The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 22, 1913, SECTION TWO, Page 15, Image 31

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6 rooina. t."4 Front St., $25.
5 rooms, 4!1 Alder st., $23.
3 rooms. 64S K. .Morrison nr.. $16.
h rooms. 3i:: l:ith St.. $27.5o.
rooms, 77'J 2d 8t.. $2o.
5 room, (too Third St., $1S.
5 rooms. t',13 ith St., $13.
room. 49 K. Davis at.. $-3.
6 rooms. Til Javier St., $1...
7 rooms, it;.-; x. 17th St.. $35.
7 rooms, 7 us Maryland avo., $15.
rooms. 255 -Nan ilia. t $30.
5 roomii
4:il X. 22cl St., l.i.
702 Corbett si., $15.
2" East 11th X., $20.
t!U5 I'ninrt hvp. X.. $25.
6 rooms.
8 rooms.
h rooms, 38 X, 21st st.,- $4u.
9 rooms, lloo Vauahn St.. $50.
8 rooms. OcS Fruiil Bt.. $25.
O rooms. 171 Me:tde St.. $20.
7 room
.07 Union live. X.,
2i.l Gihus st., $12.
733 Johnson St., $21.50.
li4 X. 17th St.. $45.
5 rooms
7 rooms
1ft rooms
115 rooms
7 rooms
335 1 Ith St.. $..
3M Harrison St., $37.50.
8 rooms.
8 rooms
. rooms, 1,. '. 24lh X., $18.
7 rooms. 4'tO Hast 11th St.. $1:3.
5 rooms, Olio Second St.. $1.1.
H rooms, 4(1 Kast 24th X., 20.
8 rooms. 70S Everett St.. S40.
6 rooms, lito Upsltur st., $20.
5 rooms, 503 Tliurnmn St., $15.
5 rooms, 3S2 K. loth st.. $111.
li roams. 4-7 E 9111 st., $12.
5 rooms, 241 Grant st.. $22.E0.
5 rooms. 30s ad St.. $26.
o rooms, 550 Krauify St., $110.
5 rooms, r.oou MarKi't St., $2.",.
H rooms, 54 E. Salmon St., $25.
O rooms. Boil K. Salmon St., $-5.
7 rooms, 320 14 11th st., $30.
loci lid st.
$50 7-room modern house, south front,
3 blocks from car line.
$35 8-room new modern house on cor
ner near Broadway, car.
$35 8-room house near Irvington tennis
court ami Broadway carllne.
$35 5-room modern house, handy to
Irvington and Broadwuy cars.
$30 7-room law nindcrn house, east
$30 New 5-room modem house, some
thing nine; one block to R- C. car.
Look this up.
$30 11-room house, arranged for two
flats, close in. The price la rea
sonable. See Jones.
8d Floor, Chamber of Commerce.
12-ROOM residence, grounds 100x180, on
West Fide, for private residence only.
7-room modern house. 4 large bed
rooms. Cast Side, walking distance.
Main 892, A 2302. 228 Stark St.
Main BSttU. 21'c.l Washington St. A 6267
NEARLY five ucres, house, barn, cherries,
berries, good for pardpn. cows, chickens,
cheap rent. . SO acres staking ground, (rood
grasn near, city water. Xear 5c carllne,
30 minutes out.
Another place, smaller, nearer center,
$10 month. Good house, barn, large
chicken house. McCoy, 103 Fourth, near
8-ROOM house, (rood condition. 300 Han
cock, near Williams ave., S26.50.
8-room house, arranged for three sep
arate housekeeping suites, in first-class
condition. 71s E. Morrison, $23.
6-room house. Belmont, cor. 32d. $14
5-room cottage, first-class condition, 229
Gaines, $10.
F. W. TORGLKR, 106 Sherlock: Bldg.
MODERN 7-room house, "West Side. 7S1
York Bt., near 24th st. North; furnace,
fireplace, reception hall, electric lights,
etc.; rent to responsible tenant. $22.50;
Ionic lease if deBlred. Also have house
at 785 York t. on same terms. Phone
Main 4128 or A 0125, or call 730 Cham
ber of Commerce.
TWO 8-room houses, exceptionally desirable.
neauttrul . surroundings, both, in perfect
condition, choice locations, will lease for
a year.
7 Chamber of Commerce
Main 328 or A 4115.
FOR RENT Houses, rials and apartments,
furnished and unfurnished; a large list to
select from.
2S0 Oak St.
IRVINGTON Will rent to responsible ten
ant, reasonable terms, 9 rooms, new. strict
ly modern Irvlngton home; unfurnished or
partly furnished. 61S East 19th st. North
or see owner. SOS Wilcox bldjr.
WILL lease nice home, 5-rooms, large living-room,
fireplace, furnace, good lawn,
roses, lot 80x147, reasonable rent, good
tenants only. 204 E. 53d st. X. Tabor
FOR RENT 1 acre of ground and cosy
4-room cottage, 1 milo from Evergreen
station, Oregon City car, $S per month.
Inquire room 11 Mulkey bldg., 2d and
Morrison sts. Main 6S21.
IRVINGTON. bungalow, 6 rooms, near Tennis
Club, gas range and heater included; $45
per month.
404 Wilcox bldg. Fhones M. 8699, A 2653
DESIRABLE houses and flats to rent, all
parts citty.
Mailt 5120.
6-ROOM bungalow. close In. East Side.
Just completed, never been occupied, ex
cellent district. 52-. The Fred A. Jacobs
t.ompany. jiain om.
7-ROOM house in splendid condition, fullly
modern except turnace. . xo. u4 E. 10th
at. N. Key next door north. Rent $18
a montn. riain 011..
3011 Spalding bldg.
Main 7502.
J. J tl. . X V-.VUHl UVJ8B Oil '
near Brooklyn School; price $18; near 2
carlines. Apply to E. Willis, 663 East 9th
st. Phone sellwood SiS.
7-ROOM modern house, sleeping porch, fur.
nace, etc., nice lawn, garden, two lots,
corner 'E. 8th st. and Wygant; cheap rent
good tenant. 315 1 ham. Com. M. 1H;3.
$25.Modern 5-room bungalow
$30 Large modern 6-room house.
W. H. ROSS, Marshall 125.
$10 FOR a 4-room cottage on Going st.
near E. Kith. Electric lishts. bath, toilet.
not anu com water. niancnard Clem
son. 702-3 Selling Wdg.
WEST SIDE 7-room house, $30. Newly
tinted and painted, close in. Willamette
HelKhts. The Fred A. Jacobs Co. Main
$15 5-ROOM cottage. 4 blocks from Broad
way bridge. 438 Ross st. Inquire 300
niarn. .tiain on.
NEW four and five-room bungalows, $12
BOID REALTY CO.. 206 Alder St.
$25. 6-ROOM house, excellent district beau
tiful lan-n- nil nn..ihl. 1 ' T.T"
...... ....... .. w ...uubiii LltUVCH
lences: close in. Main 6Stm.
6-ROOM house, good couditlon, $17. B-room
cottage, good condition. $15. Inquire 925
r.. i-iai at.
FOR RENT A 7-room house, nice yard.
Apply at 737 E. Madison st. or phone East
1 JO.
SIX rooms, modern, on corner, 775 E. Davis,
fine lawn and flowers, paved streets.
Phone E. 353. Ankeny car.
FOR RENT 6-room house. In good con
riliion. 206 Whitaker st. Key at S21
r ront st.
