11 OREGON PUBLICITY FUND HALF RAISED COMMITTEEMEN WHO ARE IN CHARGE OF THE FIRST ANNUAL FAMILY OUTING OF THE PORTLAND COMMERCIAL CLUB. DRUGS ALDER at WEST PARK fpTTWe Give Green Trading Stamps Portland Commercial Club Has Hearty Co-operation From Business Men. SPECIAL SALE ON CUT GLASS All This Week Special Sale Turkish Bath Towels and THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 22, 1913. tC"::U, Mil K ! ""'fiVi-f, . i .'ii7 . to" ' ' ." i $150,000 TOTAL- IS GOAL Strong Representative Committee Directs Gathering and Spending of Money to Attract and Aid Newcomers to State. More than half of the $150,000 fund lor the development activities which n-ill be conducted under the auspices of the Portland Commercial Club dur Ing- the next three years has already been subscribed by business men of the city. In exact numbers the total of con tributions pledged up to last night amounted to $84,018, or a pledge of $2333.82 a month for three years. This Is the largest sum that has ever been subscribed in an equal length of time by a quiet campaign such as the representatives from the executive committee of the Commercial -Club have conducted thus far. There has been practically none of the "hue and cry" method . employed In the solicitation among -the business men of the city. but the committeemen who have worked in the campaign announced yesterday that the business men vis ited readily responded to the call for contributions and that many of them have voluntarily doubled the amount of the contribution which they had made in the previous promotion fund raised by the club. Small Farmers to Be Helped. TTi active movement to. raise the fund was begun only about three weeks ag3 with the exception of one meet ing of the original contributors and another meeting held this week tor business men at large, to talk ov,er the plan, has been conducted without pub licity. The promotion work for which this fund la being raised aims at a con oerted effort for the upbuilding and development of the agricultural pos sibilities of the trade territories trib utary to Portland. The gist of the movement may be classified under two heads the helping and financing small farmers who are already in the state, and the attraction to Oregon of Northern European Immigrants and their colonization upon productive land in such a mjinner that their newly adopted country will be attractive to them. G. F. Johnson, chairman of the ex ecutive committee, has- selected from that committee perhaps the most thtroughly representative finance com. mlttee that has been named by any commercial body on the Coast. It in cludes Theodore B. Wilcox, president Portland Flouring Mills Company, chairman: A. L. Mills, president First National Bank; H. L. Pittock, of The Oregonlan; Benage S. Josselyn, presi dent Portland Railway, Light & Pow er Company; W. M. Ladd, president Ladd & Tllton Bank; C. S Jackson, proprietor of Oregon Daily Journal-. .. System of Aid Thorough. It will "be the duty of this committee to direct the expenditure of the fund, and its members are giving their per sonal attention to Insure the best re sults. It has been determined that immigration from Northern Europe will be brought direct to. Oregon .and the Pacific Northwest, and not only placed on the lands, but assured of. financial support, if necessary, after they get here. At present a large cor-ps of repre sentative men from all parts of the United States is investigating the ftg rlculturai situation in Europe, at-the instance of the United States Govern ment, and the report of this commit tee necessarily will have considerable influence upon the work to be carried out by the local executive committee. Oh the .committee of business men who have been carrying on the cam paign of solicitation during the