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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1913)
it SECTION THREE Pages 1 to 12 EDITORIAL AND SOCIETY VOL. XXXII. PORTLAND. OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 1, 1913. NO. 22. Rose Festival, June 9 to 14 Portland Agents Gossard Lace Front, Mme. Mariette, Nemo, Bon Ton, Royal Worcester Corsets, "Merode" Underwear H?tf- Green Trading Stamps Given on All Charge Accounts if Same Are Paid in Full on or Before the 10th Home Journal Patterns and Publications 35c Neckwear on Sale 19c Main Floor Women's dainty new nov elty Neckwear in a wonderful assortment of the latest effects Stocks, Jabots, Frills, etc., in pretty designs. Three great special lots. $3 prades at 98; W Q- .fl grades at 48; 35c grade All White Millinery Reduced Cut Glass Silverware Reduced Great Sale of White China Third Floor Entire stock of plain white China for decorating, in the June White Sale at special reduced prices. The largest and most complete line in the Northwest to choose, from. All' fancy lines of Haviland China now at 1-3 off. ds, Wortman & King Store Hours 8:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Saturdays 9:30 to 9:30 Ol The Great "J une White Sale" E egins Tomorrow Every White Article Reduced Except Few Contract Lines TOMORROW- ushers in the Great White Event that thousands of Portland women have been anxiously awaiting. Bigger, better and more comprehensive than ever before, this Great June Sale of White will be the topic of general interest, not only in this city, but throughout the entire State of Oregon. Many months have been spent in active prep aration for this great sale, and as a consequence we offer our patrons most unusual values in all lines of white goods. In addition to splendid reductions on regular lines, we include hundreds of special purchases in all departments Women's, misses' and children's ready-to-wear apparel, hosiery, gloves, parasols, shoes, neckwear, ribbons, linens, domestics, draperies, cut glass, china, silverware, men's and boys' furnishings, handkerchiefs, etc., etc. S. & H. Green Trading Stamps given with all cash purchases of 10c or more. Premium Parlors, Fourth Floor. 1 ftMI Mjpv lit? Entire Stock Muslin Underwear at Special Reductions Second Floor This includes our regular lines, as well as a great many spe cial lots that were bought especially for this occasion. Gowns, Skirts, Cor set Covers, Chemise Combinations, Drawers, etc. ' Best of materials and cut in full standard sizes. Supply the Summer needs now for less. Dainty Muslin Gowns for 88c Ea. Another Special Line at $1.12 Slipover Gowns of longcloth, crepes, nainsook and cambric,- high or low neck, long or short sleeves. GQg Daintily trimmed. Special CJOl Gowns, Special, $1.97 Nainsook and cambric Gowns, high or V-neck styles, with long or short sleeves, trimmed with fiP t embroidery and laces P 4 Combinations, 88c Women's dainty longcloth Combina tions, trimmed with fine embroider ies and laces. Stylishly Q - shaped.' Special at eachOO Women's Slipover Gowns in high or V-neck styles. Crepe, longcloth and Cambric. All styles, 3? l TO nicely trimmed, spec '1 P f ' Corset Covers at 31c Fine Longcloth Corset Covers, trimmed, with embroidery insertions and edge, lace beading, rib- Qff bon, etc. Sizes 34 to 44 at-- Corset Covers at 44c Special line of Corset Covers,' full fashioned and beautifully made. A great variety of styles. All f sizes at special price of Combinations at $1.12 Women's Crepe or Longcloth Combinations come in sizes 34 to 44. Extra well made. Combinations at $2.68 Extra fine materials in Princess, 3-piere end Knickerbockers. Beautifully finished. Princess Slips at $2.29 Vals. up to $4.50 Women's Princess Slips in a great vari ety of styles apd patterns. Nainsook, longcloth and lawn, $4.50 vals. 2.29 Cambric Drawers, 79c Vals. up to $1.75 Special lot of Women's Drawers ex cellent quality materials, well made and suitably