The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 22, 1913, SECTION TWO, Page 5, Image 21

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Egan Shows Superb Form.
Lowering Record for Course
Two Strokes, to 67.
w i
' '
Dinner -Canoe Given at
CInb for Visitors. Who
This Morning for Salt Jjake
After Snccessful Tonr.
The Northwestern golf team of eight
representative men played the Middle
Western team, headed by Western
Champion "Chick" Evans, to a stand
still , on the Waverly Country Club
course yesterday, taking: two of four
foursomes in the final team match of
the tour of the Middle Westerners.
The "golf missionaries," who had won
four straight matches until they were
halted yesterday, must return home
this mornlnlng, via Salt Lake and other
points, with one blot on their record.
Scintillating: golf, with H.. Chandler
Egan, of Medford, ex-National cham
pion, and Harry Davis, of Portland, the
stars, was the order. Egan made a
brilliant 67 on the afternoon round,
breaking the record of 69 previously
held by Harry Davis for the course,
while Davis had a splendidly success
ful afternoon, turning in a card of 69.
BoRfy Badly Beatent
-Egan's performance, in addition to
being a record-breaker, served to hum
ble the redoubtable "Chick" Evans
and Harry Legg, in one of the two
Northwest victories. Paired with A. V.
Macan, of victoria, Northwest cham
pion, Egan started off in the morning
with a score of 15 for five holes, bogey
being 20. He turned In cards aggre
gating 138, by far the best work of
the three days of match play four
somes. Macan was in fine form. too.
turning in two 73s, the Northwest pair
winning 2 up and 2 to play. It was
tne most notable victory of the five
team matches, combining the defeat of
Evans and the sensational work of
Egan. Evans was bad off the tee, as
usual, but strong on the green. Legg
Improved during the afternoon, after a
meaiocre start, but Macan was consist
ent. and Egan's superiority was most
A Seattle pair, "Dixie" Fleager and
T. S. Lippy. scored the second North
western victory of the day, defeating
ivee ana 5ianton 3 up and 2 to play.
Lee's putting was good, but his driv
ing was poor, and Stanton was badly
Kama. ine losers were l up
me urst round, out slumped badly
auring tne afternoon. The scores of
an men were comparatively poor.
Wood and Sawyer registered a hol
low victory over Davis and Neville,
7 up and 5 to play, due to the poor
work of the last named. Wood's score
of 144 for the 30 holes was the second
best of the day, but Sawyer's 70 for
me nnai round produced much spec
tacular play.
De Vol and Hale beat Mattrnti r.ri
Kerry, the Seattleltes, 4 up and 3 to
play, Hale performing consistently.
This 19-year-old Chicago schoolboy, the
interscholastic chamDlon of that --
tion, turned in five 74s in the six
matches, a splendid tribute to consist
ent play.
The golf was of the highest charac
ter during the day. large and appreci
ative galleries following the fours
around the course both morning and
afternoon. The Egan and fclacan-Evans
and Legg foursome drew the record
crowd of the three days.
Social Side Is Feature.
Last night the players were guests
at a dinner-dance at the Waverly Club.
At 10 o'clock this morning the Middle
Western team leaves for Salt Lake
City, to arrive at Chicago before the
end or the month.
The results of yesterday's play:
H. Chandler Egan, of Medford, and
A. V. Macan. of Victoria, beat "Ohti-ir"
Evans, of Chicago, and Harry Legg, of
Minneapolis, 3 up and 2 to play; Egan
71-67, 138: Macan 73-73, 146; Evans 75
74, 149; Legg 76-72. 148 Warren w
Wood and Ned Sawyer, of Chicago, beat
ntiry UH.V13. oi Portland, and Jack
Neville, of Oakland, 7 up and 5 to play;
" uim li-u, m; sawyer 76-70, 146;
Davis 75-69. 144; Neville 80-80. IfiO
"Dixie" Fleager and T. S. Lippy, of Se-
mie, dki nowara and Phil Stan
ton, 3 up and 2 to play; Fleager 81-79
iou; j-appy 79-78, 157; Lee 77-77, 154;
oumion bj-u, 160. Carl De Vol and
Frazier Hale beat J. S. Matterson. of
Victoria, and A. S. Kerry, of Seattle 4
up ana a to play; De Vol 82-79, 161
naie 74-74, 148; Matterson 79-78, 157;
Kerry 84-80, 164.
