THE SUyPAY OREGUMAN PORTLAND, 3IAT 23, 1913. la FOR RENT. Howkecplnt-Roonn in Private Family. T.lIREE rooms completely furnished for housekeeping, private family, clone in on West Side: fireplace, Dutch kitchen. sink and sai range; rooms very largo and cheerful and neat as wax; price J23 monthly; light, water and phone free. 14 4th t. Phone Main 2752. TV. o large, clean, completely furnished housekeeping rooms, first floor, large porch, yard, free phone and lights, nice carpets and linoleum ; chiid ta k e n ; also suite-, reasonaole rent. 7tt K- Yam - hill. SU ITL of two very tiesirable c lean, well furnjshed large rooms and kitchenette; Ka bath, gas stove, balcony, walking dis tance; good neighborhood. 772 . Taylor. East 32t$0. if you iee them you want them. -B, sure. LA RGE, light H. K. room in family of 2 young folks, light, bath, laundry free ; $ month. Call today between 2 and 5, Mon day before 11 or after 3. 470 K. Wash ' ir.gton. FI KST-CLAS8 single housekeeping rooms; heaA, lights, bath, large lawn, rare view ; walking distance to city; $2.50 to $5 week; fares bv month. 575 Couch, cor. 18th, West Siue. VGLE housekeeping rooms. $10 per month Lip, newly furnished, modern dwelling, big i'iird, b st V est iSicli; apartment district, I'lofin, light rooms, everything included, tv m 1 K i n g distance.- rt55 Flanders, near 2orh. 1 LuWXSUALE ST.. between Morrison iI Alder, nicely furnished H. K. rooms, I iiih. phono. Phone Main 7i57, Mrs. li if i t, modern housekeeping rooms, v r-n son a' -le ; large front room with i-h-n-ite, -t werk; free cooking gas. Park. Vl-1 4u: ONE pleasant front h. k. room and kitchen t ' c on corner Ti road way and Harrison, also one furnished sleeping room. 341 Harniswn. f TWO light, clean front rooms, furnished for housekeeping; excellent location; $15: elec t !: light s. water and phone free. tlOO Hrjyt. 21st st. t I'RNIiSiiJJlJ complete for housekeeping, suite in private iamilv. first floor, prtone, bath, gas, walking distance, $18. Phone E. 4322. HOUSEKEEPING rooms; also sleeping porch, modern conveniences; reasonable to right party; nice neighborhood ; near An keny car barns. 35 East 22d at. SPLENDID 2-room apartment, large lawn, all conveniences for housekeeping, walking distance to city; $2.50 to $5 week ; rates by month. 575 Couch, cor. ISth. TWO completely furnished H. K. rooms. elean and convenient, one block from ' Broadway bridge, price reasonable. 1149 Benton st. ONE H. I-L. apartment and several single rooms. Just cleaned, under new man agement, cU'Bc in (Nob Hiil). prices rea sonable. 115 23d N. Phone Main t5i3. TWO nicely furnished large housekeeping roorua on ground floor, private entrance. In private modern home, very nice neigh borhood. cheap rent. Ifitt E. loth st. THREE connecting', clean, nicely furnished H. K. rooms, tree, lights, phone, bath, laundry trays. 41 Weat Park at. Call Sunday or evenings. SUITE of light housekeeping rooms, ground floor, private residence, nice location, walking distance ; references exchanged. Phone B 2232 or call 504 East Oak st. CIjEAN. completely furnished front house keeping rooms, kitchenette, sink, water, free lights, laundry ; child taken. 2 V Grand ave.. S. E. comer An keny. 3 LARGE rooms, furnished, pantry, heat, gas. range, electrio lights; modern resi dence; 1 bljck Hawthorne car; close In. Phone 33 19i0. bARGE rooms, furnished complete for house keeping, $10 and $11 a month. GS1 Thur- man st. T WO f urn ished housekeeping rooms, mod ern, good location. 