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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1913)
TETE SXTVDAY OREGONTAX, PORTTLA5TD, JTJNE 15, 1913. FIRST MILITANT MARTYR IS BURIED Great London Crowds Impede Progress of Funeral Led by Suffragettes. PALL HAS PRISON MARK .Mi. KnuUlne Pankhurst Arrested on WUy to Ceremony Cneers as Cortege Passes ITearly Ijead to Conflict. LONIXDN", June 14 Thousands upon thousands of stiff rag-ists, sympathizers with, the suffrage movement and per flons drawn by curiosity watohod the procession to-day which carried to the funeral train the body of Miss Emily Wilding" Davison, suffragette who was killed in an attempt to stop the King's horse at the Derby, June 4. A special train brought the body from Epsom to Victoria station, where a procession of 6000 women escorted it to St. George's Church, Bloomabury, where the service was held. Owing to the dense throng of spec tators, the funeral procession moved very slowly, A young woman at the head, dressed entirely in white, carried a oross aloft. Occasional Booing- Heard, There was eome booing here and there but the crowds were for the most part orderly and sympathetic A deal of confusion and commotion was caused by the report that the po lice would compel the paraders to pro ceed through secluded streets. There was no serious trouble, however. The procession was three-quarters of a mile long and took an hour to pass Pleadilly Circus. A number of youths cheered the women as they paused through Shaftes bury avenue and this disrespect nearly led to a conflict among the spectators. The passage wsb so slow that it was 4 o'clock when the body reached Bt. George's Church and the crowds in the vicinity were so great that traffla was stoppod half an hour before the arlval of the hoarse. Prlnon 31 e rk Carried It was noticed when the coffin was being carried from the hearse into the church that the purple pall had broad arrows worked in white on each side. The broad arrow Is the government mark stamped on the dresses of pris oners. At Itirifrs Cross Station the crowds i were so largo that the police barriers ! were broken and the people invaded 1 the depot platform. The coffin was Quickly transferred to the funeral train, which started about 5:40 P, M, for Morpeth, North Cumberland, where the body will be burled tomorrow. The funeral procession started from Victoria Station. The coffin, covered with flowerB, was in an open hearse drawn by four black horses. The hands played dirges while the members of the various women's societies fell into line behind the hearse, each group headed by Its banner and all wearing mourn ing emblems. ITnormous crowds sur rounded the station, making progress dtffloult. SnfTragiTie Carry Floweri, The parade was divided Into 11 sec tions. The stiff rage t tea marched In fours, all carrying flowers. The coffin was in the middle of the procession and the clergy of St. OftorgB's Church, Bloomsbury, marched at the head. The rector of the ohurch, Or. Baumgarten, had Issued a state ment that ho was not a aympathlaor with the women's militant tactics. Mrs. Emmeltne Pankhurst wan ar rested again today while on her way to the funeral. Mrs. Pankhurst wa taken to PTollo wy Jail. She had been released on license on May 30, owing to 111 health brought about by a nur.ger strike while she was serving her sentence of three years' penal servitude. Your Patronage will be appreciated and your requirements care fully considered by the officers of this Bank. You can feel per fectly free to con sult them at any time. Commercial Banking, Savings Accounts, Trust Business, Estate Admin istrations, Bond Issues, etc., etc. COMMERCE TRUST & SAVINGS BANK Park and Morrison Streets Open Saturday Evenings 6 to 8 win be especially arranged for the pur pose. All kinds of sports, log-sawing contests, wood-chopping; contests and other features have been planned, to that there will not be a dull moment all day and up to the time the grand march begins for the ball at Llederkranz Hall at night. BALKANS FEEL QUAKE SERIOT7T DA.U&GE KEPOBTBIi TS CENTRAL DISTRICTS. Bul-g-aria. Rounmnla and Southeast ern Hungary Suffer From Widespread Effects. SOFIA, June 14. Li! "heavy earthquake was felt throughout Bulgaria today. Serious damage is reported from the central districts. LONDON. June 14. Dispatches