3 ASSOCIATION TO TELL ANGLERS 1 " TV 1 ' : i 1 - li ; J V;; -"v hjj l .v I - - 4 ; I i - vk,- , r ;J TING-A-L1XG! "Hello!" 'Is this the' Oregon Sportsmen's Association?" "Yes." "I want to go fishing next week. Tell ne where I can get some big trout." "Do you want a long trip or a short One?" "Make it as easy as possible. "The Klickitat River, on the upper Columbia, about 80 miles from Port land, is famous for the big fellows. Two miles above Maddock's ranch, on the Goldendale branch of the Northern Pacific, there is a deep hole, which is the home of a family of giants." Then follows further talk anent the train schedule, facilities for reaching the aforementioned "angler's paradise," with the proper equipment to Insure the successful luring of the big fellows irom the depths of the Klickitat pool. The relating of such telephonic con versations as the above is but a dip into the future, not an everyday inci dent, for the anglers and hunters of Oregon are to organize a State Sports men's Association this Fall, among the chief aims of which will be the dis semination of information calculated tb put the sporting public In contact with the best the state has to offer in ang ling and hunting. Minute Data Gathered. "The Angler's Guide," a pamphlet is sued by Backus & Morris, is one of sev eral publications which are valuable to the knight of the road, and experts at the various sporting goods stores can supplement this information. But after all this is but a makeshift, with details only available for a small number of resorts. Hence the advisability of the organization of the state sportsmen's association, with its elaborate bureau for the gathering land distribution of exact and minute data on the lakes and streams of Oregon. It's almost too much to ask that this bureau direct Mr. Angler to Hole No. 10 of Scrosgina Creek, where a four pound trout has resisted all blandish ments for two years, but the proper encouragement of the movement and the co-operation of anglers of every section of the state will make this al most a reality within a few years. Among the other chief objects of the organization, which is to be effected in October, are the passage of uniform game laws in the state and the protec tion and propagation of game and fish. The need for the uniformity of game laws is really the motive for the or ganization. Heretofore the legislators of each section have Journeyed to Salem IN. BECOMING CITIZEN, DR. AKED SAYS HE ALWAYS HATED MONARCHY Two Young Society Women to Conduct "Shopping Bureau' 'Mayor Rolph Victim of Joke Wife of London Physician Introduces Monocle-Of 700 Members of Dishwashers' Union 100 Are College Graduates. SAN FRANCISCO, June 21. (Spe cial.) Dr. Charles F. Aked. no ted clergyman and pastor of the First Congregational Church of San Francisco, has renounced his allegiance to King George of England and the monarchial form of government and lias become a full-fledged citizen of the United States. Dr. Aked was granted his final citi zenship papers before Judge Van Nos trand, following an examination. In which he showed himself to be exceed ingly well vecsed in National, state and municipal laws. He even Introduced an Innovation when questioned as to who made the laws for the city and county of San Francisco by declaring that in addition to the Board of Supervisors and the people the Initiative, reieren dum and recall were a factor. Following the court action. Dr. Aked issued a statement In which he de clared that he had always been a Republican-, had been born with a -hatred on monarchy, and to have been classed as a subject of any king had been ex tremely unpleasant to him from his earliest childhood. Dr. Aked says that he came to America and became- a citizen of this country because the name America means liberty. He says it would give him great pleasure to be able to ad minister a kick to that class of cheap cynio who is inclined to sneer at the Statue of Liberty from Incoming ves Many Streams Near Portland listed Already Trout with a few ideas from the sportsmen of their section, and have fought and traded to satisfy the home folks, re gardless of the other sportsmen of the state. The result is a conglomeration of conflicting laws, which suit each section in part, but none as a whole. Convention To Be Called. When the Oregon State Sportsmen's Association is organized an annual convention will be held at a central point. Delegates from all over the state will gather for a discussion of the laws and prospective changes. Each section will advance its arguments, the situation will be discussed from every angle, and the results of the conven tion printed for the benefit of the law makers. Thus, with the sportsmen a unit on game and fish legislation, there will be no excuse for the passage of detri mental laws, or the writing of certain sections into the fish and game code which meet with such strenuous opposi. tion that steps are taken to invoke the referendum. At present Oregon boasts of a number of anglers' organizations and hunters' clubs, with little in common between them and little effort made to cement either fish or game bodies. In addition to the Multnomah Ang ler's Club, the following places have organizations of fishermen: Medford, Pendleton, Josephine. Enterprise, Baker, Eugene, Corvallis, Oregon