TITE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, POKTLAU, JUXE Z'Z, 1913. 11 M. " i - See H A R B O L. T for EXCHANGES, my SPECIALTY. A PROPOSITION FOR EVERT DEAL. YOU THEN BE THE judo K. (0000 Twenty acres of A-l alfalfa ranch, dope to Hermiston, water In and all paid, to trndo for A-l city property up to kimm or $!0UU; prefer first t'Jass residence. S.'jOOO (quily In two fine new 6-room houst-a. located in Irvinyrton. strict ly ni'ulfrn, to trade fur A-l farm up to ,vuu. 5."i00 equity in oO-acre tract of lop:tn iifiiy land, 10 miles from Portland; will trade for A-l property and as sume. f.i.vio equity in 7-room, strictly modern new home In Irvlngton and three lainily iiat in Alberta district to u Hue tor rancn up to $12,uu0. $S0')0 alfalfa ranch, consisting of 100 acres fre and clear, water rights all paid, latci-al throuyn the ranch, to trade for upartm-nt-huuse up to $L'u,tKio. .10,r' f,40-acre stock ranch, plenty of alfalfa and wheat land, to trade for cny property; win assume up to 20. oou. li..no equity In IrviiiKton homes and one flat huili'imr to trade for good ranch up to S'Ja.uuO. $15,noo loon acres, slock ranch, wheat and altalfa. sufficient for Rood stock pi'opobitlun. in Central Oregon, to trade for apartment-house up to S30, 000. 1T.K00 equity In lliT'ii -acre alfalfa ranch it HormiHitiii, value -, uoo, part in alfalfa, to trade for A-l apartment houhe up to $40,000. fJ.YOno worth of A-l equities in miscel laneous property In Portland to trade for A-l wheat ranch or valley farm Up tO fQO.IMM). So.Oim 1(50 acres, all platted and ready for the market, 10 miles from th city, to sell In small tracts, 11 to 10 res, A-l for loganberries, to trade for city property up to $30,000. $40,000 1080 acres, just east of O'Nell and north of Bend, A-l for stock proposition, to trade for city prop erty up to $60,000. THE HARBOLT REALTY CO., INC., 710-718 Lewis Blag.. tn ana oak. Marshall A 7158. IIK.1. STOCK RANCH T .ion acres, nr. miles southwest of Port land, on Yamhill lliver, 4 miles from Ry. station and Knod little town and close to new n. survey to roast; soil could not be better; l.iO acres bottom land under culti vation; loo acres mote In open pasture but can le plowed if desired, balance timber: fine spnnes. 2 creeks and river; plenty of good waier the year around; one S-room house, one 0-rjom house, 0 barns and out buildings. If you are looking for a stock or dairy ranch you could not find a more suitnhle place and the price is only ftT per acre with easy terms at ti per cent. Ue have pictures of the ranch at the of fice II Interested, come and see them; mifcht tftke some trade K.WFFJi ANN & MOORE, S-'i Lumber Exchange. WHO SAID LAND WAS TOO HIGH? A stock ranch completely equipped $15 per acre. Nearly river nnd creek' bot tom land cleared; some In alfalfa and nearly all suitable for alfalfa. 12,000 acres including sheep and horses (several thous and i s miles from railroad, in noted stock belt of Eastern OreKon. A sacrifice price Is mad fur personal reasons of owners. Must be enough cash to cover cost of per sonal property, or will take $100,000 in Portland Income property; maps and photos and full representation; will show anyona interested this splendid proposi tion. ItEO. E. WAGGONER,. 805 Ycon Bldg. ' ACRE.S, clear of incumbrance, price $15imi. for rooming-house. House and li lots, all clear. In valley town, $2400, for pool hall. 00 acres, ion acres in cultivation, all fenced, plenty of water, on county road, $-M an acre, for house and lot. 72 acres, high state or cultivation near Mfton. price Sll.oou, which includes ail farm Implements and Block. lor city prop erty, unincumbered. 801 Henry bldg. It you are looking for a farm that is a farm and not an excuse for one ad have city property or close-in acreage to ex change, call on us about this Yamhill farm of lf.o acres, loo acres in cultiva tion, fair buildings, deep rich soil and W.-I1 watered; price $110 per acre; cash or exchange. SCOTT & BEESI.KT, C12 Ablngton Bldg. -oo ACKLH 15 In bearing commercial or. chard, Ko in cultivation, 8c miles from good town. Want city property. $.'15,000. $12no bouse and two lots; want auto or lots. Wo have a largo list of all kinds of property to exchange; can match you. List with us tor sale or exchange. HAVMoHE REALTY CO.. 4:i0 Worcester Jildg. 40-ACKE ranch, near Redmond, 1T minutes' walk to school, stores and postoffice; close to railroad; 16 acres in cultivation; balance of $200 per year payable for four years ?s the only debt. Property easily worth HO per acre. Irrigation if desired. Will :iade equity for Portland property. W1NT11ROP. HAMMOND & CO., -123 Chamber of Commerce. 40 ACRES orchard land, $lMto 70 acres orchard land. $:r00. ..0 acres orchard land, $3000; 20 acres improved and set to apples. Fine acre tracts. Improved and unim proved, from $7r to fioo per acre. Will tracie for good property for cart of any of the above. W. O. HEYLMAN. Estacada. Or. $"00 IN CASH IHn acres, unincumbered, in British Col umbia. Also a house and lot in Spokane. All to exchange for unincumbered acre age. Prefer close to Portland. Must be worth $501111. Give full particulars. Y lti4. Oregonian. Sl'AHTEU block with two houses, rent $35 month. Room for apartment-houso or ninre. houses. $S0O0 and clear of Incum brance. Trade for acreage. Dorr E Keasey & Co.. 2d floor Chamber of Com merCH bldg. "'.'' EQCITY in a Portland business block paying $1.10 a month after deduct ing operating expenses, interest, taxes and insurance Will trade for a fine resl oeiu e or Ints. Dorr K. Keasey & Co . 2d Coer Chamber of Commerce bldg. KliK SAI.i r trade for acreage near Port- .inc. rue residence lote with S-room modern house and one business lot. located v",.i,',';wnf ", i,K'lL Southern Oregon. Bonis n alove about JHoUO. AV SO, Ore. 1 l;1"' ?or 3273alsoS5bh lll"l in i-room house, total $5775 will Viun? w 600J VaUCy farn Of equal Oi na r.?V2?bI ??'? - " - ' it-, uretnian or'E me California alfalfa land, improved or unimproved, and take mv Portland home no .ncurnbrance, with $2000 cash, and I 11 Klve you a good deal. X 103 TO RXrHANOlll)0ri00rfnirv ton. one block to car. Will take small house and lot as part payment AG 16- OrcRuniuH. 6 ACHKS. house, barn and team, value f000 clear of Incumbrance, for house and" lot : no commission. Address owner W 151' Orepronian. ' ' II. L .-xchange $3:100 equity in aha furnishing of 32 2-room apt.-house clearing $200 per mo. Owner; no aeenta X Oregronlan. BKAl. riML modern 8-room house, worth ;400. for $r0). or will trade equity for conttctionory, lot or automobile. E 4 flt Ht., N. iM PliOVKl) lands, 3tHX) acres, 40 acres "0 acre, 20 acres, all near transportation Zli1 che,aPJ or tratie- S. M. Venard. $-2r,0O KQUITV In $:0vM modern house tu exchange for acreage. 7-room iA It r;A LT Y CO.. 02f Chamber of ommerce. Marshall 604. T.and. Klickitat County, free of Incum brance. I'rice $irm. for a nice fore-door car. ATj 171, Oregonian. b A( HKS hue Salmon fruit land with 1 1. yellow fir, to trade for property or pood auto, AO 17t. Oregonian. 