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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1913)
8 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 29, 1913. PORTLAND ACCORDION PLEATING. K. Slephan. aci-orrllon, rtde pleating, buttons covered, goods sponger. Aider, M. assayukm ani analysts. MuNTANa AMiAV OKIIC'K Laboratory ana ortj-tettiic work. l&U Morrisun ul. A'nOiiMiVS. Sargejit & Swope. Ulb Cham, of Com. Ref erprjees: Mrchunta Nat'l Bunk, Hartman A Thompson, Banners; Dorr E. Keaey Co. L- is-Srenfct-r Btr'ut-r tuppiy Co., 10th & Alor IIUA1' JJClI.OINti. O. P. UK AH Ail liuatbuilcllns and rcpalr in k. Vurh.e ways, toot Aoernethy at. CAKItf HhAVlNU. NORTHWEST KUG CO. Hugs from old i-arpelw. rag ruiia. ioo L'nlon ave, Clil.HI.OII UtTTU:. BAlWitB. Tile; lnWi-iiuLiauN coiiFAisi'. I2 qui at. jJiioiieB Mam ol2 ana A 1254. ClLiKOi'OUIWXs. Wililkrn, K.t.iiu unci Dewuii ueveny, th omy si-lentilio c ruru jutl IB t In tilw city. Parlora, H:r2 uorllner biag., a. W. coiner d aria Alder, r'hmie Main 1301. CllLKOfuU and pedlcurinB Iln. M. I. Hill, ijtiiceg, i-il 'lreulier Licit, ilaln 3473 ClUKOI'liAf l 1C I'll VHIC1ANU. IjH. it. 11. M MAHU.N, 11:1 Ui, delivers tne sooili at $10 a month; tlu.uoo equlilrrieut; boar d, room and treatment, in. to week. Ijr. L.elimati, UiT Abington bid-., nas no $lu, equipment; lu u wec-K; expert work. (UAL ANU WOOD, KULLt'SKN iLEL. CO., K.iat SOU, C SM03. for s:arjouil not Haternoakeu, ALtl.NA FL'Iil CO., Bit'tin alubwood. for Summer orders. OLJ,KtTION AUKNCY. NKTH c ta, Worcester blug. Main ITbtJ. No coliecllon, no charge. IANClNO. l'HOF. WAL. WILSON'S Dancing School Summer dancing lessons, 25c; "waltz," "I wo-atop," etc.; guarantee to teach any body who Avulka how to dance; failure Impossible. tsji 6th st. phone Main 703". HEATH'S luiiciiK ricnool, lol 2d St., bet. V aah. and .Smrk sis ; lesdons daily; waits and twodtep guaranteed in four lessons; clusa Friday evening. S to 10 at 109 2d. l)KFA"MAKtN() AM) TAIMIKINd SCHOOL VAI.KN'I'IXKS sjstem Indies' tailoring, tircHsniakln taught. 152 Orand ave. KI1 ACATIONAIU bKAUX THE .NKW PROFUSION and be imlppenripnt; women arid men can learn at home. Write tooay for particulars. Amer ican College of Constructive Philosophy. Box 171.S. Los Atlfielfi. Cal. TCTOKINO done by j. Kleanor Mccarty, teacher Ladd School. 444 Larrabeo sc K.Vtt, FAK, NOSE AM) TIlrlOAT. Treatment by aoeclnlist. Glasses fitted. Dr. h. F. i:afily. Dekum bldg., 3d-Wash ADVERTISING AGENCY. BOTSKOltb ADV. CO., Board of Trade bldg. KATE Adv. Co., Inc., Commonwealth bldg. AG RIC V I.T f R A L IAI I'LK.MEMS. Mitchell, Lewis ec t-tavor Co., Morrison & 2d JOHN DEERE PLOW CO., Morrison & 2d. R. M. WAHIj & CO., 322-26 Hawthorne ave. A K 1 1 U KCTl' It A 1. VV IRE ANlT livONVKS. Portland Wire lion Was., 2d and Columoia AITO AND Bl'GGY TOPsT I'fBRUlLI.E HUltiV TOP CO., 200 2d St. AL'TO.MOBIJLKS. Mitchell, Lewis & Slaver Co., E. Mor. at 2d. Howard Automobile Co., 14th and Davis. N. W. At" TO CO.. 617 yasReo. Hudson. AUTO LAMPS AM) RADIATOR REPAIRING. PORTLAND AUTO LAMP CO.. 810 Alder St. All'OM 1)1! I LE "hCTP LIES. BAT. LOU & WRIGHT, 7th and Oak. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Paggage & Omnibus Transfer, Park & Davis. BAKE R Jt CONFECTIONERS' SUPPLIES GRAY. M' LEAN & PEKcY, 4th and Glisan. B. K HE K MO I'POkS OREGON BAKUliK SUPPLY CO., 72 6th st. BAR FIXTURES. Brnnswirk-llaikc-Collender Co.. 48 Fifth st. BICYCLES MOTORC VCI.ES SUPPLIES. 1IAI.LOL &- WRIGHT. 7lh and Oak. POPE F. P. Keenan Co., 190 4th St. BICYCLES AM) SUPPLIES. DAYTON CYCLE CO., 247 Ash St. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES. rrunSwli k-Halke-1. ollgnder Co., 46 Fifth St. BREAD BAKERY. Roysl Bakery & Conf., Inc.. 11th and Everet B RKV E US AND BOTTLERS; HENRY WEINHARD. 13th and Burnslde. CANDY MANUFACTURERS. COFFMAN'S CANDY CO., 43 Front street. CEMENT, T. Crowe & 1. 