The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 01, 1913, SECTION FOUR, Page 2, Image 56

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iKRKV, quirky fiddle Foy. with his
seven little perky . quirky Foys
have come and gone, and In their
passing have left most pleasurable
memories of themselves and the musi
cal comedy "Over the River." W e have
not had a musical show In so many
weeks it becomes a matter of taking
a minute off to remember just what the
last one was. Let's see it was "The
Merry Widow." Which Isn't to say that
we haven't had entertainment enough,
but a musical comedy now and then
Is relished, by the wisest men to
transpose an old couplet.
Eugene Walter is to be much rep
resented in the works of his pen this
week. At. the Hellig his latest suc
cess, "Fine Feathers," is to be put on
the boards, and at the Baker "The
Wolf." one of his earlier plays. Is to
be given. "Fine Feathers" is a splen
did example of the modern drama of
realism, as opposed to plays that deal
with theories and ideals. The person
nel of its cast is like unto a perusal
of the big electric light signs in front
of Broadway theaters. There is Wil
ton Lackt-ye, Robert Kdeson and Max
Figman. Hose Coghlan, Amelia Sum
mers and Lolita Robertson. The en
gagement begins tonight and plays
tomorrow night. Tuesday and Wednes
day nights and a matinee on Wednes
day. Right on its going treads the
coming of "Bella Donna." with the In
comparable Nazlmova in the title role.
This play is an adaptation by James
Bernard Fagan from the novel "Bella
Donna." by Robert Hichens. The en
gagement promises to ' be one of the
sensations of -the season.
At the Baker Ida Adair is to receive
the big role nf her Summer season.
This will be Hilda In "The Wolf." Mr.
Walters" thrilling story of the Cana
dian woods.
"Graustark." is is expected, is to be
an early production at the' Baker. This
play has been out of the hands of
stock companies for several years on
account of its presentation by road
companies. So often it is confused
with "Beverly of Qraustark," which
was played by the Baker company
last Summer, and was one, of that sea
son's biggest drawing cards. Henry
Hall in "The Man From Home" is
underlined at the Baker with the play
ers in his support.
Here's a suggestion of a few of -the
theatrical visitations Portland is to
have at the Heillg this Summer. "The
Passing Show of 1912" will be the first
of the Winter Garden shows to come
to the Coast. In the big company a
Trixie Fripranza. Texas Ouinan and
Willie and Kugene Howard, four names
wo out here know pretty well. John
Mason comes in "As a Man Thinks."
with Julie Heme as his leading woman.
The late Walter Browne's morality
play "Every Woman." with Adele
Blood, last seen here in vaudeville, is
another early Summer booking. Lew
Fields' "Hanky Panky." with Mont
gomery and Florence Moore and Bobby
North, a former Baker player, is an
other early attraction. Eva Tanguay
in her cyclonic vaudeville road show
Raymond Hitchcock and Flora Zabelle
in "The Red. Widow" are others.
trances Starr in "The Case of Becky,'
a story of dual personality, is the
Heiltg attraction all through Rose Fes
tival week.
Comedy tops next week's Orpheum
bill with the musical act, "In a Per
sian Garden," with Louis A. Simon and
Kathryn Osterman, assisted by 14 ar
tists. More "champeen" act at the
impress. This time it is Jlmmv Biftt,
former lightweight champion of the
world, with a monologue of stories oC
his career. Coming back to Portland
via Pantages Is Ethel Davis. Will
Armstrong. Baby Dolls who used to be
here at the Lyric. Their act redu'eed
to vaudeville size is to headline
Pantages next week. At the Lyric
The Wise Land" is-the bill with an
added attraction of the Portland Ladies'
Band. -
iugene Walter's Play Opens Tonight
With All-Star Cast. .
Kugene Walter's powerful and mas-
torly drama. "Fine Feathers." with its
all-star cast, direct from record-
breaking runs at the Astor Theater,
New York, as well as Chicago, will
make its appearance at the Heiltg The.
ater.. Eleventh and Morrison, for four
nights and a special Wednesday mati
nee, starting tonight.
Fine Feathers" has been, widely
heralded as the biggest drama of the
century. The metropolitan critics said
so in no hesitating terms and the thou,
sands of -people who saw It during the
New York and Chicago engagements
approved the verdict. Even without
the star cast the play would be a nota
ble offering, but coming as it does with
Robert Kdeson. Wilton Lackave. Max
Figmahi Rose Coghlan, Lolita Robert
son and Amelia Sumers, the engage'
ment should prove the big dramatic
event of several years. Only a few
cities are given the privilege of view
ing tnie play and cast this season, for
so far it has been seen only in' the
East in New York and Chicago.
Kugene Walter, who has given the
stage such plays as "Paid in Full" and
"The . Easiest Way." has gone a step
nearer perfection in "Fine Feathers."
