2 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND. JUNE 8. 1913 white embroidered chirfon over yel low. Mrs. Chester Hogue was gowned in a becoming shade of blue chiffon over voile. Mrs. PIttock's gown was of gray with elaborate trimming of rare lace. Mrs. Johti Marshall was gowned in black eharmeuse modishly cut. Miss Holman wore a becoming lav ender gown with overdress of black lace. Among those assisting about the rooms were; Mrs. W. L. Biddle, Mrs. O. A. Lyman, Mrs. Ralph Hoyt. Mrs. Robert Hall, Mrs. F. A. Nitchey, Mrs. Frank B. Riley. Mrs. Sanderson Reed. Miss Ella Stephens, Miss Augusta Marshall, Miss Kate Holman, Mrs. fcv'alter Cook, Mrs. Anna Abrams. And a bevy of the debutante set. in cluding: Miss Louise Ciallion. Miss Alice Dabney. Miss Martha Hoyt, Miss JCath erlne Hoyt. Miss Gretchen Klosterman and Miss Margery' Hoffman. The exhibition of handsome hang ings, lamps, shades, tapestries, and pottery from the Herter studio in New York, which has been given during the week by the Arts and Crafts So 'For the Newest, Visit the Eastern Rose Festival Visitors Welcome to the Eastern! " M ' " ll THli Waverly Country Club pre Bented u gala appearance last niht an the Oceanian of the formal open ing f the new and attractive club house, also the closing or the irolf tour nament. Society turned out en masse to inspect the new club, which is exception ally well planned und decorated and de lightfully situated on the banks of th river. Uinner parties were the order of the eveniiiK. about 250 or 300 suests. in parties all the way from 4 to 24, In smart frocks and ehlo hats, made merry durlnc the evening, and the spacious ballroom with its handsome hangings and well-designed decorations made a pleasing foil for the brilliant assemblage. The opening will go down as a red letter uay n the Mstory of the club. The broad verandas afford an excellent view oj the olty and river, and lead, to fascinating little prome nades about the grounds. All through the days of the tourna ment society matrons and maids with their escorts thronged the verandas ami many charming teas, luncheone and dinners were given. Among the larger dinner parties last night was that given by Mr. and Mrs William Mat-Master. Their guests in cluded Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Burns Mr. and Mrs. R. Koehler. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kerr Mrs. Helen I.add Corbett. Miss Failing Miss May Failing. Captain Voorhles! Robert V. Forbes and Harry Mont gomery. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Griffin Murphv also entertained at dinner last night at the Oolf club In honor of Mls- Mllla Wessinger and Philip Hart, whose wed ding will take place June 18. Their guests Included Mr. and Mrs. James Dougherty. Mr. and Mrs. Krskine Wood Mr. and Mrs. Uilbert Durham Mr. and Mrs. Carl U Wernicke. Miss Cornelia Cook, Miss Katherine Hart. Mrs Charles W. Whitley, of Salt Lake City, 1'aul Glesy. and Lester llodsun. v Mrs. Lee Hoffman ami Miss Margery Hoffman also entertained at a. large dinner and the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Morris II. Whitehouse. Mr. and Mrs. J. Andre Fouilhoux. Mr. and Mra." Thomas Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. Haw ley Hoffman. Miss Frances Wilson Miss Clara Weidler. Mr. and Mrs. Henry L4d Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Antoine G. 1 : l . Seaton Taylor. Irving Webster, Harold Wells. Fritz Behrenda and Mr. mil Mrs. Milton Werachkul. Miss Maisle Mai-Master entertained i number of the younger get. chaper oned by Mr. and Mrs. Landor R. Mason. Jr. Additional guests were Miss Haze) Dolph, Miss Anita Burns. Miss Louise jpurns. Miss Jean Mackenzie, Miss Barbara Mackenzie. Miss-Mildred Hon eyman. Miss Grace Honeyman, Miss Polly Hewitt, Miss Margaret Hewitt. Miss Evelyn Carey, Miss Cully Coolt and Miss Folly Young. Lieutenants Pullen, Schneider and Msyer, of the Army post. C. Harry Davis. Jr.; Charles Hinduman, Dwight Fullerton, Charles Holbrook. Curtis Bailey, Philip Fry, Hamilton Cor bett, Leland Smith, Richard Jones, Ro nald Mackenzie, Maurice E. Crum packer. MacCormack Snow. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Shevlin also pre sided at one of the larger dinner par ties, their guests including Mr. and Mrs. David C. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Uuy W ebster Talbot. Major and Mrs. Jay J. Morrow, Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd, Mr. and Mrs. James Canby, of the Barracks-. Mrs. Elizabeth Freeman. Rodney L. Gll san and Clarence Bewail. Among other dinner hosts last night were Mr. and Mrs. James D. Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund A. de Schwelnitz, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Honevman. Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Richard R Hoge, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott Brooke Mr. and Mrs. George K. Wentworth. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ger linger. Dr. and Mrs. Rockey. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ransome, Joseph Wiley. Arnold Rothwell, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, Mr. and Mrs. George MacPher son. Mr. and Mrs. George V. Sanborn, Hugh Hume. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sherman O'Gorman. who had 1 guests. Mr. and Mrs. Robert '. Strong, Mr. and Mrs. J. Glllison. Rodney L- Glisali, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Hart, Colonel and Mrs. A. W. Yates. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Skin ner. Mr. and Mrs. John Latta, Wirt C. Minor, Miss Flanders, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Holland. John Banks. Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Green whose guests numbered IS, Drake C. O'Reilly. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Leadhetter. Mr. and Mrs. Van Sehuyver and Harlan Lewis. A pretty l-ride of last evening was Miss Vleve Cecil, whose marriage to Loyal H. McCarthy was solemnized at the home of Mrs. W. C. Cecil, S15 East Madison street. Jo the presence of 75 guests. The rooms were a bower of beauty banked with palms and cut flowers. The service was read bv- the Rev. Luther R. Dyott at an Improvised altar of white roses and ferns. An aisle leading to this was marked by satin ribbons held by Miss Greta Churchley and Miss Edna Phillips. The bride wore a beautiful sown of white charmeuse elaborated with Chantllly lace and pearl ornaments. Her veil was edged with lace and fell from a mob cap wreathed with lilies of the valley. She carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses and lilies of the valley. Miss Louise Cecil, her sister's maid of honor, w-as attired In pink crepe meteor and she carried an arm bouquet of pink roses. James Cecil waB best man. Little Helene Matil Tyrol was dainty in a white frock with touches of pale blue. She carried the ring In a Calla lily. H. D. Cecil, brother of the bride, gave her away. Mrs. W. C. Ce cil, the bride's mother, was gowned In royal blue charmeuse. After the ceremony.- supper was served. In the dining room Mrs. H. T. Cecil. Mrs. D. J. Taylor and Miss Lucy Campbell presided at the table and were assisted by Miss Stella Jones, Miss Helen White, Miss Jessie Blbee. Miss Cecil Wilcox and Miss N'ellie Banfleld. A feature of the evening was the mu sical programme to which William Wilder contributed Instrumental num bers and Mrs. Evarts Charles, vocal solos. During the reading of the mar riage lines Mrs. Charles sang "Beloved. It la Morn." Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy have gone to Shasta Springs for a fortnight, and on returning will be at home at the Hotel Portland. s Miss Anita Burns was hostess at a Jolly theater party Wednesdav evening at the Orpheum, followed bv supper at Hotel Multnomah, In honor of Miss Hilda Whltmore, the much-feted Eng lish visitor In town. In addition to the guest of honor the party Included Mr. and Mrs. David T. Honeyman. Miss Louise Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Robertson. C. H. Davis, Jr.; Kurt Koehler, Philip Fry and the hostess. The corridors, reception-rooms and tearoom of the Nortonla were thronged with a fashionable assemblage of handsomely-gowned guests on Thurs day, when Mrs. H. A. Hogue enter tained in honor of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Chester J. Hogue. a charm ing young matron who recently came from Boston to reside in Portland. The rooms were artistically decked with masses of pink petaled roses, peonies and other flowers, combined with maiden hair fern and palms. Through out the afternoon a stringed orchestra concealed in a bower of greenery played. Several beautiful old-fashioned ballads were contributed by Mrs. Anna Selkirk Norton. Between 400 and 500 guests, representing many of the old established families, called during tho afternoon. The tearoom was most at tractive and was presided over by several maids and matrons. Receiving with M rs Hogue were a group of friends who were her girlhood school companions. These Included Mrs. E. R. Glisan, Mrs. H. L. Pittock Mrs. John Marshall and Miss Frances' Holman. Mrs. H. A. Hogue