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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1913)
1G TITI? SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JUKE 8, 1913. BtLSIXEsS Ol'l'OKTlMTIES. LEASE FROM OWNER, $501 pi-r n. until profit ; 1 40 rooms, two and ihrtf-room apartments; new brick building, good location, walking distance, the ovMr of the building furnished it and is making good money, but owing to press of Other oujinss, wants to -sell the furni ture ana give a five-year lease to a re sponsible party at a very reasonable rental; will take part cash, part trade and time on the palance. Y 12H, Orego nian. .V FIRST -CLASS cafeteria, fully equipped with the best kind of furnishings; steam tables, and arrangements for handling the trade ; very con cniently arranged. This la in the heart of the business section and occupying 50x100 feet of ground floor. One of thy best locations In Tacoma. For further information call or address M. E. Garvey & Co., 500-7 Equitable bldg., Ta coma, Wash. SACRIFICE. . $20,000 STOCK. 60c ON THE DOLLAR. Located In good town near Portland; stock consists of drygoods. shoes, cloth ing, furnishings, hats und caps, etc. ; pop ulation BSQO; stock in fine shape. Call at office and look over invoice; partnership troubles. I'aii at 402 Wilcox bldg. MEAT MARKET. Located in a thriving little town: glass refrigerator counter, electric motor for uausage m a chine ; good concrete building ; 10 years lease; now doing $2500 a month business; will sell at invoice, about $1500. This Is one of the best propositions we have ever - had on our books. Further particulars room 018 Yeon bldg. C 2fe7) tlAKB opportunity consider i : a soil, location, price. 03 acres, 40 planted to apple and cherry trees, now 4 years old ; loganber ries between trees, balance light timber, easily cleared; new house, good barn, run ning water and springs; 18 miles from Portland and on railroad and automobile road; must be seen to appreciate value. AV 42, Oregonian. BAKERY for rent; splendid opportunity for m. baker In City of Harrisburg ; only bakery in city; 300 loaves sold every day; can nave restaurant In connection if desired. Located two blocks from S. P. Railroad and one block from Oregon Electric rail road depot. John J. Cramer, Harrisburg, Or. ON LY strictly "up-to-date" music store in "up-to-date" town of 2000 in one of the wealthiest and best-known valleys In Ore gon ; new stock, experienced owner, but at tention demanded elsewhere; $4000 will handle It; snap for somebody; get busy. Address "Muale. Store," AV 4 7, care Ore gonlan. KOUnO lady, conducting a downtown res taurant, needs gentleman as partner; she Is doing a very good business and under stands It, but some of the work Is too hard for her. If you would not be satisfied with S2," a week don't answer; $600 re quired. See agents, 'J12 Railway Exchange bids;., between 3d and 4th on Stark. FOR SALE Owing to !U health will sell my old established book, notion and con fectionery business, located in the live city of Centraiia, wain., Tor Jisoo or Win in voire. own the building (stone) and will leafe ; rent reasonable. D. T. Moss- man. Centraiia, W asn. tiltOCERY SNAP. I must sell at once, confidential reasons, my stock, worth $000 ; fixtures, $60O; re ceipts average $15 per tip.y; rent $25: In cludes 3 good living-rooms; first party with $0O0 cash takes all. Call 402 Wilcox bldg. BEST A CHANT with lunch counter Part ner wanted to be cashier, help buy the supplies, etc. ; owner tired of depending on hired help ; will guarantee good pay ; very little money required, fully secured. 31 i Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. CAPITAL Pilvato banking house will con sider additional financing of going cor porations ; capital furnished for projected enterprises Indicating good earning power. Associated Underwriters. P. O. box 976, New York. DEXTA L office and practice in small grow ing; town on two rail roads ; good surround -lnp country, 30 miles from Portland ; no other dentist; reason for selling, have 2 otflces. too busy to care for both: cheap for cuah. Address AC 124, Oregonlan. COLLECTION business; partner wanted to take charge of office and handle cash; sal ary J100 in addition to profits, guaranteed, references given and required. AK 143, Orejronlan. COLLECTION BUSINESS Owner wants a partner he can depend on to help in of fice and do outside work part of the time; pay $100 month salary, also share of prof its. 319 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. HALF a million consumers added yearly, makes Western Canada market Inviting to manufacturers. Get Into this territory. "Write Industrial Commissioner, Calgnry. Alberta, for particulars. JUST the place for man and wife or a good baker; a home bakery, confectionery, grocery and ice cream stand on a good business street; must sell on account of sickness. P 120. Oregonlan. f'OR HALE The only machine repair shoe shop in Cor vail is. Or., with business enough so that it does not require ex perience ; cheap if taken at once. R. A. Pulley, I'oi-vains, Or. SHOOTING galWy for sale; rent $ 10 per month ; jaid 2 months; license $20 a year, paid .'I months; doing good business; wife In hospital, must change climates; price $223. Pox C01. Raymond, Wash. LOGGERS WANTED wlthcaplta1 sufficient to buy and deliver 5.000.000 feet timber on Tillamook Bay. Cash market and good profit. Boy City Land Co., 702 Spalding bldg. SPLENDID opening, well-known real estate office, doing general business, desires ca pabl man with some means to take in terest; best of references given and de sired. W 12."., Oregonlan. L!GI:t groceries, confectionery, and Ice cream; cash business, dandy clean place, cheap rent and living-rooms. 317 Henry bldg. BEST profitable cafeteria in the city for sale Jy owner, going to hospital and must dispose of same, bust location. 003 Oregu r.ian bldg. A SN A I p-to-date dyeing, cleaning and hat works for sale; established business; pood location ; no reasonable offer will be refused If taken at Ottoa, 173 14 11th St. FOR BAXJS one of the bt towns In Oregon, only confectionery making Its own candy ; will teach buyer rami - making trade; $$30. AS SO. Oregonlan. W. NTBTJ Reliable lady to take charge of hotel ami room inj-house. Call at No. HOG Couch bldg. from 12 to 2 P. M Sun day. BAKERY, ilolnj fine business, good loca tion, at a bargain ; owner wishes to re tire. CHAS RINGLER A CO.. 211 Lewis bldg. FOR SALE or trade; half lntort in established business, have other business and can't handle both. Inquire at room 14, L':tl Morrison st. PART N" KR wanted to take charge of good paying business will bear fullest invest l- uon ; must nave $ jUO cash. AJ 146 Oregonlan. GOOD paying confectionery in town of 6000, selling on account of health ; net profit last year $400. Writ box 296. Ashland. lb 100 per cent net annually with gilt-edgeed real estate security interests you see Lan dls, 61 0 McKay bldg.. for proof before u epos 1 1. AUTuMOHlLE BUSINESS Partner wanted unties aslly learned and energetic man can clear $200 month. Call 319 Lumber a :i ge, ana btark. BUTTER. i-KCP. licht irnrcrU t. et-it. ly cash trade and energetic man can clear Hsi month; very little, money required. t Jlllt Lumber Exchange. G OQD clean stock, dry goods, clothing, shoes and notions, about $14,000, in a clean up-to-date town of 3000. fifty miles from Portland. AV 44. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Confectioner. small lunch counter and etgar store; clears $100 month; can bo Increased. Interview owner. Cheap for cash. Phone, B '.MOO. SAWMILL at Ray City on Tillamook Bay for sale or lease to right part v. Particulars Bay City Land Co.. 7Q1-2 Spalding bldg. CJ.i:AN". legitimate business for sale; givt, phone nuinDcr or address; for Interview r 1-S. OreFonian. FOR SALE on account of other business! a new up-to-date grocery at a bargain. AG 107. Oregonlan. MILLINERY store for sale by owners; well established place ; small amount of cash will handle this. Phone E. 6191. RESTAURANT fcr sale or trade on account of Illness; established 3 years, has not hanged hands before, g 115. Oregonlan. COKYIGCTIONKR.Y and cigar store. doTnT good business; has lease; will sell cheiip on Demount leaving city. 113 3d st. N. MONEY - MAK I NO bakery, near Portland, cash business, living-rooms,, free water; rent Slo. BIT Henry bjdg. AK you looking for a snap ? Confection ery and ice cream store; good location; cheap. iVIO Albtrta St.. cor. 17th. ClOARS and confectionery, transfer corner busy place; owner sick; $150 will handle. M 7 Her.ry bldg. HXK t lor cook, cottage reataurant at Lents. $8 tsj $12 and $150 will han dle. Tabor 20. WANTED A partner to help me with my restaurant. $300 ; will make big money. iall today, - - O Lumber Exchange bldg. OARAGE und storage; West Side; busy place and large profits. Investigate this and you'll buy. BIT Henry bldg. COMPELLED to sell part Interest in good paving business at sacrifice. $350O or $40OO required. C 117. Oregonlan. POOL HALL, owner; eaa; good fixtures. 6 tables, from terms. Phone Tabor 3120. FOR SALE New stock of groceries; owner sick; must go kouth. 461 Wygant st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. R. H. GOOD KIND CO. INC., 401-402-403 WILCOX BLDG., COR. 6TH AND " WASHINGTON STS. GENERAL MDSE., $7300; price includes buildings and stock. Business 75 per cent cash ; interior town ; fine paying business ; In vestigate. Goodklnd Co. GARAGE. $930. Have 40 cars, live and dead storage, fine gasoline business ; a4so good repair business; cleared $178 IasL month net. Good brick building. West S I d e. central location. Goodklnd Co. GROCERY AND DELICATESSEN. $1 !j0; will invoice more; receipts $30 to $75 per day, cash business : 4 fine living rooms and bath ; West Side location ; apartment-house district; owner too old to handle cause of sale. Goodklnd Co. POOL AND BILLIARDS, $30UO buy interest In one of the best places in Port land; 11 tables, good cigar stand in con nection; West Side, central location; re ceipt $25 to $40 per day; will invoice the price asked. Goodkind Co. RESTAURANT. $1150; receipts SCO per day ; clears $7 to $lo per day ; located right in the center of city j good, clean, up-to-date place. Goodklnd Co. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. $13uu; rent $30, includes living rooms; dandy location ; receipts $30 per day, all cash trade. Goodkind Co. ML'LTIGRAPHING CO.. $3o00 ; business nets $300 par month; machinery and stock very best; good established trade ; this is a line buy at this figure. Goodklnd Co. GENERAL MDSE., $&O00; will sell at in voice; good country town: business 19j2 was $2S.0t)G ; only about 20 per cent of saics credit; good brick blag.; small com petition; this is one of the best stores in Oregon; no tradws. Goodkind Co. CONFECTIONERY. $S3f) ; rent $30: fine big living-room; receipts $16 to $2o per day; nice iixtures. Buy this and make some money this Summmer. Goodkind Co. CAFETERIA. $?20oTWest Side, down town location ; receipts $4u to $00 per day; 5 good living rooms; no competition; clean as a pin. Goodklnd Co. BAKERY, $050; receipts $30 per day; horse- and wagon for delivery; has 5 fine living rooms :n connection. Owner called back to Europe at once. Portland has nothing better to offer. Goodklnd Co. RESTAURANT. $COO; receipts $40 per day; cheap rent and light running ex penses; West Side; guud established trade. Goodkind Co. BARBER SHOP. $1090; West Side, cen tral location; 5 chairs; one of the beet shops In city, patronized by the very best trade, making big money on the invest ment ; Invea Ligation invited. Goodkind Co. NEWS COMPANY. $ttO0O; West Side, central ; handle news. sporting goods, stationery, cigars and confectioneries; re ceipts $1390 to $2000 per month; old established; never before offered for sale heat of reasons for selling. Goodkind Co. MEAT MARKET, $700; rent $20: fine brick building; this place cost $1200 to fix up; located East bide, good high-class dis trict; sales run from $35 to $iM) per day; accounts the very best; old-established and open for investigation. Goodklnd Co. . BAKERY AND GROCERY, $300; rent $15; living rooms; receipts $10 to $15 per day; goou fixtures and clean stock. Good kind Co. WHOLESALE ICE) CREAM PLANT. $35uo, located good Coast city; receipts $00 to $150 per day, all cash business; has auto truck, ice cream machines. 50O-gal-lon capacity; rent only $2v per month. Owner has grown rich here and wants to retire. Goodklnd Co. WE HAVE SOLD OTHER PLACES. WHY NOT YOURS? SEE MR. THOMSON, 40-.-4Q2-4U3 WILCOX BLDG. SALOON FOR TRADE. Do you want a good saloon in Port land? If so, you should investigate this proposition. Independent license, good West Side corner location, and a good trade. You can buy this place right, and you are not buying an experiment, as this place has been run successfully for a number of years by the present owners. They now wish to retire and offer a-splendid opportunity. Would consider trade for city or farm property. Call at 122 North 0th st. Phones Main 4381, A 7259. CAFETERIA. Large new bake oven, large range and gas range, steam tables, etc. This place has been established se veral years and is doing a good business. Owner wishes to trade for acreage on river, or will take $730. easy terms. Full particulars, 01b Yeon bldg. (C 280) FOR SALE -GROCERY. 1 or a man who wants a snap in a gro cery store and understands the fruit and produce business 1 have a proposition that Is good ; no better location on West Side of river and rent very low; stock Is small; will Invoice. Apply to owner, 200 Yamhill st. GROCERY. Doing over $50 a day business, well equippeu. norse ana wagon; rent only S30 Including 4 living-rooms; will sell at In voice and take $600 cash and. balance in property. Call room 019 Yeon bldg. (C TO GIVE AWAY -30-acre chicken ranch. 17 miles from Portland, fine improve ments, chicken-houses for 1000 hens, fruit and berries, 20 acres clear ; now, if vou have any money you don't want to double .up ou you through an Investment, don t call at 434 Burnside and inquire for L. M. WOULD you like to own a good paying mall-order business? We have a line that gets repeat orders all the time; you can can start in spare time. Invest a dollar or two a week and soon own a nice busi ness of your own. Write for particulars. Nadlco. lt54 Belmont ave., Chicago. BY Eastern Mfg. Co.. party that can invest $1000 or more to take entire charge of of fice at Seattle and Spokane for distribu tion of their goods; position will pay more than $5000 per year; a good opening for a live man or woman. Bleckner or Hughes Palace Hotel. 