE 29, 1913. 13 laCLP V A.NT EI-i-MA I.E. PRESS FEEDERS WANTED, Lithograph press feeders wanted to take place of strikers. Steady positions to right parties. (16.50 per week. Plmrree-Trauna- Co. Battery and Green sts., San Franclso. Cal. INCIDENT. (One of Many) Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C. A. Young; man, siranper, seeking employ ment ?20 his total cash asset) 1 I pay you f5 for employment membership I will have only 15 between me and starvation. becretary If you pay $5 for employ ment membership you will have the Y. M. C. A. with all Its resources between you and starvation. Result Young man Joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for year 1912: Calls for men from employers 2285 Positions filled 10M7 Our special employment membership guarantees members will secure employ ment or refund of membership fee; gives two months- full and 10 months- social privileges. Constant demand for CLERICAL. TECHNICAL and COMMERCIAL MEN. All young men seeking employment, especially strangers, are cordially invited to consult with ihe Secretary of the Em ployment Department. HIGH SCHOOL AND ACADEMY YOUNG MEN Take our vacation with Company C, Oregon National Guard, In camp at Tillamook, July 8 to 17. You will receive thorough elementary military Instruction, have a good time, see new country, with out cost, and recelc $1.25 per day pay. Full particulars given on application at Armory, lOih and Couch sts., any evening. Como and find out what you want to know. SALESMEN IN THE $Lrn TO J.'.OOO CLASS. The publishers of Dr. Eliot's Five-Foot Shelf of Books require the services of two high-grade men In this territory to call on persons who have expressed their in terest in this set; men with experience In handling insurance, bonds or land pre ferred, call Monday. lO to 3. W. H. Piles, 417 Oregouian bldg. V ANTED -Men for railroad work; location from Columbia River to Nehalem Valley. Camps first-clans in every respect. Work will last for several months. COLUMBIA & NEHALEM RIVER R. R. 71(1 Mpalding hklg., or at tha work. Wood'l Landing or Roes Landing on the Columbia ami S. I', .ifc s. It. R. "WANTED lor U. S. ARMY Able-bodied un married men, between ages of 18 and 85. citizens of the Vnited States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and writs the English lan guage. For Information apply to Recruit ing Officer, Worcester building, 2d and Oak sts., Portland, Or. WANTED Good steady family man with small capital, who wishes opportunity of earning an ideal poultry, fruit and garden tract home In a prosperous community, near up-to-date little town with employ ment nearby If desired. Great opportun Ity for the right man. X 11)7. Oregonlan. "WANTED Young men over 18 years of age to enlist In Co. K, 8d Oregon In fantry. We leave for Summer camp on July 8. All expenses and small salary paid. No floaters wanted. Inquire at Co. K. quarters at Armory, between 11 A. M. antl p. m. WA.VTRD All around married, farm hand, familiar with horses to take steady po sition on large orchard at good wages. Must be willing to locate on small tract In neighborhood ; small cash payment re quired. School and store on premises. A Iv 117. Oregonlan. AN industrious man of ordinary ability can by an agency connection with the accident and health department of the Continental Casualty Company, and without Investing a cent of capital, create a permanent pay Ing business. Apply 4QQ Oregonlan bldg. TRANSIENT Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS can se cure furnished rooms at reasonable rates in the new nreproot association building, cor. tjth and Taylor sts., and have privi lege of consulting Advisory and Employ ment Department. WANTED A woolen mill man who under stands carding and spinning and fixing Davis & Kurber machinery; also blanket weavers. Santlam Woolen Mills, Staytoa. Oregon. WANTED Salesman, sell our line of fancy fruit riders in small country towns; 25 per cent commission; 140 weekly drawing account. Red Cross Company, Dept il. Ft. Louis, Mo. I M'.ED good men, everywhere, part or all time, learn my business; make money with me; no experience needed; desk, type writer and outfit free. w. M. Ostrander Dept. SIS. 12 West .'list St.. New York. WANTED Man with famllv of not less than two children of school age for teaming and general farm work. Salary S.iS.oO per month and permanent position for right party. Y 1!)0, Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER for mail order business; must be good correspondent; all or spare time. Address Chas. F. llaanel, 14U5 Syndicate Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. WANTED Assistant bookkeeper for general office work; must be able to operate type writer; permanent position. Address, own handwriting, v lsu, Oregonlan. HKLr WANTED KE.UALB. A COMPETEN I. experienced waitress and housemaid. Swede preferred Family of three. Apply to Mrs. Young. Vancouver Uarracks, Wash Phone eiTO. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, small family, no washing. 274 N. 24th, cor. Overton. WANTED A young girl to care for a baby and assist with housework. Call Monday 714 Lovejoy, cor. 22d st. DRAMATIC people who can do specialties for tabloid comedy c'ompany- en tour; long .hnfeT-iucm. ' ... . ureKonian. WILL teach young girl atenoemnh v ivn. writing and multlaraphing In exchange ,"i i ib in. oi ilcb. .viarsnaii J4. WANTED In private boarding house, for uwuai-vvtii a miu piam .ooKng, girl or ela erly person. D 204. Oregonlan. TOIJNG GIRL to assist In housework pr- mm Srn Home at nignt. OSi Hancock. Phone East (t."0. viA.MtD General housowork girl, trooil wages, no laundry. Apply at AS Trinity Place, bet. Everett and Washington. WAMtD Girl for general housework; sal- iy f.n per month. Apply 2o4 E. 20th st. r iimm r u in. WANTED A child's nurse or nursery gov erness; references required. Call 361 11th st reet. IF a schoolteacher who likes children wants a good home through Summer and good innriin lyrist t.tUl. YOU.Nti girl for general housework at 753 . ' - family, fnone. East nun. oin-.uunArncii in wnoiesaie house; state s. experience ana rezerences. AJ 182, WANTED Competent girl for second work, one willing to go to beach; references. l.o r lanuers. net. L'ja and 23d. WANTED competent housekeeper in good home; good wanes and as one of the fam llv. Phone East 4:tl!. YOUNG girl to assist general housework ."th st. Phone Main 4248. W A NT ED Girl to do second work. Apply 2 01 N. 2.-th. ' v GIKL, general housework, small family. Tel Main East 1527; Home, c 2178. WANTED A competent laundress. 273 E. 13th N., cor. Wasco. Apply after 10 A. M. TAlLoRESS to work on ladles' garments. Aronson, 425 A Ider. WANTED A neat girl for dining-room at 163 lL'th and Morrison. HOUSEKEEPER, about 4."i; prefer woman who hiis furniture AV 141. Oregonian. 