1MB AND PLASTER. Co., 45 Fourth St. COFFEES. TEAS AM) SPICES, CLOSUKTT t DEVEHS, 1-11 N. Front St. BOYD TEA CO., 209 Salmon st. DAIRY AND CREAMERY SUPPLIES. Monroe & Crlssel, 126 Front. M. 640, R. 5429. I ) RUGYilSTsT CLARKE-WOODWARD DRUG at W. Pnrk. CO.. Alder At Wilson's Auction Mouse 16(1-8 FIRST STREET (Near Morrison St.) MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY At 10 A.M. For all kind of medium-priced furni ture, bedrilnu, plllowa, lace eurtalnH, carpets, tlinhea. utenalln, sraa rauKea, neel rauKea. refi-lKcratora and other effects. SALE AT VOIR OWN PRICES. Pianos and High-Grade Furniture For Private Sale If you are furnlNhlnsr we respectfully Invite you to on II and look through our lock. Yon will he surprised nt the fine collection of first-class icoodw thnt vve have for private snle, practically new) also ruas in Wilton, Axininster, Itrussels, various slaea, via.. Sx!, S-Hx lO-ll, 0x12, Il-Hx12. 12x15. Brinjt the sIkc of your room, vve can suit you. now aitout n ranuref w e have the MAJF.Vl'K'. MALLKABLK. UNIVERS AL, BUCK. BRIDGE-REACH and other acrcat ninkcst niso tiAS RANGES, Hi; I'RIGERATOKS, etc. Goods sold at Jrl vate aale Knaranteed and delivered. WILSON'S BANKRUPT-STOCK STORE CORNER SECOND ASD YAMHIt.L. V'e are constantly adding? new stocks of (iHOCKHIES and MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE. This week we offer at apet'lal prices 125 SUIT PATTERNS suitable for ladles' and rents .suits, all houa-ht for this season's liuslness. Here la your chance, as we sell aroods at about SO cents on the dollar. If In Need of STORE FIXTURES, Such aa CASH REGISTERS, SCALES, SHOW CASES. ETC, Come and See Us. J. T. WILSON, Proprietor. Cash paid for furniture, stocks of merchandise, etc. Main 162fi, A 4 243. $20,000 at 7 per cent. On one of the most beautiful residences In Portland. Value $65,000. HAMMOND MORTGAGE CO. 423 Chamber of Commerce NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. ' N"EW TODAY. Aiifii rif n fs ixmmms a ht n ra f Waeted BUSINESS DIRECTORY KI.KCTKIC MOTORS. MOTOK6, generators, bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electric Co., 31 First St. North. Phone Main 1)2 lO. Wfcl buy, sell, rent and exchange new and second-hand motors; repair work a. spe cialty. Western Electric Works, 213 6th. lX'KMTIRE HOSPITAL. BOWERS & PAKSONS, 10(14 Front. M. 7443. Furniture Hoapitai. Packing and shipping. HAT Ir-ACTOKYi SASTiERN HAT FACTORY, 64-68 8d street. Men's soft and Panama hats cleaned. Best $2 hat on earth for mn. - LAMISCAl-U OAKDKNIN'g" BETTER landscape and general gardening. cW iteri FLORAL CO.. East 5320. C 1514. PACIFIC Landscape Garden Company. Bl. Kothchlld bldg. Phone Marshall JMtH. LEAT HI. BAM) "VlN DtN OS. J. A. STliO WiSHlOGE LEATHER CO. tablisried 1&5. lh'J Florit St. LAUNBRV. JAPANESE Eagle Laundry, cleaning and dyeing. East 303. O 17S4. 120 Russell St. UP KKA1)1U. KING SCHOOL lor the deaf and hard-of-hearlng. 30s Central bldg. " MEhENUEK fcU.ll.VICE. HAbTI Messenger Co. lay and night serv ice. Phone Main 03, A 2103. MUSICAL. PIANO and violin lessons, music arranged. Maurice Brown, 37 -Hall. Phone Marshall 41)80. WEBBER Academy of Music Violin, man dolin, banjo, guitar Instructions. 43DVs Wash. Mam 20o5i. Gibson mandolins. MLtiiC teacher, conservatory graduate, 50 cents, or 12 lessons for $5. Tabor 4144. FIRST-CLASS orchestra; dances, parties, etc. Very reasonable charges. Wooulawn 3006. PIANO STUOIO Modern methods. 469 14th. Main 381)3. Arrangements for practice. EMI L THlli LHORN, violin teacher, pupil feevlck. 325 Flledner bid. A 4160, Mar. 162P. T. E. LAWSON, 422 Morrison. Piano les sons during vacation, 50c. Main 6459. NATUROPATHIC 1'HVSICIANS. Dr. Grover. specialist In paralysis, nervous, chronic ulseases. 703 Oregonian bl. M. 3142. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. R. B. Norlhrup, 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and chronic aiseases. Phone, oflice M. 348; res.. East or B 1028. PATENT ATTORNEY'S. Patents procured by J. IC Mock, attorney-at-law, late of the U. K. Patent Office. Booklet free. 1010 Board of Trade brag. R. C. WRIGHT, 22 years' practice. U. S. and foreign patents. 600 Dekum bldg. pi p 7. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main 3489. PLATING WORKS. NICKEL, gold and sliver plating. Portland Pilg. Mtg. CO. Main 1)43, A 52S2. WHOLESALE AlNO NiAiNUFACTURERS Ill EH AND SHEET METAL STAMPING. WESTERN Tool Ai Die Works. 306 Pine st. iiu goods! FLEljjCHXER-MAiliK & CO., 207 Ash St. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. BTUBBS ELECTRICAL CO., 6th and Pine sts FISH, OYSTERS ANU ICE. MAXARKE Y si CO., Inc., 149 Front St. 1'XOUK MILLS. CROWN MILLS, Board of Trade bldg. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co.. Front and Marshall ivc.rr.rt, uil'l'UKU & CO., Lewis blug. oALjiui K-uL HiKirj; as CO., Board H. M. HOIISER. Board of Trde I of Trade NORTHERN GRAIN sc WHSE. CO., Br. Tr. THE w. A. GORDON CO.. Board of Trade. GROCERIES. ALLEN A: LEWIS (.Est- 1851), 46 N. Front. WADHAMS & CO.. 69-75 4th St. HATS AND CAPS. " THANH AUSER HAT CO.. 03-55 Front at. MAY. J. H. Klosterman & Co.. leading hay dealers. HIDES, I'URS. PELTS, WOOL, TALLOW. THE H. F. NORTON CO.. 03-05 N. Front St. HIDES. PELTS. WOOL ANU l'UKS. K AH N BROS., 101 Front st. HOP MERCHANTS. M'NEFF BROTHERS. 6i4 Worcester bldg. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS, East 3d and Burnslde sts. ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON. CASTINGS. Complete Stock of BEAMS. ANGLES. CHANNELS, PLATES. KODAKS ANU PHOTO SUPPLIES. PORTLAND PHOTO SUPPLY CO., 149 Sd. LEATHER AND SHOE STOKE SUPPLIES. niLir i isrrrja., 304 pine st. I CHAS. L. MASTICK 4 CO.. 74 Front Loth. er of every description, taps, mfr. findings. LUBRICATING OILS. Balfour. Guthrie & Co.. Board of Trade. LOGGING MACHINERY. F. B. MALLORY & CO.. 231 Pine st. Loggers & Contractors' Mach. Co., 71 Bth st. MAIL ORDER-" ' FRANKLIN CO.. 132 Front St. AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE, 435 BROADWAY (SEVENTH STREET), NEAR HALL. STREET, We have been instructed by the own er to sell the furniture, carpets, etc., at the above address TOMORROW (Monday) comprising combination bookcase and desk, Morris chair, upholstered parlor furniture, rockers, center tables, por tieres, drapes and curtains, bedroom suites, folding- bed, mattresses, bedding-, davenport, clocks, pedestal dining table, chairs, sideboard, crockery and glass ware, bric-a-brac, velvet and Brussels carpets throughout the housa. oak hall tree. Monitor steel range, gas range, re frigerator, linoleum, garden tools, utensils, etc. AUCTION TOMORROW AT 10 O'CLOCK AT 425 BROADWAY, REAR HALL. STREET. ON TUESDAY NEXT we sell the fine Wilton rugs, brass beds and higrh-grade furniture from the Pansle residence on Portland Heights. We have moved these fine furnishings to our salesrooms, 166-168 Park street, for convenience of auction sale, comprising- upright Armstrong piano in mahogany case, Stickley library furni ture in fumed oak, viz., rockers with genuine leather cushions, library table desk and chair, tabourettes, very cost ly electric reading lamp with art glass shade, choice collection of pictures, Edison phonograph and record, two Turkish rugs, two genuine Wilton rugs. 9x12, recently cost $75 each; Brussels and velvet carpets, lace curtains, mas- ive orass Deas, with best springs and mattresses, sheets, blankets, spreads, pillows. genuine Circassian walnut dressers and chiffoniers, iron beds oak dressers and chiffoniers, large mirror dining-room suite, viz., pedes tal table, leather seat chairs, buffet and china cabinet, china dinner set glassware. Monitor steel range. Acorn gas range, new style; best quality in laid linoleum, garden hose, lawn mow er, tools, utensils etc ihe following from another private home, as follows: Upholstered ?h V ,f,.r?lt,ureA. libr"-'-y settee and chairs with leather seats, iron beds springs and mattresses, dressers, din ing table and chairs. Bridge-Beach steel range, gas plate, refrigerator, etc. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE. ?u.iare '""Ashing kindly call and inspect these fine goods tomorrow. We now have them on displav ,AfCTIO:V SALE TUESDAY AT lO A.. Ala ON THURSDAY NEXT we shall have the furnishinsrs of ten rooms, including parlo" bedfoom and vLlU100? furnlture: also about S00 ards of Brussels and velvet earnt Sale on Thursday next at 10 A e;a:ipets- Furniture Dealer, and Auctioneer.; lqIH8 Park, Street. think of It! 500 cash will handle It. A. B Slauson. S04 Oak sr, M. 8144. "' PATENTS. PATENTS THAT PROTECT AND PAT. Advice and books free. Highest refer ences; best results; promptness assured. Send sketch or model for free search. WATSON E. COLEMAN. Patent Lawyer. 624 F St., Washington. D. c REFRIGERATORS ANU ICE BOXES. Built to order, any size, $7.50 up.. P. C. Bed Co., 64 Union ave. South. Phone East 243. BIBBEB STAMPS, SEALS, BRASS SIGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. 231 Wash. St. Phone Main 710 and A 2710. " THE 1RWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 02 Bth St. Phones Main 312. A 1254. SEWING MACHINES. NEW, all makes, factory prices; second hand, $2 up; machines rented and re paired. Main 9431. 100 3d. near Yamhill. SHOWCASES. BANK fc STORE FIXTURES. E STERN FIX. & SHOWCASE CO.. 10th and Davis. Showcases to order and in stock. THE LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rap ids Showcase Co., 6th and Hoy t. R. Lutke, manager. MARSHALL MFG. CO., 4th and Couch; new ar.d old window display and cabinet work. STORAGE ANU TRANSFER. PORTLAND Van & Storage Co., cor. 10th and Kearney sts., just completed new, fire proof warehouse for household effects, pi anos and automobiles contains separate fire and vermin-proof rooms, steam-heated pianoroom, trunk and rig vaults; track age for carload shipments; vans for mov ing; reduced freight rates on household goods to and from East In through cars. Main 5640. All departments. C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables; N. W. car. 2d and Pine sts.; pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment, special rates made on goods In our through cars to all domestic and foreign ports. Main 5'.6, A 206. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Qllsan St.. cor. 13th. Telephone Main 69 or A 1169. General transfer and forwarding agents. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates In the city. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO., general transferring and storacce. safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. Teams and auto vans for long distance moving. 87-89 Front St. llain 647 or A 2247. TYPEWRITERS. $16 TO $C5 will buy a QUI rebuilt type writer as good as new; all makes to choose from Rnd workmanship guaranteed; terms to suit; catalogue mailed on request. THE J. K. GILL COMPANlf. Third and Alder SLs. Both phones. Main 8500, A 6068. WE are the exchange for the largest tpye writer concern on the Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Exchange. 351 H Washington St. NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rate:. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. YTK WRITERS FOK RENT. RENT A REMINGTON. $3 Per Month. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, 86 Broadway, Portland, Or. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co., 83 Fifth st. MILLINERY. B. O. CASE & CO.. 5th and Oak. BRADSHAVV BROS.. Morrison and 7th sts. NOTIONS AND I'ANCY' GOODS, MILLER SIM IN tJT ON. Calhoun Co.. 4 45 4th. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portland Wire oi Iron Works, 2d & Columbls PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. RAPMLSSEN & CO., jobbers, paints, oils, glass, saeh and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. W. P. FULLER CO., 12th and Davis. PIANOS. KOHLER & CHAbli, 375 Washington St.. manufacturers and wholesale dealers. PAINTS ANU WALL PAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO., 186 First St. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. B ASS-H GETTER PAINT CO.. 184-1S6 2d at. riPE, PIPE FITTINGS ANU VALVES. M. L. KLINE, 84-86 Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE, 84-86 Front St. M. BARDE & SONS, 240 Front st PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVKRDIN'G & FARRELL, 140 Front st. POULTRY, EGGS, CALVES, HOGS. HENRY EVERD1NG. 45-47 Front St. KOPE AND BINDER. TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SAND AND GRAVEL. COLfMBIA DIGGER CO.. Foot Ankeny St. SASH. DOORS ANU GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis. SAWMILL MACHINERY. PORTLAND Iron Works, 14th and Northrup. SECOND-HAND lRXITVRE. 50?fe cheaper than elsewhere. 24 Union ave. SOD.A-FOUTAINUPLIESl COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO.. 68 Front St. WALL PAPER. Ernest Miller Wall Paper Co., 172 1st St. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 230 2d St. JOHN ECKLUND. j23-12B First it. WIRE AND IRON WORKS. Portland Wire & Iron wk., 2d & Columbia MONDAY, 2 P. M. 211 FIRST STREET Ford Auction Co. Having been favored with a very nice lot of furniture for this sale such as very fine dining suite, consisting of buffet, four box-seat chairs and round extension table, with heavy pedestal; some very pretty metal beds in sev eral finishes, good springs, mattresses and bedding, good davenport. fine quartered oak dressers. Morris chair, several rockers. kitchen r-ghln.t. tables, steel range, gas range, couch. venial- sianas. norary taoie, draperies, bric-a-brac, dishes, utensils, etc., etc. You cannot afford to miss this sale if you are in need of furniture of any description, for some of these goods are almost new. in fact you would hardly know they had been used. THIS STORE WILL CLOSE DAY FRIDAY. JULY 4th. ALL Private Residence Sale 683 EAST BROADWAY NEAR NINETEENTH. Wednesday, July 2, at lO A.M. .WJ GRAND PIANO. FINE ' 1. 1 c, ll, l ll RUGS, ETC AT AUCTION. We will sell at public auction the fine furnishings of the above eight roorn residence, consisting of one ele gant Steinway parlor grand piano, solid mahogany parlor rockers, ma hogany library table, center tables, several fine leather-cushioned rock ers in fumed oak, fine dining-room set ln,frumed .ouartereJ oak. consisting of buffet extens nn t,M o v-i'1 ri 2?,? .L8, nmhogany ----- ""- v,OIIS ln learner teat, wicker rocker, lady's desk, couch, bed- Jflfi? !.'iit' .ine brass betls and the finest of mnttrnaaaa k Y er. beautiful Wilton velvet rugs in . , , curtains, aisnes. utensils, etc.: iin nn. - LKSan-f'h.OU;f0p desk and chair cost f- These fine goods are nearly new, in fact you could not tell they have been used. If you are looking for fin furniture and -rugs you cannot afford to miss this opportunity Wednesday morning 'at 10 at 8S lBdW,a7' near Wteenth street FORD AUCTION CO. Will build a one-storv cmi crete building, 100x100, for a garage, 28th arid Thur man Sts., West Side; fine location. BENO & BALLIS 513 McKay Bldg. if .yy s tui. ui ill. NEW TOD AT. SOMEBODY If YOU ought to have YOUR HOME ln VIMGT0N They will say, "YES, INDEED." It is one mighty residence section of Portland that has NO "knockers." What is the reason? Right now is the time for you to act buy your Irvington property now. R. T. STREET HENRY BLDG. - The Bargains In Irvington Realty. East Side Bargains 100x100, S. W. corner East Eighth and East Ash streets, Price $16,000 50x100, N". E. comer East Tenth and East Ash streets, Price SSOOO WAKEFIELD FRIES & CO. 85 Fourth Street A Most Desirable Farm 280 acres, nearly all ln cultivation and best of soil; grows grain, clover, timothy, corn, potatoes and all other crops in abundance; never any fail ures; watered by two streams which never go