past three weeks are: F. W. Chausse, A. H. Devers, Jay Smith, Edward Ehrman, J. I Hartman, Tom Richardson, T. C. Stettler. G. H. Watson, J. P. Jaeger, S B. Ricaby, E. L. Thompson. James Ball, TI. S. McCracken arid W. M. Daly. Merchants Cognizant of Need. t "Our work has , progressed more "smoothly than we ever dreamed," said one of, the members. "Everywhere we found- the business jnen thoroughly cognizant of rlHfmpoTtance of the de velopment work the Commercial Club contemplates and ready without hesi tation to renew, and frequently to in crease, their subscriptions to the fund. TV e have in our quiet campaign gone past,, the halfway point almost before we realized how well our work was progressing and I believe that we will be able to-complete the fund readily within a few - weeks more." . Following is the list of contributors up to date and.-their pledges by . the month and for the three years: r v. - - . ' 1 '? J I 1 I I James, Kerns & Abbott Co. Joseph P. Jaeger W. G. Ide F. V. Ha.rra.don & Son. .'. . Falling:, McCalman Co.... Leo Frlede Chausse-Prudhomme Co. . . B. O. Case k. Co. Dr. C. W. Cornelius W. J. Clemens Ballou & WrlBht The Wiley B. Allen Co Jenkins & Co Wilson's Auction House... I. Savoy Jones . Mercantile Co E. F. Riley Pacific Coast Spmp Co...." Pacific 8ta, Ptg. Co Newell, Gossett & Walsh. .. Munroe A Crlssel ........ California Ink Company. . Clark Bros George E. Wagoner William E. Brewster..... Dr. George S. Breitling A. L. Leonard Charles H. Dobson D. E. Stewart The Rober Machinery Co. . R. F. Rlsellng William A. Markert L. A. McNary Chester J. Hogue H. W. HcJ - BIG PICrilG PLANNED We offer great reductions on this popu lar gift line..; Not a piece will be re served; everything goes at 25 to 50 per A few choice pieces, such as Round and Tall-Stvle . Oil or Vinegar Cruets, Perfume Bottle. 5 and H g X-T rV I . II 1 lTJr T 1 11 . - msJ low nrice of. each. .98?" -y cent reduction. Commercial Club Members to Take Day Off. i OFF ON ALCOHOL STOVES AND BURNERS for the entire week. Take one with you on your vacation. LEATHER GOODS DEPARTMENT Regular $15 Suitcases, special $5.9 Select line of Handbags, for 20 per cent reduction on Trunks. Wash Rags Regular 35c Turkish Towel, size 21x41 inehes. at 18 Regular fOe Turkish lowci, size x44 lncties. at .--2Sf? Regular 65e T u r k i s h Towel, size 24x48 inches. at 40C Regular 7."e Turkish Towel, size 25x4S inehes. at.... .49c Turkish Cloth Bath Mitts, regular 25c value, while they last, a pair oniy 7C Trojah Lined Bath Mitts at, the pair llC ' i mi l oly vti mm f VANCOUVER PARK CHOSEN Totals ..f 2883.00 6.00 ' 180 5.00 ISO B.00 : 5.00 180 . 5.0O . ,- 180 5.00 180 6.00 180 S.OO ISO 6,00 180 0.00 ISO B.00 180 6.00 180 8.50 126 8.00 108 3.O0 108 3.00 108 2.50 90 2.50 ' 90 . 2.50 - 90 2.50 90 . 2.60 90 , ' 2.50 90 2.50 90 1 2.00 72 2.00 72 2.00 72 1.50 5-4 1.00 ' 86 l.OO 86 1.00 88 1.00 26 1.00 36 ' 1.00 86 1.00 38 1.00 36 $ 2883.00 (184,018 'Per yar. CAPTAIM WELCH LEADS ALL Oregon Coast Artilleryman Solves Most Problems at Contest. - j With the artillerymen of nine states competing. Captain Hiram U. Welch, of the Oregon Coast Artillery Corps, at tained the highest percentage for prob lems solved In " the "field artillery school of fire" at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, May 18 to June 18. Captain Welch was also well up In the' list In the contest of the -number of salvos . fired per ' minute, ranking sixth in a class of 20. His score was 3.23, the' highest mark being- that of Ferguson, of New Tork," with 3.86. ' The Oregon artilleryman was the only member of the class who success fully solved every problem offered by the examiners. Captain Welch Is expected to arrive in Portland tomorrow. First Concert of Season to Be "Washington Grounds. Name- Portland " Cl'g-House Amount per mo. Assn.5000.00 Portland Sy., U & P. Co.. 200.00 Ladd Estate 100.00 Mlrr Frank Company.. 