The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 01, 1913, SECTION FIVE, Page 3, Image 69

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Iroduction Has Captivating Melodies and Attractive Story Designed to Win Hot-Weather Audiences in New York Fritzi Scheff Appears in "Mile.
Modiste" Bernhardt "Lifts Up" Vaudeville Stage After All "The Master Mind" Will Not Close. Since Pnblic Refuses to Let It.
-This Week-
Extraordinary Reductions on All
Bedroom and Dining-Room Furniture
si Spo
NEW YORK. May 51. (Special.)
"My Little Friend'" js another
comic opera by Oscar Straus
which is certain to take the popular
fancy, for it haB an attractive little
story and captivating: melodies. It is
a form of entertainment 'well adapted
to the hot weather, and its stay at the
New Amsterdam Theater should be a
Ions one.
A French nobleman. Count Artois.
seeks to marry, his son Fernand to
Claire, the daughter of M. Barbazon. a
millionaire. Barbazon Is willing and fce
and Artois arrange for the betrothal
without consulting- the young folks.
Fernand. who is in Paris, sendd a tele
gram refusing: to marry a girl whom
he does not know, which pleases Claire,
as she 1 in love with a young; scientist.
In the next act, Fernand's apartment
in Paris, the young: man tells his
friends that he has wed Phlline. a flor
ist. Artois and Barbazon arrive on the
scene, believe that Fernand is fasci
nated by Louison. a girl friend of Phil
ine's. and to cure him of his infatua
tion they persuade him to go away with
Philine and advance the money for the
trip. When Fernand and Philine re
turn Artois and Barbazon learn that
the pair are married, while at the same
time news-is received of Claire's mar
riage to the scientist, while Louison
weds a poet.
Fred Walton, as Count Artois, plays
the old nobleman with ease and humor.
William Pruette. as Barbazon. gave
good comedy performance, and his ex
cellent voice was heard to Kood advan
tage. Leila Hughes, as Philine. the lit
tle florist, sang delightfully and gave a
capital performance. Reba Dale, as
Claire, took full advantage of the op
portunities or her role.
Frits! Scbeff u "Mile. Modiste.
Frttzi Scheff, who first came to Amer
ica as a ienncse prima donna with the
Metropolitan Grand Opera Company,
but who is now - thoroughly identified
1th the American comic opera, stage,
is now at the Globe Theater In "Mile.
Modiste." It was shortly after Charles
Dillingham persuaded Miss Scheff to
abandon the grand opera stage for the
lighter work that lie supplied her with
this play.
It was first produced at the Knick
erbocker Theater and ran the entire
season. The piece created, a sensa
tion. It was looked on as significant
of the fact that American composers
and authors miq;ht be expected to du
plicate the work of such brilliant li
brettists as Gilbert and Sullivan.
Mille. Modiste" won lasting fame for
the composer. Victor Herbert: the au
thor, Henry Blossom: the prima donna.
3iiss cscnerr, and especially for- the
producer. Charles Dillingham, who had
up to that point been almost alone in
his championship of American librettists.
Claude Gilhngwater, who mad e a
personal hit as Hiram Bent, In the orig
inal production, again plavs the part.
Bertha Holly, as Mrs. Bent, another
original members of the cast, is -also
m the cast.
The claim used to be made that It
lowered a well-known actor to appear
on the vaudeville stage, and even now
this opinion is held by some few. but
the appearance of Mme. Bernhardt in
vaudeville is eloquent testimony to
the contrary, for vaudeville has not
lowered the standing of Mme. Bern
hardt, while she has raised it in dig
nity wherever she has appeared.
During her stay at the Palace The
ater, Mme. Bernhardt presented the
tnird act or Victor Hugo's drama. "Lu
crece Borgia." & part which gives full
scope for her marvelous powers. M.
i eiiegen as J? errara showed his un
doubted talents to great advantage.
Bernhardt was famous before most
of our American acresses were born.
They have the advantage of youth, but
tne irenrn woman, wonderfully trained
and endowed with genius, still main-
i- S.s" -ciiMf --4- tl gias:::;;,iEr'' ;
a ::: s a Jbvu- -
' .-:?THi.r..-.V. 4" ; J V. -S r-!Yv&iS
1, r S k t jifSl - " t.Jaf.,wfv.aa.-J-ia.-i-iT''"'- 1 - ,
raM: n1; " waaw ' " iirrJ
. -l V': y f IF Wrr f' . "Aft - '
v ' MjNl 't, frl$4 . f i
- . " J Jttjt - fi
"V l-j0mmK "v I l I i i itusil' li fe
' H If kJ
All Early English
Furniture Reduced
From 40 to 50
; '
This quartered saw-ed oak Buifefc,
handsomely finished. Regular
price $40.
week .
