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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1913)
TIIK SUNDAY OKK(iOMAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 15, 1913. RKAT. ESTATE. -Acrpage. GIVE TH KSE W'EET SIDE BARGAINS CLOSE ATTENTION. $1 50 per acre for 2S acres, one mile Recdvllle. 15 miles Portland. Southern Pacific through Reedvllie is now being electrified. Very rich 10II : small creek on one cor ner of place : wood has been cut off and will cost very little to put In cultivation. Adjoining land sold for $:i.iO per acre. This land la $75 per acre under conser vative value. Must sll quick and owner offers it this low ror $3000 caih, balance 1 and 2 years. 7 1 acres on Uermantown road. 1 V miles of Whit wood Court. Buyer can get over $1000 off of place for wood and cedar poles. A very choice location and land couldn't He any better. Ever-running creek on piace. An ideal place for a country home Ot small farming. Price $2500. 5 acros. 1 mile west Council Crest, in f'lTY LIMITS. Some small trees; would cost very little to put in cultivation. This place must be seen to be appre ciated. Price only $4000. Surrounding property has been sold for over $1000 per acre. RA1NEY Marshall 317 6O0 Veon Rldg. A PINE INVESTMENT. Desirable acreage, convenient to good Interurban car service, close to Portland ; nothing better and nothing surer of an increase In value. Compare our prices with the prices quoted for land in small tracts not so well located even a greater distance from Portland and you "will be convinced that ours are right. We can sell you any amount from one acre up. close to Htatlon. fronting on graded road lor $250 to $500 per acre. $25 to $50 down and the balance small payments monthly. The new In icrurban electric cars will make the distance from the city 80 minutes. THE SHAW-FEAR CO.. Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 3500. '20 ACRES 5700. EAST TERMS. Near Castle Rock. Washington distance from railway station, mile from boat landing ; good walking one-half soil waste land ; this is an unusual chance to get a piece of land on very easy pay ments and will make a fine home. See Gardiner. CHAl'IN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO., 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES. $300. $10 DOWN. $b PER MONTH. Ttuys 10 acres of logged-off land, one ml!e from the railroad station, town and the Columbia River. The soil is free from rock and gravel and none of this land uvfl r flows, some of these tracts have run ning streams on them, these tracts are ideal for chicken ranches or dairy pur poses, perfect title and warranty deed. HELL REAL ESTATE COMPANY, Hi llailway Exchange .Building. A N A Tl.'KA L PARK. 2 acres east of Parkrose, one of the most beautiful spots in Oregon, beautiful native trees, cedar, dogwood, maple, wild cherry and other varieties too numerous io mention ; small cottage, large spring, stream containing trout running by the door, V mile to electric line, in center of large plaited tract with fine water piped io ea' h lot; don't think such a place can not be found so near the city, but let us show you; price for a few days $1250. Osburn Bros.. 503 McKay blydg- HALF ACRE Equal to 4 city lots, street graded and city water; 1 mile from Council Crest and close to electric earltne; fine fruit trees ami an assortment of berries, running water; very suitable for small country home where you can raise ducks and chickens. Price $750, easy terms. GODDARD WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. CHICKEN H A NCH FOR SALE. 40 acres suitable for chickens, turkeys or alfalfa and hog; 15 minutes to depot and schools ; Irrigation if desired ; the most beautiful spot in Central Oregon ; will divide and sell to two parties if de sired; easy monthly paymenn; small pay ment down; a bargain. WIN TH It OP HAMMOND CO. 423 Chamber of Commerce. U A K opportunity considering soil, location, price, 60 acies, 40 planted to apple and cherry trees, now 4 years old; loganber ries between trees, balance light timber, easily cleared; new house, fcood barn, run ning water and springs; 18 miles from Portland and on railroad and automobile road; muat be seen to appreciate valre. AY 42, Qregonlan. ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks station; chicken and fruit ranches near Portland; new subdivision near Gresham; D acres; 400, 1500, $700. S acres. $500, $700; 10 acres. $750. 1900, $1000 per tract, best soil, free wood, spring water; acreage at Scappoose. Or.. $3 to $1U0 per acre. FRANK MFARLAND lUOALTY CO., 300 Yeon bidg.. Portland. 10 ACRES. ON MT. HOOD ELECTRIC RY. 1 miles east of city, 2Va acres culti vated, balance slashed, small house, good well, high and sightly; $700 per acre. Ad Joining acreage priced from $200 to $300 per acre higher, easy terms. Owner. W 112, Oregonlau. 12 ACRES CLOSE IN 1 mile from electric line at Tigard. about 10 miles south of Portland. Ex cellent soil, about half under cultivation, balance easily cleared. Good spring water, 4 -room house. A good buy at $-1000. $150o cash. KAi i'KMANN & MOORE. 325 Lumber Exchange. PRICE CUT. 60 acres 2 miles to town and railroad in Washlnmon; all good land; few Stumps some clear land; no under brush, plenty of grass; only $15 per acre; $10 per month. 0 per cent. See Seachrest. I'HAl'IN'-H Kill.O W MTG. & TRUST CO.. 3d Floor i"h. rn ber of Commerce. N K A K Courtney, Oregon City car, beautiful -acre tract, all clear, small house and tarn, facing 50 feet street, lies like nine city blocks; grand view of city and val ley ; $15,000, $5000 cash, balance time. Owner, room Ll Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. OREGON CITY ACRES. At Sc io 15c fare we have several very oholoa acre and larger tracts close to car. cleared or wooded. See tu for close prices. Mi". Adams. capin-h;:ulow mtg. a- trust co., 3 d Floor Chamber of Commerce. QUIPPED and stocked. 10-acre poultry ruiuh. 40 minutes out on Oregon Electric Railway, sidewalk- passing place, for sa.'e or rent. Will accept good cows and horses for part payin.-n:. The soil la first-class for anything. Phone Main 0466, call De Lano. or write AT 152. Oregonian. 15 ACRES. 2 mt:es frr ;n Lents, 10 cultivation, very best kind of waste. Prftba S9T80, easy terms. UODOA1U' & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. acres In soil, no 10 ACRES $300 equity In tally worth $7 SO ear station and IB MILES $750. choice of 10-acre tract. Spring water, fine soil, school. For sale cheat'. will exchangt liKht team or pack outfit. d U Oregonian. 10 4CSUB8 of the very fin eat kind of iunu, 2 miles from Lents , ties practically level ; overlook Happy Valley. Price $0000, $ 1 0H down. GODDARD WIEDRICK. gaa s ta ik si. l V.NT for my wn use a good 2. 4 or ."