4 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 22, 1913. Pocks' md In ns Lngage in Gm SI iQNFLICT Amazing Vitalihj Is Shown by Trees in Eternal Warfare Between Vegetable and Mineral Kingdoms ' 4 . Ps-P ll . , Av V J' lrwtt r VI Pit UPU.V - i M P y 1 , JO S i P 'JS. jw.w -fvV J BY GUY E. MITCHELL. T is always a most amazing sight to see a great tree growing out of a crack in a rock and split off a boulder of granite which the strength of a dozen men could not budge. There is eternal warfare between the mineral and the vegetable kingdom. Kocks and boulders may appear grim and immovable, but their cracks and crevices are eternally being searched by the pliant growth of plants and trees and in the end they always suc cumb to the attacks of their weaker enemies. For all time this continual battle has been going on, each generation of the plant world doing its share, appar ently serene in the knowledge that when it dies its place will be taken by another plant which will continue tne conflict. The great rock-splitting force of a growing tree is shown in the case of a pinon tree in the Mesa Verde Na tional Park, Colorado. The tree is dead now, but this is due to old age, not to any squeezing of the stone in which It found lodgment. The tree made a full and healthy growth, bearing doubtless hundreds of bushels of pinon nuts, and gradually widening the crack in the rock as its trunk required more and more space. The pinons are a staple foo-d of the Indians, and the native testimony is that this tree was a favorite resort for 'the nuts for many generations. The splitting of the rock is accepted by the Indians as a fact, although not tr ' fJKr" J 3 PssSM il cobblestones and the sldewalK was of ordinary porous brick, so that with a plentiful supply of moisture soaking through, on all sides the tree might have been expected to thrive. But for the last 30 years the street has been paved with Impervious asphaltum and for the last 15 or 20 years the side walk has been paved with equally water-tight concrete through neither of which a drop of moisture can penetrate. All the moisture that this tree can get must come via the small square of earth surrounding it, which would seem hardly sufficient to nourish a good-sized shrub,' This old tree has witnessed many famous historic scenes. It has seen the marshaling of the Federal hosts at the first call to war in '61; the pass ing of the proud columns of McClellan toward the battlefield of Bull Run, and their sorry - return, and finally, when the great conflict was ended, the grand review of the battle-scarred veterans of Grant, Sherman and Sheridan. It has seen many presidents pass to and from the White House on their way to the Capitol to take the oath of office and to surrender the reins of government and, Judging from its sturdy appearance today, it will see many more. And again it has witnessed the marching of grand reunions, Knight Templar reviews and those of other military ana civio organizations men going by by the millions, fbr Washing ton is of all places the greatest of con ventlon cities. the oldest can remember the tree when it was small. The power exerted by the tree is all the more remarkable when it is known that the sandstoiTe boulder is embedded in the earth to a considerable depth, according to the engineers of the United States Geo logical Survey, probably- at least eight or 10 feet. m While the ability of trees to grow and thrive in rock soil, or perhaps in rocks where no soil is visible, has probably been noticed by most every one, there is perhaps no more striking evidence of this than can be seen in most any large city where .the streets are paved with concrete or asphaltum. The city of Washington, for instance, has dozens of large and thrifty trees which are growing In little plots soil not much larger than flower pots. Illustrating such a case is that of large elm tree which has stood In front of the Willard Hotel on Penn sylvania avenue since long before Civil war Umes. When the tree was firs planted the street was paved with Gun Makes 'Dead Shots A frightful addition to the efficacy of the revolver. A small but powerful electric light Is attached to the mechanism of a pistol of ordinarv size. By use of lenses and mirrors the glare of the circle of light which the lamp tnrows is brlgnt enough to be clearly seen in aayiignt against so dark an ob ject as a light-colored suit of clothes. Now the center of the circle of light. marked by a black spot by arrange ment of the lenses, is exactly the spot where the bullet will strike. Thus all one has to do Is to place the black cen ter of the blazing circle of light over the heart of an adversary and pull the trigger. At night the light is shockingly strong. Experiments with the new weapon show that perfect greenhorns. who have never used a revolver in their lives, can shoot far more accurately than experts using an ordinary pistol. Up to 60 yards one cannot miss a small bull's-eye, day or night, while extremely acurate shooting is possible up to 100 yards. The lamp arrange ment adjusts automatically, by levels, to distances. Army Discards Drums THE French government has reached the conclusion that the drum is no longer necessary in military affairs Acting upon the recommendation of a military commission, orders have been Issued to cast it out of the service. The history of the drum is most an cient and honorable. The Egyptian employed it, and the Greeks attribute its origin to Bacchus. The Spanish conqueror Pizarro, is said to have