3 SALESLADIES, 20 to 2.1 yt-urs old; good ' Li 1 1 i. iirme, i ne oaks. WANTED Stenographer, at room 1201 Yeon WANTED Experienced sewing girl by dressmaker. Apply 484 Williams ave. WANTED Oirl for general housework; pmall family. 1007 Savier st., near ath. WANTED First-class arm waitress. Al hambra. 4U7 Washington st. WANTED Girl for general housework. Tabor . WANTED A family cook. B ld34. Tabor YOUNO girl wanted to help with baby and housework. Phone B 82S7. BRIGHT lady for office, good salary.' See Mr. Landis, 610 McKay biUg. HELP WASTED IIMALC WANTED TOUNQ LADIES FOR rrELB PHONB OPERATING WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE; PAID "V7HILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH COM PANY (EAST OFFICE), COR. 6TH AND EAST AKKEXY STREETS, OR MAIN OFFICE, WEST PARK AND ALDER TELEPHONE BAST 250. WANTED Milliners and salesladies of ex perience; none otners need apply; state where last employed, length of time and salary. AS 151, Oregonlan. WANTED TODAY. Cook (harvest crew) S40 month. Pastry cook. J15 week. Cook (boarding-house). $40 month. 2 waitresses (out), J2 day, fare paid. Girl housework (country), $40 month. Chambermaid, $S week. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Ladles' dept. 205 H Morrison. THE Municipal Department of Public Safety jur zoung women. 407 Mercnants Trust bldg., will be glad to give advice or as sistance to any woman or girl who may b In need. Interviews are confidential ex cept In cases demanding criminal action. Office hours S:S0 to 5. Mrs. L. G. Bald win, Supt. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES WANTED A-ppiy at restaurant desk, ibetween 8:80 and 10:30 A. M.. 7th floor. The Meier & Frank store. SEWING aaachlne operators. Bag factory experience preferred. Ames Harris Neville Co., 15th and Hoyt sts. FEMALE help wanted at the Union Laun dry Co., 2d and Columbia sta. WANTED A reliable person desiring to go to Kansas City July 8, via the U. P. and holding a first-class ticket to aid In the care of children during the trip for sleeping and dining-car privileges. For information phone A 2254 WANTED Women to help organize co operative farms and shops for women; good living and comfortable old age for all by working 4 hours per day. 87a Yale St., University Park. BIVE bright, capable ladles to travel, dem onstrate and sell dealers; $25 to $50 par week; H. R. fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. STENOGRAPHER, for mall order business) must be good correspondent; all or spare time. Address Charles F. Haanel, 1404 Syndicate Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo oiwuiiKAPHERS register for positions w-lth our free employment bureau. Free jjrciice rooms. Oliver Typewriter Ag'cy, i'M Ankeny st. WANTED! WANTED; WANTED! j girls to learn beauty culture. Pay while learning; position guaranteed. 400- Lienum oiqg. sanitary Parlors. MANY of the best families of the city are registered with the Domestic Service Bu reau for cooks, general housework and peconq gins. auo central bldg. M. 7067. LADY' requires assistance with one child for first two weeks July; resident city. Give phone number. Address AH Id!) Ore- WANTED Cook and laundress in a small town; family of a adults and second girl. Call room 525, Medical building, cor. Park "'"1 mo., o lu o p. m WANTEX COMPETENT COOK, SMALL WAGES PAID; MUST HAVE GOOD RE.F- KR K'.N. i TTI T. IT.: s r tt w.- r a WANTED A good girl for go literal restau rant work ; good wages to right party. Call or phone Tabor 4350. Sunset Res taurant, Lents, Or. EXPERIENCED girl to trim men's hats; must be all-around trimmer; fare paid K. Mullen, 015 First ave Spokane. Wash. KIN DEL, davenDort bed. Slnf Pr tAuina chine and other household furniture for t oargam. rnona Marshall 3815. WANTED Chorus girls or soubrettes for musical comedy company, road show. Ap- A-ag xjvw nauairj r I, Al ro, Ol8Warl. MIDDLE-AGED lady wanted for light house work in Eastern Oregon. Phone Marshall 8640. WANTED Girl to assist with light house work; good home, good pay; washing sent out. Inquire 40S Fliedner bldg.. Monday. WANTED Capable family cooks, and sec ond girls, $40. St. Louis Agency 2u8 om. Aiain a 4775. M U S . HOWES LA DIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg-, 270 Wash., room 35, a.r Phone Main 636 or A 3266. WANTED Refir.ed, capable woman for re- ispuiisiD.e position. viavi co., 609 Roth chlld bldg., 4th and Washington. WANTED A lady to work in board ing house for husband's room and board. 121V. Russell st. Phone East 475. GIRL between Itt am! Ill vm r f .i i housework. No washing, good place for "S"i siri. rnone jvtarsnau oo'J4. WANTED Girl to do housework in family of 2. Call at 1352 Hawthorne ave., bet. 10 -f. aim f. -Vi. ONE school teacher from each Portland scnooi to handle a bona fide proposition. an -ou piui k i. ask for air. itonrbougn. MIDDLE-AGED women to cook two meals for two, do light housework; good wages WANTED An experienced telephone oper ator to take orders in retail store. B 100, Oregonian. WANTED An assistant bookkeeper and stenographer. Must be experienced. B 151, Oregonian. GOOD housemaid; must be good cook, clean and industrious; only two in family. Call 356 Colfax st.. Piedmont. Sunday P. M. EXPERIENCED girl tor general housework. Must be good cook. 1028 Raleigh et. Main S2S4. A GIRL for second work. Mrs. J. H. Page, N. W. corner 20th and Clifton sts. Main 12740. W A N T ED a fi rs t-c lass wait resses at Hotel Osburn, Eugene. For particulars phone Tabor 83. BUSINESS firm needs a woman, not under who is capaole and reliable. Experi- ence not required. H 105. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED mangle help, feeders, fold- ers and shakers. Palace Steam Laundry, E. loth and Everett. WANTED Girl for general housework; gout wanes. dsj iovejoy sc. GIRL tor general housework. 524. E. 16th st. N. Phone C 2250. GIRL for housework, 2 In family, no wash lng. Irvington. $20. East HI 47. WANTED Experienced ekirt and waist help. 203 Columbia bldg. GIRL for general housework. 425 Tillamook 1413. East 1771. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 284 E. 25th st. S. EXPERIENCED shirt llnisher. Palace Laun dry, E. 10th and Everett. WOMAN to assist with house work. Wages $18. V 1HS, Oregonlan. GIRL for general housework. Phone East 1204, 630 East Ankeny st. WANTED A waitress at 153 North 16 th. Phono Main Otf54. WANTED A young girl to help with house work for family of two. 577 East 22d, N. GIRL for general housework; $2o per mouth 208 E. 3:Tth. Phone Tabor 1703. WANTED Waitress, phone Woodlawn 18tf9 before noon. GIRL for light housework; good home Phone Sellwood 75. 