The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 08, 1913, Page 9, Image 9

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Fifth and Stark
t. Fifth and Stark 44
The character and beauty of furniture in the home and
elsewhere is greatly enhanced by the decorative treat
ment the wall coverings, hangings, floor coverings,
and upholstery. Our nonefge of xhat is correct in
decorative materials and our wide and varied experi
ence m handling the most difficult problems in interior
decoration places at the command of the house-furnisher
a valuable service thai means more than simply
the selection of the furniture itself. We are prepared
to submit original color perspectives showing distinctive
interior decorative schemes.
With Exodus of Regular Stu
dents Commences Arrival of
Summer Attendants.
Education, Increase of Ministerial
Efficiency and Betterment off
Rural School Conditions to
Be Specially Considered.
June 7. (Special.) Exit the regular
collegiate year at the University of
Oregon, with the terror of the final
examinations, the festivities of com
mencement time and the exodus of the
students to their Summer occupations.
Enter the University Summer School,
with its programme of lectures by
many eminent savants of the country
and its influx of mature students from
all parts of the state.
The coming session of the Summer
school Is the ninth. Each year has seen
an increase In the strength of the fac
ulty and enrollment of students, and
the expectation of President Campbell
and Dr. Joseph Schafer, the director,
that the growth will be continued and
that the coming session will surpass
its predecessors, promises to be re
alized. Registrar Tiffany has received
sufficient inquiries to augur a larger
enrollment than that of last year.
Enrollment of 200 Expected.
It is estimated that this enrollment
will not fall short of 200, whereas the
total for last Summer was 171. This
was a gain cf 23 over the 1911 figures.
The last regular university classes
for the year were held yesterday and
the undergraduates are preparing for
the Inquisition of next week. Many of
them will leave as soon as they have
finished their last examination. The
commencement exercises, beginning
June 14 and closing June 18, will, how
ever, detain a large number of the stu
dents, in addition to attracting the
usual number of visitors.
Summer school will open June 23 and
close August 1, leaving an intermission
of only ten days between the finale
of the collegiate year and the overture
to the special session. Many students
who have fallen behind in their work
during this or past semesters will make
the Summer session an asylum in which
to repair their fortunes. The majority
of the Summer student body, however,
will consist of mature men and women
teachers and those engaged In other
professions and in business.
Three Conferences Planned.
Three special conferences are planned
by the Summer school management for
the week beginning July 21. They will
be on the -subjects of education, the in
creasing of ministerial efficiency and
the betterment of rural school condi
tions, respectively.
A special feature, introduced this year
for the first time, is the consideration
of practical problems of civic life, such
as the relation of the individual to so
ciety, social redemption, the history
and civil government of Oregon, civic
biology, good roads and education with
a view to better citizenship.
The Summer school as a Chautauqua
Assembly is being featured by this
year's management.
Exposition Will Bo Held at Condon,
Or., October 1, 2 and 3.
CONDON. Or., Juno 7. (Special.)
The Trl-County Fair will be held In
Condon this Kali on October 1, 2 and
3, according to the decision of the ex
ecutive committee in a special meet
ing held Tuesday night. The Trl
County Fair is to be a permanent year
ly event in Condon henceforth and the
directors have decided to purchase the
large grandstand, chicken coops, etc..
from the Mayville Fair Association,
which disbanded recently to Join Con
don In making the Trl-County Fair a
big success.
The local fair grounds, -which were
improved last year for the first Trl
County Fair, will still be better Im
proved through the purchase from Mayville.
l'tinrral of Daughter of Ieiwls Van
Vleet largeljr Attended.
CAMAP. Wash., June 7. (Special.)
By the death of Dr. Louisa V. Wright
by accident May SO this community lOHt
one of its most valuable members. As
t physician her practice extended over
large territory- She took an active
part in public affairs and was always
ready to work tor the uplift of this
"rr. Wright was a member of the
Boar.l of Kducation and the Board of
Health for many years and always per
formed the duties of these Important
positions in an unselfish spirit. She
W- the daughter of Lewis Van Vleet, a
rloneer of Clark County. The large
attendance at the funeral testified to
her worth and how keenly her loss is
Junior engineer. They will have a
crew of six or eight men and will work
from a harbor tug.
