THE SUNDAY OKEGOMAN, POKILAJND, JUNK 8, ii13. 5 charming farewell luncheon at the Hotel Portland, yesterday in honor of Mrs, Sydney Singer, who will leave for New York Tuesday. Additional guests were: Mrs. Charles H. Lehman, Mrs. D. L. Rich. Mrs. Nelson Giles. Jr., Miss Bernice Rogers, Mrs. C. T. Travis, Mrs. F. Flngen. Mrs. George rrels. After luncheon Mrs. Gordon enter tained with a theater party at the Orpheum. Singer will remain East some time, visiting her parents in New York. City. Queen Elizabeth Hive, No. 4, L. O. T. M., gave a farewell party for Mrs. Lois Mathews at their last regular meeting. Mrs. Mathews has served as captain of the guard for several years, but leaves soon for Bay City and the members, wishing to show their appre ciation of her services, planned a little surprise for her and presented her with a handsome gift. Mrs. Mathews Is re markably well versed in military tac tics and her absence from the order will be keenly felt. m m m Mrs. O. E. Goodwin entertained yes terday at a prettily appointed luncheon at which she honored Miss Adelaide Genevleve and Marian Chapln. Assisting about the rooms -were Mrs. Charles E. Hill. Mrs. J. J. Kadderly, Mrs. J. C. Costello. Mrs. H. C. Buckley, Mrs. M. C. Mace. Mrs. Isaac Staples, Mrs. H. O. Tenny, Mrs. Lewis Mead. Mrs. H. W. Wells. Master tiddie Doak attended the door and Helen Buckley, Grace Hor enden. Katherine Tockwood and Ina Chapln also assisted. About 300 guests called during the afternoon. An attrac tive, feature was the orchestra music. Mrs. Elfricda Heller Weinstein sang several sonirs in her most pleasing- man ner. Mrs. if. lj. Chapln received in a gown of delicate pink satin veiled in embroidered lace with trimmings of rhlnestones. She carried a bouquet of white roses. Mrs. C. C. Newcastle was In white satin with white Persian hands; she also carried pink roses. ' . The home of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Walsh, 64 Kast Sixty-seventh street, Tabor Heights, was the scene of a pleasant feathering on Thursday after noon, when Miss Eleanor entertained more than 30 of her little friends. It being her 10th birthday anniversary. The house was beautifully decorated In blue and yellow, lobelia and Scotch broom. Games were played, after which a luncheon was served. The favors especially pleasing the little ones were well-fille-d bon-bon baskets. Mrs. William McGee and Mrs. Homer Richards assisted by Miss Kmma Drost and Miss Frances O'Brien pre sided at the tables. Chaperones in at tendance were Mrs. Fred Sellwauke, Mrs. William Languor and Mrs. Wil liam Walsh. The guests were as fol lows: The Misses Flora and Dorothy MeBrlde, Esther and Emily 0-Brlen, 55elma and Marie Burns, Kathryn and Helen Langnor, Gertrude and Leona Helm. Alice Canaday. Gladys Terwilli cr. Florence Hadley, May Duffy. Marv Cnstello. Thelma Hancet, Dorothy Johnson. Olga Nelson. Helen Richards, Iollta Walsh. Stella Percy, Wesley and Eugene Eldrldgc. Ralph Richards, Fred and George McGee. The parlors of the First Congrega tional Church presented an animated scene Wednesday afternoon, when the Ladles' Aid Society welcomed many friends gathered for the last meeting of the season. The parlors were deco rated with a profusion of lovely flow ers. The president of the society, Mrs. C. W. King, and Mrs. Frederic Eggert. for 2S years financial secretary of the society, received the visitors. Introduc ing them to the hostesses. A most en joyable musical programme had been arranged by Mrs. G. W. Nothnagle, which was as follows: Vocal solo, "I Hear You Calling Me," Mrs. J. Curtys Simmons; Hungarian folk song and a Welsh folk song. Maldwyn Evans; vio lin solo, selected, Mrs. Goodwin; vocal solo, "A Little Dutch Song." Mrs. Sim mons. Miss Florence Jackson, accom panist. Tea was served in the class rooms adjoining the parlors. Mrs. R. Mi Gray and Mrs. Thomas Roberts pre sided at the samovars and Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Colton served Ices. A bevy of young women, under the direction of Miss Jane Andrews, chairman of the committee, assisted in serving. . A pleasant surprise was given Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ott Tuesday evening by a number of friends, it being the 20th anniversary of their wedding, which took place in this city. A num ber of beautiful gifts were received. A delightful evening was. passed in music and singing, after which a collation was served. A beautifully decorated wedding cake was presented by Mrs. F. F. Boody. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Boody. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Griffiths. Miss Josephine Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. George T. Holtsclaw. Miss Gray Holticlaw, Mrs. Kate Terry. Mr. and Mrs. George Thomson, Mrs. Iees Moses, Edward Moses, Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Clinton. Mr and Mrs. K. A. Holloway, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Ott, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wing. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bolrc, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Joplin. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Fairchild and Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ott. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Kitts celebrated the 10th anniversary of their wedding on June 3 by entertaining at a card party and supper. An Informal musi cal programme added t- the pleasure of the guests. The h mtm artis tically decorated In masses of pink car nations arranged exactly as hud been the flowers on the wedding day. Mrs. Kitts wore a beautiful pink satin gown draped in pink chiffon. Her two little daughters, June and Nina, were also attired In dainty pink gowns. Among those present were: Miss Charlotte E. Coughlan. Miss Ethel Green. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Tupper. Miss Adelle P. Thelps, Asbury Park, N. J.; Mr. and M.-s. E. J. Jorgenson. Mr. and Mrs. H. I'. Peters, Mr. and Mrs. V. I. Maxon. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Mallnry Kent. F. A. Pittenger. Mrs. Cal Fn, Mrs. F. A. Cell. Mrs. Fred F. Waffle. E. G. Kinne. J. P. Price, D. A. Maxson. W. n. Cornell and Mrs. E. A. Kitts. One of the most attractive affairs of the week was the 500 party given by Mrs. Joseph H. Lehraann Tuesday afternoon at her home In Westmore land. The house was artistically deco rated for the occasion, pink being: the keynote of the color scheme. Card honors fell to Mrs. George Masher, Mrs. Henry C. ScJiroeder and Mrs. Otto Nelson. The Invitational list Included Mrs. Theodore A. Grams. Mrs. C. Gmahllng. Mrs. Otto Nelson. Mrs. H. W. Grun waldt. Mrs. Sengbush. Mrs. Eberhardt. Mrs. Mary Marach, Mrs. H. C. Sohroe- WW S I 1 .'.- - f . 7-... .V cV,?si' ; Jr "it . ..J , der, Mrs. Frederick Jennings, Mrs. H. Ludwlg, Mrs. John Rometsch, Mrs. Martin Satlee, Mrs. A. Hiessler, Mrs. B. Fairbanks, Mrs. George Mosher. Mrs. G. Roberts, Mrs. A. A. Poolman, Mrs. Seymour and Mrs. Anna Niemann. Several solos were given by Mrs Grams, who Is a recent arrival from St. Louis. Miss Minnie Wise, a June bride-elect, was the inspiration for a prettily ap pointed 500 party Thursday afternoon, given by Mrs. Ida Conrad and her daughter, Mrs. Frank Catterlln, from Bandon, Or. The house was decorated with Caro line Testout roses and ferns. Dainty refreshments were served at small tables. High scores were made by Miss Wise and Mrs. Edward Metschan. The guests Included: Miss Wise. Mrs. W. A. Wise, Mrs. Frank Fellows. Mrs. Tom Wise. Mrs. S. Cornell, Mrs. Edward Stewart, Mrs. John Plttinger. Mrs. Thomas Sims Miss Mercedes Sims, Mrs. Don Rea, Mrs. Harry Kadderly. Mrs. Chester Wagner! Miss Christine Denholm. Mrs. Tom Rob inson, of Bandon: Mrs. Clement Scott, of Vancouver, Wash.; Mrs. Harry Kelly and Mrs. Edward Metscham. The Misses Grim are making a life study of the white plague, and