10O.0O N. W. Electric Company... 100.00 H.. L. Pittock 100.00 - Portland Gas & Coke Co. . 100.00 Union Meat Company 100.00 Portland Flouring Mills Co. 100.00 Henry Weinhard Estate... 60.00 Eastern Sc Western Lbr. Co. 50.00 Ruth Trust Company 5O.00 Faluns Estate "OOO.OO Lang & Co, 25.00 W. P. Fuller & Co 25.00 General Electric Company. . 25.00 The Burrell- Investment Co. 25.00 Floisehner. Mayer & Co.... 23.00 Marshall-Wells Hdwe. Co. 25.00 Mason. Ehrman & Co 20.00 Provident Trust Company. 25.00 Twohy Bros. Company 25.00 Olds, Wortman King... 25.00 Pacific Hdws. : Steel Co.. 20.00 Ciosset & evors 20.00 K L. GUsan 20.00 Hartman & Thompson.... 20.00 Fred A. Jacobs Cu 2O.00 Rasmussen & Co 15.00 M. L. Kline 15.00 Tlio Gauld Company 13.00 The J. K. GUI Company. . 15.00 Kilham Sta- & Pt. Co 15.00 Befl St Co ' 10.OO Baltimore Dairy Luncheon. 10.00 Commerce Tr. & Sav'ss Co. 10.00 Johu Deere Plow Company 10.00 Parlin & OrendorfC Plow Co. 10.00 J. C. English Company.... 10.00 J. P. Fln'.ev 4i Son 1O.00 W. B. Glaf'ke Co.....' 10.00 William Gadsby . 10.0 Ciray. McLean Percy 10.00 W. c. Noon Bag Co.: 10.00 Northwest Door Company. 10.00 The Owl Drug Company. . , 10.00 Title & Trust Company... 10.00 Vnlon Laundry Company.. 10. OO Portland Ldry- Company. . . . 10.00 M. Seller & Co. 10.00 Lawyers' Title & Tr Co... 10.00 James W. Cooke 10.00 Bushong Company ....... 10.00 Beall & Co, " 10.00 The A. H. Averil! Marh. Co. 10.00 Am. Type Founders Co:... 10.00 Irwln-Hodsoa Company ,. 10.00 Zimmerman-Wells-Brown Company 5.00 T. S. Townsend Creamery... 5.00 L. Samuel 5.00 T. C. Stettler 5.0O Eastern Outfitting Co 8.00 Rice & Phelan 5.00 Portland Seed Company. . ' 5.00 Pacific Iron Works 5.00 Prince Shoe ComDauy 5.00 The .T. McCraken Company 6.O0 W. U. McMonles & Co.... 5.00 Total 8 yrs. (15,000 7. zoo 8.600 3.600 3.600 . 8.60O 8,600 8.600 8.600 1,800 1.800 1.800 1.500 BOO noo 900 900 900 flOO 000 900 900 000 720 720 720 720 720 640 540 . 540 640 640 S 360 360 S60 360 360 860 860 860 860 860 860 . 390 . 360 360 860 360 860 360 S60 860 360 o0 360 180 ISO ISO ISO ISO 180 1M) 180 160 ISO ARK BAND TO PLAY TODAY at With an excellent programme the band concert season In Portland parks will commence this afternoon at 3 Colonel Young and Other Officers Stationed at Post Will Help to Make Old-Time Celebration Success Next Saturday. The business men of Portland and tneir families and friends are going 1 out to play In the park near Vancouver Barracks, Saturday, June 28. That is the date -of the first annual 'family out ing of the Portland Commercial Club, upon plans for which committees and committeemen of the club have been working for weeks. Colonel G. S. Toung, of the. Twenty- first Infantry at Vancouver, who is member of the Portland Commercial Club, with other of the officers sta tioned at Vancouver, was active In per-' suading the outing committee to deter mine upon the park at Vancouver as the place f6r the outing, and will give his assistance in furnishing many of tne features of entertainment which will make the day a real picnic The entertainment and outing committee which has the preparation for the pic nic In charge Is headed by George W. KJetser and J. Fred Larson. Tlcltetn on Sale. On the morning of the picnic the members of the Commercial Club and their friends will emigrate from the city by whatever routes best please them, but the majority will go on board the steamer Undine, which has - been chartered for the occasion. Tickets at 1 are on sale at the Commercial Club, and members are taking them up rap idly. Arrangements - have : been made tor the undine to make both a morn ing and an afternoon trip, so that many whose business does