While the two Jetties have deepened
the local bar considerably. It is appar
ent the north Jetty should be extended
about a mile In order to reach the crest
of the bar and accomplish the best re
sults. If surveys can be made and a
continuing appropriation secured for
the work this year, a great saving will
be made, as the loss would be heavy
if work on the bar was allowed to stop
for a year. The north Jetty, when com
pleted according to present plans, will
be approximately 20,000 feet in length
from the inner eod.
Superintendent I. R. Ackerraan Re
ceives Hearty Reception in Town
Where He Began Career.
MMINNVILLE, Or.. June 7. (Spe
cial.) Perhaps Superintendent L. It
Alderman has never received a more
hearty welcome in his life than he re
ceived in McMinnvllle last night when
he addressed the graduating class of
the McMinnvllle High School. Mr. Al
derman began his work as an educator
in this town, coming here directly from
his graduation at the University of
Oregon to take charge of the schools
about 13 years ago. McMinvtlle people
have always retained a deep interest
in his career.
The keynote of his speech was the
importance of the habits and virtues
necessary for developing the highest
type of men and women. Not how
much Latin or mathematics, but how
well is the student fitted for life should
be the questions asked of graduates,
he said. The habits of industry, Mr.
Alderman continued,- were two of the
most vital importance in determining
the usefulness and happiness of men
and women, and he paid a high tribute
to the School Board of McMinnvllle
for the work which is being done in
the local schools along industrial lines.
A pretty part of the exercises was
the rising of the 33 graduates in re
sponse to a request of their valedic
torian. Homer Stewart, to take a solemn
pledge to repay, by their manner of
life, all that had been done by par
ents, community and the state to make
their graduation possible. The eyes of
many of the class were dim when Mr.
Alderman referred to this part of the
ceremony and feelingly reminded them
of the sacrifice which had been made
by many of their parents to give them
a high school education. "The time to
repay this sacrifice," said the speaker,
"is not 10 or 15 years from now, but
This Is the largest class yet grad
uated from the local high school, which
has Increased its enrollment from 75 to
225 in three years.
Principal Streets of Ocean Resort
Are I mproved .
BATOCEAN, Or., June 7. (Special.3
The street paving is progressing rap
idly. About one mile of street paving
is now completed, principally on High
and Laurel streets. The street in front
of Hotel Bayocean, connecting Twelfth
avenue and High Terrace, is now paved.
wnich gives an easy grade to the hotel
both from the ocean and bay. In a few
days the paving of Eleventh avenue ex
tending through the Gorge from the
ocean beach to th bay beach will be
finished. The paving operations will
then work south on Bay boulevard and
Clarke street.
The paving is a marked improvement
and Bayocean has the distinction of
being one of only the few beach re
sorts having this class of streets.
Above, Lent Ho Team. Below, Lad.
der-Cllmblng on tent, Won by Wil
liam jatchell.
In Fireman's Tournament It
Takes Four Firsts.
Husband of Slain Astoria Woman
Confused in Stories. Charge.
ASTORIA, Or., June 7. (Special.)
Officers who are Investigating the
death of Mrs. Ruth Bernett Fernandes,
u bride of three monftis, who died Fri
day night from a stab wound, declare
today that her husband, Fernando F.
Fernandes, who Is being held pending
the Coroner's inquest Monday, has told
several conflicting stories regarding the
tragedy. The officers suspect murden.
The husband and wife both declared
the wound was self-inflicted, but the
woman continually begged that her life
he saved.
KiiRinfers to Survey Gray's Harbor
Bar to Determine Advisability.
HOQITAM. Wash.. Juno 7. (Special.)
Work of surveying the Grays Har
bor bar in order to determine th ad
visability of extending the north Jetty,
now being constructed, a distance of
about one mtle, is to be begun by
I'nlted States engineers at once. The
work will require at least one month
and possibly considerably longer. Cap
tain Krenback, assistant to Major J.
C. Cavanaugh In the Seattle office of
the engineering corps, will be in charge
of the work, assisted by H. J. M. Baker,
and Pick Strawberries?
The 0.-W. R. N. on June 4 to 11.
Inclusive, will sell round trip tickets
to Hood River for 92.55. Final return
limit June 30. For further particulars
apply at City Ticket Office, 3d and
Washington sts. Phones. Marshall
4500, A 6121.
