The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 22, 1913, SECTION THREE, Page 10, Image 44

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I.' T. FT L't I n T ........ . . . ............ . mmmm
PEOPLE along the Pacific Coast, in
particular, will be interested to
hear of the high musical honors carried
off by Miss Julia Winifred Mosher, an
Oregon girl, in graduating from the
Leipzig Conservatory of Music this
Spring;. Miss Mosher Is the first girl
who ever graduated from the Leipzig
Royal Conservatory of Music In or
chestral composition. She had two of
her musical compositions accepted, one
a charming selection suitable for a
small hall, and the other one spoke vol
umes for Mlss-Mosher's talent and in
dustry, an in rendition it called for 62
players and required a large hall. The
entire faculty expressed, themselves
rre;i.tly pleased with Miss llosher's tal
fnt and the credit she had conferred on
the conservatory.
Miss Mosher is a native of the Pacific
Coast, being the daughter of the late
Charles L. Mosher. granddaughter of
the late Judge L. F. Mosher of .South
ern Oregon, and great-granddaughter
of Genera Joe Lane. Miss Mosher has
been for eight years a student at Leip
zig Conservatory of Music, and during
that time only four girls, including her
telf, have graduated from the conserva
tory in musical composition. She. and
one other graduate are the only Amer
icana. Miss Mosher and her mother
toured the United States before going
abroad. They left this state in 1903,
going south to New Orleans in time to
take part In the. Louisiana Purchase
Exposition. Mrs. MoshetiAeing a South
ern woman, t.hey spent soLie time in the
South. After visiting Xr.S St. Louis Ex
position, they traveled East, visiting
many points of interest, giving much
time to New York City and state. Dur
ing their lfng residence !n F.urope Mrs.
and Miss Mosher have passed all their
vacations in touring different countries
and they are now visiting France. They
expect to return to the Pacific Coast
in the Fall to visit their relatives.
Miss Agnes Fies sang successfully at
the commencement exercises of Pacific
College. Newberg. Or. Her gongs, the
rendition of which were received with
enthusiasm, were "Muslca Protbita"
(Qastaldon). "Pastorale"' MMowson
Marks), "A Birthday" (Bowen), and
"His Lullaby" (Bond).'
Miss Elma Gilbert has returned from
Vancouver, B. C where she went a
year ago to engage In professional vo
ral work for the Sumnwr months. She
was so. successful that she remained
there until the present time. She has
lesumed her musical activities in Port
land and will be presented in recital
this Fall by John Claire Montelth. A
professional critic in Vancouver, B. C,
writes: "Miss Elma Gilbert, dramatic
roprano, has proved herself to be a
singer of unusual ability, possessing a
voice of rare quality and wonderful
,iange. Miss Gilbert's interpretation of
t ong never fails to please."
v " Mrs. Nathan Harris will read for thj
members of her study club her own
manuscript, "The Intrigue of the Roses,"
a spectacular musical playlet In one a;t
written especially for the next Rose
Carnival In 1914.
Miss Julia Claussenlus, of 851 Thir
teenth, street, this city, returned last
. week from Chicago, . where she has
been studying voice culture for the past
two years. During her first year's
work, at the Chicago. Musical College,
Miss Claussenlus was awarded the dia
mond medal for the best average in
rcholarship-ln the teachers' department.
As a student of Arthur M. Burton, Miss
Claussenlus has enjoyed the best coach
ing in the literature of the concert
stage. July 1 Miss Claussenlus will be
heard in recital at Eilers Hall, where
she will render an interesting pro
gramme of German lleder. and French
and English songs.
"That statesman says he wants har
mony." "Yes. But he is no musician. HU
idea of harmony is permission to do a
perpetual solo." Milwaukee Free Press
Getting Even. "We are . somewhat
musical, and now the family next door
is having the daughter take singing les
sons." "Emulation, eh"
"Looks more like revenge." Wash
ington, D. C, Herald.
Mrs. Carrie Louise Dunning, who has
been coming to Portland during the
past several years, enjoying vacation in
her beautiful country home at Kellogg
Lake, near Milwauklo, will be heard in
thts city in recital soon.
The Music Students' Club had a de
lightful meeting at their club room in
Eilers Hall last Thursday. There was
a large attendance, and the programme
for the coming year was outlined. There
was a social afterward. The club meets
again in September. . .''.'-.'..