- naaacngr, up to $2000; could use two rs; have acreage, tots and houses. Call m oi rroakay. Main 470s or 400 Railway Exchange bldg. 1 ATI. US boa UttfuIIjr located on West Side heights, south or Portland; fine soil ana view; convenient to S. P. electric line now building; price 1300 per acre; terms. AM 137. Oreronian. IN CITY LIMITS 1.4 aC RKS. equal to 12 lots 50x100 each, close to Council Crest car. Bull Run water, oul $2700. or will sell half. Purs at Co.. SIS Chaster of Commerce. AC K ES, on Powell Valley road, near electric line; eastern slope, view of moun Htn. baat of soil. $S5o; $12.50 per month. E 131, Oregonian. i A RDK' HOME acre and half -acre tracts, very choice, facing street and county road; terms; bargain. O 134. Oregonian. $loo HANDLES 10 acres on Oregon Electric, easily eleared. bal. $flOO. terms. Phone Main 1 449. yl'A RTER a. 1. walks, water, month. Y Hi for suburban home, with carline; price 200. $5 per i, Oregonian. POUR-ROOM bungalows on quarter acres. UMOBl minutes' ride. 5-cent fare; Bull Run water ; terms. A B t :t.t. urr-gonian ACRES on electric line for sale cheap by owner, all level and In cultivation. Main . SMa 3ST 1st. REAJL ESTATE -Acreage BUY BEFORE SCAPFOCSE ACRES THE PRICE ADVANCES. As soon as wrk commences to com plete tne railroau to the Coast, we will advance the price of our land. This rail road now runs through our lands, only 2-" miles from Portland, but when completed will be the shortest line to the Coast: natutally prices of land will then be as high on this line as on any other rail road out of Portland. Our prices are now only from $25 to $65 per acre. In tracts of 7V to 5 acres. Rich soli, no rock, all tracts close to railroad, finest water, easily cleared, many homes cow being built; land sold on 10 per cent down anu easy monthly payments. Do not delay if you want an ideal tract of land for a home at these low figures. Does either of the following appeal to you? If not, we have many more to show you. No. 120 Has 14 acres at $25 per acre, on good county road, Vs mile to sta tion and school, has creek and fine spring, about -- of tract tillable, balance good pasture or fruit land ; ideal tract for chickens or hogs. No. 133 Has 12 K acres at $60 per acre; lays between rail road and county road, has fine creek across one corner, and fine spring at building spot; all nearly level, no waste land, fine deep soil, no rock. 1 mile to station. ' Come in and arrange to go to see this land. See photos in office or write for descriptive literature. Office open even ings. LUEDDEM ANN. Rl'LEY & CO.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. CHICKEN RANCH. 10 acres, 3 in cultivation, p: some timber; a fino stream runs clear, vear round; H mile to town and railroad; good soil, nno view: price sio'o, xw .j. balance $10 per month at G per cent. 9.22 acres close to Amity, half in culti vation, part fenced, half 1r timber; only SSOO; this is a bargain; $.0 down and $1' per month at 6 per cent. 14. 64 acres 2 mllus to Amity and rail road ; part clear, some timber, rich soil ; houses built on adjoining- tracts and peo ple are living in them, settling up all around thm; $1100. your own terms. 0 per cent. See Seachrest. CHAT IN-HE It LOW MTG. & TRUST CO.. 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. 5 ACRES Good land, fronting on graded road within 5 mjnutea walk to school, 2" miles from 5c car fare by macadamized automobile road ; $175 per acre, $1750 down and $2.65 monthly. THE SHAW-FEAR CO.. Main a.".. 102 Fourth St. A 3500. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. OREGON CITY CA R LINE, $3SO0. 5 large rooms, artistic fireplace, large porch, beautiful view, 2 nice bedrooms with connecting bath, splendid water, i -acre of land in perfect cultivation, bear ing fruit, trees and berries, loses in abundant. 2 blocks station. sidewalk, right on carline. EVERYTHING IN PER FECT CONDITION. Favorable terms. SAM NORTON, 7 Chamber of Commerce. $100 BELOW MARKET. 50 acres all cleared and In crop, just 12 miles from Court House, on fine auto road. Good spring, no waste land, flns soil. For quick sale will take $250 per acre, which is $100 cheaper than any land adjoining. Might take a house and lot in Portland up to $3500. $2000 will swing this. LCDDEMANN. RULEY & CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. AT OAK GROVE. 4 to 9 acres. 2 blocks from car, 9c fare, 3 0-minute service, rich soli, no rock or gravel, running water, partly cleared, natural shade trees ; an ideal country home site, on state high way ; price 20 to 40 per cent below ad joining property C. W . HAYHURST, OWNER. 240 Stark Street. SPLENDID BUY. 10 ACRES IN CITY LIMITS OF GOOD TOWN NEAR PORTLAND, AND ON TWO ELECTRIC RAILWAYS, 2 BLOCK FROM STATION, NICE 8-ROOM HOUSE. B VRN. FRUIT AND BERRIES, WELL AND CITY1 WATER. FINE SOIL. STOCK AND CROP INCLUDED FOR $0250. EX CELLENT TERMS ; FOR PARTICULARS SEE ZIMMERMAN. 310 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. LOGGED -OFF LAND. BEST PROPOSITION IN OREGON. 5O0 acres of closely logged land In the Willamette Valley for sale; close to rail road and good county road; sowed to grass, now stands 3 feet high; good loam soil, some bottom land; excellent for stock, a good proposition to the right parties. Main 470O. 1104 Yeon bldg. ROSE ARBOR Half-acre tracts, close to Shattuck Sta tion, stores and schools; fruit trees and assortment of berries, water piped to each tract and street graded; also small streajn across end ; good soil and good view. Price $75u and up; easy terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 213 Stark St. TH REE ond one-half acres, 1 mile from Hlllsboro; has house, barn. henhouses, good well water, fruit trees and an as sortment of berries; no incumbrance. ; price $1400. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. COUNTRY home cheap for cash; make me an offer; modern 7 -room house, electric lights, gas, hot and cold water, furnace ; land all in young bearing orchard ; ber ries and small fruit ; fine view close to electric station Oregon City carline, on good auto road. AO 190. Oregonian. DO you want to buy a NEW bungalow and one acre of land at mere cost of material, about half mile from Courthouse, excel lent soil. Dairy Creek runs through place, cost $1000 7 Will sacrifice for $750, terms. DUNN ING-FRENTZEL LUMBER CO.. Hlllsboro, Or. RIVERFRONT acrw tract e. terms, write owner, T 125 close In. easy Oregonian. For Sale Business Property. FOR SALE In Butte, the best in the West, a three-story and basement modern brick hotel, always filled and clearing over $0000 per year net. Owner's health neces sitates change of climate. Price Twenty Eight Thousand ($2S,0OO.00) Dollars, ca3h or terms. We have several other big bargains in investment properties, bringing large rent als. Address Passmore & Co.. 25 West Granite St.. Butte, Montana. COLUMBIA STREET FLATS Two-rial building, lU rooms, rented $55 per month. Frlce $0KK, $iHK down. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, ".: I- Stark St. 100x100. IM PROVED, near East Side en tranco Broadway bridge; way below market value, for cash or part exchange. Forced to sell; Investigation worth while. Owner. X lia, Oregonian. 100x100; $25,00O ; near Municipal Dock; good business property. Cogswell. 414 Stearns bldg. Uomwtrsdi. 19ia EDITION Advantages of Oregon, 240 page book describing Oregon and amount of Government land open to homesteao in each county, for what best adapted ; new homestead law, desert, timber, stone, coal, mineral laws; school land in each county, laws, price, how to obtain: de scribes Government land open to home stead In every county in U. S. Book 25c. Oregon map showing U. S. land districts, R. R. in operation, under construction and proposed, including eastern and central Oregon, 25c. Edward Nlmmo, 424 Hamil ton bldg. CENTRAL OREGON HOMESTEADS Have lived here three years ; well developed community, schools, Sinday schools, daily mails, railroad building, splendid grain, hogs, poultrj . dalrj ing; no guessing ; go Wednesday and see. Room 404 Hotel Al der, 4th and Alder. 