2.14 East ISth, corner Main. 4 LIGHT housekeeping rooms with private family on first floor; best car service in town. 10S7 Belmont. IRVIXGTOX, 4 43 K. 13 th N.. cool, clean, modern housekeeping suite, ground floor; porch, separata entrances. C 1S31. WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, modern conveniences. 415 E. Burnslde, corner 9th. THREE housekeeping rooms. completely furnished. 407 a 13. Couch St. Phone East 1724. TWO furnished H. K. rooms, water, sink, gas range, walking distance. 42S Mont gomery. NEATLY furnished, housekeeping rooms, single and double: gas. electricity and bath. 392 4th. House. MY home place for rent; good garden, flow ers, fruit an'l berries; rt large rooms and. full basement ; rent reasonable ; possession Immediately. Call at premises, 773 Grand a ve. X. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT ON' EAST SIDE. J. J. OLDER. Peal Estate and Rental. rorner Grand Ave. and E. Ankenv. T-TIOOM residence. completely renovated, repiastered. re tin ted and re papered; will rent it extremely cheap: on St. Johns car line. J. E. Smith, 414 Chamber of c ommsree. 5- ROOM modern cottage, with garden; v-nt $15. Call at S09 Minnesota ave., or phone Wood lawn 41:. Sunday or Marshall 2-'3 during week. 4 - ROOM bungalow, bath, hot and cold wa 'T, l:irge yard, woodshed, chicken yard. min. walk from Evergreen Sta. Main 13 4 ft. o-ROOM frtrii-tly modern bungalow, large porch, beautiful lawn, parage If desired. Pi:n E. Clinton, on WR carline. Phone E. FOR PENT 6-room modern house, large Burden nil planted, block and half south ef Gravs Cross' ng. Mount Scott carline. Phone Marshall 3T-32. Owner. EST SIDE. o-rnnn lower flt. just 'li nted. good neighborhood, walking dis Kmce. rent $I. The Fred A. Jacobs Co. Main rtGii. 5-ROOM lower fht. orroit Multnomah luo, on balmon st., rent reasonable. Main 5-ROOM cottage, newly painted, close in. East Side, walking distance. $20. The Fred A. Jacob.- Co. Main tiO MODERN 5 -room cottaee. 1024 East "1st st. North, between Alberta and Wvgant flft per month. Phone Tabor 1375 NEW 5-rcom bungalow, strictly modern good location. $1S. 116S E?st 14th st North. AV attractive modern ft-room home in Trv tngton: owner going away. Call 553 Broad way. East 1C13. FURNITURE of S-room modem houe In Sunnyside; will sen very low pries and easy terms: rent only $20. Marshall 31S4. ATTRACTIVE 5-room bungalow, "West Side, furnished or not: view unexcelled; 15 min. walk center; roses, lawn. 4SS College st. FIVE-ROOM cottage! with open-air sleep Ing porch, roses and lawn. 311 Sherman ft.; rent $25. Main Srt". FOR RENT 409 E. Broadway: good - room houe; good front and back varrfs. Owners. 415 Broadway. Phone East 23tjt. MODERN S-room house, Hoyt Rt7. near 23d. all conveniences, rent reasonable. Key 105 Front st. FOR RENT 7-room house ia Alblna on Ross st., 513, near Russell, $13 month. modern. Phone Tabor 3M. P ROOM modern bungalow on 2i acres $20. Flrland Station, Mt. Scott car xF.sst 41 SO. FOR KENT Modern 5-room house.- corner 2 4th and Oregon. Phone Woodlawn 1308 Monday. FOR rent, Portland Heights, 561 Elm St.. modern seven -room house; unsurpassed view. pee owner upon premises. ?. fc.w -rom house, ciose in on hrd-surface streets, modorn, furnace. per month, 204 Failing Mdg.. or call Main 7141. 