Portland Truck Occupies Place In
Feature Parade Sandy Band
Helps Make Day Success.
Girls' Teams Run Tie.
GRESHAM. Or., June 7. (Special.)
In the first annual tournament for vol
unteer firemen undertaken here Thurs
day, Gresham carried away the honors
with four firsts out of six scheduled
events. Lents was second with two
firsts. A parade and dance added to
the day's programme.
A prize of $15 went to each depart
ment on these showings, the total win
nings in cash being $67.50 for Gresham
and $62.60 for Lents. Gresham, in ad
dition, carried away the nickel-plated
racing nozzle donated by A. G. Long &
Co., of Portland, and the silver cup
offered by Nott-Josslyn Company.
The parade took place shortly after
11 o'clock. It was headed by an auto
mobile in which were seated Mayor
Shattuck, Recorder Roberts, Marshal
Gullikson and members of the town
council. Immediately following it came
the Sandy band of 23 pieces and
chemical auto truck from the Portland
Another feature was a cart in which
four children, carrying a mammoth nre
extinguisher, rode. Then came the
Lents chemical with the contesting
team from that place, and lastly the
four other companies with their ma
chines and the girls' teams that were
later to appear in a contest at the fair
In the girls' race each team ran the
100 yards in 14 seconds fiat. It was de
cided to run it over and cut the dis
tance down to 75 yards. The Gresham
girls won In 12 2-5 seconds.
The run against time for the com
panies. 250 yards and make couplings.
was made by the Crcsham team in 38
seconds, by Lents in 42 seconds. A dif
ference In methods of ladder climbing
probably lost Gresham the first prize
in that event. In the absence of fixed
M . ... r
Bedroom Furniture
Is Perfectly Adapted for the Summer Cottage
and the Permanent Furnishing of Bedrooms
There is a charm and practicalness and true Sum
mer spirit about Enameled Bedroom Furniture.
Its fitness for modern-day furnishing of the bed
room is recognized by artistic homefurnishers.
Furthermore, it is designed and finished to con
form to the inexpensive as well as the more costly
tendencies of bedroom furnishing.
Here are some instances of prices in matched
pieces :
Full-size Bed at $12.50. Dresser at $15. Chif
fonier at $15. Toilet Table at $13.50. Straight-line
patterns. French bevel plate mirrors. White or
Ivory enamel.
A Colonial Poster Set, in ivory enamel, consists
of Twin Beds at $27.50 each, Chiffonier at $30 and
Dresser at $32.50.
A handsome Set and one of the finest ever shown
in Portland is of ivory enamel and cane a repro
duction of the Adam period.
Worthy of mention also is a Bedroom Set in the
"Harrison" spool pattern, a true "Forefather"
style. In ivory or white enamel.
Algerian Porch Rugs
Give Lasting Satisfaction and
Are Artistic and Inexpensive
For the porch, the houseboat, the Summer cottage and for
general outdoor use Algerian Rugs are unequaled.
They come in permanent woven designs and in quiet, restful
shades of gray, tan and natural.
They are weather-proof, and, being reversible, consequently
?ive double wear.
From a standpoint of durability, attractiveness and price,
Algerian Rugs have everything to recommend them.
You'll not find them displayed elsewhere in Portland.
They come in the sizes adaptable for porches and rooms.
Note them and the prices:
$7.50 for the 4x7-foot size
310.50 for the 4xl0-foot 6-inch size
$13. 50 for the 6x9-foot size
$17. 50 for the 7xl0-foot size
Summer Furniture
Will-w. Reed, Rattan, Grass, Old Hickory
A splendid showing of the
most popular types of chairs,
rockers and other pieces in
the light-weight furniture for
outdoor and indoor furnish
ing. At $8.50 is a restful pat
tern of cane reading chair
with drinking-glass holder in
At $10 is a cane steamer
chair with extension foot
rest. A very comfortable chair for outdoor use.
Colonial and Period Furniture bearing the inlaid shop
marks of Cowan, of Chicago, and Berliey & Cay, of
Grand Rapids, shown in Portland exclusively by us.
J. G. Mack Co
Fifth and Stark
5 :
rules the decision was not contested.
A most pleasant feature of the tour
nament was the music furnished lr the
Sandy band.
The tournament was a success in
every particular and much credit is
given those who assisted in the plans.