City, Tilla mook, Seaside. Burns, Brownsville, Lakeview, Roseburg, Riddle, Tiller, Al bany, Ashland, Klamath Kails and Rainier. NtmrodB Also Included. This total of 21 clubs of anglers fur nishes a splendid neucleus for the state organization, particularly as the ma jority of fishing enthusiasts are also exponents of the gun. In addition the state has a number of hunting bodies, whose members devote considerable time to fishing when the ban Is on their favorite bird or animal. But to get back to the point the pub sels, and he would not care to be found dead In a ditch beside such people. Two members of his church appeared as witnesses, but as they had known him for only two years It was neces sary to secure the depositions of two men from New York, who were mem bers of his Fifth-Avenue Baptist Church, known as John D. Rockefel ler's church. , This was Dr. Aked's first pastorate in this country. His testi mony showed that the noted minister of the gospel was born in Nottingham, England. August 22, 18 64, and that he arrived In New York In 1907. Society Worm Turns. Weary of the life of social butter flies and the incessant round of pink teas and matinees, two young sopiety women of San Francisco, both native daughters and college graduates, have pledged themselves to a serious life of business and helpfulness. They are Helen Reardon Kenealy and Alice Chipman Smith, both residents of the exclusive Pacific-avenue section. Their handsome homes will know them only after their business hours, which will be until about 10 o'clock ever night. Between times they will stand behind a little counter amid the bustle and hurry of the Ferry building, with a big sign in red and black, denoting that 'shopping is solicited." They, will es tablisn a shopping bureau, with an In formation department as a side Issue. They have secured a concession at the THE SUNDAY lic at large is intensely interested in, now that the season is at hand for the overhauling of the Ashing equipment and the desertion of the city streets for' valley, rivers and mountain lakes and brooks. The following Is a partial list of a few of Oregon's trout resorts, the ma jority of them near Portland, which will be invaded this season, with a short explanation on each: The following are streams east of Portland: Deep Creek This little stream flows into the Clackamas River about 20 miles from Portland, and can be reached in an hour's ride on the Estacada line. Good fishing can be had almost any where on the stream, although a walk of two or three miles from the carlirie will bring you to a section of the stream where the fish are less disturbed Salmon eggs and worms are the best lure for the earlier fishing. Trout Plentiful In Eagle Creek. Eagle Creek A beautiful mountain' stream on the Kstacada electric line, about five miles beyond Deep Creek. The lower reaches are not well stocked, but good fishing is found farther up. The upper watr$ can be reached with in five miles of Kstacada. Cut-throat and rainbow trout are found, both tak ing the small flies very readily. Clear Creek Another tributary of the Clackamas, which can best be reached three miles west of Kstacada. Near Viola the stream has a. fall of about 12 feet, and above this are nothing but beautiful black-spotted mountain cut throat trout, as hard as nails and full of fight. The higher up the creek you go the fatter and blacker they get. Flies and grasshoppers are good bait, with angling excellent all through the season. Cedar Creek This creek Joins the Sandy River Just below Sandy postoffice and can be reached by stage from Bor ing. In the early Spring months trout nsning is good, although the trout run small in size.. A few salmon trout are Ferry building, July 1. to become effective "Our primary intention Is to relieve mothers from across the bay from the arduous duties of shopping through their husbands," says Helen ivenealy. "Hubby leaves home in the morning with a list in his pocket a list that probably includes everything from a spool of blue silk to a stick of dyna mite for Freddy to play with. Well, he is thinking about his business or a thousand and one things. "Tho result la that husband usually returns in the evening minus the list and minus the . things. Wo hope to change all that. ' The list may be left with us and we will guarantee that the purchases will be made. It will save many a return trip and many a disap pointed mother or sister. We hope to make a specialty of telephoning alio, and will have a taxlcab for the ac commodation of our customers." Society will wait with bated breath the adventure of two of its prominent members. They themselves have been loth to talk of their new shopping venture, preferring to permit their actions to speak for themselves. Mayor la Joke Victim. Mayor Rolph was recently made the. victim of a joke, but fortunately one that had nothing but a laugh at the end. "Mayor . Bolph, let me Introduce to you Mattl Namurls, purchasing agent OREGONIAN, PORTLAND. Now Biting Bait to.Be Used caught near the mouth in, the Fall months. - - Bull Run This grand little river can be easily reached on the Mount Hood branch running out of MontavUla. On account of its open character. Bull Run has been fished hard in the past and careful work is