1G Tilt SOJJAY OKEGOMAN, PORTLAND, JUXE V"9, 1913. Vacation C ntest; Men, Women and Children Can Redeem Duplicate Checks for Votes Cash Purchases Only Apply in This Remarkable Contest 50 Vacations of One Week Each G iven A way. Act at Once ! Choice of 10 Beach and Mountain Resorts Y OUR CHOICE OC THESE Gear hurt Hotel. Seaside, Moore's Hotel. Lonar Beach. Breakers Hotel. Sea View. Hackneya Hotel. . cvport Hotel. Bar Ocean Hotel. Marmot Hotel. Collins Springs Hotel. Snlpherd's Spring; Hotel. Hood River Hotel. Or anT resorts within a reasonable distance of Portland. Here's an unexpected opportunity to enjoy at our expense an entire week at any one of ten Beach or Country Re sorts and at any time you desire during the Summer. Beginning tomorrow, all duplicate cash sales cheeks may be redeemed at first floor booth for votes in this contest, one vote for every ten-cent purchase! (Sales checks must be exchanged for votes within two days of purchase.) The first fifty contestants registering1 ten thousand votes each, (renresentiner $1000 in purchases) will be entitled to one weeK s vacation witn an expenses paid hotel, transportation, etc. Churches, lodges and institutions will find this a splendid opportunity to help some member wm a much-desired vaca tion. Every man, woman and child is eligible to enter this contest. Begin tomor- x j. x s ..it a is (h. i.. row to register yuur-vuics xur dcil ui ai icuu. kjl imiuci mii uianwu aj ai voting booth. Soliciting votes in the stora or at entrances not allowed. iptts at. Less Time Half Price! Kayser's Silk Under wear Prices Assure Economy Wo take this opportunity to announce to our patrons that -we have created a neAv department on the first floor of the main building all Kayscr's I talian and Venetian Silk Underwear has been combined in this section and a complete stock of this famous Silk Underwear in combinations, vests, bloomers and the knickers of Italian Silk is offered at pronounced reductions to inaugurate this new department. $5 Kayser Italian Silk Vests daintily hand-enibroiderod. Have French hem. Scalloped edge with beading. Beautiful and elaborate patterns. Special, the garment, $3.95. $5.75 Kayser Italian Silk Combina tions in plain style. AVith French hem and tight knee. White only. Special, the suit. S4.95. $3.50 Italian Silk Vests with fancy embroidery. Fagot or French hem tops. In white. Also plain Drawers and Knick ers, in pink,, sky, black and white. Each, S2.98. $3.75 Kayser Italian Silk : Knicker bocker Union Suits tight knee style. Fagot stitched and beautifully, finished White only. Special, the suit, S5.75. $7.00 Kayser Italian Silk Union Suits and Vests in fancy patterns of French embroidery.. Hemmed tops. White only. Each, S5.95. $8.50 to . $10.00 Italian Silk Vests and Union Suits broken lines. French embroidered. Trimmed with lace and scal loped edges. White only. Choice at S6.98 - Edges and B an d s genuine Cluny smd Filet lace, very popu lar, and give a finishing charm to lingerie gowns and waists. $2.00 Grades, the yard, SI. 39 $2.50 and .$3.00 Grades, 81.69 $5.00 and $6.00 Grades, S3.98 $8.00 Grades, the yard, S4.98 Calais Lace white and cream shadow, silk and . cotton, beauti fully, made and very rich in ap pearance; dainty and light weight and can be used in many ways especially suitable as plaitings for bats and gowns. 65c and 75c grades, 8 and 12-inch, a yard, 39 : E5c and $1.00 grades, 12 and 18-inch, yard, 49 $1.25 and $1.50 grades, 12 and 18-inch, yard, 69 $1.75 and $2:00 grades, 12 and 18-inch, yard, S9 Swiss and Nainsook Edges and Bands Edges 9 to 18 inches, Bands 2 to 4 inches for dresses and undermuslins; a wide variety of pleasing designs to choose ,from; regularly the yard, -85c. Special, 39. Own a Flag! Muslin P'lags,' the dozen, 3 to each, 20d. Buntinette Flags 17-inch size, each 24-inch size, each. ....13c 36-inch' size, each. ....... 