Si; 5-room cottage, close in, bath, gas
for cooking, electric lights. Apply 610
nocmey ave.
MODERN 7-room house. West Side; ful
basement, furnace with water coil. Phon,
EAST SIDE Cottaste, 7 rooms, bath, base
ment, walking distance. $20. Inquire room
3ni nu,im i.iHc-
FOR Rent Modern house. 12 rooms, all
corner clav.
6-ROOM cottage, yard and stable, could be
used as gai-nce: newlv papered and pain
ed. S4S Vaiitrl.n .1
FOR KENT New. modern 5-room bung
low: 453 e. 41st st.; Richmond car; $:
Call Marshall r.iui
FOR RENT ft-room modern house, sleep
ing porch: 344 E. 17th North, near Broad
way. Inoulre 647 W..M1..,-
NEW 5-room modern bungalow, tinted w
on Woodstock car. rent $12. Call M
.i-l. :. Hamilton hlder
5-ROOM house. 41S San Rafael, newly tinted
WRIlcmc ntntHoee f ; mi
6-ROOM. 1184 Hawthorne, $23; 5 rooms.
Marguerite. Ave.. $1. Main 8276.
KOSlfi CITY PARK. 5-room modern bunga
low, .a per raunm. t none ij 2s.i.
, i jtiu i.. .p-w.
1 rooms. 12s N. isth st., $47.50.
rooms, t;14Vb Front st., $16.
7 rooms, 441 K. 111th st. X'.. $11.
7 rooms, 101 shaver st., $21.
ft rooms, 4S7 West Park St., $15
ft rooms. ST 1 I'orbett Bt- S16.
. , w WR BENT
At 7th and Brazee and 8th and Brazee.
$30, $35 and ii. Call Sunday from 10 to
2 o clock, or Marshall 4200.
$3o d-room modern house on Willamette
$12.50 4-room cottage on Woodstock
car, with nice yard.
$16.50 5-room modern bungalow, 1
block from car, near Woodlawn school.
1S (i-room cottage, 907 Commercial St.,
near Jefferson High school.
$20 5-room cottage, 551 Overton " at.,
near 16th.
$55 6-room modern house, E. Main at.,
near E. 32d.
404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones M. Sd99. A 2653.
5-ROOM cottage, nice yard, bath and gas.
427 loth, near. Hall.
Furnished Houses.
FOR months of July and August, or for one
year, our completely furnished home at
573 WeiJler st.. Irvlngton, with large yard
and shade trees. 1 block from botn Broad
way and Irvington carlines; cheap to
parties whe will take good care, of prop
erty. E 2-S5 7.
$30 FOR a 6-room, fireproof, concrete-block
house, modern and up to date, oa corner,
one block from Alberta car. Partlv fur
nished, with Dutch kitchen, built-in buf
fet. large porches and fireplace. Call
owner Sunday, loflo E. 2oth X.. or
Blanchard Clemson, 702-3 1 Selling bldg.
NICELY furnished 7-room house, modern
and desirable in every respect; large sleep
ing porch, fireplace, piano, fine lawn,
fruit and roses; will rent to responsible
party for Summer, only. Phone Wood
lawn 1047. Call 263 Morris.
MODERN y-room house. 011 board walk at
Seasiue, elegantly furnished, including pi
ano; 5 bedrooms, bath, electricity, barn; j
v a. acuouii, ui wii sen oil terms.
Ask for Taylor, Chapln-Herlow Mtg. &
Trust Co., 3d floor. Chamber of Commerce.
HANDSOME Portland Heights residence, to
let furnished during Summer months at
$200 per month; references required.
H. V. PALMER-J ONES CO., Agents,
404 Wilcox bldg. Phones M. S6il, A2B53.
FOR RENT Furnished 6-room house with
small yard for the Summer monthB; mod
ern conveniences; fireplace, piano, very
desirable; within 2 blocks of car. Phone
A 3672.
ONE of the most desirable houses in Port
land, rooms and lovely sleeping porch,
built-in china closet, bureau and chiffonier,
every room carpeted; piano and gas stove.
Iti7 E. 20th, corner Belmont.
IF you want a newly-painted, modern, 6
room house, nicely furnished, piano, sewing
machine, reasonable walking distance, one
block from carllne, call at 254 E. 20th
at. this A. M. Can be had at -once.
WILL renj large new home to private-family
only; furnished; commanding view of
river and mountains; terms, $230 per
month; reduction If taken for year; ref
erences required. Y 177. Oregonian.
NEARLY new 5-room modern cottage; gar
den in lawn and flowers; 2 blocks east
of Ferry station, Oregon City and Caza
dero line. Io04 East 7th St. Phone Sell-w-pod
NEW, completely furnished residence, 10
rooms. Portland Heights: attractive loca
tion, one block from car. Will rent for
Summer or longer. H 160. Oregonian.
FOR RENT July and August, furnished
house, 7 rooms, with lawn, shady and
cool. 129 E. 53th St., corner Morrison,
Mt. Tabor car. $25 per month.
8-ROOM modern residence, completely fur
nished with piano, garden and fruit. Call
1238 Ivon st., Waverlelgh-Rlchmond car;
price $40. Main 8370.
FOR RENT New modern 6-room furnished
housu. 65th st., third house south of
Sandy Blvd. Scott & Beesley, 212 Arling
ton BIdg
WISHIXrG toleave city will rent mv neatly
furnished 6-room house, with beautiful
lawn, for two or three months, at a bar
gnin. Phone Sellwood 20O2.
MODERN' S-room house In Walnut Park;
will lease to a desirable tenant furnished
or unfurnished; owner leaving cltv. For
further particulars phone Woodlawn Ml.
MODERN furnished bungalow. East Side.
July 1 to Sept. 1 or 15: large yard,
fruit trees, lots of blackberries. Inaulre
406 Park St.
WILL rent to small family and adult
well furnished 9-room house in good
neighborhood. West Side, $100, July and
August. K 169, Oregonian.
$22.o0 Six-room modern" furnished house,
tawu, roses. Koom a vvasn. oiQg. Mam
COMPLETELY furnished 6-room house, 657
ccnuyier St., irvlngton. Apply w. It. Wall
ace, li4 Front St.
IEATLY furnished cottage for rent, close
In; no children. Inquire La Roy Apts..
4J2H E. Burnside st.
COMPLETELY furnished seven-room house;
1480 or Marshall !!)S.
NEW. nicely" furnished house In Irvlngton;
innuu, utriiKiuiuiiy Biiuaieo tor aummer.
6S4 East 2'd North. Phone East 2S6S.
NEW 4-room cottage, furnished or unfur
nished. $15 furnished, $10 unf urnislied.
4025 Powell Valley and 50th St.
FOR RENT Furnished house in Irvington,
uuriiig Juiy ana August; rent reasonable.
Phone East 3841. Take Broadway 'car.
FOR RENT Reasonable, furnished 5-room
nouse wiui uain. jilt Mliwaukle street.
Inquire 104 North 4th St.
FOIl RENT July and August, completely
iurnisnea nouse, 8 rooms, irvlngton. $50.
Phone forenoons. East 3646.
FOR RENT Furnished house in Irvington
i naisey St.. July ana August. Phone
EaBt 1727.
$25 MONTH. Julv and Ausuit: shingled
bungalow, 6 rooms; close In; 420 Brazee
St., near union.
FURNISHED cottage for rent. 4 rooms and
Dam, tor rent tor 2 months; reasonable.