wore a handsome robe of black lace over lav ender satin. Mrs. Harry Hogue was attired in ciety at Tenth and Yamhill streets, has been attracting a great deal of atten- tlon. Society folk and lovers of the artistic are keenly interested in this exhibition, which shows many beauti ful and unusual designs and exquisite colorings. A delightful feature of the affair is the tea given each week. Friday was the day chosen last week, and the affair was in charge of Miss Falling and Mrs. Morris H. White house. Miss Mary F. Failing and Miss Sallle Lewis presided at the table, and were assisted by Miss Jean Mackenzie. Miss Frances Wilson, Miss Diana Brskinc. Miss Hazel Weidler, Miss Louise Burns, Miss Olive Failing and Miss Margery Hoffman. Another tea will be given this week. Thursday from 3 to 5, to which the society has kindly invited everybody who is Interested in the display of arts and crafts. This "tea will be In charge of Mrs. A. E. Rockey and Mrs. M. A. M. Ashley. They will be assisted by Miss Alice Carey, Miss Mildred Honeyman, Miss Violet Erskine, Miss Clara Weid ler. Miss Cornelia Cook and Miss Shirley Eastham. Complimenting Mrs. Carter Pitkin Pomeroy, of San Francisco, Mrs. Thomas Scott Brooke was hostess at an informal bridge tea Tuesday after noon. Three tables were arranged for the games, and' additional guests called later in the afternoon. Mrs. Brooke's guests included Mrs. Pomeroy, Mrs. D. T. Honeyman, Mrs. Walter F. Burrell, Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd, Miss Hilda Whit more, Mrs. James Canby, of the Bar racks; Mrs. Victor A. Johnson. Mrs. Dugald W. L. MacGregor, Mrs. William A. MacRae. Mrs. E. C. Shevlin. Mrs. J. Andre Fouilhoux and Mrs. Ben Lom bard. The teatable was artistically deco rated and was presided over by Mrs. Peter Kerr, Miss Frances Wilson, Mrs. Hunt Lewis and Mrs. Sherman Hall. Miss Milla Wessinger, fiance of Philip Hart, was the honor guest at an elab orate luncheon at the Automobile Club presided over by Miss Stella Frohman on Wednesday, who, with her mother. Mrs. I. Frohman, recently returned from an extended trip in Eastern and South ern cities. Miss Frohman's guests in cluded: Miss Wessinger, Miss Cornelia Cook. Miss Cully Cook, Miss Mildred Honeyman. Miss Crace Honeyman, Mrs. Erskine vVood, Miss Anita Burns, Miss Louise BurnB, Mrs. Gilbert Durham. Mrs. Stanley Jewett, Miss Alice Carey, Miss Katherine Hart, Mrs. EL A. Bald win, Mrs. Edmund de Schweinltz. Miss Clara Weidler, Mrs. uis Goldsmith, Mrs. James A. Dougherty, Mrs. Chester Griffin Murphy, Miss Maisie MacMaster. Miss Jean Mackenzie, Miss Shirley JQast- ham. Miss Margery Hoffman, Mrs. Carl L. Wernicke and Mrs. Gerald Beebe. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert II. Calvin (Miss Jane Hoge, whose wedding was a notable event In San Francisco a short time ago, are the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Hoge. They will leave the latter part of the week for their home in Santa Barbara, where Mr. Calvin Is manager of the Pacific States Telephone & Telegraph Company. The wedding of Miss Mabel Gogs' and John Conor Burkhart, which took place Monday evening at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs, W. Gobs, In Ir ving t o n , was a very quiet . affair, only Immediate friends and relatives being present. Rev. Boudinot Seeley of ficiated. An interesting feature of the wed ding was the bride's gown which had been her mother's wedding gown, and was worn without being remodeled. It was a quaint old heavy white silk made with long train and trimmed with rare old point lace. She carried an arm bouquet of bride's roses. The bride is a charming girl and very popular in the younger contingent. She Is a sis ter of Mrs. Walter Goss. Mrs. Carlton Williams, of The Dalles, and Albert Goss. Mr. Burkhart is a nephew of Mrs. William L. Brewster and Mrs. James Failing, and formerly resided In Albany. He is an enthusiastic aviator. building, designing and flying his own craft. Mr. and Mrs. Walter F-. White were hosts at a ch-rrqing dinner Thursday evening in honor of the wedding anni versary of their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hlxon Reade. It was also the anniversary of Mrs. Beckett's birth. Dancing and cards were features of the evening, and the rooms were adorned artistically with a profusion of Caroline Testout roses. A huge basket of lavender phlox graced the dinner table, around which were seated Mr. and Mrs. Reade, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Matson. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Beckett, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Kingsbury. Miss Augusta Marshall,-) Mr. and Mrs. Morris H. Whitehouse and the host and hostess. Complimenting Miss Lucile Smith and Clifton Nesmtth McArthur, whose wedding will be a smart event of June 25, Mr. and Mrs. William MacMaster were hosts at a charming dinner Tues day evening. A huge crystal bowl of Caroline Testout roses graced the table Charming' Summer Frocks Galore Every whim of the Summer girl may surely be met by this beautiful showing of Summer frocks. Filmy Lingeries Colored Voiles New Ratines Dainty Marquisettes Smart Linens Indian Head, Etc. Combination effects, with chic little coatees of one color and skirt another. Also jaunty Balkans, Nell rose, French blues, emerald, lavender, natural linen, etc. Prices range from $4.95 to $40. OO. Stunning White Suits Beauties, every one of them!' Beautiful Balkan models, with new Mandarin Handsome Coats of White sleeves. Many other novelties, no two alike -and the alwavs-wanted plain tailored styles. Prices $22.50 to $40. New arrival, make our showing splen didly complete! Dozens of beautiful models, in short, and full length. Man darin sleeves are quite the latest feature. Prices, $20 to $45. Special Rose Show Week Display of Midsummer Millinery No ironclad rule governs our Credit Policy. It is arranged to suit YOUR convenience. Why not open an account tins week? The Big Credit Institution OurhttinguFr 405 Washington, at Tenth Street mAsk for Brown Trading Stampsm Hart, Miss Kemna Kloiterman, John Latourette, Robert W. Forbe, Elliott Ktolcomb and the host and hostess. Mrs. Charles W. "Whitley and children arrived in Portland yesterday and will be house guests of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Dousrherty for a few days prepara tory to going: to Gearhart, where they will occupy the Fouilhoux cottage for the Summer. - . Miss Lucile Smith was also Compli mented Thursday by Miss Kemna Klosterman at an attractive tea. The rooms were artistically adorned with clusters of white peonies and Caroline Testout roses, and the tea table was decorated with a basket of pink gladioli and maiden .hair fern. Mrs. Chester Griffin Murphy nd Mrs, Coe Jtfc Kenna presided in the diningroom and were assisted by Miss Elizabeth Stew art. Miss Ruth Small, Miss Georgia Vates. About 60 guests called during the afternoon. The Misses Flora and Marfan Bauer and Miss Constance Piper, who has been studying music in the East during the Winter months, returned to Portland Thursday evening. The glorious sunshine of the week Induced many society matrons to adopt al fresco diversions and many jolly mo tor picnics were given during the week. On Wednesday Mrs. Ralph C. Matson and Miss Shirley Eastham arranged a delightful affair. They motored out to Invitations and Announcements Monogram Stationery Engraved Visiting Cards Kurd's and Crane's Pine Stationery At Home and Reception Cards W. G. SMITH & CO. Sofiiptv Pflrrl Vlrnrravrc .1 -. . .......... i ..... UJe in. . ,.& . w, around which were seated Miss Smith, tm,;,j fi w.u- . tjij ,i, Mr. McArthur. Mr. and Mrs. Landon , lrd loor Washington Bldg., 4th Randolph Mason, Jr.. Miss Katherine I and Washington, Opp. Mer. Nat Bank. Timely Specials for This Week That Will Interest Wise Women SWV fl hJ Q AA 15 1 ,C " TlW' K sPecial 2.50 WhBLtSvI IJm i Brassieres, W i- v-A special 33 ?TC5r:y. I snepial ..: ' 9t1 OS JMiy ssk.' v-. ...... . ' ' v. $7.50 Silk Waists, special $4.98 VA J.Jo Irish Crochet Collar ' and Cuff Sets 75 F. P. YOUNG CO. LADIES' HABERDASHERS 328 Morrison Street, Portland Hotel Block it Hi I I I FRIEDLANDER Announces a new shipment of sterling Vases, Trophy Cups and Silverware Now is the time to select from our wonderful as sortment of tasty presents for the June Bride and elegant designs of Vases for the Rose Show. DIAMONDS To the thinking man the fact that nearly five million dollars ' worth of Diamonds were import ed during the month of May, an increase of over three million dollars over any other year, indi cates an expected increase in prices on account of unexpected duty. Now your opportunity is to take advantage of our special offer for a few days only. Cut Glass, Art and Leather Goods at actual cost. 310 Washington St. Expert Optician 9 Gl 1 "s Engraving Will please the most fastidious. We have every facility for making Gill's Engraving the best in Portland. Wedding Invitations, Announcements, Business and Social Cards, Etc. Sample Books Furnished Upon Request. The J. K. GILL Co. Booksellers and Stationers THIRD AND ALDER STREETS