The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 01, 1913, SECTION FOUR, Page 4, Image 58

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Put on a Mayo Spark Plug Pump
When You Inflate Your Auto Tires
4 w
Within Few Minutes From City
"Civilization" Seems to Be
, Lost in Landscape.
---2?'s rv aff"3
lit "
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I I fV.' ' 'a VTrV."
Curves and Inclines, Surrounded by
TTndisturbed Beauties of Xature
Make Jaunt, in Good Car,
One of Rare Pleasure.
'Ithin ten minutes of The Oregonian
building there lies a road which as far
as all indications would go to show
had not been traveled by automobile
for a long, Ioiik while except in one
short spot. This is what is known as
Prospect Drive, around Council Crest.
It was the most recent road inspection
trip that we had made, the "we" in
this case consisting of J. A. Crittenden
at the wheel. I,. Von Klein and the
writer, not forgetting our trusty means
of transportation, the Velie Forty, with
left-hand drive and center control and
all the other things which go to make
this classy car a success.
Grass grows in the middle of this
road: grass grows by the side, in many
places so thick was the growth of un
derbrush that the road seemed lost to
view, especially near any one of a
number of short, sharp curves with
which the road abounds.
Name X o Misnomer.
Tis easy to see why the road is
called Prospect Drive. There is the
most wonderful view all out over the
Tualatin Valley that one could wish
for. The day was particularly adapt
able for seeing the valley, as far as
that goes, for the atmosphere was
clear, there was no haze and when the
sun shone, as it did most of the time,
there were patches of this sun-kissed
valley which shone out with a rarity
To digress, however. The way to
reach this road is to go up Ford' street,
to the left of course at the top of
Washington and Twenty-third streets,
until one comes to Mount Zion. Then
turn to the left. A continual upgrade,
varying, of course, all tne time, but in
places reaching to 20 per cent at a
conservative estimate, is In Itself suf
ficient to show what there is in the
way of hill climbing, but the trouble
is greatly increased by the rapidity
with which any number of short curves
appear in bewildering succession.
Truth to tell, the road is in poor
condition. It would be a mockery to
ay it were not, but it has such great
scenic possibilities about it that if only
drivers and owners would take the trip
improvement would be sure to come
Immediately, -for they cannot fail to be
as impressed, as we were, with what
has all the potentialities of a mag
nificent boulevard. Nor does it need so
very much. Travel alone, for one thing,
would help It out Immensely, though
to my mind the only feasible way of
driving along the route, when it is
put in shape.would be to have all the
cars take It one and the same way. In
places it is so narrow and the banVn
are so steep that a single way f
travel ought to be in force.
Marvelous Curves Are There.
There are horseshoe curves, there are
curves like a lady's hairpin, doubled
and twisted this way and that, with
that same preponderance of luxuriant
bushy growth and wealth of trees that
makes so many of the trips around the
city remarkable. Perhaps in this more
than In any other does the absence of
civilization strike one. Time after time
one or other of us, all more or less
prosaic and little given to being ex
cited or enthused over average mat
ters, would exclaim, "How awfully
quiet and deserted, and yet so close to
the city." It really seemed as though
the road had once been that of a busy
city and had been deserted and left to
become grown over with weeds and
In one part, that towards the end of
the trip, were recent marks of tires,
while towards the beginning of the
trip there were impressions left bv a
fcuggy'a wheels for a few hundred
yards. That was all.
After we left Mount Zion on our
right, not once did we see a single
soul until we reached the rock-crushing
implements at the bottom of the
iilll. Just before reaching the end of
Sixth street. Tet it was a drive of
considerable distance and, as men
.tloned before, within a stone's throw,
metaphorically speaking, of any of the
olty's big buildings.
Valley Reclines Below.
