The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 08, 1913, SECTION TWO, Page 18, Image 34

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Entries in All Pageants Are Ex
pected to Surpass All
Previous Events.
E 8. 1913.
Elaborate Preparations for Horse
and Vehicle Procession Under
Way Pioneers to Have Prom
inent Part In March.
Official routings for all of the
pas-pants of the nose Festival week,
with the exception of the motorcycle
parade, which will be held Tuesday
morning, have been completed by the
committeemen in charge of them, and
will be ratified by the police officials
as soon as they can make a trip over
the routes and determine that they will
be entirely free from obstructions or
needs of countermarching-. The motor
cycle parade, which will move with
greater speed than any of the others,
has a longer route and practically will
i over all of the ground Included In the
routes of all of the other parades, both
on the East and the West (Side.
When Judges were appointed yester
day for the horse and vehicle parade
and Dr. Emmet Drake, chairman of
the committee, checked over the entries
up to date, it was apparent that this
parade is to be one of the largest and
most elaborate of the week. Practically
every section has more entries this year
man in the parade of last year. The
workhorse division. In particular. Is to
present the largest group of entries
of its class that has ever been gathered
in the city.
Prize winners of last year will de
fend their laurels with more elaborate
entries than ever before, while their
rivals will make every effort to pre
pare entries that will displace them.
Between 75 and 100 entries will be
lined up In the workhorse section alone.
Chinese o Have Klnc Kntr.
Floats and special fetures this year
In the horse and vehicle parade are
to eclipse those of any past year in
number and elaborateness. The Chinese
Consolidated Benevolent Association Is
spending $2000 in preparing what is
said to be the most gorgeous Chinese
float. ever constructed In the United
States. This float will be equipped with
a Chinese band and will be one of the
prominent features in the float section.
Wells-Fargo has prepared a historical
pageant for Its section, in which the
development of the express business
from the frontier days to the present
time will be exemplified. Pony ex
press, frontier stage coaches and all of
the atmosphere of the early '40s will
be shown.
The Wells-Fargo people have as
sembled, as participants in the parade,
a group of pioneers which probably Is
one of the most remarkable that could
be gathered in any part of the United
states at the present time. F. X. Mat
thleu, sole survivor of the Champoeg
meeting: Solomon Brown, a son of John
Brown, of Ossawattamle: Alonzo Per
kins, a veteran of the Mexican War;
John Mlnto, one of the prominent pio
neers of Oregon, and many others of
equal fame will appear in this section
in the parade.
Mensengern to De In Line.
The Advance Hasty Messenger Com
pany will have in line 12 boys mounted
on bicycles, everyone of whom is a
trick rider. Throughout the march the
messengers will entertain the specta
tors with "continuous vaudvrJUe" In
the way of fancy riding.
Floats also are to be entered by
nearly every delegation of visitors from
Pacific Coast cities. Oakland will
enter three floats. The officials of the
Vaiuima-Faclnc Exposition will appear
In the parade In tally-hos.
Postmaster Mjer will head the
marching section of mail-carriers which
will be accompanied by the mail-carriers'
band, in its first public appear
ance. The police and firemen's bands
also will be In the parade.
Judges In the horse and vehicle
varade are: E. E. McClaren, Mrs. T. T.
Goer, Ben Selling, Mrs. Edgar B. Piper,
E. Ij. Thompson, Mrs. Jonah B. Wise
and Mrs. W. M. Cake.
The routing of the horse and vehicle
parade follows: Starting from Fif
teenth Btreet, will proceed down Morri
son to Fifth, Fifth to Yamhill, Yam
hill to Broadway. Broadway to Main,
Main to Fourth, Fourth to Salmon.
Salmon to Sixth, Sixth to Taylor, Taylor
to Fourth, Fourth to Pine, Pine to
Uropdway. Broadway to Alder, Alder to
Sixth. Sixth to Oak. Oak to Fifth, Fifth
to Morrison, Morrison to Nineteenth
and disband.
Electric Parndes Are Two.