required to get a good catch. Fishing can be had only five miles tip the stream as everything be yond that point is in the city water reserve. Little Sandy Flows into .the Bull Run just above the new .power plant. Runs in a deep, heavily timbered can yon, and is well stocked with rainbow trout. Take the stage from Boring to Marmot, where good accommodations are to be had. The trout take the fly well in the Summer months . and the limit is not unusual on the upper por tion of the stream. Salmon River Another tributary of the Sandy, about 40 miles east of Port land. Is a great favorite with Port land people who go there to camp all Summer. Tho fishing near Welch's Camp is rather slim, but is excellent a few miles further up. The stream av erages 75 feet in width and is fine for casting. The best fishing opens late in June. Sandy River This river is almost a failure as a Summer trout stream, ow ing to the grayish silt which flows down from the glaciers during the warm season. The sea trout come in from September until about December 10, and in January and February the steelhead run is at Its height. The steelheads average over 12 pounds in weight. The Sandy is by all odds the best stream for Winter sport. Clackamas BelnK Restocked. Clackamas River The most popular angling stream among Portland fisher men, can be easily reached on the Ks tacada line. Lasts well despite hard fishing and is being heavily restocked, with over half a million fingerling trout planted last year. The best fish ing 1s on the upper' river, above Caza dero, but some excellent catches were made last season near the mouth of Deep Creek and Eagle Creek. A trail has been cut up the left bank of the stream for a distance of 30 miles, a big help to camping parties. Flies are trout run from eight to 12 inches B"a irom July to September. The In for tho Japanese government," was the greeting given by Dlxwell Davenport, of the Hulluschlckle Club, at the St. Francis Hotel the other evening. There was an exchange of handshakes be t"een the Mayor and the Japanese and then, there was a general introduction to those in the Mayor's party. In five minutes the conversation had drifted to the recent strained relations between the United States and Japan, in which Namuria took no particular part, a fact that was attributed to his apparent lack of knowledge of the Eng lish language. But to emphasize for all time that this country has no Idea of breaking off the diplomatic relations between the two countries, Fay Beall suggested an adjournment to a local cafe for a sup per in honor of the visiting Oriental. All but the Mayor acquiesced. The supper .was progressing admirably at midnight and being highly enjoyed by the Japanese agent, when some strayed member of the Hulluschlckle Club hap pened into the club and,, joining the International party, greeted the guest of honor in a noticeably familiar way. It was only then that the hosts of the occasion discovered that their guest was none other than the steward of the Holluschickle Club and an un conscious tool of a practical Joke that resulted in the sudden fading away of the dinner party. Monocle for 'Women Now. Now it Is the monocle decreed . by feminine fashion as a welcome suc cessor to the lorgnette and an affected companion in woman's dress of the swagger stick. Society has discovered its presence In San Francisco and the exclusive sets of the peninsula suburbs and Oakland's Piedmont Heights are practicing to keep it in place. It's the latest fad on this side of the great Atlantic pond and has traversed two oceans to find a welcome in the exposition city. Mrs. Russell Ryan, a former Oakland JUNE 22, 1913. WHERE Depends on Waters How length, with an occasional two-pounder. , The following streams are west of Portland: i Tualatin River Flows into Willam-. ette Just above Oregon City, and can be reached by electric line from latter point. Good bass fishing can be had near its mouth. . . , - Gales Creek Tributary of the Tual atin, flowing into it a few miles be yond Forest Grove. Many cut-throat trout, with best fishing between April and. July. Scroggins Creek Branch of Tuala tin, reached on Southern Pacific. Best fishing early in season. Spoon and bait are good, with large black-spotted trout the result. Most liberally stocked. ' Dairy Creek Old Favorite. Dairy Creek Dld-timo favorite. Best fishing upper waters, reached on United Railways electric line or Tilla mook train. Noted for early fly (ish- iBg. Beaverton district In this vicinity are a number of small creeks, which yield a surprising number . of trout early In the season, but there Is little fishing after May 15. A nice stream is near Cedar Mills, two near Beaverton and another near Tigardville. Reached by auto or on suburban lines. Angle worms best bait. .The following streams are on the lower Columbia: Scappoose Creek A popular stream where the trout supply holds out well, small in size but many. After May 15 they take flies. Famous for salmon trout between September and Christ mas, particularly in lower waters. Reached on Astoria trains. Tide Creek Reached on the North Bank Railroad. Flows into Columbia two miles this side of Goble. Many rainbow trout, making catch of 30 or 40 good-sized fish not unusual. Clatskanie River Empties into Co lumbia