SECTION THREE Paces 1 to 12 await EDITORIAL. AND SOCIETY VOL. XXXII. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY 3IORNING, JUNE 15, 1913. NO. 24. Agents for Gossard Lace-Front, Mme. Mariette, Nemo, Bon Ton and Royal Worcester Corsets Fownes, Monarch and Derby Gloves for Women "Automatic" Refrigerators, Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose, Etc., 3d Floor Vudor Porch Shades, Summer Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, 3d Floor Home Journal Patterns Stop at. the pattern counter and get your copy -of "Good Dress ing." the new fashion magazine. The Fresh-Air Store Olds, Wortman & King Store Hours -8:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Daily The Daylight Store Soda Fountain in Basement Cool, refreshing drinks of all kinds. Special 25 - cent Lunch served dailv in the Basement. J U NE WHITE Third Week of the "June White Sale" Offers Wonderful Savings SALE I lie t Mft. wortman & King More will be the merca for all thrifty folks throughout the coming week. fr we have prepared a bargain feast that surpasses anything ottered tue Portland buying public so tar tbis season. Thousands of dollars' worth of high-grade Summer wearables for men, women and children in the Great June White Sale at savings which should command the attention of all economical people and be the means of bringing to this store the biggest crowds of the year. Every white article reduced except a few contract lines. And in addition we offer from day to day special lines of merchandise bought for this occasion, to be sold at a no-profit margin. Sale Fine Tailored Suits $45 Grades $30$87.50 Grades $58.34 Suit Salons. Second Floor And now for the great Suit event ! A maznificeni collection of latest and best styles. Fancy models, in one. two and three-button cutaway effects, with fancy collars and enffs; others with belts. this season's large revers. li fi i j m : Quite a number of handsome Suits trimmed with srlks and embroideries. Skirts in popular draped effect, with gathers and belt at waistline. Plain tailored styles, with straight or cut away coats and plain paneled or slightly draped skirts. Ma terials include serges, eponge. Bedford cords, wool poplin, wool benealine, checks, stripes and novelty mixtures. Also a number of silk Suits in bengaline. poplin, taffetas and brocaded satins. All the season 's newest and most popular shades, in all sizes. $45.00 Suits for only 30.00 $18.5JUSjusJorjmly $32.34 $50.00 Suits for only $33.34 $52.60 Suits for only S35.QO $55.00 Suits for only S36.67 $57.50 Suits for only $38.34 $58.50 Snits for only $39. 5Q $62.50 Snits for only $41.67" $65.00 Snits for only $43.34 $67.50 Suits for only $45.00 368.50 Suits for only $45.67 $72.50 Snits for only $48.34 $75.00 Suits for only $50.00 $77.50 Snits for onlyJf5 167 $78.50 Suits for only $52.34 $82.50 Suits for only $55.00 $85.00 Suits for only $56.67 $87.50 Snits for only $58.34 $42.50 Suits Now $18.95 Splendid Line Newest Materials inky a limited number of Suits iu this line, but they are such a remarkable bargain that it will pay you well to see them early tomorrow. They are odd Suits from the season's best-selling styles -lines that have sold down to two or three of a kind. Very best of tailoring. Every suit guaranteed to fit perfectly. Materials include ratine, poplins, serges, shepherd checks, fancy mixtures and novelty stripes. An excellent line of fi "J O C5 sizes for women ami misses. Suits worth up to $42.50 for rM;CMpf $32.50 Silk Dresses $1 6.98 A t tractive Line Light and Dark Colors St vied alone simple lines, with fancy collars and cuffs. Dresses suitable for afternoon, house and street wear, while others are more elaborately fash ioned with the graceful draped skirts and waist, with lace yoke, chiffon collars and cuffs, etc. There are also a few in this lot in the new Balkan blouse effect, of fine grade charmeuse with girdle of contrasting color, lace collars and cuffs. Principal materials are charmeuse, flj " QO foulards, chiffon cloth, serges, etc. Values up