-THE SUNDAY- OREGOXLiN, PORTLAND, JUNE 1,. 1913. KNIGHT ENGINES STILL SUPREME" Merrill B. Moores, Local Agent for Stearns, Explains Dif ference in Two Tests. I POPPET MOTOR ADJUSTED Ixoso Exhaust Valve Tappet Found, Adjusted Twice Average Less Than Rating- Knipht En gine Never Touched. "A prominent automobile firm, which manufacturers motor cars equipped with the ordinary or poppet-valve en jrlne. Is claiming that it has Just com pleted a 300-hour non-stop motor test, which eclipses the worl-d's record es tablished In England four years ago by the- Knight Motor' remarked Mr. Merrill B. Moores, agent of the Stearns-K-nlgrht motor car for the State of Ore gon. 'But, In defense of the automo bile product which I represent, I am .compelled to challenge and to refute thin claim. "The factory and the agent officers of the poppet-valve car all over the country are boasting1 in publicity sto ries and generous advertisements that the recent test attests the superiority of their motor. Those, however, who have a full understanding of the dif ferent tests to which the Knight motor and the poppet-valve motor were put cannot help but realize that nothing could do more to fortify the supremacy which we claim for the Knight motor than a complete comparison of the two teats. A vera Re Below Rating;. "The nominal rating of the poppet valve motor that was tested is 38 horsepower, but in spite of this the best this motor could average during the test was 35.7 horsepower, or less than its rating. The greatest power the motor ever Teach ed at any time wu 44.9, dropping at one point to 28.7 horsepower. During the one hundred and forty-seventh hour of this test It was found that the motor was losing power, and, after examination, the ex haust valve tappet on No. 1 cylinder was found to be loose, and was ad- Justed. It was again adjusted at the one hundred and fifty-second hour. Had not the poppet-valve people been allowed to make these valve adjust ments the power would have fallen to the point where the motor would have been disqualified. " "Four years ago a Knight motor of only 22-horsepowgr on a. similar test developed an average of 38.8 horse power, a maximum of only 36, and finished at 38. In addition It ran 2000 miles on the famous Brooklands track and never was adjusted at any time, the entire test consuming a period of 820 hours. Thus you will see that the 22 horsepower Knight motor totaled a better average than the 38-horse-power poppet-valve motor and at no time fell as low as the poppet-valve average. Lobs Due to Valve Trouble. "The two tests are all the more dis tinctive Inasmuch as the loss of power In the poppet motor was partly trace able to valve trouble, which necessi tated adjustments, whereas there are no such valves in the Knight motor that possibly could give trouble. "When the Knight motor was placed on the test, which was performed before the Royal Automobile Club of Great Brit ain and Ireland, the highest technical authority on motoring In Great Brit ain, the Knight people voluntarily im posed the condition that if either of the Knight motors stopped once from any fault of their own, or if the power ' developed was at any time less than SO per cent more than the Tating, the test officially should bo called a fail ure. "At that time the poppet-valve man ufacturers of the world publicly were challenged , to equal the Knight record. For four years it has been unap proached. Now claim is made that the Knight record has been broken, but we are willing to leave the decision In this matter to any fair basis of Judgment. The poppet valve in nowise met the conditions that the Knight motor was subjected to. It did not even equal its rating, adjustments bad to be made and a SS-horsepower motor did not even come up to the average set by a 22 horsepower Knight motor. Reports Are Compared. I have read the official reports on both of these tests and quote herewith the results of the poppet-valve test as compared with the tests undergone by the 22 horsepower and the 38 horse power Knight motors: method of travel, says Mr. Johnson. "I can now go to town and back while the horses are taking their noonday rest." Walter Wiley and Fred Sherer are riding their motorcycles from New York to San Francisco. The motorcycle has invaded another profession dentistry. Dr. L. M. Base hoar, of Moundsville, W. Va., finds a motorcycle very convenient in going to and from his office, and he also declares that it is one of the greatest sources of recreation for a man who is don fined Indoors all day. . - The Ontario Motor League has em ployed a. motorcyclist to tour the main roadways In Ontario, marking posts along the