23 C 40-inch size, each. . . . . . . .29c 43-inch size, each. ...... ,39c American Silk i . . . . . . ... Flags 8x12, special 15c 12x18, special 19 24x36, special ....... 73c 32x48, special 1 .49 Largest stock Wool Bunting Flags in the city. Fifth Floor, n Dnlldinsr. 2 Great Groups of Coats Phenomenal Reductions ' . No woman ever regrets having bought a Coat, so varied are its uses, for cool Summer evenings, to wear with the one-piece frock, for beach or outing wear and a score of other needs. We've two special lines of Coats we're putting in two groups and offering you for the extremely low price of only $4.75 and $7.85. In these groups you'll find Coats of all lengths short, medium or full length, with loose or semi fitted backs also the Bulgarian effect. Others have the shawl collar or the high collar fastening close at the throat. They're in linen, silks, worsteds, tweeds, serge, ratine or eponge. . Coats regularly $12.50 to $15.00 Special for this sale $7.85 Coats regularly $ 7.50 to $10.00 Special for this sale $4.75 WHEN THE WOMEN OF PORTLAND come here tomorrow to inspect these handsome and fashionable Suits they '11 marvel at this unprecedented offer. It's a tremendous clean-up sale of Summer Suits for women and misses. Modish garments in all the seasonable fabrics and styles that fashion has favored and decreed. Plain and semi-fancy cuts are included. The daring and popular Bulgarian trimmings are much in evidence.1 Skirts are plain or draped effect. All sizes, 14 years to 44 bust measure, are represented in this tremendous sale. . . " " - . . , . Suits to $20.00, Special S 9.65 I Suits to $25.00, Special; $12.25 Suits to $35.00, Special. $16.45 Suits to $48.00, Special. . .$22.50 The Mid-Summer Frocks Specially Priced at $8.45 and $3.85 Prepare Tomorrow for "Sane Fourth' Harmless Noise-Makers at Special Prices Loud Noise Paper Crackers, special. 23 Revolving Sparklers, special. , 9 Air Torpedoes, special. 23 Horns, red, white and bine, at 4c, 9c, 14c, 19c, 23 Frying Pan Rattlers, special 14 Hurrah Wood Rattlers, special.. 4 Little Dandy Popguns, special. - 23i - Serpentine Rolls, 20 pieces for..: 13 85c Drums, 10-inch, embossed Bide G9 $1.50 Drumsv 11-inch, wood side S1.23 $2.00 Drums, 13-inch, -wood side-- $1.49 $2.50 Drums, 13-inch, nickel side 51.89 $3.25 Drums, 14-inch, nickel side 32.73 $3.75 Key Drums, 14-inch, nickel sides $2.93 $5.00 Key Drums, 14-inch, nickel side $3.95 Fifth Floor, Xevr Bonding. Fresh, dainty and cool are these new Tub Dresses and you can't have too many of them for the warm Summer days. They're charmingly made of linen, crepe, cotton rep, crash and tissues, in pink, blue, lav ender, brown and white. You can have your choice of long or short sleeves. They're trimmed with dainty lace or embroid ery collars and cuffs and sell regularly for $12.50. We spe cial these at S8.45. Other Dresses in plain colors pink, blue, lavender and tan made with low neck and short, set-in sleeves, . plain skirts, and finished with hand embroidery on collars and cuffs, we special at S3. 85. Your KodaK Filnis for the 4th Should Be Pur chased Here Tomorrow These Unrivaled Prices on Lace Curtains and Rugs Corsets i ' $6.50 to $8 Grades Within the reach of all we have priced a special lot of high-grade Corsets for to morrow. They're beauti fully made of coutil, with ribbon trimming and lace. Medium and low bust mod els, long hip style. Hare four pair of hose supporters attached. Filled with wal ohn. Regular $6.50 to $8.00 Corsets. Special tomorrow, at only $3.29. Second Floor. New Balldtnc Beautiful Curtains That Enrich the Home Whether you desire rich and elegant Curtains for the beautiful home -plain, neat Curtains for the more simple furnishing or Curtains suitable'for Summer cottage you'll find just what you want here, at our tremendous Curtain sale. Your Charge Purchases Tomorrow Are Made Payable August 1st 85c Ruffled Swiss Curtains -45i $1.00 But fled -Swiss Curtains 50 $1.15 Ruffled Swiss Curtains. 