1 00 - A C K E homestead relinquishment, three miles to town and main line S. P. ; good driving stream. 5,000,000 beautiful timber In heavy body of valuable timber; will for $6000 as soc.i as patented; $S0O if taken quick. OOJt Oregonian bldg. HOM ESTKAD that is worth having, good I road, close to R. R. tow n, school and good water; will grow all kinds of grain, fruit, vegetables; also some good cheap farms for sale. See Shlvrly Se Earheart, room 5. Oak Hotel. Portland. 100- ACRE homctted relinquishment. 45 miles from Portland. 40 to 50 acres till able, 'balance good saw tluilwr. Good wa- ter and spring by the house. Price $3o0. E 141. Oregonian. HOMESTEADS, 1G0 acres, rich ber. water, desirable homes, land and railroad. Covey. 267 land, tiro near Port Oak, room TWO good homesteads near Roaeburg for lN each if taken quick; gnod land and timber. 003 Oregonian bldg. riLLAMOOK Co. homestead. SO acres, house and other Improvements; will trade for lot or acreage. AV 4, Oregonian. li OH SUIT BAD Address Box uod relinquishment cheap, i. Culver. Or. Fruit Land. FOR PALE Bearing orchard and vineyard of 22 acres. Income from orchard up wards of $2500 per year : near electric carline. station and close to school, church, etc. Easy terms. See M. VAN ALSTINE. 224 Henry bldg.. between 1:30 and 3 P. M. 160 ACRES best apple land :n Bitter Root Valley, Montana; 175 Inches water rlht, over &0 acre cleared ; $100 per acre, terms to suit. AN 130, Oregonian. i.i.Ai ESTATE. Fruit Lauds. BEAUTIFUL HOOD RIVER. A 4U-ACRE TRAJ T, a MILES FROM THE ToWN OF HOOD RIVER. 24 ACRES. IN TREES, OF WHICH S ACRES ARE IN BEARING, BALANCE 2 AND 3 YEARS OLD. PLENTY OF WATER FOR IRRIGATION. BEaUTIFCL SITUATION. ALL, TOOLS NEEDED, INCLUDING GAS OLINE SPRAYER. THIS PLACE WILL BE SOLD AT A GREAT BARGAIN, OR WILL TRADE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. BUT NOT EQUITIES. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, SEE JOHN MANNING, FEN TON BLDG. THREE choice fruit farms for sale by Val ley Realty Company, Forest Grove, Wasn ington County, Or. MUST sell 70-acre Goldendale orchard; make offer. 1S17 Orchid, Hollywood, Cal. lor Sale farms. STOCK AND GRAIN RANCH. 801 acre; 500 acres in cultivation, bal ance puature ; ....... is wall watered, all lies good; soil is the best; a new 11-room plastered modern house, stone basement;' spring water piped in house; the best set of farm buildings in Wasco County; is loeattd neat Duiur ; the crops now grow ing will go a long way toward paying for the farm; fine orchard; all crops go with the place, also 23 head of line horses, harness for lb head, wagons, hacks, the baat money will buy; 70 head of blooded hogs, so mo cows, chickens, new headers, reapers, mowers, rakes, all the best farm ing implements ; would take as part pay ment a home or Income property in Port land to the value of $M)00. some cash, the balance can run long time at ti per cent; price $00,000. W. H. LANG. ol5 Abington Bldg. FARM FOR SALE. 87 acres of this. '27 acres in good tim ber, 1'7 acr-s in commercial apple trees, 33 acres in diversified farming ; good house, barn, outhouses ; 2 live streams, one at tad) end, run through tract; 2 horses, cow, chickens, turkeys, ducks, pigs, farming implements. wagons. etc.; the state experimental orchard and farm al most adjoins ; best soil for apple trees ; my family is now living on place, which is In fine condition; business Interests in city make it impossible to give the farm and trees the attention they should have; an ideal opportunity for man who can take care of It properly; about 10 acres of apple trees will bear commercially next year; price $22,500 ; this is very cheap compared to adjoining property values. If interested, address AM 135, Oregonian. 132-ACRB MONEY -MAKING FARM. Very best of soil; 00 acres in cultivation; good crop now growing, 37 of which are line hops; the hops alone will pay for the ranch in a few years ; 225 almond trees four years old, also other fruit trees doing weil; 2 good hophouses, good barn and pruncdryer, good residence and other out buildings, also buildings for hired help. The place sets on high ground and affords a line view of the surrounding country; only 18 miles from Portland, 1 mile from postoftice and good store ; no rocks or gravel; the uncleared land affords good pasture and part of the same could be easily cleared. This place Is equipped with stock, vehicles and implements and tools, ready to move onto and make good money, there is no debt against it ; will take $8000 cash and time on the balance at 0 per cent. Call on or address J. E. Smith. 414 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. RICH. DEEP SOIL The best opportunity for a splendid in vestment offers today In the Grays Har bor district, where good land can be bought from $15 to $30 per acre, within the radius of 5 to 12 miles from Aberdeen and Hoquiam, two of the best and fast est growing cities on the Pacific Coast, with three transcontinental railroads, a splendid, deep water harbor and the largest lumber Industry in the world. The land is well watered and free from rocks. Three schools, two stores and postofflce are on the land. If Interested write for further information at once to WASHINGTON STATE COLONIZATION COMPANY. Aberdeen. Wash. IF YOU WOULD KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT WESTERN CANADA SEE THE CANADIAN PACIFIC EXHIBIT Of prize-winning products of the fertile Canadian nlalns. Full oersonal Informa tion, free maps and literature yours for the asking. L. P. THORNTON, Land Agent, 271 pine St. (.Multnomah Hotel bldg.) 20 ACRES. About 12 acres In cultivation; some open pasture; some good timber. All snlendid soll ; well drained, but nearly level. Living water, with some fine onion land. On main county road 12 miles from center of Portland and close to electric station and school. This property Is offered for a few days only at $50 per acre less than any adjoining property. Price $160 per acre. Terms JVTOo cash, balance B years at 0 per cent. ALVORD & CO.. 218 Board of Trade. ATTENTION. DAIRYMEN. $30 per acre off; an estate must be set lied; 3S7 acres. Yamhill river bottom, 250 in cultivation, 170 acres now in clover, SO acres in general crop ; Ry. station in cor ner of place, R. F. D., telephone, cream route, school 4 mile, good roads. 7-room house, well water, good barn, 5 miles of fence; price $05 per acre, half cash, bal ance 8 per cent, terms to suit. See Easley. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO.. 3d Fluor Chamber of Commerce. 70 ACRES FOR 55230. All good, deep, rich soil, no rock or gravel ; 55 acres In high state of culti vation and in crop, balance timber pas ture ; some beaverdam, no waste land ; 2S miles from Portland, 3 miles Oregon Electric, in fine, open country, with, good homes on all sides; about $1500- cash, bal ance long time at C per cent. This Is an absolute bargain. Willamette Farms Co., 402 Dekum bldg. FORCED sale of large estate to satisfy cred itors; nearly 700 acres, about 200 acres under cultivation, balance range and tim ber; Ideal for any sort of stock raising or dairv. or could be subdivided to aood advantage; one of the most beautiful and best located ranches in the state of Ore gon, located about 9 miles from Rose- I burg; price $20,000 if sold at once. Box I 13, Springffeld. Or. POULTRY, FRUIT AND GARDEN TRACT. 