Cfrf Urotdag Jj 8hjpntt8& SECTION FIVE Pages 1 to 12 WOMAN'S AND SPECIAL FEATURES VOL. XXXII. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 8, 1913. NO. 23. Rose Carnival Visitors SCHOOL GARDENS ARE FOUND TO BE MELTING POT OF MANY NATIONS Co-Operative Employment Emphasizes Traits Inherited From Ancestors of Foreign Countries, but Inclination to Adjustment Is Noted in Work of Children Manifold in Benefits. Welcome to Powers' xes Welcome to Powers' Portland's greatest furniture store. The store that has grown great through honest, upright dealings with its patrons. The store whose cardinal principle is value value in every item, every minute of every business day. A store that is reliable, dependable and liberal in all its business dealings. A good store to tie to. Complete Bed Outfit, Special $21.50 Brass Bed Supported Spring Felt Mattress TRADING STAMPS The "Free" Sewing Machine Is Insured for Five Years The 'Tree" sewing machine is both fully guar anteed and insured the insurance policy legally pro tects you against the loss of your machine by tire, flood, tornado or accidential breakage for a period of five years. No Other Sewing Machine Offers You Such Protection Here it is, the greatest brass bed outfit that has ever been offered you. Consists of a guaranteed brass bed with heavy two inch posts and ten filler rods, and iron frame spring with elevated fabric top and heavy cable edges strongly supported in center and a forty-pound sanitary, layer felt mattress covered in heavy grade of blue and white art twill tickine. The rjrice named is "far be low what this outfit would ordinarily sell for. The quality of each piece j absolutely guaranteed by us. We advise you to buy now, even for future use, while the saving means so much to you. The' Free" Sewing Machine Is Guaranteed for Life Ii 's lower priced than any high-grade machine has ever been offered it' strictly high-srrade, has been adopted by many leading dressmakers and Domestic Science Departments throughout the country. You Can Buy the "Free" on Terms of $ l.OO Weekly This $51.00 Bed Davenport to Sell at .75 fficgJU,, , IWMBrr..-.- TnDnQ Genuine Chase Leather Upholstering w One simple motion t,uffiees to convert this unifold davenport into a full size, comfortable bed. There is nothing about the davenport to indicate the bed underneath, but the pulling of a strap turns the seat completely over. The bed legs, spring and mattress take position automatically. The bed illustrated i of selected quartered oak stock, the seat, and back are plain and upholstered in Spanish chase leather. A heavy oak rail runs across the top. An attractive and satisfactory bed in every particular. There's Not Another Gas Range Made Like the "New 99 go nm of u m ERS ,J1 A Quick Let of a Number SAMPLE DRESS Drpusers ere as good thie Attractive designs In oak, decidedly special priues. 834.CO Mahogany Dresacr. Colonial pattern, larpe French plate mirror, sol-; q r" id ends, special .. 9 I O.OO S40.00 Mahogany Ureuer, Having swell front and t rench legs, ex oellent quality . . S34.75 Mahogany D extra large size iront ana $29.75 rpssrr i w e front, large plate bo5 tit mirror, special. . . WbOtUll 171.50 Mahogany D r e n s e r with 50-inch base. 30x40 ova mirror plate. liigh'S7 7g i . . - i j quality. speiMal -u.Tr. Walnut Dresner, built on squaru lines with large French plate mir-'Q ISjf rcr. special wl S7.0U lnute as rrhen placed In sample, valnut and mahogany offered at I Mfi.OO Walnut Dresser, Shera- luii pariern oi good quautv :;0artru.cuon: . Bpe:$33.50 CSO.00 Walnut Dresner, Colo nial design, extra large size, fancy fig. stock. 7fi special jpaOi O 57.75 Walnut Dresner, with oval gldss and carved stand ards, swell front j C drawers, special. . P4-OiOU S18.50 Oak Dresser, grood case construction, 16 x 2S French plate mirror, large 1 f r base, special 9 1 1 ."3 V24.50 Oak Dresser of full quartered stock. Colonial pa.1- Lei n wiin oval fl t mirror, special.... Because it requires no stove blackine. merelv c.lRan it. with C !.,! Ukir? J a damp doth the ranse will look like new. uaunai y . j because tne "Mew Idea" has tile-lined canopy, white enamel broiling pan and clean-out tray, which is absolutely sanitary. ("Because the "New Idea" consumes 25 per cent less gas F",frrirn"Wisll Wli v? 1 t5lan any TZn made. lCOnOIlilCai. YTuy. 3eCause the patent burners are constructed to coccume more Colonial Rag Rugs 24x36 Rag Rugs 90 27x54 Rag Rugs $1.35 30x60 Rag Rugs $1.80 36x72 Rag Rugs. . . .... .