12th and Washington BUSINESS CHANCE If you can command $50O capital and can give sound bank ref erence as to your ability and character, we can put you in the automobilp acces sory business on a highly profitable busi ness. Address New Miller Carburetor Co. Indianapolis. RESTAURANT. Located In heart of Wast Side district; low rent with coed lease; extra well equipped, doing over $40 a day business. Price for everything only $950 and will make very easy terms. Further particu lars, room 618 Yeon bldg. ( C2S2) BUSINESS OVPORTX'N ITIES WANTED. IF your buslneses is one of merit but In need of assistance on the sale of your pro duction or merchandise. I am ready to help you. Write full details in confidence for personal interview. A. D. Mann P O bjx 703. WE have two clients, each of whom will pay $500 cash for a confectionery and cigar business. If you have a. place worth the money and want to sell, call at 613 Yeon bldg. I HAVE Xloo-.OOO now available for invest ment in substantial, safe and profitable enterprise and will have double that amount In three months. AV 5S, Orego- WANTED All or half Interest In a small transier business. Inquire at S82 Mallorv corner Mason. WANT to rent small complete machine shop with option to buy same. AH 144 Oregonlan. WANTKO Opportunity to invest cash with services; owners only; must stand rigid Investigation. AT 14 3, Oregonian. WANTED To buy confectionery or cigar store; price and particulars. X 116. Ore gonlan. WE HAVE clients waiting for small busi ness. SOI Henry bldg. STOCKS AM) BONDS. TALK WITH FLETCHER; 4000 Aimed Con make us a bid cheap bid special bargain 20O0 Black Eagle 3700 Central Ore. O. & G. . . . 4 On Machine 30 Favary Tire 15O0 Govt. Stand. Powder.... 1000 Idaho Gold &. Radium. 10.000 lnd.-Electrtc bonds... 02 Investors" Bldg. Tr. 15 Johnson-Bradford c-afe . 10 Mchts. Nat. Bank 12 Ml Scott Cemetery Stk 15 Pac. States Fire Ins . bid bid bid . . . .cheap $7.5o Md bid way down $ O0 Port. Bldg. Co. lO. W ft King spec. Portland Con. Pile . . . . .special c u -ro-ment Trust. to net l to maturity oo healty Associates bargain M U. S. Cashier bid 65 Universal Wrench bid All other stock nnd bonds, see me. 1 WANT: Almeda Con. Mchts. Nat. Blc Home Tel. bonds. Metallne Con luter-State Con. Tel. Oregon Home Bldgs. Investors Bldg. & Tr. U. S. Cashier Abington Bldg. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. WE OFFER FOR SALE: JOO United States Cashier bargain !0 Merchants National Bank 3113 00 2500 Port. Home TeL bonds 1000 Idaho Gold & Radium litt 100 Peerless Air Motor 50 100 Peoples Amusement Co 6.50 0O00 M eta tine Con. Mines 03 AND MANY OTHERS. If Interested in buying or selling any MINING. OIL OR INDUSTRIAL stock, consult us. Correspondence invited. WM. E. DAVIDSON & COMPANY. 216-217 Lewis Bldg. UNITED STATES shares for sale at 217 Lewis "bids. CASHIER Stock. 1O0 a big bargain. Call at OOMifi-UOlsrA ROOMING-HOUSE. rooms. $50 will handle; at a sacrifice; rent $35. 352 Col lege st. KOOMI.NG-HOCSE8. R, H. GOODKIND CO., INC., 401-2-3 Wilcox Bldg. Corner 0th and Washington Sts. EXCHANGE $3uOo EQUITY FOR TIMBER, LOTS OR RESIDENCE. New and elegantly furnished down town transient house, ground floor office and lobby, full price $5SoO, equity $3000; this is a money-maker. OFFER WANTED On a hotel that invoices $61.0O0, also on an apartment-house mat invoices $25, 000; both of these must be sold; best offer takes them. EXTRAORDINARY GOOD BUY RUN BY PRESENT OWNER 4 YEARS, FIRST TIME OFFERED FOR SALE. 50-room combined rooming and apartment-house, located in the finest West Side district; owner has cleared from $2uo to $275 a montn for the past 4 years, right now is clearing $20O a month; it is located on a corner, has furnace heat, hot and cold running water in some rooms; the rent is 5225 with 3 years' lease; not a dollar owing here; the owner will sell all for $3500, wnicb includes $73o cash up on the lease; you don't need much money ; he will take $500 cash and the balance of $3000 will take market value house and lot or vacant lots or close-in acreage, but it MUST BE CLEAR OF IN CUMBRANCE; will not accept any mort gaged property; this is a gilt-edge money making, proposition and we can prove It. SELECT FAMILY HOTEL. 30 roQms, extra well furnished, steam heat, modern West Side residence district; caters to best of people, full price $4uOO; not a dollar owing here. Clears $250 to $3uO a month; will take $1000 cash. $20OO in property, balance mortgage. APARTMENT-HOUSE SPECIAL, 50-room elegantly furnished. Nob Hill district, rent only $200 a month, long lease, full price only $1&00, terms $1000 cash, balance $800 ; take a lot. If you ever expect to buy right see this quick. We sold this very same house 1 year ago for $52 50. R. 11. GOODKIND CO., - INC. SOME GOOD BARGAINS. A 44-room, modern hotel to lease, has private baths, disappearing beds, larg closets, self-operating oil-burning plant; cost not exceed SOo per day; will be ready In 3 weeks; get this bargain. A It 2-room apat tment-iouse. Just painted and tinted, all new furniture just from the store 10 days ago, and Is full of good people, steam heat and running water; rent $S0, 4-year lease and very close in; will take your equity in a house and lot as part or whole payment; will assume. Sl-room apartment, elegantly furnished, furnace heat. $4 a room rent, all full, close In, 8 minutes walk to P. O. and a very low price for a house and lot; will assume. 43-room apartment, steam heat, private baths, dressing-rooms, large lcltchens, disappearing beds, everything that you want for a good houe $5000 in exchange; has low rent. 53-room apartment, electric elevator, all velvet carpets, disappearing beds. Bleep ing porches, the best of furniture, modern In every way, clearing about $300 per mo. Excellent rent and close in. We have many good exchanges In ho tels, apartments, rooming-houses and rea estate. HOME BROKERAGE CO., 322 Henry Bldg. 10 ROOMS, rent $25. center West Side, $150 required. 10 rooms, fine new furniture, close in. $5."o. $250 cash. 12 rooms, good furniture, clearing $75 per month, $450. 15 rooms, 5 minut s to center of city, clearing $100 per mcnth. $500 will handle. 45 rooms, steam iieated. running water In p.ll rooms, clearing $209 per month ; $1000 puts you in possession. 301 HENRY BLDG. 14 ROOMS, MODERN. Best West Side location; corner, with large grounds; steam heat, hot and cold water in rooms; quartered oak furniture, B. B. carpets; full of good-paying room ers; rent $50. receipts $140; $500 cash, balance of $30O In easy payments; no trade. O. C R. ELLIS & CO.. 309 Board of Trade. ROOMING AND APARTMENT-HOUSE 55 rooms, well furnished ; choice lo cation in easy walking distance; excep tionally ood lease with very low rent and a moneymaker. If you are looking for a good live proposition at a bargain price and have the cash It will pay you to in vestigate this at once. Price only $3000. Address owner, AH 131. Oregonlan. HOTEL for sale A practical hotel yian with a few thousand dollars cash can purchase one of the most modern 100-room hotels In the city, doing a good business. This is a rare opportunity to buy a good hotel at less than the wholesale cost of fur nishings and secure a new and favorable lease direct from owners of buidln?. Ad dress AE, 120, Oregonlan. 