1 IIAVK several dandy farma for trade. "a!I :has. F. Parker room 600 Concord Md jr. V'lIJ- trade my 4-pass car. value $-100 for city nt about same value. AR 100 Ore gonian. HuL'SK and 2 lots in Tacomn, Wash rfor auto or Portland property. AK ltKi, Ore fronian. TO TKAT'E Gearhart lot for motorcycle. Phone K. S-03 Sunday A, M. I TO EXCHANGE x., I I i ' GOOD TRADES. 63 acres within mile of Oregon City, Improved and eood buildinga. fine for eub-di vision; price $3u0 per acra; will trade for good farm with stock and equipment. Want dairy farm up to $1 2. son. with cow and equipment; have $40t0 good clear property to put in as first pay ment and will give mortgage for balance. 800-acre wheat farm In Sherman County, ail good; 5uo acres In crop now; good buildings, well and windmill ; pries, in cluding 1-3 of crop, U.UOO; will con sider valley farm up to $20,00 0 in trade, balance mortgage. 40 acres in White Salmon district. 6 acres in orchard 2 to 4 years old. beauti ful 5-room bungalow, good barn and other outbuildings, well; this is a very attrac tive place and fine value at $i000; will trade for house or acreage near Fortland up to that amount. S3 acres 5 miles from Carlton, on main road, 30 acres slushed, balance small oak and fir, 3 acres cherries: price $4150; will trade for house in Salem or Portland. 1 acres near Cedar Mills store, price $1000 ; block suftable for ractory site at McMinnville, price $1500; will trade one or both, lor good confectionery and cigar store In any good town and pay small cash difference. 320 acres 9 miles northeast of Washou gal ; no acres cultivated, 100 more easily put in cultivation, balance rolling; run ning water; buildings poor; finest soil and would make excellent dairy or stock ranch; price $4,o0u ; will consider good close-in acreago or city p ro p t r t y . 1 We have many good properties to trade. See our list if you are looking for ex ciian tss. LL'EDDEMANX, RULEY & CO.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE AT ONCE. 6- room house for vacant lots or acreage. 5-room house for 'vacant lots or acreage. 10-acre tract near Roseburg for auto. 7- room house for vacant lots or acreage. 1000 acres wheat land in Palouse Coun ty, Wash., for Portland income property. See Hulse. CilAPIN-HERLOW M TO- & TRUST CO., 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. FOR EXCHANGE. 107 Acres. Located 4 miles from Sheridan, price ftiS per acre; will trade $4710 equity for city property at cash value. loo acres cleared ready for cultivation. 15 acres more open land, about 40 acres first growth fir and oak. "J acres orchard J room house, very ordinary; 4 barns, fairly good ; other buildings necessary : 2 wells, 1 spring, creek. mile to school. Very little waste land, no stock. Will give good terms for cash. See R. E. Cowie, 40a ilcox bldT A MAN with a 3(iO-acro wheat ranch In Sherman County, valued at $'.0U0, Port land and Valley property valued at $$O00, total of $15.00( and only $100 against it. wan is to exchange it for an equipped stock or dairy ranch of not less than '-'00 acres. Will assume from $0000 to $10, 000. Don- E. Keasey & Co.. lid floor Chamber of ommereo bldg. TAKE ACREAGE OR LOTS B-room modern houe, large lot, 2 street frontages, in Laurelhurst ; all . improve ments in, price $5000; straight mortgage $JO00. bonded $600; take city lots or acre age near the city to $J0O0 ; $300 cash. O. C K. ELLIS & CO., 3U0 Board of Trade. $20,OOi. EQUITY IN $70,00 BUSINESS LOT JUST OFF OF WASHINGTON ST. WILL TRADE EQUITY FOR LOTS OR ACREAGE AND ASSUME AND PUT IN $50OO CASH. It. H. GOODKIXD CO., INC.. 401-402-403 WILCOX "RLDG., COR. 6TH AND WASHINGTON. TWO-FAMILY house, modern; each flat has ft rooms and large porch ; separate en trances ; furnace and range ; 1 ts minutes from 1st and Alder sts., Hawthorne car. Price $4500: terms, $2000 mortgage, bal ance desirable city lots or close-in acre age. Phone C 2".15. $20O0 EQUITY IN HOUSE AND LOT lO.Vx Liu IN WESTON", OH.. AND ONE ACRE ( S LOTS ) IX WALLA WALLA. WASH., TO TRADE FOR SMALL HOUSE IN PORTLAND. WILL ASSUME SOME DIF FERENCE. GIVE PRICK AND LOCA TION. AK 140. OREGON! A N . WANT SMALL ROOMING-HOUSE Or grocery up to $1000 for equity In bungalow East 46th near Belmont: this is an up-to-date home in every particular, lot 0x1 00 ; balance long time and easy payments. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO., 30t Board of Trade. TRADE FOR SMALL FARM. View lot on Mt. Tabor, value $1200; a $2000 first mortgage at 7 per cent and some cash for small farm; no orchard land rone'dered. LL'EDDEMANX, RULEY & CO.. if 13 Chamber of Commerce. 20(i ACRES, $40 an acre. 100 acres In cul tivation. All can be cultivated, large barn. 2 fine springs, all under fence, fine black soil, good road, and near school. Will trade for modem home in Portland not over $00O. Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 2d floor Chamber of Commerce bldg. 30 ACRES 12 miles from Portland Court house, running water, $30m and clear of incumbrance. Trade for building site on west slope Mt. Tabor, Jr.x10O or more. Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 2d floor Chamber of Commerce bid g. FL'b'RXITL'RE of 35-room apartment-house for Baie or exchange for city real estate or acreage to amount of $4oio : owner ill and will consider any proposition she can handle. Main 4128. 730 Chamber of Com merce. WANT a going ranch with some livestock and team up to $12,000. Will give unin cumbered Port land income property, val ued $7000 and balance in cash. Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 2d floor Chamber of Com merce bldg. $47,000 INCOME West Side property; $3, 000 income West Side property; some in cumbrance on each. Will exchange both for a good business lot or building. GEO, ENGLEHART, 218 Lumbermen's Building. EXCHANGE BY OWNER. 80 acres west of Sheridan, unimproved, $30OO; 4 lots, Marshfield, $120; 1 acre, im proved, Kendal Station. $1100; $400 equity Park Rose acre, for what have you? Phone E. 2870, 10 A. M. A BUILDER with $5200 worth of clear ln corae Portland property will trade for clear lots upon which to build. Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 2d floor Chamber of Com merce bldg. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM Highly improved 75 acres For sale on easy , terms or exchange for Portland property. Address OWNER, Box 324, Clatskanie. Or. BY OWNER A block of 32 large lots near car. street graded and water in. For ranch valued at $10,000 to $15,0o0. V lttl, Ore gonian. FOR EXCHANGE Modern 7-room house on East 4lth st. near Hawthorne ave; price J2700; want vacant city property. Owner, 214 Railway .Exchange bldg. Main 2129. FoR SALE or trade, 1 businesFot in Mo clips, Wash., and two resident lots in Klamath Fa Ha. Or., and $100 cash. What have you. Box 03, Satsop, Wash. HAVE unincumbered land to value of" $207)0. Will trade same as part payment on home up to $000o. rorr E. Keasey & Co.. 2d floor Chamber of Commerce bldg. SALE or trade. 