Frank G. Elohenlaub and Beatrice
Hidden Eichenlaub are presenting some
of their advanced violin and piano stu
dents, assisted by the Ensemble' Club, in
recital at the Lincoln High School Au
ditorium Friday night. The Intermedi
ate students' recital will take place
June 30 at the same hall. Any one de
siring invitations mav procure them
of Mr. Eichenlaub.
Miss Claire Graham Oakes, . of this
city, was highly complimented by
George W. Chadwlck, director of the
New England Conservatory, Boston,
when recently she played the second
and third movements of the Beethoven
concerts in E flat major, with the Con
servatory orchestra. Mr. Chadwlck
conducted and so pleased was he that
he Immediately asked her to play in
the senior class recital. Miss Oakes flrr
ishes the three years' conservatory
course Wednesday and will motor
through Western Massachusetts before
starting westward. She will visit Chi
cago, Toledo,- O., Caldwell, Boise and
DeLamar, Idaho, and will reach Port
land about July 15.
At the recent annual election of offi
cers of the Monday Musical Club Mrs.
Herman A. Heppner was re-elected
president by a unanimous votel Mrs,
G. J. Frankel was elected vice-president,
Mrs. W. J. Bruce secretary, and
Mrs. Joseph L. Stafford treasurer. The
club has enjoyed a successful year and
Is planning to give its members many
added advantages for the year 1914.
Alas! poor Enrico Caruso. He Is
again In trouble. A dispatch from the
London correspondent of Musical Amer
ica writes that Caruso was the oentral
figure in an unpleasant scene in the
Savoy Hotel recently. The story Is that
Caruso annoyed an American, who has
been for several years a resident of
London, by ogling and directing re
marks at a woman whom he was es
corting. The American took offense
and told Caruso in a voice heard all
over the foyer that he ought to be
ashamed of himself to call attention to
any gentlewoman in that manner
Whereupon It is said the tenor replied:
1 am uaruso, and I do what I likeJ
Caruso's secretary. Weber. then
stepped up and began arguing loudly,
telling the American that, "if you were
not an old man I'd punch your head
This enraged the American, who
1! --,
f V
Miss Julia Winifred Mosher
graduates from the Leipzig Con
servatory of Music; Miss Clara
Graham Oakes, pianist, finishes
her studies Wednesday at the
New England Conservatory of
Music, Boston; William H. Boyer
Is music director at meetings of
the World's Christian Citizenship
Conference, at Mult nomah
Stadium, beginning next Sunday
night; Eugene Cioffi, baritone
soloist with McElroy's Park
Band, plays solos at this after
noon's concert, and Frank Ed
ward Sanders gives pipe organ .
recital at Oregon Institute for the
Blind, Salem.
rushed at Weber, but bystanders inter
fered and Weber was led away. Caruso
In the meantime had gone to his room.
A complaint was made by the Amer
ican to the manager of the hotel, who
apologized for the incident.
At the present time there Is much
work done in connection with differ
ent recitals given under direction of
the Northwestern Normal School of
Music and Art. Last Friday afternoon
Junior and Intermediate students, Dr.
Z. M. Parvln, director, gave an enjoy
able recital at the Y. W. C. A. audi
torium, and the programme was Over
ture, "Don Juan" (Mozart), first piano,
Ida Wolf and Sarah Bloom, and (sec
ond piano, Lizzie Dellar and Moreita
Howard; "Cuckoo Waltz," Dorothy
Stein; "Spinning Song" (Ellmenreich),
Ida Solomon; "The October Party"
(Lee); "Zerilete" (Cooke). Ida and Mat
tie Solomon; "Heather Rose" (Lange).
Ida Barell: "In Rank and File"
(Lange), Mattie Solomon; "Jingle Bells"
(Fearis), Ida and Mattie Solomon. Ida
Barell and Dr Parvin; "Black Swan
Reverie" (Bonner). Ida Solomon- "A
Hundred Fathoms Deep-' .. . (Shattuck).
WT . -r : 1.' . . .
k. niuimrason; " Angel Voices
(Goerdeller). Nettie Robinson: "Ikfarf-
rilena" (Wachs); "Sonata," A major
Uiozarr, Sarah Bloom; "Chicka dee
dee'.' (White) ; "Mission of the Rose"
(Cowen), Miss Celta Graves; "The An
geles" (Kunkel), Moreita Howard; "La
Baladine" (Lysberg), Misses Wolf and
Bloom; "Boat Song" (Wachs); quartet
from Rigoletto (Englemann-Verdi).