found drums In South America temples. Th snakes of Ireland, we are told, fie from the Emerald Isle because of th drum beats of St. Patrick. The French report sets forth that th drum is a serious encumbrance marching; that rain impairs its useful ness; that its calls cannot be distin guished in time of battle; that it con Bumes a period of years to turn out a efficient drummer, and that by aban donlng the drum many thousands youths will be released from the ser vice. Ekti Tm OUS" BUT General Pats e to Humble Privau Brave Deed of General W Man in tne Ranks Is Described by ood, Chief of Staff, U. S. Rrmvj T was perhaps during my service in tne nuippine islands tnat i . ' encountered the greatest number of heroic deeds on the part of the men who have fought with me in the Army," said General Leonard Wood, chief of staff and ranking officer of our regu lar Army, in a recent interview with a correspondent of The Oregonian. "The one, however, that stands out most clearly in my mind was that of a pri vate soldier, Fernando Keithley, of the Twenty-eighth Infantry.. It occurred along in November, 1903, while I was in command of a post established at Marahul, one of the principal ports on Lake Lanao. That part of the country of Mindanao surrounding the lake was inhabited by Moros, a people quite dif ferent from the Filipinos of other parts of the islands. They were divided into small communities, each having its own head, each independent of any other and all generally engaged in warfare to prove their independence. "Their dress, too, was varied from that of the other brown fellows, and their appearance was more or less war like. A turban and a sarong, or wide sash, completed the costume on ordi nary occasions, but it was the native kris, or sword, thrust through the sash that gave the characteristic touch to the Moro dress. To the inhabitants of Mindanao these long, sharp swords were known as campilans, and they served as their chief weapons of de fense. After the establishment of our post the Moros ceased their hostilities toward the American soldiers to a cer tain extent during the day, but a con tinuous vigil was necessary at night. At the time described we were engaged in raising the gunboats sunk in the lake some 10 years previous by the fa mous Cuban, General Weyler, upon the failure of his expedition into that country. "The boats are now in the possession of the United States, and their restora tion was a serious undertaking. The acquisition of any sort of firearms was in that country a matter of impor tance, for in most Instances the raids conducted by the Moros were for the purpose of obtaining our rifles. "Private Keithley was one of four men stationed at an outpost some three-quarters of a mile from Marahul on the night of November 14. Abou midnight figures silently surrounded the four men, and a band of 20 Moros fell upon them, killing three in the first rush. Private Keithley alone re mained. Weakened by knife wound he had received, he slowly began hi backward retreat toward the post. Th Moros followed so closely that only th bayonet on his musket was of any prac tical use. For three-quarters of a mile he kept up this brave fight. At last, stumbling into camp, he gave th : : Nv warning. Being literally cut to pieces, he almost immediately fell dead. As far as possible this brave act was re warded, and in a most unusual man ner. He stands on record as the only private soldier for whom a military post has been named. Shortly after his almost unparalleled act of valor the rule limiting the selection of post names to those of deceased officers was disregarded and Marahul became Camp Keithley." Chicago Uses 5,0 0 0,0 0 0 Hats. It requires 5.000,000 hats a year, at a cost of $6,000,000, to cover the heads of Chicago men, according to a report made public by the Association of Com merce today. The fact has developed for the information of wives and sis ters that the Chicago man pays on an averagre of only J1.20 for a hat and each man buys four or five of them a year. The report shows that the hat indus. try of the whole country is controlled by about 75 manufacturers, whose an nual business is $59,000,000. "But," adds the report, "Chicago Is the cradle of novel and extreme styles in men's headgear. It originate more varied hat styles than any other city." In Fact, a University of Indiana Professor Has Perfected Method of Photographing Sound Waves : j" VBIL LegMf K illliili UHHHHHB II X I N . -' I I II II . ft & ; I 1 I a ITS QW 'POSSIBLE Novm V ,yv .'-.V -fl i. -. t -fit v. C i ft BY ROBERT H. MOULTON. DCD you ever examine carefully a photograph of a racing automobile at full speed? If so, you undoubt edly noticed that the image was more or less blurred. The fastest camera shutter as yet devised works at a epeed of only one-thousandth of a Bec ond. This means that when an automobile Is running 70 miles an hour, or about 100 feet a second, it covers one-tenth of a foot during the interval that the shutter is open. This is sufficient to blur the image to a certain extent. Now Imagine trying to secure a sharp, clear negative of an object trav eling at the rate of 1100 feet a second more than four times as fast as a racing machine goes. Impossible, you eay? Well, what would you say if It were suggested that the object be placed only a foot or so from the cam era, remembering that photographs of racing cars are always taken at a dis tance of 60 feet or more? But that is not all. Automobiles are comparatively large objects, and to se cure even