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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1913)
8, THE ' SUNDAY OKEGOMAJN, POtTLANDr J UAJJ liUS. STATE OF QREGQN TO SEND 75 OR 80 HEROES TO GETTYSBURG Veterans to Participate in Reunion Which Wi in 50 Years. . " r : ' - ; $, V Vh f -V ' - I V . re y) lJhA i -V LJ 'jSPJr , ,111 . 11 pifif Ptefe, p! terH : rW ;vP:ii "Isi i'&t ; 'h':1 ' tfw-.. . .'J - N ' ! r I I. n u.,-.,. , -i ' ' n n T- . i f r - 5V J i i,' 1 v ? f 4 1 f v 4M' r sX'i?1 li - i ;" S Lincoln, r.jji. hi classio' ,tett s ZjL burg- address saltl.' ;"thi9 wortil will .lit ttc ''note, '-nor long-remember what we say,-. here.'" so it-s with reference to the pJana now belngr-'made Tor the ubservani-u the fiftieth anul versary of the 'great battle. V- Oregon is' preparlnK. toJsenT ?C or 80 of Its surviving heroea of that historic o;ifiict back to tiettyatmrtj . to- ivarticL pate in the reunion whicli will brinir many of these brave men comrades then. but almOst trangera now to gether for the. -first time in the 50 "years since that;. bloody struK'gle took -jilace. The fen of" man' is powerless -to rec ord anything that will add to tha slory or that will brlg-hten the luster, of those brave men liviiiK and .'dead who half a century ago risked their lives in the cause of freedom. - Tlie. mere statement of facts speaks more eloquently than the" most brilliant orator or ff if ted' poet. Here.then, are the records. Of a few of the Oregon '"boys"" who-, wilL' leave next Vt4-nes4ay for- "the . scene of ' the reunion: .. - . ' ,. .,' .,.'. . IsraeT Spencer, of Veronia, Or., was a member of Company; A, 136th New York Volunteer Infantry, and partici pated in the tollowinK battles: Chan celloreville. Gettysburg:, Hacconn liidge. Missionary . Ridge, Lookout Mountain, Marrietta, Peachtree Creek,- Atlanta, Savanah, . Averysboro, Bentonvllle, Buz. zard's Roost, Snake Creek Gap, Pal ton, Resacca", Dallas,- Big- 6-hanty, -Burnt Hickory, New Hope Church. . Kenesaw Mountain and others. He was wounded in tlie shoulder at Gettysburg and In the left arm at Bentonvllle. C-K. Reynolds, of Tillamook, enlist ed May-7. 1861,- in . Company- H, Tenth Pennsylvania Reserve Corps lor three Vears. He re-enlisted December 16, J.S63, in, Ccnimny D, One Hundred., and Ninetieth Pennsylvania' "Bucktails." He was in all Jhe battles of the Army of the Potomac- except the-first battle of Bull Run, 47' In number and was. dis charged at Harris burg, June 16, :1865. He la at present commander of Corinth Post, No. 35. G. A. R.. at Tillamook, and aide de camp to the grand commander. B. J. Hawthorne ' was a Captain in Pickett's Division at . Gettysburg. He enlisted as private in Company G, Thirty-eighth Virginia Regiment in ' the Spring -of 1861. In June of that year a was promoted to the rank of. Lieu tenant. For bravery on the field at the Battle of Malvern Hill, he was pro moted' to Captain and assigned to duty on the staff of General Lewis A. Armt stead, commanding a brigade in Pick ett's division. . He was actively engaged In seven battle during the war: Mal vern" Htll.-. Harper's' Ferry, Antietam (Sharpsburg). Fredericksburg Gettys burg. Five Forks, Sailors' Creek and In various skirmishes. He was captured and escaped three . times: Gettysburg with General Arralstead, who was lead, lng the charge of Pickett's Division, in which General Armlstead was killed. At Five Forks he escaped: under cover of darkness: at Sailors' Creek he was taken again but won out In a duel with a cavalryman. He surrendered at Ap pomattox Courttfouse in April, , 1S65, after serving during the entire war. from 1S61 to 1865. He was wounded at Gettysburg. John M. Parry enlisted in Rochester. N. Y., in September.. 1S61. in Battery L, First New York Light Artillery, bet ter known as "Reynolds' Battery." and was mustered Into service with the company at Elmira, N. Y., Oatober 10, 1861. Almost immediately the battery was ordered to Washington.- and there received guns (10-pound steel' Rodman) and horses with other equipment. After six months in "Washington and Balti more It was ordered to the Shenandoah Valley to help drive Jackson back from one of his raids. His first real battle was Cedar Mountain, Va., under Gen eral Pope, then in rapid sui-cesslon Itappahanock Station, White Sulphur Springs. Gainsville. Second Bull Run. H then was transferred to the Army it