Other parade routes announced are
as follows: Electric parade, Tuesday
and Saturday nights, starting from the
Itose Festival "den" Oriental building,
lewls and Clark Exposition grounds
on Thurman street will move to Six
teenth. Sixteenth to Gllsan. Glisan to
Fifth, Fifth to Morrison. Morrison to
Eleventh. Eleventh to Hall, Hall to
Thirteenth, Thirteenth to Washington,
Washington to Fifth. Fifth to Morri
son. Morrison to Nineteenth and thence
return to "den," via Gllsan, Twenty
first, Northrup. Twenty-sixth, etc.
Auto parade Wednesday afternoon
will start at West Park and Harrison,
north on West Park to Columbia, west
on Columbia to Twelfth. north on
Twelfth to Taylor, west on Taylor to
Fourteenth, north on Fourteenth to
Morrison, east on Morrison to Fifth,
north on Fifth to Washington, west on
Washington to Broadway, north on
Broadway to Ankeny, east on Ankeny
to Fourth, south on Fourth to Madison,
east on Madison to Grand avenue,
north on Grand avenue to Burnstde,
nest on Burnslde to TV-ird, south on
Third to Pine, west on Pine to Fifth,
eouth on Fifth to Morrison, west ori
Morrison to Broadway, south on Broad
way and disband.
Night In Rosarta. Wednesday night:
Starting at Fifteenth street will pro
ceed down Morrison to Fourth. Fourth
to Pine. Pine to Broadway. Broadway
to Alder. Alder to Sixth. Sixth to. Oak,
Oak to Fifth, Fifth to Morrison. Morri
son to Tenth. Tenth to Armory and
manufacturer of rubber tires, are at
the Oregon.
O. H. Ryland is registered at the
Cornelius from Astoria.
E. F. Frasier, a Eugene business
man, is at the Imperial.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ferguson, of Spo
kane, are at the Annex.
George W. Warren, of Warrenton,
Or., is at the Portland.
C W. Talmage, an attorney of Tllla-
mooK, is at tne Imperial.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gilbert, of Anoka.
Minn., are at the Annex.
F. A. Reevis. a Hood River fruit
grower, is at the Perkins.
C. H. Rhea, a banker, is registered at
the Perkins from Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Waugh, of Missoula,
are registered at the Annex.
W. A. Keyt registered at the Carlton
yesterday from McMinnvllle.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Garecht, of Walla
Walla, are at the Multnomah.
Mrs. Ruby Russell is registered at the
Carlton from Aberdeen, Wash.
C. P. BIssett, a Seattle attorney, reg
istered at the Portland yesterday.
Dr. Thomas C. Averv Is registered at
the Oregon from Steveneon, Wash.
S. Frank Pierce, of Seattle, where he
has a natatorium, is at the Multnomah.
A. M. MacLeod, of New York, a man
ufacturer of neckwear, is at the Multnomah.
N. G. Wallace, a prominent sheerj-
raiser of the Prineville district, is at
the Perkins.
W. A. Gellatly. Sheriff of Benton
County. Is registered at the Perkins
from Corvallis.
Mrs. A. G. Ramharter and Svlvia E.
Ramharter, of Oakes, N. D., are regis
tered at the Carlton.
Russell Hawkins, a lumberman of
Tillamook Bay and fortiand, is regis
tered at the Portland.
Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniwav hs
moved from the Cumberland apart
ments to the Fordham Apartments.
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Goodwin, of Slonr
Clty, la., are here for the Rose Fes
tival and are registered at the Corne
H. S. Wooley, promoter of the new
seaport of Wooleyport, Ca- near Cres
cent City, is registered at the Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Honeywell, of
Chehalis. are in Portland on their
w-edding trip and are registered at the
Oregon. Mr. Honeywell Is a lumber
v.r. ana jars, wuuam Roberts are
being congratulated upon the arrival
or a baby daughter, who came to glad
den their home at 1101 East Davis
street on Thursday. Mr. Roberts is
junior member of the firm of Roberts
Brothers. This is the first baby In the
imam .Kooerts ramlly.
A. A. McLeod, a mlnipg man of Gal
ice. Or., is In Portland on business. He
Is much interested in the effort of a Sa
lem Inventor to perfect an electric
smelter, which he declares Is the thing
that is needd to handle the base ores
of Southern Oregon and make it one of
the greatest mining districts in the
Charles Streeck. of Hammond, La.,
a well-known contractor of that citv
and New Orleans, is visiting in Port
land lor a few days on a general tour
of the country. He is being shown
the sights of Portland by J. E. Wer
leln, an old friend. Mr. Streeck is
planning on bringing his family to
Oregon to live.