best routes to various cities. mm "Fishing has always been my great est source of enjoyment," says Roy Aznoe. of Ghana, 111., "but the pleasure or that sport has been more than doubled since I ride a motorcycle on my fishing trips." A Chinese laundryman of Joliet, 111,, has established a- motorcycle delivery service. Story of Great Flood I Told. Probably the most interesting book AUTO FIRMS CHANGE Many Portland Dealers Are in Mew Location. MORE WILL MOVE LATER Gibson Storage Battery Company in Handsome and Commodious Quarters andi Michigan Con cern Crosses River. Probably no week has experienced so many changes in the location of auto mobile dealers as the one Just past The most notable of all is the removal of the Gibson Storage Battery Com- of the slatey blue gray, which has such a rakish effect. Then there is the change which E. E. Gerlinger is going to make. This was only settled definitely within the last ten days, but plans are out for his new site on Washington, Morrison and Stout streets. The building vis to be a four story one, and looks more like a palace than anything. It will have marble pillars, full tiled floor and heavy plate glass windows on all three sides which adjoin the streets. MOTOR TRICK SAMPLE WAGON Federal launched in New Line of Business Overland. There are at least two rejoicing salesmen on tbe A. B, Frank Company's staff in San Antonio, Tex., because now a Federal motor truck conveys th? sam ples on their crocs-country "drum ming" expeditions instead of the usual canvas-covered wagons propelled by four-mule power. Before setting out on the Journey the truck is loaded with 2000 pounds of samples, provisions, and a camping out fit for two. The expedition proceeds from town to town showing samples and taking orders. These trips are then followed up by another Federal, which delivers the merchandise ordered. HANDSOME NEW HOME FOR HOWAED AUTO COMPANY IN SAN rRANCISCO. (;s' -mw Hung, . . S SP sat) &M 8 4 . at ciBi , "7- MA ton? Hpnt? i .f n;ssw,: - M y , ft?' vYii;;.,jjm.;-fri-f;i ' " - " " ' K3ts wffn- eacf, mm s . . " I'll hi i u , fWPPWWl J-J I. . lit l i' ' ' war' . z rr 1 it km . it ? ... Situated on the corner of "Van Ness avenue and California street, in San Francisco is the palatial new home of the Buick and Nationals, the agency for both of which is in the hands of the Howard Auto Com pany. The building itself cost over 85,000 to erect, and fittings and furnishings bring the total up to the tlOO.OOO mark. MeL Johnson, the manager of the local branch, who has seen the building, declares it to be the finest he has ever seen for an automobile house. Unlike many others, the building is devoted en tirely to all work connected with the two makes of cars. There is no garage work, no alterations and re pairs except to Buick and National cars. that has appeared so far descriptive of the recent floods in Ohio has just been Issued by the Dayton Engineering Laboratories Company, manufacturers of the Delco electrical starting and "lighting devices. It is not an adver tising book, but alms simply to tell the intensely interesting story of the great' flood as it was seen and experienced by those who were marooned in the Delco factory. The book is Illustrated by more than 40 half-tones from pho tographs taken during the flood. It Is handsomely printed and. is being sent free to automobile owners who apply for It NEW TRUCKS ON MARKET BCICK FACTORY ALSO HAS DE PARTURE IX WAGONS. Sensation in Commercial A u to Ve hicle World Promised Wlien Cars Reach Portland. Not long ago Charles S. Howard went East to the Buick factory at Flint, Mich., to inspect the new line of de livery automobiles and trucks which the company is putting out. The first of these new models will be seen in Portland this week," according" to an announcement that Mel Johnson, man ager of the local branch made yester day. These wagons and trucks are sure to create a sensation in the commercial vehicle world by reason of the prices at which they will be offered. The chassis will be in two sizes; the 22-h. p. Sleeve Valve (Knight) Motor Maximum power 43 Minimum power 3d Average SS.8 Fower at finish SS Adjustments None Itoad test (mlles 2000 Condition at finish: At end of test motor was completely dismantled. "No perceptible wear. Pistons And cylinders notably clean. "Ports of the valves showed no burning or wear." 38-h. p Poppett Valve Motor 44.9 . 