from points In Southeastern Europe indi cated that the earthquake reported from Sofia was widespread. At Bucha rest, two distinct shocks, beginning at 11:43 in the morning, were experienced. At Phillpopolls the seismic movement began at 11:45. Several towns in South ern Hungary also were affected., CLASS PLAY IS PRESENTED Tnalntin Academy Graduating Expr- clse "Held. PACIFIC ITNTVERSITV. ForeBt Grov, Or., June 14. (8pecial.) The era.iu Rtlner exercises of Tualatin Academy werp held In Brighton Chapel last nlpht. Instead of clann declamations this year a play was plven, "The Flow er of Teddo" beinfr chosen. The address was made by Principal Tin trs of the Academy and dealt with the problem of how to use an education aftfcr It has been attained. Miss Ruth Haines was awarded the scholarship prize for the hlprhest stand ard of marks throuprh her academic course. The characters tn the play were sus tained by Ml ss Haines, Miss Hilda Tjoynes, Miss Kllrabeth Brings and Miss Elizabeth Hope. The irraduates were: Miss Buth Haines, Miss Kllda Loynes, Miss Eliza beth Hope, Reuben Frost and Max Reeves. T. N. PAGE IS ACCEPTABLE Wilson Likely to Send Nomination as Ambassador to Italy This Week. "WASHINGTON, Juno 14. The Italian government has notified the United States that Thomas Nelson Page will be acceptable as American ambasador. President Wilson probably will send Mr. Page's nomination to the Senate with other diplomatic appointments next week. On Saturday. June 21. the Marauls Confalonieri, the Italian ambassador here, will give a dinner in honor of the new American ambassador and Mrs. Page. Centra Ha to Have New Hotel. CENT RAXJA, Wash.. June 14. (Spe cial.) O. H. Crawford has leased the entire upper floors of the new Robin son building In Centralia and will open a first-class hotel. Mr. Crawford re turned from Michigan last night, where he purchased three carloads of furnl ture for the new hostelry. I WAS BADLY BLOATED I Could Not Get My Shoes on, My Feet and Legs were so Swollen. HOME AND MONEY BURNED Silver Lake, Wash., 'Family Lose All Effects In Flames. CASTLE ROCK. Wash., June 14. (Special.) Fire of unknown origin de stroyed the home of Charles P. Carnlne, near Silver Lake. Practically all per sonal effeots of the family, a large sum of money and all household furni ture were lost. The fire started as the family was retiring for the night, one of the daughters discovering the flames in an mioocupied room. The father at tempted to recover his money, but the flames had gained such headway that he was prevented from entering the room where it was kept. Mr. Carnlne had allowed his Insur ance policy to lapse a few weeks ago. Morton Saloon Law Stringent. MORTON', Wash.. June 14. (Spe cial.! The City Council has passed an ordinance regulating saloons which li ol.'.blts any chairs or tables tn the lobby. The bartender Is allowed to liave a chair behind the bar, but no Incentive is given those who would make the saloon a loafing place. Sa loons must close at midnight and oan not reopen until 6 A. M. on week days. They must remain closed Sundays. t hchalii. Plans Big Fourth. OltKHALIS, Wash.. June 14- (Bpe clal.t Chehalts Fourth of July cele bration bids fair to be the biggest ever held In this seotlon of the state, ac cording to the reports of the Joint oe remittees that met last night at the "'Itliena' Club rooms. A dazzling ex hibit of daylight and night fireworks Mas been arranged for, balloon ascen sions, a public wedding, monster parade, street dance on the pavement, which Dropsy Is u s u a lly caused by organic dis ease. It may be the heart, or liver, or kidneys. Some times the lungs. But there Is a form of dropsy that Is caused by thin blood. The serum of the blood exudes Mrs. Jesnie Randall, Into the tissues, St. F. D.. Enfield, causing dropsy. Mesa. It is a very seri ous condition sometimes, but there Is much more prospect of relief, since there is no organic disease behind It. The blood is thin for want of prop er assimilation of food. The digestion may be poor. Tn these cases Peruna is a very excellent remedy. Read what Mrs. Randall says: "I have been a sufferer from Brlghfs disease nearly six years; also chronic catarrh for a much longer time. One doctor said there was no help for me. "Then I wrote the Peruna Medical Department. My body was badly bloat ed