The day closed with a successful
dance in the Commercial Club Hall, and
today the Are boys are more than
pleased with the outcome of their first
White resigned. He Is not yet defi
nitely located. His successor Is Nels
Peterson, of Wisconsin. Another teach
er has been added to the high school
faculty. Those re-elected were Miss
Edith Hinkley, high school: Miss Bes
sie Thurston, Mrs. Leta GateB, Miss
Eva Boydell and Miss Florence Mac
Doriald. The last two reside here and
are graduates of the Nyssa High School.
State Pensions Sought In County
Would Total $510 Monthly.
MEDPOBD, Or.. June 7. (Special.)
If the efforts of the 22 widows with
children who have made application
for pensions under the law recently
passed by the Legislature are success
ful the state will expend $510 a month
In this county alone.
The largest single application Is that
of Mrs. Rose Slngler. wife of Sheriff
August Slngler, who was killed a few
months ago by a boy bandit, and mother
of eight children. She asks $62.60.
County Judge Velle is making an in
vestigation of each case to determine
whether or not they deserve recogni
tion. The applicants are: Maggie Evans,
Medford. $42.50; Lucy May Davis. Med
ford, $25: Mary E. Sayne, Medford, $25;
Jessie McClendbn. Gold Hill, $10; Nettie
Green, Central Point, $32.50; Marie Ray
mond. Medford. $17.50; Minnie Kimball,
Medford, $10; Carrie Bell Leaven
worth. Jacksonville, $17.50; Lizzie Nol
gamott. Talent. $10; Maud Philbrook.
Medford. $17.60; Mary J. Torrey, Tal
ent, $26; Mrs. F. A. Shearburn, Med
ford, $17.60; Sarah Elizabeth Cox, Ash
land. $17.50; Paulino M. Elmore. Apple
Sate. $17.50: Rose R. Plngrler. Jackson
ville. $62.50: Mary Smith, Ashland,
$32.50: Minnie M. Parslow, Ashland,
$32.60; Tlllle J. Crosby, Ashland, $17.60;
Lydia Irish. Ashland, $17.50; Catherine
E. Silver. Ashland. $17.50; Mary A.
Boke. Butte Falls, $8; Laura E. Stew
art, Butte Falls, $8.
1, Marguerite Johnson; 2. Frances Cox; 3. Pearl Demoreat: 4, Carol Samat 5,
Waldo Hull; , Ealkrr Anderson; 7. Jane GUehrlst; 8, Ralph Milne; , Fern
Holeomb; 10, Prnlo Chesebro; 11. R0U7 R. Keyes; 12, Elva Ellldse.
COTTAGE GROVE, Or.. June 7. (Special.) An even dozen students com
pose the 1913 graduating class from the Cottage Grove High School. The 1912
class also was composed of 12 student
Telephone Connection Beins Made
With Strawberry Peak.
PRAIRIE CITY. Or., June 7. (Spe
lcal.) The Forestry Service has or
dered a telephone line to be installed
connecting Prairie City with the sum
mit of Strawberry Peak. 12 'miles dis
tant from this place. A station will
be erected on the extreme summit of
the peak at a height of over 10,000 feet
which overlooks the entire forestry dis
trict of Eastern Oregon.
The purpose of the Government in es
tablishing this station is to enable
lookout stationed there to notify 'all
points of the reserve in the event ol
Work on the telephone line and sta
tion has been commenced. From Prai
rie City there is telephone connectloi
with all points in this reserve.
Bayocean Adds Another Ferry.
BAYOCEAN", Or., June 7. (Special.)
Another and larger boat has been put
on the Bayocean-Garlbaldi ferry run.
The gasoline yacht Henriette, formerly
of Tillamook, has been acquired by
Anderson & Shogren, and after having
been completely overhauled and re
painted, is now operated in the ferry
service. The Henriette also makes one
round trip a day between this place and
Tillamook, touching at all .points on
the bay.
Notice, Strawberry Pickers!
June 4 to 11, inclusive, the O.-W. R.
A X. will sell round trip tickets to
Hood River for $2.55. Final return
limit June 30. For further particulars
apply at City Ticket Office. 3d and
Washington sts. Phone Marshall 4500.
Nels Peterson, of Wisconsin, Suc
ceeds Professor R. G. White.
New Teachers Added.