their chosen mission Is to care for those afflicted. To this end they had been at the Portland Open Air Sanatorium for several months, and' the high es teem In which they were held by the patients was clearly shown last week, when they were given a shower of lovely gifts from every patient at the Institution. The Misses Grim will visit at San Francisco, Los Angeles and other cities en route East. They will be Joined at Ogden. Utah, by their sister-in-law, Mrs. C. R. Grim, of Oak Grove. Mrs. Grim expects to visit In the Eastern states about three months, but the Misses Grim do not expect to re turn until the Spring of 1915. They will travel until then. ... Mrs. John Fellermann entertained w-ith five hundred Tuesday afternoon at her home. 507 East Forty-fifth street North. The guests were Mrs. J. L Bowman. Mrs. E. H. Carlton, Mrs. James Goodwin. Mrs. J. A. Dowllng. Mrs. T B. Howell. Mrs. W. O. Fee naughty. Mrs. H. Bissell, Mrs. Charles Feenaughty. Mrs. R. Glttlngs, Mrs. L. I,. Sharp. Mrs. M. D. Bromberger, Mrs. F- D. Reynolds. Mrs. I J. Wedd, Mrs. E. J. Paige, Mrs. J. W. Collins. Mrs. W. C. Richardson. Mrs. Willis Magulre. Mrs. R. B. Gehr. Mrs. A. II. Alspaugh, Mrs. B. M. Satterfleld. Mrs. W. L John ston. Mrs. Fred Marx. Mrs. Clvde Meech. Mrs. Philip Kluder, Miss Smith. Miss Shaw. Miss Frankland, Mrs. F. E. Dodson, Mrs. J. C. Harrison. Mrs. B. PORTLAND COUPLE TASTE J9 CAasez The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Chase was celebrated last Fri day at Pacific Grove. Cal.. and among the guests was Mtsa Emma Shepard. formerly of this city and now of Seaview. Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Chase for merly lived in this city, and they once owned 23 feet of ground on which The Oregonlan building now stands. They own frontage on the west side of Sixth street, between Washington and Alder. Mr. Chase la an accomplished banjo player, and he plays selections ranging from the classic to popular alrs of the da-"- Jarvis. Mrs. W. H. Gray Mrs. M. D. Lewis, Mrs. L. V. Rawllngs. The Jefferson High School baseball team, champions of the Interscholastlc League, were the honored guests of Hopkin Jenkins at a banquet held at the Commercial Club last night at 6 o'clock. The guests were, besides the host, Omer N. Blttner, faculty adviser; Hopkin Jenkins, Captain William Will iams. Percy Robinson, Ward. Irvine, Robert Earl. Jack Wats, Merle Wolfer, James Shehee, Robert Colvln, A. Lodel. David Cooper, Elmer Seely -and Coach Harvy Newell. James Shehee was elected captain of the team for the coming season. On the same occasion Mr. Jenkins. Mr. Blttner, Willie Will iams, Ward Irvine, Coach Iewell and Captaln-elcct Sheehee made speeches. Mrs. Ida Conrad and Mrs. Frank E. Catterlin entertained at a card par es. Thursday afternoon. in honor of Miss Minnie Wise. a bride elect. Card honors fell to Mrs. Edward Metschan. and a guest prize was given to Miss Wise. Four tables were ar ranged for the games, and the rooms were attractively decorated for the oc casion. tr It will be of interest to a number of people here to know that Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Chase, former pioneers of Portland, celebrated their golden wed ding anniversary at Pacific Grove, Fri day afternoon and evening. In the Civic Club house. The club was beautifully decorated with choice flowers, palms and potted plants. An orchestra was hidden behind a screen of oak branches and played during the evening, while the younger guests danced. The bride wore a handsome robe of white satin, and carried a bouquet of roses, white sweet peas and orange olossoms. Songs and speeches appropriate to the occa sion were features of the afternoon. Several Portland folks entertained the past week for Miss Mary and Rosa Grim, who left Wednesday for their home In Allenstown, Pa. The latter came to Portland four years ago and her sister one year ago. and they have made many friends here. They were entertained Sunday