a fair negative of one at full speed it must be snapped while illu minated by the bright light of the sun. Euppose, now, that 'the object to be photographed while traveling 1100 feet a second Is not only small, but some thing quite invisible to the naked eye how would you go about describing the utter impossibility of taking its pic ture? Nevertheless this thing has been done. The man to do it was Professor Arthur L. Foley, head of the depart ment of physics of Indiana University, The object photographed by Professor Foley under the conditions named was S. sound wave, or rather many sound waves, for he has a collection of SO or 40 of the most wonderful negatives ever made. In our flay one does not need to be a physicist to know that wave motion of on kind or another plays cm Ixnpor- A in ! if - ? r v p ? - x v i v " " ' x - - . 1 "' After fim r. ysdsa f 4v - tant part in Nature and in technical applications "of natural phenomena. The simplest and most obvious type of wave motion the one to which the name is primarily applicable is that which we observe In ths ripple in a teacup, a surface-tension effect, or in the mighty ocean billow rolling on un der the action of gravitation. Such waves are essentially two-dimensional at least, their direction of propaga tion lies in a plane. A typical wave front In this case, such as that pro duced by a stone falling Into a pond, is circular in form. Other waves, and a very Important class, are three-dimensional,' the typi cal form being , spherical, each wave starting out from a source point, and spreading out as a sphere with that point as ,its center. Light waves are of this character, as well as the waves used in wireless telegraphy. In fact, the two are propagated with the same velocity through vacuum, and are identical In character except as re gards their wave length, which is of the order of one -fifty-thousandth of an Inch in the case of light, and of the order of several thousands of feet in the case of electric waves commonly used in wireless telegraphy. While the circular waves on a sheet of water are readily observable and known to every child, it is only by special means that spherical waves can be rendered visible. Light waves are themselves, of course, invisible con tradictory as this may seem. A beam of light passing through a perfectly dustless space is absolutely Invisible to an eye looking across the beam. In this sense it may indeed be said that no eye has ever "seen" a wave of "light." But there is another kind of spherical waves sound waves which, though ordinarily quite as Invisible as waves of light, or electro-magnetic waves, can nevertheless, by suitable means, be rendered observable to the sense of sight, and photographed as done by Professor Foley. The difficulties of photographing an invisible sound wave in an Invisible gas. the wave itself being merely a series of condensations and rareface tions in this invisible gas, are such that only two methods of overcoming them have ever been discovered. One method, called the Toepler or Schlieren- method, was originated by Toepler, the renowned German physi cian, whose name is familiar to every student of physics in the high schools, because it was this same Toepler 1 who Invented the electric machine to be found in almost every Laboratory. But Toepler's method had many faults. It required the use of two lenses, one of which had to be of very large size, and of the finest quality. Even then pictures taken by the Toepler method are very unsatisfactory. They are indefinite end very small, the entire picture being about the size of the end of a leadpenciL ' The wave Whose picture Is taken can never be as large as the lense which is used In taking it. With a lens five Inches in diameter one could not get a picture of a wave that had traveled more than two inches from where it started. Not withstanding these deficiencies, ad vanced textbooks on sound and light contain some of these pictures, because up to this time nothing better has been available for illustrating and verifying the theories of wave motion, But now, thanks to the genius and experimental skill of Professor Foley, perfectly definite sound wave pictures may be obtained of as large size as de sired, pictures which show the waves traveling in all directions from the source, which show them in the pro- 1 oeaa of being reflected from plane and iS-.wr2 asr- is J? W - 1 r mill r. SEE JOUN0 illliltr -v ' 'i v a ri If I "ns i Ik -1 If vo 'j IP JsrV sx ' i' j 1 y r t : y 11 v v J I 7- " "Z-O D,Z curved mirrors, being brought to & fo cus by convex lenses and made diver gent by concave lenses, doing every-, thing. In fact, demanded by the wave theory. 'Professor Foley's method of photo graphing sound waves is so simple in its fundamental principle that it can be understood by anyone. All of us, looking out oyer a field on a hot. bright day, have seen what is commonly called "the heat rising from the ground." We have also seen stars "twinkle." The heat rising from the ground is simply the confusion of the waves which reach the observer's eye after passing through air of varying density due to varying temperature. The same thing causes the twinkling of the stars, while in reality the light from the stars is absolutely constant. The astronomer tries to get above as much air as pos sible, that is into rarefied air, and as far as possible from anything that dis turbs the air, and thus avoid the twinkling. In a sense, Professor Foley has put the twinkling to a practical use. Ac cording