NYSSA, Or., June 8. (Special.) The
commencement exercises o the Nyssa
High School were held tn the opera-
house last week. The baccalaureate
sermon was preached In the Presbyte
rian Church by Rev. Ward W. McHenry,
of Baker.
Nine young people received diplomas.
The programme consisted of the class
day exercises and the awarding of
diplomas to the high school and eighth
grade pupils. Miss Edna Blolgett gave
the salutatory; John McDonald, the his.
tory; Donalda MacDonald, the poem;
Will Morey. the oration; Virginia
Forbes, the advice: Audrey Ward, the
lies; Georgia Brown, the prophecy;
Harry Goshert, the will, and Marlon
MacOonald, the valedictory. The class
paid a tribute to the retiring princi
pal. Eighth grade diplomas were pre
sented to Clara Canham, Reuben Dan
lelson. Theodora Blodgett, Norvell
Thompson, Louise Robertson and Syl
vester Morris. Eight students had a
perfect attendance record for the year
and were awarded certificates of honor.
The entire staff of teachers has been
re-elected except the principal of the
high school. Professor R. Q. White.
After a service of three years Mr.
A new Svstem of replacing lost teeth
without plates or bridge work or whro
bridge work Is Impossible. It yem hav two
or more teeth in either Jaw. we can sup
ply you with others as natural as your own
without resorting to such makeshifts as
nart 1 &1 elates, etc.
We wish to call special attention to our
Simplex Removable Alveolars: this work is
especially aaaptea to replacing; ion
in the lower law, where ordinarily you
would have to resort to partial pistes and
the like.
Th. nutn tnrfriont to this work is n Tacti
cally none, the expense Is the same as the
best bridge-work, but tn satisfaction there
is, no comparison between the two.
We have samples in our offices to show
at all times hundreds of patients here in
our home city to refer to. Examinations
and booklets on Alveoiar Dentistry are abso
lutely free.
R m mhor that in addition to our soe
cialtv Alveolar Dentistry, and curing- Pyor
rhea (loose teeth, we are experts In every
branch or aentisiry, irom ine simpie lin
ing up.
Portland AMngton Bids;.. 106Va 3d St.
Seatt 1 e Ha Lgh t Bid., 2d and Pine,
Terms to Reliable People.
Open Sundays, lO to 1.
. On sale at Factory
543 EAST 14TH
At less than cost of manufacture
Take W-W, Bell wood or W-R Car.
Rev. Mr. Orrick Makes Baccalaure
ate Address at Monmouth.
MONMOUTH. Or.. June 7. (Special.)
The graduating exercises at the high
school Friday night were a great suc
cess. The class numbered 16 which is
the largest number that has graduated
from the high school. Those graduat
ing were: Ivan Wood, Mable Johnson.
Arthur Burkhead, Velma Heffly. Ranie
Burkhead. Neta Waller, Belle Rogers,
Russel Quisenberry, Dwight Qulsen
berry, Byron White, Marie Smith. Ruby
Lorence, Loette Shore, Esther Harris,
Ethel Harris and Howard Morlan.
The graduating address was de
livered by Professor Gentle and the
diplomas were presented by I. C. Powell.
There were more than $100 worth of
flowers presented to the graduates by
their many friends. The baccalaureate
address was made by Rev. Mr. Orrick
at the Christian Church last Sunday.
Centra lia Police Honor MSayor.
CENTRALIA, Wash., June 7. (Special.)-
The Centralia police force has
presented Mayor H. W. Thompson with
a solid gold badge as a token of their
esteem. The face of the badge bears
the Inscription, "Mayor, Centralia,
Wash.," and on the back are inscribed
the names of the donors.
A $550 88-note Primatone player pi
ano at Graves removal sale, $295, ? 2
weekly. See advertisement, page 15,
section 1.
YOU young fellows don't
want to pass up a good thing,
do you? Better look over
these 1912 models in young
men's suits that sold for $15
and $20; they'll only cost you a
ten-spot now. There's a migh
ty good lot of fabrics repre
sented in the collection; our
tailors will see that
they're nicely fitted
to you, too. These
are real clothes A
made especially for
young men; every suit that
goes out saves money to the
buyer he gets the suit and the
C 11
pruiit cis wen.
Top it off with a Brewer $3 Straw
it's the classy hat for a young man.
m Vw.