lO THE SUNDAY OREGOMAN. PORTLAXD. JUNE 8, 1913. REAL ESTATE For Sale Acreage. CHOICE ACREAGE FOR SUBURBAN HOMES In the Tualatin Valley. 1 mils west of Beaverton, s miles from Portland by macadamized automo bile road, 420O acres, nicely platted, lying on both, sides of the Southern Pacific West Side line. The new electric Interurban cars on this line will make the distance from 4th and Washington streets 30 minutes. You can buy any amount; our prices range from to $500 per acre, $25 to $50 down and the bal ance very amall payments monthly. Graded roads, streets and sidewalks-, stores, schools, phones, de livery of mail and merchandise with more conveniences coming soon, will make this an attractive suburban community where you can have your home and work or transact business In the city. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY', Main SO. 102 Fourth St. A 350O SUBURBAN- HOMES ON BANKS OF THK WILLAMETTE. Why go to the seashore when you can get the choicest riverfront property. In Its natural state ? Majestic fir trees, cedar, maple, dogwood and laurel, between here and Oregon City, in 85 minutes' ride of the city. From 'j-atru to lu-acre tracts. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. Successors to Dunn -Lawrence Co.) 171 Fourth St.. between Morrison and Yamhill. 5 AND 10-ACRE TRACTS On Germantown road, t mil west of W ilia latin Park, tt& miles from five-cent fare; fin land, some timber and each tract fronts un graded road; prices, $175 to J200 per mere, $17.50 to ?-0 down, bal ance like rent. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main "i5. 102 Fourth St. A 3500 BEAUTIFUL RIVER FRONT FARM. 7 acres, only 13 miles from the center of Portland ; splendid soil, some genuine beaverdam ; ilea fine, nice, high building site, not a foot of waste land; about half in cultivation, a little timber on the bal ance, easy to clear; FINE CREEK crosses river Is one boundary ; near electric sta tion; on main county road, phone rat. R. F. D. ; nice neighborhood. Price $1700. WIN make terms satisfactory to you. ALVORD A CO., 218 Board of Trade. SOMETHING NEW. 1300 ACRES BEAVEIIDAM LAND NOW ON THE MARKET. IT IS THE. FINEST THAT HAS EVER BEEN OFFERED TO YOU. IT IS ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR DAIRY AND HARDEN PURPOSES. ONLY $150 AN ACRE. TERMS, AND WE WILL FURNISH THE COWS. COME AND SEE F. R. HAGENBACK. CH APIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY. 3D FLOOR. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. HALF ACRE. Equal to 4 city lots, street graded and city water, 1 mile from Council Crest and rinse to electric car line; fine fruit trees and assort ment of berries, running watcs. Price $750, easy terms. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. A CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME. Containing M acres, on the Willamette, 18 miles from Portland, on the S. P. R. It., also on pacific Highway; 6-room house, go rid burn, prune dryer and 8 acres of bearing prune orchard, in fine shape some meadow hind, balance In small tim -ber; no wnste land ; an ideal home and nn income-producer from t he start. price $0000, cash. LU HDD EM ANN. RULHT & CO., Exclusive Agents, 013 Chamber of Commerce. 80 ACRES. 525 PER ACRE. B acres In cultivation, 1 acre In young on-hard; between 50 and 60 acres can be made tillable land when cleared. The soil 1m a deep volcanic ash. same as the best I lood Riv er apple land ; "-room bouse, small barn, 1 mile from school, 3 miles from store and post of f Ice ; good road from Oregon City. Tho owner will sell 30 acres of this fr 5450. DILLMAN & HOWLAND, Opposite Courthouse, Oregon City, Or. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. OREGON CITY CARLINE. B large rooms, artistic firepla.-e, larpe porch. beauMful view, 2 nice bedrooms with OOnectlng bath, splendid water. 34 acre land In perfect cultivation, bearing fruit trees and berries; roses in abundance; t blocks station, sidewalk, right on car line. EVERYTHING IN PERFECT CON DITION. Price 3St0. SAM NORTi N, 7 Chamber of Commerce. SPLENDID BUY. " 10 ACRES IN CITY LIMITS OF GOOD TOWN NEAR PORTLAND. AND ON TWO ELECTRIC RAILWAYS. 2 BLOCKS FROM STATION. NICE S-RoOM HOUSE BARN. FRUIT AND BERRIES. WELL AND CITY WATER. FINE SOU-, STOCK AND CROP INCLUDED FOR $6880, EX CELLENT TERMS; FOR PARTICULARS SEE ZIMMERMAN. 310 BOARD OF T HAD E BLDO. 80 ACRES, m miles to Willamette, easily cleared; good soil and drainage, south and east slope, on macadamized road, 17 miles to Portland; $3500; easv terms. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, Second Floor Selling Bldg. IU ACRE SNAP ON ELECTRIC. N Ice new modern 0-room bungalow, bath, wash trays, cement basement, etc. ; 40 fruit trees, all kinds of berries, etc.; chicken-house and outbuildings; "5 min utes ride, 10c fare; price $3250; $1000 cash, easy t crms. GRUSSI & HOLDS. SIS Hoard of Trade, 4th and Oak. 10 ACRES. ON XT. HOOD ELECTRIC RY. 14 miles east of city. Vi acres cultl ated. balance slushed, small house, good well, high and sightly; $700 per acre. Ad joining acreage priced from $200 to $300 per acre higher; easy terms. Owner, W 112. Oregonian. OWNER of 1 1-3 acres. A-l soil, fine -ret.--, at Jennings Lodge, close to station, must ell, or will take good clear lot up to $50 J Price (1050. Bee Adams. CH APIN-H ERLOW MORTGAGE & TRUST CO., 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. 1 1 3 ACRES. 5-room house, chicken houses fenced in, barn. 2 good springs, pump at house, well improved, right at station, only 90 minutes' ride on Oregon Electric. Price $2S00, clear of incumbrance. ANY terms to suit. Jordan. 610 Lumbermens bldg. 345 ACRES. On New berg-Salenn mad, 30 miles from Tort land, on the Willamette River; 300 acres in cultivation. 145 In milling oak and fir; $73 an acre. F. N. Coleman, St. Paul. Oregon. COUNTRY home, modern. 7-room house, all city conveniences, electric lights, gas. hot and cold water, furnace, close to electric station and good auto road, bearing or chard, fine view. For sale cheap. AG 112. Oregonian. A c K B of ground and cozy 4-room cottage plastered, and outbuildings, t mile from Evergreen station. Oregon Cltv car. $1550 Owner, room 11. Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. I OWN SO acres about miles from Gresham, near 2 railroads, covered with assail brush and some timber. Will aell all or part of this land at $?25 per acie Owner. 430 Worcester bldg. 0 ACRES near Portland. $1G per acre" ' 5 and 10-acre tracts on Salem Electric line, $100 per acre. Gregg & Mathleson. 202 Wilcox bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1G0 acres In Linn Co.. on So. fork Santl am River, in sec. 30. twnshp. 13 So rarge I E. A bout 3. 000. 000 f t . timber. A L 1 44 Oregonian. 24 ACRES, close to carlme. hard road fine Mew, eastern slope, cheaper than surrounding land; $$30. $14 per month j 120, Oregon iau. CALIFORNIA LAND Send li opertl? in all counties, liable information. C. M. Phelan bldg., Sa.fi Francisco. for catalog aluabie. re coster Co.. NEAR Rtsley Station, Oregon City car. 1 i-j acres and new modern 6-room bungalow lees than $3000. Owner. W. A. HiKh land. M ilwaukle. R. 1. Boi 105 A. WHITE SALMON. WASH. Orchard land Trout Lake and Camas Prairie hay lands to aell or exchange. Homer G. Day. 607 Yeon bldg Marshall 165. 