706 E. 13th st. WANTED Experienced marker and sorter. Portland Laundry Co., 9th and Couch. WANTED A girl for fight housework. Call at 7l3 Vancouver ave. WANTED A shirtwaist ironer at Pacific Laundry. 231 Arthur st. GiRL for general housework ; German or owc'c P lerreu. rnone iast .092. GIRL for general housework. Main 100. WANTED Two lady barbers, 314 Burnside. COOK girl wanted'. 61 g" M a rke t mt. drive. WANTED Waitress. Ill North 3d su -FKMAI.Tts A COMFORTABLE living earned at home sewing plain seams; any sewing machine ; all home work; no canvassing; no dull seasons; sewers wanted Jn each town; state time can sew ; no trif lers ; samples, etc., 10c returned If not satisfactory. Job bers' Dept., P. P. Rehoboth. Delaware. RESTAURANT cook, $12 week; cook for 7 men, $30; boarding-house cook, $40; waitress (out), $25 and $30; chambermaid (out), J25; ranch cook $40. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, &40 H Wash. st. WANTED Sunday-school teacher or woman Interested In Sunday-school or child-welfare work. Salary $45 per month. Give full address and phone. V 177, Ore gonlan. RELIABLE girl for general housework In family o four; middle-aged woman pre . f erred ; good home for right party. In quire for W. .H. Ooold, ft mile east ot Milwaukie, on Foster Road. $200 EVERY month for any talented young lady who can effectively represent us to business men of California or Washington. Bona fide proposition. P. C. C. Co., 309 Hotel Renwlck, 3 to 5. WANTED Cook and laundress in a small town; family of 8 adults and second girl. Call room 525 Medical bldg., cor Park and Alder sts.. between 3 and 5 P. M. WANTED Lady with selling experience and of good appearance and address for local work; good opening for right party. S 151, Oregonian. COMPETENT girl for general housework, small family, no children. Telephone Main 7577 or A 5575, or call 88S Lovejoy street. DRESSMAKERS on waists; only expe rlenced apply. Come ready to work. 434 Morrison. GiKL for cooking and geenral housework. 721 Halsey. East 11 W0. HJELP WAXTED MALE OB FEMALK. YOUNG WOMAN WANTED YOUNG MAN WANTED An opportunity to learn copper and steel plate engraving under the guidance of an expert is offered to some young man or young woman. Applicant need not neces sarily be endowed with natural ability as a designer and letterer. Engraving is an art, and remuneration to the skilled is ample and commensurate, inasmuch that I have applications on file for engravers at $35 per week and can't fill them for lack of engravers ; they are not to be had. A nominal fee of $5 per month, payable in advance, will be charged. There will be three lessons each week of one hour's duration each. The fee ia merely to evi dence good faith and genuine interest. State full name, full address, telephone number, age, whether married or single, whether you live at home or board away from home whether or not you have nat ural talent for drawing. Inclose speci mens of your work and give the names, addresses and telephone numbers of three responsible persons who will vouch for your character. DESIGNER AND ENGRAVER ON COPPER AND -STEEL. F. W. GAR DAM. 533 Hamilton Bldg., Portland, Oregon. GOOD cook for hotel at Coast. Inquire room 603 Congress Hotel, between 12 and 1 today. FRATERNAL Insurance organizer; rustler, either sex; money-making proposition. T 141, Oregonian. WANTED Toupee and hair worker; good pay. G 177, Oregonian. FISK Teachers Agency secures positions for teachers. 316 Journal bldg. Main 4835. HEU1 WAXTEB M18Cgl.LAXEOC3. SHORTHAND SCHOOL Exnert men teach ers, with $500,000 equipment, moderate ie3. rsot run o mane money, but con ducted by business men to aid young men in securing practical education. Regis ter now. X- M. C. A., corner 6th and Tay lor sts. LEARN automobile repairing, driving on up-to-date cars; electric, civil engineering, surveying; methods most practical ; room and board whiles learning; positions se cured; satisfaction guaranteed; catalogue free. National School of Engineering, 2100 West Seventh. Los Angeles. WANTED -I will teach several young men the automobile business In 10 weeks by mail and assist them to good positions ; no charge for tuition until position is se cured. Write today. R. S. Price. Auto mohile Expert. Box 4C3, Los Angeles, Cal. 10O MEN and women to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks in all its modern meth ods ; send for catalogue: tools fre: learn a trade that you can get in business for youraeii. aioier jjarper college, 35 N. 4th. PORTLAND mail carriers, postal clerks, $S0O first year, ?100 raise to $1200. Va cations. Portland examinations . coming. Specimen questions free. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. :;3Q. E. Rochester, N. Y. NO expense to learn electricity, automobiles, plumbing ; correspondent lessons fur nished; then actual work on contract Jobs; your work pays expense; 300 students last ytar. Get free catalogue. United Traue ' School Contracting Co., Los Angeles. GOVERNMENT positions pay big money; get prepared "exams" former U. S. civil serv ice secretary-examiner. Free booklet. 75 jratterson jivu service school, Rochester, 1 WILL start you earning f4 daily at home in spare time, silvering mirrors; no capi tal; free Instructive bookie t. giving plans of operation. G. F. Redmond. Dopt, 64, Bostou, Mass. AMBITIOUS young men to- become travel -ing salesmen ; hundreds of good openings; write particulars Bradstreet Training Sys tem, Rochester, N. Y. PORT I. A Vn Vftrmnl V. -,1 0..- A. sion opens Monday, June 30; special course in peiiiiiausmp inciuumg metnous for grade leacnera. i eiiorq DlUg.. yth floor. BECOME detectives; big pay; easy work; traveling opportunities. Write Frederick Wagner, 1243 Lexington ave.. New York. STUDENTS, attention: Do you wish to mane up creuns in 13 summer? Am giv ing special rates for six weeks. AP 106, GOVERNMENT positions, parcel nost sv tern requires additional help; salary up to fiaw, i ree uuott. i-acmc states aChOOl, McKay biag., portiana, or. GOVERNMENT uositlons are eaiiv tn t My free booklet, Y869, tells how. Write ioqbv vv . Hyi-KINS, W ash ing ton, D. C. RAILWAY mail clerks, carriers, wanted ; good pay, line positions; pay for instruc ' tions after you receive position. Liberty mam uic, i-' yi . i n, noc riesier. S. . ACADEMY scientific dressmaking, tailored suns ana corsets, leucuerg and aemon strators wanted; big profits. 315 Yamhill. Vi EN , womrn to learn barber trade, eight w t t na , pusi mn xutti jh icou. uregon riar ber College. 233 Madison. 2G8 Couch st. SHORTHAND course; positions guaranteed; pay out of your salary. 629 Worcester DIOCK. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual Keeping, o-ta n amnion pOg. Mar. 458 WANTED Two neat airls to learn ii business. Pay while learning. Hair Store 120 6th. MO V ING-PICTURE operating taught; full. practical course; posiLions secured. 