The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 22, 1913, SECTION THREE, Page 2, Image 36

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ASIDK from a few small dinners and
dances arranged over ths tele
ptone, the last week was given up
almost entirely to the subdebutantes,
each day bringing: forth some informal
diversion among the young people.
They are rapidly invading the sphere
of their elders, giving large card
parties, teas and dances of a formal
The latter form of entertainment,
however, is still the most popular with
the energetic belies and beaux, and
apropos of dancing it might be inter
esting to know that society in Paris
has suddenly dropped the Tango in
favor of the new Brazilian Machlche
and Pericon, the latest freak In dances.
It Is almost impossible to keep in touch
with the newest steps, they come
tumbling over each other with such
rapidity, and every new one is more
difficult than Its predecessor.
Much of the interest of the latter
part of the week centered around the
golf " tournament,, which has been one
of the most interesting ever held here.
Parties of the smart set motored out
to the links of the Waverly Country
Club each day to watch the play, and
little tea parties and dinners rounded
out each day's gaiety. Last night was
quite a gala one, wi(h the closing of
tne tournament, merriment reigned su
preme, and jolly dinners, followed by
dancing, made a brilliant finale to one
of the best tournaments in the history
of the club.
The wedding bells will announce two
interesting weddings this week. On
Tuesday evening Miss Louise Morton
Williams will "become the bride of Wil
liam Hubbar5 Patterson, and Wednes
day Is the day chosen for the McAr-thur-Smith
nuptials. ' Among -other
large And smart affairs is the bridge to.
be given' on Tuesday afternoon at the
Waverly Country Club by Mrs. Thomas
Honeyman and Mrs. James D. Honey
man; the large reception to be given
In honor of Mrs. Barry Q. Bastham by
Mrs. P. F. Morey and the Misses East
ham on Friday, and the reception also
on Friday at which Mrs. Frank R. Kerr
will present her sister, Miss Dellberta
Stuart, a most attractive young wo
man, formally to society.
Miss Ruth Teal will preside ' at a
tnncheon on Thursday in honor of her
house guest. Miss Stout, of Chicago,
and will close the week with a dinner
at the Waverly Country Club on Satur
day evening.
The wedding of Miss Lucile Smith to
Clifton Nesmith McArthur will be a
brilliant affair. It will be a large
church wedding, taking place at Trin
ity Church on Wednesday evening at
8:30 o'clock. Rev. A. A. Morrison will
be the officiating clergyman. The
bride will be attended by Miss Kemna
Klosterman as maid of honor and Mr.
McArthur's brother, Lewis A. McAr
thur, will act as best man. The ushers
will be: John R. Latourette, Henry
Ladd. Corbett, George Klrkham Smith,
Ferd C. Smith. Maurice Dooly, Dr.
Frederick J. Ziegler.
Miss Smith has been one of the most
feted of the brides-elect, among the
affairs given Jn her honor recently be
ing the tea presided over by Miss Klla
Stephens on Tuesday afternoon, when
the bride-elect shared honors with Miss
Ruth Church, another bride-elect, and
Miss Genevieve Thompson, who has
just graduated from law school with
high honors. About 50 guests called
during the afternoon and the samovars
were presided over by Mrs. Joseph N.
Teal and Mrs. Carl L. Wernicke.
Mrs. Walter J. Gearin also compli
mented Miss Smith with a bridge-tea
Thursday afternoon. Seven tables
were arranged for the games and about
SO additional guests called at tea-time.
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Crystal and silver bowls were filled
with bridesmaid roses, and were ar
ranged artistically in the drawing
rooms. Roses and sweet peas carried
out the color scheme of pink in the dining-room
which was presided over by
Mrs. Harry J. Litt and Mrs. Guy Mene
fee Standifer. They were assisted by
Miss Gretchen Klosterman, Miss Kemna
Klosterman, Miss VOna Guthrie, Miss
Janet Noble and Miss Grace Gear
In. Mrs. Gearin's guests for bridge
included: Miss Williams, Miss Mar
garet Bates, Miss Frances Fuller, Miss
Grace Gearin. Miss Lela Guthrie, Miss
VOna Guthrie. Miss Gretchen Kloster
man, Mrs. Hugh Gearin, Miss Dorothy
Moulton, Miss Ruth- Small, Mrs. Guy
Standifer, Miss Ruth Standifer. of Los
Angeles; Mrs. Ambrose Scott, Mrs. John
Twohy, Miss Josephine Cronan, Mrs.