night by Mr. and Mrs. William Buckley at their home, 767 East Ankeny street, and by Miss Ella V. Wllderson with a party at the Oaks Park. Tuesday evening. Arthur R. Allen was hxist at a farewell lawn party at his home, 54 East Twenty ninth street North, Wednesday even ing. . On Tuesday last Mrs. Mary Brooks, of Sixtieth and Qlisan streets, who has been confined to her home for several weeks, was the recipient of a pleasant surprise In the' way of a rose shower by her sister members of Lincoln-Garfield Women's Relief Corps. Refresh ments were served and the afternoon enjeyed in games and music. The list or guests were: Mrs. Brownell, Mrs. R. F. Elliott. Mrs. May Jensen. Mrs. Elvers. Mrs. Susan Welch, Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. Seabrlng, Mrs. Lettie Capell, Mrs. Lou ise Luther, Mrs. Lombard. Mrs. McKen nett, Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. Hathom. i m The Mental Culture Club and the Parent-Teachers' Circle of Arleta School met Friday in the school as sembly hall. Interesting addresses on up-to-date topics were given by Clif ton N. McArthur. O. M. Plummer and Mrs. L. E. Ward. Mrs. Ward urged the need of bubbling drinking foun tain, better sewerage and general im provement of sanitation for Arleta school, which houses 850 pupils and Is lacking in modern appliances. The question of playgrounds was discussed and a petition to the Board of Edu cation asking concessions was signed. Both clubs will adjourn until October. . . A miscellaneous shower was given last Wednesday evening at the home of Miss Eva Gentry, 5482 Thirty-sixth avenue Southeast. In honor of Miss Tressa Ackerson, a June bride to be. The decorations were In yellow and white, masses of Scotch broom and white roses being arranged in the rooms. Several musical numbers were given during the evening ana games were played. The guest of honor was made the re cipient of many handsome and useful presents. Thirty guests were present. ... Gordon Grange. W. R. C, No. 43, entertained In their banquet hall Fri day afternoon in honor of Mrs. James Miller, formerly of Portland, but now of Salem. Lunch was served to about 100 of the Post and Corps. The guests who sat at the table of honor were Mrs. James WJlley, Mrs. J. A. Conaway, president of the Corps; T. B. McDevitt. department commander of Oregon; Uncle Jack Curran, chief of staff of department of Oregon; vice presidents, Mrs. Gray, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Bernard. Mrs. Wheeler and Mrs. Severance. A pleasant evening was passed Tues day. June 3, at the home of Clement Altstock, who was the Inspiration for a surprise party. After games, refresh ments were served. Those who attend ed were: Juanita Crawford, Vera Hark ness, Grace Cox, Mary Hass. Mildred Green, Hazel Burns, Helen Altstock, JNeine cox, Laura Koss, Florence Daly, Oliver Barton, Eugene McNeil, Roy Scollard, Paul Sabel. William Early. Clement Altstock, William Brook, Roach Kenefick, Evans McLean, Ar thur Penman. A short address was given by Evans McLean. . - A surprise party was given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. M. Chernis on their 25th wedding anniversary. Sunday. May 25. The affair was held at their home, 431 East Thirty-ninth street. The games of the evening were five hun dred and auction pinochle. Honors for the latter went to Miss Esther Taylor. Mrs. Myer Youdovltch, of Walla Walla, Wash., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chernis, was present. The house was decorated with Scotch broom, . Mrs. I. J. Gordon was hostess at a JOYS OF GOLDEN WEDDING. A POPULAR PORTLAND GIRL J WEDS. I McCune and Miss Irene Jones, two brides-elect. Pink blossoms and ferns adorned the table and were used about the rooms. Covers were laid for Miss McCune, Miss Jones, Miss Hazel Cleve land, Miss Bernice Stimson, Miss Nan Mann, Miss Frances Sampson, of The Dalles; Mrs. James Harrow, Mrs. Phil Brinkman and Miss Doris Byford. . At