51" Rothchild bldg. SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING SCHOOL 260 14TH ST. M. 38H3. EXP. INSTRUC'N. SALESMANSHIP Sheldon Tchool- write for Sheldon book, p. O. box 353. Portland. GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work" Earn money while learning. 613 Rothchild bldg. Keis tor's ladles' Tailoring College and School of Dressmaking. 143 11th st. SITUATIONS WANTED HALS. Bw.kkrrprra and Clerks. YOUNG MAN of some experience wishes a position as stenographer. AO 153 Ore gonian. YOUNG MAN wishes some stenographic work evenings; will use my machine if desired. AO 154, Oregonian. HELP WANTED H1TCATIOXS WANTED MALI. Hookkrrprri. ud Clerks. YOUNG man who can write advertising let ters that get business, ia expert multi graph er and typewriter, wants position with firm interested in selling merchan dise by mail. Accustomed to handling large office force. Can deliver the goods. Years of experience. References. Phone Main 2MH7 or AP 186. Oregonlan. A-l BOOKKEEPER and office man. rapid on typewriter, good salesman with lO years' business experience, desires situa tion ; age 30; excellent references. R 196, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and office man ager desires position with reliable con cern, 3 years' experience in Portland, 10 years' in New York; best of references. A H(f, Orogonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, first-class man, lumber experience wholesale and manufacturing), desires position in Port land; reasonable salary; can take charge if desired. B 178, Oregonian. YOUNG man, stenographer, wants outside work or part insU.o ; clerical work pre ferred. If you wr.nt the right party, an swer this. AK Jj-y. Oregonian. YOUN4J man, 2, experienced timekeeper, fair knowledge bookkeeping, wishes po stlon where he may learn and advance. AO 155, OrcgontaJi. WANTED Position by young man from Hii years experience bookkeeper and general office man; any kind of work considered. H 103, Oregonlan. WILL AUDIT, OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITE up uooks. prepare uaiance and statements. Install systems. Gillingham, auditor. 414 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper, stenographer and Rcuerivi on ico man wants position. East 2S40. THOROUGHLY practical bookkeeper desires v.....He, guuu linguist, ao. areas kj loo, ore gonian. BOOKKEEPER, experienced automobile ac cessories, wisnes change; bst of refer ences. D 176, Oregonian. YOUNG man seven years experience R. R. (jiits. wibnes position as shipping clerk; can furnish references. L 168. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. EXCEPTIONALLY efficient all-around dry- goous man, at present employed, desires change; lu years successful experience, salesman, buyer. manager, dry goods, clothing, shoes, etc; window trimmer, ad vertiser, business-getter; young married mail, go anywnere. A V 147, Oregonlan YOUNG man with 8 years' wholesale ribbon experience, desires position outside of Port land, with retail concern where ability will be recognized. Al references. C 173, Oregonlan. BREAD and cake baker wants charge of small shop. Experienced, steady and re liable. In or out of city. E 381, Ore gonian. MARRIED man would like place In a gen- oo-i uivrciiunuiHa store or crocKery de partment ; experienced; good references. E 190, Oregonian. STATIONARY engineer, 27 years' experi ence steam, electricity and refrigerating plants, all round repair man, best of ref erenccs. R 177, Oregonian. 28 EARS old; 14 years experience general office accounting; transportation and con tracting business; executive ability: will go anywhere. A 171. Oregonian. WANTED By young married couple with one child 5 years old, position where wife could work for rent and small salary. AK 177. Oregon ion. 1'P:K1E:ED honest, successful solicitor cotie cumieciion witn reliable promotion company in or away from Portland; ref erences If desired. W 181, Oregonlan. A-l HOTEL MAN from the East wlNhM tA connect with first-class house here orin Jitau w uiLt-.-, steward or nmn ager. AT 175, Oregonian. HONEST German, 31, wants light work In the morn 1 n f tA9 h v r, ,i i, work for room and board. AM 178, Ore- Bi'Illttll, WIDOWER, 32. with means. H.-hIta- ih- operation of a widow with some means who would lik to engage in the dairy -- uMBi;iw;. au uregoman. FIRST-CLASS chauffeur and repairman, also experienced landscape gardener, desires KuniLiun witn private lamily; best refer ences. R 103. Oregonian. lOLNG attorney, just admitted to the bar, would like an opening in a law office. .uuieRs I, uaraner, Oregon City, Or route No. 3. SWISS-FRENCH, neat, sober man. 37, very good worker, ice cream, etc., wants sit uation, private family or small boarding; references. AJ 108, Oregonian. SALESMAN of ability and experience desires position in large wholesale house; salary and commission; best reference. AO 171 OreKonian. EXPERIENCED salesman and technical graduate not afraid to rustle wants po sition that will offer advancement with reliable firm. AE 169. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young man wishes position in garage or driving; no bad habits, AR 144, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED photographer wary a posi lion in Portland studio. G. W., 602 Kerby YOUNG man wants to learn the lunchroom business. Wm. Tieken, room 34 170 W Second st. Main 2670. , PRINTER Young, all-around man wants position in country office; no cigarette or unnKer. AL, IX'J, Oregonian. GRASS, shrubbery cutting; lot of acreage - clear. Call at 247 Grand ave. East PAINTER First-class, with own rigging, wishes work in some country town. AS 1i, Oregonian. PAINTER, good, all-around hand, mi wants work; $3 per day. B 170, arrled. Ore- SHIPPING clerk with 5 years' experience wishes position of any kind, can furnish references and bontL AK 182, Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR, able to operaTe andcarefor any car, wants position; best references. Phone Main 8063. i'X?IEflI12sC'EI salesman wants position wAth reliable firm; hustler, can manage A WELL raised and reliable boy of 12 years would like work suitable to his age AO 170, Oregonian. PERMANENT employment by a young man il.h -pair of dl-ntly mules; know the city. PRINTER Lnion. clarinet player, married would accept position In good country town. AN IDS. Oregonian. MAN and wife want work, cooks, clubs buaruing-house, camps, Summer resorts -sober, good workers. AP ls, oregonian EXPERIENCED Japanese chauffeur wants position :rivate family car; references AV ltN, Oregonian. UELlABLE chauffeur desires position driv ing car for private family, p 181 Ore MAN wants work, cook, smail hotel, clubs AaJ"?u;. boardlnK-house; city preferred. A p loo, Oregonian. m",11"! man with good mechanical ability wishes steady position with good firm. Phone B 1.