28.7 35.7 34.1 Valve twice adjusted when power tell otf. None 3S-h. p. Sleeve Valve (Knight) Motor 69 61 r.4.3 5S Kone 20OO No examination? made to show J condition of mo-I tor. Report identical with that made on 22-h. p. Knight. ''These facts are not presented in a spirit of antagonism or boastfulness on our part, but simply to protect our selves in the matter of a record that rightfully belongs to the Knight mo tor. We do not want to pick a -scrap, but we are going to stand pat on what is accredited as a matter of absolute record." Motorcycle Notes THE Vancouver (B. C.) Motorcycle Club im planning- to organize a. mo torcycle polo team in the near future. F. Spalding, of Fernla, B. C. will start some time during- this month on a motorcycle trip from the Pacific to the Atlantic Coast Heretofore transconti nental motorcycle trips in Canada have been from the East to the West. mm Leslie Eagles and Bruno Pilz, two 19-year-old boys of Wilmette, 111., have started on a motorcycle tour of the world. They expect to spend at least a year sightseeing awheel. Mrs. W. T. Ray pole, of Churubusco, Ind.. is one of the biggest motorcycle boosters in that part of the country. She is not only an enthusiastic rider herself, but has been the means of in teresting a number of other girls In the sport. Tn spite of a downpour of rain and hail shortly after the start of the Savannah tGa.) Motorcycle Club on its 800-mile durability run. three riders finished with perfect scores. Ivan Johnson, a. farmer living1 near Berne, Ind., finds his motorcycle not only a saving- of time, but a saving on h.in horses as well. "I am glad to get a-way from the- old horse atut buggy delivery wagon ln 100-Inch wheel base, and the trucK in 120-inch wheel, and have carrying capacity of 1000 and 1500 pounds respectively. The chassis carries a four-cylinder motor of the long-stroke type cast en bloc, which has been under test at the Buick. factory for the past 18 months. Special features of the motor are single detachable head and large water pipes, with intake pipe parsing through water jacket. The cooling system bv thermo-Bvnhon. with unusually laree I diameter water pipe, verticle tube radi ator with fan. These new cars will carry three speed selective type transmission with cone clutches, and will be driven from the left side with center control of gears. Shaft drive will be used with three- fourths floating type rear axle. They will be equipped with pneumatic tires. The motor carries an adjustable sealed governor, and among the other special features will be the removable power plant with three-point suspension; unit drive shaft and rear system easily re moved as a unit. The delivery wagon chassis will sell for $1075 Portland, and the truck chas sis for $1200 Portland. A choice of four styles of bodies ranging from $100 to $250 in price is offered the buyer. Substitute for Broken Spring. A broken front spring may have a block of wood, substitued for it. Jack up "the frame until it Is at the height at which the spring should hold it, and then slip & block of wood of the proper size between the axle and the frame. Fasten this In place with wire or rope and drive carefully. pany to Its handsome and commodious quarters on Twelfth and Alder streets. This is told of more fully in another part of the automobile section. Then, too, there is the somewhat lengthy move of the Michigan Auto & Buggy Company. This concern, formerly situ ated on the East Side, has changed over to the West Side, taking the loca tion formerly occupied by the Bolton-. McFarland Company, 614 Alder street, which had the aency for the Marion car. When the Bolton-McFarland peo ple decided to give up, or rather, to put the case yiore exactly, when Mc Farland decided to retire from the au tomobile business to look after some other interests of his, and Bolton Joined the forces of A. E. Neate, the store fell vacant. Cohen Brothers se cured the agency for the Marlon car, and apart from looking after their for mer Maxwell owners, as in the past, they are almost certain to give up the Maxwell agency, which they have had now for quite a time. In with the Bolton-McFarland people in their store was the Moores Motor Car Company with the Stearns Knight. r or some considerable time past Mer rill Moores has been looking for larger quarters, and though not yet definitely decided as to where he will go, it is more than likely that he will Join the ever increasing throng which is located on Twenty-third street. Just around the corner from Washington street- Quite possibly he will take the place where the H. L. Mann Motor Car Company is situated, as they are thinking of mov ing in the vicinity of the Nob Hill Gar age, though nothing definite as yet has been settled either way. This move of Moores' will mean that the whole store where the two firms were doing business is vacant, and this Is to be the home of the Michigan peo ple. Their