1 3 SO ONE-ACRE Summer home site, with shade trees, on county road, close to elec tric line station, $7 per month. K 128 Oregonian. 84 ACRES, improved. 4 miles Cram dtj limits, $300 an acre. A bargain. Nelson Bros.. Lewis bldg. ACRE. 25 minutes Ottt: CBJrkiin.KM. and 'i&0 chickens, for $1275, your own verms. u i.y, oregonian. REAL ESTATE -Acreage 10 ACRES. ON MT. HOOD ELECTRIC, CLOSE TO CITY LIMITS. Small 3-room house and chicken-house, good well and pump, 2 acres in cultivation, balance slashed and easily cleared, 32 2-year-old fruit tres, choicest varieties cur rant bushes, raspberries, grapes, lo ganberries, strawberries, etc re cently set out. Land Is high and sightly. Only 4 city blocks from Mount Hood Electric railway and station, lo-cent fare from 3d and Yamhill ; y trains dally each wa. Price 7K per acre. Adjoining un improved land is held at $loO0 an acre. $7000 flOOO cash, balance In four years. DORR E. KEASEY & CO.. 2d floor Chamber Commerce bldg. SC APPOSE ACRES. The acreage that people are buying be cause of its real merits, only 25 miles from Portland; no tract more than 1 mile from -railroad. Fine red loam soli, no rocks or gravel. Pure water. Close to tat ion and school. Divided into tracts of from S to 23 acres, at $23 to $63 per acre. The following will give you an Idea of how you can buy and pay for it with only a small down payment. No. 15.N Has is acres at $30: $00 down, balance easy payments; 7 acres level, balance pasture land, good spring; i miles to station; fine sofi. No. 64 lias 13 M acres at $50. $00 down and $10.20 per month. All tillable, nearly level bench land except 'Z acres of pasture land on one end of tract; on county road near station. No. 113 Has It 14 acres at $iM, $60 down payment and $14 per month. All nearlv level bench land, every foot of this tract is tillable; -t mile to station and school. Write, or call ut our oflce, for descrip tive literature and other information. LUEDDEMANN. BULBl CO.. 113 Chamber of Commerce. FORCED TO SELL THIS WEEK. BEAUTIFUL 12-ACRE TRACT. FRONT ING ON WILLAMETTE RIVER. Close to Portland, near electric station, on county road near graded schools, ! acres In high state of cultivation, :; acres good timber, very best deep rich soil with perfect drainage, fine stream spring wa ter, runs the year round ; water can be piped to any part of the land. This will make an ideal country home, and a profitable little (aim: owner must have some cash at once, and will sacrifice for a quick aale. See owner at 0t Couch bldg. Phone Mar. 5200. 20 ACRES STUMP LAND, $700. Perfectly level, fine soil, close to a good business town, with high school, bank, creamery, newspaper, etc.; less than 1 miles to R, H., store, P. O. and 8 -grade school; large sawmill "with plenty work at good wages, $70 cash, your own terms on balance at C per cent interest. ALVORD & CO.. 218 Board of Trade B!dg. 10 ACRES, $300. $10 DOWN. $5 PER MONTH. Buys 10 acres of logged-off land, one mile from the railroad station, town and the Columbia River. The soil Is free from rock and gravel and none of this land overflows, some of these tracts have run ning streams on them, these tracts are Ideal for chicken ranches or dairy pur poses, perfect title and warrant v deed. BELL REAL ESTATE COMPANY". 212 Railway Exchange Building. 10 ACRES. I must sell at once my 10 acres of good land, all under cultivation, close to Port land and R. R. j will sell for $70 per acre less than adjoining property; only small cash payment required. V 12S, Ore gonian. 4SO ACRES FOR $5 PER ACRE. TERMS. $5W DOWN. BALANCE 3 YEARS This land iits between Carrllton and Kalama, Wash., is 8 miles from the rail road ; it does not lie far from the new survey of the electric road between Port land and Tacoma; this land is logged -off land and would be an ideal place for a dairy ranch; this is one of the buys of a lifetime and the owner is certainly giving it away at t hat price. BELL REAL ESTATE COMPANY. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. 10 ACRES- $1850. 10 acres, all In high state of culti vation, on Forest Grove line. Ideal soil for gardening. Water at 18 feet. Only $1850. easy terms. DORR E. KEASEY & CO 2d Floor, Chamber Commerce Bldg. 1 ACRE FOR $550. TERMS, $lu DOWN, $5 PER MONTH, Buys one acre of level, fertile land, all Cleared and free from rocks and gravel; three blocks from the Mt. Hood electric stat ion at Gresliam. Gresham Is 12 milej from Portland has three main count., roads running Into Portland and a popu lation of 10UU people. You will have to jeo tliis land to appreciate It. BELL REAL ESTATE COMPANY. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. 35 ACRES IN TUALATIN VALLEY. Just o miles north of Newberg, 2iS acres cleared, balance fine timber, on Tine grav eled road; 2 acres bearing prunes, 2 acres cherries and English walnuts; ordinarv improvements, good water and fine soil"; no wasto land; must be sold and Is priced tar below surrounding lands. Fine view of Newberg and Tualatin Valley. Price $10v ner acre. LUUDDEMANN. It CLE Y & CO., lilC Chamber of Commerce. AT OAK GROVE. 4 to 0 acres. 2 blocks from car. 9c fare. 30-minute service, rich soil, no rock or gravel, running water, partly cleared, natural shade trees; an ideal country home site, on state high way ; price 20 to 40 per cent below ad joining property. C. W. H A Y HURST, OWNER. 20 Stark Street. 0 AJRES OF LOGGED LAND FOR $150 $5 DOWN. $a PER MONTH Buys acres at Knappa, which is 13 miles this side of Astoria, Oregon. 1 mile from the railroad station. Columbia River stores and postoffice; the soil is free from rocks and 1 gravel; will make an ideal spot for camping, good fishing; will also make an ideal chicken ranch 212 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDO. ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks station chicken and fruit ranches near Portland new subdivision noar Gresham; 5 acres" $400. $500, $700; b acres, $500. $700; id acres, $750. $000, $1000 per tract; best soil, free wood, spring water ; acreage at Scappoose. Or.. $25 to $100 per acre F It A N K M'FAKLA N D RE ALT Y CO 3O0 Y'eon Bldg.. Portland. GLADSTONE 4 acres near Clackamas Riv er and Chautauqua grounds; nicely wood ed, part in garden; cosy bungalow, stone fireplace; dandy suburban home; need money, will sacrifice; terms. Owner, 800 Wilcox bldg. 10 ACRES CLOSE TO PORTLAND Within half a mile of two electric lines. Land levci. easily cleared, between Base Line and Section Line roads. Price $350 per acre A fine buy. STRUNG & CO.. 005 Concord Bldg. 17 ACRES, beautifully located within 10 mlle circle of Portland, close to electric station; half beaverdam, cleared, balance higher and wooded; will sell below actual value; a dandy tract for country home. Call 73p Chamber of Commerce. WE have some real bargains in close-in acreage on rarlincs. If you have a little cash you can get a snap. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO., 50: Dekum Bldg. 3 BARGAINS. SG acres of land near Myrtle Creek. Unimproved lot at Astoria. Willamette Heights residence. Address AH 100. Oregonian. ACRES, 5 -cent fare, city phone, electric lights, small bungalow, beautiful proper ty; will take modern house and lot as part payment or will -ell at bargain. Owner, V Ilt, Oregonian. FOR SALE By owner. 