(91. COOK, reliable man, Swiss French, 37, wants l,1"0" PtriVilt family; references. AH 139. Orego n i a n. COM PETENT second girl for country home. Apply Sunday forenoon or Monday, room 008 Alexandra Court. SOBER, honest young man, 26. desires po sition as clerk in country store. AB 165. Oregonian. ' GERMAN, 33, wishes position of any kind city or country. The Hooeier, 205 Jeffer eon at.. Room 27. C A R PENTER Repairing and remodeling a specialty; also no work. AK 167. Ore gonian. FiRST-CLASS milker and buttermaker wants steady position. State work and wages. X 16H, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished! Marshall 1, A 4910. Portland Waiters' Club. 148 w 5th. Portland, Or. G. C. Gerald, manager. CARPENTER foreman wishes position; best of references. AJ 173, Oregonlan. GOOD, all-around baker wants steady po sition. S 141. Oregonian. EXPERT pianist desires steady position evenings. J 170. Oregonian. NEW COOKS' headquarters" and kitchen help. 64 H sth st. Main 75J4. YOUNG man with experience wants work driving or in garage. K 147. Oregonian. xocxa man, good milker, wants place on dairy; reliable. K 195, Oregonlan. STRONG boy, 13. wants work; prefers ranch work. Main 8006. MAN wants painting, tinting, caring lawn, window washing. Main 1625, A 2786. J APAXESE, first-class, experienced pastry, meat cook, wants position, lal N. 15th st. EXPERIENCED young man wants work In the country. AS 15;t, Oregonian. MAN AND WIFE take charge of rooming house. M 17-0. Oregonian. MAN with good team wants hauling, city or country, a 200, Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR wants job; drive any kind of auto; reference. AE 198. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED steady elevator man wants position. Phone Main 7247. YOUNG man, IS. wants work at once city or country. S 170, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED man, sober, wants farm or gardening work. AG 178. Oregonlan. JANITOR, reliable and experienced, Ger man, wants position. jviain 1 78. GERMAN boy. 16 years, wants work in cake bakery. B 160, Oregonlan. WTCATIONS VANTKD MAlX Miscellaneous. LOOK BOARDING-HOUSE, MILL OR COUNTRY. I am a first-class all-around cook, but no chef; married, 1-year-old child ; want situation that is good for two years at least, where a steady, reliable , and eco nomical man will be appreciated and where wife can work as waitress or sec ond cook in Fall. No tobacco or liquors. My bread and pastry can't be beat. PRE FER MILL BOARDING-HOUSE OR SMALL COUNTRY HOTEL Must have nice surroundings. I KEEP MEN SATIS FIED. Send full details by letter or night telegram. W. E. Sturtevant, M 163, Orego nian. FIRST-CLASS mine blacksmith and Burley snarpener and all-round repair man ; can make drills stand to cut any rock ; in United States two years; head tool dresser in railroad shop back East; dress and make all kinds of tools In machine shop; seven years at last place; will go any; where; strictly sober. AG 168, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS mine blacksmith and Burley sharpener and all-round repair man; can make drills stand to cut any rock; in United States two years; head tool dresser in railroad shop back East ; dress and make all kinds of tools In machine shop; seven years at last place; will go any where; strictly sober. AG 168, Oregonian. GAS ENGINEER Stationary, marine and auto; factory and field experience 12 years. Electric lighting and pumping stations. Racers and cruisers. Touring cars and motor trucks. Expert chauffeur and me chanician. P. V. Marshall. 26S Gilsan st. Phone A 1469. TO GRAIN dealers or lumbermen; exper ienced ifan desires position in lumber or grain trade; competent to take charge of retail yard or grainbuying station or books ; would accept lumber salesmanship or brokerage position. Address 934 North 9th St., Grants Pass, Oregon. MECHANICAL and marine draftsman, tech nical graduate. 7 years with Eastern ship yard and iron works; expert estimator, calculator and propeller designer. Can you use me ? Salary no object. AP 145, Ore gonian. WANTED Position as su peri n tendon I or foreman ; thoroughly experienced in hand ling men ; well versed in machinery and engines ; good handy man ; age 36 ; reli able; steady, good habits. X 166, Orego nlan. POSITION office manager, secretary or rep resentative by young, capable, energetic man. 10 years' experience in East and Europe; bookkeeper, stenographer and languages; good salesman, salary and commission. N 173, Oregonlan. RELIABLE married man wants Job on fruit or stock ranch where you need man of ability and energy; understands mechanics, irrigation and the development of the farm. I am a hustler. M 199, Oregonlan. TRAVELING salesman, 7 years' selling ex perience throughout Oregon, calling on paint, hardware, general merchandise trade, desires position; staple or specialty; references. AN 197, Oregonlan. YOUNG, first-class tailor, coming from New York, make exerything, specially dress suit and fitting alterations, wants work everywhere. Henry Lopes, general deliv ery. EXPERIENCED chauffeur and landscape gardener, married Swiss, wants position; exceptionally capable in various lines, faithful and lnd ustrious ; best references. Address E 163, Oregonian. YOUNG man of 21, well acquainted with city, wants steady jo-h as teamster or any kind of outTside work; am strong and willing to work; state wages. O 195, Oregonlan. LANDSCAPE GARDENER. Will clear your lots or do landscape gardening; terms reasonable. M. KANE. Phone Woodlawn 1029. YOUNG man with good habits wishes posi tion driving car for private family; ex perienoed; can furnish reference. Phone Marshall 423i. MARRIED gardener, German apprentice, competent and reliable, wife excellent cook, want steady position. AH 14S, Ore gonian. SITUATION wanted by automobile painter; can take charge of shop ; steady work preferred. Address W. F. M., 1037 E. 18th st. X. TEACHER wants private pupils in common branches; diligent application required; original, successful methods. G. Wolfe, 662 Kerby st. RELIABLE young man wants position as caretaker, either country or city estate ; YOlNG man, 27, wants light work; speaks several languages. L 194, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALK. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG GIRL now attending business col lege wants position for afternoons or typewriting by the hour; can take work home ; has own machine. Telephone A 3419. or AH ISO. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, one year's experience, desires a position with opportunity for advancement; also lor practice. Main 3259, room 4. YOUNG lady stenographer, 23 years of age, very competent, wants position with a first-class house. Phone Main 2S37 or AP 195, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY experienced bookkeeper and stenographer for manufacturing corpora tion desires permanent position In Port land; references. Q 102, Oregonlan. A-l STENOGRAPHER wants permanent po sition, low wages to start with. Address 150 11th st. Phone A 5657. Miss Edna Strimmttd. EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer desires position ; can assist with books. Phone Marshall 707 or A 24S1, room 24. A YOUNG lady wishes position as stenog rapher and bookkeeper; will start reason able. AK 184, Oregonlan. STENOGRAPH ER desires position; no ex perience; will work for small salary. AH 196, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER 2 years experience, de sires permanent position; phone today. Marshall 5634. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants ter manent or substituting position. Tabor i0,)4. NEAT, competent stenographer desires light position for Summer, short hours, small salary. AP 191. Oregonian. WANTED Position in drug store. In or out of city; experience in line; good refer ences. Phono C 1691. FIRST-CLASS stenographer, seven years' experience, city or country. M 178, Ore gonian. THOROUGHLY reliable bookkeeper desires position, knowledge stenography, A-l ref. crenues. ilia at ootfo. CAPABLE girl, high school graduale, de sires position office girl or telephone op erator, private exchange. Main 2039. GENERAL office and stenographic work; seven years' experience; references. X 168, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, some experience, desires position with opportunity for advance ment. East 8196. BY young lady stenographer; experienced; small salary to start. East 499S. STENOGRAPHER, accurate and rapid, with experience, desires position. Marshall 2751. DrMwmakar, PARISIAN dressmaker, evening gowns and tailored suits, work and fit guaranteed, moderate price. No. 2 Grand ave., N Phone East 4947. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tailoress wishes more engagements by the day. Phone East 3322. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tailoress will make engagements in families, phone Tabor 107S. WANTED Sewing by the day, suits or gowns, $2 oer day, 475 Main st. Phone Marshall 5S33. GOOD fitter wants work home; wraps and one-piece gowns very reasonable. A 1369. Marshall 2371. SEWING neatly and reasonably done at 270 Ivy st. GOWNS and tailoring; infants' wardrobes made- to order. Tabor 3351. GOWNS and tailoring, $3 per day; best reference. Tabor 3351. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing at home; work guaranteed. Main S030. EXPERIENCED tailoress wishes work at nome. laoor zz. SEWING by the day, $2. Call Main 9226. Nurse. EXPERIENCED nurse will come to your nome or noiei .caring ior children or semi invalid at any hour, day or evening. Phone Woodlawn 1706. EXPERIENCED attendant will take mild mental or nervous case to Seaside. W 197, Oregonian. PRACTICAL nurse, best references, desires care Infant, child or sick; $35. St. Louis Agency, zn cun. Main zu-ti. TRAINED nurse would like work in nhvs ctan, dentist's office; reasonable salary at nrst. aj lSi , oregonian. TRAINED nurse wishes more engagements terms reasonable; some housework. Mar shall 4992. TRAINED nurse will take case in private family, $15 per week. Reference. 564 Flanders st. pnone Marshall 2747. EASTERN graduate nurse takes all kinds of cases; wants case. East 840, B 3224. GRADUATE nurse wishes patients at home or care oi invanns. rnone toiumnla 4.l. PRACTICAL nurse and massage. Phone SeUwood 1982. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Housekeori. LADY wishes position as housekeeper In refined home where she would have en tire charge; neat, good cook; no objec tion to ranch. Full particulars first let ter. Address M. K Harty, general deliv ery, Minneapolis. WANTED To assist or take full charge of small hotel or apt-hous In or out of city; quite capable and good reference. Phone C 1691. REFINED lady wants position as house keeper for elderly couple or gentleman with nice home that needs a woman's care. AC 140, Oregonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper, bach elor's home preferable ; excellent ref er ences. AV 139. Oregonlan. POSITION as housekeeper by unincumbered respectable young widow, city or country. AV 146, Oregonian. POSITION as housekeeper by young woman with ane child 5 years old; will leave city. AK 18o, Oregonian. REFINED young woman desires position as housekeeper in widower's family, with children. AG 19S, Oregonian. MAN and wife want to keep house for four or more young men. G. C, 490 Marguerite ave. ENGLISH woman, iui'ant boy, desires house keeping, widower. 2o8 5a h. Main 2U3i. FIRST-CLASS housekeeper in private fam ily; best of references. Woodlawn 25 Hi DRESSMAKER will go out by the day, $2; long experience. Marshall 1705. Domes Of -a CAP A BLE woman desires situation, house work, with parties going to beach; $30. St. Louis Agency. 208 5th. Main 2o;t9. YOUNG Japanese woman wants position, housework, small family. E 201. Orego nian. Mince Han eouH, WANTED by a well-educated young woman. a position as traveling com nan ion to a n iaay auring me t-u miner montns ; reier- v- ences mven and exnected. I. ltiri O retro nian. WANTED Opportunity for refined young girl to go to the beach for the Summer in exchange for care of child or light duties; references exchanged. Phone even ings, B 2749. WANTED Position as housekeeper by "low navniK noys. age 4 and years. Call or address Mrs. H. J. Peterson, 34. Multnomah st. COMPETENT experienced girl wants posi tion as cuamuermaia or nouseworK n plain family ; close in ; $1'0 a mo. ; refer ences. Phone Main 3910. W'LD lady understanding dressmaking give home and assistance with clothing to reliable lady in exchange for help in home? Give phone. AF 103, Oregonian. REFINED young married ludy, formerly school teacher, with infant, desires to go to beach as governess, companion to lady or light housework. X 178, Oregonian. COMPETENT lady with boy 14, cook for crew of men or housekeeper on large ranch. Addrews Mrs. H 1168 Moore St., or phone Woodlawn 822. MIDDE-AGED, reiined woman wants posi tion as companion to elderly lady; no ob jection to iight housework or care of, in valid. Phone Main i468. Room 2. LADY will give her services part of day .or room ana uoara at seaside for benent of outing. Phona A 43O0. AN 17S, Ore gonian. You lady pianist will accompany vocal students and practice with violinists; will take a few more piano pupils; terms rea sonable. Phone Marshall 2150. RESPECTABLE girl, good plain cook, wants housework in private lamily; adults pre ferred. Call Sunday between 1 and 0 P. M. Phone B 1207. SPANISH taught by a young lady with uni versity education and practlca 1 experience gained in Spanish-speaking countries. AT l'JS, Oregonian. WANTED By experienced woman, a baby to take care of; good home. A 203, Ore gonian. PLACE to keep apartment-house for small apartment and small wage by widow with 2 small children. 