At the end of the forenoon play Egan
and Macan were the only Northwestern
players in the lead. Thev led Evm
and Legg, 1 up. Hale and De Vol were
"P. btanton and Lee, 1 up, and Wood
and Sawyer, 6 up.
Western Golf Champion Delighted
With Trip, but Resents Criticism.
"One of the best courses I ever
played on. and a great series of
matches," is the tribute Charles
("Chick") Evans. Western golf cham
pion, pays to the Waverly Country Club
links and the competitions which ended
last night.
"It has been a splendidly successful
trip and, I hope that the tour, the long
est ever made In this country by a team
j,g-f?,J'La' vU1 brlnT the Northwest
and Middle West closer together.
"We came out here as missionaries,
to spread the gospel of golf, and I
hope that we have succeeded. The
game Is increasing In popularity at a
wonderful pace, and I am glad to find
that the Northwest Is not trailing the
rest of the country in club interest,
although the public courses are few.
"As for us. we have had a pleasant
and Instructive trip, making many
friends, having our eyes opened tv a
great country, and learning much o
team play."
Evans, a simon-pure amateur. is
much incensed over an attack made on
the Middle Western team by an East
ern writer, who declared that to all
purposes the men- on the trip are pro
fessional. "We are violating none of the ethics
or goir on this tour, says Evans, "and
are surprised to learn that an amateur
golfer cannot accept the hospitality of
anotner golfer.
Travers Wins Invitation Tourney.
NEW YORK, .'line 21. Jerome D.
Travers, of Upper Montclair, N. J., Na
tional, metropolitan and New Jersey
state golf champion, won the final
match of tne invitation tournament
over the links of the Apawamis Golf
Club, Rye, N. Y., by two up and one
to play from T. V. Bermingliam, of
Wykagil, today. The bye hole was
played out, giving a 70 to Travers,
against 73 for the runner-up. In the
qualifying round last Thursday, in
which there were more than 100 com
petitors, Travers won the medal, with
a total of 148 for 3S holes.
Portland Crew to Practice
Harder for Regatta.
First lilght-Oar Race of North Pa
cific International Associa
tion Will Be Held V
at V ancouver.
Now that the senior crew which will
represent the Portland Rowing Club at
the regatta at Vancouver, B. C, July 11
and 12 is picked more strenuous prac
tice will be the order. At present the
crew is out only every other night. The
four men who will make up the crew
are: C. M. Dyrlund, bow; Art Allen,
Number 2; J. W. Resing, Number 3, and
E. A. Hanson, stroke.
Two other crews will be picked. One
will go to the Couer d'Alene Regatta
and the other will accompany the sen
ior crew to the Vancouver, B. C, meet.
One crew, the junior lightweight,- is
made up of: Graythorne Gregory, bow;
L. M. Boquist. Numoer 2; George Mc
Faul, Number 3, and G. G. Wyld, stroke.
The Junior heavyweight la composed
of: Jack McDonald, bow; E. C. gam
mons. Number 2: George W. Bates, Jr.,
Number 3, and George Faber, stroke.
This year will be the first time-that
the regatta of the North Pacific In
ternational Association of American
Oarsmen will have an eight-oar crew.
But two teams will be able to compete
as the Portland club Is without a shell
of that size. Another feature of the
regatta will be a 140-pound class four
oared crew. The Portland Club will
enter a shell In this division, but as
yet the men have not been picked. The
team will be chosen from the follow
ing men who have been out for the last
three weeks: George Kelly, L. Wood
ruff, P. H. Webster, H. S. Bigelow. J.
W. Mathena, V. E. Stone, Harry Gam
mle and V. L. Hamlin.
But three teams will compete at the
Vancouver Regatta, two from Victoria
and Vancouver, B. C, and the local
crew. The Nelson, B. C, club has not
made definite arrangements to be pres
ent as yet but will in all probability
have its entries before July 11.