business recently has grown so extensively that larger quarters were imperative. They felt that the row is almost exclusively on the West Side of the river, and consequently de cided to move over. When the large lo cation became vacant there were sev eral firms anxious to secure these quar ters, but the Michigan people obtained it and have moved in, at least in part. They hope to be fully installed in the next few days. Alterations are now In course of progress which will make the whole building more attractive than before, and the company is more than pleased with the location. Two of the famous mighty Michigans are now in the window, the two in question being Several mule teams are still retained on the delivering Journeys and work upon the nearby town, while the truck reaches the outlying districts. The first trip of the novel sample wagon was made last Summer, which Included a. route of 250 miles over roads that neve before had been trav ersed . by anything but the, sure-footed mule. The truck averaged 10 miles per hour throughout the entire trip over sandy roads and mountainous trails, touching all the adjacent towns which are not accessible by railroads. The Federal has been in operation' nine months and not once have its pi lots had any cause for anxiety, for at all times it is ready to work and has never failed In a pinch. The truck was under perfect control at ' all times, which is more than could be said of the stubborn mules. Trips that originally took them from two to three months, the trucks accom plish In three to four weeks and at saving of about one-half. The trucks work witnin a raxilus of 500 miles, or about three times as far as the mule. NOVEL RAGES PLANNED "SEtFSTARTER SWEEPSTAKES PROPOSED IX INDIANAPOLIS. Gasoline Cars May Have Contest in Which. Starting; Motors Fur nish Motive Power. If Mayor Shank of Indianapolis will consent to the reckless speed of fou miles an hour on the downtown streets of the Hoosier capital, racing fans may be privileged to. witness the newes thriller on the racing calendar "The Indianapolis 500 - yard self-starter sweepstakes." At least that is likely to be the result of spreading- popular ity of this newest sport, gasoline cars racing by means of electric power. The first race of this, kind ever held was staged on the streets of Los An geles. - The cars in this race were two Pathfinder 40s" and the time the win ner made over the course of one block was four minutes fiat. In view of the fact that motive power was limited to jlrfrllllllllllllllim rhx 'y' Jackson "Sultantc" ( Illustrated) $2SOO Seven-passenger. Six cvlinders. 55 horsepower; unit power plant; long stroke motor. 4sx4H inches. 13S-lnch wheelebase: 36x44-inch tires; demountable wheels and spare wheel. Klectric starter and lights. Complete equipment. Black and nickel trimmings. Five-passenger ?625. Jaeltaon "Olympic" $1625. Four cylinders, 36 horsepower; unit power plant; long-stroke motor. 4x4$4 Indies; 115-inch wheelbase; 84x4-inch tires. Complete equip ment. Black and nickel trimmings. Electrlo starter and lights optional at an extra cost of 226. Jackson "Majestic" $2100. Four cylinders, 55 horsepower; unit power plant; long-stroke motor, 4H6U inches; 124-inch wheelbase: 36x4 - inch tires. Electric starter and lights. Complete equipment. Black and nickel trimmings. K. O. B. PORTLAND. Comfort that begins with the engineer's design Base of riding is considered a fundamen tal, in the Jackson plant, of a car of the highest class. In other words, the comfort that has so long been a leading feature of Jackson cars is not an after-thought. It has its place from the very first the engineers, in making their designs, provide for it in the same -way they . provide for strength and soundness in every part of the car. More -than that they have been doing this for years ; so they have had, doubt less, a wider experience in this direc tion than the designers of any other car. How this skill and experience unite in producing a car of superb riding ease is well demonstrated in this year's Jackson. One of the features that contributes much to the passengers' comfort is the 10 Jnch upholstery. This thick upholstery is supplemented by the tilt of the seat cushions toward the rear and the shoulder-high seat backs. Jackson Automobile Company, Jackson, Michigan . HALE BROTHERS, Northwest Distributers Marshall 5831. Fourteenth and Couch Streets, Portland, Oregon iiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiHiii'i'iiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiirniriiiifiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i U i i 1 1 M 1 M 1 j 1 ! U i t j i I ! 