Henry Blaokman. of Heppner. is at
the Imperial, en route home from a
business trip to San Francisco, where
he met Judge William M. Colvtsr. of
Medford. Judge Colvig was displavins
caricature of himself drawn at a re
cent Shrine meeting at Dallas, Tex., by
Mr. Blackman's son, Heppner Black
man, artist and special writer on the
Fort Worth Record, who covered the
meeting for his paper.
Are You in Proper Festival Attire?
At Meyer's Greatest Sale you can be clothed from head to feet in new
apparel for less than you'd have to pay elsewhere. Moyer has made
great reductions from regular prices on everything for men and boys
Come and Let Moyer Clothe You
Men's Suits Reduced
$10.00 Men's Suits now $6.50
$15.00 Men's Suits now S10.50
$20.00 Men's Suits now S14.SO
$25.00 Men's Suits now S16.SO
Young Men's Suits " Reduced
$7.50 and $8.50 Suits now $5 OO
$10.00 and $12.50 Suits now $7.50
$15.00 Suits now . . .$10.50
Men's Trousers Reduced
$1.50 Men's Trousers now SI. 15
$2.00 and $2.50 Trousers now. . .$1.50
$3.00 and $3.50 Trousers now. . S2.50
$4.00 and $5.00 Trousers now. . .g3.50
Men's Fine Shoes Reduced
Men's $3.50 Shoes now only S2.50
Men's $4.00 Shoes now only $3.00
Men's $5.00 Shoes now only S3!sO
Men's Union Suits Reduced
75c Garments now only 39
$1.00 Garments now only 65c
$1.50 Garments now only 98c
$2.00 Garments now only SI. 25
$2.50 Garments now only $1.50
$3.00 Garments now only S2.00
$5.00 Garments now only $3.'oO
Men's Underwear Reduced
50c Garments now only 35f
$1.00 Garments now only 69c
$1.50 Garments now only 98c
Fine Neckwear Reduced
25c Neckwear now 15c
50c Neckwear now 35
$1.00 Neckwear now 65c
Pajamas Reduced One-Half
$1.50 Pajamas now 75c
$2.00 Pajamas now SI. 00
$3.00 Pajamas now SlisO
$5.00 Pajamas now $2!50
Men's Shirts Reduced
$1.00 Golf Shirts KCk
$1.00 Golf Shirts "'75
$1.50 Golf Shirts $1 OO
65c Golf Shirts 50c
$2.00 Golf Shirts SI 2
$3.00 Golf Shirts S2.'00
Men's Hats Reduced
Men's $5.00 and $6.00 Soft Hats. S3 OO
Men's $4.00 Soft Hats S250
Vn's $3.00 Soft Hats S2 OO
Men's $2.50 and $2.00 Soft Hats.SlisO
$3.00 Brown Stiff Hats SI 50
$3.00 Scratch Hats SI 50
Fine Sweater Coats Reduced
$.".00 Coats now only. .
$4.00 Coats now only. . .
$3.00 Coats now only. . ,
$2.50 Coats now on! v. .
$3.00 Jersey Sweaters. .
S3. SO
Boys' Knickerbocker Suits All Reduced
Now $1.50
$1.95 Suits
$2.50 Suits
$2.95 Suits
$3.45 Suits
$3.95 Suits
$6.00 Suits
$6.50 Suits
$7.50 Suits
$8.50 Suits
$4.35 Suits
$5.00 Suits
Now $5.00
Now $3.50
T. O. Varian. of Boise, is at the Ore
EL A. llartman, of Chicago,
Mrs. W. II. Malone, of Alsea
at the Carlton.
James Caaey. Jr., of Bend,
at trie Cornelius.
8. K. Hklnnrr, of Jordan Valley, Or.,
I at the Cornelius.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Miller, of Salem,
are at the Imperial.
Frank Patton Is registered ! at the
Imperial from Astoria.
Mrs. S. It. Smith Is registered at the
Annex from Goldendale.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKiernau. Of
Chicago, where Mr. McKlernan la a
la at the
Or., la
Or., la
CHICAGO, June 7. (Special. Dr.