Here he gives an overpowering diagno
sis of human: nature and an insight
into existing conditions with which
everyone is familiar, but believes is
hidden from the rest of the world
There is only one company presenting
"Fine Feathers." the all-star cast which
is to appear here.
Eugene Walter's Drama of Canadian
Woods at the Baker.
Strange and weird, like the half-mys-
terious animal from which it takes its
name, Eugene Walter's superb drama
of the : Canadian . woods. ' .'he Wolf,
stands in a class by. itself. It will be
given a production by the Baker Play
ers all week beginning this afternoon,
and. being of the strong melodramatic
type, with scenes laid in the forests of
the North and characters just like one
would expect to find there, will anneal
to every lover of nature In her wildest
The opening scene shows the cabin
of MacTavish, an old Scotch trapper.
standing in a lonely forest. Here lives
the old man and his daughter, Hilda.
She is a sweet, innocent girl, whose
lonely life has been made even more
lonely and hard to bear because of
hatred her father seems to bear her be.
cause -of her mother, whom she resem
Dies, deserted him long ago. Here
comes a young railroad civil engineer
namea -viclioiiaia. and his young assist
ant, Huntley. McDonald, who is a man
of small principle but brilliant educa
tion, at once lays siege to Hilda's
heart: Her suitor is a young trapper
namea juies Keaublen. who auicklv
discovers the deceit In McDonald's pur
pose, but the old man is easily led to
believe in him and consents to McDon-
old's taking Hilda away to the city
with him. But Jules and a comnanioti
Ba'tiste, discover In McDonald the man
who led his sister astray and deserted
her, and they are determinedto thwart
his plans with Hilda, although in so
doing are obliged to fight MacTavish
as well. v
After a gripping third act Hilda is
rescued from them and the last scene
shows Jules, Ba'tiste and Hilda togeth
er with young Huntley
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and then conies the fierce struggle in
the dark by the campfire with the
wolves howling in the distance and
ending in the death of McDonald. -
Robert Wayne will play the role of
Jules. John Sumner, MacTavish: Will
iam Lloyd. McDonald: Walter Gilbert,
young Huntley; William Bernard.
Ba'tiste. and Ida Adair. Hilda. It is an
ideal cast and the scenic production
will be superb. The usual matinees
will be given Wednesday and Satur
day and the bargain night tomorrow.
Comedy Is Written
gramme Opening
All Over Pro-Tomorrow.
river. Behind them like a bloodhound
comes McDonald, for no matter what
else he is he is no coward. Sending the
others on ahead. Jules waits for him
Comedy, spelled with large letters is
written all over the new bill opening
at the Orpheum Monday matinee. In
headline position is one of the most
elaborate acts in vaudeville, a minia
ture musical comedy, "A Persian Gar
den," with Louis A. Simon and Kath-
oing down the ryn Osterman in the leading roles. They
are assisted., by a. company of 14 and
the. act is given elaborate Oriental set
ting with catchy . musical numbers and
enough of a plot to make it interesting.
' --II J"
Mr. Simon Is a clever little comedian
who makes fun galore as a valet. Miss
Osterman is delightful as a much-1
married chorus girl with a superb
wardrobe of gowns and hats.
, "Handkerchief No.. 15" is the farce
that serves i Frederick Bond and Miss
Fremont Benton. Mr. Bond is clever in
everything he does and Miss- Benton
plays her part as it should be. The
action in "Handkerchief No. 15" Is fast
and snappy and draws many laughs.
No bigger amusement- .-is offered on
the bill than that given by Joe Jack
son, billed as the European vagabond.
Jackson Js a tramp who ambles out on
the stage, sees a decrepit bicycle and
tries to ride it. That is all. but the
comedy he injects into his pantomime
keeps the audience in an uproar.
Louis London appears In a series of
song studies ' ranging from the Eddie
Leonard style, of ballad into an Indian
number. "Come West. My Indian
Squaw," which -is his own composition,
to yap comic. Mr. London has a beau
tiful baritone voice- and accompanies
his songs with -rapid changes of cos
tume. One of the bright spots on the bill is
Eunice Burnham . and Charles Irwin,
who have a song sketch at the piano.
The Impersonating ability of Mr. Irwin,
coupled with his English stories and
Miss Burnham's well delivered ditties,
makes an act -of- entertainment and
Acrobatic funoscities will- be offered
by Montambo and Wells, who combine
comedy and thrills' in a daring act of
physical power.
The current bill with Cecilia Loftus,
the greatest mimic the world has ever
known, for its headllner, closes with
the performance tonight.
World's ex-Cbamplon Lightweight in
Monologue at Empress.
Right on the heels of Willie Ritchie',
champion lightweight at the Empress,
comes Jimmy Bitt, former possessor of
the same title, who will shine as head
liner all this- week in ..a. monologue in
which stories of his interesting pugil
istic career will be featured. -Britt has
an act very similar to the vaudeville
entertainment offered .by Jim Corbett.