to $32.50 P J-J70 Sale of 500 Stylish New Coats $20 Grades $15 $55 Grades $41.25 Garment Department. Second Floor A sale of Women's and Misses' Coats that will be of interest to every woman, whether she intends buying or not. Beautiful new Coats and Wraps in short, three-quarter and full-Ungth models. Plain tailored cutaway and draped effects, with kimono or set-in sleeves and large collars and cuffs. Also a number of Coats with the stylish Bulgarian collars and cuffs. Coats of silks, matelasse. eponge, coverts, Bedford cords, woo poplins, checks, fancy mixtures, etc. Handsome gar ments for any and all occasions. Excellent range of sizes and all favored shades. Reduced as follows: Women's $20.00 Coats now at $15.00 II Women's $40.00 Coats now at $30.00 Women's $25.00 Coats now at $18.75 Women's $45.00 Coats now at $33.75 Women's $28.50 Coats now at $21.37 Women's $35.00 Coats now at $26.25 Women's $48.50 Coats now at $36.37 Women's $55.00 Coats now at $41.25 Stamps on Charge Are vou getting full value for the monev you spend? Tn other words, are you making your dollars bring you the greatest possible returns? Unless you are taking advantage of th.Great Profit-Sharing Plan and saving "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps you are practically throwing away a percentage of your income. Thousands of dollars' worth of high-grade premiums are distributed at this store free to those who save "S. & H." Stamps. Furniture, Dra peries. Silverware, Glassware, Art Goods in fact, everything for the home without one cent of extra cost to you. Green Trading Stamps Given With Purchases WSfUoiG Stamps on Charge Accounts if Paid on or Before the lOth . &r&l5$ iBJ; j wvn av,i. liiCO..- June Sale of Muslin Underwear and Corsets Muslin Underwear, Second Floor Great billowy piles of snowy white Undermuslins from (he world's best makers manu factured under strictly sanitary conditions by well-paid American labor. Every garment perfect in finish and cut in standard sizes no skimpy garments here. Note the following extraordinary reductions for the Great Annual June White Sale: Dainty Muslin Gowns at 88c Combinations Only $2.68 Chemise All S titles $1.34 Corset Covers at 31c Slipover or high-neck gowns, of fine quality cambric and nainsook. Long, short or el bow sleeves. Neatly trimmed. Ail sizes. Tn the.lune OD White Sale, special OOl Chemise of fine quality lonsr cloth, nainsook and cambric. Splendid assortment of styles in this line. Handsomely trimmed. Now fiP t OA placed on ssle P-M..Jb Princess, 3-piece and Knick erbocker Combinations; also in regulation styles. Trimmed with laces, embroideries headings, rib bons, etc.. each 1 Women's fine longcloth Cor set Covers, neatly trimmed ! with embroidery insertions, i laces, headings, ribbons, etc. j Sizes from 34 to 40. Q f I June White Sale at O X C $10 Corsets Special $4.98 Over Twenty Models in This Special Lot to Choose From Second Floor Clean up of odd lines Bon Ton and Mme. Mariette Corsets two well-known makes. These arc discontinued styles, but very desirable : very best of materials, nicely trim med with laces, etc. Not all sizes in each style. Over 20 models. Regular $6.00 fl A O Q to $10.00 Corsets, special at ZjffrJ70 $5.00 Corsets Special $1.98 This model is made especially for the outdoor woman : styled to allow plenty of freedom, with medium low bust, and best grade hose supports attached. Sizes from 18 to 28 rf " Q O onlv. June White Sale Price J. l70 Reg. $5.00 to $6.00 Madame Helene Corsets, sale price ij2.4 Reg. $7.50 to $8.50 Madame Helene Corsets, sale price $3.68 Reg. $9.00 to $10.00 Madame Helene Corsets, sale price $4.48 Reg. $12.00 to $15.00 Madame Helene Corsets, sale price S5.9S Reg. $18.00 to $25.00 Madame Helene Corsets, sale price $8.9S W M $2.68 CamhricCorsetCovers44rC Dainty, sheer materials, full fashioned and beautifully made. Scores of pretty styles in this line. Trimmed with embroideries, laces, headings, ribbons, etc. All sizes Dainty Corset Covers 88c Very finest grade nainsook, made up in the desirable