M. M. Bettman, J. M. Kothschlld and
tieorge M. Bailey, of Portland, Or., are
registered at the l,a Salle Hotel.
CHICAGO. June 6. (Snerial .1 Tti
following from Oregon are registered
at Clilrago hotels:
At the Congress T. A. Kiiddlff. Mrs
C. M. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. W. r.
Cross. Miss Cross; at the LaSalle K. K.
Grigs by.
From Medford At the Lasalle Mr.
and Mrs. S. Perkins.
Agricultural College Students Will
Sliow .still Life and Originals.
Corvallis. June 7. (Special). The an
nual commencement-week art exhibit,
showing the work of the students in
the department of art and architecture
at Oregon Agricultural College is an
nounces ny froressor McLouth for
una s and m. Visitors will
$2.00 Jersey Sweaters -"Sl!35
Silk and Negligee Shirts
$3.00 Negligee Shirts 1 50
,$2.00 Negligee Shirts Sli50
$5.00 Silk Shirts $3 OO
$3.00 Pongee Silk Shirts S2.00
$2.50 Russian Cord Shirts $1 SO
$2.00 Soisette Shirts S1.25
$1.50 Soisette Shirts 1 OO
$1.00 Soisette Shirts 75
Children's Wash Suits
Half Price
Regular 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50,
$2 and $2.50 Wash Suits. . .
Boys' Knee Pants Reduced
50c Boys' Pants now 35
75c Boys' Pants now 50
$1.00 Boys' Pants now 65
$1.25 and $1.50 Boys' Pants now.Sl.OO
V2 Price
Sale at
87-S9 Third
Sale at
89 Third St
Assurances Given or Interest In
Portland's Annual Celebration
and Fraternity Is Shown.
S. Fred Hogue, special Portola com
missioner to the Portland Rose Festi
val, arrived here yesterday from San
Francisco. At the same time. Otto F.
Schiller, engineer of the Ban Franrm
fiesta, reached Portland to sunerin-
tend the preparation and decoration of
the auto which will represent the Port
ola Festival in the bla- rose nrad.
and to add assurances of San Francis
co's co-operation with this city.
-Mr. Hogue is publisher of the, Kan
Francisco Evening Post.
fne first Portola Rose Festival com
missioner to reach this city was Edgar
n. PeiXotO. an honornrv mornno,- ne tUo
Royal Itosarlans. who camn Mv so
He was called to "Washington on lecrat
business but will be back in time for
the festivities.
Portland's welcome to the San Fran
ciscans was extended by C. C. Chap
man, of the Commercial Club and G.
Hutchln, general manager of the
Rose Festival.
Commissioner Hogue yesterday dp-
clared that San Francisco was takinir
keen interest In Portland's famona
fiesta, and added that Portland men
visiting San Francisco had proved the
sentiment mutual.
"The Rose Festival, famous all ovr
the country." he said "is a Ktc hi...
be ad- for the entire coast country. San Fran-
For shipment of these trout the nw .,-
especially designed for the purpose Is
uemg usea ana is proving very satis
factory. About 15W birds have already been
hatched at the state game farm and
nearly autro eggs are now setting. Of
the pheasants the great majority are to
ue sent ior tne stocking of the ranges
in eastern and Central Oregon, since
tne Willamette valley is already well
supplied with game birds.
mitted also on baccalaureate Sunday.
The work includes groups of still
life. Studies dune in water colors,
colored chalk and charcoal. A num
ber of original designs stenciled on.
textiles. Illustrate the practical appli
cation of the art training to hom dec
oration. The architectural work ex
hibited consists of original designs ex
ecuted in pencil and water colors.
Wilson's Stand Indorsed.
President Wilson was commended for
his attitude on the tariff question,
United States Senators Lane and Cham
berain were llkew-ise indorsed for their
stand with him on the same Issue and
e-trong d-eclaratlons were made favoring
the carrying out of every plank in the
Democratic platform by the Jackson
Club, at Its meeting in the Medical
building Friday night. Clarence L.
Reames. the new District Attorney for
Oregon, was the chief speaker and was
given a warm reception. John H.