not permit them to spend the entire day at the picnic may go In the afternoon and enjoy at least a share of the sport. The boat will sail from the Taylor-street dock in Portland and will land at the Bar racks dock In Vancouver. The preparations at Vancouver Bar racks for the share of entertainment which is to be provided from there are being made. The band will furnish music- and there will be a full dress parade In honor of the Commercial Club party. A. "picked" baseball team from the Commercial Club will compete against the team from the Barracks. Vancouver Club to Be Guests. The members of the Vancouver Com mercial Club and their families will be guests of the Portland Commercial Club at the picnic. After the picnic luncheon, which will be served In the park, a programme of various sports besides the baseball game will be carried out. The com mittee is planning to get back to the old-fashioned county plcnlo In its list of sports and contests, and the greased pig race, the greased pole-climblnR contest, pillow righting: and other his toric sports or old-time programmes will be featured. .The prize list for the various events is beginning to materialize in the form Vacation Necessities Thermos Bottles, to carry hot or cold liquids. Priced at , $1 to S3.50 Thermos Jars for ice cream, pt. $1.25; qt. $2.50 Thermos Carrying Cases .Vi OFF Ever Ready Flash Lights $1.25 to $3.50 Ingersoll Watches $1 to S2 Pedometers to measure distance walked ; price Sl $2.25 Aluminum Cups, 7 nested, for travelers and picnic parties, Special. .1.48 RUBBER GOODS SECTION Rubber Blankets will keep the mois ture from the bed when campinir or at the beach. Heavy weight l r r 82.50i light weight Ol.OU Paper Blankets are warm and light, U-V'..SOc and $1 Bathing Suit Bags, water-proof, just week's - end baths, 25c and 40c Drug Department 100 Calomel Tablets 25? 100'Cascara Tablets, 3-grain .25c- 100 Hinkle Tablets .25 100 Phenolax Tablets 35c 100 A. B. S. & C. Tablets.. ..... -25 100 Aspirin Tablets, 5-grain ..Sot 100 C. C. Pills 25e 100 Blaud Pills, 3-grain. 25 Photographic Department Ansco Films. Vulcan Films (East man). Ansco Cameras. Cyko Paper. The new No. 1-A-Folding Pocket Ansco, size 2x4. At S17.50 Printing, Devel oping and Enlarging. Radion Enlarging Machines, 6.50, $10.00, $15.00 Make your own enlargements. ." ."r.. :. r - . ! "-TfiJmitriirisni.sm.wiii si" 1 Athletic Goods Department 20 off on all Tennis Rackets. Tennis Rackets restrung. Fishing season is now on. Get that Fishing License. Trout Baskets, regular $1.50, special $1.27 Fishing Poles, register $1.00 values, special at. . .t. . .893 AT THE BOWER O' SWEETS Regular 10c Turkish Lacoum Paste, 3 for... ;...-25 Regular 40c Turkish Lacoum Paste, 3 for .-65c Regular 50c pound box Choco lates ... sg Regular 25c y2-b. box Choco lates 19 Regular 75c Glace Fruits 59V Regular $1.50 Glace Fruits at .--S1.17 STATIONERY DEPARTMENT Call and inspect our new and complete line of high-grade stationery the best paper at the best price for you. A special reduction of. 20 per cent off on Wedding Announcements and Invitations during the entire week of June 23d to 28th. Going to write to the folks while on your vacation 1. Better do it with a "Waterman 's Safety Pen selected from our large stock. 