Lizzie Dellar; "Over the Ocean Blue"
(Petrie), W. Park . Richardson; VSo
nata Op. 27,' No. 1 Andante. Allegro
and Allegro-Vivace'' (Beethoven); "Joy
ous f armer (rtartl), Ida Woi; "Charge
of the Hussars" (Spindlcr), Moreita
Howard and Nettie Robinson.
Dr. Parvln also presented, these ad
vanced piano students; Laura K. Bart
man, Sophie Dellar. Ra.e Dellar, Ethel
v. Jfe.diek and Alvena Howard in re
cital last Friday night, assisted In vo
cal numbers by Miss Celia Graves, Mrs.
Belle Cunningham Fick and V. z!
Brown, when good musical work was
A competitive and a prize musical by
students working under teachers of the
associate faculty of the school occurs
Wednesday night at 8:15. Students of
Mrs. Ella B. Jones, Mrs. Nettie Owens,
Miss Laura Bartram and Dr. Parvln,
give a musical Thursday afternoon and
teachers of the school appear In a re
cital Thursday night, all in the Y. W.
C. A. auditorium.
- m ' m '
The Knights of Columbus Glee Club
closed their season with a business
meeting and banquet at Richard's Grill
last Wednesday night, adjourning until
September, when the work will be re
sumed. - Lucien E. Becker, director of
the glee club, was toastmaster and
toasts were responded to by various
members. The musical entertainment
consisted of solos and concerted num
bers. .
An enjoyable recital under Carl Den
ton's direction was given last Tuesday
night at 49" North Twentieth . street,
when these students appeared: "Mor
ceau Caracteristique" ( Wollenhaupt),
"Barcarolle" (Offenbach), "Chant sans
Paroles" (Tschaikowsky), Miss Ada OU
ten: "Murmuring ' Zephyrs" (Jensen),
"Melodie in G Flat" (Moskowski), "Over
the Steppes" (Schytte), Raymond Lu
cas; "Prelude in C Sharp Minor" (Rach
maninoff). "Improvisation" (MacDow
ell). Lowell Fatten; "Spinning Song"
(Mendelssohn), "Rigoletto." left hand
Lalons (Leschetlzky), "Scherzo.- B flat
A r;
str Z?JrZ' r?j27zz
minor (Chopin). Miss Jennie Fisher.
Mrs. Ralph Hahn, soprano, sang with
fine effect "One Fine Day," from Puc
cini's "Madam Butterfly," and "Happy
Lay" (Del Riego). F. T. Crtrwther,
baritone, rendered artistically "Love's
Benediction" (Aly ward), and "God Bless
Thee'l (Mascheroni). Carl Denton
played a violin solo, "Romance" (Svend
son). Mr. and . Mrs. Denton , were the
piano accompanists.
Under the direction of " Frank A.
Douglas, a sacred concert was given
at St. Luke's Church, Woodburn, Or.,
last Sunday night, the following par
ticipating: Misses Mary Scollard. Madge
Scollard, Nora Beck, Delia Beck. So
phia Du Bois. Rev. W. J. Kane, F. A.
Douglas and A. H. Cain. Du Bois' or
chestra contributed a number of se
lections. The annual musical exercises of the
Oregon Conservatory of Music will be
held in the conservatory . rooms and
roof garden Friday afternoon from 3
o'clock to 5: even i Tie- s to .1 n tv,- ad
vanced students on the reception com
mittee are Misses Nlta Prcken, Edith
Beyer. Lorena Luckey. Catharine New.
ell. Hazel Stradley, Hilda Beyer, Thel
ma.Ems, Beth Stennett, Victoria Heg
ele , Gertrude . Peterson, Ruth Condit,
Lennie Bowen,. Marguerite Wyckoff,
Helen Miller, Leone Ketchum. Elsie
Gianini, Mrs. Knight. Mrs. A. E.
Gardner and Miss Ella Van Leuwen
are sUDervisine- thu Drir.tQi
tions.. The little attendants are Cecilia
bcneeland, Dorothy Short. Katherine
Short, Essel Edwards. Lucile Tragllo.
Esther Stewart, Nelda Drennan. Mrs.