The road winds along the crest of
the hill, with the Tualatin Vallev on
one's right all the way until a sharp
ish turn to the left brings the oppo
site side of the hill into view. Again
the "Willamette, with its sloughs, its
timber floating lazily In the water,
.great masses of dark trees Bhowing
up plainly, with here a steamboat and
there some other river craft, plying
up or down. Several times we' left the
car, hoping to get a good photograph
of the scene, but the growth of fern
and grass at the side of the road was
ao thick and high that It was an im
possibility. Finally by standing the
camera up in the car we managed to
secure a view.
Coasting down, we came across more
than one species of bird, a sparrow
hawk circled above us, a fine cock
pheasant strutted across our path
more than once, ail of them seemingly
indifferent to our approach. The same
was true of the chipmunks. The purr
of the motor did not seem to worry
them at all, and we were almost forced
to think that these lords of motion
were as strange to them as to an
Eskimo In the Arctic regions.
Towards the end of the trip tiiere is
a choice of roads, the lower one turn
ing more abruptly to the right. This
the one we took, for the other is
the worse going, in places being badly
rutted, whereas the lower one improves
s one goes down until the rock quarry
- la reached.
Hour and a Half Does Trip.
Thence until the paved Sixth street
hiet our gaze it was a case of steeple
cbaslng a la motor, and all we had to
rely on was the springs and the depth
of the upholstery to keep us from go
ing "away up in the air."
The beauty about this trip is that it
lakes but little more than an hour and
a half, and Is so absolutely quiet and
unfrequented that to a business man
It should be restful, at least apart from
the bumps. You want a good engine
to go up without being frequently in
intermediate or even low and you want
good brakes on the way down and a
good driver, and then you are all right.
We were fortunate in having a combi
nation of all three.
Motorcycle Goes Day and Xight,
Two messenger boys of Cincinnati,
Ohio. Harry V. Knight anl Francis
Knight, get double service out of their
motorcycle. One of the boys is on
duty In the day time and the" other at
night, so that they keep the motorcy
rle going practically all of the time,
both night and day. But in spite of
the fact that the machine gets scarce
ly any rest. It has given the -jys no
trouble in their two years of" riding.
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Every-day Worries That Confront Automobilo Owner Belated and
Answered for Benefit of General Motoring Public.
(Copyrlg-ht. 1913, by "W. H. Stewart, pr.) i
MOTORlJia Department, The Ore
gonian I have a two-cylinder
runabout, air-cooled, using a
high-tension fixed Ignition magneto.
One cylinder does most of the misfiring,
although the other skips at times. If I
start the motor, set the throttle and
let it run awhile it will run fairly well,
but will skip new and then. If I give
it one or two notches more at the
throttle it will misfire badly and some
times stop, but will finally pick up and
run at an Increased rate of speed. The
compression is the same In both cyl
inders, the plugs are good and the wir
ing is In perfect order. What do you
think Is the cause, and why is one
cylinder worse than the other? M.
Your trouble seems to lie in the car
buretor. Would suggest that you In
spect carefully the gaskets on the car
buretor manifold where it is attached
to each cylinder. A blown-out gasket
yn the one cylinder would cause it to
misfire and directly at times affect the
other. Would advise you to clean out
the pipe line running from the tank
to the carburetor and also the car
buretor itself. Foreign matter In the
pipe line will at times stop the flow of
gasoline and cause you similar trouble.
Also inspect the circuit breaker of your
maerneto and note that it makes and
breaks at regular intervals. Note the
opening of the spark gap and the con
dition of the platinum points. These
should be cleaned frequently and ad
Justed more closely. You cannot always
be sure that thp spark plugs are both
In perfect condition. The insulators or
porcelains are very easily cracked at
a concealed point, an dtherefore diffi
cult to locate. Change the plug from
the good cylinder over to the one that
misses fire, and this will tell you
whether or not the trouble lies in the
Motoring Department. The Oregonian
Some of my friends talk about using
the motor as a brake. How is this done?
Does it hurt the motor any? S. J.