6.33 acres good, rich soil, 5 acres under cultivation, over 1 h acres commercial or chard, trees in fine condition. Well lo cated within quarter of mile of good lit tle town with up-to-date school and all modern facilities. Ideal for poultry. Good market ; employment nearby if desired. A real bargain for (1000. Only $250 cash required. AG 154, Oregonian. THIS FARM SELLS LIKE RENT. 235 acres land. Linn County, on main line, S.. P. and Oregon Electric; 200 acres In crop; crop goes with place, hogs, reg istered Jerseys, grade Percheron horses, all machinery; $1000 cash or bankable note will handle this prlce $21,000). bal. Ilk rent. A. C. McDonald, owner. Peninsula Sta.. city. Woodlawn 813. res. Tabor 1740. STOCK or dairy ranch only, 142 acres, 6 miles from Toledo, and 3 miles from Ya quina City, good water frontage on the Yaqulna Bay. all kinds of out range. 10 room house, new barn 80x26. all fenced, family orchard. 30 head of goats. 20 head v of cattle, ifa mile to R. R. station; cash only, no trades : price 14000 ; $2000 cash. Crosno & Toledo. Or. 210 ACftfBS In Missouri, covered with fine walnut timber; seven miles from town of 1500 inhabitants, trade for Oregon or Washington real estate, stock of mer chandise or millinery. Will assume en cumbrance. This place is clear and the timber is worth more than 1 am asking for the land. AC 137, Oregonian. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS. We have a few very choice farms In the Willamette Valley; can be bought below value for small cash payments and balance to suit. See us at once. LUEDDEMANN. RULEY & CO.. !13 Chamber of Commerce. WILL lease for five years 000-acre stock rancn. divided Into four pastures; V milea from Blodgett. Benton County; at BOO per acre per annum; also sneep aim Koala on ranch for sale. Address C. M. Giddings. Albany, Or. FARM of 90 acres, all In cultivation and level, rich land, within mile of depot of Philomath, Or., for $11)0 an acre. $2uon down, balance long time if desired, or will exchange for Portland property. W 150. Oregonian. FOR SALE 60 -acre farm. 41 miles south of Portland, on S. P. R. R. ; 10-acre or chard. 3 acres standing fir cord wood, balance general farming land; price $10, O00. L. J.. 246 S. Cottage st.. Salem. Or. FOR SALE Fine-lying 10O acres In Lyman Co.. S, D., all in hay now; fin soil for flax or wheat; owner unable to see to it; ?"''!, 1 cash, terms on balance. Address J. R.. box 2441, Dallas. Or. 16o ACRES, IMPROVED FARM. Near Sheridan, only $75 per acre; house, barn, spring, fruit, berries. Purse & Co., R18 Chambr of Commerce. FOR SALE 160 acres agricultural land at Trout Lake, wash., located one mile from Guler P. O., at $15 per acre. P. O. Box 460. city. FARM of S3 acres, with all stock and im plements, cheu. by owner. Particulars and reason for selling. Address J T. Rowcliffu Barton. Or. route 1. box 18. FOR SALE SO-acre farm. 3 miles from town; 30 acres in cultivation. Address Thurey Johnson. Castle Rock, Wash. FOR SALE by owner, 40 acres. 1 Vi mllei west of Turner. Or.: $100 per acre; bar gain. Wm. M c K ay. uOO E. G 1 Isan st. 20 ACRES at GIUIs. $125 per acre ; beat buy in that section; terms. Owner. 430 Worcester bldg. 04ti ACRES In Crook County, cheap for cash Well located, close to water, write owner Jas. Wilson, Route 1, Boring, Or. REAL ESTATE GOOD FARM BUYS. HARGROVE & SONS. Reliable Farm Dealers. SPLENDID 240 ACRES. $60 PER ACRE. 40 MILES SOUTH OF PORTLAND. This Is one of the best farm buys to be found In the state. It is located just 40 miles south of Portland, near good little town and in on- of the best farm ing sections of IS state. There are 240 acres, lOO : i I high state of cultivation. 50 ac; M i-iore nearly cleared, balance fine fir timber. This tract lies well and the soil is very fertile. Good 9-room house, two fine large barns, new granary and lots of other outbuildings. All bufldings in first-class condition. Good fences and living water. Good bearing orchard. On R. F. D.. milk route, and Just mile from good little town. If you woultt be Interested in one of the very best farm buys in this sec tion, you should by all means look up this splendid farm. This price is just $00 per acre. 25 ACRES, 6 MILES OUT. PRICE $5500. We unhesitatingly guarantee this to be the cheapest close-in farm buy near the City of Portland. This place is located on the east side of Portland, just six miles from the city limits of Portland ; level hard-surfaced road all the way. There are 10 acres. 20 acres in high state of cultivation. Good soil, no rock or gravel. Good 5-roora house, barn and outbuildings. Splendid bearing orchard, consisting of large cherry trees, apples, pears, peaches, prunes, English walnuts, etc. PERSONAL PROPERTY : Good team, 2 cows, 4 dozen chickens, wagon, hack, buggy, all farm implements, etc. Price for everything is only $5500. Think of getting a 25-acre home, with stock and implements and just six milea from city limits of Portland for the price quoted above. Located right at one of the best fishing streams near the city, and just two miles from station, with stores, churches and 10c fare to the city. Lay off, take a run out with us and pick up this snap. SOME GOOD TRADES. "We have a number of good farms that we can trade and would be pleased to have you drop In and submit your prop erty, and we will endeavor to get you a satisfactory exchange. We do not tol erate Inflated values and our trades are universally satisfactory. EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD FARM BUYS. We have quoted above Just two good farm buys. We have over 300 farms listed at the right price. We have an especially good IlBt of close-In farms, of all sizes, and are In a position to offer you a bargain In Just the size tract you want. Give us a call. HARGROVE & SONS. 122 North th st.. near Glisan. Main 43S1. A 7259. 20 ACRES All under good leiice. 14 acres in culti vation, 6 acres in timber and pasture, 1 acres In wheat, 1 V, acres in garden and Kale, family orchard, new 2-story fl-room house, barn to hold 100 tons of hay and It) head of stock, cost $loo0 ; good well at house; spring in pasture; 2 miles from Oregon Electric depot. 22 miles from Portland, 16 miles from Portland by main wagon road to Salem; 10 miles from Ore gon City; rural route, cream route, H mile to school. 2 miles to store; close to church. For price and terms see DILLMAN & HOWLAND. Opposite Courthouse, Oregon City, Or. A BEAUTIFUL AND PROFITABLE 62-ACRE FARM. I have made enough money from my farm to retire. Any first-class farmer can do the same off my farm. To a good man I will give an opportunity to pay for the farm from the crops If he can make a fair payment down. I have IS acres of the finest hops in Yamhill County ; 48 acres under plow, modern 7 -room house, large barn, etc. Small timber grove for wood, lots of fruit. Close to McMinnville. in a fine neighborhood of beautiful homes. Might take some city property. AM 14. Oregonian. 170 ACRES. One mile from boat landing, on the Columbia River. Does not overflow. About 35 acres In cultivation, balance pas ture. Good orchard, fine house ; large barn, etc. Full equipment of farming tools, new last season; household goods, all new ; 3 horses, now harness. 0 cows. 2 calves, 0 pigs, chickens, etc. 3-year lease at $100 per year. This personal property and lease must be sold at once. If you are looking for a snap Investigate. ALVORD & CO., 21S Board of Trade. MR. HOMESEEKER. here's a snap bargain for you In Umatilla County: A 3-year-old; 10-acre orchard, level and In fine condi tion; 20 cherry trees. 