50x1 50 with 10-room house arranged for boarding-house; also livery and feed stable; trade for Oregon land. P. Riedweg. Orenco, Or. $4000 HOUSE, renting for $10 per month, in oldest city in Oklahoma, to exchange lor Portland house or lots. Call 410 Wash ington St. WANT Portland property up to $2."i.OOO. "Will give cheap land and cash as part payment. Dorr E. Keasey & Co.. 2d floor Chamber of Commerce bldg. WILL trade lot, value $800, for small auto mobile in good condition; no junk wanted. X 100, Oregonian. LEND BARGAIN ; 4 lots; will trade for Portland lots or auto. Owner, 7v3 Lewis bldg. Main 807S. 40 ACRES at White Salmon, two lots and a house In Portland, to trade for a coun try general store. AT ICS. Oreironian. V SALE or exchange; equity in 3 lots in Beaumont for acreage or paid up lot. Call up Main 544 or Sellwood 242 WHAT have you to exchange for 40 acres in ?-m 1 Lounty northwest of Sheridan? R 1(0. Oregonian. 1,il C1iES of oocl :nd in Alberta to trade for a smull farm of Portland resi- TO EXCHANGE Good new houie in Ladd's " W . -" .TIHT1 HICK omg. WHAT have you to exchange for 20 acres f?n fT'11110"8.111" Riverside. FIRST mortgages on farms, two $4000 each 7 Per cent, to exchange city property! What have you? AR 159. Oreennlnn SO ACRES Near Grants Pans, $1 G00, for .w1'.w..s-.ii.u7 ui cornectionery store. 40 ACRES Lincoln County. 1 mile railroad station, Yaquina. $400, for lot. After Sunday, Main 0012. Alter DENVER seven-room home, near City Park, to exchange for Fortland. Phone B 18-! ELEGANT COUNTRY RESIDENCE. 20 acres, 1 mile from Oregon City, all in nlghest state of cultivation; lo-room fully modern house; improvements cost $5000. Price $12,000. unincumbered. Will trade for smaller place near Portland. Will assume a little. (A181) $1000 EQUITY FOR CLEAR LOT. 2 blocks from St. Johns car. Killings worth; luo feet in lawn and fruit; good ;-rooro house, modern; will trade for a lot. (EHO) PRETTY HAWTHORNE-AVE. HOME. 7 rooms, modern, price $3O00; unincum bered; will trade for clear building lota; get busy; this is gilt-edged. (E109 HOUSE AND LOT FOR 10O0 AUTO. o rooms at Grays Crossing, rented at t!3 per month, own water system ; sells $4 ui fi ji wdier a month to neighbors. Lot 60x120. Highly improved. Price $li00. equity about $1100. Will sell equity for S"!o0 spot cash or take $1000 auto. INCOME PROPERTY FOR HOUSE AND LOT. 2-story flat building, price $5000; income luunuj. .ucttgage sjooo at 6 cent. E103) ROSE CITY PARK HOMR per 7 rooms, 2 lots, Broadway corner; fully 1,,uu"1. sweu piace. Price $7000, un (FiYo),erel; Want sood apartment-house. Want merchandise stock. Q rooms, fuily modern, price $3250. Mort gage of $1050 and will put in some cash. (G 112) FARM FOR MERCHANDISE STORE. 51 acres near Albany, with new 8-room house, good barn, all kinds of stock and tools, horses, cows, hogs, etc. Price $65u0. (G102) HOOD RIVER ACREAGE. 40 acres. 10 cleared, at Mosier. $4000, u 11 1 iicuin nereti , ana 1 fin acres C- P. R. miiu near ..eison, ts. c, $2500 unincum bered. Submit me a trade in Portland Realty. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO 618 Yeon bldg., 5th and Alder'. WE WANT FARM LAND Will give in exchange a nice modern 6-room house located in Waveriy Heights. hard surfaced streets, house practically new and substantially built, full cement base ment wi th furnace. Everything about this house is home like and is worth the price asked; $;u00. Will trade it for a piece of close in acreage. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO., 204 Failing Bldg.. Third and Washington Sts. READ THIS 40-acre fruit and alfalfa ranch to ex change for stock ranch; place Is all un der cultivation, 16 acres in apples and pears, balance alfalfa and clover; well stocked with horses, cows, hogs and chickens that go with the place; new, modern S-room house with hot and cold water throughout. cood outhuilriine-K : price $30.000 ; will exchange equity of CaLla.V ft KASER, 722-24 Yeon Bldg. POULTRY, fruit and stock farm, 140 acres, moat of which lies well for cultivation and is very fine rich soil; 10 acres under cul tivation, balance brush and lfcght clear ins ; good spring, well located on main road only one mile from enterprising up per Columbia River town; ideal for poul try, fruit and berries, or would make good cattle, dairy and stock ranch; owner is in hospital with prospects of being invalid for balance of life and desires to sell or exchange for city property; price $12,500. AC l sr., Oregonian. IMPROVED FARM. 200 acres. 100 in cultivation, all fenced, on county road between Mt-MinnvlIIe and Sheridan; thre good springs; soil Is black loam; absolutely no rock nor gravel; place rented till October 1; price $10 per acre; will exchanire for nood Portland nronertv and will assume: particulars may be ob- iaine1 rrom CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY, 501! Dekum Bldg. 2500 ACRES In famous Fair Oaks district, 3 miles from Sacramento, California, GO ft. boule vard past place; will raise almonds, olives or oranges; splendid for subdivision; $125, 000 equity for clear Portland property or good acreage. See Tav lor. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTO. & TRUST- CO. 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. WILL take $15,000 income property as part payment on a 204o-acre stock and grain farm In Morrow County, equipped with buildings, stock and feed, at $25 per acre; 1500 acres in good wheat crop; want about $5000 cash, balance long time at ti per cent. KUPPER & HUMPHRY, 212-213 Chamber of Commerce. 8 ACRES and private roadway, Milwaukie Park near Evergreen Station; house, fenced and in cultivation; $15,X0; mtg. 300o. Want city propei ty ; might assume. - See Tavlor. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. WILL exenane city property vaiued at $rtVX, bringing in 6 per cent, for acreage or timber land; give full description of your proposition in first letter. D 162. Oregonian. MT. TABOR district. East 6!th and Stark sts.. by owner to exchange for unincum bered lota or country property; my new. modern 7-room home. Phone Tabor 3270 before 11 A. M. and after 7:30 P. M FOR SALE or trade. $2000 equity in 6-room house, lot 50x100, fruit, flowers, shade trees, for 4 or 5-room bungalow or cot tage with small lot. Owners only. Phone Woodlawn 2H7. BEAUTIFUL home on the Heights, lot 65 xlOO, close in, best residence district, $12,500; will take , in close-in acreage or city lots. Dorr E. Keasey & Co., second floor Chamber of Commerce bldg. Vv E have some very attractive proposition? to exchange in both city and country properties. F. E. TAYLOR CO.. 40 4 -5 Le wis Build i n s . 4 LOTS at Blaine, Wash.. $i(100;- 2 lots at Seattle, Wash., $1000; 2 lots at West Port land Heights. $S00. Will take acreage. ximoer. ounpaiow, stocks, diamonds or i'rst mortgage, pnone eve. Mar. 2011. WILL accept" any kind of an offer, $4050 equity on 120 acres, 41 miles from Hood River; house, springs, splendid view, sale or exchanKe ; cheap for cash. Owner, W A GOOD 5-room house and windmill and 1 acre in berries and fruit trees for sale or exchange for small farm. Take Woodstock r'lf trt I hn nrl !"; th a va Let - t.- 16 Goldendale lots, free of encumbrance, to exchange. What have you? Also 10 acres cultivated land near Reed vi lie - equity $1400; price, $2,500. A F IQ5, Oregonian. CALIFORNIA city or countrv property wanted or drug store up to $10,000, for improved Portland property. 