1 ACRE and new 4-room, plastered resi dence : will make rental verv cheap J E. Sm!th. 414 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT 6-room cottage with stable could be used us garage. S4S Vaughn ft-ROOM house, lare-e yard. S2.Y 29 3d and car line. Phone Marshall 1949. Modern S-room house, close in. "v'e3t St'ie. Phone Mnin ,".-a. Marshall 5442. R'?,'oOM modern house. 419. San Rafael ?1S. Phone C 231?. TV EST SIDE. 6 rooms, modern, renovated, yard. SSfl Cable Pt. Apply 500 Clay. A 3571. U-KOOM h0;:s St. Johns, 11: location. llrt v. Tyler. ird, best -ROOM house, modern. 3 l- blocks fron Steel hridne. Inquire Wasco st. . ROOM house. hire basement. 1621 Ports- mouth ave., $15 month. Call on premises. 5 RO t.M coua-r-?. $:7'' '9' TVeldler s- Ph-.n. E.i-: 0411. MOPFKN flowers. nr rent, fruit and 1!S0 Clinton t. SM LL cottage. 3 IT, i-jav st.. near 7th, 0 month. Ph on e Main 5.'0 1 . f- ROOM cottaee. 11 E. nth. -walking dls- 1 i .lone t-iist 1 4. KUUM modem house. 210 Hall. Inquire OR ILNT Modern 5-room bun galow. S59 .m-niaiia tv. ail jnrsna!! 1"J09. AUur.K.N i-ro-m inmgaiow to rnt. two MODERN S-room house. 50 S East Broad-w-ay. near lOih. ihone East 4S72. -FOOM house, close to 452 E. Couch mt Fnon East 174, FOB KENT. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT. 8- room modern house, 892 Thurman st $30.00 9 - room modern house, 605 Front st. , cor. Meade $20.00 8-room modern house, Irvington Park $15.00 5-room lower flat. Morrison, cor. ISth st $2O.00 5-room lower flat, Glisan st., bet. 23d and 24th, phone Inc $25.00 S-room upper flat, Glisan St., bet. 23d and 24th. phone inc $25.00 5-room upper flat, Glisan St., bet. 23d and 24th, compietely furnished. .. .$30.00 5- room lower flat, E. 8th and Han cock sis. $25.00 6- room upper flat, E. 9th and Han cock sts $25.00 We have others, call at office. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35 102 Fourth st. AS500 IRVINGTON. V 0-room. on carline, garage. $23 6-room house, near Broadway. $H5 5-room house, modern. $40 8-room, 14th and Broadway; newly fitted. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $2. 8-room new house, close to car. 530 10-room house. East Bomaide. Ses Jones. CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY. Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. $12.50 4-room cottage on Woodstock car. $12.50 5-room cottage on St. Johns car. $1S 6 rooms, modern, near Jefferson High School. 5 rooms, 551 Overton st., near 17th. $25 rooms. Front and Meade sta. $t!0 8 rooms, modern, garage; W1I lamttte Heights. H. P PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones M. S699. A 2653. RENT HOUSES 6- room bouse, 2 blocks from Union avenue; $lu. i-room modern bouse on Maryland ave nue; $lft. - 7- room modem house, good location; f-1. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., ltJSH First Street LOW rent for good tenant; splendid neigh borhood; one block from Chapman School, near Savier street car barns; will redeco rate and put In first-class condition: rent free to June 15th. Go out today and get first choice. 432 N. 26th and 870 Wilson. B. M. Lombard, 3d and Madison. Main iS02. A 2892. NEW bungalow, 5 rooms down stairs. 1 up; also sleeping porch : every modern con venience: hardwood floors, fireplace, t shades. Dutch kitchen with linoleum on floor; fine view ; $22. 5u; block to Hawthorne car. Phone owner, B 2017; 3 abor 4564. i-ROOM house, newly tinted, south front, near Woodiawn car, fine location. $17 per month. 