Stevenson, presided. The club will not
meet again until the first Friday in
September, adjourning for the Summer
Russia supplies Gnsl Britain ith the
sreater proportion of her poultry and eggs.
cisco looks on it fraternally, and San
Francisco appreciates the Interest the
Northwest, particularly Portland, has
shown in the Portola Festival. This
will be given October 2! to 25, and will
celebrate the 400th anniversary of the
discovery of the Pacific Coast by Vas
co Nunez de Balboa. The whole coast
will take part in that celebration.
"California wishes Portland every
success with its festival. The Portola
commissioners have come North to
prove that."
Pront-Sharing Organization of Port
land Incorporates.
Secretary of State Olcott has sent to
County Clerk Coffey's office a copy of
the articles of incorporation of the
Woodlawn Mutualist Association, of
Portland. Or. The association is em
barking in the co-operative store busi
ness. Those subscribing to the articles
are H. G. Utley, W. E. Smith. William
Newman, Harry E. Coleman, John Man
ning, H. W. Notter and J. N. Hart.
Mr. Hart filed the instrument with the
Secretary of State June 2. Membership
in the association Is limited to BOO and
capital stock to $5000, one Share of $10
each for each stockholder. Goods are
to be sold at ordinary market prices,
profits to be divided among tne stock
holders In proportion to the amount of
their purchases.
Each set of officers elected will serve
six monthes and quarterly meetings of
stockholders are provided for.
Sixteen Cars Will Carry Hill Lines
Employes on Outing Today.
A special train of 16 cars will be
required to carry the employes of the
North Bank and associate railroads to
Cascade, Wash., this morning, where
these men and women, together with
members ot their families, will enjoy
their annual picnic.
The big special will leave the North
Bank depot at 9 o'clock. Although
nearly everyone on board will travel on
free transportation, arrangements have
been made to sell tickets to persons not
entitled to transportation at a nominal
- A baseball game and other sports are
on the programme. Nearly everyone
will carry lunch baskets and eat under
the trees.
Ses the Festival parades from the
Rosai ians grandstand at Thirteenth
and Morrison streets. Cool, shady and
comfortable seats, special electrical dis
play, 60 cents for any seat. This stand
will be occupied by the Indian chiefs,
the KI np: of Pasadena. Miss Spokane,
the Royal Oaks, of Oakland, the Pasa
dena Tournament of Roses delegation
of 100 and the San Dienro Exposition of
ficers. Mayor Rushlight, Mayor-elect
lbee and Governor West have been
invited to sit in the royal box with the
Klncr oC Pasadena a nd Miss Spokane.
Tickets on sale at Brasfleld & Porjses.
Sherman, Clay and the Commerce Trust
& Savings Bank.
Wife of Puget Sound Business Man
Gains Place in Literary Rnnks
and Helves Into Statistics.
Mrs. W. A. Mears, now of Seattle,
Wash., and who was formerly a resi
dent of Portland, Is registered at the
Multnomah Hotel, and expects to re
main there during Rose Festival week.
She is at present writing a new book
on "The History of Language," and in
tends soon to proceed to Washington,
D. C, where she will add to her data
on the subject, from the records of the
State Department.
One other of Mrs. Mears' books that
Is much admired is 'The History of the
IT. S. Flag."
One of Mrs. Mears' ancestors, Mrs.
John Leeds Kerr, of Easton. Md.. made
a flag- for the Juvenile corps, during the
early part of the War of 1812. and
painted the flag on silk, showing an
eagle with wings outspread and bear
ing In Its talons a shield on which were
13 red and white stripes. The motto
was "Pro Aris et Focls," and beneath
was the inscription, "The Juvenile
Mrs. Mears is a member of the Amer
ican Revolution and of the Daughters
of the Confederacy, both chapters be
ing of Seattle. On several occasions she
has represented the state at meetings
of the National Conference of Char
ities and Corrections, and is a mem
ber of the National Rivers and Harbors
Congress. Mrs. Mears is a most inter
esting woman to talk to, and has a
strong personality. Her husband is sec
retary of the transportation bureau of
the Chamber of Commerce of Seattle.
Y. M. C. A. Auditorium Is Given
Over for Summer Recreation.
In order that its auditorium may be
used as a social center. Sunday meet
ings of the Young Men's Christian As
sociation have been transferred to the
Oregon Hatcheries Have Millions for
Streams of State.