12 acres, two miles west of Sheridan, all In cultivation. Ideal land for fruit and berries; price $2400. Address J. B. Vanderbeck, R. F. D. 1, Woodburn, Or. ARTISTIC BUNGALOW and 1.15 acres, Oregon City carline, 30 minutes ride. For price and particulars addres owner. D 14t. Oregonian. FIVE acres for Summer home, beautiful trees, view of river, near electric line and auto road. Price 1500. $20 per month K 127. Oregonian. 40 ACRES. 1 ia miles west of Turner. Or" J10i per acre; bargain. Wm. McKay, 906 E. GHsan st. 5 ACRES, close to carline, rtc fare ; equity 95090: will exchange for Eastern Oregon Innd. What have you? X 125, Oregonian. FOR SALE Modern house with 2, 3 or 4 acres ; 5-cent fare. Ryan Place, Oregon Elect n.-. By owner. Phone Marshall 413. WILLING worker can buy Uttie farm, cheap without cash. 620 Henry bide. REAL ESTATE For (Sale -Acreage 2 ACRES with 7 acres in potatoes, fenced : 300O cords of standing timber, some good saw timber, on crushed rock road; 54 miles from Oregon City, on Molalla road. Will sell for cash only. Wood will pay for place. Carline will run within 4 mile of place; a snap. C. L. Von Derahe, Oak Grove, Or. For Sale Business Property. $18.000 Lot- 0x106; stores and apart ments, well rented; prominent street, close in. West Side. Owner, 324 Worces ter bldg. $18,000 LOT 70x100, stores and flats, net Income lot per cent; prominent street, close in. East Side. W. O. Waddell, 2lO Lumber Exchange. Homesteads. 330-ACRE HOMESTEAD RELINQUISH MENT In Crook County; ail agricultural land; every acre can be plowed and lies in one of the best va'leys in the county; borders on auto road, stage line and -4 mile from new rail 1 oad survey now building Vale to Bend; ideal for stock and grain; green timber In forest reserve near and fine water near surface; price $30O. Think of It a big ranch for less than $1 per acre that will be worth more than $0000 in 3 years. C. A. RUFF, S23 Chamber of Commerce. 113 EDITION, Advantages of Oregon. 240 page book describing Oregon and amount of Government land open to homestead In each county, for what best adapted, new homestead law, desert, timber, stone, coal, mineral laws; school laud in each county, laws, price, how to obtain ; de scribes Government land open to home stead In every county In U. S. Book 25c. Oregon map showing U. S. land districts. R. R. In operation, under construction and proposed, including Eastern and Central Oregon. 25c. Edward Nimmo. 424 Hamil ton bldg. FOUR new townships opened; 38 home stead and timber claims to be located in northern Stevens County ; some good re linquishments for sale ; land adapted for hay. grain, fruit and dairying; satisfac tion guaranteed. Address Floyd C. Smith, North port. Wash. HOMESTEAD relinquishment of 20, lots cf tspri 11 g water, cabin, chicken -house, few fruit trees, 4 miles to town. o acre.' slashed, 40 acres open land, lots of good range. $40O. Bert Miller, Eddyville. Ore gon. ItiO-ACRE homestead relinquishment, 4-' miles from Portland, 40 to r0 acres till able, balance goud saw timber. Good wa ter and spring by tho house. Price $300. E 141. Oregonian. TWO good relinquishments close to rail road and town ; here is the right oppor tunity for the right man. Write today for full information. Address Culver Land Co.. Culver, Or. DO you want homestead or desert claim ? Call at 3."3 Vancouver ave., Portland, be tween hours of lo A. M. and 0 P. M. Sunday. it. L. C. ltio HOMESTEAD relinquishment. 3 miles from main line S. P., on good driving stream, 5.0O0.0O0 beautiful timber, J80O. 0O0 Oregonian bldg. GOVERNMENT land, just opened, best in the state; ail level, good soil, water and timber; can take $20 to b(H acres Call 191 4th st. FOR SALE Relinquishment lOo acres, miles Portland; shack. furniture and tools, $600. 546 4th St. JOIN California land excursion to Yuba Valley June 14. A. M. Hlghhouse. 441 Chamber Commerce bldg. HOMESTEADS of ISO acres; can Be us one day; desirable homei; good water. Covey, "67 Oak, room 21. Wood lawn 963. HOI! KSTEAO Good relinquishment cheap. Address Box 33. Culver. Or. Fruit lnrln. FOR SALE An Ideal fruit ranch, suitable for colony or private Individual; situated in the Mosier district; contains 160 acres, 120 of which is splendid fruit land, easily cleared and every foot capable of culti vation; 40 acres in Newtown and Spltzen berg apples, 25 acres in bearing; 40 acres timbered land with creek running through, suitable for pasture; all necessary tools and implements. Including fine team of horses and wagon, barn and necessary buildings for farm hands; a beautiful building spot for residence; the orchard is in fine condition. T-hts will be a money maker from the start. Price s:.". . or would consider first-class Inside Portland business property in exchange. A 100, Oregonian. 3-ACRE, 3-year-old orchard, close to Port land on electric line; close to depot; fin est of soil. A bargain; terms. Walker 2Q2 Wilcox bldg. lor Sale -harms. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME SACRIFICED. 135 acres delightfully situated C5 miles from San FranciBco; well furnished, mod ern 10 -room house and attractive modern bungalow; rustic 2-story barn and gar age, milkhouse, tankhouse, men's cabin, chicken-houses. dove cotes, implement house, tennis and croquet grounds, kitchen garden, flower garden, beautiful walks, and drives, oak, piny and fir groves, 40 acres in fruit, nuts. cherries, berries, grapes, figs, plums, apples, pears, peaches, prunes, etc.; best climate in the state for throat and lung troubles. This is a beau tiful place and easily worth $30,000, but as the present owner, a young man, has no use for it and must sell, the price for quick sale will be cut WAY DOWN and sold on very reasonable terms. You could not build and furnish the buildings for the price that will take this delight ful place. It's all ready to step right in and he comfortable and happy. This year's crop goes with the price. $15,C00. Address Highland Oak, St. Helena, Cal. 28 1-3 ACRES NEAR WOODBURN. Fine Improved farm 4 miles from Woodburn, hops, orchard, garden, grain, S-room house, hothouse 20x 30, barn, toolhouse, granary, baler and tools; 4 arres apples, 3 years old. 1 acre old orchard, 6 acres pears. 2 years, 8 acres hops. Bal ance grain and garden, living stream on place ; 1 M miles to rail road station. $5230. DORR E. KEASEY & CO.. 2d Floor Chamber Commerce Bldg. A RARE BARGAIN. 102 acres, just 30 miles from Portland. 3 miles good town, 2 R. R., 1 miles from another good town on electric line; 50 acres Is in cultivation, 45 acres In timber that Is used for pTsture; there Is a fair set of bldgs.. good well of water, fine stream and spring; 60 acres is first-class bottom land. This Is an excellent general purpose farm and Is easy worth $12,000, but must sell for $0500 to pay off mort gage. Will arrange terms to reliable party. C. DE YOUNG A COMPANY. 