24 ROOMS; choice West Side location, beau tifully furnished, steam heat, janitor serv ice ; a good-payini: house at half the for mer price; cash or trade; $1050; if you nae a sman property worth 1450 clear of Incumbrance or that amount cash, the place is yours. O. C. EL Ellis & Co., 809 45-ROOM APARTMENT ONLY $700 CASH" Extra well furnished, nearly new ; rent only $176 per month; 7 years' lease; will consider real estate as part trade; now this is a bargain in every way ; let us show you; further particulars room 61S leon Diag. tiJi7. HOTEL SELL OR TRADE. Strictly modern, best downtown loca tlon, low rent, long lease ; this must be sold; this can be bought for just one-half what sold for one year ago; don't over- iook tnis ir you want a money-makr. H. E. JAMES. 88 10th. near Strk. 14 ROOMS, finest carnival location; cleanest and best furnished house in Portland; will oe sold immediately, $500: going to Den ver; choap rent, free to June 15; Insur ance policy transferred freo terr one vear See owner quick. 530 Davis st., phone A law. 8 -ROOM beautiful furnished corner, nic lawn and homelike plane, rooms all rent ed ; rent only $0 ; ow ner forced to sell regardless of price. See. today and mak offer; take $100 down, balance to sul buyer. Call 88 10th. near Stark. COUNTRY hotel, at R. R. junction point. In the Willamette Valley. 20 rooms and furnishings, one acre of ground. Price 4500. mortgage $13riO. 2 years. Will ex change equity for vacant lots or equity in house and lot. Marshall 4200, A 7158. ROOMIXa-HOUtfE. 12 rooms, fine location, close In. rooms always full; housekeeping; clears $45 month ; keep best rooms for own use; nice, modern corner house ; and see the chance of a lifetime; only )15o down, balance to suit. Call 8S 10th st. $875, PIANO Included; D rooms, good fur niture, velvet rugs, $35U piano, oil paint ings, everything complete; will make fine home, pay all expenses and some over, $375 takes all. 115 North 23d. 24 ROOMS, modern conveniences; new fur niture, low rent and lease, excellent neigh borhood. East Side, within walking dis tance. Pric and terms right. Address P. O. box 359 or phone East 31CU. I5EAUTIFULLT furnished rooms : hnr- gain; heart of city; good transient trade; am leaving city ; some terms. Phone Aiam t3Ua. 30 ROOMING-HOUSES. 10 to 50 rooms. Just listed, from $200 up ; we give you the best bargains in the city. 1I1ULEY & BISHOP, 201 Hamilton bldg. I 10-ROOM house. Vancouver, Wash., close In. must sell; two houses in business block, Tacoma. trade for acreage or mdse. Owner, P. O. box 2054, Portlands 9-ROOM modern house. 3 suites H. K, R. Hot and cold water in rooms, 2 baths. 4 year lease, $400. rent $23. G2D East Ank- eny st. GOOD corner house, mostly all H. K.. good furniture, makes $40 above rent; ideal place for a home; price $450, cash or terms. 194. Lownsdale. corner Taylor. LEASE and furniture of first-class apU house for sale, within 3 blocks cf P. O. ; house has best reputation, prices and terms. Phone East 4356, B 2322. 11 ROOMS. 495 Montgomery, beautiful loca tion, swell little home, rent $32.;0. price 3800 ; 3200 cash, balance 4 months, no Interest. See owner. 20 BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms; bar gain; heart of city; good transient trade; am leaving city; some terms. Phone Main 6306. WANT rooming-house; will trade 2 clear Iota, $2500. for a first-class rooming house of 30 or 40 rooms; will assume some. D 115, Oresjonian. WANTED a party to take lease on prop erty cr: First street, near Morrison; owner will remodel for rooming-house to suit tenant. Apply 7 N. First st. 21 ROOMS. elegantly furnished, modern dwelling ; will sacrifice ; cash, easy terms or trade; clears over $100 per month net. Owner. 055 Flanders, near 20th. 10-ROOM house, nicely furnished, very rea sonable, money-maker for right party. 295 Salmon, cor. 6 th. WE have rooming and boarding-houses to trade and sell. Call 418 Lumber Exchange bldg. WEST SIDE. furnished 9 -room modern house for sale or rent. Marshall 3016. 5-ROOM hotel, bargain for cash or trade. rnone aaain t w?. 13-KOOM rooming and boarding-house, for sale or trade, close In. 262 12th st. 12 MODERN rooms, doing a good business; price very reasonable. lzth. 36-ROOM rooming-house, only $600 Mai-- 77S4. 51! Henry bldg. 15-ROOM boarding or rooming-house, down town; Investigate. 102 13th st. FOR SALE Small roomtng-house cheap. Ownar, 721 First, corner Hooker. ROOMING-HOUSES. 11 ROOMS, 495 Montgomery sl. beautiful location, dandy furniture, furnished com plete for housekeeping; nice porch, nice yard, lots of roses; rent -4o2.50, free to July 1. Insurance policy for one year transferred free. This dandy home will be sold Immediately for $300. as am going to Denver. See owner, phone A 2501. SPECIAL NOTICES. ropual Invited. IN the matter of A M. Lara St Co., of Bend, Oregon, sealed bids will be re ceived by me up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday. June 10, 1913. for a Qtock of merchandise and tlxtures located at Bend, Oregon, of an inventory valuation as fol lows: Shoes. $5o80.70; men's wear, $5030.21; dry goods, $3317.20; toys. $15j.14; hardware, $578.01 ; groceries, $S45.2C, making total merchandise $14. together with dry goods, shoe and grocery fixtures amounting to - $2345rJ. Terms cash and a deposit of 10 per cent of amount offered must accom pany each bid and tho right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may bo seen at my o ft ice and property may be inspected at Bend. R. L. SAB1N, 7 First street. Dated at Portland. Oregon. June 7. 1913. lHE undM-stjs nod will receive sealed bids for two stocks of merchandise, consisting principally of shoes, furnishing goods, dry oods and millinery, of Gross & Co.. bank rupts, together with fixtures, located at Nos. 457 and 630 Willamette street, Eu gene, Oregon, up to 10 o'clock A. M., on Wednesday, the loth day of June, 1313 Terms cash, and certified check for 10 pr cent must accompany each offer. Right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at office of L. M. Travis, Eugene, Oregon, or R. L. Sabin, No. 7 First street, Portland. Oregon, and property may be inspected on the prem ises. FRANK L. ARM IT AGE. L- M. TRAVIS, attorney for trustee. Dated Eugene. Or.. June 5, 1W13. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF RECEIVER'S SALE. In the Superior Court of the State of Washington. In and for Chehalis County. The First National Bank of Hooulam, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. Hoquiain Trust Company, a corporation, defendant No tice of sale: Notice is hereby gl ven that under ana by virtue of an order made by the Su perior Court of the State of Washington, in and for Che hails County, made and entered ou the 3d day of June, 1113, in the above entitle action, the undersigned will cell the property, real and personal of the above-named defendant, Hoquiain Trust Company. Said property will be sold at private sale to the highest and best bidder for cash, and sale will be made on or after the first day of July. 1913. subject to con firmation by the court. Written bids or offers will be received by the unde rsigned at First National Bank of Hoqulam, Ho qulam. Wash., or may be left with him prsonally, at any time after the first publication of this notice. Offers will be received for the entire property or for the real estate and lots of personal property separately. Ten per cent (10 ) of the