dry; Just enough timber for home use; good fences and cross fences; exceptionally good buildings of all kinds. Including two large barns; only one mile to town and railroad station; has telephone, milk route, etc. It is well equipped with stock of all kinds, also vehicles and implements; for dairying, stock and general farm ing this farm has no sunprinr In Dr.. gon. It is easy to clear $5000 or more per year. Owner of farm too old to further work it. There is no debt against it. The price is only $100 per acre, including personal property and crop. Will give time on a large part of it. J. E. SMITH. 414 Chamber of Commeree. Portland, Or. IRVINGTON'S CHOICEST 75X lOO CORNER No Reasonable Offer Refused. 212-13 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BEST BARGAIN IN OREGON 60 acres. NEAR EUGENE on NEW RAILROAD. All valley land, nearly level: about 500 acres cleared, about 200 acres ln urop and balance oak timber and pasture. Running; water through the place. New housa, barn and family orchard. Nice neia-lf-borhood. close to school. Price, $50 per acre; very easy terms. THE JACK RODMAN COM3 ANY, 32 Eawt th St.. Eugene. Or. Acres 01 $10 AN ACRE Right in the heart of the Willamette Valley, within 25 miles of the State Capital and only 12 miles from county seat. Railroad right through the tract. Has stores, school and postoffice. good roads, springs and creeks. DORR E. KEASEY & CO. Second Floor Chamlter Commeroc RIdg. OH YOU NEWLY WEDS New California Type BUNGALOW FOUR. ROOMS AND BATH. OAS RANGE, GAS WATER HEATER, GAS PARLOR HEATER, $1950 82QO DOWN. $1950 S200 DOWN. FRED W. GERMAN CO. Chamber of Commerce. Both Phones. ALAMEDA FAR A restricted residence park.' high and sightly. Ail Improvements complete. Lots as low as $700. on easy terms. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. ' 404 Wilcox Bolldlng. IRVINGTON SPECULATION 'SOnn SIOOO cash, balance three year; 100x 100 corner on Broadway oar. ln Irvington proper; east facing, up to grade; a fine home site; buyer to assume street liens, $1100. Only corner in Irvington proper "be low $3000 subject to liens; hence $1000 profit when you buy it. besides in crease. There is ONLY ONE such cor ner. , R. T. STREET HENRY BLDG. The Beat Bargains In Irving-ton. NBW TODAY. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Have you seen Georgian Court, the new Addition within walking distance? For information call BROOKE Dealer in Portland Heights Real Estate exclusively Elm and 2 2d, Portland Heights Marshall 4827 A 3839 OWNERS OF Business Property or Apartment-Houses GET RID OF THE MORTGAGE. THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES ARE OFFERED IN EXCHANGE FOR BUSINESS OR APARTMENT PROPERTY. See me about a $35,000 farm (an in come producer) near Portland; some lots In the heart of IRVINOTON'. and also some good lots in South Portland: a business lot near Hotel Portland (50x100 corner); a fine manufacturing and warehouse site of several acres; some choice Seattle property: a few good mortgages and some CASH if necessary. These properties are FREE from ENCUMBRANCE. My client is willing to assume. His values are not in flated. Full data will be given to you on above properties. Will deal with agents. C. L. BAMBERGER 7O?t-T08 Spalding Bldg. Main 10. Around Newburg The S. P. will run electric cars to Newberg by Fall, we have just had as surance that the Oregon Electric will soon come; the $80 000 bridge is build ing across the Willamette at Newberg. Things look good for Newberg. Be low are descriptions of two farms near here. I have others, both large and small, for trade and for sale. acres, near Newberg, on good road; five-room house, barn and other outbuildings: 24 acres cleared; some timber, stock and Implements. Price $8000; will accept a Portland trade up to $5000. 