In order to use the motor as a brake
the switch Trtust be off, the gears in
mesh and the clutch engaged. In de
scending very steep grades it is best
to use the low gear. The brake should
also be used, otherwise the motor will
be raced needlessly. If low gear is
used and the grade very steep, would
suggest opening the pet cocks also. To
turn the motor over fast with open pet
cocks is more difficult than with them
closed. No harm will result if done
Motoring Department The Oregonian
(a) While passing through a very
deep creek with my car in low. and
motor running very rapidly, it sudden
ly stopped with a pound, cracking the
jaws, which fastened the rear cylinder
to the crank case; it also cracked the
crank case. Is it possible or probable
that the crank shaft is bent, since the
motor was very noisy upon starting?
(b) My gear is geared to 1 in high
speed, and is capable of 50 miles per
hour. If I should change to 3 to 1,
about how fast would the car go? (c)
Sometimes, when running in high speed.
tne gear lever suddenly jumps In the
neutral position. What causes this?
Reader. (a) It is mors than likely that tie
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crank shaft of your car Is sprung. It
would be best to have same trued up
before reassembling your motor, (b)
You would increase the speed approxi
mately eight miles, depending on the
size drive wheels used, (c) The en
gaging cogs of the high gear are prob
ably worn and do not have enough
bearing surface, or the gear shift fork
may be worn somewhat, permitting the
gear to work itself out.
Motoring Department. The Oregonian
Would it cause any extra wear on
the differential if In turning sharp cor
ners one did not throw out the clutchl
Or is it best to throw out the clutch
and reduce it to second speed? Motor
lst. To throw out clutch in turning cor
ners does not affect the differential,
which is designed to care for such re
quirements. To disengage the clutch
while turning sharp corners is good
practice, but this is done more to re
lieve straight-line shafts. Sharp cor
ners should be taken at reduced speed,
and by doing this tt is often necessary
to change to a lower gear before accel
erating. Motoring Department, The 'Oregonian
Is gasoline In its liquid state highly
explosive? B. H. S.
Raw gasoline is quite harmless, ex
cept when exposed to a naked flame,
and then the liquid will burn very rap
Idly, but not necessarilv exnlnda. A
lighted match may be readily extin
guished by dipping it into the fluid,
if done quickly. Oasollne tanks snh
as used in automobiles may be readily
soiaerea witn not name of the blow
torch If the tank is partly filled with
gasoline. However, if the tank is emp
tied of its contents, leaving enough of
tne iiuid to form a gas, the tank be
comes at once a most dangerous bomb.
In fact, a number of persons have been
killed by. taking the precaution to
empty the tank before soldering, not
knowing they were thereby creating a
urea-ier source or danger. Kaw gaso
line burns very slowly, and if it were
not for the vaporizer or carburetor on
the automobile engine it would be
practically useless for automobile pur
Motoring Department, The Oregonian
I have a delivery wasron in which
the wiring and magneto seem to be all
ngni. ine car runs well on level
ground, but at times stops on rough
going, and the engine can be ntnnnsil
by standing on the running board and
tilting the car a little. Have looked for
loose connections, and thev seem n k-
This trouble occurs whether the vehicle
is on tne magneto or the battery. O. J
Brand Company.
Your trouble lies in the ignition wir
ing. The connections may be all right,
but the Insulation on wires will be
come worn or defective and snort cir
cuits result. Test each wire separately
and you will undoubtedly find some
wire which Is short circuiting on the
car frame, engine bed or other metal
or tne car.
Motoring Department. The Oregonian
vn onia a tcerosen carburetor with
hot-water jacket around the . float
chamber work all right, the tempera
ture being 194 degrees Fahrenheit?
Your carburetor " would work after
the engine had become sufficiently
heated, but you would experience much
trouble in loss of power, and also In
starting the motor when cold. Kero
sene does not vaporize readily. To mix
the oil, vapor ui air at the atmos
-UMk& a f
pheric pressure requires a temperature
of approximately 290 degrees Fahren
heit. This operation reduces the spe
cific gravity of the charge and the re-
suit is tnat a given volume win contain
less thermal units than when intro
duced at atmospheric pressure.
