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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1913)
THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 8, 1913. Turn to Back Page of Section 3, This Paper, for Equally Interesting News of Vital Meaning to You See Model of the Panama Canal Store Opens Tomorrow, 8:30 A. M. and Closes at 5:30 P. M. Festival Visitors Are Invited to Make This Store Their Headquarters The Greatest Attraction during the Rose Festival, is the wonder ful Working Model of the Panama Canal. See the Canal in actual operation. This ex hibition is free. Fifth Floor, New Building. To Our Patrons and Visitors, Welcome! "June White Days" Offer OFFICIAL PROGRAMME for Festival Week free at Accommodation Desk, First Floor, Main Building. Hi K flm fA&iSl K 1 V IWOrf I SSTs Have Luncheon Tomorrow t mk m . US& Lj UMhS) l yf- in 0ur7th-Fioor Restaurant 'mBmWNmW a Festival of Bargains for Tomorrow Embroidery Specials $18.50 Semi-Made Robes on voile, heavily embroidered and trimmed witb ratine lace, also white, worked with col ors. They consist of skirt length of 42 inch Flouncing with ma- d 1 O f terial and bands to match p A 3.0U $7.50 Semi-Made Robes of voile in white and ecru, worked in tf0 QQ Bulgarian colors; price only tsssi.!70 To $15 White Robes of voile and ra tine, heavily worked in flor- QA al and conventional designs p .OJ 85c to $1.75 Bands and Edges Bands of venise and ratine in white and ecru, and Net and Shadow Bands and Edges, 4 to 9 inches. Also 18-inch Shadow all overs for Gowns and Waists, yard, 69 Bands and Edges of Princess, Bohe mian and Hornton laces, 4 to 12 inches; dainty and inexpensive for gowns for evening wear. $2 grades, yard, $1.39; $4.75 grades, yard, $3.00; $3.50 grades, yard, $2.50. First Floor, New Building;. Keep Cool! 2000 Folding Paper Fans, in various sizes and shades, regu larly 25c, special, each, only 5 STORE YOUR FURS We have the only Refrigerat ing Cold Storage for Furs in Portland, and they are guaran teed against theft, fire and moth. Send Furs tomorrow. Visitors to the ROSE FESTIVAL will enjoy the noonday Lunch eon in our cool, quiet 7th Floor Restaurant. Delightful Cuisine, Music. Direct Elevator. Winner of $45 Gas Range John Greblach, 522 Slxtk afreet, gnesaed the number of a corns In our irlndoir, 24.305. Correct number of c o r n 2-4334. $2.50 to $3 Gowns, $2.18 Here's an exceptional lot of fine quality Gowns, of nainsook and cambric; trimmed in dainty embroidery; lace tucks, insertion, beading and ribbon. High neck and long sleeves, or low neck and short sleeves. $ 1 .75 Crepe Gowns, $ 1 .22 For June White Days, we've included some beauti ful Crepe Gowns of unusual quality, in high and low neck styles, and becomingly trimmed in linen lace. Regularly $1.75, tomorrow, each $1.22. $4.50 Hand-Embroidered Gowns of soft finish nainsook; slipover style. Short sleeves, hand-scalloped and hand-embroidered yoke effects. In fetching designs. Hand-embroidered eyelets at neck flJQ "1 Q are ribbon-drawn. Special for June White Days, each P 5 $5 to $6.50 Gowns, $3.57 Dainty Gowns of fine nainsooks, beautifully trimmed in Valenciennes and Cluny lace edgings and insertions, tucks, headings and ribbons. Short, puff and flowing sleeves. $4.50 Combinations, $2.89 Every woman will find in this group of Combina tions, Corset Covers and Drawers, one or more pleasing styles. They're made Princess and trimmed in dainty embroidery and lace beading, and run with ribbons. $4 and $4.50 Princess Slips of soft quality nainsook, becomingly trimmed in dainty embroidery, Valenciennes and Cluny lace, tfJO QQ ribbon and beading. Special for June White Days, each ipasi.I.'O Second Floor, Nnt Building. Mall Orders Filled. A New One! The Silk Balloon Bag see them tomorrow in our Jewel ry Section. They 're an original and swagger novelty. Of moire and brocaded silks. In appropriate shades for wear with the drape gown. Prices $1.50 and $1.75. Sample Corsets $4.00 to $6.50 Models $2.79 Sample Corsets of coutil, filled with whalon, medium bust, long hip. Trimmed in embroidery and lace, two pairs of supporters. De cided reductions for quick-selling. Second Floor. Stir Bulldlnjc. 