60 $1.75 Flat Swiss Curtains : 85?! $2.00 Flat Swiss Curtains . SI. OO 65c Nottingham Lace Curtains 35 75c Notting-hani Lace Curtains. 40d 85c Nottingham ' Lace Curtains V . . 45 $1.35 Nottingham Lace Curtains. 65d $1.50 Nottingham Lace Curtains. .75 $2.00 Madras Weave Lace Curtains S1.00 $225 Madras Weave Lace Cataans. . . -Sl.15 $2.50 Madras Weave Lace Curtains . . .S125 $2.75 Madras Weave Lace Curtains SI 40 Km 'MB U H k . 1 ir -wrf ill 111 1 Yi Ci.-n 3rfTi-eJf 1 .1 1 1 na 1 1 Rugs Lend Added Cheerfulness to a Room Now you may increase the brightness of your home with these baautifully patterned Axminster and tapestry Brussels Rugs at prices deeply cut, to make way for new merchandise that is arriv ing daily. a!e Hair Ornaments Worth $1.50 to $5, Only 75. Combs, Barrettes, Braid Pins In New and Up-to-Date Patterns , How can we sell them for 75c? Because we were fortunate enough o buy them from one of -'the largest manufacturing houses, where they were willing to make us exceptionally low prices, provided we would take their entire stock. And we did, thereby giving the women of Portland an unheard-of opportunity to choose from a large selection of choice Combs, Barrettes and. Braid Pins, that are all new and strictly up to date, at a mere portion of their actual worth. Not one of these 4& J would sell for less than $1.50 and many of them are J) valued at $5.00. Your choice of the entire lot for only See 5th-St. Window Display F1rt Floor, 'c-TV Bnlldlns. $3.00 Cable Net Curtains. . . 1 Kf $3.50 Cable Net Curtains : ..-SI. 75 $4.50 Cable Net Curtains S225 $2.75 Filet Mesh Weave Curtains .: . . . . .8140 $4.50 Filet Mesh Weave Curtains . : S225 $5.00. Madras Weave Nottingham Curtains.,. 8250 $6.50 Madras Weave Nottingham Curtains... 8325 $7.50 Cable Net Curtains 8350 $8.00 Cable Net Curtains. . .84.00 $6.00 Bentette's Arabian Curtains S3 00 $7.50 Dentette's, Arabian Curtains..... -8375 $9.50 Dentette's Arabian Curtains...... 8475 $3.00 Real Cluny Curtains. ....-8150 $4.00 Real Cluny Curtains ; S200 $5.50 Real Cluny Curtains 8275 $6.50 Real Cluny Curtains 8325 $7.50 Real Cluny Curtains..:.......... $375 $8.50 Real Cluny Curtains 8425 $10.50 Real Cluny Curtains. . : - -8575 $25.00 Real Hand-made Arabia's! Lace Panels 8850 $15.00 Real Hand-made Arabian Lace Panels. .. . 85.00 Third Floor. Main Building:- . Roxbury. Axminster Rugs 8-3x10-6, $22.50 regularly. Special 817.65. 9x12, $27.50 regularly. Sp'l S19.50 . Saxony Axminster Rugs 8-3x10-6, $17.00 regularly. Special $14.98. 9x12, $17.50 regularly. Sp'l $15.98 Third Floor, Mala Building;. Extra Axminster Rugs 8-3x10-6, $20.00 regularly. Special S16.50. 9x12, $22.50 regularly. Sp'l S17.50 Tapestry Brussels Rugs 8-8x10-6, $12.00 regularly. Special 89.85. Tapestry Rugs 9x12, $10.00 regu larly. Special 87.65. To $12.50 Hats $2.95 They are trimmed with fancy feath ers, flowers, ribbons, etc., and are all fash ioned after the latest mod els; worth to $12.50, we special these Hats at only You'll also find a large selection of Panamas, trimmed and untrimmed, at reduced prices Untrimmed Milan&at Half Price All Knox Hats 25 per cent reduction Flowers at 25 per cent reduction in our Millinery Salons. $2.95 $1.50and$L75 Outing Flannel Gowns, $1.22 In planning for the season at the beach or the mountain camp, and also for the sleeping porch, -women will find these White Outing Flannel Gowns the most comfortable. They're made with tucked yokes, trimmed with liuen lace edge, Regularly $1.50 and $1.75. Special tomorrow, S1.22. Srcond Floor. tt BnlldinK.