1 ' Waterman's and Conklin's, from $2.50 up. Wood-Lark Fountain Pen at 98c. , Fill your pen FREE at the Ink- Fountain.' ' ' Paint Department Chi-Namel, to brighten the porch furniture, per pint .....35t5 Sherwin-Williams Floor Paint, all colors, quart Got? Wood-Lark Furniture Polish, 50e size, bottle, 25? FREE to the first 100 ladies that call on Monday, a .. . large size sample of Jap-A-Lac in any color.. , . NUMBERSAREARBANOED CHAUTAUQUA AT ASHIiAXD TO BEGIN JCT.Y 7. Southern Pacific Railroad Makes low Rates From All Neighboring- Towns.. PLEDGE SLIP WHICH IS BEING USED IN CONNECTION WITH COMMERCIAL CLUB PROMOTION FUND CAMPAIGN. $150,000 FUND OH PUBLICITY ANO DIVU.OPMSNT ACTIVITIM PORTLAND COMMERCIAL CLUB OREGON DEVELOPMENT LCAOUB OREGON STATE I MM IQ RATION OFFICE Portland, Oregon., t hereby subscribe the sum nf .291 -DOLLARS per month, payable monthly to the PORTLAND- COMMERCIAL CLVBL for the period of three years, beginning May 1,1913. ' Please cut out -the "above blatvk. fill In the amount you feel you can subscribe and forward to the Portland Commercial Club.' THEO. B. WILCOX, ,''.' - H. L. PITTOCK, , ' C. S. JACKSON. - " - ' " A. L. MILLS, . ' "W. M. LADD, , ; - , " BENAGE S. JOSSELYN. . . . Finance Committee. o'clock at Washington Park. Under the af contributions from -various business airection of w. E. McElroy, the regu lar park band; will render seven num bers In tho bandstand at the -park for the benefit of the Sunday crowds., Otlwr concerts will be given during the sea son at other parks. The programme for today Is as follows: PART ylRST. - March "The Banner . . ...... .Von Blon Overture "IT Guarany".'. . . .Gomez Baritone solo "Ert- tu," from ,. Grand Opera "Un Ballo in Maschera". .. . . Verdi Bus-one Ciottl. Medley 'Remlcks Popular Soncs". . .'i . . - : arr. by . Lampe Intermission. PART SECOND. Selection "Algeria." (From Victor Herbert's Opera," arranged from the orifflnal score by Otto Laneey.) Waltz "Les Slreenes" Waldteufel Procession of the Knights." (Gralsrltter March. (From R. Wagner's sacred musical drama "Parsifal," arranged by T. Moses Toban.!.) Rrmirl Rt.li.rt1nn"Aill fmm D-.rll1. ISOjk Grand Opera Verdi men who are members -of the Com mercial Club, and. the entire . list ' wiH be displayed at the Commercial Club tnis week. - . - - a meeting or the outing and . enter tainment committee- with a committee irom' the Barracks and from 'the Van couver-Commercial Club will be held, at tne roruana uommerclal Club Wed nesday, wnen - tne programme will be completed. Mothers and Teachers Plan Dinner. The Mothers' congress . and .the Parent-Teachers' - Association are to give a dinner on July 3 at which the speakers, numbering about 70. of the Christian Citizenship Conference will be the gu-ests of honor. Members of the committee on arrangements for the dinner are to meet at the Y. W. C. A. at 1 o clock Tuesday afternoon. All mem bers of the committee and all mem bers of both associations Interested are urged to be present. ASHLAND. 'Or.. June 21. (Special.) The 21st annual assembly of the South ern Oregon Chautauqua Will be held in this city. July 7 to 18 Inclusive. G. JT. Billings Is president; J. S. Smith, vice president: F. H. Carter, treasurer; Louis Lager, secretary, and li. W. beager, as. elstant secretary. Numbers will be given by Dr. conn- lin. University of Oregon; Dr. Berch told, Oregon Agricultural College, and Dr. Peck, of Willamette university. July 11 will be Medtord day, July 13 Children's day and July 17 Grants Pass day. The Southern Pacific will' make a rate of one and one-third fares throughout territory extending from Eugene to Bedding, .Including the Klamath Falls branch. The following Is the programme: -T-iiv t 2-.RA p. M. concert. Tyrolean-Al pine Bingers: 8:00 P. M.. concert, Tyrolean- Alpine Singers. July 5 2:Sl i Ba.., "uovernment py m-tfriit-Hnn " Tr. -William Parsons: 8:00 P. M., "The Fields and Fjords of Norway." (Il lustrated), Professor B. R. Baumgarat. W. C. T. XJ. aay, July r. as.. "Among " the Masses, or Traits of Charac ter'' rolnnel George W. Bain: :oo i. at.. "An Evening With the Stars'" (illustrated). PrnfMtnr Ti R. - Baumaardt. - July . io .av . aa., Dicv-ni aan. Company: 8:00 P. M.. "The New Woman and the Old Man," Colonel George w. Bain. Medford day, July 11 2:30 P. M Musical unrt literarv croarramme. bv. Medford talent 8:00 p. M. "The Horse Race," Walt Hoi- comb. Children's day. July 12. 