trimmed. $1.75 grade, 79 June White Sale Women's Fine Silk Underwear Underwear Department, Main Floor The June White Sale offers a splendid opportunity to buy fine Italian and Venetian Silk Underwear at wonderful reductions. Only a few of the many specials are mentioned here. $7.00 SilK Vests $2.48 Women's Fine Italian Silk Vests beautifully made. Reanilar $4.25, $5.00, $6.50 and $7.00 grades. White Sale C"0 S5Q price, each at only VO $10 Union Suits $4.98 Women 's fine Italian Silk Union Suits. Fancy embroidered with tight or loose-fitting knee. Sizes 36 to 42. Beautifully finished. $8 fj m. fQ to $10 values. June White Sale at vStt50 I- $7.50 Drawers $3.98 Women's fine Italian Silk Drawers, trimmed with handsome lace umbrella style. Extra well fin ished. Standard $7.50 grade. CJO QJ2 White Sale Price, special for only pOJ70 Corset Covers at $2.48 Women's fine Italian Silk Corset Covers many different styles, in pink, white and blue, trimmed with high-grade laces. Regular $5 flJO AD quality, in the June White Sale at p.e0 Combinations $4.98 Corset Cover and Drawers combined, trimmed with lives and ribbons. These come in size 36 only. Regular selling price, $10.50. gyg QQ June White Sale, priced special for p.70 Women's Venetian Silk Vests at $1,95 $15.00 SilK Night Gowns, $7.50 if $6.00 Union Suits $2.98 Venetian Silk Union Suits iD Knickerbocker and umbrella styles. Fancy embroidered de signs. Sizes 36 and JJO QQ 42 only, low price P.7J $10.50 SilK Vests $4.98 Women's Fine Italian Silk Vests, fancy embroidered lace and me dallion trimmed. Sizes 36, 38, 40. Regular values uptPA QQ to $10.00 on sale atP'JO All Women's White Apparel Reduced war w v m w-i women's ana inuaren's wear secona f loor Our entire stock of Women's, Misses' and Children's White Wear now on sale at reduced prices. Coats, Suits, Waists, Dresses, Petticoats, Kimonos, Sweaters, Dressing Gowns, House Dresses, etc. Tailored Suits $18.95 to $43.65 All White Suits Reduced. Tailored Suits of White Serge, Bedford Cords, Ratine, Whipcords, etc. Plain tailored, Bulgarian and Russian Blouse styles Also cutaway and belted-back effects, trimmed with embroidery, satin and silk pipings, fancy collars and cuffs. Draped and tail- jj5 O dSEZ ored skirts. A full assortment of sizes. White Sale prices from $18.95 to TtO.OO White Skirts $1.35 to $14.85 All White Skirts Reduced Repps, Bedford CordsLinens, Ratine, etc., in wool or cotton. Plain two piece styles, open all the way down, with detachable buttons, which makes them tij T fi QEZ much easier to launder; also stylish 4-piece skirts, with slash on side, $1.35 to & -."00 White Coats $12.50 to $44.55 All White Coats Reduced A splendid assortment of new White Coats 'for women and misses in Matelasse, Eponge, Ratine, AVhipcord, Diagonals, Etamine, Basket Weave, Chinchilla, Bedford Loras, etc. i'laxn taiiorea styles or ianey drapea models. Choose yours tomorrow while the assortments are at their best. June White Sale prices from $13.50 to Lingerie Dresses $3.56 to $88.65 All White Dresses Reduced -Magnificent showing of the season's most wanted models in voiles, Mar quisettes, lawns, batiste, lace, embroidery, etc. Scores of beautiful creationR here QQ to select from; elaborately tnm'd or plain styles, m all sizes. White Sale, $3.56 to pJJ. VJ Wool Sweaters $2.70 to $12.15 All White Sweaters Reduced Choose any White Wool Sweater in the house now at White Sale prices. Great variety of styles, including "Ruffneck," Byron collar and V-neck. Good j f O "IS heavy knit, in plain and fancy weaves. Full line of sizes( White Sale $2.70 to V" O White Waists $1.35 to $20.25 All White Waists Reduced Thousands of beautiful Lingerie Waists in the Great June White Sale at lowered prices. Also waists of silk, voile, crepe, nets, laces, chiffons, etc., in the JJO" 0? season's newest styles. -Waists suitable for all occasions. All sizes. Sale, $1.35 to Lingerie Blouses, Special, 98c At the Main Floor Center Circle 