the meeting of the Waverleigh Rlchmond Literary Club held at the home of the Misses Smith, 46!; East Thirtieth street, Monday evening. Miss Edith Youngkrantz was re-elected president; Miss Stella Smith, elected vice-president; Miss Frances Smith, secretary: Miss Juell Reynolds, corre sponding secretary: Miss Ruth Haag sma, treasurer. After refreshments the rest of the evening was enjoyed In dancing. One of the enjoyable affairs of the week in High School circles was a pic nic at Johnson's Creek, given for the Jefferson gymnasium girls by Miss Georgia Wey, the physical director of the school. Immediately upon arrival at the grounds, the girls appeared In their gymnasium costumes and re mained so throughout the day. At noon a lunch was spread, and late In the evening the party returned home. "Pile Richmond Self-Advancement Club met on Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. V. Hart-sell, 1040 Di vision street, with Mrs. G. C. Garrison as hostess. Mrs. M. Bobson read a paper on "Famous Statesmen of Amer ica." An interesting article on house hold economy was read by Mrs. C. W. Pitchard. Mrs. E. C. Strayer gave a piano solo. Refreshments were served by the hostess at the close of the meet ing. m m m Mrs. Melville Hitchcock, of Aloha, Or., delightfully entertained on Tues day at a birthday party in honor of Mrs. Bartlett Townsend. The rooms were decorated with flowers. Delicious refreshments were served In two courses. Those who enjoyed the occa sion were Mesdames Tyall, Hoben, Hunt. Wheeler. Buck. Bookman, Wolf, C M. Hitchcock, Wellborn, Quint and Llbby. E. Maldwyn Evans, at present choir director of the Third Presbyterian Church, will begin his new duties September 1, as director of the chorus choir and baritone soloist of the First Congregational Church. Mr. Evans is a Welshman, and although he has been only a short time a resident of this city, he has won an established repu tation In It as a fine choir singer and oratorio soloist. About 25 members of Gordon Grange Post and Corps No. 43, met on Fif teenth and Alberta streets Sunday ovening and went in a body to hear Rev. Ghormley give the Boys in Blue a campfire talk. After several songs dear to the hearts of all, the Rev. Mr. Ghormley gave a talk that was highly appreciated. On Tuesday afternoon an informal luncheon was given bj- Mrs. J. E. Fait, at her home in Irvington. in honor of Mrs. Cohn. cf Oakland. Cal. The rooms were deoorated with a profusion of roses and maiden hair fern. The after noon was passed In music, and solos were sung by the hostess. Mrs. W. J. Furnish and her daugh ter. Miss Kathleen Furnish, are enter taining as their house guest Mrs. Thomas Crouch, of Great Falls Mont. Mrs. Crouch will enjoy -the hospitality of the attractive Portland Heights resi dence for the month of June and will be shown many social honors. Mrs. Joseph H. Penney had as her guests at luncheon today Mrs. James Forbes, Mrs. Jack Cason. Mrs. Harry Curtis. Mrs. A. K. Fernau. after which a motor trip about the citv was en Joyed. Nona Cova Hecklnger, formerly of Portland, and John Newton Crosby were married at St. Louis. Mo.. May 14 and have taken up their residence at Snow Lake, Ark. The Portland Council of Parent Teacher Associations held a picnic at Creston on Thursday. Mrs. J. B. Kerr, of the School Board, gave an Interest ing address. Mrs. William L. Morgan entertained yesterday with a luncheon for Miss Morgan, after which the young folk passed the afternoon motoring in the country. Mr. and Mrs. Max Systrup enter tained a number of their friends Mon day, June 2, on the eve of their 25 th anniversary of their wedding. The banquet and closing Saturday evenlng dancing party of the Batchelor Button Club will be given tonight In the East Side Woodman Hall. oo minx; kvents. Prominent among the social functions that will add to the pleasure of Festi val week will be the informal dancing party to be given in Knights of Pythias r - jd&LWSL&LvLwmVL. 