amount of the bid or offer must accompany bid or the hid or offer will not be considered, wlvich sum will b- forfeited to the re ceiver if bidder fails to pay balance upon acceptance of the bid and confirmation by the court. The entire property must be sold for not less than $4.o00. The property to be sold is situated In the City of Hoqulam, Chehalis County. State of Washington, and described as follows, to-wit: That part of the re eorded corrected plat of the Town of Hoqulam described as the southwesterly ISO feet square of that vart of block fifty l50 lying northwest of the alley, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Intersection of the cast, crly line of I street with the northwesterly line of the alley of said block 50, thence northeasterly along the northerly line of said alley :l uistance of 150 feet, thence northwesterly parallel with 1 street 150 feet, thence southwesterly parallel with said alley a distance of 150 feet, to the easterLy line of I street, thence south easterly along the easterly line of I street a distance of 150 feet to the place of beginning. Lot 1 of personal property consists of the hotel and bar furniture and fixtures owned by the Hoquiam Trust Company, situated in the building on the above de scribed land. Lot 2 of personal property consists of steam boiler formerly used in said build ing. Receiver may reject any or all bids. The property to be sold consists of the real property above described on which is situated a two-story concrete and brick building, part used as a hotel, known as the Grayport Hotel and .containing about 03 rooms besides lobby, bar. dining-room, kitchen, etc, and five store rooms occu pied by stores, also furniture used In said hotel. Dated Mav 4. 1UI3. A. M. CAMPBELL, Receiver of the Property of the Hoquiam Trust Company. J1 N AN C IAL NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS. Sealed proposals will be received by the board of directors of the Horsefly Irriga tion distilct, of Klamath County. Oregon, until Saturday, the 14th day of June, A. D.. 1013. at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M,, at the office of said board ot directors, at which time and place, proposals to pur chase will be open. H and considered for the purchase of $30,000 of the Horsefly Irrigation District registered coupon bonds, payable: Five percent of the whole num ber of bonds payable at the expiration of 11 years from dato of issue; at the ex piration of 12 years 0 per cent; at the expiration of 13 years. 7 per cent; at the expiration of 14 years, 8 per cent; at the expiration of 15 years, 1 per cent; at the expiration of 10 years. 10 per cent; at the expiration of 17 years. 11 per cent; at the expiration of la years, 13 per cent, at the expiration of 10 years. 15 per cent; at the expiration of 20 years. 10 per cent. Said bones bearing interest at the rate of 0 per cent per annum, interest payable semi annually ; principal and .Interest payable at the offici! of th treasurer of the Horsefly Irrigatign District, in gold coin of the United States of America. Said bonds to bt issued in denominations of $10O, $3lMj and $1000. Said bonds are issued for tho purpose of providing funds for the preliminary ex pense of constructing the irrigation sys tem of the Horseily Irrigation District, and were authorize; at an election held by tho legal voters of ihe salti irrigation district on tlie Utii dsiy of November. A. IX 1912, and arc t o bo offered tor sate pursuant to a resolution of the board of directors of the Horsctiy Irrigation Dis trict, adopted at a meeting of said board, held ou the 20th day of April, 1313. Said bonus will be sold to the highest bidder for not ' less than. 00 per cent of the face valuu thereof. Each proposal to purchase said bonds must be accompanied by a certllied check for 5 per cent of proposal and certified by some responsible bank, payable to the Treasurer of the Horsefly Irrigation dis trict. Said bonds to oe sold for cash, paid down ai the lime of delivery thereof. The board of directors of the Horse fly Irrigation District reserves the right to reject any and all bids and. proposals. Proposals must bo sealed and addressed to the secretary of the Horsefly Irriga tion District, Bonanza., Klamath County, Oregon, uud iuuorseu, "Proposal to pur chase bonds." FRANCIS - J. BOWNE, Secretary of the lloraeliy Irrigation Dis trict. Bonanza, Or. iJateU at .Bonanza, ur.. April iulj YOUNG attorney with large business expe rience leaving for East about middle of June, would like to represent client, con fidential or otherwise, who will be will ing to bear part of expenses. AT 144, Oregonlan. WE BUILD ON EASY PAYMENTS. WE FURNISH PLANS AND MONEY AND BUILD TOUR HOME OR APART MENTS. ETC. TAYLOB BUIj-DING CU, 506 M'KAY BLDG.. 3D AND STARK STS. WE will furnish the money ct a low rate ot interest and save you mure than the brok erage of 2 per cent if we vo the planning and building for you. It will pay you to see us. L. R. Bailey Co., Die, 324 Abington. BOND Issues. $100,000 upwards negotiated. Railway, Gas. Timber, Water, Mining. Mfg. Corporations Organized. L. N. Kosenbauxn & Co., 281-28.4 Halght bldg.. Seattie. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Western Bond &. Mortgage Co.. 416 Commercial Club Bldg. SEVERAL first mortgages for sale, amounts $250 to $1000, to net 8 per cent. Call for particulars. Henry C. Prudhomme, 806 Wilcox bldg. $2600 OR less to loan at 7 per cent on close in farm and city property; give full par ticulars. C 93, Oregonlan. FIRST and second mortgages and building contracts bought. E. B. Miller, 410 Ab ington bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gages .lot and 3d), equities purchased. F. H. LEWIS & CO., 3 Lewis bldg. MONEY to loan on farm and city property, no delay. Nelson Bros., 804 Lewi bldg. I BUT accounts, bills, notes or Judgments, of any nature. M 128. Oregonian. " Money to Loan- R eal Vstata. PRIVATE party has $4000 to loan on real estate security. Phone Sellwood 1246. CITY and FARM loans, any amount, Henry C. Prudhomme, SOS Wilcox bids;. I HAVE J1000 to loan on city property. O 125, Oregonlan. Money loaned, real estate contracts & mtgs. bought. Miley. 204 Ger linger bldg. SHORT-TERM loans on real or collateral security. 207 Oregonian bldg. MORTGAGE loans oc real estate security. M. Billings. 500 McKay bldg. . HAVE $2500. also $5000 to loan, good city property. 500 Henry bldg. MONEY, any amount, 0 to 8 per cent. W. H. Seltz & Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. FIN AN C I A L. Money to Loan Real Kstate. MONEY TO LOAN. On real estate security. Amounts $300 to $30,000. Mortgage Loan Department, H A RTM AN -THOMPSON BANK, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 20S. a 2030. WE HAVE the following amounts to loan on approved real estate, first mortgage only : $ 1,000 at S per cent. $ 1.30O at 8 per cent. $ 2.000 at 8 jer cent. $ 3.000 at 7 per cent. $ 5,OOU at 7 per cent. $ 6, GOO at 7 per cent. $10,000 at 6 per cent. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN. City, suburban, farm lands; rates. GEARIN & GEARIN. 