43 tnaver st.
COMPLETELY furnished nice Irvlngton
home for rent for 1 or 2 months; adults
only. U2 Schuyler.
EIGHT rooms, furnished complete. In Irv
ington, with garage; references ex
changed. East 3148.
FOR REXT-5-room furnished bungalow.
Bath, pantry, attic, electric lights. Fruit
and lawn. Woodlawn 2845.
WELL-FURNISHED Irvlngton home; own
er out of town; rent very low to respon
slble person. Telephone B 1449.
$25 SXAP! 5-room modern furnished cot
tage. July-August; walking distance. Mar
shall 1553.
FOR REXT Furnished 6-room house In
walking distance; modern conveniences;
rent $22.5o. 384 Hawthorne ave.
A CLEAN cottage,
partly furnished.
close in, furnished or
24 E. 8th North, near
A COMPLETELY furnished B-room cottage,
gas. lawn. $25 per month. 1024 Williams
ave. Key, 1019 Williams ave.
CLEAN, well furnished 6-room house, $22,
including phone and water. 761 Williams
ave. Phone Woodlawn 410.
FINELY furnished 8-room Irvington home,
reasonable, sleeping porch, double garage.
601 Multnomah st. Phone East 1246.
FURNISHED home In prettiest part of Irv
ington for rent during Summer; lovely
yard and garden. Phone C 1633.
5-ROOM furnished house for Summer; would
like party to keep one roomer. 616 North
rup. A 3738. References exchanged.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished S-room house.
100x120, corner, with garage, 10 minutes,
on East Side. Phone E 1239.
FOUR large rooms, strictly clean, barn,
chickenhouse, all kinds of fruit. $18
month. 673 Ellis ave.. Sellwood car.
MODERN 4-room flat, strictly clean, $16
month. 148 East 33d St., cor. Belmont.
MODERN 6-room house, furnace, piano,
close In. 527 E. Burnside.
TO REXT Nicely furnished 6-room bunt
galow; reasonable. 835 Wasco st. '
BEAUTIFULLY furnished, S rooms and
sleeping porch. 4S0 Montgomery, cor. 14th.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 7-room house, with
Bleeping porch. A 4017.
MODERN 6-room furnished house to adults
697 Union ave., N.
NEWLY furnished 6-room house, walking
distance; references. East 4627. --
FOR RENT 5-room bungalow, furnished
1Q33 Arnold st. Phone Main 3633.
BUNGALOW, furnished. 5 rooms. Firland
Mt. Scott carllne. $13.75. Tabor 878.
$1S 6-room modern house, fruit J M Leea
er. 1622 Portsmouth ave. St. Johns car.
COMPLETELY furnished 6-room house Riv
erside Terrace. $25 month. E. 729. ' -
FOR RENT Xlcely furnished 6-room house
1037 Belmont st.; cheap.
FURNISHED 3-room modern houae, close
in. Blix E. 7th, bet. Oak and Pine.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished bungalow for
rent, rhone Woodlawn .1717.
Furnlsueo noura.
Splendid home 6 rooms, new, 2 lots,
fine garden and small fruit. Only $12.50
per month. See Davles.
3d Floor, Chamber of Commerce.
Sunday A. M., Tabor 2540.
COMPLETELY furnished U-room house, ex
tra well furnished, near 22d and Washing
ton; rent only $55, Including furniture;
you can rent some rooms here and make
a nice living.
401-2-3 Wilcox Bldg.,
Sixth and Washington Sts.
FOR RENT till September 13 Completely
furnished 6-room house, gas, electricity,
phone, Dlano; 2 lots, garden, fruit and
roses. Ideal Summer home. To respon
sible party, rent reasonable. 5U0 Kenll-w-orth
ave. W-R car. Phone Sellwood
Beautifully furnished U-room house for
six months. Will rent to desirable par
tles. A 150. Oregonian.
Summer Resort.
FOR RENT Seaview," Wash. A large, very
fine cottage; bathroom, hot and cold wa
ter; with a beautiful park. Also other
small cottages, all with running water and
electric light; 1 block from depot. Also
blocks and lots for sale. Inquire Captain
Schneider, Seaview, Wash.
1 WANT to buy desirable 5 to 8-room house
and lot at Seaside. Or.; must be bargain;
state lowest price, terms, location and
lull particulars or no notice taken. W 141),
2 comfortably furnished cottages at
Seaview. Wash., close to sea; five rooms
each; fireplace, water in kitchen. Tele
phone Main eo3.
FOR Summer outing. 5-room furnished
house, fine lawn and garden, surf and sand
beach, Mrs. Gene Earb. See C. R. Green.
S. W. of Oak Grove station evenings or
call E. 520 between 12 and 12:30.
than usual. SEASIDE. 4 rooms, electric
ity, water, CLEAN, COMPLETE, 2 blocks
beach. July and August. $00. Phone
Main 6016. r
FOR REXT The Heltkemper cottage at
Seaview, Wash.; nicely furnished, spring
water, electric lights, etc. Reasonable to
responsible parties. Apply G. Heilkemper
. Co.. 330 5th st.
THE Logan cottage, in Hermosa Park, Sea
elde, 6 rooms, furnished; no bath; terms.
$130 for season. Address Mrs. Mary Les
lie. Seaside, Or.
SEASIDE Niedermeyer 7-room modern cot
tage, furnished complete: fireplace, sani
tary plumbing, electricity; fine view and
100 feet from ocean. East 5074.
NEW four-room bungalow, nicely furnished,
fine place, three blocks to depot. Long
Beach, month July- $35. Main 1066, A
FOR RENT Brand new S-room furnished
cottage at Xeah-kah-nle Mountain Beach,
by the year or season. Address Mrs. A.
B. Cone, Oregon City, Route 3.
ST. MARTINS' SPRINGS now open for
campers: take steamers Bailey Gatzert or
Tahoma and S., P. & S. R. R. to Carson,
Wash. Campers must bring tents.
FOR RENT At Seaside, furnished 4-room
cottage, 1 block from ocean. Inquire of
W. L. Greene. 446 Dckum ave., Wood-
lawn. or phone Woodlawn 1760.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms and tents
for light housekeeping, close In. Fine lo
cation. Inquire of Godfrey Bros., Sea
side, Or.
BEACH CENTER Completely and comfort
ably furnished 4-room cottage, ready to
occupy; beach lot, grass, trees for ham
mocks; $60 the season. Phone Tabor 2314.
FOR REXT, furnished. 7-room house, fire
place, ocean front, Seaview; also small
cottage, desirable location. Walton, 515
Chamber of Commerce. M. 1955.
SEAVIEW Attractive bungalow, well fur
nished, electric lights; choice location,
worth Investigation. 100 East 11th St.
Phone B 1209.
SUMMER cottage, good water, view, air; se
cluded; bath and toilet. Near Estacada.
$0 for season. Address Dr. Adix, Estaca
da. Or. Unfurnished.
FOR RENT Seaview. Wash., nice clean 4
room bungalow, electric lights, fireplace
and sleeping porch; close to ocean. Phone
Tabor 1331.
ROOMS to rent at Seaview, Wash., with
privilege of dining-room. stove and
dishes. Inquire 853 Wasco. City phone
.EaBt 2469.
FOR RENT In Ocean Park, attractive bun
galow; home oomforta. fireplace, range,
large living-room, etc.; will divide season.
B 647.