300 apple. 00 pear, 200 peach and I -acre of strawberries; plenty of water for Irrigation amd domestic use; good 3-room house and other build ing improvements costing about $2000; raw land near by selling at $250 per acre; own er sacrifices this at $3500. half cash. bal. terms. Call or write Merrill E. Doble, Echo. t Or. READY-MADE POULTRY RANCH. Immediately adjoining our model poul try ranch, we have five acres all cleared and planted to clover, vetch and some po tatoes. "Convenient to depot, store, school and postofflce, but 25 miles from Portland, with good transportation. We will furnish lumber for dwelling and outhouses. Incubator, Implements, and some stock for $2500. Pay $000 cash and we give you long time on the balance. C. W. DAVIS. 000 Commercial BIk. DAIRY RANCH FOR SALE. 1 00 acres In Lincoln County. Oregon ; land all fertile and suitable for growing hay, fruit, vegetables, etc. ; also for rais ing poultry, sheep, goats, stock and dairy ing; abundance of out-range ; 30 acres slashed, SO acres timber; fine running water, telephone line and public road through place ; I miles from Waldport. 2 miles from the sea; one-third down, bal ance on time. M. Ruble. Waldport. Or. FARM SNAP. To close an estate a client Instructs us to sell a farm of 100 acres, all In high state of cultivation ; rich, deap soli, good improvements ; within 12 miles of the city on a rock road. Th Is fine farm will be sold $150 under the price of surrounding farms. Good terms can be arranged. For full particulars see. R. F. BRYAN, 508 and 308 Chamber of Commerce. 215-ACRE FARM FOR SALE! Belongs to Estate ; must be closed. 100 acres In cultivation, good buildings. 15 acres hops on Oregon Electric R. R.. 34 mile to station, near two towns, achool, church, etc., near. Price only $100 per acre. $10,000 cash, bal. terms. For par ticulars call or address HENRY L. BENTS. Aurora, Or. ATTENTION. We specialize In Willamette River front homes. We have at this time 5 pieces to offer, ranging from S to 30 acres; all within 20 miles of Portland. Having per sonally inspected all of these tracts, we guarantee them to be just as we repre sent. One of the above is an absolute snap. Come In and let ua tell you about It. Willamette Farms Co., 402 Dekum bldg. ISo-ACRE FARM, in cultivation and rich soil ; good All fen I'M good buildings of all kinds; very hurl walk schools and and churches near by and a good rhood ; best part of Willamette nelghb Valley gooa fortiana property ior part ana plenty of time on the balance. J. E. Smith, 414 Chamber of Commerce. goo FOR SALE Fully equipped and modern dairy farm and 60 first-class cows. Just out of Eugene. Everything first-class and new. Will take part Portland property or will give good terms for cash. Fine modern home goes with it If desired. Ad dress owner at 202 Link bldg., Eugene, Or. Phone 1022. FARM SNAP. $75 Der acre for 100 acres on Willam ette, with boatlanding. Richest kind of bottom land, ideal for dairy and hogs; cash will handle. We have bargains In all kinds and sizes of farms. If you want to buy right, see F. FTCHS, Chamber of Commerce. ' $1500 SACRIFICE. 13 acres Oswego, all cultivated: bunga low, chicken-house, incubator, fruit, coun ty road, school, telephone; beautiful place; sold 2 years ago for 5006; now take $35oo, terms. Owner, 430 Worcester bldg. M. 1040. STOCK ranch. 190 acres, half bottom land. 45 acres hay. good bufldings. fences, creek: 5 miles to C. A E. R. R. station. Benton County ; unlimited out-range; 39 cattle. 2 good horses. Implements; $$500. AV 63. Oregonian. 44 ACRES, all improved, house and barn, pleasant home. $20OO; a snap. RAYMORE REALTY CO.. 430 Worcester bldg. M. 1940. FOR SALE Farms at rock-bottom prices, without commission. Advertisers Co-Op-eratlve Association. Chicago. III. IOO ACRES Eastern Colorado land to trade for acreage in Oregon or Washington. A R. Ntmock. Colfax. Wash. REAL ESTATE FARM LANDS US CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA. ALONG THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC HIGHWAY. The railroad will soon be completed, giv ing settlers main lino transportation ; an army of men are rushing the work tnat it may be completed in 1914. The land along tins new railway Is unsurpassed for fruit, mixed farming, gardening, dairy and stock farms; no Irrigation. Summer rains; pea vine and wild grasses to horse's back; rich oil ; good climate; tine drinking water, beautiful rivers and lakes, wild fruit, nsh and game in abundance; thousands will go into the country wuen the railway is com pleted. We sell the best valley land in all size tracts at a low price and on unusually easy terms ; can give gua ran teed title to every acre we sell ; over 10O stereopilcon views of Central British Columbia free; everybody welcome. Call week ..... wlti i-kow views evenings by appointment. For maps, government reports, neld notes and full information call or write W. A. stock ion, district .salesman for the NORTH COAST LAND CO.. LTD. Paid-up capita;, $1.50o.O0O. S24 Chamber of Commerce if aj.. Portland, Or. BARGAIN IN MORROW COUNTY. $5(XK) FIRST PAYMENT WILL DO. 1040-acre stock and grain farm, 5Vz miles south of Heppner, Or., bOO acres seeded to Fall and Spring grain on Sum mer fallow, balance buncn grass; an fenced and cross-fenced, has 5-room house, large barn, granary, blacksmith snop wlm full set ot tools, cream bouse with sep arator, other outbuildings; 7 horses, a mules. 5 cows, 4 heifers, about 20 hogs, a dozen hens, d wagons, 5-sectlon harrow, Superior dril !. mower, hay rake. Holt combined harvester, gang plow. 2 otner plow p. disk, harness for 1 horses, ma chinery and harness almost new. The crop is worth $13,500, but all goes for $25 per acre, $o00o down, balance easy. KUPPfiR & HUMPHRY, 212-213 Chamber of Commerce. 290 ACRES. READ THIS AD. Are you looking for one of the best farms in the valley? Until July first I will offer my farm for sale; six miles northeast of Albany, on the Santlam River and on the corvallls & Eastern Railroad, station on farm, warehouse at station goes with farm; good buildings, no end to good water, windmill ana tank connected to house and barn and outbuildings, plenty of family fruit, 05O 3-iear-old peach trees in fine condition, the farm is all level and all in crops but '0 acres that Is in good fir timber in one corner of place; one mile of tile; best hop land in Oregon; 60 acres In clover, ." in oats, 30 In vetch, balance In wheat, barley, hay and spuds ; crops could not look any better ; If sold before July first, onc-thlrd of crop goes witn farm, delivered iti barn or warehouse and then on cars when called for; possession October first; tenant wants to stay a years if can get it; price $121 per acre, part cash, balance 6 per cent; write or phone to the owner, H. Bussard, Albany, Oregon. STOCK AND GRAIN FARM. 204O acres in Morrow County; 1800 acres In cultivation, balance fine pasture ; 1500 acres In wheat, lGo acres of hog-tight fence; good house, large barn (.cost $20O0). hoghouse with self-feeders, chicken houses, etc.; 46 head of horses, 24 broken to work, balance colts from yearlings up, more colts this Spring, 4 good cows, 1 heifer. It calves, It hogs, 54 Spring pigs, lots of chickens, 1 IS-f t. combined har vester. 1 header, 5 wagons with racks complete. 