L. H. Edwards, director, has charge of
the musical programmes, . and invita
tions can be secured at .the conserv
atory. '
A correspondent from Eugene writes:
As the various branches of the school
oi music ot the University of Oregon
appeared at eight or 10 affairs of the
commencement week exercises, the ex
tended account of merely one of those
recitals given by students of two of
the teachers did. not tell all of the ac
tivities or . the department of music
There were three other students' re
citals, one by advanced students of Carl
v. Ojaenmund, the dean of the school
and Miss Benton, with violin students
of Miss Forbes; . one by intermediate
students -or Miss Albertina Campbell,
Miss Nell Murphy, Miss Ina Watkins
and Miss Lillian Prosser: and, most
noteworthy of all, the g-iaduating re
cital by Miss Ruth Davis and Miss Jes
sie Fariss, who took the degree of M.
B.. and are students of Carl V. Lach
mund and Miss Benton. The university
orchestra, under the direction of Miss
Winifred Forbes, played the Grieg
music to Ibsen's "Peer Gynt play,
which was given In the open air, and
again at the ' Eugene Theater. The
orchestra also appeared at several other
affairs, enlarged by local musicians and
a number brought down from Portland.
William Wallace Graham and Miss Car
melita Sullivan appearing as soloists.
A large orchestral and choral concert,
with Carl V. Lachmund as director, was
given at Villard Hall, which was
crowded to overflowing. Miss Eve Stin
son, Miss Winifred Forbes and David
Campbell, of the faculty, appeared as
soloists. Among .the most applauded
numbers of the evening were aJSwiss
Idyl," played by Miss Carmelita Sul
livan, William Wallace Graham, and
Roscoe Lyans, and a "Tarantella Neo
politana," for full orchestra, both com
positions of Mr.. Lachmund.
The first concert of McElroy's Park
Band this . season takes place at the
City Park at .2:30 o'clock this after,
.noon, with W. E. McElroy as director.
lib :t :
and Eugene Cioffi, trombone soloist.
The programme: March, "The Banner,"
(.von mon);- overture, "II Guarany,"
(Gomez); baritone solo, Erl tu," from
grand opera "Un Ballo In Maschera,"
(Verdi), Mr. Cioffi; medley, "Remlcks
Popular Songs," (arranged by Lampe);
Intermission; selection "Algeria," from
Victor Herbert's opera (arranged from
the original score by Otto Langey);
waltz, "Les- Sireenes," ( Waldteufelj ;
"Procession of the Knights," Parsifal,
(Wagner-Tubani); grand selection,
"Atilla," (Verdi).
One of the musical events of Salem's
commencement season was at the Ore
gon Institute for the Blind; when T. S.
Roberts presented Frank Edward San
ders in organ recital. Mr. Sanders, who
Is not 20 years old, shows musical tal
ent of a high order. Born blind, he has,
in addition to his musical education,
whidi includes a mastery of the piano,
completed a high, school course and can
speak and read three languages, be
sides English. . His remarkable ability
is recognized, inasmuch as his study of
the pipe organ has covered a period of
but 15 months. His entire musical ed
ucation has been acquired at the Ore
gon Institute for the Blind, under the
direction of Mr. Roberts.
From the opening number of the pro
gramme Mr. Sanders showed a thorough
musical understanding of the works he
played. The programme opened with
"Toccata and Fugue in D Minor"
(Bach), one of the heavy compositions
in the range of the pipe organ litera
ture, and was rendered In brilliant
style. "The Chimes of Dunkerque."
an organ arrangement of an old. folk
song, gave Mr. Sanders an opportunity
to display his skill in manipulating the
The Beethoven "Allegro," from "Con
certo in C Minor," was rendered with
line technical clarity and accuracy. Mr.
Roberts' pipe organ, accompaniment
was taken from the orchestral score
and was rendered in a. manner which
proved him to be master of the In
strument. The other numbers on the
programme were played in a way to
bring out the Individual character of
each piece and the whole recital was a
marked success.
A "successful piano recital by stu
dents was given under the direction of
Florence V. Wuest at Centenary Meth
odist Episcipal Church last Friday
night. The recital was'uniuue In that
the first half, of the programme con f
sisted. of original compositions which
were rendered by the young composers.
The selections were: Part 1 Original
compositions by the little composers,
"Morning Song, , Op. 1, No. 1" (Kenneth
Mcintosh); "Purple Asters, Op. 1, No.