415 Cham ber of Commerce. WILLAMETTE SO, substantial improvements buildups, ISO0O; exchange $otMH equity for Portland, conservative valuation- own ei s only. 1030 Grand ave. North. WE are in & position to offer you quick action if you have property for exchange, KUPPER & HUMPHRY. SI 2 21S Ch amber of Commerce Bldg. TO exchange good Portland income property value $10,000. for stock farm. Phone Tabor 1610 or li 3024. Write 252 East 44th st E. Williams. TRADE for farm, established sand and gravel business, pavine: KrrriA an. count of poor health. AP 1C3. Oregonian OAKLAND. Cal.. store and flat. Exchange for property here, $5000 or Jess. Posi tlvely no commission. Q- 373. oregonian WILL, take $3400, Improved acreage on mod ern 6-room house. Broadway car 338 Cook ave., or C 1713 after 6. ONE lot near Taeoma, Wash., .to trade for motorcycle up to $300; lot clear T 13i Oregonian. ' WILL trade $12,500 equity in 22 lots for $2500 cash and other unincumbered real estate. p 134, Oregonian. WILL trade $7oOO farm Central Washing ton for clear Oregon property anywhere" owners only. 11C4 Newman St., Portland. ' ROSE CITY PARK lot, $1000 cash value exchange for acreage sme value, Salem Electric preferred. S 135. Oregonian. FOR TRADE Cabinet shop and carload of material for piano. Owner, 110i EasL Pino st. labor 1SS. TWO lots in Chicago free from incumbrance for small touring car. Ford or Studebaker preferred. L lS, Oregonian. 16 ACRES Value $16,000, 6 miles frca Courthouse, to trade for city proper Address. W 154, Oregonian. " ' $400 EQUITY in modern 6-room bungalo for rooming-house or other business v 135, Oregonian. 40 ACRES, splendid young apple orchard' situated in Grand Ronce Valley Price $45Q per acre. Y 175, Oregonian. 6-H. P. 19-FT. launch, or trade for motor cycle. 249 5th st. WILL trade modern 4-room house for lots Phone owner, Marshall 3975. FOR TRADES OF ALL KINDS SFE GARLAND & CO., 191 FOURTH ST. FARM land for income city property $4o.00O. AR 162, Oregonian. TRADE house or acreage for auto. See owner, room 209 Fenton bldg. EQUITY $2500, 6-room Laurelhurst home for vacant 101s. ap x i 1, oregonian 120 ACRES wheat land, Gilliam Co., Oregon" for hiimralon'. AR 174. Hrf-irnn i . 1 PORTLAND lots to exchange for California property. Phone Main 9634. i . x vr x x&a u iv. i BELL REAL ESTATE CO. EXCHANGES. One 7-room, one h-room house, Irving ton, $65oo each ; trade one or both up to about $10,000 for improved or partly Im proved fa m, within loo miles of Port land. 10 acres, all in fine orchard ready to bear, fine rich soil. 14 mile of electric station, between Salem and Portland ; $40ou, clear; trade lor Portland residenc of same value. 5-room house and lot on E. 38th, north of WR car, nice little place and cheap at $2650 ; trade lpr vacant lots or consider good land up to about $20u0. 2 houses and 4 Iota on Gladstone ave., near 42d St.; $7000. Trade all or part on partly improved farm, or will consider timber in Western Oregon. $10,000 worth of good Eastern property moat of It clear, little mortgage on some; trade all or part of it for property in Oregon and Portland. Will assume some. 2O0 west of McMinnville, 10O acres ready to plow, fine soil, no rock, springs and creek, all fenced, on county road, lavs rolling, balance In first growth oak and Fir; $23u. Want improved city property up to about same value, and will assume some. 8-room - modern house on 50x100 lot, H block of car, in Vernon; a good piece of property, well located and clear of debt; price $4000; trade for 20 acres up of part ly improved land not too far from Port land, for about $3000 and some cash; will not assume anything. We want several good farms in West ern Oregon, to exchange for good city property; we have inquiries constantly and can use more good propositions in Port land. If you want to make good exchanges on cash values come in and see us, as we are doing the business. BELL HEAL ESTATE CO., 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. AL.BEKTA, CANADA. 100 acres in Alberta to exchange for ranch or acreage in vicinity of Portland: partly improved, clear of incumbrance; price $350O. NEBRASKA. Well improved Nebraska ranches to trade for property on the Coast. CALIFORNIA. Clear city property and acreage to trade for small r -inches in California. 135 acres, 20 all river bottom, no over flow, all In cultivation and crop ; balance is bench land partly cleared and slashed, some good saw timber and cedar, bldg.. orchard, etc. ; also 3 horses, lo head of stock, pigs, chickens, eto. Complete set of farming tools, wood saw, gasoline launch, fishing gear, etc Will consider exchange up to $7000. What have you in good lots to exchange for a new. 8-room modern house on East Broadway? This is a beautiful $05OO resi dence, clear of Incumbrance. ALVORD & CO.. 21S Board of Trade. 4 0-ACRE FARM. $8000 This farm is only 35 miles out of Portland, looss mellow loam soil; 1 0 acres in cultivation, balance in good pasture and very easiiy cleared; house, barn and orchard : spring water; only a few rods from school, store and postoffice; good roads, and has river transportation with daily boats to and from Port land. We can trade this place for town property. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO., 204 Failing Bldg., Third and Washington Sts. I HAVE a first-class lot In choice residence district. East Yamhill between E. 28th and K. ii"Jth; this district is practically built up with high-grade residences. Mortgage on lot of $luoo, naa two year. 10 run at 9 per cent. I will exchange my equity of $150O f ' xuii.ja.Mu fiuuurin acreage or lot; w li not assume any indebtedness, nor will consider any inflated values. No attention will be paid to answers unless same give exact location of prcp ertv ofieted and price asked. AM t)G3, Oregonian. o20 ACRES, weil improved farm in Polk County, Oregon, about 10 miles from Sa lem, 4 miles irom Independence; two sets of buildings, one 12-room house, one 6 room : hot and cold water, bath, with windmill power, large barn and granary, loo acres Spitzenburg apples 8 years old, 24 acres prunes, 20 acres- loganberries, bal ance good tillable land and no waste, stifject to montage uf $2o.tin0; will ac cept stock of merchandise or Fortland in come property or Columbia River dair.. ranch in exchange. J. Baumgartner, room 208 U. s. Bank bldg., Salem, Or. RINGLER'S TRADES. $35,000, Third St., 75x100, business $19. 000 equity for unincumbered property. Wanted, income property; have $20,000 cash and 45,000 gilt-edge close-in city property to trade. Valley faims for city property or acre age. Modern flats for dairy or alfalfa. 3 Laurelhurst lota for medium-priced bungalow. CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 211 Lewis Bldg. RANCH TO EXCHANGE FOR BUSINESS. 4-acre Tualatin Valley ranch. good house, barn and other outbuild in gs, bear ing orchard, potato and hay crop ; horses, cows, hogs, wagons and implements ; t his is a fine place and well worth $15,000; owner will exchange for harness, hard ware, general merchandise, or any good business In the Northwest. Ask for Beamer. HACKER. TH ER KELP EN CO., 3QH Spalding Bid. Main 7502. WILL TRADE ACREAGE KOK BUNGALOW 5 acres, ali in high siate of cultiva tion, between Powell Valley road and electric line ; 3 "4 acres In loganberries, raspberries, blackberries and blackcaps; a few fruit trees; 4-room cottage, barn, chicken-house and good well ; can readily be subdivided ; prion only $5200; this is a bargain; no inflated values considered. LUEDDEM ANN, RULEY & CO.