HA VOCE AN 4-room cottage. completely
furnished: large fireplace, electric lights,
tiath. Will rent by month or for season.
Phone Main 7270.
FOR SALE or rent, modern houseboat- hot
and cold water, electrlo lights, bath; also
launch ; easy terms. Main '02.
ROOMS and board In Hood River country
place; just what you are looking after.
Main 3672, Tabor 1196.
SEASIDE- Completely furnished cottage;
desirable; bath, electricity; ready for oc
cupancy. Main 2ol7.
9-ROOM modern cottage, furnished com
plete, close to ocean at Seaside. See Mr.
Rumc'.ln. Ashley fc Rumelln Bank. city.
NEW S-room. house, neatly furnished,
for season, near boardwalk. Hermosa Park.
Address Box 192, Seaside, Or.
VERY comfortable 6-room furnished cottage
near Necanteum Inn. Seaside, $75 for Au
gust. X 164. Oregonian.
SEASIDE 6-room modern cottage for rent
for Summer months; bath, electricity, rea
sonable rent. Phone M. 44S9.
COMPLETELY" furnished cottage, Seaview.
wash., for rent July and August. Phone
r.ast U24U.
cwn nr..i u-room cottage on ridge, sea
view, iirepiace. rnone Woodlawn 2521.
Aiiuemdo urns., sea view, wash.
FOR RENT At Seaside, Mayo cottage on
board walk; 8 rooms furnished; modern.
Phone East 020.
FOR RENT 5-room cottage on hoard walk
fronting on ocean, Hermosa Park, Seaside!
Is now open
Address Mrs.
for select class of boarders.
ai. t;. weooer.
GARIBALDI BEACH 2-room cottages and
housekeeping tents for rent or sale. Peter
Schrantz. Rockaway, Or.
FOR RENT Completely furnished house
keeping rooms. Emma Shepard. Seaview.
FOR RENT House at Seaside, overlooking
ocean, completely furnished. Phone Mar
shall 5616.
cottage for rent at Tillamook
Or. Inaulre at BOB Mnnt ,-..,.
Phone A 4219.
FOR RENT 6-room cottage on board walk
Seaside, for months of July and Auo-ust
Telephone Main 8268. .ususl.
THE Murphy cottage, on the ridge at Long
Beach, can be rented for the month of
July. Call Main 639 or A 1639.
FOR KENT New 2-room furnished cottage
at Tillamook Beach, Oregon. Phone Tabor
1 600.
TWO Seaside furnished houses, best loca
tlon. rent reasonable. Apply 171 3d st.
GEARHART 7-room house; modern plumb
ing. For particulars phone Sell. 383.
B-ROOM furnished cottage for rent
Beach. Wash.. Tioga Sta. Main 459o'.
THE Joy cottage. Long Beach, Wash,
rent, July 1 to 20, $15. East 4868.
6-ROOM furnished cottage, Tillamook beach,
modern. $75 season. Phone B 1807.
FURNISHED cottage. Ocean
Phone East 4595 or B 2181.
Park. Wash.
FOR RENT Cottage at "Gearhart. Wood
lawn 1520.
Phone E. 1000.
8-room house at Seaside.
COMFORTABLY furnished 5-room cottage
at Long Beach. Main 2910.
FURNISHED cottages and tents for rent
Ocean Park. Wash. Apply T. A. Beechey'.
FURNISHED cottage at Seaside,
for the river. Phone E. 3156.
with boat
FOR RENT At Seaview. 7-room furnished
houso; fireplace. Marshall 4347. A 0390.
SEASIDE 5-room furnished cottage,
board walk. Marshall 4761.
COTTAGE for sale or rent. Long
Wash. Phone Woodlawn 2012.
SEASIDE The Seagull cottage, completely
furnished, facing ocean. A 4554, Main 6681).
GEARHART, furnished 6-room house
afor season. Phone Woodlawn 589. "
FOR SALE or rent for season, 3 houses on
Main St., Seaside. East 1805.
FOR RENT OR SALE 5-room furnished
cottage at Gearhart. Main 4143.
FOR R-ENT Attractive cottage at Tioga,
North Beach; ocean front. Phone East 414.
rurnlshed cottar at r...
side. Call East
6 AND 7-room cottage on ridge at Sea
View, Wash. Main 8291.
CANNON BEACH house, furnished, tfest lo
catlon. rent reasonable. Apply 171 Sd at.
Park. Wash.;
$50 season.
cottage. Ocean
Tabor 818.
Bummer tienorts.
WE have some choice cottages for rent at
Gearhart. the awellest beach on the Pa
cific Coast; transportation facilities un
excelled. 5-room cottage, furnished, $100 for the
6 rooms, furnished, $75 for the seasqn.
4 rooms, furnished, $100 for the season.
3-room cottage, furnished, $65 for the
They are all nice and clean.
We have also a nice 5-room cottage for
sale, fairly well furnished, for $BOO.
m And we have several choice lojsfrom
$30( up, on very easy payments.
133H First Street.
l-room housekeeping.
2-room cottage.
4-room cottage.
5-room ridge cottage,
ti-room houses.
7-room houses.
For particulars address
R. - McCabe. Seaview, Wash.
FOR RENT Newpon station, Long Beach,
Wash., three one-room bungalows, com
pletely furnished for housekeeping, best
water op beach, electric light, free wood,
full view of ocean, $7 per week or $25
per month; also H furnished rooms. $3.50
pr week. Call Tabor 2072 or on Monday,
A 3tll.
FOR RENT Rooms and housekeeping rooms
very nice. Lynu Roderick. Seaview.
DESIRABLE 5-room cottage Seaside; good
beds, bath, electricity; ctiean. Main 210O.
TWO lots at Gearhart across from big hotel,
$400 each, terms. C 2116. !
WASHIXGTON-ST. store, near 18th, splen
didly fitted for delicatessen, fancy gro
ceries and liquors; surrounded by hotels
and apartments; .very reasonable rent;
SPACE In modern basement, ventilated
and well lighted. N. W. corner 4th and
Alder sts., suitable for cafeteria, printing
shop, etc. Morgan, FUedner & Boyce, 503
Ablngton bldg.
231 Larrabee st.. 50 feet from Holladay
ave., 23x75, brick building. Owner will
paint and kalsomine to suit tenant. Price
$30 per m'onth.
Main 35. 102 4th st. A 3500.
WANTED Room to store counter ana
shelving, with some light, where cigar
manufacturing can be done: 14x30 or 400
square feet; ground floor preferred. Call
or address Ross Sharp Co., 270 Alder st
FOR RENT Very cheap. 2 large stores on
Second Bt., close In, with plate glass win
dows, in new building; good for grocery,
confectionery, barber shop, etc. Main 2421
453 4th St. H. B. Davis.
XEA, large, light storerooms In new Hous
ton Hotel, flth and Everett: also hotel 6th
and Hoyt sts.: low rent, favorable lease.
Main 6:0. 2H Washington Bt. A 6267.
STORES for rent on West Side, choice lo
cations for cafeteria or grocery business;
also warehouse. East side, on river -all
Main 1721.
STORE and cottage; good location, 608
First st.; suitable for store or market; cold
storage room and counter; rent reasona
ble. 324 Worcester bldg.
STORE with or without living rooms. Good
place for grocery, confeotloriery. Cheap
rent. 103 Fourth, near Stark.
STORE, best location on Third St.. 20x00 ft
rent reasonable, will lease. Apply 171
3d st.