514 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FARM SNAP. To close an estate a client Instructs us to sell a farm of 100 acres, all in hlah state of cultivation ; rich, deep soli ; good improvements; within 12 miles of tho city on a rock road. This tine farm will be sold $150 under tho price of surrounding farms ; good terms can bo arranged. For full particulars sea R. F. BRYAN, 50 S and 500 Chamber of Commerce. D60-ACRE cattle ranch under fence, ;t3 head of horses, 35 head of cattle, hogs, chickens and implements all go with place, 500 acres under private Irrigation ditch. Puts up over 400 tons of hay, everlast ing. Summer range in National forest re serve. This will stand the closest In vestigation: $30,000. $10,000 cash, bal ance long time. 0 per cent. H. M. Car quevllle. "08 Selling bldg. SNAP. IF TAKEN AT ONCE. Fine stock farm, must be sold at once; sure snap; 5 or 0 cultivated, tt section with timber worth more than asked, nice creek, trout fishing, 2 natural springs, never go dry, fenced-in house and barn, hoghouse. range for stock over the fence, thousands of acres good pasture In Baker County. Pee owner at 105 Vj Grand ave. Phone East .90. city. A BARGAIN 223 acres on the SiK-tz reservation, two miles from the river; creek bottom, bench and second growth fir land; an ideal stock ranch, five miles from railroad station: buy direct from owners ; price $20 per acre, one-half down, balance on time. Write for particulars to F. Romtvedt, Toledo, Or. r5 ACRES OATS 25 acres easily cleared, somo timber and pasture, constitutes 17o acre farm 5 miles from Gaston; has good 6-room house, barn, hog house, granary, family orchard, springs; fenced ; 3 miles from R. R. ; will consider house to $3500. Reynolds, 1022 Chamber Commerce SPLENDID large wheat farm, fully im proved, big sacrifice; got to have money; 915,000 to handle. Don't answer unless you have cash. R 127. Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade; fine farm lands and acreage; 150 acres, $35 per acre; 70 acres. $40; 50 acres, $65; small tracts to suit. W. A. Heylman, Estacada. SNAP, 32o acres fine timber land. 2 -miles railway town; over half agricultural land; good springs. $3 per acre. Evert on Land Co.. Ererton. Ark. FOR farm paying 10O per cent net annually see Landis. 610 McKay b'dg., and gnt proof before buying. TWO large stock ranches for sale or trade, good buildings, living water. Room 50(1 Lumber Exc ha nge bldg.. 2d and S ta rk. SPECIAL bargains In Oregon and British Columbia farms; good terms. S M. Venard. C01 McKay bldg. INTRODUCTORY PRIZE OFFER. FKEE. Be "Ad." under "Business Opportuni-tits." REAL ESTATE. tor Sale -Imd farm lands IN CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA. ALONG THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC HIGHWAY. The railroad will soon be completed, giv ing settlers main line transportation ; an army of men are rushing the work that U may be completed in 1W14. The land along this new railway is unsurpassed for fruit, mixed farming, gardening, dairy and stock farms; uo irrigation. Summer rains; pea vine and wild grasses to horse s back; rich soil ; gcod climate; tine drinking water, beautiful rivers ad lakes, wild fruit, hsb and game in abundance ; thousands will go into the country when the railway is com pleted. We sell the best valley land in all size tracts at a low price and on unusually euy terms; can give gua.rante-2d title to every acre w sell; ov-r 100 stereopticon views of Central British Columbia free; everybody welcome. Call week days; will i-i-.ow views ttVeninjpJ by appointment. For Use pm, government reports. lieia notes and lull Information call or write W. A. Stock tun, uistrict salesman for the north Coast land co. ltd. Paid-up capital, $1,500,000. 624 Chajnftcr uf Commerce Bldg., . Portland. Or. BARGAIN D MORROW COUNTY. 95000 FIRST PAYMENT WILL DO. 1010-aere stock and grain farm 5 miles south of Heppner, Or. ; tioO acres seedea to Fall and Spring grain on Sum mer fallow, balance bunch grass; all fenced and cross tenced; has i-room house, large barn, granary, blacksmith shop with full set of tools, cream house with sep arator, other outbuildings; 7 horses. 4 mules, 5 cows, 4 heifers, about 20 hoga 3 dozen hens, 3 wagons, 5 -section harrow, Superior drill, mower, hay rake. Holt combined harvester, gang-plow, 2 other plows, disc harrow, harness for 12 horses, machinery and harness almost new. The crop is worth $13,500 but all goes fur $25 per acre. $5000 down, balance easy. KUPPER & HUMPHRY. 212-tll Chamber of Commerce. BEAR. SPRINGS RANCH A fruit laiui of about 75 acres at Un derwood. Washington, on the Columbia River opposite Hood River and In the White Salmon Valley. About 2S acres planted, principally to apples, and pears, the trees at tho present time Leing from 2 to 10 years old. Builuings include dwelling of 5 rooms and bath, with gravity water from a spring on the premises; detached concrete cellar, two-room cottage for hired help, barn, wagon and fruit sheds. The soli Is specially accaptea to fruit and the site is one of the most com manding, overlooking the Columbia River Valley. The property is free from mortgage In cumbrance and will be sold for cash or on terms, either as a whole or in two parts, or it may bo exchanged for income unincumbered property in Seattle, Tacoma or Portland. Price $20,000. CALVIN PHILLIPS & COMPANY. 211 California bldg.. Tacoma. HOG AND DAIRY FARM. 132 ACRES, 1U miles south of Wapato. Or., on main county road; 70 acres bottom laud, black sandy loam. o0 acres in crop, balance rolling; no waste land, tine pas ture, good family orchard, good house, new born and outbuildings; 1 good brood marc, 2 2-year-old Belgian colts, 1 cow, 2 brood sows, 1 boar, 12 goats, 4 doz, hens, wagon, buggy, hack. mower, harrow, plows, cream separator, incubator, harness and small tools; pnew $14, BOO: will take a good home In or near Port .and, about $2oOo cash, balance long time at 0 per cent. KUPPER & HUMPHRY. 212-213 Chamber of Commerce. FINE VALLEY FARM. Will divide and sell either halt If de sired ; 3s. acres on S. P., near good town, fine springs, two sets good builuings; well fenceu; horses, cowt, calves, hogs, guats, turkeys and chickens; all first-class ma chinery needed ; 75 acres In cultivation ; some fine pasture; loo acres timber, for which you will be paid $1.00 per thousand as cut; will take up t jbOOO in city property as part of first payment ; there is no incumbrance on tins place; the own er must movi to Portland immediately to look after important matters, so don't lose any time investigating this, or you miss the opportunity of the year. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. 502 Dekum Bldg. DAIRY RANCH, of 74 acres, located lb miles from Port land, 2 riiles from electric line, near Vancouver, on cood county road with R. F. D. and milk route; rich soil, over half under cultivation, balance good pasture and some timber ; plenty of good water w ith two good creecs ; house of t rooms and bath, largo barn and outbuildings; family orchard and berries; all imple ments go with farm, also good team. 7 good cows and a few hogs. Prosperous and well settled neighborhood, close to school, church and store. Price $17o- per acre; about hIf cash, balance time. Pic lures at otfiet. KACI-FMANN MJORE, 325 Lumber Exchange. COLUMBIA RIVER RANCH. $40,000 For 074 acres in Multnomah Coun ty, on the Columbia River; an ideal dairy proposition; O.-W., R. H N. Ry. station on premises; Portland-Hood River automobile road passes throug h property ; an abundant supply of clear, cold water piped on premises ; large dwelling, excellent barn, cream cry aim butter house ; low price and accessibility to Portland makes this property attractive and de sirable ; reasonable terms. R. H. Blossom, 31t Chamber of Com- marce. BEAUTIFUL HOOD RIVER. A 40-ACRE TRACT. 