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE 160 acres of irrigated land, Redmond district, Crook County, Oregon; 130 acres ready to seed, ditch in, and all fenced. Small builulngs. 2 h miles from railroad station; $100 per acre. Trade for anything that has the values; prefer in come property at or in around Portland. .1. L. Fenton, Lewiston, Idaho. SO ACRES in Washington County, railroad station on one corner, lies level, plenty running water, 750,000 ft. timber; includes country store on the place; price $4U00, mtg. $1700. Will take house and lot for equity. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Best Newport. Or., lots; Corvallls lots; Portland homes. Will exchange all for large stock ranch in Central Willamette Valley preferred, or part for Portland or Corvallis property, or will sell for cash or by instalments. Address M. S. Woodcock, Corvalls. Or. WANTED Stock of up-to-date groceries, invoice about $6000, for Salem residence of equal value; will assume if stock exceeds the purchase price of property. J. Baum gartner, 'Ji)8 U. S. Nat'l Bank bldg., Sa lem, Oregon. AUTO WANTED For my equity in modern 6-room house on Clackamas street; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, all built-in conveniences. OWNER. 722 YEON BLDG. 40 ACRES, all cultivated, good water right ; can raiso alfalfa, corn, oats, barley cot ton, fruit and garden truck; Incumbrance $5b0; 4 "4 miles of Pecos. Texas, in the Pecos Valley; for trade. H. Luiten, 626 E. Richmond st.. St. Johns, Or. HAVE timber claim in Douglas County, as sessed for $2600. want to trade for home in Portland. What have youT N 145, Oregonian. WILL trade- jny equity in 200 acres of land In Yamhill County for improved resi dence property, bungalow preferred, own ers only. o joy, Oregonian. $2000 EQUITY in 20 acres of orchard at Crowley sta., to trade for equity in house up to $4500. Price of land $4000. Call 418 Lumber Exchange bldg. " CHEAP ACREAGE! ' All or part of 430 acres, 00 miles from Portland, $20 per acre, cash or trade. 5201. HSth st. S. E. Tabor 0. A LARGE 9-room house, 73x100 grounds, fruit and roses, close in on East Side, for income or acreage. What have you ? 528 Railway Exchange. WILL TRADE 40 acres land, near Golden dale, Wash., clear of incumbrance, for equity in modern bungalow. W 176, Ore gonian. WANTED Auto or lot as first payment on new home. Hawthorne district; every thing complete. Phone Tabor 651. $2000 BUNGALOW. 50x100 lot no lncumb rance, for acreage same value; no padded vaiu'.-s. rt 10, uregonian. WHAT have you to exchange for encyclo pedia? Lady's gold watch, with small set of diamonds? T 140, Oregonian. $50,000 EASTERN income property, trade for timber or farm land. W 175, Ore gonian. TRADE for city property or suburban store building beautiful 5-acre tract In apples ' and bearing English walnuts. 250 3d st. WILL give a good violin for shotgun. What have you? Address J 163, Oregonian. NEW 1913 5-passenger auto for good $1500 firM mortgage. AJ 17S, Oregonian. FOR SALE or rent, dining-room, 24tk and Thurman. Superior bakery. FOR EXCHANGE $7050 Owing, $250; 47 acres, 14 miles from Turner, Or., on fine country road. 32 acres in grain, balance pasture, lays fine ; there are no buildings but we can arrange for buyer to use buildings on adjoin ing 40 acres ; also to take care of the 40 acres. This is an excellent farm; will trade for clear residence in Portland. $O00 Owing 15u0; 160 acres, 12 miles from Myrtle Creek, or. ; black loam soil, ;;o acres under cultivation, fair house, barn, etc., l acre bear ing fruit; timber alone on this place worth $3 00a to $4000; plenty water; gold mining all around this place; $00,000 gold has been taken out of one hole on this farm, and there is more left; mining all around; trade for a clear residence in city. $1200 .Clear incumbrance, 20 acres, 44 miles from Tillamook, all in pas ture. This is a good low price on this; trade for good auto, lot or cheap house; will not assume much. Will not even look anything up that is put up on any of the above exchanges if they are not offered at cash values. R. H. GOODKIXD CO. INC.. 401-402-403 Wilcox Bidg. See Mr. Cowie. SELECT FARM TRADES S3 acres, $12,000, miles solid concrete road to good town; R. F. D., phone, spring piped bldgs. and garden; good 6 room house, 60xSo barn, good out-bldgs. ; 50 acres in crops, bal. easy cleared brush, alder, etc. No waste, lies fine, nice creek orchard. Exchange for $3000 city prop erty, bal. long time. 40 acres, $8000; on Base Line Road, 23 acres crops, 8 acres open pasture, bal. tim ber. Good barn, fair house, etc.; orchard; no rock or gravel ; milk route ; R. F. D. Want cheap land or city property for $5500 equity. This is a. good buy for cash. See or write Mr. Beck. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $22,650; 151-ACRE improved farm, 22 acres woodland pasture crossed by running stream, remainder smooth and in fine crops ; 7-room house. 3 barns, pump and cnicaen nouses, and Is portable hog houses. 3 deep wells, convenient to Port land ; 1 0 minutes walk from Salem Elec tric station. Will take $15,000 in Port land property. $27,500 ; improved farm, 22 miles from Portland : Want rental properties ; busi ness or dwelling. GEO. ENGLEHART. 21S Lumbermena Building. LOOK UP THESE TRADES. Beautiful lots on West Side. Xinest view, easy walking distance, with 7-roora mod ern house, value $9500; will trade for a good little farm up to $7500. Have a nice 80-acre tract and $5000 cash for good hardware store. Hardware store in good valley town, value $14,00O, for part city property, part cash. We have good city property, choice farms and good business opportunities to exchange one for the other. F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. WANTS STOCK FARM. We have 43 acres within 7 miles of city limits, good roads all the - way. 2 miles from electric station and In fine district, all in crop, new buildings that would be a credit to city : price $1 tf.OOO ; will trati-i this for stork farm up to that value in Willamette Valley or West ern Oregon. LU E D DE M A N X, RUL E Y A CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. 43 ACRES ON TWO RAILROADS. 6-room brick house and other build in trs, tine well, high state of cultivat ion. wiro fenced. This is a model farm. Value $S0to. mtg, $2500; will accept residence up to $.-,000. Ask for Taylor. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. TRUST CO., 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. WANT MOD K UN BUNGALOW Overlook or Pied m on t districts up to $35oo ; will give good 8-room house built 2 years po; lot 50xlOO, near Columbia Park ; value $3oO0, and pay difference cajh. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 309 Board of Trade. 100 ACRES improved farm, stocked and fully equipped, only $50 an acre, 4 horses. 