1G THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 22, 1913. Only 3 More Days in Which to View the Wonderful Working Model of the Panama CanalFifth Floor No Charge for This Exhibit Cheney Bros'. Shower-Proof Foulards, 63c Yard ' New Wool Suitings and Cloakings, Yard $1.27 Just From the Press ! Read It ! "The Ambassadress" An animated novel portraying the fasci nating life of the "inner circles" of the embassies at European Capitals. A thrill ing: story in which an American 'woman plays a leading role. Buy this Book tomorrow from our Book Store, Basement Annex. Price $1.2o. Assuredly an unprecedented' offer is this we make for tomorrow on the popular and high-grade Cheney Foulard, of showerproof weave in all the newest designs of laven der, browns, tans, grays, greens and bines. ' Regular $1.00 quality, from which" beautiful dresses and waists are made. For tomorrow we special, the yard, 63. First Floor. Mala BoUdlms. Mall Orders Filled. Store Opens Tomorrow 8:30 A. M. Women who plan on having made to order the Summer Suit or Cloak will Avelcome this reduction on handsome fabric "Wool Suitings and Cloak ings, in rich tans, gray, brown and blues-; 54 inches wide. Special, the yard, $1.27. First Floor. Mala Ttnlldlns;. Mail Orders Filled. r Store Closes Tomorrow 5:30 P. M. Great Free Exhibition The great Panama Canal in operation. A large working model of the canal is ex hibited daily on our fifth floor, and for a few days more you may view the ships and locks in operation and listen to an instruct ive lecture. Better call tomorrow. Fifth Floor, New Building. Our GarmentSal ops Tomorrow. Will Be Resplendent for Women New, Modish A.pparel Will Be Offered at Prices Incomparably Low The Petticoats that fit without al teration are here in extensive varie ties; many styles in Messaline an-1 Italian SilR Jersey, made under pres ent narrow lines to conform -with the silhouette mode of the day. These famous Petticoats -we offer at $5 and $6.00. rnigore 99 Close-Fitting SilK Petticoats $3.95 This Petticoat has met rith instant approval; made with accordion flounces for wear with slashed skirts; also with tucked flounces of beautiful quality Messaline. Our introductory price only $3.9o. Table Cloths $4.25 Cloths at $3.48 Table Cloths of double weight linen, in regular woven pattern, spot with bar border; an excellent cloth ' for general use. Size 72x72 inches. Regularly $4.25, to morrow, special at $3.48 $2.50 Cloths, 54x54, S2.0O $4.75 Cloths, 72x90, $3.98 22-in. Napkins to match, Dozen at ....3.50 $2.25 Cloths at $1.79 Table Cloths of all pure linen, 68x68 inches, attractive woven patterns, good weight linen, launders splendidly. $6.00 Cloths at $4.50 Hemstitched Cloths of all pure Linen Damask, heavy weight, soft finish, size 68x 87, hemstitched on all four sides. . Table DamasK, Yd. $1 A gvod quality of all Lin en Table Damask, in neat floral patterns, full C8 in. wide. Special tomorrow, at the yard, $1.00. Dainty Parasols $2.50 a $3 Grades $1.98 Women's dainty, high-grade Parasols, 22-inch, plain taf feta covers with striped Dres den borders and insertions,- in a large range of staple and fancy colors; brass ribbed frames and ' long, plain and fancy hardwood handles. Reg ularly $2.50 and $3.00. Monday only $1.98. . Little Ladies' Parasols 25c Regularly. Monday 15 Every little lady should have a parasol from this assortment. They are Japanese and assorted colors. Regularly 25c. Monday only 15. 35c Collars 15c Women's fine embroidered linen collars, . beautiful patterns, -many are hand embroidered. Assorted styles, heights and sizes. Regu larly 25c and 35c, and a few 50c collars. Special, each 15S 2 for 25. 75c Neckwear 39c New lace Neckwear, latest styles in the popular Dutch, Epaulet Collars, etc. Also a large variety of pat terns in beautiful Plauen Lace Yokes. Regularly 50c, 65c and 75c. Special, 39.. Silk Gloves 3?c Two-clasp Silk Gloves, double finger tips, all 6izes-and colors. Also a large number of Rein deer Fabric Gloves in odd colors and sizes. Broken lots that sell regularly the pair, 50c to $1.25. Monday, -while they last, pair, 37. Mousquetaire, Chamoi sette a Lisle Gloves, 43c 16-button Mousquetaire Cham oisette and Lisle Gloves in black, white and mode. All sizes from 5V2 t 8. Choose several pairs for Summer use. Regu larly the pair 50c, Monday, spe cial, 43 35c Kerchiefs 17c Broken lines of women's pure linen Ini tial Handkerchiefs, sheer qual