FOR RENT Stores. Nos. 248 and 200 Haw
thorne ave., east end of bridge. Apply
Hawthorne Dock Co. Phono East 2063.
NEW modern store, very
No. 414 Washington st.
reasonable rentaL
W. H. WEBB. 605 Yeon bldg. Main 4913.
STORE, 42(4 Third St.. size 12xToInquire
42 Third St., near Ash.
FOR RENT Fine corner store, 735 Williams
ave. woooiawn 1020.
GROCERY store for rent.
Enquire 317 Railway Ex.
per month.
THREE small stores for rent -on Jefferson
t. Inquire at 541 Clay st.
LITTLE store, best location, cheap. 3d and
milium. inquire uanieis, 't4 Yamhill.
SPACE for rent. 452 Washington.
FOR REXT 6-room flat.
St.; ideal location for
dressmaker or milliner.
Main 1633.
549 Washington
doctor, dentist.
2 Yeon Bldg.
CONNECTING offices, overlooking Morrison
St., for rent in Tilford bldg., reasonable
terms; ask at elevator any hour. Phone
.Marshall rl8 between 5 and 6.
run Ktwx xwo elegant business rooms
on roor in me Globe bill dine- eor
Washington and 11th sts. Inquire elevator
man, in loa ouuuing.
SMALL office room with denlc Rhnlr n n M
$15 per month. 984 Chamber of Commerce
MOST centrally located office: -very reason
able; all-night elevator service. 303 Swet
land bldg.. 6th and Washington sts.
ROLL-TOP desk, phones, reception-room.
ngnts. etc.. Si.oo per month. 723 Cham-
oer oi commerce oing.
TWO rooms, second floor Russel bldg.. cor
uer Morrison and 4th. Inquire Lion Cloth
ing CO.
FOR RENT Desk room in the Yeon bldg.:
nunc luruiBiiou iijom ii aesirea. rnone,
stenographer. AC 181. Oregonian.
DESK room with phone, $8.50.
ton bldg.
424 Harail-
FINE location for light manufacturing, tail.
or or offices. AS 945, Oregonian.
FURNISHED office space to rent, very de
sirahle. 416 Lewis bldg.
PART of office. 330 Mohawk bldg..
Sea Janitor.
DESK room. $5; light office, phone,
600. Concord bldg., 2d and Stark.
DESK ROOM, $5; light office.
Concord bldg. 2d and Stark.
phone. 600
O. C. R. ELLIS 4r CO.,
309 Board of Trade.
GARAGE location. We will build
BuxloO feet on Sixth near Irving
a lease. If interested see us.
Watktns & Co.. loo Second st.
l garage
itreet on
NEW 4-story brick, modern apt. house In
every respect. Five years. 3i aptB, about
iwo-tniras lined. owner, AK 173, Ore
WAXTED A woman who wants to make
satisfactory Investment in a staplo line
ana secure employment therewith. P 149,
auiio.N picture camera tripod. tilt
panorama carrying cases, etc., and will.
1 -1 1 you i. ne Dusiness, luu. AS 149,
ESTiBUSHED furniture upholstering and
mattress repairing and manufacturing
iiuHiiicsD, win sacriiice on account sickness.
a iv 1 1 j. oregonian.
UAKh-Ki and light groceries; everything
nearly new and doing good business. Fine
place for man and wife. .1329 Hawthorne
ave. ,
HERE is your chance to make $3000 within
lew montns; small investment required.
Call at my residence or write 4S09 C6th st.
a. n.. ; Mt. ttcotl car.
LADY having $300 wants partner who has
$.100; STilendid opportunity buy business
worm I2UOO forced sale. AM 154, Orego
nian. DANDY little restaurant doing big business,
long lease, cneap rent, good location.
146. Oregonian.
HOTEL and Restaurant, completely fur
nished, center of city, lease, price $1750.
L. E. THOMPSON A CO., 253 Madison st
SACRIFICE price this week only; cigars,
confectionery ; vaiuaoie nxtures. 04a wash
ington st.
FOR LEASE Only hotel In town of 1000,
to iurnisnea rooms. Address A V 2, care
BEAUTY parlor, good-paying business: must
sell account sickness: PRICE RIGHT; ex
perience unnecessary. Marshall 2306.
nn-rtc you are: start business for your
self with-$68 capital; buy paying lunch
counter, is urann ave.
BARBERS Now for a bargain if you want
a o-cnair snop aown town, tj 148, Orego
BARGAIN Must be sold; first-class gro
eery store, best location in city; good busi
ness. 149 23d St. N.
WANTED A partner with $2500,
fectionery and bakery business.
in con
AB 144,
FOR SALE Cleaning and dye shop,
business, will bear investigation. -131
E. 18th st.
FOR REXT Moving picture show at Sea
side, or., complete outnt. Inquire at 29 N.
Bth St., Portland, (jr.
LONG-ESTABLISHED confectionery. Ice
cream, cigars, iruit stand, long Ieas
cheap rent, money-maker. 203 First st.
CAFETERIA seating 10O, must sell thli
week: your price Is ours. Phone A 4105.
WILL sacrifice for cash modern wet-wash
laundry, c 14T. oregonian.
$40H CASH buys thoroughly established,
good paying business. 127, oregonian.
BARBER shop, 2 chairs, doing $28 to $30
Dusiness, sua. av m, oregonian.
HIOLKS of general merchandise for sale
oeiow invoice. a ei, urefonltD.
$ 150 cash handles a nice little restaur
ant on the West Side. $15 to $20
per day. This la a snap. Get busy.
$1000 places you In one of the best-paying
and awellest bakery, confectionery,
lunch room and delicatessen In the
city. The only proposition like it In
the N. W.
$2500 Groceries, one of the best loca
tions on the East Side, doing $1200
per mo. business, all cash, no deliv
ery; 2 nice living rooms completely
MARSHALL 4200, A 7158.
13 ROOMS, exceptionally good furniture,
clears $h0 a month: $150 cash will handle.
37 rooms, corner brick, steam heated,
running water In all rooms; rent less than
$5 per room; never offered before for less
than $31. tK); on account of sickness will
sacrifice for $1500. easy terms.
14 rooms, good furniture, centrally lo
cated. $250. $125 cash will handle: If
these do not suit, we have others that
will. 301 Henry bldg.
Here is an opportunity to get in on the
ground floor. Xew moving-picture house
to be erected on .the East Side; plans for
construction excellent, location unsur
passed: capacity about 500: It will pay
responsinie parties looking for a profit
able business Investment to Investigate.
' 837 Chamber of Commerce.
A dandy, first-class equipments. Do
their own baking; coal and gas ranges,
steam tables, etc. Fine lunch counter,
tables. Silverware only 3 months old.
Owner says they can show-$50 per dav
business. First person who sees this and
can pay JlOuo gets a great big bargain.
(C322) 617-18 Yeon bide.
M A NAfjERS for mariui'acturer's distributing
o. iur ooattie ana topogane: good lor
$5000 per year, with unlimited possibili
ties; must Invest $1000 or more in goods.
Manufacturer will carry stock to meet
all demand for wholesale and rciaii.
Bleckner or Hughes, Palace Hotel, i;th
and Washington sts.
If you owned this swell little grocery,
located on one of Portland's best streets;
unusually well equipped with fixtures and
stock: rent $43 (owner says sales run up
to $10O per day), you would forget vour
troubles. It's a real prize at $2500. Some
trade considered. (C294 ) 618 Yeon bldg.