In the finale he strips to fighting tights
and gives a dramatic recitation of a
tale of the prizerlng. .
The extra added attraction on the
new bill is presented by '.'The Nine
Piano Bugs." instrumentalists, vocal
ists and comedians who mingle with
the audience in making merry. Mae
Bronte. Dixie Crane, Rose Gardner and
Lillian Kendal are the lively girls in
the company, and the featured mascu
line entertainers are Stone. Jackson
and Wall. Henry Johnson and Harold
Vincent, comedians, complete the vi
vacious troupe. "The Piano Bugs"
made their first appearance as the fea
ture act of the Friars' Annual Frolic
in New York:.
Third on the Empress poster is Char
lotte, character change violinist, who
Blips from one costume to another
without leaving the stage, her last
change presenting her in a short
skirted costume. Critics along the cir
cuit have selected Charlotte as one of
the big hits of the bill.
"Fun on the Boulevard" -is the offer
ing of the Wheelers Co.. who present
a comedy juggling act which will open
the show. The act is crowded with
comical situations, and advance notices
herald it is being one of the funniest
acta of its kind ever booked along the
Sullivan & Considine circuit.
Agnes Lee & Co. will present "The
Test," a playlet written by a St. Paul
newspaperman. The sketch is based
on a country-town incident, and humor
and pathos are entwined in its action.
The new bill is completed by Edward
Barnes and Mabel Robinson, musical
comedy purveyors, who have a melange
containing ragtime, grand opera and a
Shakespearean travesty.
Willie Ritchie will close his present
vaudeville tour at the Empress to
Armstrong's Musical Comedy Play
ers Come Back in Vaudeville.
Melody and mirth pervade the mu
sical extravaganza known as "A Scotch
Highball." which serves as a vehicle
for Armstrong's Baby Dolls, featured at
Pantages for the week, beginning with
the matinee tomorrow at 2:30 o'clock,
and in which Portland musical comedy
players Mies Ethel Davie. Will and
Ed Armstrong lead the cast of 20.
Late eons successes will be heard in
"A Scotch. Highball," and Miss Davis
as the prima donna will be seen. The
show is a typical girl affair. Con
trary to the usual musical comedietta,
a distinct plot runs through "A Scotch
Among the musical numbers intro
duced will be "Girls, Girls. Girls." "Love
in the Moon," "The Trail of the Lone
some Pine" and "In My Harem."
Coupled with these are several char
acter and topical songs by Will and
Ed Armstrong and the company. .
Bertee Beaumonte and Jack Arnold,
once of "Miss Nobody From Starland,"
will be heard in "Bits of Musical
Comedy." Miss Beaumonte played the
part of Nina, the Italian girl, in the
comedy, leaving it to go with Mr.
Arnold In "A Modern Eve" when that
show was first staged in ChicagoJ
wnen a. Moaern , cive went on tour.
Miss Beaumonte and Mr. Arnold signed
a contract with Alexander Pantages to
tour his circuit exclusively before re
turning to musical comedy this Fall.
Their songs and- dances are-entertaining.
Kriscary. coin and hat manipulator,
will present his latest tricks. Friscary
cored a hit this Winter in New York.
Miss Ruth Chandler is a most happy
entertainer, her characterization of an
old maid being one of the classics of
vaudeville. She is heard in several
Jewel and Jordon are whistlers and
Imitators. Their performance is new
bright and Is said to be original.
Russian dancing is given by the
Makaranko Duo. who also introduce
RuKsian melodies on instruments and
vocally. The act is filled with variety.
The Pantagescope will show animated
Bud Anderson, the contender for the
lightweight championship of the world,
will be seen for the final performances
this afternoon and evening.
New Programme at People's Thea
ter Headed by Strong Play..
"The Master Cracksman" is a two
reel feature of strength heading the
bin at the Peoples Theater for today's
change. It is a good story ot a rich
man who acquires an interest in a
patent and stealing the rights of the
inventor reducing him to poverty. The
millionaire has played upon the in
ventor's feelings, for his sole pur
pose is to secure money enough to ed
ucate his boy. The latter, after his
collegiate course, learns of the sacri
fice made by his father, and proceeds
to teach the rich crook a much- needed
lesson. The invention is a device for
protecting safes from burglary. His
father's secret is known to him and In
the guise of a cracksman, he proves
the uselessness of the invention and
forces a statement from the millionaire,
and proving his intent, saves himself
from punishment at the hands of the
law. Irving Cummlngs. one of the best
photo play actors in America, appears
at his best in the picture.
"Her Big Story" is the tale of a
newspaper girl with whom the city ed
itor was in love. She was assigned to
shadow a politician who was the power
behind the throne. In a venturesome
manner, she succeeds in learning the
fact that the owner of the paper is
the power behind the throne. Of course
the story is killed in the city editor's
office, but she receives her reward in
winning bis love.
Barney OWfield's race for life, shows
(Concluded on Pas 3.