ities, neatly hemstitched, beau tifully embroidered initials, al most every letter. Regularly 25c and 35c each. Special IT J each or 3 for 50. Dress Goods Black and White Checks are exceedingly in favor in dress goods this season and we're showing a wondrous array in ail qualities, at 50J to $2 a Yd. These Dainty Swiss Embroidery Flounces are shown 12 to 18-inch Galloons and Bands to four inches ; in pleasing floral and eyelet designs for undermus lins and waists; regularly 40c to 85c, special forOrt this sale, at the yard $1.75 to $3 Swiss Flounces 15 inches wide, in eyelet design, worked to a depth of 18 inches ; for lingerie gowns. Priced special at tf?! OQ low price yard P '' $1.25 to $2.00 Shadow Flounces in white and cream 18 to 24 inches wide and white and cream bands 4 to 9 inches wide ; for gowns and waist trimmings; onQQ sale at only, the yard 25c to 50c Venise and Net Bands 1 to 2 inches wide, of Shadow. Lace and band' and edges 2 to 4 inches wide; for Summer dresses. The yard now at only AJC First Floor. ew Building-. Mall Ordera Filled. A Sweater for the Beach Decided reduction will be in force tomorrow on Sweaters for Misses and Children. 'Twill pay you to choose now for beach or mountain wear. We offir plain or fancy weaves. Ruff Neck, V shapc or rolling collars, Norfolk or loose styles. Sweaters in white, gray and red. Special at 98S $1.58, $1.98, $2.35, $2.55, $2.05 25c to 35c Ribbons, 19c Pretty combinations in floral and conventional designs in these All Silk Ribbons. 5 and 6 inches wide, striped Bulgarian warp prints, plain and Moire. Especially suitable for millinery sashes and hair bows. Regularly 25c to 35c the yard, Monday special, yard, 19. Silk Taffeta Ribbons, 3 and 4 inches wide, in all plain colors. Also wide range of fancy Dresden and Bulgarian printed light and dark warp effects. Regularly 17c to 2o.c yard. Spe cial for Monday, 12. First Floor. Main Building. ' Rich Lingerie Dresses Lovely Gowns, $29.50 Lowered in Price and they're the ultimate in designing, showing the most appealing styles to meet every fancy for Sum mer 'wear. Richly made are these Dresses of voile, crepe, marquisettes, ratine and batiste, and fetch ingly trimmed with Cluny, Valenciennes, Filet, Irish lace and hand embroidered; shown with high or low neck and either long or short sleeves. Some have becomingly draped skirts and others designed with peplum effect. Choose these Lingerie Dresses to morrow at these reduced prices : $27.50 Dresses, $22.50 $35.00 Dresses, $28.00 $40.00 Dresses, $32.00 $45.00 Dresses, $36.00 $55.00 Dresses, $44.00 $75.00 Dresses, $60.00 as Summery 2-Piece Suits Of Linen, Crepe and Ratine There is an admirable dash of freshness, s'yle and comfort apparent in these fashionable two-piece Suits of Linen, Crepe and Ratine fabrics. They're designed with fashion afore thought in plain tailored styles with the popular long, straight back and cutaway front ; also included are semi-fancy Suits, in cutaway style, with vest effect of pique and button trim mings; then, too, some are shown with medium long eoats, swagger, side belt effect and loops of self material. Choice of Copenhagen, tan, natural and white. Moderately priced are these Suits, within the reach of all, at S8.50 to S35. Second Ploor. Garment Salons. Mail Ordera Filled, June Sale of Silverware Solves the Wedding Gift Problem n MiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiu k vV I thrifts- fcPir 1 rXilMKSIM - Exclusive $45.00 to $60.00 Models A fortunate purchase of sample Gowns brings to us this exquisite lot at a price far below their real worth, permitting us to offer them to the fashion able women of Portland for only $29.50. Wondrous in their loveliness are these Gowns of charmeuse, crepe de chine, crepe meteor, lace allover and chiffon in draped effects; no two Gowns alike. Some are made in combinations of materials; the waist made low. neck style, cut in V shape and filled with tulle orfshadow lace, edged with Picot. In shades these Gowns are shown inFashion's every whim myrtle, pink, blue, gray, gold and white. Handsome Suits, $19.50 Formerly $30.00 to $35.00 Women will find this the advantageous time to select the Midsummer Suit from this group of smart, handsome models offered for tomorrow at $19.50. Comprehensive, indeed, is the variety, including plain tailored or fancy and semi-fancy styles. The fabrics are serges, eponges, whipcords, poplins, worsteds and mannish mixtures,- in