PARTNER wanted for tea and coffee busi
ness. iou; win sell whole for $1100; busi
ness for quick sale. Including stock, safe,
office furniture, etc.. $500. Cigar store,
good location, $350. pool hall. Including
confectionery, cigars, etc.. and six living
rooms, clears $200 per month. $2100. terms.
301 Henry bldg.
. WOOD-WORKING factory located In one
of the best towns In the Northwest doing
splendid business; large exclusive factory
and best prices obtained; manufactures
everything. See Kulse.
3d Floor Chamber of Commerce.
We have for sale a few strictly flrst
class money-making general merchandise
stores, ranging In price from $2500 to
IS00O. " These places have been investi
gated and found O. K. Some trade for
real estate considered. 618 Yeon bldg.
LIGHT manufacturing business wants a man
pariiier tnat is aDie to keep plain ac
counts; the owner owns the property
where the factory stands and is willing to
guarantee you no less than $lfs month.
323 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts.
FOR $350 CASH.
Butter and eggs; creamery products;
low rent: very neat place. A good money
maker now. Particulars at 618 Yeon bids
C271 )
Owner going to Europe. One of the
best locations In Portland. Long lease,
low rental. Good transient trade. A
mint for a good saloon man. AT 173,
Rent only $15: Al location and mighty
big value at $300. Ought to prove a
bonanza at this price. (C290 ) 618 YeoD
CAPABLE man wanted who can take charge
w uminouiing natural spearmint gum tc
retail stores; must have some money f
supply of gum .Send 5 cents for samv'.l
box. Room IS, 1162 Center St., Berkli..
HIGH-CLAS cleaning and pressing shop.
u , BleHQJ' sooer partner to
help him; he will teach you the business
and guarantee you good pay: $250 re
quired. Call 319 Lumber Exchange. 2d and
UNHEARD-OF OFFER; newly furnished
45-room apartment house: a splendid
house; rent $175 per mo. Nearly all filled'
speak quick and say something. (B217
61 S Yeon bldg.
DENTAL office and practice in small grow
ing town on two railroads; good surround
ing country. 30 miles from Portland: no.
other dentist: reason for selling, have two
offices, too busy to care for both- cheap
for cash. Address AC. 124. Oregonian.
If Interested in buying or selling anv
stock, consult us. Call, phone or write.
216-217 Lewis Bids.
WANTED Partner to take half interest in
oO.OOO capacity sawmill now running
plenty timber available: standard-gauge
railroad connects with main line; 2 donkey
engines and all equipment necessary;
$10.000 necessary. R loo, Oregonian.
PARTXER wanted for a reliable employment
office; requires small Investment as steady,
sober man la wanted more than his money;
pay large profits. Call 319 Lumber Ex
change, 2d and Stark.
WANTED A partner to take a third Inter
est in old-established manufacturers'
agency and management of office: stock
will invoice at $4000. This will stand full
est Investigation. $1200. 31 Henry bldg.
FOR SALE Well-established retail milk
route In excellent district; horse, wagon,
separator, complete equipment; guaran
teed over $100 month net profit. Phone
B 1279.
In good country town; have own slaugh
ter house; own shop and residence. This
is on a good paying basis.
JACOB HAAS. 308 Gerlinger Bldg.
I would buy this store. Best district and
low rent. Branch postoffice. A fine busi
ness. Ask about It at 618 Yeon bide
ESTABLISHED. going business. Large
profits. Stock, fixtures and all rights,
clear of all incumbrances, will amount to
about $1500. Immediate sale being neces
sary, $400 buys all. 517 Henry bldg.
An old. well-established weekly news
paper, published in county seat; finely
equipped; located near Portland. This Is
a SNAP for a live one. 618 Yeon bldg.
RESTAURANT Owner tired of hired help.
wants a reliable partner to be cashier,
etc.; good pay and very little money Is
required, which will be secured. 319 Lum
ber Eichante, 2d and Stark.
iouci location ana equipment; owner
sas Dusiness amounts to $.15 to $50 per
nay. oiuy iou casn takes this bakerv.
(C2R6) 01S Yeon bide.
WILL sacrifice interest and position in Port
land corporation for $20o0; valued at $8000.
Don't answer unless you have the money
K ISO. Oregonian.
HAVE concession to let for taking photos,
groups or postals at Elks' picnic, Bonne
ville, June 29. See Fred W. Wagner. 363
$2200 WILL secure a working Interest with
a large corporation, pays $125 month sal
ary and share of profits; your money is
.well secured. 303 Lumber Exchange.
WANT lonrt one to advance Trie $5O0 to
place machine on sale in .British Colum
bia; flrst-clasj proposition and monev
secured. G 161, Oregonian.
PARTNER wanted for automobile business;
requires very little money and energetic
man can clear $200 month, 319 Lumber
Exchange. 2d and Stark.
SOLID GROCERY that Is doing business of
$250 daily: will take a reliable man that
can furnish good references as partner.
323 Lumber- Exchange, 2d and Stark sts.
Seats 200: 10-cent houae: new piano; no
competition within mile; only $400 cash
required. (C223) 618 Yeon bldg.
FOR SALE Restaurant.
lness; price reasonable:
gation. 127 Grand ave.
doing good bus
will bear lnvesti-
$200 BUYS the best olgar and confectionery
stand In Portland. See owner, S. E. cor
ner Second and Yamhill.
FOR SALE The best grocery store on the
Sandy Road; this Is worth while; Investi
gate. F 161. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Sawmill on time or I will take
It all In lumber: bargain. Telephone owner
" Main 4776.
FOR SALE Furniture and lease of apt.
house, $200 per month profit; $1900 to
handle. AE 170. Oregonian.
A HOME bakery, confectionery. Ice cream
stand: bargain this week; $300 cash takes
It: will Invoice $BO0. R 150. Oregon I. n.
"More farmers have ridden out of debt
on the back of a hog than any other
The hog Is the quickest growmg. easiest
marketed animal. He is a liquid asset
every day in the year. Hog raising Is the
most profitable industry.
I want you to come in with me on the
safest and best money-making hog proposi
tion on the Coast.
I've got It. I can show you. How much
can you Invest? C. 176. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Furniture, business and leases
of large rooming and boarding-house at
great sacrifice; furniture almost new, lo
cation excellent and within walking dis
tance; the place and proposition to be ap
preciated must be seen and examined: the
price is right; for full particulars, call at
once. 240 East 16th su, cor. E. Main, or
phone East 3160.
BAKER'S and candy maker's business, ex
cellent location in Vancouver, B. C. bar
gain price for speedy sale; established
over 2 years: fixtures, stock, equipment
and goodwill $125u: fixtures and equipment
cost over $2200; rent $40 month: nice
store and bakehouse; large dry basement.
Roy Ac Dinning. Assignees and Liquidat
ors. 74 Hastings St., Vancouver, B. C.
X EWfci'A PER FOR SALE Central Oregon
ian. Metolius. or., division point two rail
rouds; construction Melollus-Prineville
Electric about to start: treat future: Don
er presses, Oswego 26 cutter, over 200
fonts type, series; saennce; $1200 if taken
before July 15; third cash; paying, but
tired of pame; little effort will double
business. Ed. T. Pierson. Metolius, Or.