$2.25 4x7 Rag Rugs J $3.60 6x9 Rag Rugs $7.20 76x10-6 Rag Rugs , $9.45 9x12 Rag Rugs $13.50 Wool and Fiber Rugs 6x9 Wool and Fiber Rugs $8.10 7- 6x9 Wool and Fiber Rugs $9.90 8- 3x10-6 Wool and Fiber Rugs $12.15 9x12 Wool and Fiber Rugs $13.50 U air than any other gas range. The air costs nothing. For 3 Days Only A $10 Go-Cart at This attractive high-grade Sturgia one motion steel go-cart In either tan or Mark. Has soft spring seat, adjustable dash and removable rubber tired steel wheels. The best $10 cart we have ever shown. A decidedly low price Cor s good metal couch. Has drop heavy steel frame a.nd .link top with supported center. $5.50 Was the Price Now $2.99 For tills neatly con structed English Break fast Table. Made of good seasoned stock, finished golden. Announcing a Sale of White Enamel Chamber Furniture Dainty Bedroom Pieces at Less Than Regular Z3.7B F.nnmrl Chiffonier with oval mirror and turned pufts, J j g 85 KIM Bnunel Chiffonier containing five, drawer and hat box. i g special 0lg lO (31.75 Enamel Chiffonier Colonial pattern with oval mirror. oj Ag special F.1.73 Bath Stool, cork top. QC ruoDer log caps, special.. . . w -.q; stze, has oral mirror, spe- $Q 75 M.TS Knamei Stand, having round top and French legs, ape- 75 " Enamel Chatr. has panel hack and cane seat, special e T now tPJ f 3 I'nnmei Dreaaer, Colonial de- ai.ffTfir: $33.50 Eahmel Dcti. three-qua rter size, post pattern, spe- 75 1H.50 Enamel Wrtllna Table width $12.15 Ch.ral Glass. with r rencn plate mirror, spe clal M Inches, special today "Dignified Credit for AU" as I Th. m A decidedly low price for such ;i 1 Clean, Fresh, White Enamel Pieces You Will Like to Own B.75 Enamel Chair, has panel beck and French legs, special t 7ZT today at tP'Ta I O CSSO Enamel Dresser, pretty design with French plate mirror, in QC special DlSf73 SB.00 Enamel Rocker, for o 7Et use In the chamber, special wOl. O BY STELLA WALKER DURHAM. T4E SCHOOL GARDEN is a veri table "melting pot" for the amal gamation of the children of all na tions. White, yellow and black chil dren are working together, each group for the honor of the school and each child for his own interest in the task. In the set tasks of the classroom there is little opportunity for the marked characteristics of the children of dif ferent nationalities to stand out and to be observed and copied by those hav ing markedly different characteristics. ' Century-old traditions crop out in the many ways the children go .about the same tasks, The English children are patient and invariably have an eye for beauty; the sons and daughters of Scandinavia are slow and painstaking and the children of the Orient display the habits of agriculture ancestry in their natural Inclination for Intensive $32.25 $36.50 Enamel Bed. full size. Louis XVI pattern. Hl.OO Enamel Cabinet. SO Inches high. has double doors, (0 lyg special wO 3 Enamel Dresser, has oval French plate mirror, ape-t n OC clal 91 7sSO 24-75 Enamel Princess Drum, long plate mirror, special for Q Cfk today at P lO. DU 913.75 Enamel Bed, full (in TC slat fillers, special 91V.0 S4A.SO Enamel Bed. twin size Louis XVI pattern, special forQ Ct today at pOi.OU "Dignified Credit for AH" Simple in Style Delicate in De sign Strong in Construction Is this hand-woven reed furniture, which has become so popu lar. Our showing comprises all the wanted finished, natural, baronial, fumed and castillian brown in both plain and uphol stered patterns. Reed furniture is the most comfortable, most durable, and from a price point most economical of any furni ture designed today. It gives a more pleasing effect to the home, is more practical and requires less care. Our showing is the most comprehensive of any you will see. offering you more styles and patterns to select from and rightly priced in every instance. agriculture. Th picaninny's chief characteristic is his joy In the work. Surley the child or the man who slngw at his work has a natural or acquired quality that should add flavor to all who share in the "melting pot." Shalt not the patience of the English child; the neatness of the Swedish; the econ omy of the Oriental, and the joyousness of the Negro go to make up the best qualities of the American of the fu ture." when thf child of each nationality shall have learned from others through co-operation in the primitive business of tilling the soil? Oriental Are Numcrouw. The old Lincoln High School building is now used as a grade school under the name of the Lownsdale School. It has the first three grades only. The chil dren are from the down-town busi ness district north of Morrison street. These children have their school garden two blocks from the school on a corner of the former Multnomah Club grounds, at Sixteenth and Taylor streets. Th use of. the ground was donated by Thomas Kerr. Forty per cent of the children working in this garden are Orientals. There are Chinese, Jap anese, Filipino, Negro children and white children, all working harmon iously together. Fifty-two of th youngest gardeners In the city havt plots here. As a rule, the children working In community gardens are from grades not below the fourth but all of th Lownsdale children are below that grade. These young children do splen did -work but require somewhat more supervision than the older ones. I.ovr of Flowers Instilled. The children of the Davis School at Twenty-first and Raleigh streets have their community garden on the lots directly west of the school building. The TJavls School children are keen for flowers. Their tract is 70x120 feet and they have three flower beds run ning the length of the tract. The prin cipal. Professor McCormick. and th other teachers of this school have in stilled a love of flowers in the chil dren by doing much to beautify the school grounds. A number of attrac tive flower beds have been planted around the school building. The Davis children are as much Interested in their vegetables, however, as are those of any other school.