250 Stark Street. PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN. The Equitable Life Assurance Society will' make loans on approved home prop erty to be repaid by fixed monthly In stallments over a period of 10 years, with the additional provision that in event of death of borrower, loan is cancelled by a policy of Ufe Insurance issued there with. Interest 0 per eent. These loans are made only in the better residence dis tricts and only on improved homes. Others need not apply. Home Purchase Dept.. Equitable Life. 300 Oregonlan bldg. OCR OWN MONEY TO LOAN AT CUR RENT RATES. FARM AND CITY LOANS. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., Commercial Club Bldg. FOR FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS. 150,000 $35,000 $25,000 -u.ouu $12,000 10.000 $SO00 $6600 $5000 $3300 $3000 $1200 And several odd amounts. Call 310 Oak st., between 10 and 13. PRIVATE FUNDS ON HAND. $500. $1200, $1300. $2000. $2500. $4000. $75,000 at 7 per cent; will spilt $55,000 at 8 per cent. June 20. $2500 at 7 pt-r cent, July 1. M'KENZIE & CO., Main 2S01. 515 Gerllnger Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS. NG COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE & 'i RUST CO.. 916 SPALDING BLDG. TO LOAN. I HAVB PLENTY OK VnVTTV TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE SECURITIES EDWARD P. MALL. 800 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. MORTGAGE LOANS. On real estate security at reasonable rates in sums irom 5ouu ana up. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, 171 Fourth St. Between Morrison and Yamhill. LOANS from $1300 to $10,000 on good Port land security. HACKER & THERKELSEN 300 Spalding Bldg. Main 7502. $1000 TO LOAN Improved city property. VII .I,... vjiij- or i arm property. $10,000 to loan improved city property will divide. Owners only call Main 3441. $1000 TO $100,000 TO LOAN. Portland City and Farm Property. Current Rates. MALL & VON BORSTEL. 10 4 Second St., near Stark. ON improved city property or for building puriwaes, i . cars time; iioerai pay ment privileges; money advanced n building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings Loan association, sjhj stark st. MONEY to loan at 5 per cent; any amount to lift your inortaraice or build von n Habm See us before borrowing. U03 Oregonlan Dins. w 1j nave money to loan on your real es tate; imt mortgages only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 43 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN. $35,000 OR LESS OSCAR W. BRYAN. S0S-0 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE .LOANS. Real estate security, current rates. Rms. 10-12 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison TO LOAN $30,000 OR LESS. FA RRINGTON, COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. MONEY in umounts to suit, up to $2800 to loan on Portland real estate. Call 730 Chamber ot Commerce bldg. PRIVATE party will loan $5000 at 7 pet cent . Htrcurny must ue. iirst-ciass. rl 1Z4 oregonlan. WANTED To loan $1500. 8 per cent, two ywmrw, no oiwitis, o. j. iicutenuerg, tju Corbett bldg. $1000 TO $50,000 to loan on improved city or farm properly. 0 to 8 per cent. Tabor WANT TO BUY MONTHLY PAYMENT second mortgage or sellers' contract. ir-muti-w Knfc-r i,o.. 51 Lowjg bids. LARGE or smau loans promptly, mort gages bought. Empress Loan Co., 202 Empress Theater bias. SEE US TODAY for loans on improved city pi-upt-i iu a pei (.tin. uu ana u p CELLARS- M URTON CO., S25 Yeon bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS on city property; lowest rates, a. o. isirreii uo., -vs McKay b.dg. WANTED To purchase at once equities or gooa nret or seeuiiu mortgages: give lu particulars. AJ 117. Oregonian. $200.0 00 TO loan in sums to suit ; builuing loans; lowest rates. W. O. Beck. 315-31 Falling Blog LOANS on improved and unimproved city and suburban real estate. mortgages $0UO AND $1200 to loan by private party on improved city property. Owners only call Main 8Q12. MONEY to loan on improved city property at current rates. Lawyer's Abstract & Trust Co.. room $. Board of Trade bldg TO LOAN $1000. $1300. $3000, $5000, $10 000 on improved city property. E. J. Gelsei 40 Chamber of Comme rc e. SEVERAL amounts ranging from $500 to $1000, on improved city property. Prompt ai-tjun. Herman Moeller, Wilcox bldg. WiXdU loan (2uuu or Dart of that amount on your home at a per cent and expenses. No commission. O 113. Oregonlan. $50,000 FOR select, highly-improved busT ntsa property; will divide. P 145, Orego nian. $5000 FOR real estate loan on two Improved projects. H 141. Oregonian. $1200 TO lend, house and lot, or good acre age, o 141, Oregonlan. $10,000 FOR business property loan In good central situation. W 146, Oregonian. )2000 CAN be had on good improved real estate. X 144. Oregonian. $15,000 FOR loans $1000 up; income or residence property. R 143. Oregonian. HAVE $1000 or $2000 to loan on approved security. Phone Marshall 717. 40O0. 3 years,. 7 per cent, on Improved city property. Herman Moeller. Wilcox bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT LOUIS SALOMON. L29 STARK ST. MORTGAGE LOANS at current rates. L. 1 MAXWELL. Big Chamber of Commerce.' MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE A. H. HARDING. 313 Ch. of Com. STATE FUNDS. 0 per cent. W. E. Thomas agent Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com'. LOANS cn real estate, diamonds and jew- $65,000 OR part to loan, on downtown in come real estate. Main 1 1C6. MONEY to loan on real estate. Henry L. Murton, 317 Worcester bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount, no delay. Henry C. Prudhomme, 806 Wilcox bldg. MONEY wanted. Improved property, small sums, 7 per cent. Jamleaon, Main 1040. Money to Loan Chat tie and Salaries. SALARIED people wishing credit are cor dially Invited to see Mr. Drake, 328 Henry bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry ; strictly confidential. 141 3d. near Alder MONEY sold on installments; confidential; salaried people. F. A. Newton, Henry bldg. FINANCIAL. itoney to Loan CXuttteis ana Salaries. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES $10 TO $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO UUKKUW MONEY. UJ.OLbTELV NO SECURITY. lLSl.Nfc.SS STRICTLY CoNFlDENI HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 PM. TIAL. SATURDAY TO f f STATE SECURITY CO.. apS FAILING BLDG. NEED MONEY? We can procure money for you on short notice and at reasonable rates on your furniture. piano, auto, storage receipts or your plain note. PORTLAND LOAN CO. 413 Macleay bide 4th and Wash, open tf A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday evenings until 8. ELBY CO. A private plac to obtain money on watches, diamonus. Jewelry, kodaks, pianos arehouse recelpta, etc 32o Lumber Ex. Bldg. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE, and others, upon their own names; cheap rates; easy payment; confidential. D. li. JToiman. room SI? Lumber Exchange. A DESIRABLE place for ladles and gentle- iieu iu oorrow money on aiamonus ana jewelry at Eastern rates. Diamond Pal ace. 33 Washington, op p. Owl Drugstore. WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry Marx Bloch, 74 3d su IMMEDIATE and confidential loans on fur niture, autos, pianos., ware house receipts; mortgages bought. Bauer, 2UO Alder St. Loans Wanted. WANTED ON A-l SECURITY. $16oO at & per cent, value $320O; Havens wood. $20VO at S per cent, value $5000; Steph ens' Add. $1200 at 8 per cent, value $2S0O; Wood lawn. $1300 at 8 per cent, value $3000; Uni versity Park. $2200 at S per cent, value $4800; Lau rel hursL $2000 at 8 per cent, value $5000; Cook' Add. $1500 at 8 per cent, value $3000; Irv lngton Park. $1700 at S per cent, value $3500; Rose City Park. $1900 at 7 per cent, value $4500; Cen tral Alb in a. $0000 at 8 per cnt, value $15,000; West Side. $15,000 at 7 per cent, value $05,000. M'KENZIE CO.. Main 28Q1. 