4" and "Thanksgiving Song, Op. 1, No.
B (Howard Herron): 'Woodland '
Zephyrs, Op. 1. No. 2" (Lillian DeMars);
"The Bell. Op. 1. No. 6.'.' (Milton Rowe);
"Flowers' Lullaby, Op. 1, No. 4" (Leverne
Mcintosh); "March of the Soldiers, Op.
1. No. S" (Howard Stewart). Part 2
Song. ' "The Little Gipsy Boy" (Ga
briel), "Horace Klngsley; "Little Boy
Blue" (Engleman), Howard Herron: (a)
"Etude in G. Major" (Gaynor) and (b)
"Dancing Butterflies. Op. 88" (Kern).
Frances Jones; trio, "Bewitching Fairy
Polka" (Keller). Stephen Matthieu, John
Baikie, Irving Healy; song. Miss Ruth
Barlow; "Sonatina. Op. 55, No. 1" (Kuh.
Ian). Leverne Mcintosh; "Scherzino, Op.
64, No. 2" (Handrock); Milton Rowe;
"Sonata, Allegro, Op. 49, No. 2'" (Bee
thoven), KennethMcIntosh: "Valse Ep
isode, Op. 160"(Kern), Doris Kellogg;
duet, "War March" (Mendelssohn), Lei
verne and Kenneth Mcintosh.
At the White Temple. June 30, J.
William Belcher will present in recital:
Mrs. C. Mankowski, Miss Hazel Har
die. Miss Grace Dawson, Miss Maude
Belcher, Miss Zoe McClung; Miss Hen
rietta Holum, Arthur Harbaugh, Clif
ford Woodland, and the Wednesday
Women's Club.
-- . '-..
Tile fourth piano students recital of
the season under direction of the Beck
er Conservatory of . Music takes place
Tuesday night at the Y. W. C. A. Audi
torium, when the programme will be
participated in by Miss Trade and
Edith Moyer, Miss Lucile Holman, Mrs.
Malena E. Kinder, Miss Ruth Confrey,
Wayne Carroll, Mis3 Gladys Mitchell,
Miss Muriel Hayes. Miss Helen Cal
breath, Mrs. Edna Moore Rethlefsen,
Carl Sutton. Miss Nina Dressel. Hell
muth Krause and Miss Mirian Lehr.
J- William Belcher was host to about
45 of his students at his home in Irv
lngton last Tuesday night.
Mrs. Nlta Briggs-Clifford will pre
sent a number of students In a piano
recital at . Eilers Hall. Friday night,
assisted by violin students - under di
rection of Arthur L. Clifford.
Stella Carey, vocal teacher of Ab
erdeen, Wash., is spending her Summer
vacation In Portland.
Robert Boice Carson, tenor; Welles
Lovegren, baritone, and Mrs. William
Marshal, soprano, were the soloists en
gaged for the Musical Festival at Ray
mond, Wash., last Thursday and Fri
day. Lulu Jones Downing, the well-known
composer, will tour the Pacific Coast
the- coming season.
Miss Dorothea Nash presented four
junior piano students in recital yes-
teraay at Eilers Hall, when this pro
gramme was excellently rendered: "Ro
mance of Pierrot and Pierrette" (Burg-
mein ), Margaret and Eva Versteeg
"Rider's Story" (Schuman). "The Jug
gler" (Hall), "Goodnight" with words
(Krogman). "Valse Serieuse" (Fradel),
"Minuet" (Parlow), Zelba Mosessohn
Mrs. Lulie W. Itobbina and Professor
V. G. Dubscb.
Corvallis, June 21. (Special.) An
nouncement has been made of the aD-
pointment of two new members to the
Instructional staff of Oregon Agricul
tural College Mrs.-Lulie W. Robbins,
of Springfield, 111., comes In July to do
extension work In home economics, and
U. G. Dubach from the University of
w isconsin to rui the cnair of political
Mrs. Robbins -will occupy a new po
sition created In the extension divi
sion, and will do Instructional and
demonstration work in connection with
the Itinerant schools and farmers' in
stitutes which Senate bill 72 authorizes
the college to promote throughout the
state. She received her special train
lng at the City Normal School, Indian
apolls, Ind., and at Teachers' College,
Columbia University, and comes to O.
A. c. after a number of years of suc
cessful work In the Middle and West
ern States.