3 MILES FROM THE TOWN OF HOOD RIVER, 14 ACRES IN TREES. OF WHICH 8 ACRES ARE IN BEARING, BALANCE 2 AND "i YEARS OLD. PLENTY OF WATER FOR IRRIGATION. BEAUTIFUL SITUATION. ALL TOOLS NEEDED, INCLUDING GAS OLINE SPRAYER. THIS PLACE WILL BE SOLD AT A GREAT BARGAIN. OR WILL TRADE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. BUT NOT EQUITIES. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED. SEE JOHN MANNING, FENTON BLDG. 20 ACRES within 20 miles of Portland, 4 miles from electric line, near Vancouver, on good county road; very good soil, air tillable land with good drainage, land lying ex ceptionally well; about 7 acres under cul tivation, balance part easily cleared, part timber with good pasture and good ' out range; fine spring and well water, five room house, good barn and outbuildings, small family orchard ; pictures at office. Price JT'OOO, $5o cash, balance to suit. KAUFFMANN &. MOORE. 325 Lumber Exchange. A MARVELOUS OFFER, CANNOT BE DU PLICATED. Beautiful 100 acres. 140 level and till able, no rock or stumps to clear, 00 acres In cutlvation. rich soil, fenced. 2 fine springs, huuse, etc.. fine section country, richest bunch grass pasture, year round, abundance water, finest grain, dairy and Uog ranch; must sell, need money badly Price 5 days. $1300 cash, worth $2000 easy. BECKER, Marshall 1345. 327 Lumber Exc. STOCK AND DAIRY FARMS. 400. S00 and 1200 acres, $35, $20 and $17.50. In Y'amhil and Linn counties. I know these are bargains, because they are unoccupied and owners want to sell. There is an abundance of grass, fine streams of water bottom larfH for hay, gentle slopes, fair buildings and fenced; attractive terms. GEO. E. WAGGONER. 805 Yeon. W HEAT AND A L FA L F A. I have lOOO acres, over 0OO under culti vation, near Heppner, Oregon. All fenced and cross-fenced. Running stream on part tof It Good road and down-hill haul to station; has complete set of goou buildings, including fruit house and extra barn. Is netting good Income now; $20 per acre, $1000 cash, balance to suit your self. H. 117. Oregonian. 1S-ACRE FARM. All in cultivation and rich soil j good fences; good buildings of all kinds; very Miort walk to tGwn and railroad station; schools and churches near by and a good neighborhood; best part of Willamette Valley; only $100 per acre; would accept good Portland property for part and plen ty of time on the balance. J. E. Smith, 414 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE by owner, lO acres of AA land, near McMinnvllle; S-room house, barn, chicken-houses, etc., family orchard and all kinds of small fruit; terms part cash, balance on mortgage on place at 7 per cent. Call or address P. H. Fay, 1007 Albina ave. FuR .-ALE 100 acres on the White Salmon River, in Klickitat County, Washington ; some of the best land in the Valley; $100 per acre; very easy terms; 80 acres one mile north of Huium, near the White Sal mon River; $50 per acre. M. Morrison. 307 V: Main St., Vancouver, Wash. 10CO ACRES. -Willamette Valley; 1-3 clear, balance standing timber; sacrifice price $20 per acre; worth according to surrounding values $40-$50 per acre. 413 Chamber Commerce. 120-AC RE farm about S miles east of Gresham. good house, about 3" acres in cultivation, fronts on cunty road; will sell for $15 per acre. Owner, 430 Wor cester bldg. RE AX ESTATE SACRIFICE." FIFTY ACRES. LIBERAL TERMS. ON CLACKAMAS SOUTHERN R. R. (NOW UNDER ACTUAL CONSTRUC TION.) Will net from $1SOO to $2000 per year: miles from U res on City; R. F. D.. cream route and telephone ; mile from 3chool and church; -2 acres in crop, s acres In pasture, family orchard and timber. Living water in pasture; fairly good house ; barn will accommo date S horses and S cows and hold 30 tons of hay ; 3 good cows, 1 calf, 3 horses. 4 pigs, SO chickens, buggy, new 2-seat hack, farm wagon, plows, har row, mower, hay rake, cultivator and other farm tools; supply of wood and feed ; good kitchen range, cooking uten sils, sowing machine, churn, iron beds, tables, etc. Price $7750; $250O cash, balance easy terms. A splendid home p. ace, "ready to move into." t Will con sider some trade of merit.) Ask neigh bors what they will take for land ad joining this; you will see that you are making about $2000. The owner con ducting other business. Will sell at sac rifice. Address owner, Wm. Emmons, box 222. Portland. HIGH-CLASS DIVERSIFIED FARM. Strictly modern, highly developed di versified dairy farm, situated on the Co lumbia River, Portland territory, compris ing about 385 acres. Modern dwellings and dairy barns, orchard, spring water piped to buildings; concrete bottling house; icehouse, laundry building, regis tered dairy cows; milk delivery selling for over $2ooo per month in addition to blood ed stock. This place is growing in value rapidly and Is now paying over 10 per cent on the investment. Will be sold or exchanged for city property; value, in cluding the land, buildings and approxi mately" 1GO head of livestock. $U0.O0O. Owner lives in city and is unable t give the growing business proper attention. Ad dress owner direct. K 130, Oregonian. BEAVERTON. FINE COUNTRY HOME. 18 ACRES, all under high state of culti vation; large 7-room house, hot and cold water, large barn, chicken-house and out buildings; all fenced and cross-fenced- 5 acres in fine orchard 12 years olo; net $1000 last year soil with a reputation ; Joins town of Beaverton. Price f 12.000: nug. $4000; will arrange terms. KUPPER & HUM PH RY, 212-23 Chamber of Commerce. CLOSE-TO-PORTLAND FARM. 100 acres, mile to Oregon Electric. 23 miles from Portland on main road, half mile to town on the Willamette River rich sandy loam, all tillable, half in tim ber, pasture and half in highest cultiva tion, light slope to river about half mile, fme creek and big spring, complete set of buildings, hay. grain, stock, vehicles, implements. 9-room house, a family or chard, phone, rural route, beautiful loca tion and place is in perfect condition; everything goes, including crops in the ground, ut a very low price; half cash and balance long time at 6 per cent. CO-OPER ATI STB REALTY CO.. 502 Dekum Bldg. HERE it Is, 102.1C acres, deep loam, no doby hardpan or white land ; will grow any thing on the same land, fruits, nuts, hups, vegetables, grains, grasses; well drained, plenty of good water, fine for dairying, fully equipi.ed; household goods, large house and barn, stock, or will sell part ; there are 30 a-res, mile from Htibuard, with spring; would make a lovely home; crops all in, plenty of everything; come on Oregon Electric, stop jt Broadacres, cc.li up 0522 and I will come for you. or write CHARLES L. WILSON. R. 1. Box 10. Hubbard, Oregon. ;o ACRES $4000. Located in Washington County, 23 miles west of Portland, if miles from United Ry. electric line at North Plains, on good county road; excellent soil, all tillable land; about b acres under cultivation, bal ance part easily cleared, part good saw timber; family orchard and large but old barn; no house; a snjn at $25 per acre; $lu0o cash will handle. KAUFFMANN & MOORE, ;i2r Lumber Exchange. lOO-ACRE STOCK FARM In Little Kalama River Valley, only mile and quarter