2 cows, 1 50 ch it-kens, etc. Land adjoin ing sold for $1 00 an acre. Home broken up. Take $2500 in trade, some cash and balance long time at 6 per cent. Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 2d floor Chamber of Commerce bldjp. 10 ACRES, half mil from Mt. Hood Elec tric, near Ores h am, running water, on county rond. good barn, graded school 1i mile, $2500 and clear of incumbrance. Trade for improved city property and assume up to $1 504). Dorr E. Keasey A Co., 2d floor Chamber of Commerce bid k. TIMBERMEN? MAKE OFFER on fine n on -incumbered Jackson County timber claim, described : E. of S W hi and W. of S. E. 14 of Sec. 34. Twp. 37. R. 2 E. Have no authentic cruise. Will consider exchange. Main 1 06. C. L. BAMBERGER. 705 Spalding Mdg MODERN home In Rose City Park, 1 block of Sandy blvd., 7 rooms, hardwood floors, garage, 2 fireplaces, plate glupn windows, furnace, cement basement. $4200. Will take good lots its first payment. Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 2d floor Chamber of Com merce. 7J ACRES. 2 miles from railroad station; 20 acres under cultivation; fiO acres tilla ble; all stock and Implements go with place; price $4750. Will take house and lot for equity. G. S. SMITH CO.. 432 Chamber of Commerce. TWO clear lots in Almeda Park, all street improvements paid, price $3000. Trade for piece of arreago suitable for pasture, not over 1 2 miles from city. Must have running water. Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 2d floor Chamber of Commerce bldg. 133 ACRES irrigated alfalfa land with main canal running through the tract for sale on easy terms or will trade for real value in Portland. THE WESTLYN TRUST CO., 1203 i eon Building. 42x100 IMPROVED with 1 S-room hotel, good country town, price $3.vm, clear of Incum brance to trade for looxl OO. in vicinity of Oration's Grove, suitable for factory site. Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 2d floor Chamber of Commerce bid g. 160 ACRES Near Viola. Clackamas County; 5-room house, good orchard, 7o acres in cultivation, black soil; value $16,000, mtg. $5i)00; want city property. Sr-e Tavlor CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO., Hd Floor Chamber of Commerce. SE VE RAL high -class apartment-houses (nearly new); good money-makers, rang ing in price from $15,000 to $50,000; will take good lots in exchange. Dorr E. Kea-s-y & Co., 2d floor Chamber Commerce bldg. CONFECTIONERY, ice cream and cigar store, doing good business, fine loea,t ion, for clear real estate or first mortgage. Southern Oregon town preferred. E 162, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE 50-foot clear lot, 8S8 East 66th street, Elmhurst, Portland, for a good residence lot In Los Angeles, Cal. H. R. Bell Co., 117 Winston St., Los Angeles. Cal. 100 ACRES. 3.000,000 feet timber In Tilla mook County, $2000. clear of Incum brance ; trade for lots or auto. Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 2d floor Chamber of Com merce bldg. WI LL take Sout hern Idaho irrigated land in exchange for new. modern 5-room bun galow at Multnomah. Phone Main 4128. A 5128. or call 730 Chamber of Commerce. 10-ACRE truck farm, 1 miies from good town, to exchange for gTocery or ci gar or confectionery store. See my agent. 517 Henry bidfr. WHITE SALMON. 80 acres, best shot soil, all good, partly improved, to exchange for modern Portland house. Owner, H. G. Day, White Salmon, Wash. TO EXCHANGE Modern seven-room home in Irvingt on district, value $7000, equity $1500; will take good lot. L 175. Orego nian. TO EXCHANGE for city property. 160 acres land right on K&lama River, close to Wild Pigeon Springs Hotel M 164, Orego nian. A FINE lot on West Side, value $750, for a corner grocery. If you have a. good lo cation answer this add. Owners only. Have some cash. G 172, Oregonian. WANT A 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. 40 acres fine land in Wash, to exchange, equities. Clodfelter Bros., 1038 Chamber of Commerce bidg. MY beautiful home for trade; will take $15,0o0 ranch, lots or close-in acreage. Ad dress AT 167, Oregonian. KLICKITAT COUNTY apple farm to trade for Portland property. Value $25,000. 317 Falling bldg. STOCK In good company to exchange for city or farm lands. What have you to offer? K 179. Oregonian. CLOSE-fN acreage to trade for automobile. Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 2d floor Chamber of Commerce bldg. 100 SHARES Peck Auto Wheel stock, par value $5, to exchange for $-d0 equity in Portland or Beach lot. P 173, Oregonian. EQUITY in Vz acre, improved home, for small business, not over $800, cigars and confectionery preferred. S 144, Oregonian. EXCHANGE stock of merchandise; will take city property or farm. AT 169, Ore gonian. HIGH-CLASS desert land relinquishment to trade for vacant city lot, value about $50o AK 1C), Oregonian. MANY good properties to exchange. What have you ? 103 Fourth, near Stark. WILL exchange ft acres near Fulton Park 1 or irviiinum r none East 5100. I WANT a first-class piano for my equity In 10 acres Clarke County. East 4627, TO EXCHANGE. 310-ACRE wheat farm. 300 acres in culti vation, mostly Summer fallow, fenced, buildings. 7 miles to R. R. ; unincumbered; $25 per acre. Want clear Portland prop erty. 160 acres, partly Improved, Wasco County. 2 miles to R. R. ; $4SO0; mtg. $7o0. Want Valley farm for equity. 0 50-room apartment-house, clear of in cumbrance; rent $175 per month; income $100 net; price $40tH. G. M. FROST. 517 Board of Trade. FOB 6 ALE. Hornet. Vehicle. ltc HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR RENT. Second-hand vehicles bought and sold; new wagon and auto beds made to order; livery furnished to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES, 420 Hawthorne Ave. "hone East 72. B I36J. HORSE SFOR SALE 2 line drive rs, city b roke. J! saddle horses. 1 new rutfber-tired buggy. 2 heavy saddles. 1 set single harness. 1 new lignt farm wagon, 1 3-8 axle. 444 E. 13TH .NORTH. Phone C 137. TEAM oC blockey fat mules, weight 1056 each, well mated, gentle for women and children to drive; true workers; also new ranch wagon and harness. Price $300 01 would tell team alone. 303 Water, near Harrison. W 1. have a few delivery wagons left, going at greatly reduced prices; also heavy lum ber gears at bargain prices; come and see us. IU5 Union Ave. N., Oregon Moline Plow Co. AUCTION! AUCTION 1 Monday. June 23. 10 A. M.. horses, mules, vehiclea and harness nold on commission. The Murphy Horse & Mule Co., 240 E 8th st. 12 HEAD mares and horses just arrived off hard work; will sell with guarantee or give trial ; can be seen for two days at East aiaaison sts., in Hawthorne rarit. j. uarter. FOR SALE 3 good horses and 34-ton fur- imuitt w agon ; terms or cash ; also house and barn for rent. Call 1U3 East i:ith North, Phone Woodlawn 053. O. W. Bil lion. GOOhENEcK and camelback wagons, new and second-hand, 1 to 3-ton, always in stock. Some xood bargains and eaav terms. Columbia Cge. & Auto Wks., uy 1 1 vjii 1 bi. .itiiii ;. $IS0 BUYS span of horses and harness; also cneap pony and a few horses, price $40 n,lu "i- - r-ast lain bl -tiarn in the grove. FOR SALE Fine buggy horse, harness and buggy, worth $250, but for cash will sell for less than $2o0. Mr. G.. 424 Hamilton bldg. $16 BUYS a complete farm outfit, mare and horse, weight 2400 lbs.; wagon And harness almost new, 247 East I2th St., near Haw- tnorne ave. ; oarn in the grove. GOOD as new, platform spring bed. with top. 10 Vjx4 ; $10 buys it. Union Meat oarn. aiain u'.ty. 15-PASSt;NGER full cabin launch for live stock, ch h'kens or property of any kind. C 1719. 