Professor Dubach will have the class
work in political science and econora
lcs. He has attended Kansas State
Normal School, is a graduate of Indl
ana University and received a master'
degree from Harvard in 1909. --
' t ft
aged 6; "Sonata." C Major, three move,
ments. accompaniment written by Grieg
for second piano (Mozart). Eva Vers
teeg. aged 11; "Tango" (Albeniz). "Song
of the Daffodil" (Farrar). "Scherzino"
(Glover). Eva Versteeg; "Gigue" (Jig)
(Scarlatti), "Scotch Poem," from
Heine, "The Brook." "Moonlight" (Ros
settl), ' "Improvisation" (MacDowell).
Miss Medora Steele; "Fourth Barcar
rolle." Venetlenna, and "En Courant"
(Godard), Miss Medora Steele.
At the St. James' English Lutheran
Church, - last Sunday morning, was
given a Children's Day Cantata, the
music-for which was composed by the
organist, Mrs. James Harvey Johnson.
The cantata consists of a number of
bright and tuneful choruses, solos and
duets, and. was well given. Miss Paul
ine Bolmson at the piano and Miss Gail
Meyers and Miss Lillian Bolmson with
violins, assisted.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. DeVin entertained
a number of their friends last week
with a special musical treat at their
hospitable home in Mt. Tabor. The host
and hostess were assisted by the Misses
Emily and Florence McElroy.
A pipe organ recital by Miss Aliens
Trimm, under the direction of Leonora
Fisher Whipp, takes place' at the First
Methodist Church tomorrow night at
8:30 o'clock, with the assistance of Miss
Irene Trimm, violinist. The programme:
"Prelude and Fugue in B Flat" (Bach);
"Prelude and Melody in F" (Read):
"Salut d' Armour" (Elgar); "Fantasia"
(Stainer); "Canzonetta" (Federlein);
"Berceuse," from Jocelyn. (Godard);
"Dithyramb" (Lucas).
There is no admission charge.
The concert by Madame Edla Lund
In the auditorium of the Lincoln High
School, Wednesday evening, under the
auspices of St. James' Lutheran Church,
was a well attended and enjoyable af
fair. Among the noteworthy selections
rendered and " which proved Madame
Lund to be an artist of exceptional
ability, were: "With Verdure Clad"
(Haydn), , a selection of Swedish songs
by Greig and Heise and a prayer from
"Tosca" (Puccini). Madame Lund was
ably assisted by Miss Rudd. accom
panist; Mrs. C. O. Young, reader; Miss
Myrtle Hanson, contralto; Charles
Swenson, pianist, and. the Wednesday
Evening Choral Club, under the direc
tion of Miss Catherine Covach.
Rehearsals of the chorus to sing at
the meetings of the World's Christian
Citizenship Conference are to be held
Tuesday and Thursday nights at the
First Methodist Episcopal Church.
Third and Taylor streets. William H.
Boyer director. The first appearance in
public of the chorus will-be next Sun
day afternoon at the Multnomah field
platform. - On the evening of June 30
the chorus will sing the "Hallelujah"
chorus from Handel's "Messiah"; on the
evening of July 1 the Apollo Club will
sing Schubert's "Omnipotence." with
Miss Collais as soloist, and also "Silent
Recollections (Pache), and on the
evening of July 3 the big chorus choir
will sing "Inflammatus" from Rossini's
"Stabat Mater," with Mrs. Rose Bloch
Bauer as soloist. All singing societies,
church and Sunday school choirs and
other singers of the city are desired to
join the grand chorus. No special in
vitations are being issued and the an
nouncement is intended as a general
invitation to join the chorus, whichwill
sing at all evening sessions.
Mrs. E. H. Bell, a piano teacher and
musician of Irvlngton, is leaving for
new York Thursday.
A piano' and vocal recital will be
given by students, under direction of
Charles Swenson and Julie Helena
Swenson,' at the Immanuel Lutheran
Church, Wednesday night, assisted by
the Amphion male quaret. The stu
dents participating are Misses Cecelia
and SelvUia Ericson. N. Palm, Blanche
Henderson, Agnes Odeen, Edith Swan-
man, Charlotte. Sherlock. Ethel John
son, Lillian Swanson. Leala Braus.