from main Kalama River and 10 miles from Woodland, Wash.; new house 2bx28, fair barn, family orchard, good soil, well watered; 30 acres in pas ture and 30 cultivated ; estimated a mil lion and half yellow iir; school on farm and large outrange for stock; $5000 will buy it on terms. Faro from Portland here only $1. B. P. Lane. Woodland. Wash. A BONANZA 160 acres of land, Klickitat County. W ash., 5 miles from railroad and market, good house and barn and other improve ments, spring between house and barn that, flows 5000 gallons per minute, capable of producing 8 horsepower. Almost all of ranch under cultivation, can be watered from spring at small cost; a good ranch for diversified farming. Price, $60 per acre. For terms or other information ad dress Box 215, (Joldendale, Wash. 40 ACRES, $bOO. Located 52 miles north of Portland, in Cowlitz County, u miles from Ry., near Kelso, on county road, with daily mail ; excellent soil, fine spring water, also trout stream, shingle house and outbuildings ; lots of outrange, ai'fording splendid pas ture; $50O casn; a snap. KAUFFMANN & MOORE, 325 Lumber Exchange. YOU WILL ADMIT THAT IT IS BETTER THAN "BEAVER DAM." Have over 000 acres of rich black well drained soil. Not doby. All cleared, largo portion plowed, plenty of rainfall, close to Government range, ideal for stock, dairy or general farming. 40 acres or more at $75 per acre. Very easy terms. LUEDDEM ANN, RULEY & CO.. 013-017 Chamber of Commerce. POULTRY. FRUIT and OABDRM TRAr.T 0.33 acres good rich soil, 5 acres under cultivation, oer i acres commercial orchard, trees in fine condition. Well located within quarter of mile of good little town with up-to-dato school and all modern facilities. Ideal for poultry Uood market, employment nearby if desired A real bargain for $1000. Only $250 cash required. AH 130, Oregonian. FOR SALE 180 acres, 14 miles from Stevenson; about 25 acres improved; good house, barn and outbuildings; bearing fruit and berries; 7 fine milch cows, some young stock; 2 work horses, wagons, im plements, etc. ; $05 per acre ; one-tUIrd cash, balance 0 per cent to suit purchaser. Investigation solicited. Address owner, J ohn WacfaXer. St enson. Wash. A WONDERFUL BARGAIN. 40 acres richest soil, 20 cultivation, bal ance easily cleared, ail tillable. large house and barn, outbuildings, running stream, fenced, free outrange, ready market close by. everything produced. Must be sold quick. Price $1050. $1000 cash, balance easy. BECKER, Marshall 1345. 327 Lumber Exchange, virt' n ( mi $3500 For 176 acres at Tlgardville, 10 mtles from Portland; good 7-room house and barn; 300 cords of wood; all can be cultivated ; small cash payment; balance your own terms. R. H. Blossom, S16 Chamber of Commerce. FINE country home near Columbia River. 30 miles from Portland, 42 acres, im proved, lO-room house. glass-enclosed view porches. Fruit, stock, funriture; everythlng goes for $12,000 or exchange new modern residence; some cash. M. postoffice box 245. city. 700-ACRE farm. A cultivation; 35 miles west of Portland; $100 per acre, for city property. 170 acres, 12 miles to Portland, all un der cultivation, for city property. GOLDSCHMIDTS AGENCY, ' 415 Chamber Commerce. HERE IS A SNAP FOR YOU. 40 acres, nicely improved, only 12 miles from Postoffice, 5-room house, barn, chicken-house, bearing orchard, S acres timber and close to school, with terms 52JS Railway Exchange bldg. JAS. HOWARD'S farm for sale, on reas sonable terms. About 30 acres cleared fine creek; located in Eastern Multno mah Co.. 24 miles from Portland in quire O. M. Hickey, Atty.. 514 Wilcox bldg. 160 ACRES, 15 acres clear, fair buildings 12 minutes to United Railways, only $15 per acre. 10 acres, aale or exchange, near Beaver ton, 0 acres clear, give or take. 771 Savler st. LOGGED -OFF lands, upwards of 4000 acres, at Lower Columbia; tine dairy and stock proposi tion; sell or exchange all or in part. Ooid schmidfs Agency, 415 Chamber Com merce, FINE CHEAP LANDS IN WASHINGTON ALONG THE "NEW LINE." For particulars, write Immigration Bu reau. C , M. & St. P. Ry., 537 Henry bldg Seattle, Wash. 40 ACRES, 18 cleared, new buildings, separ ator, phone, 4 cows, 3 calves, chickens H mile to school. 2 miles to Wlnlock; $2500. Abe A. Johnson, box 215, Win lock, Wash. FOR SALE 60 -acre farm. 41 miles south of Portland, on S. P. R. R. ; 10-acre or chard. 3 acres standing fir cordwood, balance general farming land; price $10 -OOP. L. J.. 246 S. Cottage st.. Salem, Or. 250-ACRE FARM on United Railway, near North Plains ; must be sold to settle an estate; all or in part, $IOO per acre. Goldschmldfs Agency. -II." Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE CHEAP A well -improved 8 acre ranch; good buildings, family orchard, running water; Just outside city limits or Newberg. Or. W. H. panborst, owner, Newberg, Or. REAL ESTATE For Sale t arms. EVERY FARM SELECT. 60 ACRES $2100. Very close to town and R. R. Good oil. 4 acres clear, balance easy cleared, alder brush; small timber. Lies good. Good G-room house. 20x3a barn, other out buildings. Bearing orchard, water under pressure. Jersey cows, chickens, cream separator, furniture, etc. A snap. $1500 cash, balance terms. 70 ACRES $14,000. 30 miles out on electric, black free loam, the best. 55 acres in crops. 12 acrcb fine hops. Good orchard, no wasto land. Lies perfect. 8-room house, very fine barn. nunier.ua good out-buildings. Full out fit Al tools and Implements. Horses, cows, heifers, pigs, chickens and furniture included. Wo highly recommend this farm. Terms at 0 per cent. 300 ACRES $1S.000. Five miles from large town, 2 miles small town and R. p.. , 100 acres river bottom loam under plow. 40 acres prairie, balance bench. 2rto acres partially im proved. River, springs, well. U-room house, 70x110 barn, usual outbuildings good. A fine dairy and stock ranch and an extremely good buy. About 'JO miles from Portland. Terms at 6 per cent. 270 ACRES $30,000. Best fruit and diversified farming land in l-nion County; a rich, black loam; 220 acres cultivated. Come in and see pic ture of farm, showing wheat that made OO bushels per acre. Fine improvements, largt family orchard, berries, etc. Broken health forces aged owner to sacrifice at least $5000. Terms, half cash. See or write Mr. Beck. CH API N-HERLO W MORTGAGE & TRUST CO.. 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. STOCK RANCHES. 160 acres, Pendleton district, close to big open range; will handle more cattle than any place of its size in Oregon; eas ily handle 300 cattle; artistic log house, good barn, running water, etc.; price $32.50 per acre; will give terms or take some trade. 10o acres, Molalla; a fine place, very cheap at $35 per acre. 160 acres. Elk City, 6-room house, barn horses, cattle, milch cows, bull, calves, wagon, separator, mower, rake, tools, im plements, orchard, bees, and planty of out range; everything goes with place at $40 per acre; terms. 160 acres, Nehalem Valley, the finest dairy land in the worid; house, barn, springs, running water, milch cows, horsed, wagons, harness, tools, implements, etc. ; a big snap; $1500 cash, balance of $3750 on terms to suit. 140 acres on Big Elk River; house, barn, fruits, berries, lots of feed and out range; all ktvds of fish, deer, bear, elk, etc. a sportsman's paradise, sea coast climate and you can taku up homestead adjoining; $24.90 per acre. 80 acres, hog ranch, close to Portland; nicely improved ; $30 per acre. 3000 acres; a wonderful cattle ranch ad joins unlimited free range, $t per acre; terms. 