Motoring Department, The Oregonian
After the engine of my automobile
has been running xcr a little while the
carburetor runs dry, but it only does
this when I start up the engine the
first time in the day. Otherwise it never
gives any trouble on the road, either
driving or running idle. The auxil
iary tank on the dash remains full and
hole in the cap is quite clear. I have
opened the valve that shuts off the gas
from the carburetor a little more, but
It does not remedy the trouble. I have
taken the carburetor piping and auxil
iary apart, still find nothing to stop
the flow of gas. Owner.
Would suggest that you inspect care
fully the float valve and pivots of float.
Also note whether the float sticks. It
is possible that overnight corrosion of
the parts causes them to stick for a
time when first starting. Since your
trouble disappears after the motor has
been running a few minutes this seema
the most probable cause.
Motoring Department, The Oregonian
My car gives me very much trouble
by smoking and I have been .arrested
recently because of this. I am told
that it is necessary for the engine to
smoke in order to avoid bearing trouble.
Can I cut down on the oil with safety?
S. T. W.
It Is not necessary for the motor to
smoke in such a manner as to be
public nuisance. You can with safety
reduce the oil supply if the motor is
good condition. When the motor runs
at normal speed it should not smoke.
W hen accelerated it should smoke
little. If you permit the engine to
smoke ' excessively you will soon be
troubled with carbonized cylinders. A
smoky exhaust is the result of ira
perfect combustion in the cylinder and
this in turn causes a foul motor.
Motoring Xepartment. The Oresonlan I
bare & car with a carburetor
which will not run slowly. It seems to work
well enough with the throttle opened to pull
the car, but that is all. The engine seems
to be in good condition. What do you sug
gest Is the trouble? William C. Demoret-
Many things prevent, a motor from
throttling to low speeds. Usually the
trouble Is in the carburetor adjustment.
At slow engine speed the air valve
should be closed. If you feel the car
buretor is right then test for air leaks
in the manifold. A slight leak in the
manifold or one of the manifold gas
kets will canse your trouble. The spark
gap at the plugs should not exceed 1-32
of an inch. Each cylinder should have
strong and equal compression.
Motoring Department, The Oregonian
now can one prevent toe much oil getting
into the two forward cylinders? The crank
case has a circulating pump that pumps
oil from the subcase to the front end of
the crank case, where It flows back Into
the rest or the case. Frederick K. Coudert.
If you have described your trouble
correctly, the design seema rather Door.
Usually in such aMubri eating system
tne oil is not pumped directly into the
front of the crank case, but rather Into
each cylinder compartment separately
that is to say, there would be four
points of delivery to the pump, instead
of only one. If the construction wii
permit, perhaps you can arrange to
have the oil delivered in this manner.
Usually there are partitions separating
the oil level compartments, and which
will serve the purpose of keeping the
oil more evenly distributed in climbing
hills, etc The simplest way of remedy
ing your trouble would be to cut a
groove in the top of the partition be
tween the forward cylinders, thereby
lowering the oil-level of the two com
partments. This lowering of the oil
level in the upper wells is corojaon,
especially where motors have a en
dency to amoks, . t
v --.1. st
Experience Declared Neces-
-sary in Car Selections.
11. J j. Keats Talks for Guidance of
Untried Purchasers of Autonra
biles and Advises Pealing
With Reliable Concerns.
This is the season of automobile
buying. Thousands of new cars are
being bought and delivered each week.
The -greatest problem which confronts
the buyer at this time is, not how to
get a car, but how to select the right
kind. -
Buying the right car is a matter of
experience whether your own or
someone else's doesn't matter. But
unless satisfactory experience is back
of the car you buy, you cannot ex
pect satisfaction in your own case.
"Since buying motorcar experience is
pretty expensive, it is usually wise to
look up the experience of others who
have used cars for one or more sea
sons, especially those who have had
experience with several different
makes," is the advice given by H. 1
Keats, the Northwest distributor for
the Chalmers and other cars.