1'hone Columbia 471. A-l COOK wants position hotel, can take full charge; only first-class considered; best references. T 170, Oregonian. COLLEGE1 graduate wishes work tutoring pupils in high school or grammer grade subjects. Woodlawn 1 03. YOUNG lady would like position in good home to assist maid with light housework. Phono A 7564. LADY ACCOUNTANT wants position, qual ified as bookkeeper and general otfice work. Phone C 1906. AE 175. Oregonian. WANTED by a young girl, position as com panion or caring for children. AN 170, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED young lady wishes posi tion, cashier, doctor's or general office work, phone Tabor 4037. NEGLECTED education, private lesnons given to grown people and children. F 170, M'pjjonian. TEACHER will coach high school or gram mar school students backward in Eng lish or mathematics. Phone East 514. WOULD like 2 or more children to care for under school age; best care, pleasant nome, reasonaoie. an 195, Oregonian WELL-EDUCATED girl wants position in oftice copying, comparing, etc. AD 20U, Orf'uonian. HIGH school girl who writes cjear, rapla hand, wants copying at home or In of fice. AK 195, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY experienced in photography, desires position in studio. AE 179, Ore gonlan. AN experienced young woman wants a position to do genera housework in a small family. X 1..5. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED woman wants work by day, washing, ironing or cleaning. Tabor WANTED A quiet place in town or coun try, willing to work for room and board. AM 193. oregonian. WANTED Work mornings by young girl; North Portland preferred. F 199, Ore gonian. REFINED middle-aged lady desires place as companion, light work, small compen sation. AO 160. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS woman cook, camp or hotel, wages $40 or $50; would go Southern Ore gon. 167 West Park s t. Base ment ACCOMPA NIST for vocal pupils 50c per hour. 310 Sherman. KKUAKLK woman will care for children at their homes. Phone Tabor 21XM. TWO experienced girls wish cooking and housework. 61 E. 2bth N. East 4676. COLORED lady wishes position such as day work. Phone Tabor S00. I MAKE a specialty of laundering fine lace curtains at home ; reference. Tabor 3370. WAXTE D G irl of 13 wan t s s ma 1 f ba by to take care of during day. Marshall 4924. LACE cujr tains Main 14.-6. hand laundered. LADY wants general sewing or mother's help by the day. Sell wood 2i21. RELIABLE woman wants day work, 25c hour. phone Marshall 306S SITUATION wanted by first-class laundress, half days or whole days. M. 5569. YOUNG gtrl wishes care of a child during day. Phone Marshall 87. COMPETENT woman wants day work; col ored. 20 cents per hour. Main 3816. CASHIER or office work by experienced young lady. AT 177, Oregonlan. MOVING picture trap drummers, take a vacation. I will substitute. East 5571. LADY caterer will do pastry work; also day cooking. Marshall 2594. A WOMAN wants work by day, 25c hour. Mr?. Pruitt, East 4259. BY HOUR, or day, cooking, canning or nurs Ing. hrst-cliss. Tabor 317. CAPABLE, reliable girl wants place to do general housework. $35. B 161, Oregonian. BAY work, laundry, cooking, housework. Tabor 4723. EX PERI ENCED woman wants housciean. MUSIC teacher gives two piano or mandolin lessons 75c. P 179, Oregonian. COLORED girl, day's work; good, plain cook. Main S466. WILL care tor children day or night. Phone C .'.293. POSITION w anted by experienced lady cashier. Phone Main 9565. WANTED AGENTS. $.0 WEEKLY earned selling our needle, cases. They sell themselves. Samples 113 needles !-'. Particulars tree-. Natiuiial Im porting Co., St. Louis. 100 PER CENT profit, satisfaction guaran teed hosiery, sells like hot cakes; men. women, boys, girls need them. Write M. B. R. Mfrs.. 14 Water. New York CAPABLE salesman for Oregon, with staple line: commissions with $! monthly advance; permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith -Co., Detroit, Mich. SOLICITORS wanted; only those experi enced with family liquor trade 'need ap ply. D. German. 22$ Morrison. AGENTS Mate and female, to handle latest fastest sellimr household necessity manu factured. Room 211 Couch bldg.. City. LEGITIMATE substitute slot n.-hln.. patented; sells sight $1. Particulars Gishii WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS GET BUS if Sell "Ainbrevv" con centrated beer extract. For making beer at home just by addition of wat-r; gen uine, sparkling, foaming beer tor one cent a glusa; real lager oeer. not a near beer, not substitute. genuine article; strictly legitimate ; can bo aold anywhere, wet or dr ; no license required. It' $50 a week or more looks g.ood to you, get buey. Enormous demands, sells fast, coins you money. Something new, everyone buys, sure repeater. Season is on get ready for warm weather big thirst. Small, com pact, carry In your pocket. Territory goir.g last, no experience necessary; all or wpari time ; send no money. Don't waste a mo ment, just a postal today. The Ambrew Company, Dept. 25o5, Cincinnati, o. AGENTS To Introduce OXO-GAS: a won derful new invention; a complete indi vidual gas piant for lighting, cooking, heating ; cheaper to insi ii and operate than any other known fuel. For cooking it is cheaper than city gas. coal or wood; no ashes, no soot, no carrying in of coal or wood. For lighting it is cheaper than a common kerosene oil lamp. Tne most brilliant light known to science; anyone anywhere can install a complete gas plant in two hours' time; a blessing m the Summer; a necessity at all times ; simple, durable, satisfactory ; valuable f ranch Is -s given to the right man; thousands of dol lars in sight. Gloria Light Co., 1275 Wash ington blvd., Chicago. WHEELBARROW VS. AUTOMOBILE. Are you in the wheolebarrow or auto mobile class ? Attempting to sell or trade property with a small clientage In a, desk-room location is unfair to yourself and clients. Join a firm that docs things when times are dull. A large list of properties for trade and sale, toget her with an extensive clientage at your com mand. See manager ct t v department. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., Main ih9. 