10.00 A. Par ent-teacher conference;' 2:30 P. M., "Com- tjanlonohln or i.iie-purpoee, -wait noi comb; 8:00 P. M., entertainments. Profes sor Pamahasika and his pets. , . July 13. :45 A. M., Sunday schools in the churches; 11:00 A. M-. morning worship, union service; 6:45 P. M., union young peo pled meeting; 8:0O P. M..- evening services with special music- - July 14. 2:30 P. M . concert. Sierra Mixed Quartet: 8:00 P. M.. lecture. Ni Poon Chew. July IS. 2:00 P. M., reading, miss iuauae Willis; 8:00 P. M-, concert,' Sierra Mixed Quartet. July 18-2 :30 P. M.. reading, Miss Maud Willis: 8:00 P.-M.k Larimore's Circus. Grants -Pass Oay. July IT. 2:B0 P. M. musical and literary programme furnished by the people of Grants Pass; 8:00 P. M. lecture. Dt. Matt S. Hughes. July 18. 2:30 P: M.. lecture, -Er. Matt a: Hughes; 8:00 P. M., "'The Panama-Paulf 10 Exposition" (lliustratea), ur.-rreaencit v. Fisher, official representative- ot the expo sition. 1 . j . -., : r" ... . : 1 which is being used in the construction of county roads. A contract, amount ing to about $30,000, will be awarded to tho Warren Company and the pav ing will be commenced at once. The paving company arranged to pur- hase crushed rock from the city at 1 yard, which feature of the contract will make It possible for the city to save considerable money on the deal. Terwilliger boulevard has been fin ished from the head of Hamilton ave nue to -the Slavin road, a distance of SOOO feet. It courses the crest of the South Portland hills, furnishing an ex cellent view ot the Willamette and Tualatin valleys. When finished the boulevard will be one of the most pic turesque in the Northwest. It will ex. tend from its present end at Hamilton avenue north to the south end of Sixth street. The north half of the work is under way, contractors expecting to complete excavations within the next . . .. ...... 1 ' BOULEVARD TO' BE; PAVED Work of South Half of Terwilliger , " Road-way to Begin at Once.- After-making a lengthy Investigation of various classes of paving for the south half of Terwilliger boulevard, in Bouth Portland, the Park Board yester day decided to let the contract for the. work to the Warren Construction Com- pany f or Warrenlte, ' a new paving OSWEGO LAKE Acre tracts, $400 and up; easy terms water piped to each; electrio lights; twi stations on property; moderate restrictions nO-minu'te ride from Jefferson street; boat Ing, fishing, bathing. Build your suburban hodm at tne iaKe. . THE ATCHISON-ALLEN CO.. 2K Gerllnger Bide 2d and Alder- fits, Few Jackson Voters Register. ASHLAND, Or., June 21. (Special.) There are few registered voters In Jackson County, as a small number has taken the trouble to perform that duty I since June 3. Few are eligible to sign I petitions or vote at any special elec tion. Inasmuch as the new law invali dates the registration of last year. This is the situation which confronts the electorate on the eve of an active canvass in behalf of a. proposed road bond and other Important measures. Lively efforts are being put forth in every precinct throughout the county to line up the voters for registration in order to prevent default atiorthcom lng elections. Four Going From Vancouver. VANCOUVER, Wash.. June 21. (Spe cial.) Four Civil War veterans who fought in the battle of Gettysburg will attend the reunion this year, Joining others who will leave Tacoma June 25 for the old battlefield. They art Jewett Curtis, Jacob Prutzman, E. E. Bice and Alonza Fradenburgh. They will take the 10:30 train from Vancouver on the morning of June 26. More than 200 veterans who fought in the battle of Gettysburg live In Washington, of this number but 16 were on