"You might buy a pair of shoes or
a collar, say, and if you didn't like
the first model. It would not cost vou
much to try a second. If that didn't
wear you could get a third, or a fourth
or fifth, and the whole experiment
would cost a mere trifle; but It
takes; a wealthy man to experiment
with automobiles, buying car after car
until he gets on that satisfies him in
Tespect to appearance. comfort.
economy, convenience and durability.
Mair Buyers E2xperlmat. - '
Many automobile buyers do ex.
periment not because they want to
and not because it is necessary, but
simply because they have not taken the
trouble to look up the experience of
"I want to give a few simple rules
and each of them Is backed by real
experience 'for use in selecting a
"In the first place, never buy a cheap
car. By cheap, I do not necessarily
mean low In price, though up to
certain figure price usually Indicates
the degree of excellence in an auto
mobile as in any other article.
"You know that you cannot get a
well-tailored, all-wool suit of clothe
as cheaply as you can get a ready
made, semi-wool suit. The same rule
applies to motorcars.
"A really high quality car costs a
few hundred dollars more than a cheap
car. but the difference in value is much
greater than the difference in price.
That few hundred dollars extra, spread
over a large production, enables the
manufacturer of the higher priced car
to use materials and refinements which
are impossible at the lower price. So
my advice is to pay the difference and
get a machine which you know is
Waralag Is Given.
"My next suggestion is, do -not go to
the other extreme. Do not pay a lot
of money for superficial luxuries.
"There are a few cars which are
built u Older such conditions and in
Boscti Service
Complete Stock, of All
Bosch Goods
Official Distributors
Ballou & Wright
Indian Motorcycles
Distributed in Northwest by
Broidwv', mt Oak, Portland.
817 East Pike St, Seattle. Wash.
TJ Q r Portland Ajreney. S1S-S17 Washington Bt.
Ve JLta UU55 IX. VU.
Vulcanizing sad Retreading. R. K. BLODGETT, Z9-S1 North 14th St. Main 7 OCX.
ttrr ixi iv I i-i ww
I T'
F. W. VOGLER, President
617 Washington Street. Phones Main 8887, A 4959.
Spark Plugs TOOLS Brake-Lining
Preer Tool and Supply Co.
74 Sixth and 311 Oak Sts.
such quantities that they offer the
maximum motorcar value. Tney are
hish enousrh In price to insure the best
materials snd the latest features, but
they are standardized In manufacture
and built in largre enough quantities to
514 ALDER ST., COR. 16th
It's the Vital Parts of the
Car Which You Pay For
Yes, they are hidden away out of sight, but
before you pay your money, KNOW THEY
not this year alone, BUT YEARS TO COME.
The solidity and dependability of its driving parts,
brakedrums, frame and springs are equal to that of a
60 H.-P. car.
The popularity of the Mighty Michigan "40" Is due
stroke Axihi motor, controlled by four-speed trans
mission, equal to any grade in the world land not on
low either) while Its electric self-starter can really
be depended upon.
Speaking of features note the Michigan's: Left
hand drive, center control, 118-inch wheel base, 4Va
inch tires, extra clearance, 14-inch Turkish leather
cushions, 50 inches wide; electric headlights and
flush sidelights, etc.
Such are the PROVEN FACTS as found in the
Michigan "40" with a price that is not fancy
only $1850 f. o. b. Portland.
Let us prove these facts in a demonstration that
IS a demonstration.
Michigan Auto & Buggy Co.
W. A, Wildrick, Manager.
Seattle Branch, 1423 Tenth Avenue.
John T. Campbell, Manager.
Phones Mar
-Marshall 4021, A 4sS.
iATE GARAGES. S. O. Stoddard, Representa
sos Colnaabla Bldar. Slain i7S.
Peterson & Sleret Co.
450 Hawthorne Ave., Corner 8tb
Phone E. 64S
k y i xiiiii
Hawthorne Avenue mt East Eighth
Street, Portland.
Phones Main 1882. A 1S2
guarantee the minimum cost for such
quality. Anything you pay above the
medium price of these cars is chiefly
for pure luxuries which add nothing
to the comfort, convenience, reliability
or durability of the csr.