All Golden Oak, Wax
and Fumed Oak Din-ing-Room
Reduced 20 to 35
This finest quality quartered sawed oak Extension
Table, 54-inch top, 8-foot exten- tf O Q 7 C
sion. Reg. price $8.5. This week CJjeji , JJ
In these goods that Ave are advertising Ave show an infinite variety
of different patterns, woods and finishes. We are perfectly safe in
making the statement that these lines are the largest and most varied
carried by any house in the citj For actual money-saving opportu
nities you cannot afford to overlook this house in making anj' pur
chase, as Ave can save you money on everything used in the home. We
are prompted to make the above sacrifice owing to the fear of high
water, which would flood our basement and take this method of
making room before it is too late.
enry Jenning & Sons
One Year Ahead of Competitors. Home of Good Tuniiture. Corner Morrison and 2d Sts.
tains her position as the world's pre
mier actress.
Edmund Breese had made his plans
for an extended vacation, for Werba &
Luescher had decided to close "The
Master Mind" last Satudray. As soon
as the announcement was made in the
papers it seemed as though every one
in New York who hadn't seen the play,
and a number who had. rushed to the
box office and demanded - seats. The
demand for tickets was so great that
it was decided to continue the run in
definitely, and Mr. Breese and his com
pany are making no more plans for
Summer vacations. .
Actors frequently have to enact parts
with which they are not in sympathy,
and John Drew's role in "The Per
plexed Husband" is that of a man op
posed to suffrage. As a matter of fact,
"Votes for Women" is a cry he thor
oughly approves of.
- could not very well be In favor of
anything else," he said. "Any man must
be, the women of whose family have
been for at least a hundred years vase
earners and property holders."
Blanche Bates, while very fond of
dogs, does not believe they should be
carried about the country and endure
the hardships of road life. So many
actresses carry their pet canines with
them while on "the road" that Miss
Bates' views on the subject are Inter
esting. "It is cruel to make a dog travel
about the country on trains and endure
the tortures of hotel life. I think that
the Society for the Prevention of Cruel
ty to Animals should stop traveling
people from taking dogs, about with
"The way I got interested in setters
was rather unusual. One day in New
York I was driving through the lower
section of the city with a friend, an
actress, and we came into the midst of
a crowd around a burning tenement.
Crowd Cheers Flrfman.
"The firemen were helping people
out and taking them down the lad
ders. After they seemed to have res
cued every one, a dog appeared at the
window of a. room on the fourth or
fifth floor. He was an Irish setter and
I shall never forget the human expres.
sion of the poor beast as he looked
down at the crowd with mute appeal
to rescue him.
"Perhaps the firemen would volun
tarily have saved the dog. but I did not
wait or them to take action. I called
to one of them and promised him $20 if
he would bring that animal down the
ladder out of the burning house. Well,
he did it in short order. I wish you
could have heard the roar of applause
that went up from the crowd as he ac
complished the feat. He brought the
dog to me and I gave him his reward.
"Nobody seemed to own the setter
and as we made fast friends at once,
I took him home and have kept him
ever since. This episode started me
as a dog fancier.
"Everybody on the stage should, I
think, have a hobby of some sort aside
from their stage work and entirely
apart from It. It gives some zest to
life. Well, my hobby happens to be
dogs and I thank God for the pleasure
and interest I get from them."
In these days where the advantages
of careers or marriage for women are
debated so frequently, both sides of the
controversy have ardent supporters.
Mme. Nazimova expresses her views
"The woman who attains both suc
cess in a professional career and hap
piness in marriage has found the ideal
of human existence," she said, and then
added that she is the woman.
When asked which she would choose,
love or a career, she replied, "Well, I
have both, so It is not necessary to
make a choice, but if I had to choose
between the two, I would take love
and marriage, for that is the real hap
piness of life."
To Be Exact.
"Will you please cash a check for
me. Mr. Bankus?"
"Is it a very large one?"
"No, indeed. It's only about
Inches wide and. five inches long.
New York Schoolchildren, Borrowing Peasant , Dances From Europe,
Likely to Break Frenzied Craze Now Gripping Metropolis.
EW YORK, May 31. (Special.)
It's a far cry from the "tango
tea to the simple cLances of the
European peasants on the village green.
Yet if we do not substitute for the
crude vulgarity of the one the whole
some beauty of the other, surely mod
ern dancing is doomed to the oblivion
its present status deserves.
A beautiful exhibition of folk danc
ing was given the othc day in New
York, in the nature of a huge May day
festival. It was the big annual event
of the Girls' Band of the Public Schools
Athletic League of New York City, un
der the personal direction of Miss Eliza
beth Burchenal. Seven thousand little
girls danced on 15 acres of greensward
in Central Park. The girls were from
250 public schools In Manhattan and the
It was a wonderful sight 7000 little
girls all in white with sashes and hair
bows of colored ribbons; the music was
furnished by a 60-piece band, composed
of boys from one of the public schools.
Pennant Dances "Borrowed."