FOR SALE Peanut and popcorn wagon
just the thing for a small store or the
street. A very attractive outfit: Runs
with gasoline engine: something new In
Portlanu and a money-maker; 11 you have
a small Place to set this you had better
look this up. llol Belmont st. Take
SunnyBide car. Phone Tabor 4721.
CITY HOTEL, 100 rooms, rent $250, dlnlng
- room, bar pays $25 to $40 ' day, license
worth $250o; going at $450O. Country
hotel. Central Oregon, live town, furnish
ings insured for $oooo; will sell for $0ooo,
some trade; 38 rooms, bar. Muke offer.
Glo Buchanan bldg.
FOR SALE Confectionery, ice cream, to
baco, cigars and shelf groceries. This is
on-i of tnw be:t corners on the East Side.
See owner; will Invoice or lump. Now this
is a new store and up-to-date with living
looms, llol lelniont. Take buouyaiao
car or phone Tabor 4721.
AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL with high-grade
expert teachers. Complete 10,oou equip
ment to train for this coming vocation.
Xot run to make money, but for the good
of men. See or write Supt. of the All the
Year Round Y. M. C. A. Day and Night
Schools, corner 6th and Taylor sts.
FOR SALE New, clean stock of hardware
and Implements In new growing town. In
voice about $2000. Also store building
vim B-room nai anove ana large ware
house, valued at $2000. Pays good profit.
Get details al 504 Spalding bldg. Mar
shall 273.
WANTED To help handle Portland manu
factured goods; man of integrity, business
ability to Invest equal capital $5UOO)
with me; cash business; highly profitable:
references: banks and business men of
Portland. Appointment for Interview by
iener oiuy. au io, oregonian.
Before closing deal for so-called Inter
ests in established real estate business,
get advice of Portland Realty Board.
F. L. PURSE, Secretary,
818 Chamber of Commerce.
FIRST-CLASS grocery store, corner room.
Plate glass front, fixtures all In, furnace
heat'; established trade; in new concrete
ouuuing, at xasnvtlle Addition, on Mt.
Scott carllne: only$.(l rent lor all. See
owner. Philip Schneider, 1O0H, North 3d st.
A FINE chance for a shoemaker; for sale,
a shoe repairing shop, good business, 2
houses with furniture. 7 lots, only $300
or Tuv uown, tne rest on easy terms. For
niormation. call at ils Mississippi ave.
Wanted Good all-around hotel man and
wire, "workers," to address box 632, As
toria, Or., it you wiali to secure working
interest in 30-room hotel, completely fur-
iiiaueu. av iu, oregonian.
IF you are shurt of money when buying
uusiness we will turnlsh it. If you must
sell your business or lodging-house we will
make you a cash offer. C. V. Ryan & Co.,
tiif Au iijsioii uiug. juarsnau oi!:.
1 HAVE the best up to date cigar and nov
elty store in Purtland. doing excellent
justness, sicaness cause or selling. Inves
t.cste this and pass up dead ones. Owner,
'32. Oregonian.
fl cid to offer entire allotment of stocks
trd bonds for corporations. J. N. Seen-.e-t
At Co.. Investment bankers. White
oiag., luiraio.
t-oniectlonery and drugstore 12 miles
irom rortiana in a live town, doing
nice Business; tlooo; will Invoice. AV
'., oregonian.
INVESTIGATE this if you have $1000
make clean money; successful business
man will Join you who has Invested like
amvmnt and knows how to make good. X
-in., orcjtonian.
PARTNER wanted to take half interest in
one of the best paying manulactui Ing
businesses in Portland: niunt be capable
wi, icvoiiimeooea. sioOO re
quired. T 136, Oregonian.
JfOK SALE or trade, well established res
taurant, doing a good buslneas; good rea-
r.. . i Mini-iiiig me uusiness. cal
labor 43jO. owner.
BARBER SHOP, sale or trade; good bus!
ness lease, location a snap; owner leav
ing tor Billings. Montana, must sell. See
tn iich. .no oaa St.
MEAT MARKET, well located and good
trade; owner has other business- price
$.o0;.will make favorable terms. Call
24s i Stark st.
GROl ER Inusual opportunity best loca
tion, old established, big business, best
trade, modem; big thing for good . mer
chant, $11500. AH 166, Oregonian
BOND Issues. $100,000 upwards negotiated
Railway. Gas, Timber, Water. MlnlngMfg"
Corporations Organized. L. X. Rosenbaum
& Co.. 2S1-2SH Halght bldg.. Seattle.
WAXTED A good, live man or woman.
with a little money, to help finance two
patents. tau room 21b, Edwards
East Side.
CHANCE for a business man to get Into a
prosperous, local corporation with big
future; must have $2500, and take active
Interest. Call 248 4 Stark st.
SMALL srocery, new stock, 5 living-rooms
rent $25:. this is a snap: owner wants to'
go to country. Call Monday. 774 V. Wil
liams ave.
LIVE energetic man to take Interest In
merchandise brokerage business; salesman
preferred; few hundred dollars' Investment
required. G 171, Oregonian.
MILLINERY store doing , good business;
must be sold; $600, or one-half of Invoice
stock. For information, call 1131, N. Jer
sey St., St. Johns.
MOTION picture show doing a good busi
ness, to trade for poolroom. Call 418
Lumber Exchange bldg.
FIRE INSURANCE agency for sale; large
American company; high quality and good
volume. V 170. Oregonian.
WANT man t
agency; 1-3
$3600. X 135.
handle office
interest $1200;
of factory
MUST BE SOLD at once, confectionery and
tobacco and cigar store, cheap for casn.
G. H. Carroll. 647 Williams ave.
SALOON, doing good business for sale
cheap if taken at once; good lease and
good location. Phone A 2690.
LA DY piano player to Invest in paying pic
ture theater; must leave city. AN 161
FIRST-CLASS delicatessen lunchroom and
bakery, eood lease, fine location; unable
to handle It myself, phone Marshall 4133.
BUTCHER looking for location, all "cash
trade, no delivery, cheap rent, can find
same by calling 133. Grand ave.
GARAGE doing good business; fine loca
tion : storage and repairing; cheap. A 177
BAKERY, doing fine business, at a bargain;
good location, fine equipment. Chas. Ring
ler A Co.. 211 Lewis bldg.
TRANSFER and storage business; can make
$200 month; owner called away, must sell;
Investigate Monday. 248 14 Stark at.
DENTIST Registered in Oregon; good sal
ary, steady employment, town 20.000.
AV 90, Oregonian.
ICE CREAM parlor, confectionery and cigar
Btore: good location on East Side; for sale
by owner: lease. 22 N. Grand.
MOVING-PICTURE house; very little money
required to handle; cheap rent; no oppo
sition. Y 166. Oregonian.
DRY GOODS and notions store; 4 nice rooms
in rear; invoices $1150; cash discount or
trade for lot. 143 W. Killlngsworth ave
FOR SALE or trade, old established res
taurant; has never changed; must sell on
account of sickness. AS 146, Oregonian.
WAVE two theaters; will sell one
cheap. Owner, 205 Russell st.
FOR a good proposition call room 14. 231 Va
Morrison st. Small Investment required.
SPACE In drug store for Jeweler;
sonable. F 103. Oregonian.
DRUG STORE, well established; part cash
and trade or terms. F 157. Oregonian.
GARAGE, in good location; a money-maker
for a mechanic. X 175. Oregonian.
Great Business Opportunity.
Best paying Cloak and Suit business oa
the Coast, five-year lease and fixtures go
with the stock. Reason, ill health. Wor
rell's. Sixth and Alder.