Copenhagen, navy, Nell rose and fancy mixtures. Two of these' Suits, as illustrated, were sketched from this group. Avail your self of this special offering tomorrow. $2.75 and $3.00 Shirtwaists and Tai lored Shirts, neatly and attractively made, of linen and madras and shown in plain and fancy striped patterns ; a serv iceable "Waist for business wear. Special tomorrow, each, SX.89. I w Imported Waists in fetching novelty de signs of voiles and batistes, made with lace yokes of Filet nets ; others have pointed necks with real laces forming Robespierre collars ; the popular drop shoulder set in with cord of self material and trimmed in V enise lace and dainty hand embroidery. Moderately priced at SXO to SZ5. Second Floor, Garment Salon. ssmiiiiiiimmiiimiiimmtimiiimiiir- IIHIIIllillllllllllillllilllllllllllllllllllfy Second Floor, Mtlllnerr Parlor. Smart Coats Underpriced Few gifts could please the June Bride more than one selected from our Silverware Depart ment. It would be useful as well as ornamental. $3.75 Silver Fern Dish 7-inch size, inner bowl of porcelain with silver rings for convenient lifting ; outer lining of handsome quadruple plated silver in pretty de sign. Special, S2.69. $6.00 Silver Baiting- Dishes 'The service frame - is of heavy quadruple silver plate, finished in a handsome design, cooking pan made of enamel with detach able rim. Special, S4.19. - $5.00 - Casseroles made of quadruple silver-plate on white metal. Fooda cooked en Casserole retain 'their original flavor, and in serving the Casserole is an ornament to the table. Special, $3.89. L'i. v a-l-;., f i!.'''SiJiir 12' g Stunning Imported Hats and New Creations W Of Our Own Designing Worth $12. 50 to $35 j 1 Tomorrow at $8.95 yivii:::;:::::;:i;-jj A very charming selection of pictur esque Midsummer Hats will be shown in our Millinerv Salon tomorrow one lot of lovely Imported Hats, others fascinating creations of our own designing. They're S " all the newest modes and daintily trimmed with flowers and ostrich feathers. EE Here's your opportunity to possess a stunning new Hat, worth from $12.50 to $35, . to wear with those bummer gowns, for the extremely low price of ij.95. ; $5 TO $10.50 TAILORED HATS the .very latest in Tailored and Semi-Dress Hats, with a chic appearance that appeals to-everybody. Included in this lot are many Hats from d0 yflC s Phipps, Bur cesser, Rawak and Castle; worth from $5 to $10.50, Monday at only .'tO EE All Trimmed Panamas, Ideal for Midsummer Wear, Greatly Reduced. il!IIIIIIililIII!IIlll!llllllin Grouped at $4.75, $7.85, $9.85, $12.45 To meet the popular demand for Coats, that simulate' Fashion's trend, and at a moderate price we offer tomor row an exceptional group of Coats in short, medium and long models. They're of worsted tweeds, satin, linen and fancy mixtures, in cutaway effects with large sailor collars; others have shawl collars; then, too, Norfolk effects are shown in short coats. Many of the Coats are fully lined. Choice of light, medium and dark shades. Extreme reductions have been made on these four group3 of Coats offered tomorrow at $4.75, $7.85, $9,85. Sli.4i. g Your Choice for 9c H From 10,000 Pieces I Semi-Porcelain1 Dinnerware See 6th-Street Vestibule Window Display THREE-DAY SALE, First Floor. Main BulMlnar. Mall Ordera Filled. $2.00 Silver Bon Bon Dish, special $1.49 $2.75 Silver Vases, 8-inch size, special. .$2.09 $1.50 Salt and Pepper Shakers, special each 99 50c Napkin Rings, special 34 $1.25 Lemon Dishes, special 97 $1.50 Catsup Bottle Holder, special. .. .$1.17 $2.00 Syrup and Plate, special $1.49 $2.25 Sweet Pea Vase, special $1.74 $2.75 Pie Dish, special $2.09 $2.75 Covered Butter Dish, special. .... .$2.09 $4.00 Fruit Bowl, special $3.09 $4.50 Sandwich Tray, special ..$3.49 $7.50 Casseroles, special ....$5.99 $8.00 5-light Candelabra, special $6.29 The- QjjalitV Store: op Portland FKKbcUv"Morriaorv Alder Sta. Housewives will welcome this opportunity, which permits them to select the many wanted pieces of Semi Porcelain at this remarkably low price. It's the pleas ing and popular white and gold pattern and comes from the factory of Knowles, Taylor & Knowles. Many of these pieces are wortfi to 40c Cups and Saucers, Bread and Butter Plates, Sugar Bowls, Dinner Plates, Break fast Plates, Pie Plates, Oatmeal Bowls, Sauce Boats, etc., and your choice from 10,000 pieces, each, Oc THREE-DAY SUE. Bis Baaement Store. Mall Orders Filled.