tailored effect, very shapely gar ments and beautifully finished with QQj medallions, insertions, ribbons, etc.''' Women's Nainsook Gowns $1.97 High or V-Neck Gowns $1.12 Women 's Pine Nainsook Gowns, daintily trimmed with embroideries and laces : sev eral styles ; June White Sale at $1.97 Women's High or V-Neck Gowns, with long or elbow sleeves, trimmed with laces and fine tucks; in tf "W "W C the White Sale, p X . JL & $1.75 Cambric Drawers Special at 79c Lmptre Style Gowns at 88c Women's Carabrie and Nain sook Drawers, in all styles, nice ly trimmed, full range JCk of sizes, $1.75 values, Silk Petticoats $2.49 At the Main Floor Center Circle Tomorrow Women 's high-grade messaline and taffeta silk Petticoats on sale to morrow at a remarkably low price. Extra quality silk, in all the newest shades. Styled with deep flounces and with or without underlays. All have double reinforced - seams and are trimmed with pin tucks and pleated ruffles. String tops. An opportunity to match the new gown and save considerable. All lengths. In the June White CO 4 C Sale, specially priced P.' 74c Embroideries at. Yard 37c 25c Linen Laces, Yard 12c 27-inch Swiss and Nainsook Flouncings, in wide variety of styles. Regular $2.25 grades, 98c; $1.25 grade, at KfJg 68c, and 75c grade at 3 O- Linen Cluny Laces in vast as sortment of patterns, to 1 inch in width ; edges and inser tions to match; 25c "W values, special at only J. 1 Oc Valenciennes Laces, Yard 5c $1.00 Laces at, Yard 4Hc Dainty Val Laces, in edges and insertions to match, widths V. to IV- inches; regular 3dc grades, 12c ", at 9c ; 10c ZVa grades grades at 5c Bands and Edges in widths up to 18 incites; shadow effects, clunys, filet and novelty cot ton designs, values up Mi to $1.00, special at TtOC Women's High-Grade Leather Handbags, $10.00 grade, $5.00 Women's $1.59 Evening Scarfs, all popular shades, special, 98 Fancy Ribbons, Bulgarian, Plaids, Checks, etc. ; 65c values, 33 Women's Empire Style Gowns of fine longcloth ; yokes and sleeves of embroidery Q and lace, slipover style55C $4 to $5 Shoes $3.35 Shoe Dept., First Floor Men's and women's high-grade foot wear at a special reduced price. Velvets, Suedes, Patents, Satin, White Nnbuck and Linen Shoes, Pumps and Oxfords for women in all the newest lasts. Also men 's shoes and Oxfords of tan Russia, tan willow, gunmetal and velour calf, button and blucher stvles. Standard $4.00 and 4(J Q Off $5.00 shoes at the pair SJ.JJ Just in Women's Black Russia Rid ing Boots Our price, pair $12. New line popular "Mary Jane" and "Militant" Pumps, the pr., $3.00 .4 II-Wool Storm Serge 69c Yd. Dept., Main Floor Again tomorrow we will sell our famous 4-inch all wool Serge at 69c the yard. Splen did weight and quality for one-piece vacation dresses and bathing iChf suits. Specially priced, yard 24 Inch Tourist Silks $1.25 Silk Dept.. Main Floor A very pop ular silk for Summer dresses, waists, etc. Wears exceptionally well and will not wrinkle. We show a full line of all the new shades, flj f O ff! 24 inches wide, priced V-tJ June White Sale Table Linens, Domestics We Are Sole Portland Agents for Richardson's Famous Irish Linens What's more appropriate for the June bride than a set of beautiful Snowy White Linens? Our entire stock of high-grade Linens, Doylies, Centerpieces. Art Squares. Pattern Cloths. Napkins. Towels in fact, everything in this line is now reduced in price. Richardson's Cloths Pillow Cases at 12V2C Finest double satin Damask in a sortment of designs. Good heavy will wear splendidly. Pattern all dozen napkins with each cloth. Pattern Pattern Pattern Pattern Pattern Pattern Cloths, Cloths, Cloths, Cloths, Cloths, Cloths, 72x 72, 72x 90. 72x108, Six 81, Six 90, 90x 90. beautiful as quality that around. One Note prices: at $12.60 at $13.95 at $15.30 at $14.40 at $15.30 at $15.75 Table Damask $1.48 72-inch Pure Linen Table Damask in several attractive patterns. Fine soft finish and fine woven. Regular $1.75 grade at $1.48 yard. 1500 dozen extra heavy grade Pillow Cases. Made from splendid quality muslin. Sizes 45 x36 inches. Specially priced now at 12yoc each. Household Sheets "Household" Sheets a brand that carries with it, entire satisfaction. Best of materials, torn, hemmed ready for use. Take advantage. 