3 acres. mile from depot, outside city limits; three acres 5-year-old ap ples; all kinds of small fruit; six-room house, bathroom, etc.; chicken-houses, barn, etc.; everything first-class. Price $4000. DONALD M. WALL. Newberg. Or. RIVERDALE DISTRICT At Briarwood we have a fine piece of riverfront property, with a new seven-room house Just being completed; modern throughout; one acre in grounds, 85 feet frontage on river, one minute walk to sta tion. Only $7000 for quick sale. Terms as easy as you want them. , DORR E. KEASEY &CO. Second Floor Chamber Commeree Bids. iver Fine five-room cottage, lo cated in most exclusive sec tion of Riverdale; h a r d w o od floors, sleeping- porch and everything up to date and good repair; garage on the prem ises. Lot 100x100; a fine home for some one. Price $6000 and reasonable terms. Further in formation ' and particulars, etc. Phone Main 5774, A 2497. PHILIP V. W. FRY, 1401 Yeon Bldg. eal For a Physician Strictly modern eight - room bungalow In the Nob Hill dis trict; lot 50x100; house is fin ished in white enamel, hard wood floors, den with large fireplace; fine view; surround ed by beautiful homes. Just the home for a physician. $12,000; terms. DORR E. KEASEY & CO. Second Floor Chamber Commerce Bid nr. PORTABLE HOUSES ALL SIZES. You will be surprised how cheap you can Duy a poriaoie nouse tent. We have one on display. , PORTLAND TENT AND AWNING CO., 16 North Front St. Main loffu. A 1130, SIX -ROOM MODERN HOITSE, double construction, built-in fivturA. furnace, full -concrete basement, laun dry trays; lot 60x110; a fine view of the city; two block to car. Price $3000. ,asy terms. For fuller particulars see THE LAWRENCE CO., 171 Fourth, Between Morrison and Yamhill. M. W9I5. A SS15. Farm Wanted Wish to buy a farm in the Willam ette Valley or ln Southwest Washing ton of 100 acres or more; might con sider 250 to 300 acres; must be excel lent land and good location. Will pay all or nearly all cash. In answering give full particulars, including price, location, roads, etc. Address P. O. BOX 1131. PORTLAND. OR. MONEY TO LOAN 7 81300, S2000. $3500 and 94000 ALSO ANY AM O I 'NT FROM S200 TO 850,000. REAL ESTATE SECURITY. GEO. H. THOMAS, gar Oak St.. Room 3, A Inn worth Bldg. Who Wants This? Hurry! Fine eight-room modern bungalow, 625 East Forty-seventh street. Ro-se City Park: glassed - in conservatory, beamed celling, hardwood floors. Tif fany fixtures; shrubbery and garage. $800 below cost on terms. Phone OWNER, Tabor 229a. dale it NEW TODAY. OVER THREE i;l!LII0i: DOLLARS IS BEING EXPENDED AT WlLLBRiDGE (On the West Side.) This property is in the center of the NEW INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT Eleven enterprises . axe NOW located here. Others are being built. The future of this property is assured. WlLLBRiDGE OFFERS YOU NATURE'S BEAUTY GOOD CAR SERVICE MACADAMIZED ROAD BULL RUN WATER GAS AND ELEC TRICITY GRADED STREETS BUILDING RE STRICTIONS EASY TERMS A GOOD INVEST MENT LOTS 50x100 and Larger $400 AND UP, Shepard & Rogers 250 Stark St. Main 6659. A 4710. READ THIS All I want you to do is to read this and figure it oat for yourself; then come to me and I will show you the property. Location, West Side business corner. Improvements 1 18-room house, coutaining 6 3-room apartments, 1 12 room house containing 2 flats, 1 store building. INCOME $1488 A YEAR PRICE $13,500 GEO. P. HENRY 329 Henry Building. INVESTMENT West Side, 80 acres for $300 per acre ; within 15 minutes' walk of 5c fare. Bull Run water; adjoining lots have been sold for $500 per lot. Best of time and terms. My authority to sell at this price is for 15 days. Quick action necessary. AT 147, Oregonian. Holladay's Addition The Very Beat in the City For Sale A fine residence: nine rooms, fur nace, fireplace, bath and all conven iences; close in; location choice and certain to increase in value; terms if desired. Residence, apartment, business, warehouse and manufacturing sites. THE OREGON REAL ESTATE CO. Grand Ave. and Multnomah St. Phones E. 67. C 1708 on improved city or country prop erty. Ask for Mrs. Ridings. HACKER & THERKELSEN CO. Main 7692. 