69 Washington St. A 6267. WANTED First-class office furniture sales man ; straight salary. Write, giving full particulars as to qualifications and ex perience, to W. J. Broome, Manager Desk Department, Barker Bros., Los Angeles, Cal. SUPERIOR HAND VACU UM CLEANERS. Agents wanted everywhere to s-ll guar anteed machine ; best three bellows con struction ; work? like a Rlssell sweeper ; write direct to factory for prices and ter ritory. Folding Furniture Co., La Porte, lnd. WOMEN agents, sell King Pins: can't un hook; no hinge, no solder, absolutely new; guaranteed; quick sales, splendid profits; repeat orders. 3 or more every home; don't take agency until you get our propo sition. Rof nberser, 70S Rand- McXally bldg., Chicago. AGENTS wanted ; excellent opportunity for high school students to- earn money dur ing vacation ; boys now earning $25 weekly ; we assist you In getting started ; if am bitious and a hustler, write for full . information. AO 157. Oregonlan. HUNDREDS maTce $50-$75 weekly selling guaranteed hosiery for largest manufac turer in America. Why not you ? Com plete outfit free. Write quick to our city office. Madison Mills, 4bU Broadway, New York City. EXCLUSIVE sales rights prominent manu facturer to responsible parties, valuable agency, repeater, income earner, guaran tees independence; easy, no competition. Automat ic Perfection, 37 West 42d St., New York. $500 MONTHLY Tremendous demand for w ooawara power tire pump ; latest auto accessoiy; agents "cleaning up" every where; quick, action necessary; get busy. Woodward & Son, Nicholas bldg., Toletio. Ohio. SELL by mail; pleasant, profitable business means independence; start spare time; co operate established corporation ; furnish best sellers ; factory prices ; valuable book let free. Mississippi Valley Co., Inc., 66 J 9 Pittsburg, Kansas. , BIG profits for you ; manufacture barley crisp, new confection. 5c package costs you lc. Machine, Instructions complete, $7.50 prepaid. Send 10c for samples. Barley Crisp Co., 1699 Hyde St., San Francisco. VACUUM cleaner agents; clear $40 to $iiO per week with our new design. $7.50, wheel operated, extra powerful, bellows typo cleaner ; sample furnished ; money back guarantee. W rite particulars now. Uo'.y Company, Dayton. O. AGENTS Salary or commission ; greatest seller yet; every user pen and ink buys on sight ; 200i to 50 per cent prolit ; one axent's sales $620 in six days; another $o2 in two hours. Monroe. Mfg. Co., X 44, La Crosse, Wis. LOCAL representative, male or female, seif heating iron ; beat proposition ; references or small capital required ; send for free sample proposition. National Stamping Electric Works, 417 Clinton, Chicago. AGENTS Monthly directory, illustrated, contains dUails newest, best selling spe cialties and money-making propositions of responsible concerns; 3 months. 10c. B. Publishing Co., 113 Cedar st.. New York. AGENTS $5 a day easily ; a good wanv make double that; 40 whirlwind sellers; we furnish a sample free ; write for it and catalogue. The Housekeepers Novelty Co., 171 2d St., San Francisco, Cal. AGENTS, MALE AND FEMALE TO HAN DLE a sidendid seller. Great demand. very large profits. Success certain. Send for particulars. Johnson Specialty Co., desk 5. 621 S. Grand ave., Los Angeles. PORTRAIT agents; also 10 crew managers; new scheme; over 30 years in business; samples free; credit given. For cauluua address Friedman & Co., Box 54, Martins, bur. Mo. USE spare time picking up magazine sub scriptions; soliciting not necessary; big pronts; market all about you ; everyone reads magazines. Circulation Manager, 57til Drexel ave.. Chicago. CLEVER agents, crew managers, 6-pc. alum inum cooking set; fast seller; retails $1.9b; 100 per cent profit; experienced, men pre ferred. Aluminum Factories Company, La Grange, 111. WANTED Solicitor with $25 to sell one Of the best money-makers in Portland. Call at room 23, Union Hotel, 6th and Ever ett, between the hours of 10-12 A. M., 2-4 P. M. AG ENTS w anted to sell In Portland Kenny curtalnloss showers; no competition; sells on sight; good commissions. Write for full particulars. Address AN 1 85. Oregonian. TWO stock salesmen. If you can close and are not afraid of the big men, call ID to 12 or 2 to 4. 3 N. 6th st. 30 PER CENT to man who can handle some good lots. N 154, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. 11 out FURNISHED house of from 7 to 12 rooms in good locality; all adults In family; will take as good care of it as if it were my own; state location, number of rooms and price; would lease for a year or longer if rent is attractive enough to warrant it. T 154, Oregonian. WANTED In good district, 6 or "-room bungalow or house, with bedroom and tool let on first floor, also electric Itgh ts. east front preferred ; must be near M. V., Rose City. Irvlngton or Broadway car, best references; not over $3o rent. Phone Sun day between & A. M. and 1 P. M. B 2798. WANTED A 12 to 16-room house, in good repair, suitable for a school; central loca tion, good neighborhood ; reasonable rent. Phone Marshall 4123. WANTED At once to rent, modern unfur nished 7-room house near Broadway or Irvlngton carline; give price, location and description. R 175. Oregonian. WANT to lease a well-furnished home in IRVINGTON or on West Side; small fam ily; no children. Edwin F. James, Ma jestic Theater. Marshall 26S4. WANTED immediately, 5 or 6-room bun galow, restricted district; modern in every respect; will lease If rent reason able. Call East 449 bet. 10 and 12 todav. 10 TO 14-room house with yard, between Montgomery, Qlisan. 17th and Sixth; rent not to exceed $5 per room. Address AS 157, Oregonian. FURNISHED house, 4 bedrooms. Irvington preferred; rent about $59 month. Tabor 87 S. FAMILY three adults will care for your home during your absence for free rent. C ISO, Oregonlan. SMALL furnished cottage. Seaside. 2 months, July 14. reasonable; preferably close in. 343 Yamhill st. RENT S or 9-room modern house, large lot. describe minutely on what carline. AG 197. Oregonlan. WANTED, by young couple, small furnished house. Call Main 7910 between 9 and 12 A. M . Sunday. Ask for Thompson. FURNISHED bungalow wanted by couple. clos in, limit $25; permanent. Main 6151, A 7030. YOUNG newly married couple wish to rent nicely furnished 5-room buncalow perma nently or for tho Summer. Tabor 3li7. WANTED Furnished flat or bungalow for five young men. West Side preferred. G 199. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT 5-room bungalow, email family adults. Main 905. AiMtrtmentft V ANTED Small furnished a part ment. West Side; state price, location. Y 1S2. Oregonlan. THREE or four-room furnished apartment or flat, by two young business men; West Side. H 192, Oregonian. WANTED 2 or 3 furnished rooms for light housekeeping at West Seaside for August Phone East 4727. ONE or two unfurnished rooms f or lisrht housekeeping by dressmaker. AN lbU Ora-gonian. K.n.. Auuersoa, xi u.