near Clatskanie station. Many rainbow trout and sea trout and steel heads during Winter. Fishhawk Creek Flows, into Neha lem River, Just across the ridge from Clatskanie. Reached by five-mile walk from Wood's Landing, on North Bank line. Good early stream. Necanicum River Through town of Seaside. Good cutthroat trout fishing in upper waters. Excellent catches an hour's walk from Seaside. Sea trout are plentiful in Summer and Fall. Trolling spoon best In tide vitw. with sunken fly further up. November is girl, wife of an eminent London physi cian, who while here from tho Orient has been entertained on both sides of the bay, is the recognized arbiter of this latest whim of Madame Fashion. To those who have deigned to ques tion her regarding the monocle fad. Mrs. Ryan, who Is a tall and stately woman, has replied with noticeable in difference toward the apparent curios ity of her acquaintances: "Why, there is nothing particularly remarkable about It. It is part of the dress of any fashionable woman, noth ing more," and then she would drop the glass from her eye. swing it on its black band for a moment before re turning it to its place before her eye. Iaawahera Are Collesre Bred. It has been discovered, just by way of being an interesting fact, that out of 700 members of the San Francisco Dishwashers' Union there are 100 who are college graduates. It is said that this is a greater proportion of college men than can be found in any other union. The San Francisco Union is the only one of Its kind In tho United States. It was granted a charter by the Inter national Hotel Men s and Waiters' As sociation, and Its membership has been steadily Increasing since it first opened headquarters several years ago. A dishwasher gets 110 a week and eat8-" Many a chap who has had difficulty In cashing his Greek roots and logarithms has been enabled by this endowment to carry on interest ing and not entirely academic re searches in the relative food value of corned beef and cabbage, or coffee and sinkers. The records of the ' union do not show the proportion of college men. These statistics were obtained by two members, one of whom Is a former in structor in an Eastern college. After serving; four years on the college fac ulty, he resigned, to engage In a small business In Oswego, N. Y. He found TO GO to Get There Answered. fine for sllverside salmon, with sport with spoon and casting rod. In Southern Washington the Wash, ougal River furnishes fine sport. This stream, which enters the Columbia above Camas, can be reached on the North Bank road. North of Cape Horn are excellent riffles, with rainbow trout, some of them monsters, caught every year." The east fork of the Lewis River, reached on the Yacolt branch of the Northern Pacific, is also famous for huge rainbow trout. Above a point known as Horseshoe Falls is a stretch of several mlls where the pools are inhabited by big fellows. The Kalama River, reached by the Northern 'Pa cific, furnishes fairly good fishing just a few miles from the town of Kalama. Wild Pigeon Springs, 20 miles up the stream, is a trout mecca, with large rainbow predominant. The Klickitat River, 80 miles from Portland on the Upper Columbia, is another stream noted for big fellows. The best fishing is In Spring and Fall. Fine fishing is to be found near Maddock's ranch, on the Goldendale branch of the Northern Pacific. Tillamook Streams Good. The opening of the Tillamook branch of the Southern Pacific Railroad has put Borne fine streams within easy reach. Nearly all the streams in Tillamook County are well stocked with fish and, have not been whipped to death In the past. The first stream of importance on the way from Portland to Tilla mook is the Salmonberry River, where fishing is best from May to July. Salmonberry station, at the mouth of the river, and Enright station, five miles further up, are good points to work from. The Nehalem River Is grand for late Summer fishing; cutthroat are plentiful in the Spring but the best angling is after August 1. Sea trout. Jack salmon and sllversides also enter the river late. Near Batterson station are the falls, and below this point are some of the best pools. Below, at Lynorook sta tion, a boat may be used to advantage The variety of the catch, with the size of the fish, makes this river, with the Salmonberry. popular with Portland week-end anglers. Wilson Creek and Trask River are two other .great trout streams In the Tillamook country. Wilson has a good run of sea trout early in the Spring, with great fly fishing from March to June. Later in the season the results are better further up. The old stage road from Forest Grove over the moun- that ha was unfitted for business and finally had to turn his hand to the first work that came his way. Doctors to Put l"p Building. The doctors of the San Francisco County Medical Society have arranged to erect one of the largest and hand somest buildings in the city for their exclusive use a project that will in volve the expenditure of 12,000,000. "Why pay rent to others and not to ourselves?" some doctors began to ask a year ago. Under the leadership of Dr. James A. Black, with Dr. Phillip Mills Jones as secretary, the "Medical Building" plans have been perfected. A scheme of finance has been evolved that pro vides