If wanting a restaurant, rooming house.
Is cheap at $50. Good fixtures free. Close
in and low rent.
IT you can 'raise about $1100 and want
a grocery, look at this one; established
' cash trade. ,Rent $15. Should bring a
bonus, but will Invoice. Owner paralyzed.
The best hotel In good live town, on
Pacltlc Highway, clears over $3110 per
month; 3-year lease; will stand Investiga
tion. Price $6000. trade up to $2500.
If wanting a restaurant, rooming house,
bakery, pool room, laundry, confectionery,
coffee house, look over our list.
Ask for Robards.
3d floor. Chamber of Commerce.
Old-established Incorporated company
wants a good man to buy one-third inter
est in thu company and take hold of de
partment; man must have knowledge of
city and surrounding country; to a man
that can fill the position this is a golden
opportunity; the investment requires $25ot
and will pay belter than 100 per cent per
year on the amount invested; fullest in
vestigation invited; best of references. For
Interview address B 114. On gonian.
Fireproof building on 4S front lot; cen
trally located in one or the very best towns
In the Willamette Valley; the building is
divided into two stores, the one being
rented and the other being occupied by
the owner of the building, and doing a
first-class business in every respect: the
building, including the stock, fixtures and
automobile, all goes for $25.ooO; this is
something exceptionally good; will accept
a good farm up to $18.0oo; balance cash.
Donald M. Wall. Xewberg. Or.
PARTNER WAXTED I have one of the
best offers to a wideawake, progressive
mn who has $5000 cash he can invest iu
a paying institution, where he will re
ceive $100 per month for a few hours a
day to act as treasurer, that was ever put
on the market. Balance of the time to
be devoted to the business at an addi
tional profit. State age and present busi
ness in first letter. For Interview, write.
AC 182, Oregonian.
WANTED By man and wile, intending
touring Washington, Oregon. Idaho and
California by auto, samples and adver
tising matter to distribute, signs to tack
up; or will solicit orders from merchants
oil route traveled for manufacturer, job
ber, or wholesale merchants. Xo trashy
proposition considered. Reference. If
wanted. Address care of P. O. Box 74,
Vancouver, Wash.
Circumstances require immediate sale of
all or half interest in one of the best
printing plants ever offered in this city
at a price of $2S50. Owners report busi
iness averaging $6o0 per month now. It s
a snap. IC311) Particulars at 618 Yeon
WANTED Partner with $15o0. Staple man
ufacturing business. Product ready lor
market, insuring immediate returns. Cap
ital turned over four to six times per
annum at profit of 20 to 30 per cent each
turn. This is a solid, substantial enter
prise and if you don't have the monev,
don't waste your time. O 171. Oregoniaii.
One of the best corners in the city. Al
ways busy. Owner compelled to go East,
and must sell at once. If you want some
thing good, buy this at Invoice. AL 13'..
TWO-FAMILY house, niodern; each flat has
5 rooms and large porch; separate en
trances; furnace and range; IS minutes
from 1st and Alder sts., Hawthorne cat.
Price $4500; terms. $2oo0 mortgage, bal
ance desirable city lots or close-in acre
age. Phone C 2515.
I offer for Bale the first time an old
established General store, about 20 miles
from Portland. Cleared over $7000 last
year. The price is $1)000. Terms. Xo
trade considered. E. J. Geiser. 420 Cham
ber of Commerce.
OWIXG to business Interests which takes
me out of town I must sell my confec
tionery, cigar and lunch counter by first
of Jily. If you want a paying business that
2 can handle call and Investigate. 1S03
E. 11th st., opposite Sellwood car barn.
Phone B 2406.
Of this kind of place. A little dandy,
doing about $25 per day now. Fine loca
tion; rent. Including 4-room fiat. $30 per
mo. Will Invoice $1600. Tempt the owner
with $1400. part trade. (C277) 618 Yeon
If interested in buying or selling any
stock, consult us. Cal, phone or wrile.
216-217 Lewis Bldg.
WAXTED in good little, safe cash business
an interested partner; you must be willing
to drive delivery rig; owner will show you
that the business will pay you at least $25
week and growing better. 32-3 Lumber Ex
change, 2d and Stark sts.
SEVERAL groceries. confectioneries and
cigar stores ranging In price from $150 to
$5000- cheap rent, doing splendid busi
ness; will take some trade, but must have
some cash. Jordan. 619 Lumbermen s
Two good millinery stores in best busi
ness section. Have been priced for QUICK
SALE; one can be had for $1800. the other
$40ii. Any milliner will see big value at
a glance. (C318) (C319) 618 Yeon bldg.
BUSINESS of all kinds sold and trans
ferred in the shortest possible time. Col
lections made with the least possible fric
tion and dispatch at the Merchants' Col
lection Bureau, 517 Henry bldg.
WOOD. COAL, ETC. Partner wanted to
tend office, check wood, etc.; will guaran
tee good pay and very little money Is
required. Call 319 Lumber Exchange. 2d
and Stark.
Large new bake oven and good equip
ment, doing nice business: a SNAP at
7.i0. Look this up. tC280 618 Yeon.
PARTNER wanted to attend office and as
sist in business management. This Is a
fine opportuniiy; must have $1.8oo to In
vest for half Interest. References ex
changed. M 176. Oregonian.
AN unusual opportunity Is being offered by
one ofthe best-paying stores In the city
for yoa to become associated with them,
as they are opening up a new store. For
particulars address AB 170. Oregonian.
GROCERY and lunch counter. $5T dally
pales, which means $10 a day clear, price
$looo. Be sure and see this." 303 Lumber
HALF interest in the best-paying fish and
poultry business in Portland; have other
business I must see to. Price $50o. Jor
dan. 619 Lumbermen's bldg.
PARTXER wanted immediately to assist in
manufacturing moving pictures, $350,
fully secured; large orders ahead. P
163. Oregonian.
WANTED Man with $500 to back us In
profitable business that will net' from
$10,000 to $20.00 a year. Our product is
now ready to deliver. O 17o. Oregonian.
CIGAR store, close in. West Side, no fix
tures to buy. clearing $25 week above all
expenses; rent only $30. price $:too or
will Invoice. 3o3 Lumber Exchange.
16 LOTS clear of incumbrance price $t;.,o
each. 50x100. to exchange for general
merchandise stock in or out of the city.
Jordan. 619 Lumbermen's bldg.
PARTNER to take a working Interest In a
well-established business. paving $125
month to each partner, anyway. $ '",0
required. 3o:t Exchange.
FOR SALE Hole! with dings in one of
the best suburbs of Portland. Address
Hotel Kenton. 1757 Derby St.. Kentou.
Portland. Or.
$5,000,000 EUROPEAN capital for Invest
ment in attractive enterprises. Address
Bankers' Alliance. 14 Bloomsbury st.,
London. England.
GOOD cleaner and presser to open shop in
good Held: some cash required; I mean
business. ,F 174, Oregonian.
CASH GROCERY. West Sid", cheap rent,
living rooms, fine business district and
good clean stock. 517 Henry bldg.
BAKERY and confectionery with living
rooms, good live town, business nlcciv
317 Henry blrln.
BAKERY doing a big cash retail trade
price $473. 303 Lumber Exchange. "
CIGAR STORE for sale cheap. Inquire at
80 N. th st.
PARTNER with $50O to handle new stock
of goods. Owner, Tabor 1 898.