5-room bungalow, new, plenty of ground for garden ;. small fruits; delightful home; combines town and countrv; st. car 4 blocks; $20 per month. E. T. Price, 204 Rothchild bldg. Main 7677. MODERN 6-room house, cement basement, yard, gas and electricity, 25 minutes out on good carline, rent $16; also 5-room cot tage, clean and comfortable; walking dis tance. West Side; rent $20. Phone Tabor S29. BUNGALOW. New and modern, 7 rooms, exclusive Palmyra district, near Mount Tabor, car line 4 blocks, city in view; rent reasona ble. For particulars call Main 7805 be fore 9 A. M and after 5 P. M. 4-ROOM bungalow on 24 acres, cleared land, for rent at $15; sightly location; chicken-house and yard, small barn, 5-cent car fare by book. See our agent at Mult nomah or call 730 Chamber of Commerce. HOUSE FOR RENT. 451 E. 24th st. N.. 0-room house, all modern Improvements, vacant June 15. W. B. Foshay, 408 Journal bldg. Marshall 6160. IRVINGTON. Beautiful new S-room modern home; hardwood floors, a fireplaces. 2 toilets, largo sleeping porch; & block from Tennis Club; $50 per month. Phone East 1470. tSTORES, warehouses, houses from 4 to 30 rooms, bungalow s and fine homes, desir able houses for roomers and boarders. Call Security Development Company, 275 Pine st. Call Main 1721. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, bath and pantry, large, airy lot, E. ISth and H. Taylor sts. Inquire OtSO J3. Taylor at. Phone East 2008. hous es"a"n d flats for rent! ' hacker & therkelsen co.. 306 Spalding bldg. Main 7592. FOR RENT 6-room house on Beacon St., near Brooklyn school; price $18: near 2 carlines. Apply to E. Willis, 663 East 9th st. Phone Sellwood 878. MODERN S-room, good locality. East 28th near-Hawthorne ; rent $40; will lease. In quire 861 Hawthorn ave. Phone B 1184 ; Main 5743. DESIRABLE 8-room house, Willamette Heights; carline; modern conveniences: good condition, nearly new. Key 1103 Thurman st. FOR RENT Fine 7-room house. Rose City Park; furnace, hardwood floors, range and linoleum; will lease; $30 month. 506 E. 55th st. N. 7-ROOM modern house, fine yard and barn, fruit, full basement, plenty garden space, chicken yard. $16 per mouth. 663 Harold ave. Take Sellwood car. Sellwood 1824. ATTRACTIVE, thoroughly modern 8-reom bunicatow. conservatory, larsre oorches. cor ner lot. East Side, lease to responsible party. jviam SL'i'b. FOR RENT Fine 7-room house with con veniences. Rose City Park, one block car line; rent $25 per month. Apply 333 Oak street. FOR RENT 10-room modern house In first class condition, at 341 11th st. Apply 615 Corbett bldg.. or phone Main 6716 for Key. NEW 5-room bungalow; built-in conven iences, reulace. lawn, laree basement tubs. West Side, walking distance; rent $20. 148 curry et. Key next door. MODERN 5-room bungalow, 11S0 31st X. ; use of lots 100x100, one block from Alberta car; $20 per month. Phones A or Main 1236. . FOR RENT Nice 6-room house, enameled bath, gas. newly papered: reduced to $18. 14S East 13th, near East Morrison. c!os in. '.I'TH ST. N. New live-room bungalow, $20. BOID REALTY CO., 26 Alder St. ' FOR RENT House on lllth and Belmont, aiso iia.t on j.nn ana aeimont. inquiri 101 tLi. iDtn, corner ueimonr. FOR RENT -6-room house. In good con dition. 20e Wbitaker at. Key at 821 Front at. 4-ROOM house, clean bath, toilet, laundry iray. $11. 