306 Spalding Bldg. Ten Per Cent Income Bearing Property Price reduced for quick sale about $5000. Part cash, balance 3 years if desired. G 200, Oregonian. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK. Portland's Perpetual - Care Cemetery. Large. Permanent. Modern. Both phones hONEtTO OAil NEW TODAY. RVINGT HOMES $35,000 $ 5,000 $30,000 $ 5,500 $2S,000 $ 6,000 $25,000 $ 6,750 $23,000 $ 7,500 $22,000 $ S,000 $20,000 $ S.500 $17,500 $10,000 $16,000 $12,000 $15,000 $14,000 I have one or more homes at each of the above prices. To buy "right" in Irvington you will see me. R. T. STREET Henry Bldg. The Irvlncton Real Itate Mn. Furnished Tents at Bar View We hnve furnished ten; with all conveniences ready for housekeeping; also a first - class hotel at Bar View. Good, wholesome meals are served in a bright, clean dining-room. The hotel is surrounded by a wide veranda over looking the ocean and amusement park. We have safe rowboats and canoes for hire on both the lake and bay at Bar View. The large da nee hall, pool hail and bowling allev will be ap preciated and patronized by many. The drills of the life-saving crew. the clambakes, the beach bonfires and deep-sea fishing excursions are only a few of the many good things Bar View has to offer you. Before planning your vacation see us and make reservations for tents or rooms. We have nice lots in Rar View for sale at $10 down and $10 per month. These lots will double in value in one year. Ralph Ackley Land Co. 204 Falling lllilg., :tl and Wanhlnston. TO RENT Factory Building 75x200, erected a year ago, and de signed as a furniture factory; is equipped with steam heating plant, fire sprinkling S3'stem, electric power, and a line of wood-working ma chinery, office fixtures, etc. Located East 14th and S. T. Railroad tracks; has railroad siding. See Mr. Bashline, Star Drilling Machine Co., E. 12th and Clinton. Owner instructs mo to sell immediately his splendid residence in Ladd's Addi tion, near Hawthorne ave.; 10 rooms, sun parlor, sleeping porch, fireplace, hot water heat. Large corner lot. Automo bile garage. Cost $15,000; will sell for $12,000, and it Is practically new. W. H. Ross 516 Spalding Ilulliling $550 EAST 30th STREET NEAR KNOTT Fine, well-located lot. 40x100. This is cheaper than any of the surround ing property tan be bought. Lays level and Is a choice building lot. Terms if desired. S 125. OREGONIAN. CITY & FARM LOANS Loans of $1000 and up at lowest rates on Good Improved City or Farm Prop erties. If you need money call today. Our Installment payments are attractive. A. H. BJRRELL CO. SO 2 aic-Kay Bids.. Third and Stark Sf. Mortgage Loans on city property at reasonable rates. CLARK-CANNON COMPANY, 1017 Board of Trade Bldg. BROADWAY lOOxlOO S E. CORNER OP EAST SECOND STREET FOR SALE R V OWNER. 717 HOARD Ol' TRADK BLDG. NET PRICE 915.QOO. Edward E. Goudey lrwis Bulldlnic. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 per cent on. best business properties. 4 P? cent and 7 per cent on othar cioae-la boa: 0a .od reaJdenc ecuriue. Mortgage Loans If you have A-l Keal Estate security we can loan you any amount at lowest rales. C ALLAN & KASES . 723-24 Yeon Rids:. CITY & FARM LOANS $1000 and up at lowest rates. C. M. ZADOW 414 Corbett Bldg. A 1-11(1, Msmhall 02. Mortgage Loans Improved Property Only. Commerce Safe Dep. & Mortgage Co. 01 Third St., Cham, of Com. Bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS Auy Amount at Current Rates. JOHN E. CRONAN 802 Spalding CiilK. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS Our Own Money at Current Rates. WESTERN' RONU A MORTGAGE CO, Commercial Club Rldg.. Portland. Or. ARTISTIC HOMES, CUMpSteTusS 5. A. H. FABER. ARCHITECT, 380 AINSWORTH AVE c 27U1. mvvu-niuw u,ua iu ?uum rorriarru; a big bargain for cash. A. B. blautioa, 80 Oak it. A Fine Home