100 dozen charming new Lingerie Blouses on sale tomorrow at much less than regular worth. Scores of styles to choose from high or low necks, with long or short sleeves Voiles, Marquisettes, Lawns, Batistes, etc. Attractively trimmed with laces, en-QQ. broideries, pin tucks, buttons, etc. They are here in all sizes. White Sale price each at onlyoC $44.55 I 1 Rf Garment Dept., 2d Floor. Women's fine Venetian Silk Vests in fancy embroidered design. Come in sizes from 3b to 42. Women's fine Italian Silk Night gowns, nicely made and of excellent CI Off quality. Regular $15 Z'7 Regular $2.50 grade at P S grade, special for only P m JJ $12.50 Italian Silk Union Suits at $6.25 Women's fine quality Italian Silk Union Snits, handsomely finished. Styled with band top and umbrella knee. Sizes in this line from 36 up to 42. Only a limited number in this special lot, so be on hand JJ5 O early. Our best regular $12.50 grade, sale price, now at only p.J "June White Sale" Linens Portland's Dependable Linen Store Department, Main Floor Thousands of dollars' worth of high-grade Table Linens, Towels, csneets, i'Ulow cases, Bedspreads and housekeepers supplies or all kinds enter the Cireat V hue Sale at savings no woman can afford to overlook. Hotel and restaurateurs should take notice. Pattern c?0bths--Great Savings Odd line of high-grade Linen Pattern Cloths in many beautiful patterns. Ex tra heavy grade. No napkins to match. S. & H. Stamps with purchases. $ 7.60 Cloths, 2x2V2 yds., at $5.90 $ 9.00 Cloths, 2x3 yards, at $6.85 $11.50 Cloths, 2x4 yards, at $9.25 $ 6.50 Cloths, 2V4x2Vi yds., $5.20 $ 8.00 Cloths, 2V4x2ya yds., $6.25 $10.50 Cloths, 2i2x2y2 yds., $8.50 Embroidered Linens at V2 Price $34,000 worth of Hand-Embroidered Linens on sale at just half the regular prices. Very appropriate for wedding, anniversary or bridge party gifts. Over 3000 pieces in this sensational offering. Note the reductions below: $10 Embroidered, Lace-Trimmed Table Cloths, sizes 54x54, special $5.00 $15 Embroidered, Lace-Trimmed Table Cloths, sizes 63x63, special $T.50 Beautiful Scalloped Table Cloths $5.00 values at special price of $2.50 $13 Hemstitched, Embroidered Sheets, 72x100, June White Sale, $6.50 $16 Hemstitched, Embroidered Sheets, 72x100, June White Sale, $8.00 Embroidered Pillow Shams, $1.20 value, June White Sale price, 60 Embroidered Pillow Cases, $1.50 value, June White Sale price now 75 Sheets, Pillow Cases, Sheetings 500 dozen Round-Thread Sheets, specially priced, 58 1000 dz. Pillow Slips, extra grade, 10S 12y2, 15? Complete assortment of Bedspreads All now reduced All White Wash Goods now offered at special prices Entire stock of- Sheetings, Cambrics and Muslin offered at White Sale prices. Supply the home needs here. 40c White Goods at 25c Yard Bargain Circle, First Floor 3000 yards White Wash Materials Flaxons, Linaire, Silk Stripe Novelties, Dotted Swisses, Crepes. Persian Lawns, etc. Regular values to 40c, now at 25 yard White Wool Dress Goods and Silks Reduced Dress Goods and Silks, Main Floor Undoubtedly the finest showing of Wool Dress Goods and Silks in Portland is to be found at this store. All white fabrics, except contract lines, now 44-inch White Wool Batiste at 76 44-inch White French Serge at 90? 48-inch Storm Serge, yard at 90 52-inch White Storm Serge $1.12 54-inch White Storm Serge $1.35 54-inch White Whipcord at $1.35 54in. White Coating Serge $1.80 54-inch White Whipcord at $1.80 54-inch White Whipcord at $2.25 48-inch White Bedford Cord $1.57 52-inch White Bedford Cord $1.80 on sale at specially reduced prices. 