to his own statement, the ar gument which first led him to under take the experiment was as follows: "Sound waves in air are waves of condensation and refraction, that Is, series of regions of varying air den sity. Light from a- star or any point or source of light will be bent from its straight line path when it passes through such region. Therefore sound waves produced between a point source and a photographic place should cast shadows, on that plate. Just photo graph done." At first this seems simple and easy, but not when it is explained that, ow ing to the great speed of a sonnd wave, the light of the source or star could not last longer than the mil lionth part of a second, or the shadow would be blurred. Further, If the light lasts only the millionth part of a sec ond, while it does last the light must be a thousand times as strong as the light which a camera uses when tak ing a picture in one-thousandth of a second to give good images on the plate. Still further, one must be able to turn On that light at exactly the right time, or the sound wave will not be in the correct position with refer ence to the photographic plate and other apparatus. To a large electric machine capable of giving a perfect torrent of electric sparks a foot or more in length. Pro fessor Foley connects some Leyden Jars, which act as a reservoir for the storage of electric charges. The num ber of sparks produced by the machine is reduced, because the jars must be charged before a Bpark will pass. But when a spark does occur, the entire system is discharged, resulting in a spart of great energy, the crack of which sounds like the report of a gun. This spark Is discharged through a circuit containing two spark gaps, that is, two breaks In the circuit across which the current must pass. One of these gaps, the one nearest the electric machine, is placed Just in front of a photographic plate and when the spark passes it, generates a sound wave In front of the plate. The curren then passes under the second gap, arriving there later than at the first sap. When the spark occurs at the second gap it throws on the photo praphic plate a shadow of the second wave that had been produced a moment before at the first gap. Thus the time interval between the sound and the light that is to photograph it is due to the time that it takes the electric current to pass from the first gap to the second gap. and can be regulated by changing the capacity of the cur rent. To produce light of sufficient intens ity, the spark at the second gap is made to pass between magnesium terminals placed in a tube shaped somewhat like a gun barrel, and di rected toward the photographic piate. In this way the light is in a sense shot toward the plate, and though it lasts only about the millionth part of a sec Image on the photographic plate. This image on the photographic place. This plate is carried in an ordinary SxlO plate holder placed In the reversible back taken from an 8x10 camera. When the plate holder is removed the sound wave shadow falls directly on the ground glass of the camera back, and Is distinctly seen by an observer look ing through the glass along the axis of the tube; that is, with the eyes In line with the light and sound gaps and the center of the ground glass. If the experiment is carried on in a darkened room, the wave shadow on the ground glass can be seen at a dis tance of several yards, even when the glass is viewed obliquely, therefore the waves can be seen by several ob servers at the same time. Indeed, the camera end of the box may be re moved entirely and the shadow be al lowed to fall on a white screen or large sheet of white paper, and the waves be seen by reflection. Profes sor Foley baa used this method In ex hibiting the waves simultaneously to a number of observers. The first announcement of the fact that sound waves had been photo graphed In the physics laboratory of Indiana University came about a year ago, when the college physics teach ers of Indiana held at Bloomlngton their annual meeting. At that time it was possible to see the waves and to photograph them. But the results were far from perfect, due chiefly to a deficiency of liph. Since then the intensity of the light has been In creased at least ten-fold, and the ap paratus otherwise perfected, so that the results now obtained leave noth ing to be desired. At Washington City a short time ago Professor Foley gave an account of his experiments, with pictures of his apparatus, and of sound waves in all stages of transmission, refraction and diffraction. The occasion was the annual Joint meeting of the American Association for the Arvancement of Science and the American Physical Society. The sound wave pictures were repeatedly applauded as they were thrown on the screen, and at the close of the paper the presiding officer' spoke in the highest terms of the beau tiful . pictures obtained, and the sim plicity of the method, and praised the experimental skill siiown in its execu tion. Professor Foley is the author of about 40 papers describing his re searches, but it is safe to say that when his work on sound waves is published, it will direct more attention to the physics laboratory of Indiana University than did any of his other publications. Still making his demonstrations at Washington, Professor Foley has re ceived scores of letters from educa tors in all parts of the country asking for the loan of his films in order that the pictures might be exhibited in var ious scientific classes In universities.