They Are Heirs to $45,000,000 and
Yalo Coach Owns $70,00'0,000.
CAMBRIDGE, Mass.. June 21. When
the Harvard 'Varsity met Yale in the
annual boat races at New London. Fri
day, the oarsmen in the Crimson 'Vars
ity shell represented S45.000.000 of heir
apparents. They competed against the
charges of the lale. who nave Been
coached by Averill Harriman, the in
heritor of $70,000,000. The Harvard
crew men are nearly all sons of mil
lionaires. In the list are representa
tlves of the Morgan. Meyer, Murray and
Chanler families, of New York; - the
Trumbull and Harwood families, of
Boston, and the Mills family, of Port
land, Or. The fortunes of eight of
the oarsmen range from $1,000,000 to
$25,000,000, E. D. Morgan, of Westbury,
L. I., leading.
The crimson oarsmen showed, the ef
fects of their cushioned lives recently
when they struck and refused to eat
at the special training tables of the
Harvard Athletic Association at the
Union, because they claimed the food
was not fit for their consumption. They
at once scattered and went to their
various club dining-rooms to eat until
their recent departure for Red Top,
Conn., to tram for the Yale races.
North Pacific International and
Northwest Tourneys Scheduled.
The courts of the Tacoma Lawn Ten
ni Club will be the scene of the
tenth annual tournament of the North
Pacific International Lawn Tennis
Association, to be started with the gen
tlemen's singles scheduled for August
4. But two events will be played, the
gentlemen's singles and the gentle
men s doubles.
The Tacoma Lawn Tennis Club will
hold Its twenty-third annual tourna
ment for the championship of the
Pacific Northwest in connection witn
the international meet. In this meet
five events are on the programme
gentlemen's singles and doubles, ladies'
singles and doubles, and the mixed af
fair. In all events the winner and
the runner-up will be given a prize.
All entries for both meets must be in
the hands of the secretary by August 2.
4 i
s S
-W i
Brooklyn Handicap Race Re
sults in New Record. -
Value of Event Is $3025,. as Com
pared With $15,000 In Previous
Years H. P. Whitney's En
try Lieads Other Horses.
NEW YORK, June 21. H. P. Whit
ney s six-year-old chestnut horse.
Whlekbroom II, by Broomstick-Audience,
-won the revival of. the Brooklyn
handicap, over one mile and a quarter
of. the Belmont Park race track today.
In Impressive style. The winner was
ridden by Joe Notter and carried 130
pounds, an Impost similar to that car
ried by Fltzherbert when he won the
last running- of this event at the
Gravesend track three years ago.
The time for today's race, 2:03 2-5, is
a new track record for this distance.
and a new time record for the event, as
nereioiore me race was run over- a
circular track at Gravesend. while the
horses today had to make onlv two
turns. The value of today's race to the
winner was 13.025. In Drevlous vears
first money frequently exceeded $15,000.
K. carman's G. M. Miller, which
ran second to Whiskbroom II In the
Metropolitan handicap three weeks agro
on the same track, filled the same posi
tion at the finish today, and Sam Jack
son, owned by V. M. McGinnis, was
third. The field consisted of only seven
Some of the Plays Explained to the
The "million dollar" polo match be
tween America and England for the
Westchester cup is yet being: discussed
everywhere, but only a comparatively
rew people nave any knowledge of how
it is played. In order to enlighten the
average reader the main points of the
game are given Deiow.
In the first "place polo is supposed to
have been invented in Persia some
thousand years agro. India next took It
up, then England and finally America
began to play it.
Polo is played on a field 900 feet long
ana 4oo leet wiae, witn a lo-mch wood
en guard on the sides. The goal posts
are placed 24 feet apart, are 10 feet high
and are made of papier mache so that
they break if collided with by pony or
A wooden ball, generally willow and
painted white, and three and one-eighth
Inches In diameter and not over five
ounces in weight, is used. Mallets of
Ti .j - . - .4i - in.)
iTv V
1. .-&xSk,fj,
various shapes, most of them elgar
shaped, though, are wielded by the play
ers. The contestants are mounted on
ponies that mustn't exceed v14.2 hands
In height.