510S 61st ave. S. E. Wood stock Cast lii-i. -ROOM house, furnace, Bleeping porch, 2 lots, corner E. Sth st. N. Good lawn, etc.; oniy 31. li'oo, m. FOR RENT West Side. 7-room house, ce ment basement, porcelain plumbing. 570 aiartect st., pnone Mam .i4J, a 432. SMITH-WILLOUGHBY, No. 90 Fifth, best rental list, new bungalows, $25; will build homes, $10 month. Ask Hoover. TO RENT 5-room cottage, also a 4-room heated flat. 120 ?3d, corner Glisan. phone A T61, Main -1.30W. MT. TABOR home; your chance to rent a o nouse ror per montn; new and at tractive; close to car. Phone Tabor 2S6. 5-ROOM house, with bath. 488 Market, near mn; warning aisiance; aiso convex lent to 3 carlines. Main 243 or A 4S32. FOR RENT Two good houses. For par ticulars inquire room 30, The Dekum bldg. 6-ROOM house, newly tinted and panered. 226 14th near Salmon, West Side. $25 per MODERN 7-room house. West Side; full basement, furnace with water coil, phone Mam 46Q7. A 4Si. 7-ROOM house ; gas, electricity, furnace, 2 toilets, wash trays, yard: central; full vdiue ior price, inquire teu iveruy. 5-ROOM' house, central location. amaJl fam ily; $11. Inquire 60 Kerby. GOOD 7-room house, also 6-room flat; re duced rent. Phone Marshall 838. 0 AND 706 Glisan, 8 rooms each; yard, uasenient, $u. leiepnone b.ast 224 IRVINGTON house for rent, $25 per month. Phone Woodlawn 2516. DESIRABLE 6-room house, $25, modern. 714 E. Davis. Phone B 20P1. MoDEKN a -room house, larg -yard and. at tic. 4S7 E. Ankeny St., $35. FOR RENT $7 per month, 4-room cottage, 736-73S .Montana ave. Phone Main 1240. HOUSE of 5 rooms and bath. 69 E. 16th N. Inquire 13Q 6th gt. Main 6278. . 482 HALL ST.. cor. 14th 6-room house; modern plumbing, furnace, fine view. $16 NEAT 5-rm. cottage. 6S E. 19th, near Stark. East 4627. MODERN S-room house. Call 32 East 15th street. 5-ROOM house, with yard. $15 month. 622 union ave. North. Phone A 1636. $20 5-ROOM cottage, modern and clean; walking distance. 569 Marshall st. 5-ROOM house lift rent or sale. Apply at S4S Couch st. IRVINGTON bungalow. 60S Schuyler; 5 rooms, attic. $30. Key 703 Lewis bldg. 7-ROOM modern house. 25th and Raleigh. Phone owner. Main 9034. $22.50 6-room modern house. 126 E. Second St., near E. Glisan ot. MODERN 6-room residence. EL 15th and Frederick, 1S. Sellwood 1687. FOR BENT. Houmo. PUT. RENT MONEY IN YOUR OWN POCKET. S-room house, modern. West Side, 15 minutes to the Postoffice; $1650. 4- room house, near good carline, ma tured fruit trees, excellent view, all modern, $2400. 5- room house, new, every modern con venience, commanding view, all street as sessments paid, in Rose City Park; $300 to $500 cash, balance monthly. We also own 6, 7 and 8-room houses In various residence sections of the city which we sell for a reasonable cash payment and balance in monthly pavments. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, OWNERS. Second Floor Selling Bldg. FOR RENT 9 -room modern house. 654 Love joy St., bet. 20th and 21st sts. $40 a month. .BARRETT RROS.. 0S Board of Trade Bldg. CALL AT THE OFFICE FOR ONE OF OUR PRINTED RENTAL LISTS. THAT'S THE BEST WAY TO FIND A LOCATION. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., Main 6860. 269 Washington St. A 267. MODERN 9-roora house with large sleeping porch. 696 Overton St.. near 21st. $45. Modern 6-room flat, 831 Northriu st. EAST SIDE. 5-room flat. 73 Union ave, N.. $15. Flat. rooms and bath. 454 Larrabee (2 blocks to Broadway bridge). $13.50. 