Coe A. McKenna, Miss Louise Small,
Miss Clarice Biles, Mrs. Harry Litt.
Mis3 Mary Kern, Miss Harriett Kern,
Miss Janet Noble.
Miss Irene Daly also was a hostess
honoring Miss Smith with an informal
luncheon and bridge party at the Wa
verly Country Club on Wednesday.
Covers were laid for eight. .
Miss Calista Stout, of Chicago, will
arrive tomorrow evening to be the
house guest of Miss Ruth Teal for a
fortnight. Miss Stout was a school
mate of Miss Teal's at Mrs. Spence's
School in New York, and is one of this
Summer's debutantes. Miss Teal will
preside- at a luncheon on Tuesday In
her honor, and will also give a dinner
dance at the Waverly Country Club on
Saturday evening.
Mrs. Robert W. Lewis, who left a
few weeks ago to attend the class re
union at Wellesley College, will return
to her home Thursday.
Mrs. McCamant and son are visiting
Mrs. McCamant's mother in Easton,
Pa., and were accompanied by Mr. Mo
Camant, who is now en route to Port
land. Mrs. McCamant will remain a
few weeks longer, making trips to
nearby cities. She expects to return In
m m m
Miss Sallie Hart, who has Just re
turned from an extended tour abroad.
Is at present the guest of Mrs. Philip
Johnson, of Richmond, Va. Since her
return she has been visiting In Boston,
New York and Virginia, and will re
turn to her home this week. Mrs. John
son, acocmpanied by her daughter, Miss
Mary Scarborough, and Miss Helen Fol
lett, of Madison, Wis., will leave this
week for a trip through the National
Glacier Park, and will arrive in Port
land In July to
pass the Summer
Complimenting Mrs. Carter Pitkin
Pomeroy, of San Francisco. Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Scott Brooke were dinner
hosts Friday evening. Covers were laid
for eight. Mrs. Pomeroy, who has been
the guest of her son-in-law and daugh
ter for a fortnight, will leave for her
home tomorrow.
Miss Harriet Pomeroy will remain
with her sister for several weeks
One of the jolliest affairs of the past
week was the dance given by Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Shevlin at their residence
on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs.
Shevlin's guests Included about 50 of
the younger set, as well as a few of
the younger married couples. Their
handsome home on Twentieth street
was decorated artistically with a pro
fusion of La France roses, syrlnga and
palms. The verandas were inclosed
where a buffet supper was served.
Mrs. Marlon F. Dolph was hostess to
the Thursday Afternoon Bridge Club at
an extra meeting on Monday. A num
ber of the members were unable to be
present, and Mrs. Dolph asked several
of her priends to substitute. The guests
were Mrs. J. Andre Fouilhoux,, Mrs.
Morris H. Whitehouse. Mrs. Elizabeth
Freeman, Mrs. John Emerson Cronan,
Mrs. Victor A. Johnson, Mrs. George K
Wentworth, Jr., Miss Inez Barrett, Miss
Hazel Weidler. Miss Claire Hougton,
Miss Hazel Crocker and Miss Bertha
Tongue. Card honors fell to Mrs. White
house. Mrs. Johnson and Miss Houfrh
ton. - ,
Miss Harriet Pomeroy, of San Fran
cisco, who Is the house guest of her
sister, Mrs. Thomas Scott Brooke, was
the inspiration for an attractive lunch
eon presided over by Miss Barbara Mac
kenzie at the Waverly Country Club on
Tuesday afternoon. Seated around tho
table were Miss Pomeroy. Miss Maisle
MacMaster, Miss Mildred Honeyman,
Miss Grace Honeyman. Miss Evelyn
Carey, Miss Polly Young, of Vancouver
Barracks, Miss Diana Erskine, Miss Vio
let Erskine, Miss Cully Cook, Miss Jean
Morrison, Miss Margaret Hewett and
the hostess. ....