1017 Cleveland ave. OUR driving horse, fine traveler, thorough ly reliable; weight 1250; must sell ; mov ing to the city. W 163. Oregonian. B'OR SALE at a bargain, one gooseneck wagon and 3 spring wagons. Call at Rose City Stable. 5o. Alder. A BARGAIN $250 buys a team 2700 pounds, true pullers and sound, harness and farm wagon. Phone Sellwood 17SS. FO R SALE Good driving mare (bay), S y.are. weight about 12O0. Inquire 175 21st st. N. FOR SALE 2400-pound farm team, good farm wagon and harness. 1029 E. Yamhill street. WANTED Good riding pony ; must be sound and very gentle. Portland Wire and Iron Works. 2d and Columbia sts. TEAM of mares. 25oo lbs., $125- two grid inns. 2400 il.s.. $115; delivery horse, $5o. 426 E. Yamhill st. FOR SALE A span of mules, ages 7-8 years, weight LGotj pounds. Inquire man ager. Multnomah Theater, St. Johns, Or. WANTED To Hnd a good home for a faith ful family horse; will sell cheap. 1029 East Yamhill st. 10 HEAD of good work horses that are working every day. Can be seen 267 East tn st., near Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE Matched pair pinto ponies; gen- tie. broke ride or drive. 426 E. Yamhill. IS.W team, weight 2500 lbs., sound and goog workers. $1.0. 267 East 8th. &TAN DA R D-BR ED horse, gen Tie, fur lady, good driver. Phone Main i534. IIOHSK, oo ibs., for sale. 58th and 63d ave. Southeast. FO R SALE Nice team of ponies." Brooklyn. PASTURE for stock, close to Portland. O. X. S. Co. Main 1410. NINE good dump wagons and miscellaneous tools. Owner, 717 Board of Trade bldg. CLOSING out harness aL wholesale price. 200 2d. cor. Taylor. WORK HORSES, 1200 to 1400 pounds, at ii vmgton pinDies, r. otn and rsenuyier. TV() of Meier it Frank wagons at com pany's barn. 2d and Jefferson sts. STABLE, 19 stalls, 756 East Ash St.; rent $40 per month. 717 Board of Trade bldg. THE finest road horse. Bailey buggy an? harness In the city. 150, Oregonian. NICE spring wagon cheap. Reed st. Main 5S57. SHETLAND ponies. Inquire only Sundays. 2it3 East 22d st., near Hawthorne. $;5 FOR GOOD work horse, little thin, weight about 115o. 3f3 Water. HORSES for sale at 88 East 7th st. North. Piano, Organ and Musical Instruments. TWO new upright pianos and one player piano, cases slightly damaged in transit from factory. Damages having been ad justed will sell pianos for $155 and $185 and player piano for $335. PORT LAND V AN & STORAGE CO.. 15th and Kearney streets. Main 5040. FOR SALE Fine Stetuw ay parlor grand piano; beautiful tone, ebony case; also complete furniture, piactit-ally new, for a 7-room house and mahogany roll top desk. 6S3Kast Broadway, phone East 4865. FOR SALE -Cheap, need the money: pianola piano and music roll cabinet with 120 tine bS-note and 60-note rolls; also 3 9x1; rugs. No reasonable cash offer refused A.f 175, Oregonian. STANDARD make upright piano cheap, mall size, oak case; used less than year, perfect condition, looks like new. Can be seen, American Apts. No. 64. Phone Marshall 3375. WHY pay $133 and $165 for used, worn pianos when you can buy new $325 up rights, with all the latest Improvements, for $1S5. $1.25 weekly, at Graves Music Co. removal sale ? See adv. page 11, st;c. 3 A STEINWAY A SONS baby grand piano for sale; party leaving Portland must sell at once. Can be seen any time next week. H 12'.. Oregonian. SPLENDID Fisher piano, taken In on a deal by us; for quick sale price $112.50, $10 down, $4 monthly. 350 Alder. PIANO EieKant mahogany upright, almost new ; greatest bargain in city, less than $15. Call immediate y. 701 Northrup st. $45t Kranich & Bach upright piano for $165, $6 monthly. Graves Music Co. Re moval Sale. Ill 4th st. NEED money and must sell strictly fine ma liosany piano, nearly brand-new. Call today sure. 71 5 Wayne st. FOR SALE very cheap, square Hard man piano, good tone. Phone Sunday or Mon day morning. Marshall 3631. MODERN 88-note player piano and nice li brary of music, $365. Soule Bros., 38S Morrison St., opp. Olds. Wortman & Kins. AN upright grand piano for sale cheap. 132 Vermont. Fuiton. PIANO, used only two mouths, at a bar gain. 221 J ess up. Woodlawn 2429. PRACTICALLY new $75 Victrola and $2 5 worth of records for $i0. Phone East 4822. FOR SALE Piano, cash $110. Phone Mar shall 4485. W ANTED A fine toned violin ; state lowest cash price. K 17u. Oregonian. EXCELLENT toned piano, $125. 455 Alder, corner 13th. Room 6. $O00 KIMBALL upright piano, slightly used sell for $135. ouH Bros., 3b Morrison. PLAYER PIANO at $250. Marshall 1127. Dogs, Bird, Tet fitocK. WILL sell very cheap thoroughbred collie dog. 11 months old; also 2 R, I. R. roost ers. Call after 6 o'clock at lOoO E 21Hh st. X-. Alberta, POSITIVE BARGAIN $12 Smith Premier typewriter, value unequaled. 192 13th Marshall 3713. FOR Bale, two exrta cute Angora kittens males, thoroughbreds, healthy. Marshall 5157. SCOTCH COLLIE puppies, excellent pedi gree, evenly marked. C. A. Darrah v " W - uiv r a II VI in -1 V Car. Airedale terriers to protect your home and ...iij. m-.o.vimjfc aciiuch, iLstacaaa, or. B EaPlO1 IT PUP' 2 mnUi, $10. FOR SALE Registered Scotch colli pups, beautifully marker! .lis ..--j .. V t IQUU 31 THOROUGHBRED Airedale puppies for sale rheap. call 131 Lownsdale. ENGLISH BETTER for sal. $10. 1217 Oma na ave., ot. Johns car. FOR SALE. Dogs, Bird, Pet Mo it. 23 GERMAN CANARIES 3 each; Yorkshire canaries. $0; St. An dresburg Rollers, $5; Eng. Chaffinch. S-J.oO; Japanese Rob bins, $ i; Dwarf Pat rota, $10 and $15. Cb7 Wash. Main 2134. AIREDALE PUPS. By Champion Red Raven, 3 months out of Oklown Kenora, by Windyhill Kmnvu. winner of 31 first; no better. Uus Past man. Forest Grove. c.r. ENGLISH coach dog. Scotch collie pups, white bull terrier, male and female. Bos ton terrier, fox terrier, cocker spanivl. splta, great Dane: many others. Boj d s. 667 Washington. Main 2134. JFurnitorc for Nile. CHOICE FURNITURE SACRIFICED AT PRIVATE SALE Owner going East, must dispose of household effects at once at grt-aiiy re duced prices; IS months old. NOW ON SALE Solid mahogany pieces, sideboard, 60 inch bell front, cost $175; extension din ing table, 52-inch. 5 leaves, cost llu; 6 leather seat chairs, cost ?54 ; Carver arm chair, cost $21; four-poster Cowan bed, cost ISO; box springs, cost $32; mattress, cost $24; heavy dresser, 56-mch top, 46 inch plate mirror, coat SU'5 ; chiff onU-r. 5 drawers and mirror; library table, 5 Inch top, carved legs; library table, 32 inch top. lyre pedestal ; mantel clock ; 8 day, cost $40; upholstered chairs costing $40 and $33 each ; hall tree; mirror, anti que frame ; odd chairs, cut glass punch bowl, cost $40; reading lamp; Japanese brass vases up to 15 inches, cost $1 to $Jo each : serving trays, table linen, curtains, bedding, blankets, plated silver, cut lasa and willow ware dishes, wardrobe trunk, cost $65; cooking utensils, cloisonne vases, cost up to $50 each; candle sticks, brass and mahogany framed pictures; Oriental rups, cost $25 to $130 each; gilded bed stead, springs and mattress, oak dresser oak tables, wicker chair, baby carnaC gas range, cooking utensils, carpet sweep er, etc. Goods now on sale by owner at his home, 305 11th st., flat B. Marshall 5324. FOR SALE A beautiful quarter-sawed, oak dining table, large pedestal. 