5-room cottage, 617 Union ave. N., $15. LOTUS SALOMON & CO., m 229 Stark St.; near 2d. $-!.5fV 609 Market at Drive., 6 rooms, fur nace, electricity. gas, tubs; unexcelled view; near carline and center of city: hot and cold water. $20 64r, Market-st. Drive. 5 rooms; Portland Heights carline; refitted; trees "-v- inquire Main 41.VJ. S M hoUM- flno shape, furnace. 300 Hancock, near Broadway Bridge; $27.50. 8-room house, arranged for housekeeping-rooms. 718 E. Morrison. $23. 6-room house. Belmont, corner 32d. $15. o-room cottage. 220 Gaines st., $10. F. W. TORGLER. 106 Sherlock bldg. Fu t u tt-b el R htw. $40 PER month for my elegantly furnished modern residence, close in on East Side; solid oak and mahogany furniture, velvet rugs and carpets,- piano, library, gas range, nice large colonial porch and lawn; garden already planted and banked ; flowers, fruits, etc.: one room already rented, $10 nionth. long as desired. Call 71 East 20th, N.. near Rose City carline. l OOTjNTRY home in the city. 15 minutes' Wt 1 rom business center. 3 blocks from 1 1 . nd Washington, 7 rooms, all fur nished, for rent for the Summer, $50 a month; this place has to be teen to be I'f iwimea. Apply room 3, 345 Wash ington st. TO lease for not less jthan six months, a newly furnishrt F.t-,7k,, -0 i lng tiled bath, tiled kitchen and a baby grand piano; also one large garage with all modern improvements. 441 E. 3;th M vne' SundB- Tabor 4247; Monday, IRVINGTON HOME From June 1 to Oc tobe.r 1. Nicely furnished, modern six room house, with sleeping porch, garage, nice yard, roses, shrubbery and trees, in best part of Irvington; adults only. Phon Main 2657. ON 6th st 5-room, well-f urnished. modern distance, small lawn in front and rear, rent $38. including telephone and water; aaults. Telephone from 10 A. M. to 5 MODERN eight-room rouse, 766 Gllsuu st ; mahogany furniture and Turkish rugs throughout: formerly $8."" now $55. Main 4u0i, A 4SS0; Sunday and after 6 P M. East 4491. FOR RENT Completely furnished 8-room house in Irvington, months of July and August only; reasonable to right parties. Phone E. 3108 or address K 120, Ore gonlan. A NICELY furnished house for rent; mod ern; piano, sewing machine, fine lawn, trees in back yard ; 2 large- porchees; walking, distance. Can be had for one gir ie oesirea. tjaii at 254 East 20th st. MODERN bungalows on the river. Jennings Lodge, Oregon Citv car, consisting of 3 and 4 rooms; water, bath, electric lights. Phone Farmers 18L Emmonsn or Main 478. W1I.JV rent m- Mount Tabor home, fur nished, 6-room bungalow, beautiful loca rent For particulars phone E. 4j! COMPLETELY furnished 8-room house In Irvington. on carline; large yard, roses piano, etc.- can be leased permanently to responsible parties. Phone East 4384. 7-ROOM furnished house, Nob Hill for July and August: fine lawn and roses. Aanduyn -fc Walton, 515 Chamber ot N E W. modern , 8-room h ome. Mt Tabor Heights, large grounds, garage, furnished or unfurnished, to reliable party furnlsh ing good references. Phono Tabor 1975. WELL furnished 6-room cottage. Irvington Park, for Summer months; a.11 modern con veniences; nice yard; near car line " " " 'cinrn i et u I red. rnone 1U64 IRUNbTO.N bungalow, 6 rooms, modern, sleeping porch, garage, comfortably fur nished. Call Sunday afternoon, 2 to 4. 621 E. 10th North. FOR RENT 6-roora furnished house, mod ern, close In, with piano, lawn and roses; rent reasonable. Call from 2 to 6 P. &L 772 E. Yamhill. COMPLETELY furnished house. 