and my feet were so swollen and sore I could not get my shoes on. Now the swelling is gone and I can wear my shoes with comfort all the time. At the time I first wrote them, when I stepped on my feet it felt as if there were pins piercing the Instep of them. I suffered excruciating pain and ache in my back and limbs. Since taking Peruna and Manalln I have been greatly benefited. I shall not cease to recom mend Peruna whenever I have an op portunity." People who object to liquid medicines can now obtain Peruna Tablets. Bankrupt ! PE TEES' FURNITURE STOCK On Sale at Factory 543 EAST 14TH At less than cost of manufacture. Take WW, SeUwood or W-R Oar. Mail Orders Receive Our Prompt and Careful Attention Express Prepaid on Purchases of $5 or Over Within lOO Miles of PortlandParcel Post Packages Prepaid Within 3QO Miles Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Here Napkins Doz. 79c Mercerized Napkins Of good size and quality, full bleached and 18 by 18 inches, shown in neat designs and hemmed ready to use; 7Q $1.00 grade at, dozen Bed Sheets, made full size; best 50c grade at, each 42 Pacific Phone Mars. 5080, Home A 2112 Store Opens 8:30 A. M. Closes 5:30 P. M. Bedspreads $1.48 White Bedspreads Made full size for double beds and hemmed ready to use. They come in the popular Marseilles designs; best $1.75 grade at, each Pillow Slips, 42 by 36 inches; 15c grade at, each 12 $1.48 Annual June Sale Seasonable Goods -EXTRA- Just in by Express Shipment of the Popular New Ratine at $1.25 Yard An exceptionally fashionable and durable wash fab ric. Oomes full 42 inches wide and shown in all the wanted shades, including Old Rose, Copenhagen, Alice Blue, Navy, Dark Tan, Leather, etc. Extra heavy and a splendid quality, at yard, $1.25 That Brings to You Worth While Sav ings in the Things Most Needed Now This is something more than a mere "sale" it is a practical demonstration that the purchasing power of your dollar hasn't shrunk the least little bit despite the increased cost of living. It also proves that the advance in price of raw mate rials has had no effect upon our buying power, and that we are giving you the full benefit of it just as we always have. It does even more, because right on the threshold of the Summer season it presents timely values in dress and acces sories for "vacation days." It Is the Season's Most Helpful Price-Saving Event Women's Im ported Silk Lisle Hosiery 50c They are made full-fashioned with double sole, hieh-suliced neel and double garter top; all sizes at, pair. . A Very Timely Sale They come in white, black and all wanted shades. Here is a very important as well as timely sale of Women's Imported Silk Lisle Hose. They are strictly high grade Stockings that were made in Germany and are especially recommended because of their splendid wearing quality. They are made full-fashioned, with double sole, high-spliced heel and double garter top. They come in all sizes in black, white, laven der, pink, oxblood, blue, gray, tan and other popular shades. They are Stockings of unusual Cfi merit, on sale at, pair. . . VvC Children's 20c Cotton Stockings at, Pair 16c Light, medium and heavyweight Cotton Stockings tor bovs and girls, made of genuine Maco yarn and with double heel and toe. All sizes from 5 to 10 in black, and sizes 7 to 9!2 hi tan. They are good, durable Stockings espe cially desirable for vacation wear. Regular 20c qual- "1 ity, on sale at, pair OC Dainty New Wash Dresses One-Fourth Less Than ular Price Dozens of Styles to Choose From and No Two Alike All Prices from $6.50 to $17.50 The Summer Girl will enthuse over the beautiful styles included in this showing of "Wash Dresses. It's a Traveler's Sam ple Line, including the most charming models in Challies, Linens, Cotton Ra tines, etc. You may choose from exclu sive and becoming st-les in most any wanted color in plain shades, neat stripes, or small figured patterns. All are fin ished in the most perfect manner with trimmings of lace or self-colored mate rials. Because the assortment is so ex tensive and no two alike, we won't try to describe them in detail. Suffice to say that they embrace the most effective ideas for the new season. Hurry to them if you would have first choice, for they'll sell rapidly at One-Fourth Below Real Worth. $4.00 Silk Messaline Petti coats at $2.9 8 