2 3-bottom plows, 2 harrows. '2 Fairbanks scales, 1 fanning mUl and all kinds of tools for well-equipped farm. Everything goes for $25 per acre, will take income property up to $15,000, some cash, balance long time at 6 per " KUPPER & HUMPHRY, 212-215 Chamber of Commerce. IDEAL STOCK RANCH of 800 acres, 65 miles southwest of Port land, on Yamhill River, 4 miles from rail way station and good little town and close to new railway survey to coast; soil could not be better; 150 acres bottom land under cultivation, 100 acres more in open pas ture, but can be plowed, if desired; bal ance timber; fine springs. 2 creeks and river; plenty of good water the year round ; one 3-room house, one y-room house, 5 barns and outbuildings. If you are looking for a stock or dairy ranch you could not find a more suitable place and the price Is only $05 per acre, with easy terms at 6 per cent. We have pic tures of the ranch at the office. If in terested, come and see them. KAUFFMANN & MOORE. 325 Lumber Exchange. RIVER-FRONT FARM AT SACRIFICE. 6O acres of fine -land fronting on Wil lamette River. 20 miles from Portland, 2 miles from Salem Electric. 4 mile to town; good buildings; n in cultivation; will sell all at a very low figure, or will exchange SQ acres, comprising both cleared land and river front for a 7-room houso. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO., 502 Dekum Building. A BONANZA ISO acres of land. Klickitat County. Wash., 5 miles from railroad and market, good house and barn and other Improve ments, spring between house and barn that flows 5000 gallons per minute, capable of producing 8 horsepower. Almost all of ranch under cultivation, can be watered from spring at small cost; a good ranch for diversified farming. price. $60 per acre. For terms or other Information ad dress Box 215, Goldendale, Wash. DAIRY RANCH. 100 acres IS miles to town and cream ery, Yamhill County; ttO acres In crop, vetch and oats, wheat and clover; good S room house, big barn, fenced, on u. county road and cream route; rich bottom lana; price cut to $12,500; good terms. 6 per cent. See Seachrest. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO., 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. I60-ACRE STOCK FARM In Little Kalama River Valley, only mile and quarter from main Kalama River and lo milea from Woodland, W-esh.; new house 26xi:S, fair barn, "family orchard, good soil, well watered; 30 acres in pas ture and 3 cultivated ; estimated a mil lion and half yellow fir; school on farm and large outrange for stock ; $5000 will buy it on terms. Fare from Portland here only $1. S. G. Lane, Woodland. Wash. A GREAT BUY. WHERE CAN YOU BEAT IT? 10 acres of which 8 acres highly cul tivated in fruit, garden and berries, com plete set of buildings. Spring and run ning water, water piped to the build ings. Close to electric line and Portland. Good auto road. Dirt cheap at $4500 Terms. C. L. BAMBERGER. 705 Spalding bldg. Main 106. FOR SALE Lovely home, 23 acres; will cut do tons hay this year; fenced with hog net, orchard, loganberries, gooseber ries; all level, fine black soil; mile rrom depot, house, barn, wells, all com plete; parties are home, sick, and don't realize vaiue or mis solenoid farm, l'r; $150 per acre. Address Box 32, Eagle Lreett, (jr. 40 ACRES, clear of incumbrance, in Rogu, rwver auey. - mnes good town, main line S. P., 4-room house, barn and out buildings: liviUk BDnnara. 2() arrei Tolrav grape land, as good aa any in the valley. tmau amount 01 money will handle 01 will consider trade. No agents. AL 133, Oregonian. AT COTTAGE GROVE, Or., a fine dairy and 1 run 1 ancii, ueres, W9 cultivated good houses, barn, 4 springs, 7 acres orchard, sightly location, iust outside citv limits. For a limited time at ISO per acre, or w;u ui lue to suit. a. a, Alors: fctox aiH, cottage Grove, Or. ONLY $275 secures small farm; terms; a pay buyer share In proflti; guarantee B n 1 on land or not. Write quickly for views and niuioii. j. w . liccu, oux , way cross, Ga. BY OWNER 14 acres choice land. 1 mile rrom town. 3 acres unaer cultivation, acres Lea verrtam land : farm machinery horse, 2" cows, 15o chickens, part household gooos; price how, part cash, balance foui years. Address Box 1, Dayton, Or. 09 ACRES. 40 acres bottom land, under ditch, acres hill land, balance pasture and good timber; will sell or consider trade ior ail or part ; can divide in good small xarms. A. L. WRIGHT, Dufur, Or NEW R ERG. the City of home anrf RrhonN a short way south from Portland. White ft Co. can get you bargains in farms, small tracts or Newberg property and will treat you right. Look up their sign. White & CO., 7U5 wvm st,, Newbsrg, Or SI i ACRES, plenty of water, outbuildings all new, fair house, 3 rooms ; big creek runs through the place; about 0 acres. cieareo; an ainas 01 iruit; per acre; best of soil; Washington County. Box lOti Route No. 3. Sherwood, Or. FOR SALE 72 acres on Slletz River, about 15 acres ready to cultivate, balance brush and some timber; land well adapted to cranberries and river navigable j $70 per acre; will take part trade, owner. Phone Sellwood 4u4. g4 Woodward ave. FOR SALE CHEAP A weil-lmnroved 8 acre ranch: good buildinars. family orchard. running water; Just outside city limits of Newberg. Or. W. . Panhorst. owner. Newberg, Or. FOR SALE GOO acres of land on electric line. 19 miles from Portland : 400 acres under cultivation; will sell all or part- write or can on owner, a. w. uainea. jrorest uroe, or. REAL EMATE. DAIRY AND HOG FARM. 155 acres, half mile north of Ostrander. Wash.,.:'ii miles north of Keiw, wasn.. uo acres bottom land sandy loam). 45 acre low bench land. 75 acres in high state -i cultivation t bottom land . 10 acres of bench land. 50 acres tn crop; all fenced and cross-fenced; good 10 -room house tiuriitshed 1. has hot and cold water, nam, gas lights, cement basement, wash trays, etc.; '2 good barns, hophouse. chicken house, new 4-room cottage for farmhands and all necessary outbuiluings ; fine ratmiy or chard, lots ot small rruits; 10 tons hay, 40O sacks potatoes, 12 young Jersey cows, 2 yearling heifers. 3 young calves, f uli-bloodt-d Jersey bull, 2 brood sows and lit 1 1 e pigs, about shoats. lx chickens, 3 goou potato digger, potato planter, breaking I plow, stevi narrow, gasoline engine, wood-saw- outfit, tilth interest In a threshing machine, good wagon. 2 sets wneels. hack, bugy.y, spray pump, lawn mower and lots of small tools, double and single harness, saddle, etc., everything in nne condition ; telephone In house, halt mie 10 nne scnooi. R. R. and Pacific Highway through place, boatlamling on place, muat convenient farm on tne market, price $16. 00O. mort gage $0KX on or betore 3 years, or longer tf desired, at 5 per cent; terms can te arranged on balance. KI PPER & HUMPHRY, US-atlS Chamber of Commerce. WHAT YOU WANT AND NEED AT GRESHAM. 35 acres on Base Line road, all cul tivated, running water, highly Improved. $375 per acre. 40 acres on Section Line road, 35 cul tivated, running water, good, new house and barn, all implements, stock, house hold goods. $10,000; figures about S200 per acre, tor 30 acres, 2W acres cultivated, good barn, house, one and half mile from Gresham, $300 per acre. 10 acres nice, level land, two miles from Gresham, few rods from carline, cultivat ed, crop and all for $275 per acre. 40 acres, one and naif mile from car line, 25 acres cleared, small house and barn, $4500. SO acres on Mt. Hood wagon road. $.1250. very easy terms. 