63x90 Household Sheets, at 55c 72x90 Household Sheets, at 60c 81x90 Household Sheets, at 65c Hotels and rooming-house keepers, aswell as private home keepers, will profit greatly by attending this, our Annual June White Sale. Compare these prices with those of other stores Crepe Voiles Yd. 18c Thousands of yards of dainty wash materials here for your choosing. New embroidered Crepe Voiles one of the season's most pop ular weaves All colors. The yard, only 18 New Printed Crepes, 25c and 35c In all the n"w Jouey patterns. These come 36 inches wide and make up beautifully. See these tomorrow. The yard, 25 and 35 Novelty Striped Ratines, 35c Yard Imported Ratine, 40 inches, $1.25 New "Wonderland" Cloth, 15c yd. New Repps and Poplins, all colors All White Wash Goods reduced Special Sale of Bathroom Fixtures 0r $l.-5 Glass Shelf, with nickel brackets, special at only 99 45c Nickel Towel Bar. 21-inch size, in this sale at only 33 $2.25 Heavy Glass Towel Bar, 24-inch size, sale price only $1.80 $6.00 Bathroom Mirror, June White Sale price only $4.75 Regular $6.75 Nickel Shaving Mirror, special sale price $5 .40 $1.00 White Enameled Bath Seats, special sale price only 8Q $1.25 Tumbler Holders, nickel plated, special sale price only 99 C $1.10 Nickel Brush and Tumbler Holder, sale price only S7 50e Nickel Tumbler Holders, sale price 39c '! 15c Nickel-Plated Robe Hooks now only Hgfr 26c Nickel Tooth Brush Holders at only 19 i 50c Nickel-Plated Paper Holder at only 39 Sale of Linen Remnants The Main Floor Bargain Circle Special one-day sale of Table Linen Remnants at the Main Floor Bargain Circle tomorrow. Good, useful length of from 1 to 3 yards. All grades, weights and kinds an offering that will be taken advantage of by all economical women. Prices reduced. Extra Large, Heavy Bleached Sheets, special tomorrow, 58e Unbleached Pillow Cases, 10 Bedspreads, special at 75c Sugar Cured Hams Lb. 21c Grocery Dept., Fourth Floor Special sale tomorrow of 500 choice Eastern Sugar-Cured Hams, ranging in weight from C 9 to 11 pounds. Get one of them at special price, pound W J. C 85c C. & B. Lucca Oil, 75 65c Kingsford's Starch, 6 lbs. 55 'Frantz Premier' Electric Suction Cleaner Price $30.00 With Attachments $37. 50 First of all, a vacuum cleaner must clean. But, pqually important, it must make cleaning easy. It must be light, strong, durable, easy to operate, easy to carry around. The Frantz Premier weighs nine pounds but little more than an ordinary carpet-sweeper. It is strong. Fsed every day, it will last for years. It works more easily than a carpet-sweeper. Can be picked up and carried anywhere by a child. Special demonstration in the Carpet Department, on the Third Floor. New Colonial Rag Rugs Full Line of Colors Drapery Dept., Third Floor We have just re ceived a large shipment of Colonial Rag Rugs just the thing for Summer homes, cottages, etc. 24x36-inch Colonial Rag Sngs on sale for 75c 27x54-inch Colonial Rag Rugs on sale for $1.25 30x60-inch Colonial Rag Rugs on sale for Sl.oO 36x72-inch Colonial Rag Rugs on sale for 2.00 45z84-inch Colonial Rag Rugs on sale for S3.00 6- ft.z9-ft. Colonial Rag Rugs on sale for S6.SO 7- 6x10-6 Colonial Rag Rugs on sale for S9.00 9-ft.xl2-ft. Colonial Rag Rugs on sale $11. OO Bigelow Axminster Carpet $1.75 Our entire line of Bigelow Axminster farpets, with borders to match, on sale at $1.75 a yard. Excellent assortment of patterns. This includes making, laying and lining. An excellent opportunity for carpet buying. 25c, 35c Art Cretonnes 19c Yd. Edgings Free With Make-Up Orders Fine assortment of Cretonne in all colors suitable for Summer drap eries, furniture, etc., 25c " Ojg and 35c grades now only Free With every order of Cre I tonne to be made up from our reg j ular stock we will give fancy edg I ings to match absolutely FREE J