54-inch top, 8-foot extension; also dining chairs. leath er rockers, leather couch, quartered oak dresser, bookcase, ied. mattress, high-class wood range; poods been in use ivss than 2 years; a bargain. Call Sundav or arier 7 evenings. r44 E- Everett, near E. 12 1 h . FURNITURE for residence, comprising leather parior furniture, library furniture, beautiful dining suite, bedroom furbish ing. 4. rufts, brus teas, etc.; reat oppor tunity for those starting housekeeping. Call Immediately. 701 Northrup. W car. FOR SALE Fine Stein way parlor grand piano ; beautiful tone, ebony case : also complete furniture, practically new. for a 7-room house and mahogany roll top desk. 6S3 East Broadway. Phone Fast 4S65. $200 Almost new oak furniture of 5 rooms, including dishes, linen and cooking uten sils; f.at for rent, $25 per month. In quire after 11 A. M., Apt. 5. the Kerrl gan. East 6th and Davis. DO you want to buy $1500 worth of beautt ful fumed oak furniture at your own price? Six rooms completely furnished. day noon. It will pay you to look at this. MORRIS CHAIR, library table, English breakfast table, sanitary couch, Ras plate, oven, porch chairs. 5oS Chetopa Annex. Main 7Q5Q. FURNITURE of a 7-room house, on account of sickness. Reasonable. Call between 12 and 2 P. M. No agents. 33 N. 10th st,. cor. Couch. FURNITURE of pretty 5 -room bunnalow for sale, including 1 iiin, !in n and silverware; must sell by Wednesday; everything com plete for $20O. Tabor ;;:;t3. FU R N ITU RE for f ouT rooms. nice and clean. Including silver; snap; $125; mod ern ; rent $ 12 month. 533 Rodney and Russell. MUST sell my furniture and rent my house as 50011 as possible on account of family business; tine iocat ion ; 2-year lease ; in u ranee paid. ::: Vamhitl St., cor. Park. COMPLETELY furnished 4-room Irvington apartment, rent leaving town and will accept any reasonable offer for furniture. Phone East 4622. 8-ROOM house f or rent, furniture for saie-. SH for best offer on trms btore Wednes day. Call 2 to 4 P. M. 454 Columbia. cor 13th. TO TRADE garden tract near Denver, "olo tine lo acres for 5 or in a '.res Improved near Portland on nrline. Address owner, C K. Stretcher. Hillsboro. nr., R. F. D. 4. DRESSER, bed. ru:s. chairs, pas plate and other pieces by the pi. i e or lot ; Vi ry cheap if taken at once. 6 Oil Hoyt St., near 2lsT. LADY leaving city will s-ll separately or together, furniture two-room rtpartment. nearly new. cheap. 264 14th. Min Si'24. Call Sun day. COM PL KT ELY furnished 5-room flat, un furnished attic, rented. 5-minute walk to P. O.. $275. Marshall -3!6, evenings. FOR SALE Goldf-n oak buffet, very reason able. Inquire apt. 4, Harrison Court. Phone Main 4715. B'OR SALE All or part of furniture of 6 room house, rooms now pay expenses. A nice buy. Parties leaving city. 30 E. 11th. FURNISH 1 NGS 1 1 vi ng-room , dining-roim, bedroom, reasonable. Apt. 33, 5S4 Flan ders, cor. 1 Kth. F I KNIT IKE of 1 0- room house, m ost of it used only a few months ; party leaving state; house for rem. 77S Olisan st. AM LEAVI NO town and will sell furniture and piano that cost $IHo for $35o. good Income. Call 115 N. 23.i. corner Glisan. FU UN ITU RE 5-room cottage for s ile. 60 laying hens. 60 chickens, vegetable garden; rent $10 month. Marshall lu5 HOUSE for rent, turniture for sale, & rooms, near hospitals. Main 4204. FURNITURE of 6 rooms, house tor rent very reasonable. 401 Main st. FURNITURE for salo. 25 E. .'.Oth st. Houe for rent, furnished or 11 n f 11 r n i s h e d . FURNITURE of &-room house for sale. 334 Cook ave. FOR SA LE Good furniture of 5-room flat. Price $3O0. t'ash or terms. Main 730. FURNITURE of 5-room flat: will sil reason able. 12S N. lit h St. H :iys. 3-ROOM flat for rent, f urn i lure for sale 447 E. Couch, nea r Grw nd ave. Poultry. LICK and poult ry ko to-et livr. Rut lice and profit NEVER ! The t:mo to t:ht lice is ail the time, but especially in hot weather. Don't let the lice :et the start of you. Now is the tmio lor the CH A RGE OF THE LICE BRIGADE. The war cry is C-O-N-K-E-Y. Conkey'a Lice Powder, 25c; Conkey's Lice Lh-uid, 35c to $1 tit mixes with water), and Conkey's Head Lice Ointment 25c, settle th- lice problem which means SAVE YOUR PROFIT. Rout ledge Se-d & Floral Co., 16l 2d bU Llb eral sample if you clip this adv. FoR SA LE 0 Winter-laying strain White Leghorns, 45c each; also young chicks; will sacrif ie to make roo.n for a bungalow. East 70th and Klifkitat. Phone C 2tV6. FOR SALE Young turkey hen with 7 little turkeys, $1;. Also turkey eggs for setting. I hone Main MiOO. Live-Mock. 21 HEAD good dairy cows, 14 fresh and the balance coming in soon ; most Iv Holateui, Durham and Jersey. A Hess, 5 blocks east Len ts. 303 Foster road. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow, $isi. Phoiid Sellwood 312. FOR SALE Toggenburg buck at $10. O S. Caillson. Plea sa 11 1 H i 1 1 . or. LEAVING Portland ; will sell cow cheap. 4 10 Water St.. South Portland. Automobile. WANTED i-cylinder runabout, 2 or .'1-passenger, sliding year transmission, 1011 or 1012 model; cash proposition. R. B. Weeks, 4o Front Bt. $1000 EQUITY in Improved acreage at Mult nomah station to exchange for automobile or truck, l'h one Sell wood 114. 5-TON truck, practically new. for sale or exchange for acreage east of Portland. C 17itt. 1007 Cleveland ave. SPLENDID Single Harley Davidson, mag neto, guaranteed: price, $1)2.50. $25 uown, t.i.ou mommy. 3. to Alder st. DO you want to trade in your old car? W can use it. Apply Gerlinger Motor Car Co.. 6iH Washington st. WILL exchange large 5-passenger 6-ryllnuer auto for runabout. What have you ? AB 161, Oregonian. WANT to buy small cheap runabout; scat your price, model and make, and place to be seen. AS 123. Oregonian. WE HAVE a customer for a Little Six Pierce. If you have one you wish to dis pose of, don't fail to see me. 531 Aider. MUST sell my 6 -passenger car before Tues day; will sacrifice for cash; Elmore car; can be seen 531 Alder. Landy Auto Co. HAVE $750 first mortgage to exchange for first -class 12 or 13 roadster. IO00 Bel mont st. FOR sale chep. a five-passenger Ford, body and top. Call 316 Henrv bldg., b tween 10 and 12. Ark for Mr. Walter. WANTED First-class 5-pssenger auto la exchange for two fine lots on Gladstone ave. : valued $12o0. AM 123. Oregonian. MUST sell my 5-passenger car at a sac rifice: cash only. Marshall 54tto. FOR SALE A Flanders 2 roadster, good condition. Phone East 720. WANTED Ford roadster, lull or 12 modet hody no object. Phone East lfSiv A SNAP Light truck. 5350 cash. No real estate. See truck S6 10th st. POPE Big 4 motorcycle, fully equipped, late model. Call Main 7656. v