515 Gerlinger Bldg. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423 Chamber or Commerce We offer the fallowing approved ap plications for ilrst mortgage loans. $350o on a new Irvington residence, house costing iww, land valued at $00u. $2ou0 ou a modorn home in Ruse City 8y Park valued at $4000. $1500 on a Rose City Park home occupied Hfm by owner. Built about 3 years. Valued at S3200. $1300 on a new home on East Side, house 8T costing $1900. Total security valued HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber of Commerce. WE WANT MONEY. Let us place your money for you In gilt edge 1st mortaaires coverlne choice Port land residence property. We attend to all uetaiis, including collection and remit tunce of Interest and principal without caargo to party lurnisnmg me money. DO YOU WANT THESE ? $3500 for 3 years at 8 per cent on choice new Mt. Tabor residence property, value U')U. $1500 for 3 years at S per cent on new o-room ounguiow, iioigate Addition, val ue $io00. $'OO0 for 3 years at 7 per cent on beau tiful new close-in Laurel hurst residence value $8500. We pay all expenses, but m roKerage. See Mr. Cooper. INVESTORS BUILDING A. TRUST CO., cuue -iu.j i eon mag. rrnonsj Mar. ooud. $1000 PROFIT. 11 PER CBN C INTEREST ON INVEST MENT. ( PER CENT OR BETTER ON PAR VALUE ASSURED.) OWNER NEEDS "QUICK CASH." WILXi SACRIFICE 3750 SHARKS. FULL PAID, INDUSTRIAL STOCK (NON-AS-BB88ABLB). ACTUALLY WORTH MORE THAN PAR VALUE. WILL SELL FOR QUICK DEAL FOR $2750. NEW. MOD ERN EQUIPMENT, BEST IN THE WEST. LOW CAPITALIZATION; COMPANY NOW DOING BUSINESS OF ABOUT $XM.000 PER ANNUM. INCREASING DAILY. INVESTIGATION INVITED. A SAFE SEASONED INVESTMENT. BANK REFERENCE. ADDRESS OWNER, A 127. OREGONIAN. WANTED From private party the loan of tl OOo for one year, on my auto, costing 00OO and In perfect running order; fully insured against fire, robbery, liability, ac cident or any damage done to the car for the absolute protection to the mort gagee. J ust as safe as any real estate loan or safer; will pay liberal rate of in terest for quick action. Y 120, oregonlan O PER CENT MUNICIPAL BONDS. Have you money to loan? Do you want unquestioned security in the form of city bonds V These bonds bear tl per cent in terest. I have $lu.UOO of these and will sell all or purt any amount S50o or up ward. If you buy these from your bank you will have to pay a premium. I will sell at par vaiue, H 120, Oregonian. $500 SACRIFICE. ON $1200 SECOND MORTGAGE. Value of property. J3250 cash. first mortgage $1000. property on 11th st.. near Alberta; 5-room bungalow; party needs money only reason. CALL A 7158. BUILDING LOANS. Two first mortgage building loans wanted in high-class restricted district; V-room houses now more than half fin ished; amounts asked very conservative; bonds given ; $2200 and $230u at 7 per -nt. See. Mr. Torrey. 270y Stark st. WANTED From private party, loan of $2000 for term of years on gilt edge first mortgage secured by highly improved country property worth $75oo; has modern 7 -room house insured for $2500 ; will pay 8 per cent and all expenses. Ji.H 12b. Oregonlan. LOANS WANTED. $1500 Alberta, S; residence, big lot. ' $I200 Laurelhurst, 7 ; value $7000. $1000, Troutdale, S; 40 acres. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. 312 Lewis Bldg. $20O0 AT 7 per cent on strictly first-class property worth $0000, close in; also loan of $1200 on choice residence property. Ap ply at 207 Oregonlan bldg. Phone Mar- s 1 tal 322 or A 3003. I WANT to borrow thousand or fifteen hun dred dollars on five thousand dollars' worth of real estate security. AE 118. Ore- gonlan. $2000 ON new modern S-room house, hard wood floors, beamed, paneled all conven iences, corner lot, 50x100 ; restricted dls trict. 8 per cent. Y 113. Oregonian. WILL pay 10 per cent to private party for $15O0 3 years, on 40 acres unimproved land at Hood River, valued at $&000. J 1 1 uregoniaii. WILL pay 8 per cent to private party for $3000 on 160-acre dairy farm, Columbia County, Oregon; farm value, $7200. K. 113, Oregonlan. WANTED-Cash for $250 and 9650 first mtgs. also a $400 second mtg. on new bungalow, liberal discount. 529 Hamilton bldg. Main 934. fiKafUNSlBLE party wants loan of $2 OOo or S13O0 for one year on real good chat tel security worth $5000. AR 119. Ore- W ANTED Immediately, 2O00. 7 per cent. goiKi security, private party preferred. AG HZ, Oregonian. $500 FOR one year, pay lo per cent secur ity. 100x100, on Lombard, near 8th street, valued $1450. Y 130. Oregonlan. WANTED $1000 at 8 per centon" Portland property, value $3000. F. Fuchs, 420 Chamber of Commerce. I HAVE two well -secured real estate con tracts, S2900 ; must sell ; will discount. Make me an ofler. J 127. Oregonlan. S5,i00 WANTED from private party. 5 years. 7 per cent ; improved, modern West Side property, a J n. oregonlan. WANTED To borrow J00 on good auto, liberal rate, reliable party. D 113, Orego- ni a n. FROM private party, first mortgage loar of $1630 at 7 per cent on residence dtod- - lu v,su-. jj ui u on lan I HAVE an excellent loan of $15,000, client has $50,000 security, no agents. George W A NTE D $r000, 1st mortgage, 8 per cent residence. HAS. RINGLER & CO.. 211 Lewis bldg. rnwi inurigase oearmg 5 per cent for tale at a $25 discount. D 12(i Orexo- nlan. $3500 WANTED for three years on double house worth $8000 ; principals only AL 115, Oregonlan. $500 WANTED for one year. 8 per cent in terest. 5 per cent commission gilt edge security. phone E. 3002. MONEY to loan, small amounts ; "private party: confidential. J HQ. Oregonian. $730 FIRST mortgage to sell for $700. C. Hale. 2Q Wilcox bldg. Main 3317. $30On GOOD East Side risk. S per cent. AB 128. Oregonlan. WANTED $50O0 or Wet Side property. $10,000 on Main 1166. Improved $100 FOR 30 days. 10 per cent; commission $10: $4Q0 security. F 115. Oregonlan. $500 FOR 1 year 10 per cent; will pay bo nus. AJ 143, Oregonlan. VKKAKCEsVIh Loan Wauled. WANT loan, JlGOo. yean 7 per cent, good real estate security, no agents, no cora mlssion. P 120. Oregonlan LOST AND FOUXp. THE following is a list of articles found oa the cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Company and turned in at tho rt;ffi"rTir i iv laion nnt.. . . -. vuers may se cure same by applying at barns as indi cated: Sellwood barn. Phone a 6131 2 suit cases, 1 grip. 2 books. 1 pail, l box. 1 broom. 2 cans of tomatoes. Savier-st., carhouse. Phone A 6131 1 hand grip, 1 lunch box, 1 package ot merchandise, 1 watch fob, 1 string porco lain brucket. Piedmont barn. Phone A 0131 3 suit capes. 1 tripod, 1 pair gloves. 1 shovel. 1 package eggs. 1 purse, . 3 miscellaneous articles. Ankeny barn. A 0131 1 delivery bag, 1 package. 1 pair lady's gloves, 1 beauty pin. l suit case. LOST from our stable. 17th and Thurnun, noj-s about 12oo lbs,, wtsri bar shoe right front fiot. had halter and rop when last, seen luornlng of May 2b. No tify an Horn Transfer Co., 40 2d st. M. 118. A lus4. Rud LUST SatUrdav nflrnAnn in m.. Alder at. or Meier & Frank's, ring, with reu setting, marked John to Clara. Finder ?.HeJ.olUy 1301 E lMh or c' Sellwood j-jo. Ring valued as wedding gift many years ago. - L?fto2, faS' ?,eU'r Frank's TT- - o- .'