for the purchase of the Abbie M-'Parrott property at the northeast corner of Post and Powell streets, diag onally across from the St. Francis Ho tel. Ward & Blohme have completed drawings for a 13-story class A struc ture, that Is to cover the n'l lot and will cost approximately $1,250,000. The scheme of financing the big en terprise provides that 600 doctors of the County Melcal Society are to sub scribe for preferred stock to tho ex tent of something like 8600,000, to cover the "margin" of the project, the re mainder of the money to be secured by a bond issue. The buildine- is to contain ninv,-AA-. an assembly hall and a big medical li-'J ornry, in aamon to the offices, which will be reserved for members of the society. None but doctors or dentists will have offices Jn the building, (rdrai to Be Striking-. Mirrored in sylvan pools or peeping from clumps of rare shrubs, irymphs and dryads, fauns and satyrs will dis port In the Louis XVI garden, to be laid out at the Templeton Crocker home at Hillsborough, The formal part of the gardens will comprise a main terrace In front of the FISHING JtStZ ZAA' A&STkrtP 3f lalns follows .the river for 20 miles, with good camping grounds along the way. The Trask River has a pood run of sea trout, while he fly fishing on the upper waters, from June to Octo ber, is exceptionally good, the junction of the north and south forks, beins the best place. Accommodations Scarce On Deschutes. The Deschutes River, which fur nishes excellent fishing from Shearer Bridge, 40 miles from the mouth, to Bend, is now reached without trouble, the railroad following the river al most all the way. Accommodations are scarce but can be had at several points. The best fishing is from April to August, but trout are caught h11 during the open season, the supply be ing unlimited. The McKenzie River, reached by ex cellent stage service from Eugene, is considered by many as the best trout stream on the Pacific Coast. The fish are the redsldo variety, averaging large in size, and taking the fly In the gamest possible manner. One may leave Portland at 6 P. M. and be on the best portion of the McKenzie the next day. Much of the fishing 1b done by drifting down the river in a skiff on account of the wideness of the river and the brush along the shore, but a fisherman willing to walk around the inaccessible pools can secure first class fishing along the banks. May and June are the best fly-fishing months. The Rogue River, 300 miles from Portland, furnishes the monsters for those who spurn the brook trout. Here you get the 12-pound steelheads every season, with six or eight-pounders the regular thing. One can leave Port land at 8:15 P. M. on the Southern Pa cific and be on the best riffles at 10 the next morning. The best fishing on the upper river is usually in August and early September, while from Grants Pass down October Is consid ered the best month. The closing of the river to commercial fishermen has resulted In a heavy salmon run. Of all the fishing within easy reach of Portland, the salmon trolling at Oregon City is in a class by itself. The very finest sport is available an hour's ride from the city, with the cost little. The run of the Chinook salmon is at its height in April and May. Fishing is from an anchored boat or by trolling from a slowly moving boat. Fifty-pound fish are frequently caught in the deep water just below the suspension bridge. In addition to these tew streams, many others are available. with thousands of lakes, large and small. house. 400 feet long by 100 feet wide. The most striking feature will be a circular pool and fountain, with walks crossing the pool. From the terrace stately stairways will lead to a paved esplanade, which will lead to the less formal gardens stretching for some 1500 feet to ths front and rear of the mansion. The orders to the architects given by Templeton Crocker were that all ex isting grounds in the millionaires' col ony should-be outdone in magnificence at Uplands and no expense Is being spared In carrying out his wish. The carvings and marble groups of the bal ustrade alon the parapet are said to be the most elaborate to be found in any private grounds In the West. The cost of the gardens, exclusive of the statuary, is expected to run well over $100,000. Typhoid Carrier Seeks Job. "Who wants an able-bodied, In dustrious and healthy sailor to work about a home, farm or factory? Ap plicant desires to change his occupa tion. His only fault is that he is a distributor of typhoid germs." Caliofrnia's State Board of Health Is considering the advisability of insert ing this advertisement in the daily papers of the state in the hope that it can successfully dispose of Harry Olson, the "typhoid king." The Health Board is in a quandary. Olson, for the past year, has been con fined in the Government Marine Hos pital near Pan Francisco, but he has too much of an appetite and the Fed eral authorities have firmly but gently told the Ftato officers that they no longer desire. to pay the "typhoid king's" board bill, and the Board of Health has no funds available to take over the care of Olson. It is impossible to turn him loose to menace the health of private ' citizens. He must be confined in some manner so that he will not distribute the deadly bacilli.