4 Mrs. Frederick J. MeKeom. 4 TO OUR VISITORS TO the visitor in our city we extend a cordial welcome to our many friends from the interior we express the wish that their visit here will be tha means of renewing our pleasant relations of the past. DIAMONDS Watches. Jewelry, Sterling Silver, Cut Glass. Bronzes. Art Goods. Leather Goods and Clocks at Removal Sale Prices In order that our new store at Park and Washington may open with a com plete new stock, our present lines are being closed out at phenomenal price reductions. For forty-five years Feldenheimer 's name has been synonymous with all that, is dependable in the jewelry line, and every article now on sale bears the Feldenheimer stamp of quality. There is positively no reserve, except in the case of contract goods. Inspection and comparison invited. 283-285 Washington Hall, corner Eleventh and Alder, by the Royal Arcanum, Multnomah Council 1481. in honor of visiting members of the Royal Arcanum, members of Mult nomah Council and their friends. As the:e Is no special Festival feature Monday night, this event will not con flict with the Festival In any way. Rather it will usher in the week of pleasure In a happy manner, that vis iting membersjof the Royal Arcanum and Portland friends may meet one another. All members of the Royal Arcanum and their friends are Invited. Dancing begins at S:45 o'clock. This will be the last dancing party the council will give until Fall. Mrs. Lyda Catlln and Mrs. Leland James entertained the Rose Social Club at the former's home last Thursday af ternoon. The house was beautifully decorated with palms, ferns and Amer ican Beauty roses. Prizes were won by Mrs. Nora McAfee and Mrs. Owen Stackhouse. One of the pleasant fea tures of the afternoon's entertainment were vocal and instruments solos by Mrs. Lucile Etcher and Mrs. Leland James. The club was called to order by Mrs. P. Haley, vice-president, and after a short business meeting refresh ments w-ere served, Mrs. Brodbeck and Mrs. Daly presiding at the punch bowl. The Myrtle Rose Club will entertain members and their friends four even ings this week at Christensen's Hall. Dancing will be the feature of the oc casion Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. Special refresh ments will be served free in the bal cony, which will be elaborately deco rated In harmony with the spirit of Rose Festival week. The rommittee is composed of the Misses Nora Casey, Hazel Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ben- net, William D. Rhoades, Eugene W. Belland, Richard J. Belland. j Mrs. C. C. Carmv.k, of 1085 East Twentieth street North, gave a lunch eon Thursday afternoon at -her home, celebrating the birthday of her mother, Mrs. A M. Lee of 594 Fifth str.eet. at which the following were present: Mrs. Emma R. Moses. Mrs. Elllner E. Mitch ell, Mrs. R. C. Taylor. Mrs. F. F. Boody, Mrs. A. M. Lee. Each of the guests presented Mrs. A. M. Lee w-ith a birth day remembrance, and offered an ap propriate toast. An engagement announcement re cently made, w-hich came as a complete surprise to many .of their friends, was that of Miss Eva. Herschler to Albert W. Ledbury. Miss Herschler has se lected June 24 as the date of her wed ding, which will be a simple home af fair. Miss Alma Todd will be maid of honor and Miss Hilda Granstrom bridesmaid. Frank Ledbury will at tend the bridegroom. m m m The annual meeting of the Portland Art Association will be held Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Museum of Art, .Fifth and Taylor streets. A new loan collection of paintings will be shown, and In the downstairs galleries See Our Windows Over Sunday ESTABLISHED 1868 JB:.3dmilmei: St. Between Fourth and Fifth Streets the Pennell lithographs of the Panama Canal and etchings by Ptranesl. Tea will be served at 5 o'clock. Miss Nettle Greer Taylor entertained with a box party at the Orpheum, fol lowed by tea at the Portland Hotel, for Miss Catherine Covach, whose wed ding takes place June 25. The guests included Mrs. R. w. Schmeer, Mrs. El freda Keller Weinstein, Mrs. George Parrish. Miss May Breslin, Miss Cath erine Covach and the hostess. The Irvington Club will give a flan nel dance on Monday. The prizes won in the Spring Handicap Tournament will be presented to the winners during the PACIFIC UXIVERSITY GIRL IS ELECTED EDITOR. OP SCHOOL PAPER. Miss Ada Tsylor. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, Forest Grove, Or., June 7. (Special.) Miss Ada Taylor, a p r o m i nent member of the class of '14, has been elected editor of the Week ly Index, the school publication, for the schol year commencing In September. Miss Taylor Is the daughter of Professor Taylor, who Is the treasurer as well as an Instructor of the Institution. Miss Taylor Is a member of the Phllomathlon Society and has been an assistant in the conser vatory of music for the past year. The election of the manager of this paper Is left In the hands of the student body, when It will be voted upon in the coming week. iLaLHHBHBaHBaB Decisive June Reductions on Tailored Suits "T71TH women who know the distinctive style, the superb tailoring, of Bartholomew gar ments, this announcement is sure to brinp- an immfHit.- response ! Every new fashion feature, every smart weave and coloring is included in these three big groups of Tailored Suits. Come tomorrow, before assortments are broken. TO $35.00 SUITS $19.45 TO $50.00 SUITS $25.45 One Lot of Smart Coats THE WVvyvvVHUW Washington Street. evening. The committee inoludes Miss Anne Kurtz, Mrs. William I. Northrup. Mrs. Frank T. Raley, Oliver P. Morton and F. H. D. Andrews, chairman. Miss Alice E. Tullison sailed on the, steamer Beaver last Sunday for San Francisco, where she will remain sev eral days sightseeing, then proceed south for an extended visit of several months with friends and relatives in. Los Angeles, Pomona and Pasadena. The officers and members of Oregon Rose Camp, Royal Neighbors of Amer ica, will be "at home" to all visiting Royal Neighbors and Modern Woodmen in the city next Friday evening. June 13. Many prominent officers and mem bers will be in the receiving line. Miss Alice E. Tollison sailed on the steamer Beaver last Sunday for San Francisco, where she will remain for several days, then proceed south for an extended visit of several months with friends and relatives in Los An geles, Pomona and Pasadena. The wedding of Miss Naomi Nettie Swett and Edward Nathaniel Weln baum will take place June 29 at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Swett, and will be a simple affair. Chapter A, P. B. O., will meet at th home of Mrs. G. F. Peek tomorrow aft ernoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. E. E. Thomas will give a paper on Olive Shrlner's work, and reports from the recent convention will be read. The women of George Wright Relief Corps, No. 2. will serve a dinner Wed nesday, June 11, from 11 to 2, In their new hall, on the fifth floor of the Courthouse. The Portland Council of Parent Teacher Associations will hold a lunch eon on July 3 at Hotel Portland. Prom inent speakers will give addresses after the repast. Howard Dabney has returned home from Culver Military Academy, Culver. Ind., and Is spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dabney. of East Twenty-ninth street. The Minute Club will give a series of special dances every evening during Rose rnrnlva! - . . ' at r--- . u.n The carnival spirit will prevail. Danc ing win continue till 1 o clock. XT.. T f T- . 1 , , -ui a. i... ....... v. ruweu ano ner small children, from Superior. Wis., are the .. -. . ....... i .... , .!, ii.i .111 1-. W. E. McCord. Mr. and Mrs. William H. See, who have been sojourning In California for the past six weeks, will return home today. The meeting of St. Ann's Society will 'onclurtcil on Pige 9.) TO $85.00 SUITS $35.45 To $45, at $19.85 Company Corner of Tenth