640 acres, Umatilla wheat ranch, 540 acres In cultivation, 8-room house, barn, all fenced. 15 acres alfalfa irrigated; you can't equal it anywhere; price $20 per acre; terms. 80 acres, all stocked, good houses, ready for someone to step into and make money from tho start; $4000 terms. SO acres, finely Improved, stocked and making money right now, $0000. St. Charles Land Co., St. Charles Hotel, Port land. FINE STOCK RANCHES. ' 1600 acres, close to the John Day River, in one of the best stock sections of East ern Oregon; 75 to lOO acres of fine alfalfa lajid with ABUNDANCE OF FINE FREE WATER for irrigation and stock purposes; considerable good timber; several hundred acres of jood grain land. ALL FENCED and subdivided into several different fields. ABUNDANCE OF OUTRANGE. Com for table two-story house ; largo stock barn, etc. 100 HEAD OF HORSES. All tools on the place; s miles from good town; price for all $10 per acre; very easy terms will be made at 6 per cent. Thij splendid ranch has paid large re turns to its owner and Is now on the market only as It must be sold to close an estate. If you want something good this will stand your closest investigation. 1360 ACRES. This Is a splendid stock ranch and lies fine; over half is good plow land; adjoins forest reserve and there are several thou sand acres of Government land adjoining. Abundance of water. Some alfalia land. Good large barn, fair house and outbuild ings. Water can be piped to buildings. SO HEAD OF HORSES. On main county road, phone line, close to school aud 4 miles from town. Price $10 per acre. Terms $3ooo cash, balance long tims at 6 per cent. Will consider good property as part payment. ALVORD & CO., 21a Board of Trade. STOCK AND GRAIN RANCH. 861 acres 500 acres in cultivation, bal unce pasture; land is well watered, all lies good; soli is the best; a new 11-room plastered modern house, stone basement; spring water piped in house; the best set of farm buildings in Wasco County; is located near Duf ur ; the crops now grow ing wiil go a long way toward paying for the farm; fine orchard; all crops go with the place, also head of fine horses, harness for IS head, wagons, hacks, the best money will buy: 70 head of blooded hogs, some cows, chickens, new headers, reapers, mowers, rakes, all the best farm ing implements; would take as part pay ment a home or Income property in Port land to the value of $S00o. some cash, the balance can run long time at 0 per cent. Price. $30,000. W. II. LANG, 315 Abington bldg. A L F A L FA R A N CH. 160 acres near Redmond. 145 acres In cultivation, 125 acres in alfalfa, 20 acres In potatoes, paid up water right, good buildings, all stock and implements go. Cash price $16,000. Will trade for clear city Income property or good Im proved valley ranch of same value. DORR E. KEASEY &. CO.. 2d Floor Chamber Commerce Bldg. MODEL POULTRY RANCH. $500 will place you in Immediate p f session of this completely equipped poul try ranch, besides giving you an ideal country home. Location is but 28 miles from Portland, a few minutes' walk from R. R. station, store, postoffice and school. There Is a comfortable new A-room house, a laying house that will accommo date 1500 birds, incubator house of 1000 capacity and brooder house heated by hot water system that will take care of 1600 chicks. Some stock Included. The five acres are cleared and under cultivation, with small bearing orchard and garden' Price S9G00, C. W. DAVIS & CO.. 606 Commercial Blk. FOR SALE A fine bearing orchard, at sac rifice, for quick sale, on account of di vision of property; will sell all or divide; 50 acres, 26 acres in orchard. 10 acres in river-bottom land, fine for pears or ap ples; 7-room house, packing-house, barn, windmill, all necessary buildings; 14 mile to s. P. R. station, just outside City of Rogue River. Price $5oi per acre. Also 110 acres. mile Lebanon, Or. ; all In cultivation, fine to subdivide in small tracts: price $00 per acre. Also lO acres in City of Lebanon, small house, barn, other buildings, price $2S00. Address S. C. Carroll, Rogue River, Or. FOR SALE "BY OWNER One of the best diversified farms In Ore gon ; owner too old to continue farming location central Wasco County, 10 miles down grade, O. C. Railroad. 540 acres, 400 cultivated and more can be; ISO acres excellent Fall grain of which one-third goes with place; 220 'acres Summer fallow; large area tine clover and alfalfa land, plenty of water owned out right; $27.50 per acre; attractive terms Address V. C. Driver, 101 1 E. 6th North city. Woodlawn 33S7, for full details. FUR SALE 320 acres, near Salem Or About 220 acres cleared. ISO acres in cultivation: good family orchard, lO acivi In bearing cherrie s ; large springs water piped to houses, barn, garden and yard house 12 rooms, with bath, all outhouses fully equipped with all tools, machinery, livestock; tine dairy and loganberry prop osition; one of the finest ranches- in the Valley ; $100 acre, good terms; half of this year's crop goes with this bargain Call 310 Failing bldg. BUT THIS AND GO TO WORK AT ONCE 20 acres, 10 in grain, four 4-year appl orchard, balance timber; property in heart of 12.000 acres cultivated orchards; $2So6" team, harness, cow. hack, plows $600 easy terms; to purchasers goes lease of 7 rocm modern house, fine barn, also 2-year contract to care for 100 -acre orchard - a good proposition for the right party 'for complete details write to Frank Boulan F. D. No. 2. Sheridan, Or. 40 ACRES. 18 miles of Portland, 1 u of station; all tn cultivation but a few acres -3 acres bearing fruit, 7-room house barn and other buildings; this is an old' place and the best of land; will take $2000 cash balance long time, 6 per cent; price $S7o6 and will sell 9 cows, l team, 15 hogs machinery on time to the right man By owner, C. P. Wright. Boring, Or FARMERS AND HOMESEFKERS No matetr what kind or size of farm you wish to buy. if you wish to get cood value for your money and a square deal see F. FUCH--, 4 2o Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 000 acres of land on electric line. 13 miles from Portland; 400 acres under cultivation; will sell all or part. Write or call on owner. E W. Rains. Forest Grove, Or. FARM of S3 acres, with all stock and im plements, cheap, by owner. Particulars and reason for selling. Address J T. Rowcllffe, Barton, Or. route 1, box 13. REAL ESTATE. -,HV. , cr with buildings; 13 mile from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash. By owner, is- Morrison st. FPU 8A1.K-TI.M11F.K LAN OS. BIG SNAP $1250. rhV rcres ESS and fir "irtOi. about J miles from railroad; owner has detailed cruise by reliable estimator which sows 4..OJ.000 feet of saw timber besides nearly 40eO cords of wood and 100$ DUtBsr stfl things being considered, this is an ex ceptional bargain; there Is as much tim ber as you will find on two ordinary timber claims for less than you would naj for one. J. B. HAVILAND TIMBER CO. $$ Dekum Bldg. ONE-HALF INTEREST In sawmill. 