While the object is to Bend the ball
through the opposing goal posts, each
goal counting one. It is possible for a
match to be won without a single goal
being scored, as penalties are Imposed
for violation of the rules. In actual
playing time one hour Is consumed. The
game is split into eight periods of seven
and a half minutes each, with three
minutes' rest between periods, this be
ing extended to seven minutes after the
fourth period, or half time.
Only the referee is allowed on the
field while the ball Is in play, the aroal
Judges being behind the goal posts and
tneir decisions being liable to reversal
by the referee. Only field captains ot
the teams are allowed to make protests
or discuss questions arising during the
game. In case of accident or disqual
ification a substitute Is allowed, but
when once a player is replaced by a
substitute he cannot return to the game
except to take the place of another
A feature of the play which Is likely
to mislead spectators not acquainted
with the rules Is that opposing sides
change after each goal. When the ball
is hit out of bounds on the side lines
it is thrown in again by the referee.
but when It crosses an end line the
side defending the goal at that end is
entitled to a free knock In from the line,
no opponent being allowed within 50
feet until the ball has been hit.
GUST 18 TO 23. .
SeTen Events Will Be Staged in Play
for Breakers up and for Trophy
Donated by Mrs. Walter Cook.
The sixth annual Breakers invita
tlonal tennis tournament will be staged
August 18-23, according, to the an
nouncement of A. D. Wakeman. chair
man of the committee handling the
The programme will consist of seven
events, men's scratch singles for the
Breakers cup, men's handicap sinsrles.
women's handicap singles, men's. dou
bles, women's doubles, mixed doubles
and men's scratch consolation. With
the exception of the two men's com
petitions, for the Breakers cup and
the consolation, all of the events will
be handicap. ,
The Breakers cup, which goes to
the man winning the scratch singles
three times, has been won by the fol
lowing: L, R. Treeman, 1908; James
Ewing, 1909; A. L. Wakeman, 1910;
J. W. Lewis. 1911; Ralph Gorrlll. 1912
The women's singles event is for the
Mrs. Walter M. Cook cup, and has been
won by the following: Miss Elizabeth
Ryan, of Pasadena, 1909: Mrs. W. I.
Northup, 1910; Miss Myrtle Schaefer,
1911; Miss Lucile Parker, 1912.
All of the principal, contenders -of
last season will be in the tournament
una season.
- lMMir - arfi WiiWAWnX
:Ja,..vlsN;ol'4?fcfte,l.!, - .
Oregon Champion Takes Pa
cific Coast Honors.
John Strachan Gives 18-Year-Old
Titleholder Rub in 44-Game
Match Almost Perfect Play
Witnessed at Del Monte.
DEL. MONTE. Cal.. June 21. William
Johnston, of San Francisco, Oregon and
tauiornia champion, won - the tennis
championship of the Pacific Coast to
day, -defeating John Strachan, also of
mat city, in a thrilling five-set match
in which the loser led at 4-2 in the
deciding contest.
Johnston, playing an almost perfect
game, smothered his opponent in the
first two sets, but in the next two and
well into the fifth the pace told on his
strength, while the stamina and re
markable court covering of Strachan
BflowM in strong contrast.
Facing seemingly inevitable defeat
Johnston never lost his nerve or cool
ness, but, taking advantage of every
situation, he won four straight games
by the closest kln-d of play and with
them th match and time. The score
was6-l, 6-2, 3-6. 4-6, 6-4.
Maurice E. McLoughlin, holder of the
Coast title, was not present to defend,
be being now in England In the quest
of the Davis cup. The new champion
will be sent across the mountains to
represent the Pacific Coast Lawn Ten
nls Association in the Eastern events.
With him will go a doubles team.
Champion Johnston, although he has
Just passed his 18th birthday, already
held the singles championships of the
three Coast states and British Colum
bia. Strachan, the runner-up today. Is
but 17 years old. These two youths
and Ella Fottrell and Clarence Griffin,
the other pair of semi-finalists, are all
club mates and understudies of Na
tional. Champion McLoughlin.