8 acres at Pleasant Home, Improved, $3200. 5-10-acre tracts in Powell Valley, $150 and $250 per acre, small payments down. We will arrange easy terms, 6 per cent Interest, on any of these. FIRST STATE BANK. GRESHAM, OR. IDAHO STOCK RANCH. A 2S0-acre improved ranch, all Imple ments, 25 head of highly-bred cows, plenty of protected range, for Summer grazing; located In one of the best grass countries in the United States. A road ranch do ing a good business. A stock of general merchandise could be put In which would mako the place the distributing center for a large stock ranching and min ing country. A great hot spring Is on this place, which If improved and handled rightly will make the place a great rec reation point, as the country near Is being set aside as a National park, which will nave some ot tne most inspiring mountain and lake scenery In America or Europe. For further particulars and price, write A. Clothower, Rex. Oregon. YOU WOULD BE PROUD To Own Either of These Farms. 79 A. $14,000. On electric, 30 mi. out; choicest soils; 55 A. cropped. 12 A. fine hops, family or chard ; lies perfect ; good S-r. house, very fine barn, numerous outbuildings; includes full outfit A-1 tools and implements, also all stock, furniture, etc. We highly rec ommend this farm. Terms at 0 per cent. 270 A. $30,000. Best fruit or diversified farm land; a rich, black, free loam ; 220 A. cultivated ; has produced tiO bu. wheat per A. Come in and sea picture of land and crop. Family orchard. berries, fine Improvements. Broken health forced aged owner to sacri fice. Terms half cash. See or write Mr. Bck. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO.. 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. DAIRY AND HOG FARM. 150 acrea, 1 Vi miles S. E. of Knappa. Or., 00 acres In high state of cultivation: fine eet of modern buildings, good family orchard, crops aro nne, ail renced and cross-fenced ; lies almost level, 2 living streams on place : 10 Jersey cows, 1 reg istered Jersey bull, some heifer calves, O. I. C. brood sow, 7 shoats (0 months t, lot of chlckers, full set of farm implements .and muchlnery; all goes for $12,000, win arrange terms, no trade. KUPPER Jfc HUMPHRY. 312-1:13 Chamber of Commerce. DAIRY RANCH of 74 acres, located 18 miles from Port land, 2 miles from electric line, near Van couver, on good county road with R. F. D. and milk route ; rich soil, over half under cultivation, balance good pasture and some timber; plenty of good water with two good creeks; house of G rooms and bath, large barn and outbuildings ; family orchard and berries; all imple ments go with farm, also good team. 7 good cows and a few hogs. Prosperous and well settled neighborhood, close to school, church and store. Price $170 per acre ; about half cash, balance time. Pictures at office. KAUFFMANN A MOORE, 325 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE. 130 ACRES OF CLOVERIDGE DAIRY FARM. W. K. NEWELL, OWNER. Located in the Tualatin Valley, near Forest Grove, Or., 2 good houses, electric lighted and supplied with water, large barns and alt necessary outbuildings, about 70 acres under cultivation, 10 acres of which are Irrigated. One of the best farms In the state, on good road, clou. to school, church and stores and only 4 mile from station on electric road. Prlco $150 per acre, terms. See M. VAN ALSTINE. 224 Henry bldg.. between 1:30 and 3 P. M. FOR SALEA line bearing orchard, at sac- rilice. ior quick sale, on account of di vision of property; will sell all or divide; 50 acres, 26 acres In orchard. 10 acres in river-bottom land, fine for pears or ap ples; 7-room house, packing-house, barn windmill, all necessary buildings ; mile to S. P. R. station, just outside City of Rogue River. Price $500 per acre. Also 110 acres. . mile Lebanon. Or. ; all in cultivation, fine to subdivide In small tracts; price $00 per acre. Also 10 acres In City of Lebanon, small house, barn, other buildings, price $2800. Address S. C. Carroll, Rogue River, Or. FARM for sale, $115 per acre; I will give to the first person bringing me a buyer $40 commission for the following de scribed property : 75 acres, 35 acres of upland, 30 acres cleared, 40 acres of bot tom land, 7 acres cleared and seldom overflows; best of soil, good family or chard, variety of small fruits; an in exhaustible supply of good water, new -room plastered house, all necessary out buildings, 16 miles north of Vancouver, o miles east of Ridgefleld, mile from Pacific highway. Owner, M. L, Laue, R. F. P. No. 1. boa 68. B 1 dgefield. Wash. NOT A DAY TO BE WASTED. 350-acre river ranch in Sutter County, California, for the price of bare land un til Jul' 1 ; good transportation, two rail roads. 135-acre orchard; 50 acres alfalfa, 70 acres truck garden, balance river bot tom pasture and grain. Values: Crop, $12,000; $10,0OU net; buildings, $10,000; tools and equipment, $11,000; livestock, $4000; all Included and In perfect condi tion; on main canal; SO-year unlimited water. $1 per acre annually; perfect drain, age ; deep, alluvial soil ; will bear closest Investigation. Box 241, Marysvllle. Cat. RECEIVER'S SALE. Well worth $50O0. but must sacrifice 160 acres rolling land, best of soil; trout stream; good comfortable home; several acres creek bottom land cleared ; piling timoer alone worth $2500 ; this property will bear closest investigation and will be sold for half price to close up the es tate : terms cash - "no real estate deal" ; ordered sold by Circuit Court. Come with me and see property. Call Main 575 or apply to JOHN A. TODD. Receiver. 521 Selling Bldg. 74 ACRES, $5500. The finest of Willamette Valley land exceptionally well located, 3 miles from railroad and close to river transportation. 55 acrea in oats. Crop goes In at abov price ; $2-oo cash, balance long time at 0 per cent. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO., 502 Dekum Building. THE FARMERS' MECCA. Turn your faces toward Harney County. Harney Valley offers you more for your money than any other spot in the North west; no waste land; abundance ot water wheat 30 to 0" bushels ; alfalfa I to 7 tons; barley, 60 to SO bushels. Prices $15 to $40; clearing and first plowing, $5 to $7; some U sections to exchange. Robert H. Tate. 286tfc Washington st. BY owner. 70 acrea In baat part of Willam ette Valley; Ilea perfectly, all In cultiva tion and crop ; no hillsides, stumps or waste land ; good loam soil, well fenced, running water, fair buildings, good roads, close to good town: $100 per acre, includ ing all crops, stock, poultry and imple ments; $2000 down, balance your own time. W. C. Roberts. Albany. Or, R. 6. box 102. $50 AN ACRE buys one of best farms In Willamette Valley: 129 seres, bottom land: 100 acres under cultivation : large creek, springs; terms. F ISO, Oregonian. KEAL ESTATE. For " Sale l imit. FINE FARMS CHEAP. 50 A. $2100. Fine soli, part clear, bal. alder brush ; good set bldgs., orchard, water under pressure; cows, chickens, etc. . a snap on terms of $150O cash, balance easy. 43 A. $3.tOO. Best soil : 35 A. plowed ; lies, slightly rolling ; line Improvements; water under pressure; good fencing; family orchard ; iaL over concrete road to good R. R, town; a bargain; $15o cash, balance to suit at tt per cent. S4 A., $5300; same Improvements; 0 A. under plow. $2S20 cusn. bai. 0 percent, 120 A., 97SOO; some improvements; 05 A. under plow; no waste; $3138 cash, bJ, 6 per cent. 1HO A. $0iH. $Gooo lash, bal. ti yes.. 0 Pr cent; c.o A. under plow. 20 A. seened pasture. 