Annie Matson, Helen Petlbone. Maori
Egbert. Ruth Swanson, Alice Johnson,
Mrs. Herbert Odeen, Henry Dahl,
Ernest Olson. W. Kohler. J. Clinton and
Acton Ericson. -
Mrs. J. Harvey Johnson, who has
been organist of St. James' English
Lutheran Church for the past four
years, has been re-engaged for Tiext
"In the Shadows," words and music
composed by A. Musgrove Robarts, was
sung in all the Christian Science
churches in this city last Sunday, and
was much admired. Both words and
music have a peculiarly restful effect,
and form an admirable whole. The se
lection was also sung in 60 Christian
Science churches in this country last
Sunday, by arrangement and selection.
It will be sung also by II. G. Whipp. bari
tone, at one of the meetings of the New
Thought Convention to be held in this
city- shortly. Mr. Whipp was first
asked to submit a list of the songs he
proposed to sing, and "In the Shadows"
was at once chosen, winning many
Stuart McGuire has been appointed
solo baritone and choir director next
season of the White Temple choir.
At the First Universality Church last
Friday night, the annual recital of the
Institute of Musical Art. Miss Bda.
Trotter, director, was held, and was a
successful and enjoyable affair, all the
students acquitting themselves admir
ably. Those who took part were: Helen
Steed. Thelina Steed, Margaret Dillane,
Dillane Schloth. Katherine Dunbar.
Rose Kennedy, Isabelle Cook, Georgia
Forney, Dorothy Miller, Kenneth Bar
bour, Grace Jacobsen, Ruth Hawn,
Robert Barbour, Dick McLardy, Ken
neth Barbour, Frances Wardner, Earl
een Smith. Jeanette Reierson, Alice
Clemens. Gretchen Jackman. Helen
Dougherty. Louise Jacobsen. Grace Ja
cobsen. Miss Marjorie Trotter, Ruth
Lechler.Dorothy Girdner. Blanche Reier
son, -Ann Mathison, Florence Jacobsen.
Jeanette Ogden, lva Anderson and Eve
lyn Snow. The judges who awarded the
gold medals for best work were Mrs.
Ursula Ellison Ydunp, Kenneth Daw
son and Miss Eda Trotter. Those who
received prizes were: Seventh grade.
Miss Jeannette Ogden, first: Miss Flor
ence Jacobsen, second: Miss Blanche
Reierson. third. Sixth grade. Miss Dor
othy Girdner, first; Miss Alice Clemens,
second; Miss Gretchen Jackman, third.
Intermediate department. Miss Louise
Jacobsen, first: Master Dick McLardy,
second; Miss Ruth Hawn, third. Owing
to the remarkable musical progress
achieved by little Miss Frances Ward
ner, who is Just 6 years old, the Judges
decided to award her a prize for spe
cial merit.
At Calvary Presbyterian Church Fri
day night at 8:30 o'clock the programme
will be given with Miss Meta C.
Brown, director. Miss Margaret Larn
berson, organist, assisted by Miss Lllah
Rogers, soprano: Chorus, "Blanch"
(Kucken); "Violet and Bee" (Caldlcott);
solo. "Dost Thou Know that Sweet
Land?" from "Mignon" (A Thomas).
Miss Rogers; chorus. "Nightingale and
Rose" (Lehnert); "Bells of Shandon"
(Geo. B. Nevin); solo, "Erlking" (Schu
bert), Miss Brown; chorus, . "Gaily In
Our Boat We Row" ( Woolley) ; "Sing
a Song of Sixpence" (Barnett); "The
Waves Were Dancing Lightly" (Kuck
en); solo, "Flnlandla" (Sibelius), Miss
Lamberson; solo, "Faithful Johnnie"
(Beethoven), Miss Rogers; chorus,
VDaybreak" (Gaul).
Miss Florence Macbeth, a beautiful
young i singer from Chicago, who has
Just made her London debut In Omen's
hall, is In musical circles proclaimed
a coming TetrazzinL Her voice is de
clared by critics to be a wonderfully
rich coloratura soprano of wide range
and rare, sweetness.
Miss Macbeth sang with the London
Symphony Orchestra, Thomas Beecbam
Paderewski and the
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conducting, and her splendid notes
stirred to intense enthusiasm the mem
bers of the orchestra as well as the
large audience, which included royalty
and many other persons of high rank.
inis lovely American girl has lit
erally sung her way into the heart of
tne most exclusive London circles," is
the way one critic refers to Miss Mac
beth. "
At the campfire programme of the
Pioneers last Thursdav-Mrs. Edna Dob-
Ins sang "Bell Brandon." accompanied
on the piano by Mrs. Slla B. Jones. D.