Shipment of trout from the Bonne
ville hatcheries and of pheasants from
the state game farms at Corvallis has
already been begun by the State Fish
and Game Warden.
The fish hatcheries have this vear
between 7,000.000 and 10,000.000 trout
and of these two carloads of about 110.
000 have already been sent out. One
carload went to Cottage Grove and the
other is en route today for Corvallis
Two Ccntralla Girls Graduated.
CKNTRALIA, Wash.. June 7. (Spe
cial.) Miss Jennie Wilson and Miss
Llllie Carruthers, both Centralia girls,
members of the 1913 class of the State
Normal School at" Ellensburg, were
graduated yesterday. Both girls are
graduates of the Centralia High School.
Visitors, you can now secure one of
the best new pianos or player pianos at
60c on the dollar. See Graves removal
sale adv.. page 15, section 1.
On Sale at Factory
543 EAST 14TH
Take W W, Sell-wood or W-R Car.
ft You will never know
how promptly we can re
place broken lenses until
you have us replace your
broken lenses promptly.
II Factory on premises.
2d Floor Corbett Bldg.
Fifth and Morrison
lobby. The first gathering there will
be- held this afternoon at 3 o'clock and
will be informal. H. W. Stone, general
secretary, will lead an open discussion,
and special music will be provided.
The auditorium is to be fitted up as
Summer recreation headquarters.
Games are being Installed and every
thing possible is being done to make
it an attractive place for men who
visit the building to rest and play. The
lobby will be used for all meetings for
the present, but it is probable that
open-air excursions and meetings on
the hills near the city will be the
order for Sunday afternoons later in
the Summer.
Taxicab Driver Arrested for Speed
ing Twice Within 24 Hours.
With two charges of reckless driving
against him. H. E. Warren, a taxicab
driver. was sentenced in Municipal
Court yesterday to spend five days In
Jail. He averted immediate execution
of the sentence by giving notice of ap
peal. Within 2 hours of having been re
ported by Captain Speier. of the Harbor
Patrol. Warren, by his own admission,
drove down North Sixth street at the
rate of nearly 25 miles an hour and
crashed into a cart operated by the
Portland Gas Company, breaking the
arm of L C. Hayes. The cart was
driven across the sidewalk into the door
of a saloon.
Warren is the fourth man in the his
tory of automobillng to receive a Jail
sentence In Portland for reekless
speeding not complicated with other
And Arrival of Rex Oregonus.
Steamers Kellogg and Pomona leave
Washington-street dock Monday at 10
A- M. taking part In the water carnival.
Round trip 25c
At Close of Convention at Veners
borg Delegates to Go to Van
couver and Salem.
The Swedish Ministerial Association
dT he Sort'liwest and the Epworth
League Convention met at Venersborg
Colony. Clark County. Wash., on Thurs
day, and the sessions will end today.
Large delegations are In attendance
from all over the Northwest country.
This meeting has been one of the most
Important among the Swedish people
in this part of the country.
The delegates will leave Venersburg
tomorrow for Vancouver, "Wash., where
they will be the guests of the city. A
committee of the Vancouver Commer
cial Club will meet them and a ban
quet will be given in their honor, af
ter which a sightseeing tour In auto
mobiles will be taken.
On Tuesday the will meet
In Portland and leave for Salem, Or.,
where they will also be the guests of
the city. A committee of the Board of
Trade of Salem, and a committee frorn
the Swedish Church, will meet the
visitors at the electric station and.
conduct them to the Marion Hotel,
where a banquet will be given, after
which a trip will be taken through
the city. In the evening they will at
tend the concert at the Swedish Meth
odist Church, corner South Fifteenth
and Mill streets. Rev. John Ovall will
have charge of the party.
German passenger trains are not remark
ably fast, but they usually keep to schedule.
A Texas man has Invented a very almila
but useful tool, that will twist tightly to
sether two or mors wires, when drawn
over them.
Rose Festival Sale
Rose Carnival Week Only
To Be Sold at Cost and Less Than Cost
Driving Wagons, Top Bug
gies, Carriages, Surreys,
Open Business Wagons, Top
Business Wagons
Both Visitors and Buyers
Always Welcome
Studebaker Bros. Company
330 East Morrison St.
Portland, Oregon