1 1 i 1 i M 1 1 i ! i i M Li 1 i i t ! M i ! , ; ; i ! 1 ! i M ;ffC n? But these alone, cannot give maximum comfort. So ample room is provided in the tonneau and in front. And between you and the road are four full elliptic springs full elliptic be cause that type is 33 to 100 per cent easier riding than any other. The Jackson is one of the very few cars that use full elliptic springs. With this increased spring action you have a long wheelbase in each model and you know that the long wheel base is easier riding. So much for the comfort features you can see. When you ride in the car, you will note its steadiness due to the distribution of weight and the even balance that is maintained. Your first ride in the Jackson will reveal, too, a power plant that is silent in ac tion ; and plenty of power for the work you'll want the car to do. We want you to have that first ride as soon as you can. Telephone for an appointment. iiiniiUH.iniHiiiiiiiiiiiinHiiTii that derived from the electric self starters with which the Pathfinders are equipped the time was better than would appear at first glance. The novel race came about as a re sult of a demonstration of the Gray & Davis starter. With a fully-charged battery the starter turned the motor over at the rate of 100 revolutions per minute for an hour and three-quarters. In - order to encourage "self-starter" races as a sport in Indianapolis, Wayne EC Bromley, secretary and treasurer of the Motor Car Manufacturing Company, has issued a challenge to any car own er in Indianapolis, the race to be held under the same conditions as those In Los Angeles. Coal Oil Hot Fuel. When adapting a gasoline motor to the use of kerosene by means of a kero sene carburetor or gas producer, it is well to remember that unless some pro vision is made for additional cooling the motor will run hotter on kerosene fuel than on gasoline. If the piston should be rather a tight fit, this in creased heat might possibly cause bind ing, and in aggravated cases seizurs. A larger pump should be supplied or the speed of the pump increased to pre vent the rise in temperature. It is common practice where a motor Is de signed for use with either fuel to make the diameter of the piston .02 of an Inch less than that of a motor of the same size designed for use solely with gasoline. The paresis post in Bolivia Is proving a great benefit to French and German houses. It not only enables them to deliver order- everywhere, but constitutes a huge adver tisement tor the trade of their countries, Fopularizlng it on lines which pave Uie say or great expansion in the futures &s .... cZl??' (!ec& The Tire That Surprised Them All The Motz Cushion Tire is the sensation of tiredom. ' Three years' use on thousands of cars has proven it the only easy-riding tire that is puncture-and-blowout proof. That's why the demand in two seasons has increased ovei 1,000 per cent. That's why all leading electric pleasure car maters have adopted the Motz Cushion Tire. - That's why every electric car owner who once tries Mota Cushion Tires will use none other. . How much longer are yotc going to endure treacherous costly pneumatic tires on your electric or hard-riding, jolting, solid rubber tires? Easy Riding No tire can be more comfortable, more resilient, more easy - riding than the Motz. They ride like air. Note their patented construction. Note double, notched treads (A in picture) .which prevent skidding and distribute the weight to the sides. The sides areundercut(seeB), which allows free action of slantwise bridges (see C). These bridges are elastic. They give and yield like the air in a pneumatic tire. Note D in the picture, showing shock-absorbing qualities when tire runs over a stone. MOTZ Cushion Tires Trouble-Proof Users of Motz Cushion Tires are never delayed by punctures or blow outs. They have no extra tires to carry; no tire repair bills to pay. And each Motz user has a specific guaranty of 10,000 miles two years. If you want freedom from tiro troubles, here it is. If you want to economize on tires, here's the way. Y ou'ean never know the real mean ing of pleasure till your electric is iJor-equipped. Why not make the acquaintance of Motz Cushion Tires at once Send Postal Now for Tire Book This book is a revelation to users of pneumatic or solid tires. It in troduces you to the best friend any motorist ever had a genuinely de pendable, practical and economical tire. The book is yours for the ask ing. Give specifications name of car, model, size of rims, etc. Chanslor & Lyon, Distributors Portland, Oregon The Motz Tire and Rubber Co. Factories and Executive Offices, AKRON, 0. Service Stations in All Principal Cities.