10 A. easy cleared, bal. 1.5O0.OU0 ft. timber; Nnl of soil for dl versified farm : good set buildings. 14 cattle, team, chickens, hoga, calves, .a-1 set implemen is ; 011 K. F. D. , have phone; 2U nil. good R. R. town. 300 A. $ltS.OO0. 2fe mi. R. R. town; lov A. river bot tom loam plowed, 200 A. partially Im proved; lies rtm ; no waste; river, springs, well, U-r. house, 70x1 IO barn, usual out buildings, ttne oalry and stock ranch and an extremely good buy. Terms 0 per east. Above farms all tributary to Portland. See or write Mr. Beck. CHAFIN-rfcKLoW M 1 G. v TRUST CO.. 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE. 1 own 00 acres, free from encumbrance, in most prosperous farming section Itt Oregon, 011 county road. 24 miles from Portland Courthouse. uU acres cleared, part in oats, balance one of the few bodies of fino piling in that part of country ; all deep redsnot soil, large spring and year round stream on piace; ideal for stock and chiiken ranch, cream route past the door; must raise cash by July 1; 1 will sell until that date for $45 per acre, no trades, no terms. N llo, Oregonian. 40-ACRE farm fot city property, X sell clover, S acres oats. 24 acres logged-oti, seeded; makes good pasture; running water, 4-room house, good new barn 5ux 52, fenced, 75 trees of assorted fruit, good well at house, good road, i mile from school, 4 miles from electric line, 7 good cows, 2 horses 1 dozen chickens, 2 hogs, 1 wagon, hack, buggy and .til farm tools; price ' ; will take residence property up to $200O, balance terms; would prefer St. Johns or Llnuton. Atkinson & Gilbert, 112 W. Bth St., Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE 134.74 acres with good saw mill, planer, good timber, near Oregon City; will give good price and will accept some trade if taken at once. 126 acres with good timber, near Wli lamlua, Oregon, at $25 per acre. Fine residence and three large lots in Gresham. Call and see mc. write or phone Gresh am 513. John Brown. Gresham. Or. 160 ACRES, 30 ml. to Portland. 12 ml. to United Rys., lb acres clear, some build ings, 20 a. preen t iinber, lots of cedar, hi ml. to sawmill, for a quick sale, $ lo per a., terms. 50 a., 13 ml. to Portland, 2 U ml. to United Rys.. 25 a. clear, bal. timber, good buildings, plenty fruit, $125 per a. terms. Address 771 Savier st. ALFA LF A AND H OG S. I will sell half Interest in the best money-making alfalfa and hog proposition in the Northwest ; will stand closest in vestigation: state how much you have to invest. Owner, V 13S. Oregonian. FINE CHEAP LANDS IN WASHINGTON. ALONG THE "NEW LINE." For particulars, write Immigration Bu reau, CT, M. St. P. Ry., 537 Henry bldg., Seattle. Wash. 105 ACRES FOR $2250. A real bargain; fine soil, fair improve ments; terms. For particulars. J. W. Mor gan. Corvallls. Oregon. RANCH. 60 acres, with buildings; IS miles from Portland, near electric line ; bar gam for all cash. By owner. 182 Morrison st. Miscellaneous. HAVE close-in acreage to the value of $45oo as :i first payment on a nice home; will assume up to $ttOOO; my acreage is clear 01 all debt; give full particulars, with number of house, and my agent will call. AF 136, Oregonian. ypR SAI.K TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER SNAP. Quarter section good timber .-lose to railroad ; price 30 cents per thousand ; have a detailed estimate on this. J. B. H A Y I LAND TIMBER CO.. 502 Dekum Bldg HALF interest in sawmill on railroad and Columbia Hiver. Aim ber very accessible; mill new ahd ready to run; about J5OO0 required; oders for lumber on hand. L. B. Snyc Collins. Wash. THREE timber claims in Central Oregon, Crook County, on Matoles River, yellow pine estimated 1,000.000 per claim ; a nan if taJcaa at once. Aaaress w . . Rodman, Stntc Bank. Redmond. Or. MAUQ section timber, mile from rail road. 1 miles from station ; this price Is $540 under assessed valuation; cruise over S, 0OO.00O ; must be cash. AM 13tl, Oregonian. WE can trade your timber for good Port land property. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO., 502 Dekum Building. WHAT have you to trade for equity in 100a t00 ? Will trade for anything of value. 502 Dekum Building. TWO quarter sections of yellow pine tim ber, about 4lj million feet, cheap for cash; make me an offer. AO 188. Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 34 McKay bldg. CHEAP ST U M PA G E . Ideal location for tie mill, stream run ning to R. R. spur. No. 75 5th st. 30,000,000 RED and yellow fir on R. R. Ben ton Co., Or. for sale by owners, cash or terms. Fish & Hodges. Albany, Or GOOD timber investment $250 0 ; 160 acres, 2.500,000 spruce and hemlock. 6 N.. 9 W., Clatsop; terms. T 107. Oregonian. FOR SALE CHEAP. 320 acres timber. Doug las County, box 24. Samoa, Cal. 80 ACRES timber land, $20 per acre. Washington bldg. FARMS WANTED. WANT to buy for cash a small farm of from liO to 40 acres, with half or more in cultivation ; would prefer to have it with stock and implements, though would con sider a place without same ; must either be close to Portland or close to railroad station, with good roads and good neigh borhood. In answering this ad ertisement give full particulars as to amount of land, amount cleared, buildings, roads and price. Address J. E. Smith. P. O. box 1131. Port land, Or. m Hi TO 40 acres of apple orchard land; trees must be from 3 to 5 years old; in first class condition: price must be right; give all particulars. CHAPIN - HERLOW MORTGAGE & TRUST CO.. third floor Chamber of Commerce. FOR REST FARMS RANCH for rent on shares to married man (foreigner preferred) with some capital; part hill and part bottom land, part of bottom cultivable after June freshet; 50 miles from Portland, 05 from Tacoma ; good chance for good man in more ways than one. Inquire D. A. G., care Box 67, Astoria. Or. loo AC K . 25 cultivated, balance pasture ; good buildings, fruit, water; near Portland carline ; reasonable. Address H 135. Ore gonian. i FOR SALE -Imr lements. stock and crop of 89 acres, cheap, farm for rent, 1 miles south Preston Station, Estacada car. H. Billings. A:RF.S wn!i modern 5-room bungalow. $20; Ktrland Station, Mount Scott car. East 4 1 50. ' W AN TED TO REN T-IAK M 3 . WANTED To lease farm of IO t 20 acres, ash rent ; Improved with house ano nam possession wanted C lrtb. Oregonian. November 1, 1113. W A X I 1.1' :: t: l. F.STAT WISH to 10QO acres In Willamette Val ley for sub-division purposes; near rall roaJ. AH 151. oregonian. u ANT attractive 4 or 5-room bungalow ; have valuable lot as part or full payment. M. Pedersen. 000 1'nion avc. WANT to irai house and pay cash diffc-. - env for acreage near Portland. J. E. Leonard. 272 Broadway. Main r.'juo. 100x100 vacant corner near Broadway and Union. Marshall 2300. WANT West or East Side property, close In. AC 157. oregonian. WANT $10,000 to $10,000 income. West BUtm or close in East Side. M 101 oregonian WANTED Modern bungalow ; state price, terms and location. B 120, Oregonian. WANT a good lot In Rose City Park or Rossmere. AH 155. Oregonian. ONE or 2 acres near Ryan or Multnomah AH 154, Oregonian. WANT 5-room bungalow, small payment down ; Mt. Scott A X 137. O r ago n i a n . WILL buy a house In Vancouver. Wash. C 150. Oregonian. WANTED 9. O-room bungalow; give par ticulars. H 115, Oregonian.