the Southern side. EDISON MASTERPIECE EXTRAORDINARY THREE-REEL FEATURE MARY STUART Adapted . from the drama by Frederick ' Schiller at the HEATE Eleventh and Washington Streets THREE DAYS COMMENCING TODAY . V 'Read what Edison says: ". - "We are. ..always temperate in-our claims for Edison;films .but in 'this case we do notitesitate to say that"Mary Stuart" is one of the few really-great films that have ever been pro-' duce'd it is a masterpiece. . Full Programme of Music and Comedy in Addition lb Cents-ALL SEATS- lO Cents ALVEOLA TEETH A NEW SYSTEM I new STStem of reDlaclrnr lost testK without plate or brl-dgo work -or whera bridge work is Impossible. If you have two or more teth in. either jaw, we can sup ply you with others as natural as your own without resorting to such makeshifts as partial plates, etc. We wish to call special attention to our Simplex Removable Alveolars: this work Is especially adapted to replacing lost - teeth would have to resort to- partial plates and the like. The pain Incident to this work Is practi cally none, the expanse is the- same as the best bridge-work, but In satisfaction there is no comparison between the two. We have samples In our offices to show at all times hundreds of patients here In our home city to refer to. Examinations and -booklets on Alveolar Dentistry are abso lutely tree. Remember that In addition to ou? spe cialty. Alveolar Dentistry, and curing Pyor rhea (loose teetn), we are experts in every branch of dentistry from the simple fill ing up. ALVEOLAR DENTAL CO., DENTISTS. Portland Ablngrton Bids;.. 106 3d &U Seattle Hal b.t Bids;., 2d and Fine. Terms to Reliable people. Open Sundays. 10 to 1. SANE FOURTH OF JULY T EXHIBITION FIREWORKS . . Remember the children's enjoyment' of Independence-Day. The beautiful Electric Sparkler, the only safe, sane and harmless illuminat-. ing' novelty' in the world.' No law prohibiting1 it.-' " Also carry a complete line of Exhibition Fireworks, private' and public celebration goods, from $10 to $300. Send or call for price list. ANDREW KAN ASIATIC IMPORTING COMPANY, Inc. . Office Second Floor 408 Washington St. BAD STOMACH? ONE DOSE of Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Rem edy Should Convince You That Your Suffering Is Unnecessary. RecommendVd for Chronic Indigestion and Stomach, Uver and Intestinal . . Ailment-. . . , . Thousands of people, .so.me . tight in your own. locality, have taken Mayr'a- Woaderfnl Stomach Remedy for Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Ailment, DyrpMia. Pre&ure of a Around the Heart, Sour Stomaca, Dlh trrns After Eatinp, NrrvouwieM, . Diazines-, Fainting; Spells, Stck Headaches, . Constipa tion, Torpid Lli'rr, etc., and are praisiv.g md recommending it highly to otherj so that they may also know the .Joya of rllving. Mayr'a Wonderful Stomach Remedy is th best and most, widely known Kemedy for the above ailments. Ask your drurc-Bt for a bottle today. Put it to a -test -ont dose rnould convince. It is marvelous in it heal ing" properties, and its citects are q uite nat ural, as it acts on IV.e source and foundation of stomach ailments and in most cases brings quick relief and permanent results. This highly . successful Remedy - tas been taken by the most prominent . people, and those in all walks of life, among: .them Mem bers of Congrers, Justice rt the Supreme Court. Educators, Lawyers. Merchants, Banker. Doctors. Drugraists. Nurses, Man ufacturers, priests. Mln isters Farmers, with !zf.tlng- benefit and it Fhould be equally suc cessful In your case. Send for free valuable booklet, on Stomach Ailments to Geo. H. Ma.vr. Mf.. Chemist, lo4-13ti whiting Street, Chicago. 111. For salj In "Portland by Owl Drug Co.. Uroad-.vay and Washington Streets, Portland, i and Druggists everywhere.