One of the prettiest of the early
June weddings was that of Miss Milla
Louise Wessinger to Philip Hart, which
took place Wednesday evening In the
First German Reform Chnrrh Th,
church was thronged with Portland's
smart eei and was elaborately deco
rated for the occasion ( with pink
hydrangea, palms, canterbury bells and
smilax. The altar was converted into
a bower of blossoms in shades of pink
and -white, lighted with the soft glow
of candles. The Rev. Gotlieb Hafner
The bride entered on the arm of her
father. Paul Wessinger. who gave her
Into the keeping of the bridegroom.
She was charming in her gown of ivory
white chafmeuse, built on simple lines,
and veiled with rare old lace, a family
heirloom. Her full-length veil was
caught with a wreath of myrtle. worn
by her mother on her wedding day,
and her veil was Mrs. Hart's wedding
veil. Her bouquet was a shower of
orchids and lillies of the valley.
Mrs. Carl L. Wernicke was matron
of honor, and was attired In her wed
ding gown of white charmeuse, elabo
rated with Duchess lace. She carried a
fhower of pink sweet peas.
Miss Katherine Hart, the bridesmaid,
wore a, creation of lace and green chif
fon over white satin. She also carried
pink sweet peas and maiden hair ferns.
Henry Wessinger, brother of the
bride, acted as best man, and the ush
ers were Varnel Beach, MacCormack
Snow, Richard Jones. Frederick Whit
tlesy, Charles F. Swigert, Jr, aud Carl
L. Wernecke.
After the ceremony a small reception
was held at .the home of the bride's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wessinger.
to which only close relatives and
friends of the young couple were asked.
Receiving with the bridal party
were Mr. and Mrs. Wessinger and Mr.
and Mrs. James D. Hart,, parents . of
the bridegroom.
The residence was transferred into a
bower of riotous bloom, and the ve
randas were inclosed for the occasion.
Presiding at the tables in the dining
room were Mrs. Chester Griffin Mur
phy. Mrs. Stanley Jewett. Mrs. Erskine
Wood, Mrs. Gilbert Durham, Miss Stel
la Frohman and Mies Jean Mackenzie.
Mr. and Mrs. Hart are quite popular
in the younger set in society here, and
will be greatly missed from social af
fairs. They will make their home in
St. Helens, where Mr. Hart is engaged
In the lumber business.
The week was opened ausplciiously
by the bridge party given by the AVom
en's Guild of Trinity Episcopal Church
at the handsome residence of Mrs. G. F.
Sanborn, on Twenty-fifth street. Mon
day afternoon. Prominent matrons
and maids thronged the rooms and
verandas, where tables' were arranged
for the games. The residence was
elaborately decorated with a profusion
of roses and the hostess was assisted
in receiving the guests by Mrs. E. L.
Van Dresar, president of the guild, and
Mrs. I. D. Peters. A number of guests
who did not play bridge called later,
when refreshments were served. Assist
ing in the dining-room were Mrs. Van
Dresar, Miss Sallie Lewis, Mrs. Peters,
Mrs. Thomas Talbot, Mrs. E. O. Mat.
tern and Miss Hazel Crocker. Guests
made up about 36 tables of the game
and among those who were responsible
for one table each were Mrs. Thomas
Honeyman, Mrs. Warren Keeler, Mrs.
Van Dresar, Mrs. J. Andre Fouilhoux,
Mrs. Morris H. Whitehouse, Mrs. R. E.
Montgomery, Mrs. Thomas Talbot, Mrs.
E. O. Mattern, Mrs. T. Lyman. Mrs. J.
N. Teal. Mrs. F. Austin Mrs. A. Tucker,
Mrs. William C. Alvord. Mrs. Carnes,
Miss Sallie Lewis. Mrs. Frank Watson,
Mrs. Frederick G. Stanley. Mrs. R.
Sewall, Mrs. Frank Mau, Mrs. A. W.
Clarke, Mrs. Charles Webber, Mrs. I. D.
Peters, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. J. W. Cook,
Mrs. John Keating and Mrs. Robert
A charmingly appointed dinner given
on Wednesday evening was presided
over by Mr. and Mrs. C. Hunt Lewis.
Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Kerr, Dr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Tucker,
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Lewis, Mr. and
Mrs. Winslow B. Ayer, Miss Sallie
Lewis, Gordon Voorhies and the host
and hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. William MacMaster also
entertained In ; honor of Miss Harriet
Pomeroy at a charming dinner party
Friday evening at their attractive home
near the Golf Links, - Mr. and Mrs. Mac
Master's guests included Mrs. Landon
R. Mason. Miss Evelyn Carey, Miss
Barbara Mackenzie, Miss Maisle Mac
Master, Miss Pomeroy, Philip Fry,
Hamilton Corbett, Kurt Koehler,
Dwight Fullerton and Maurice E. Crum
packer. Miss Pomeroy was also the inspira
tion for a delightful picnic at the
Honeyman farm yesterday, when Miss
Mildred Honeyman asked a number of
the younger girls to motor out and
pass the day. The party included Miss
Pomeroy, Miss Dorothy Huber. Miss
Katherine Holbrook, "Miss Evelyn
Carey, Miss Barbara Mackenzie, Miss
Cully Cook and the Misses Diana and
Violet Erskine.
Keen enthusiasm is being revived in
tennis among the younger members of
the smart set, who have arranged an
interesting tournament, which last
week divided interest with the golf
tournament. The opening game was
played Friday at the country place of
Mrs. Lee Hoffman on the Barnes road.
Other games were played yesterday,
and the finals will be played next Fri
day and Saturday on the courts of the
Waverly Country Club, after which the
men players will be hosts at dinner,
the ever popular dance closing the fes
tivities. The entries In the tournament are
Miss Margery Hoffman, Mrs. Henry
Ladd Corbett, Miss Harriet Pomeroy,
of San Francisco; Mrs. Victor A. John
son. Mrs. E. A. Baldwin, Miss Jean
Brownlie, Miss Lucile Parker, Miss
Polly Young, of the Barracks; Miss
Clara Weidler, Miss Stella Frohman,
Mrs. Stanley Jewett, Miss Claire
Houghton, Harold Wells, Ray Small,
Ferdinand Smith, William Wheeler. Le
land Smith, William Lyons, MacCor
mack Snow, Elbert Mersereau, Simeon
Winch, Gerald Eastham, James Husel
ton and James Colburn.
Cards are out for an elaborate re
ception to be given by Mrs. P. F. Morey
and the Misses Eastham, on Friday,
from 4 to 6, in honor of Mrs. Barry C.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Webster" Talbot
have planned a motor picnic today for a
number of the younger set- The weath
er permitting, they will motor out to
their country plate at Latourell Falls
and outdoor games will be the prin
cipal features of the afternoon, followed
by a picnic supper.
Mrs. Theodore B Wilcox and daugh
ter. Miss Claire Wilcox, who have been
traveling abroad for several months, re
turned to Portland yesterday.
Among the larger dinner parties
given at the Golf Club last night was
that chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Hawley Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Kirk
ham Smith; Mr. and Mrs. . Antoine G.
Labbe. and included Miss Margery Hoff
man, Miss Polly Young, of Vancouver
Barracks; Miss Barbara Mackenzie,
Misses Diana and Violet Erskine, Miss
Maisle MacMaster, Miss Clara Weidler,
Miss Margaret Hewitt, Miss Claire Wil
cox, Miss Harriet Pomeroy, of San
Francisco; Kurt Koehler, Jordan Zan,
Lester T. Hodson, Philip Fry, Fritz
Behrends, Charles Holbrook. James
Colburn, Irving Webster, Hamilton Cor
bett, Harold Wells and Lewis A. Mc
Arthur. Major and Mrs. Jay J. Morrow also
entertained at dinner, their guests
numbering 14. Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Gilchrist Owen presided at a small
dinner party of eight, and the Misses
Mildred and Grace Honeyman were also
dinner hostesses. ,
Mrs. Walter F. Burrell was hostess
on Friday at one of the most elabo
rate bridge-teas of the early Summer
in honor of Mrs. Carter Pitkin Pome
roy, of San Francisco, who has been
the house guest of her son-in-law and!