... Bowers played a medley hornpipe
on the violin, and Stuart McGuire sang.
Miss Mary Garden, who came to
Paris after a triumphal tour of Amer
ica, is seriously ill at her apartments
ana. pnysiclans retuse to allow eve
her closest friends to see her. Mis
Garden's collapse is complete. She is
tired out after a busy season of con
cert and opera, when she worked too
nurd at a high salary.
Mrs. Earl E. Goodwin played
charming and difficult solo. "Praver.
by Bazzini, for the offertory at Taylor
Street Methodist Episcopal Church last
sunciuy nignt.
One of the musical numbers at the Y
W. C. A. Auditorium last Sunday was a
violin solo, "Elegie" (Luigi Musso),
finely rendered by Miss Florence Mc
Elroy. One of the social and musical events
of the week will be c playlet given by
the young people of the Church of the
Stranger, Grand avenue and Wasco
street. Friday night. "The Old Maids'
Association" shows plenty of comedy,
and with excellent musical and oratorio
talent, which is Included in the cast,
a good entertainment will be provided.
A first-class concert was given under
the direction of Robert Burton, tenor,
last Thursday night at Christensen's
Hall, when he was assisted by Miss
Leah Slusser, sopranoo Miss Delphine
Marx, contralto; Miss Carrie Louise
Aiton, violinist, and Warren G. Hath
away, piano accompanists. There were
many encores, and the programme was
an excellently chosen one.
m m
Mrs. Theodore Osmund, soprano, and
Oscar Laurence Woodfin, baritone, were
soloists for the Elks' flag day celebra
tion, Oregon City.
A large and appreciative audience at
Bush & Lane Piano Co.
Manufacturers of
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tended the concert given by the Monta
villa Choral Society under the direction
of Oscar Laurence Woodfin. and the
programme was: Violin. "Gavotte in
D" (Henniker), Arnold Smith: chorus.
"In the Mill" (Jensen); quartet, "The
llosary" (Nevin): "I Love You Truly"
(Carrie Jacobs Bond); "The Birth of
Morn" (l.eonl). Miss Maud Warner:
"Swing Song" and "Trot Here and
There" (Messager). Miss Maurine Cam
bell and Mr. Woodfin: part song for
women's voices. "Barcarolle." from
"Tales of Hoffman" (Offenbach):
"Somewhere a Voice Is Calling" (Tate);
"I Hear a Thrush at Eve" (Cadman).
Miss Madeline Stone: "Jean" (Bur
leigh); "Oh, That We" Two Were May
ing" (Nevin); "Banjo Song" (Godard),
Arnold Smith; Miss Sadye Evelyn Ford
and Mr. Woodfin were the accompan
ists. The pick of music from recent pro
grammes will be sung by the Apollo
Club (William H. Boyer. director) at
the popular concert to be given at the
Oaks Friday night. Preference has
been given to the most exquisitely mu
sical compositions, rather than the mors
intricate and classical, but the one
great descriptive choral. "Kaiser Rorh
bart." will be given as an example of
the majestic and powerful compositions
of Padbertsky. Another number with
a wonderful spirit and fire will be Ar
thur Foote's "Bedouin Love Song:' the
popular "Absent" (Metcalf-Lynes).
beautifully harmonized for men's
voices: "Silent Recollections" (Fachc);
"Drink to Me Only, Braham's "Lullaby, '
Prothroe'8 "De Sandman's Comln',
Honey," and possibly two other pleas
ing numbers will comprise the ligher
part of the musical offering. Dom J,
Zan, baritone, will sing the solo obil
gato in "Dreams" (Be Schnitt), accom
panied by a running river of melody by
the chorus, and Joseph P. Mulder, tenor,
will also sing one solo. This event will
close the fifth musical year of the
Apollo Club.
Scio to Celebrate Fourth.
SCIO, Or., June 21. (Special.) A
Fourth of July celebration will be held
here this year, and extensive plans ara
being made. The Bohemian Lodges,
Z. C. J. B. and T. J. S., are the origina
tors of the movement, and it Is under
their management that the programme
is being arranged. This Is the first
celebration hold at Srio for 10 years.