100 Imp'ted Hats V Price Here's an offering that will ap peal to every fashionable woman dresser Both rare and charming ehapeau creations that you've so much admired. Formerly selling $25 to $100. will sell tomorrow at exactly HALF PEICE. One Group to $50 Trim'd Hats dress, semi-dress and tailored mod els all possessing unusual chic and beauty Including many Imported Hats,' tomorrow. HALF PRICE. $2.50 to $4.50 Untrimmed Shapes of Milan and hemp. Your choice at $1.75. Untrimmed Hats a special lot of Patent Milans, Chip and Azure. Special tomorrow, only $1.35. Second Floor, Millinery Parlors Second Floor, New Building;. Hand-Emb'd and Real Lace Neckwear Vz Off There's an irresistible daintiness and beauty to hand-embroidered Lace Neckwear, and for June White Days, we include our entire stock, ranging at $1.50 to $35 for One-Third Off. This is an extraordniary offer that will strike a responsive chord, and occasion unusual activity in the Neckwear Section tomorrow. All White Ribbons Reduced! For "June White Days" we've made noticeable reductions on all White Ribbgns. Choose now for sashes and girdles; hair bows. Girdles and Sashes Made to Order. Graduation and Wedding Bows Made to Order. . First Floor. Main Bulldlns Mall Orders Fllled. Everything for the Beach with a view to offering our patrons everything for the Deaoh that will add in any measure to their comfort and enjoyment, 'tis safe to say that nowhere In all Portland will you find such thougrhtful preparation to care for your needs. And another con sideration worth while lowest prices. Children's Rompers; sizes 2 to 5 years. The sensible garment for beach wear. .Special at only 47. New Bathing Suits of silks, alpaca and flannel ma terials. SI. 25 to $12.50 Bathing Caps priced at 35c to $2.50. Bathing Caps for women, 35c. 50C. SI. $2.50 Hammocks, 75C to $12 Folding Cots on sale at $2.25 to S4.00. Comfort Chairs, on sale at SI. 50 to $21.00. Porch Swings, on sale at $8.50 to $30.00. June Sale Perrin's French Kid Gloves Assuredly a phenomenal sale of Gloves com mences tomorrow, embodying all the most famous makes: Perrin's, Trefousse, Bacmo, Reynier and Ireland. Every Pair Reduced for This Sale. Choose for Graduation and Wedding Needs. Every Pair of Gloves Is Offered From Our Regular Stock. All Colors; All Sizes; All Fitted; All Guaran teed. A Corps of Extra Fitters. $1 and $1.25 1 and 2-clasp Gloves, pair, 93C $1.50 two-clasp Gloves, pair $1.39 $1.75 two-clasp Gloves, pair $1.49 $2.00 two-clasp Gloves, pair $1.83 $2.25 two and three-clasp Gloves, pair, $1.98 $3.50 12 and 16-button Gloves, pair. . $2.98 $4.00 16-button Gloves, pair $3.49 $5.00 20-button Gloves, pair $4.19 $5.50 24-button Gloves, pair $4.49 First Floor. Main BulldlntT. Mall Orders Filled. Women's Parasols All Are Reduced 'Tis well known that we carry the most com plete stock of Parasols in the city. And in all the newest shapes, both plain and fancy. Mostly made on 10-ribbed brass frames. The La Belle shape is exceedingly popular this sea son. Our entire stock of Parasols reduced for Festival Week. Rose Parade Parasols, white cotton 50 C $1.50 Parasols, special $1.29 $2.00 Parasols, special $1.79 $2.50 Parasols, special $1.98 $3.50 Parasols, special $2.39 $5.00 Parasols, special S4.19 $6.00 and $6.50 Parasols, special $5.47 $7.50 Parasols, special $6.98 $8.50 Parasols, special $7.29 $9.00 Parasols, special $7.98 $10.00 Parasols, special... $8.47 $12.50 to $22.50 Parasols y4 OFF 35c Figured Voiles for the making of cool, attractive Summer dresses and waists, 40 inches wide. Special price, yard s.3C 25o Kimono Pliaee a mercerized material, wonderfully suited to the making of g kimonos and dressing sacques. Yard X DC First Floor. Knr Bulldlns Mnll Orders Filled. C 1, 1 Put Up in Our OanuWICneS Basement Restaurant 25c to 35c Neckwear at 19c In large assortment you'll find beautiful embroidered Dutch Collars, and also the new Imperial Collars of lawn and crepe with pleated revers. irom this immense lot ot Joe to Joe teckwear, choose for only 19c New Conceits of Women's Neckwear Jabots, fancy Collars, I'rince Imperial Collars, Bulgarian Collars, etc.. in wonderful Floor Special, each, only Plrot Women's $1 to $1.50 Neckwear offering new Dutch Collars, Ja bot, Cascades, Flat Collars with Jabots attached and fancy T'T Stocks. etc. : tomorrow, each C Main Bulldlns;. Mall Orders Filled. FestiVl Souvenirs You'll want a Souvenir, and we are pre pared with a complete showing at prices low est possible. Souvenir Spoons of Portland and Oregon in Coffee Spoons, large and small Teaspoons all of sterling silver, from 65? to $2.25. Souvenir Cups, Card Trays, Ash Trays, onlv 23 and 49. Rose Beads, made from Portland Roses, in long or short necklaces. From 95 to $2.50 First Floor, Main Building. Lingerie and Rough Ratine Dresses 2 Price There's distinctive charm to every one of these beautiful Rough Ratine and Lingerie Dresses that we offer now for just one-half price. Of hand embroidery, and Valenciennes lace or embroid ery trimmed; also Ratine Dresses trimmed with yokes of crepe or drawn embroidery. Regularly these Dresses priced at from $20 to $85, select now at Y Price. 3 Groups of Coats Unparalleled in Price Women will welcome this opportunity to select stylish Coats at greatest reductions. Tweeds and worsteds are shown, serge and fancy coat ings, in tan, gray, navy, brown, black, checks and stripes. There's full length and cutaway models, semi-fitted or with shirred back and belted effects. Some have large shawl collars, others fancy trimmed. Select tomorrow from three groups at only $4.75, $7.85, $12.65. $3.50 Shirts and Shirtwaists of fine plain or striped madras; also of linen with dl QQ soft or stiff cuffs and collars, special P Remarkable Sale of Women's Suits Select now from four fine groups of plain Tailored and Semi-fitted Suits in materials of serge, eponge, mannish materials and wool pop lins. Made in Norfolk style, cutaway and fancy trimmed vest effects; also some with long shawl collars of silk all at striking reductions. $45.00 Suits reduced to $32.50 $35.00 Suits reduced to $23.50 $25.00 Suits reduced to $17.50 $22.50 Suits reduced to $16. 50 New Waists just arrived, of Lingerie, washable crepes, voiles and batiste, with dainty lace or hand embroidered fronts, collars and cuffs. They are priced from $2.50 to $15.00. -Second Floor, Dress Salons. $2.50 Dress Silks Tomorrow, Yd. 98c Truly an extraordinary sale of Bordered Foulards, Grenadines, Taffetas and Pongees all bordered; 44 inches wide; light and dark colors. Seldom, indeed, you are given such an opportunity as this ! Choose tomorrow thf sa $2.50 Bordered Silks, the yard. 98rS Floor, Main Bulldlaar Mall Onion Filled. 1837 an 1913 The- Quality" Store or Portland Mis 3tocU."Mrrior Alder 3to. (