"For the Newest, Visit the Eastern"
To $ 1 0.00 Wash Dresses
Dozens, of the
Prettiest Styles
A sale that'll surely bring throngs of
women to The Eastern tomorrow! Fetch
in?; Wash Frocks in the most wanted fab
rics, styles and colorings are grouped at
this phenomenally-low price.
Striped Woven Madrasses
French Ginghams Indian Heads
Linenes Swisses Batistes
One style in the Indian head has smart
scalloped, embroidered round collar and
cuffs. Comes in pink, natural, blue and
Qther styles
in all colors.
Actual $6.50 to $10-AVash Dresses, right out of to ff
regular stock. Monday and Tuesday J)0y 3
See the Washington-Street Window Today
jlty Suits $23.75
About 85 of our most charming Suits are in this group!
Novelty Blues. Fancy Imported Materials, and White Suits.
Beautiful models, up to The Eastern's standard of tailoring and
style. '
Regular $30 to $45 Suits, Monday and Tues
day only
See Washington-Street Window Display
The Big
at Tenth
Ask for Brown Trading Stamps
daughter. Mrs. Thomas Scott Brooke.
The handsome Burrell residence, which
is one of the most attractive in the
city, was decorated artistically with
choice blooms from their own gardens.
Ten tables were arranged for bridge,
and about 40 additional guests called
at teatime. The dining-room was pre
sided over by Miss Mary F. Failing,
Miss Martha Hoyt, Mrs. Victor A. John
son and Mrs. Richard Koehler.
The wedding of Miss Louise Morton
Williams and William Hubbard Pat
terson will be a notable event of Tues
day evening, June 24. It will be a
quiet wedding at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Williams, cor
ner Thurman and Thirty-second
streets. After the ceremony a large re
ception will be held. Rev. Roy Edgar
Remington, rector of All Saints'
Church, will officiate, and the bride
will be attended by Miss Marjorie For
bis, as bridesmaid. Robert Parkinson
will act as best man. Miss Williams has
been lavishly entertained since the an
nouncement of her engagement and
among recent affairs In her honor was
the delightful tea presided over by Miss
Louise Bradley and Miss Mary Long
on Monday.
m m m
Mrs. William Estabrook Jones (Miss
Lillian Durham), of Boston, with her
small son, Durham, arrived last night
to be the house guest of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Durham, at River
dale, for the summer. Mrs. Jones later
will visit Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Dur
ham for a short time at their Willam
ette Heights residence. As she was
one of the popular girls in Portland
society, many delightful affairs are
being planned in her honor, and a
royal welcome will be extended to
her by her host of friends.
John Kiernan announces the engage
ment of his youngest daughter. Miss
Eva Ingram Kiernan, to Russell James
Hubbard. The wedding will take place
Wednesday, June 25, and will ie a
simple affair.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Patterson and
daughter. Miss Bella Patterson, of Chi
cago, arrived last night and are at Ho
tel Portland. They have come to at
tend the wedding of their son and
brother to Miss Louise Morton Will
iams, which will take place Tuesday
Mortimer Ames, of Cleveland, O., son
of Mr. and Mrs. John Ames, formerly
of Portland, is the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Everett Ames for a few weeks.
Mr. Ames Is well known In Portland
and will be the Inspiration for many
charming affairs. ,
Mrs. Frank R. Kerr will be hostess
at a delightful tea on Friday afternoon
to introduce her sister. Miss Dellberta
Stuart, formally to Portland society.
Mrs. Thomas Honeyman and Mrs.
James D. Honeyman will be hostesses
at one of the largest affairs planned
for next week. It will be a bridge party.
followed by a tea at which additional
guests "will be present, at the Waverly
Country Club, Tuesday afternoon at
2:30 o clock.
Mrs. Max Houser will be hostess at
a Jolly little motor picnic Wednesday
afternoon at her country place in the
Tualatin Valley.
Miss Grace Gearin was hostess at one
of the prettiest card parties of the
week. Seven tables were arranged in
the parlors of the Multnomah Hotel and
about 20 additional guests called at
the conclusion of the games for tea.
Mrs. Esther Avery Adams of Los An
geles, who was recently the house guest
of Mrs. Frederick Alva Jacobs, has re
turned from a visit to her ranch at
Corvallis and has taken apartments at
the Mallory. Mrs. Adams was a sorority
sister of Mrs. Edward Grelle and Mrs.