56-mch White Tailor Serge $2.70 56-inch White- Tailor Serge $3.15 54-inch White Broadcloth at $2.70 27-inch White Jap Silk, yard,-45 27-inch White Jap Silk, yard. 67 27-inch White Jap Silk, yd., $1.12 27-inch White Jap Silk, vd., $1.80 36-in. White Jap Silks 76-$2.25 Brocades from $1.80 to $3.60 White and Cream Silk Suitings for all occasions from 90 to $3.60 Dainty Embroideries and Laces 10c Vol. Laces 5c Yard Stock cleanup of Valenciennes Laces, Edges and Insertions in a big assortment of patterns. CT 35c vals. 12; 10c values at $1.00 Chiffon Cloth 78c For tomorrow selling we offer best grade While Chiffon Cloth. Regu lar $1.50 grade at $1.19 7D and the $1.00 quality at Ot Trimmings Reduced All White Dress Trimmings nets, galloons, bands, etc., at White Sale., In the June White Sale at Remarkable Reductions 12c Embroideries, 5c yd. 75c Embroideries, 25c yd. $1 Embroideries, 48c yd. $1.50 Embroideries at 68c $3.50 Embroideries, $1.98 Others at LiKe Reductions Beautiful Embroideries, Voiles, Nainsooks, Swisses and Cambrics in 45-inch Flouneings, Allovers, Demi-Flouncings, Corset Cover effects, Galloons, Bands $1.50 Allover Laces at 58c Yard June White Sale of Handsome Allover Laces in Shadow, Net and Novelty effects in white, cream and ecrn. Wide variety of patterns. $1.50 values. June White Sale Satin, Taffeta Ribbons 4-in. Taffeta Ribbon, yard at 12 Ti-inch Taffeta Ribbons, yard 29 6V2-inch Taffeta Ribbons, yard 22 7-in. Satin Ribbon, 50c grade, 29 No. iy2 Satin Rib'n, 5-yd. bits. 6 No. 2 Satin Ribbon, 5-yd. bolts, 8 Thousands of Remnants in Embroideries and Laces on Sale at Just Half Price Books for Graduation Gifts The least expensive but most highly prized gifts of all. Leather bound Gift Books. .35 to $5.00 Memory Books, 50 to $6.00 Fiction. .25 to $1.35 Inspirational Books, $1.00 to $1.25 Travel.$1.00 to $2.50 Dainty Booklets, 35 to $1.00 Visit the Book Depart ment and' look around. Center Pieces, Scarf s and Squares In the June White Sale for Less Art Department, Second Floor Entire stock of White Art Goods at reduced " prices Center Pieces, Scarfs, Squares, Doilies, Stamped Shirtwaists, Chil dren's Dresses, Towels, Infants' Wear, Aprons, Pillow Tops, etc. Buy now. 27-inch Stamped White Linen Center Pieces, values to $1.00 now at 49 60c Stamped Huck Towels, great variety of designs, special now for 39 20c to $1.00 Japanese Embroidered White Doilies, now at 13 to 56 $1.50 to $13.00 Japanese Hand-Embroidered Center Pieces, 83 to $6.89 Children9s White Wear Reduced Children's Wear, Second Floor Choose the children's Summer wearables now at a decided saving. This includes white articles of every description. Children's dainty White Lawn Dresses, ages 2 to 14, special for only 98 Line of children's Lace and Embroidery-Trimmed Dresses, 10 Per Cent Off Graduation and Class Day Dresses ages 2 to 14 years now at Vi OFF Lace Curtains and Draperies Reduced Important "June White Sale" Offerings Hundreds of pairs of Lace Curtains bright, fresh, new stock, offered now at special reduced prices. Big reductions on White Drapery materials nets, scrims, silkolines, etc. A splendid chance for home keepers to supply the Summer Draperies at worthy savings. Drapery Department, Third Floor. Regular $3.50 White Lace Curtains, special, $2.50 Regular $4.50 White Lace Curtains, special, $2.75 Regular $6.50 White Lace Curtains, special, $4.50 Regular $7.50 White Lace Curtains, special, $5.00 Regular $8.00 White Lace Curtains, special, $5.90 Regular $10.50 White Lace Curtains, sp'l, $6.75 Sale of "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Cooking Utensils $3.60 3-Piece Set, Special $2.70 Special Demonstration and Sale on Third Floor All This Week As a special inducement to our customers to visit this great demonstra- n .- 95c tion we make the following special offer. Come and satisfy yourself. One Lipped Sauce Pan (like cut), value $0.65 555 One Double Boiler (like cut), value $2.10 One Lipped Kettle (like cut), value .95 90c Fancy Curtain Nets on sale at low price, yard, 50 Regular 15c Curtain Swisses, June White Sale, 12J Regular 25c, Curtain Swisses, June White Sale, 19 Regular 25c Curtain Scrims, June White Sale price 19 Regular 45c Curtain Scrim, June White Sale price 28 Regular 50c Curtain Scrim, June White Sale price 39 The above 3 pieces total value .$3.60 This 3-PieceSetNow $2 70 S'S V