Miss Sarlta Van Vllet won the Pa
cific Coast women's singles this after
noon, and, coupled . with Griffin, the
mixed doubles honors. She was op
posed in the final round by Mrs.
Nicholas, of San Francisco. Miss Van
Vllet is an Army girl, the- daughter o
Colvan Van Vllet, stationed at Alcatraz
Island, but under orders to proceed to
the Mexican frontier. Summary:
Men's singles, final Johnston d
feated Strachan 6-1, 6-2, 3-6, 4-6, 6-4.
Women's singles, final Miss Vi
Vllet defeated Mrs. Nicholas 6-1, 6-2.
Mixed doubles, final Miss Van Vile
and Griffin defeated Airs. KLullman and
Willi3 Davis. 4-6. 6-0. 6-2.
German pencil factories produce annually
iDout a.u'M'.uuu groM or leau. coiorea, copy
Our entire stock of new Spring and Summer
Fancy Suits at ONE-FOURTH OFF Clear
ance Prices.
Sale Starts Monday
$30.00 Spring and Summer tfoo CA
Suits now. vp..OU
$25.00 Spring and Summer C? 1 O "7 C
Suits now. ........pl0.0
$20.00 Spring and Summer jjjj g qq
See our window displays for real bargains.
Washington St.
Admiral Morgan. Chooses Re
gatta Aides.
Assignments of Staff Positions An
nounced, but Trip to Astoria
AVill Be Made by Rail Tor
Lack of Able Seamen.
Admiral W. L. Morgan has practlcally
completed his staff for the 18th annual
regatta at Astoria, July 3. 4 and 5. The
large number -who have accepted Invi
tations to become members of the Ad
miral's staff has been an agreeable sur
prise to Mr. Morgan, and Astoria is
gratified over the interest manifested.
In previous regattas the Admiral's
staff has numbered from 40 to 50. This
year it was the hope of the regatta
olticlals that it might be increased to
75. To date the Admiral has 115 ac
ceptances, from which list he has ap
pointed five retired Admirals, nine
Vice-Admirals. 12 Rear-Admirals. 20
Commodores. 30 Captains, 35 Command
ers and four Cadets.
No South American republic's army
will have anything on Astoria's naval
turnout. The count to date Is 111 offi
cers and four Cadets, and one or two
able seamen may possibly t-! thrown
in for good measure. George Klnnear,
one of the Commodores, says so many
of the crusaders are togged out with
epaulets that there Is nobody left to
man the boats, hence the "Jolly war
dogs" will cruise from Portland to As
toria July 2 aboard a train.
Aulfamtati Are Made.
Admiral Morgan has made the follow
ing assignments to duty, only those
known to be immune from seasickness
having been considered:
Vice-Admiral G. F. Blair, Chief of
Staff; Captains John A. Beckwith and
Harold H. Hilton, aides; Vice-Admiral
E. H. Thornton. Chief of Bureau of
Medicine and Surgery; Rear-Admiral
K. K. Kubll. Chief Advocate-General;
Rear-Admiral J. Fred Larson, chief of
the maritime policemen: Commander
John Waters, Fleet Captain.
The complete list of officials is as
Retired Admirals John S. Beall and
George S. Shepherd. Portland; John
Fox, Charles V. Brown and C H. Cal
lender, Astoria.
Vice-Admirals G. F. Blair. Lieuten
ant-Commander Oregon Naval Militia;
A. J. Capron, Dr. George A. Cathey,
General W. E. Finzer, R. W. Foster, Dr.
E. D. Johnson. John McNulty, J. R.
Rogers and Dr. E. XL Thornton, all of
Rear-Admirals J. S. Dellinger and
George B. Johnson. Astoria; C. W. Chan
dler. Seattle; Charles T. Early, Hood
River; Frank Caldwell. C. V. Cooper,
W. L. Dudley. George M. Hyland. K. K.
Kubll, J. Fred Larson, W. C. North and
John F. Shorey. of Portland.
Commodores A. Bobleter. C. W.