Frank Riley at Stanford University.
One of the prettiest luncheons of the
week was presidl over by. Miss Ethel
Mai pas. who entertained her riding
class. Attractive little favors sugges
tive of the "noble steed" marked cov
ers for Miss Mary Muir, Miss Nadine
Caswell, Miss Evelina Magruder, Miss
Margaret Elliott, Miss Consuelo Mc
Millan, and the youthful hostess. After
luncheon, tbe party enjoyed a ride out
in the country.
Mrs. Wilfred Shore and son Wendell
will leave this evening for the East to
pass the Summer traveling In Northern
Canada. Mrs. Shore also will visit in
New York City and other Eastern points
of interest before returning to Portland
in September.
The Professional Woman's League
was hostess at a. reception given Wed
nesday night to Dr. Richard Burton, of
Minneapolis, author, lecturer and edu
cator, who gave a series of lectures
during the past week on "The Modern
Drama." under the patronage of a. large
group of prominent literary and society
folk. The reception was given at the
home of Miss Ruth Catlin, the president
of the organization. The handsome
rooms were decorated with roses and
artistic baskets of Held flowers, lark
spur, fox-gloves, daisies and vine maple.
The table centerpiece in the ' dining
room, where ices were served by Miss
Rhoda Failing and Miss Katherine Bar
ber, was of Shirley popples, the table
and room being candle-lighted. The as
sisting party included Mrs. Harry Beal
Torrey, Mrs. Frank J. Durham. Mrs.
George Reed, Misses Ruth Catlin,
Jocelyn Foulkes. Annie Laurie Miller,
Mary Frances Isom, Lucia B. Harriman.
Lilian Tingle. Dr. Burton told of the
organization and purposes of the Drama
League of America, and following the
lecture plans were made for the pro
fessional league to form the first Port
land branch of the league.
The many friends of Miss Julia E.
Capwell, of Boise, Idaho, will be
pleased to learn that she Is passing a
few weeks in town as the guest of Mrs.
Buell Lambertson, 385 Tenth street.
Miss Capwell is a charming woman,
and her annual visits to Portland are
always the inspiration for much enter
One of the smartest affairs of the
week was the large tea given by Mrs.
Frank H. Ransom, on Thursday after
noon. About 200 guests called during
the hours of 3 to 5, and the hostess
was assisted in receiving the guests bv
Mrs. Wilbur E. Coman. The Ransoii,
residence on Madison street was trans
formed into a bower of lovely old
fashioned garden flowers, tall spikes
of blue delphinium banking the fire
place in the drawing-room, effectively
combining with baskets of Iceland
Invitations and Announcements
Monogram Stationery
Engraved "Visiting Cards
Hurd's and Crane's Fine Stationery
At Home and Reception Cards
Society Card Engravers,
Third Floor Washington Bldg., 4th
and Washington, Qpp. Mer. Nat Bank.
For High-Class Ladies' Tailored Suits
and Perfect Lines See
147 Tenth Street,
Opposite Olds, Wortman & King.
poppies. Poppies also adorned the tea
table, which was presided over by Mrs.
Frederick H. Page. Mrs. Oskar K. Hu
ber. Mrs. W. W. Cotton and Mrs. Fred
erick 3. Stanley. Mrs. David A. Shlnd
ler was stationed at the punch bowl,
and assisting about the rooms were
Mrs. p'letcher Linn and Mrs. Charles J.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. McCord. Mr.
New Balkan Blouses $1.48
They are a new lot, with large
white collars, cliffs and belt.
New Lingerie Waists
Special $2.48
A new shipment that were
boiiffht greatly under price. Great
variety, both high and low necks.
Regular values $1 to $3. Special
at 2.4S.
Ladies' Fine Silk
Lisle Hose 25c
White, black and tan. Every
pair guaranteed to give satisfac
tion or new hose.
F. P. Young Co.
Diamond Engagement
in Sterling Silver, Sheffield
Ware and Rich Cut Glass.
Everything that's new and up
to date at most reasonable
Largest Diamond Dealers in
283 Morrison Street