Three styles to select from, all of the best quality Messaline Silk. They come in the most desirable new plain shades and in changeable colors new tans, grays and blues, made to sell regularly at $4, priced exceptionally low for this tO Q52 sale at only J.70 TO Men's New) Style S u m mer Shirts 99c In plain white, with soft or plait ed bosom and attached cuffs; also fine Negligee Shirts in plain col ors or corded stripes and with soft attached auto collar. Best $1.25 grade, specially priced at, each Come, examine these Shirts closely and you will immediately appreciate their true value. They are strictly high-grade Shirts, that fit perfectly, shown in the best Summer styles. In eluded are plain white Shirts, made coat style, with cuffs at tached and wiith plain soft or plaited bosom; also fine Negli gee Shirts in coat style, made with soft attached auto collar. These are made of a fine mercer ized cloth that looks like silk, but wears much better. They come in plain tan, white and cream, or with self-colored corded stripes; garments that are sold in all the best stores at $1.25 priced for this sale at. . Children's $2.50 Sweaters $1.98 A special sale of Children 's Wool Sweaters in sizes 26 to 34. In cluded are both V-shaped and ruff-neck styles in gray, white and red. The kind regularly sold at $2.50, on sale (1 QQ at only P 99c Fine Line Women's Sweater Coats, $5 Norfolk Style With Ruff -Neck or Byron Collar There's both pleasure and comfort in wearing these garments, and no woman's wardrobe is complete without one or more. We are showing an extensive stock in styles suitable for all occasions, street or evening wear, for the beach or mountain. They are fine all-wool Sweat er Coats shown in both plain and fancy weaves. They come in V-shaped, ruff neck and Norfolk styles ; also with Byron collar or belted back. All sizes in red, white and gray. Special AA values at only , pOVFU Important Underpricing White G-oods, Damask Pillow Slips and Sheets Again tomorrow we offer the most remarkable value in our Do mestic Section. Every careful buying woman should look well to her needs and profit by these price reductions: Sheer White Goods, 25c to 40c Qualities, at Yard, 19 An early season clean-up sale of sheer White Goods. Included are the most popular weaves for waists, dresses and suits. I Q Regular 25c. 35c and 40c grades, your choice at 7C Bleached Damask, Best 50c Quality, at Yard, 39c 500 yards of full-bleached Mercerized Damask that is full 58 inches wide, shown in a variety of neat small designs. qa Regular 50c grade, specially priced for this sale at OJ7C very iiiiracxive The New Silks Women who appreciate the really beautiful in Silks will certainly find much to admire and delight them in our present large show ing. Every new and desirable weave and coloring is represented, and purchased as they are direct from the manufacturers, we are enabled to quote the lowest possible prices. You should see these: New Bulgarian Silks Just In by Express, at yard, $1 and $1.50 Here you will find exclusive patterns in rich colorings. These extremely fashionable Bulgarian Silks are simply beautiful. They come in both large and small designs in unlimited color combina tions, in the rich shades of the Orient. Two qualities to choose from in 24 to 36-inch widths, specially priced, yard, $1 and $1.50 Cheney Bros.' Coating Pongees, at Yard, $2 and $2.50 Fashion has decreed that Pongee Silks are to be in great favor this season, and we have made special efforts to meet your every demand. Especially noteworthy are the New Coating Pongees 54-inch, double-weight Coating Pongees in natural color. Silks that will wash like linen and retain their luster. They are extremely durable and are unequal ed values at $2.00 and $2.50 a yard. Rough Coating Pongees at, Yard, $3.00 Extra heavy, pure Silk Pongees full 54 inches wide, shown in natural color and in the popular rough weaves, especially suit able for coats. They are the finest American Pongees, moder-. ately priced at $3.00 a yard. New Kimono Silks at, Yard, $1.00 These are Cheney Bros.' standard quality Kimono Silks, full 30 inches wide. The assortment includes a great variety of pat terns in rich floral effects. They are here in most any desired coloring. They are Silks that will give everlasting satisfaction, priced at $1.00 a yard.