The dances were the simple ones
borrowed from the old peasant dances
of many nations. Among the specta
tors were many of the girls mothers
whose hearts and feet beat time to the
tunes they remembered in many a far
away village green.
The most picturesque of the dances
was, of course, the May. pole dance.
There were 250 poles. Some of them
had. red and white streamers; some blue
and white; others yellow and white and
so on. In each case riae little girls wore
sashes and hair ribbon to match the
streamers of the May pole. The chil
dren threaded in and out, in and out in
the dance until the poles were wound
like giant sticks of candy. After the
May pole dance the children shouldered
the May poles and all ran toward the
band stand, where they waved their
handkerchiefs and sang the "Star
Spangled Banner."
The opposite extreme of the folk
dancing of the children and many new
ly arrived Europeans, is the sort of
dancing to be seen at the so-called
"tango teas" of the Broadway restau
rants. The "tango tea" or "Dansant," as
it is euphemistically called by the pro
prietors, is a sort of cabaret in which
the diner or tea drinker for it is held
at the tea hour takes part between
Everybody In New York dances. It
is the one universal form of recreation.
Regulating of the dance halls is one of
the most difficult problems that social
workers have to deal with. The need
for regulation does not extend merely
to the nickel-a-dance halls on the East
Side, but also, in greater degree, to the
"Dansant" of the high-priced Broadway
Dancing Desire Ascribed.
The craze for dancing Is only a nat
ural desire to give expression to pent
up physical and emotional energies on
the part of tens of thousands of people
engaged in sedentary occupations. The
factory girl goes home to her pigeon
hole in a tenement-house after a long
day at a machine, where she has used
perhaps only one set of muscles. She
eats a miserable meal, cooked, maybe
over a gas plate, a meal-that only part
ly satisfies her hunger and does not at
all satisfy that social craving to break
bread with one's fellows, that is in
stinctive with us all. Then, in that
"pursuit of happiness' that has become
an American mockery, she hies her to
a dance hall. There are thousands of
girls like this in New York, and an
equal number of young men employed
in shops, factories and offices who find
their only recreation in dance halls.
It is not so easy to understand why
women or leisure and business men who
can afford to spend their leisure hours
how and where they please, should
choose to dance away beautiful Spring
afternoons in hot, overcrowded restau
rants, turkey-trotting between tea ta
bles. But such is the craze of the hour.
The dancing is sattl to be of a kind that
would make the habitues of an East
Side dance hall blush, and Mayor Gay
nor is repeatedly reported to be "having
a fit" but the "tango tea" goes merrily
on in any number of fashionable Broad
way restaurants.
Dancing is provided for in the recre
ation centers conducted in the school
buildings in New York and the recrea
tion piers are now open for dancing in
the evenings. In both cases only con
ventional dances waltzes, two-steps
and the like are permitted and super
vision is maintained by city authorities.
Both are very well patronized, indeed,
showing that the young people are glad
to make use of wholesome surround
ings when they are given the oppor
tunity. Doubtless the present popularity of
a deplorable kind of dancing is a revolt
against the sameness and passivity of
the waltz and two-step. It is also due,
in large part, to the fascination of mu
sic that has a peculiar charm of rhythm.
Amateurs try to imitate professional
dancers and do it very badly, but. like
the old woman who said "she enjoyed
the prayer meeting very much she
took part." The dancers are at least
taking one step toward normal play
they are taking part instead of passive
ly watching professionals dancing.
A Excuse Ileal 1 y IxImIm.
There is no excuse for the kind of
dancing New York people are indulg
ing In, except that their taste has beeu
degraded by a low standard set by pro
fessional dancers.
The folk dance music has all the
wonderful witchery of rhythm that
forms the charm of the "tango" and
the exercise to be gained from it is
quite as vigorous. In addition to this
the positions taken in folk dancing are
at all times proper and dignified while
precisely the opposite is true of the
tango and the turkey-trot. It is in
conceivable that young people who
have once learned to appreciate the
grace and charm of the old dances of
all nations, can ever be beguiled into
the unlovely antics to which modern
social dancing has been degraded. 1 1
is to folk-dancing that we must look
for a return to something of the grace
and beauty that belonged to dancing
In the days of our grandmothers.
San and M ind Brln Out I fitly Spot,
How to Remove Easily.
Here's a chance. Miss Freckle-face, to
try a remedy for freckles with the
guarantee of a reliable dealer that it
will not cost you a penny unless it re
moves the freckles; while if it does
give you a clear complexion the ex
pense is trifling.
Simply get an ounce of othine dou
ble strength from Woodard, Clarke &
Co.. and a few applications - should
show you how easy it is to rid your
self of the homely freckles and get a
beautiful complexion. Rarely is more
than one ounce noeded for the worst
Be sure to ask the druggist for the
double, strength othine. as this is the
prescription sold under guarantee of
money back if it fails to removo