.uii sum ir.-am. Sa tv,.tr rllcUs Return Alexis MaireU -Ob Morrison. Reward. LOST 1 tan leather coin nun mnintn gold and . . . .v suitable reward for prompt return to 58 North -'Sd. Phona Main M0S. Lust Friday afternoon, parcel of flifsaali bet. Russell and Williams ave. and Cook and Union ave.; probably on Rodney c Mrs. C. lilH Cook av. Reward. LOST Down-town, one cuff link, sold in- iu sun metai. peculiar uestgn. Finder phase phone Smith. Main 7815. LOST or stolen iu St. Johns. Erie bicycle. i. uiacK irame. ttewara. rSOttt t'olumbia 210. LOST A pendant ear ring of pearls and to- ; return Leone Cass Uaer, Oregonian office. UOU Lost black Cocker Spaniel, tinder re turn to . i. ioumt. Lot 15th St.. N. ; S3 reward. LOST Shotgun, on M-nadam road. Liberal reward return to Aylin Restaurant 2!Jl Stark st. LOST Gold-bar pin, name engraved, down town or Woodlawn car. Finder call up FOUND OTM white horse, brand 1 B weight 1050, at Matthias. Holbrook. Or! LOST Camera on atreetcar; reward. Phono East .".;t70. LOST Black and white bulldog. A 5063. I'EBSONAL. N HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. $12 54-Inch switches $4.4S $6 26-Inch switches Ilalrdressing .25 Face massage , .2$ Shampoo 2$ Manicure. 25c, 5 for 1.00 13 scalp treatments 5.00 Superfluous hair removed by eicctria needle ; guaranteed not to return. Cut hair In any shade; switches any length. Prices half. Sanitary Panors. 400 412 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington. LADIES You can make you1- skin naturally beautiful by using Dream tit Youth, a se cret formula of a famous French beauty and skin specialist. It is not a rouge or a "cover-up" process; It gives honest youthful beauty. Guaranteed to give you satisfaction or your money back. Address The Heldfond Drug Co.. 222 Morrison st., Portland. Price, gl. l-Al'i;.- try our drugless face treatment; removes greasy, shiny look from the skin; keeps it soft and white ; nonpolsonous, simple, quick Sample and instruction for making tor 25c. MERIDIAN SUPPLY CO.. 5022 Meridian ave, Seattle, Wash. SCIENTIFIC electric spouoylo treatment for all nervous and chronic diseases. Pa ralysis, lung, stomach. bow-els, kidney, bladder, pelvic, heart trouble, etc Hign blood pressure reduced. Also goitre, warts, moles, hair removed. 002 Buchanan bldg.. 28G Washington st. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE AND MASSEUSE. Long experience, best references, treat ments for rheumatism and lumbago, etc.. massage and baths. 220 13th st., between Main and Salmon. Marshall 5033. Open Sunday a THE question ta you Is: Wny ao you allow yourself to suffer from rheumatic pain and aches when you can stop It with Bark Tonic? This remedy drives all Im purities from the system. Sold at 75c a bottle at the Clemeusen Drug Co., corner Front and Morrison sts. ASK YUL'R neighbor and he will tell yo" that "Rum and Pine" cures cough and a cold in the head; It cures while other remedies merely think about it; 50c a bottle at Clemensen Drug Co.. Front and Morrison sts. HAVE a skin of Ivory by using Ferry-water, that matchless skin bleach and skin food; don't b brown with sunburn, tan or cov ered with blotches. Write at once for free particulars and special offer. Pacific Toilet Co., Box 703, San Francisco, Cal. SWEDISH TR A IN ED NURSE Helsingfors graduate, cheumuttsm, nervous and stom ach ailments under physician's direc tions; baths, massuge. No. 7 East 11th st, second door south from East Ankeny car line. Phone East 260, B 1803. FEB VET & HANEBUT, leading wig and toupe-makers; finest stock of human hair goods; switches front 95c up; halrdressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatments; combings made up to order. 147 7th, near Morrison. Main 54tt. EIGHT years ot unsurpassed success m treating sick men and women of Portland. 1 use radium, light, heat, every' known electrical treatment, baths, massage, manipulations and adjustments. Dr. W. E. Mallory, naturopath, 312 Rothchild bldg. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, moles, etc.. perma nently removed. Kleotric needle process Established 1894. Physicians' references lady operator, at room tl Russell bid corner '4th and Morrison. Phone Mar. 1943. Mrs.Stevens, IS yrs. Portland's leading; palm ist, has her late kook. "Palmistry Madej Easy," on sale. 557 Vi: Williams ave.. cor. Knott. Office hours, 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. MISS PERRY, Eastern graduate masseuse. New York School of C. and D.. treat rheumatism and nervous cases. liWO 13 tlx st. 13th br Jefferson cars. Phone Main 7(WL DRESS SUITS for rent Keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rip repaired; Sl.50 month; prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark. REV. MRS. COON, spiritual teacher and healer, circles Tuesday and Friday eve nings, 106 West Park, between Washing ton and Stark. WANTED Address of Shirley Page, recently of Bull Run, Or. . important. Address Rose City Sanitarium, Portland, Or. BOSTON graduate nurse, sanitarium treat ments, medical gymnastics. 3t7 Yamhill at., up one flight, room 7. MRS. S. C. MORRISON Steam baths and massage for rheumatism, lumbago, etc i Madison. A 4470. Marshall 390. WANTED A few more ladie3 to take Scalp treatments at their own home. Phone A 1347. MANICURING, faco and scalp treatment. 411! Northwest bldg. Alain U799. Open Sua days. WATCHED cit a ned, 70c ; mainspring, 75c ; jewels, 30c up; work guaranteed. Room 110. Globe bid;;., Uth and Washington sts. L." MOUIARTY. dead, trance, spiritual me dium. Readings daily, ij'j Hotel Annex. M. 50S1. MRS. SOPHIA li. SEII. mental and spiritual scientist; daily; office 3uJ Alisky bldg. Main 0S24. Meetings Wednesday. H P. M. LORENZ Nerve Tablets restore lost vitality. 23c per box, 0 boxes $L25. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co.. 2s9 Morrison st. HOME FOR INVALIDS, nervous and aged people, fine location ; beautiful view. Mis Tower, Mt. Tabor. Tabor 4159. DIVORCES. $50 $1 down, $1 week. Freo advlca. Wood, 439 Chamber of Commerce. CHIROPRACTIC treatments an,d stum baths for rheumatism, lumbago, etc. 413 Northwest bldg. Open Sundays. Main 3799. kttt1ttt AT. medium. Rev. May Price. Ilea ings, healings daily. Circles Tues. , Wed, 304 Montgomery. Main 7227. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches, 93c; curls and puffs. 75c; San itary Beauty parlors. 40Q Dekum bldg. E "-STERN trained operator gives mas&asa. 120 otli st.. room 2. MOLES superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 429 FUedner bldg. Main 3473. mrs DR. WRENN. spiritual adviser; read ings daily. S4 X. 1 6th. Ma r. 4239. A 78 1 4. LADVs barber shop now open on Couch between 3th and Ota. BALM&OF FIGS. Compound Royal Tonlo Tablets, 306 Davis st. phone Main 9L'15. MANICURING, face and scalp treatment, shampoo. 401 Northwest bid., formerly B0V. MISS STOCKS, moved to 2.14 Union ave.; mental scientist, treatments. Alberta car. I. MORI ART Y, dead, trance, spiritual m dium. Circle tonight. 14 N. 10th st. N. DID NOT get letter till Sat. P. M. Write again. Jim. 324 GOODNOUGH BLDG., 5th St.. opp. P. O, Treatments, rheumatism, lumbago, scalf-