Boost, William H. Curtis. A. L. Finley,
Dr. Charles E. Hill, E. J. Jaeger, George
Klnnear. Theodore Kruse. Dr. M. C
McCorkle, Robert Menefee, C. J. Miche
let. Edward Newbegln, E. Von der Verth
It's the Motor That
Makes the Boat
Fairbanks -Morse
Marine Engines
are Absolutely Guaranteed as
to workmanship, material and
They start easily. No crank
ing necessary on two-cycle engines. All parts easily accessible. Work
ing parts ground to fit perfectly and are interchangeable.
Two-Cycle Engines, zyz to 24 H. P. Fonr-Cycle Engines, 4V2 to 18 H. P.
Complete equipment furnished for stern-wheel light-draft boats.
Write for Catalogue No. EG.
Fairbanks, Morse
at Corner Sixth
and Elwood Wiles. Portland: John V.. 1
Oratke. M. F. Hardesty and C. W. Mul
lins, Astoria; L. E. Geary, Seattle; M.
Gorman, Cathlamet, Wash., and Charles -
A Pavn (""hlnnolr " j t V,
Mnr Captains Appointed.
Captains Lee Arnett, E. 11. Beall.
Lieutenant John A. Beckwith. Oregon
Naval Militia; S. C. Catching, Eugene
Comstock. Roscoe Fawcett. C. Elmore
CJrove. Ensign Harold H. Hilton. Ore
gon Naval Militia; A. A. Hoover. Felix
Isherwood, A. E. Hutchinson, Shad O. '
Krantz, Phil Metschan, Jr., B. B. Montag,
A. C. MofTatt. William P. Richardson,
William P. Strandborg, Gainer Thigpen. '
Portland; A. Y. Anderson, Dr. R. J.
Pilklngton, A. S. Skyles, Dr. J. Tuttle,
A. W. Norblad and Grover Utzinger,
Astoria: F. A. Bushnell. St. Paul; Cap
tain Frank B. Edwards. Fort Stevens.
Or.; Alex Gilbert, Seaside: Carleton '
Lewis, Rainier, Or.; Dan J. Moore, Sea
side; Robert O. Graves, Marshfield. Or.
Commanders I. Aronson, Melvin W.
Boyle, A. T. Bonney, Jay Bowerman,
Clarence V. Everett, W. B. Fechheimer,
John E. Mahaney, Paul C. Morton, Dr.
Ben L. Norden, W. F. Prier. Alfred L.
Tetu. Elmer L. Van Dresar. Portland;
C. T. Crosby, T. R. Davis, Nace Grant,
J. Rolan Hinman, Charles Humphries, '
George F. Judd, J. B. Kilmore, Law
rence Rogers, R. S. Shaw, Rev. John
Waters. Astoria; F. C. Bidwell. Fort
l.' . .. . . . tf-. 1 J -W .1 . ".I
renton; Lieutenant E. A. Eastwold. Fort '
Stevens. Or.; E. II. Joseph, Rainier, Or.; '
I? If.nnn.U A 1 --.rt W.c). 1.' .... 1 - I
Sherwood, Rainier, Or.; J. E. Sawhlll.
Burns. Or.; James Sheldon, St. Helens.
Wash.: F. C. Stewart, Kelso, Wash.;
ian Williams, imnooK, wasiu; frantt
Woodfield, Astoria; A. E. Snyden and
B. Gildner. Portland.
P,. Hnto William A.fnwoan T t- tul-nlm
S. Beall, Elwood Wiles. Jr., Portland; .'.
Melville Callender, Astoria.
Answers to Queries.
E. E. Hardesty, Eugene. Or. Britt
fought McGovern but once and that
was at New York. Battling Nelson won
the lightweight title from Joe Gans at
San Francisco.
We will give away the 18
ft. motorboat at 1 o'clock,
June 25th.
168-172 Front Street.
Fay & Bowers Marine Engines,
Roberts Marine Engines
In Stock.
The Beebe Company
46 Front Street.
Foot of Salmon Street
Launches, Canoes, Rowboats
for Hire
Main 1766, A 5311
& Co.
?4fffi'!M 18 hp.