3i O0O capacity; on railroad with good shipping facilities and favorable freight rates; log ging can be controlled; mill ready to op erate immediately; present owners want .jtperienced man who can make good, to operato mill. Require $3UO0. L. B. Snydr. Collins. Wash. $o000 Vj section tir timber, 4 mile from fc . - J?R near Wolf- Creek station; will cut . C.O O0. OOO feet: this price is about $400 under the assessed valuation for 1U13 tax. out we must hav money. AO y$ Ore gonian. TIMBER claim in Tillamook County lo cated on Wilson River. Price $2000. Dorr J5 Keasey & Co.. 2d floor Chamber of Commerce bldg. TIMBER LANDS " BOUGHT AND SOLD C. J. M'CRACKEN. 34 McKay bldg Ideal location for tie mill, stream run nin- to R. R. spur. No. 75 3th st. 320 ACRES, about 4 ' million feet yel'ow pine; make me a cash offer: land Is good Al r 11.". Oregonian. TIM BfltB for sale, best qualltv, or to saw If the right man has a mill. Call looU Lee st.. Salem. 20 ACRES line timber land near Albany, Or. price 51000 cash; bargain. M.. P. O. box 245. city. HALF section of yellow pine timber. 4 1 j million ftet, for sale cheap. 1 need the mon.-y. AO 114, Oregonian. 30.000.000 RED and yellow fir on R. R. Ben ton Co., Or., for sale by owners, cash or terms. Fish & Hodges. Albany, Or. AM tired of paying taxes ou my 160 acres timber. Jackson County; who wants a real snap ? AN 50. Oregonian WAN TED TO KK N T FARM S. THOROUGHLY competent and reliable man srth,es to rent an equipped stock ranch on shares. Can give reference. L 11A, Ore gonian. FO It K EXT FARM S $10 PER month; for lease 1 year or morp, 2 acres for chicken ranch. 3-room house-. 1 'i -acre wired In, 6-ft. chicken wire, -acre clear, shed, cellar, well, 40 minutes' ride from Portland, minutes' walk to car, school, grocery and church. Gresham or Cazadero car, fare 10c. W 110, Orego nian. FOR RENT SO acres; 20 acres in crops; good buildings, orchard ; cream route and mail; 'i mile to school. 7 miles fiom railroad; lease 4 years or longer at S15t per year; $4oO cash. K. Madison. Oregon City. IMPROVED little farm, near car, berries ready to Fell ; a snap if you have some cash. N. M. Apple., gg Henry bldg. GOOD, cozy house and barn and 7 acres, partly furnished, 2."-minut o service, $10 Inquire Willard Hotel. Main 2S0S. IMPROVED farm n-.-ar carline. fine for dairy or bogs; reasonable. AK 144, Ore gonian. FARMS WANTED. WANTED REAL ESTATE. FARMS WANTED. We have a client who wants to go Into dairying. He has no money, but if you will sell him your ranch he will make you a present us a. first payment of a house and lot worth $12i0. We have a client with J4000 spot cash. He wants the best dary ranch not over $5300 and not less than 40 acres that w5 can find. Must be all level. Improved, stocked, on milk route and strictly up-to-date. If you have the goods, we have tin buyer. ST. CHARLES LAND CO., SL Charles Hotel, Portland. DAIRY FARM WANTED. We have a client who wants to buy a good dairy farm of 90 to 1G0 acres, farm must be not over 2 miles from railroad station and not over 40 miles from Port land; also must have good Improvements; party will pay cash for same if you have something at a bargain. SMITH-W1LLOUGHBY CO., Main S770. 90 .th st. WANT farm. Willamette Valley, for beau tiful suburban place of 7 acres, partly cleared, fine land, li mile electric station. 35 minutes from center of Portland; value $"00 per acre, which is lower than neigh boring places. Will assume some differ ence if price is right. Address P. O. box 195, Portland. PROSPECTIVE settler from Alberta, wants l?w -priced land south of Portland for stock ranch; nothing over $33 per acre con sidered. AH 119, Oregonian. WANTED To hear from owner of good farm for sale; send description and price. Northwestern Business Agencv, Minneap olis. Minn.. WANTED REAL ESTATE. MT customer wants $100,000 apartment, or one of less value. In exchange for good city property. Will assume. Persona! interview only. See Mr. Beck, Chapin-Herlow Mtg. & Trust Co., Chamber of Commerce bldg. BL'NOALOW WANTED. Want 5-room bungalow in good resi dence district; will give &O acres timber at cash value of $Ho Tor first payment, bal. ance monthly pavtnents. LUEDDEM ANN. RULEY & CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. WILL pay cash for S to lO acres, about half In cultivation, with good house or none ; near station; preferably electric line; not more than IS miles from Portland; want good property at right price; give full description of property, exact location aud price. D UT Oregonian. WANTED -Farm Willamette Valley in ex change for furniture and long lease of West Side rooming-house paying $200 month clear; mi-rht assume some dlffer cnc. F 112. OreRonian. I WANT a fair-sized tract of land either on the beach or close to a good small town; must be right, give full description, lo cation and price. Address L 130, Orego nian. A LOT for cash; must be a snap; In Rose City Park, near Sandy boulevard between East 44th and East B3d sts. Give lot and block nurrrbers; no agents. AF 130, Ore gonian. WANT nice home, Hawthorne, Rose Citv or Laure 'hurst preferred ; will apply Bel-mont-st. corner business lot 011 same and assume difference. Give price, location, full details. X 141, Oregonian. LOT facing east In Irvlngton Park on E 2Sth, 2tth, 31st or 32d streets, south of A ins worth. Inside lot. Give best price and terms for quick sale. Owners only. AG 127, Oregonian. DO you want to get out of debt? Am look ing for equities in improved properties at reasonable prices. Details in first letter W 12S. Oregonian. I WANT a good residence lot in Portland, Tacoma or Seattle for my $1500 equity In a new. modern 7-room Mt. Tabor home. Owner, K 129. Oregonian. WE have $1000 cash and U acres near Woodburn for house in city up to $3000. IOWA REALTY CO.. 029 Chamber Commerce. Mar. 604. WANTED "i or 6-room house or vacant lots In exchange for 320 acres of timber land valued at $48o0. E. J. Geiser. 420 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Modern 3 or 6-room home In re stricted district to $3500 from owner who will accept choice acreage as part pay ment. AB US, Oregonian. WA NT two 3 to 5-acre tracts for two par ties, near Oregon Electric, between Metz ger and Tigard; pay part cash. Geo. Entidehart, 2"1S Lumberniens bldg. BUSINESS property or apartments wanted ranging from $20,000 to $30,000. Price must be right. Details in first letter. Owners only. V 129, Oregonian. FROM OWNER Equipped ranch, 10 to 10 acres; must have easy terms; make good monthly payments. P 117. Oregonian. I WANT furnished upt.-house or flat, mod ern, close In; must be seasonable. AJ 143, Oregonian. WANTED 10 acres or moi e on Willamette River above Oregon City. 415 Chamber Commerce. COUNCIL CREST district lots to exchange for bouse ; will consider up to $5000. Phone Main 9534. ACREAGE wanted in exchange for house and lot. Hatfield. 1G5A 4th st. WILL pay cash for a home If a snap; gie total price and location. B 97. Oregonian. WILL pay $10,000 cash for West Side and close East Btge income, p 112, Oregonian. I WANT to buy for $500 spot cash the best small acreage passible, p. O. box 2004. WANTED Clear lot; will give" my $1050 equity beautiful bungalow in trade Call Sunday Tabor 4704. WANTED ticulars. 5. G-room bungalow. H 110t Oregonian. Give par- WANTED Two lots on good carline give phone. G 117, Oregonian.