291 Benton t., $20 ; 6-room house, nearlv new, nice yard. 230 Halsey; rent $30. C 1031. NICELY furnished 6-room bungalow 124 2Sth st. N. : adults: $35. Call 73 E. Oak st. phone East 6169. , $- FI E furnished housekeeping rooms separate extrances, nice vard. J 93 East 4oth, Mt. Tabor car; adults. SIX-ROOM new modern house well fur nished, in Sunnyside. Call 95 E. SOth, cor. W ash. Pnono E. 5505 PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 7-room hou?e. sleep lg poxch, newly furnished, reasonable. A WILL share beautifully furnished home in Irvington with refined couple. 675 Clack amas. 7-ROOM furnished house, piano, fine gar den, to responsible people. 953 Glisan st. Phone Black 674. ELL furnished 6-room Irvington home, large attractive grounds; will lease for year or more. E 93. Oregonian. 8-ROOM house, furnished or unfurnished 661 nabl rent- 331 Montgomerj-. Main 8-ROOM furnished house, very modern beautiful location, Willamette Heights. Phone Marshall 266. MODERN 5-room house, new, East Side nicely furnished; no children. Inquire 225 5th st. Phone Marshall 30S6. 3-ROOM furnished cottage, HO month; Mt. - Scott car. Fir land station, cor. 4Sth ave and 76th st. FURNISHED house, 9 rooms, large sleep ing porch, sightly location. West Side Phone mornings. Main 2070. FURNISHED house, on Portland Heights, one block from car, fine yard and view Phone Tabor 6S. MODERN 5-room house, completely fur nished ; piano, sewing machine. 1066 E. 26th North. TO RENT House, with 6-room, partly fur nished. Including piano; Sunnyside $15. Call East 3332. T NEW. modern bungalow-house, furnished throughout; 1 block from car; $25V 1155 I von. MODERN 5-room bungalow, newly fur nished. good location ; very reasonable. 1163 E. 14th st. North. WANTED Married couple to share elegant a 1 "lusiuii iiuino uriHK summer; rerer encea required. AS 88, Oregonian. 3 ROOMS, rent $6, at Oak Grove. Inquire at the waiting room. S-ROOM furnished house. West Side, Nob Hill. Main 4134. FL'RNISHED bungalow, 1 year, $25, or fur nituro for sale. Tabor 1598. FURNISHED 5-room cottage. Inquire 391 Webster it Woodlawn car. MODERN 6-room furnished bouse. 7S4 Ore gon ft. WANT Couple to share my nice- new fur nished bungalow. Woodlawn 3U27. GOOD, modern, 6 rooms, near car; well fur nlshed. two nice lots. Tabor 2217. $22.50 Furnished Rose City bungalow; o rooms ; 1-year lease. Owner, Tabor 3586. 2 ROOMS and bath, adults only. 64 East A!n. LADY will share modem 5-room cottage 5-KOOM furnished cottage for rent, $18 per month. 1QQ6 E. Yamhill st. 5-ROOM bungalow for Summer, $;25 month, 638 Tibbetts. W-W car. 5-ROOM cottage. 2 blocks Arleta station $15, Main 4768, East 5135. 6-P.OOM bungalow, finely furnished; mod em; choice location. East 1137. NEW, completely furnished Laurel hurst 6- room Douae, 11 r iaat couch, asar 89th. FOR RENT. Plarmlabed Hooks. MODERN 8-room furnished house on Wil lamette Heights; piano and garage In cluded. Phone Main 4205. 1 141 Thur man. Summer Resort. BEACH RESORTS "We have some choice cottages for rent at Gearhart. the swellest beach on the Pacific Coast; transportation facilities un excelled, 5-room cottage, furnished, $100 for the season. 0 rooms furnished, $75 for the season. 4 rooms furnished, $100 for the season. 8-room cottage, furnished, $65 for the season. They are all nice and clean. We have also a nice 6-room cottage for sale, fairly well furnished, tor $600. And we have several choice lota from $300 up, on very easy payments. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO.. 133 H First Street. SIMMER RESORTS. Camping sites and furnished tents at Cedar Island Park, 10 miles up the Wil lamette; swimming, boating, fishing, danc ing, etc. Take Oregon City car to Jen nings Lodge, or Oregon City boat right to Island. Address Orr, Cedar Island Park, Jennings Lodge. FOR RENT Seaview. Wash. A large, very fine cottage; bathroom, hot and cold wa ter; with a beautiful park. Also other small cottages, aU with running water and electric light; 1 block from depot Also blocks and lots for sale. Inquire Captain Schneider, Seaview. Wash. NEAHKAHNIE BEACH, Nehalem, Or. New 5-room fairly-furnished modern cottage; accommodations for five; close to large hotel; fine ocean view and beach; $200 for season or $60 per month. Ad dress E. E. Griffith, St. Paul's School, Walla Walla, Wash. SEASIDE. Or. 83x260 running from Necanl cura River to county road; good 4-room house, hot and cold water, bath, electric lights, etc. Also boathouse, garage aid chicken houses. Price, $2150, and a snap. LOL'IS SALOMON & CO., 229 6tark St.. near 2d. FOR RENT for season 9-room house and barn, board walk. Seaside. Or., facing ocean; completely furnished. electric ngnts, nrepiace. piano, organ ana phone; plumbing up and down stairs. Inquire 1011 Yeon bldg. Phone M. 803. AT TWIN ROCKS Furnished house, month or season, ocean front lot, living-room, kitchen. 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch, cltv Plumbing, elegant pine grove in lot. Mrs. E. L. Hart. Rockaway, Or. Phone until . June 6. before ft A. M., Main 3151, A M.V). TILLAMOOK BEACH. $1200 cottage for $900, and easy terms; new, modern, 5 rooms, big living-room and ftreDlace. flirnlnhp.d. Kn nlintnn nt- ticulars. Dr. Swain, 516 Dekura bldg., or 1 or season reasonaDiy, OCEAN front cottage at Gearheart, 4 bed rooms, large sitting room, with fireplace; glassed-in porch, fully furnished, modern Plumbing, electric lights; rent $75 for June. Main 1749. WKI-L furnished 6-room cottage, water in kitchen, suita.ble for two families. Two- room cottage, housekeeping tents, near to bathing and depot. Address Mrs. Anna L.yncn. bong .Beach, Wash. GEA RH ART, OR. For rent, new, modern cottage. Just completed; 7 rooms and bath, fireplace, complete sanitary plumbing; conveniently located; well furnished. E. j. r airnurst, Gearhart. or. BEACH-FRONT cottage at Neah-Kah-NIe .nuuiiiHin. rooms, oath and a porches, for June or September; finest beach view in Oregon; furnished. Phone office. Mar shall 4541. FOR RENT. 2 comfortably furnished cottages at Seaview. Wash., close to sea; live rooms each; fireplace, water In kitchen. Tcic Phone after Wednesday. Main 8539. SPEND your vacation on Palatine" HillT near Willamette River. 6 miles south of Port land; excellent board and accommodation. For rates, etc., address Mrs. J. K.. Cole, Oswego, Or., R. F. D. No. 1. Phone A 4023. SEASIDE Completely furnished cottage, modern, good location, readv for occu pancy; $125 season. Inquire after 4 P. M. Main 2097. MODERN bungalow on the river. Jennings Lodge, Oregon City car. consisting of 3 and 4 rooms; water, bath, electric lights. Phone Farmers 181. Emmonss or Main 478. FOR RENT Seaside, Or., 8-room cottage on boardwalk in best locality; completely furnished with all modern improvement a Inquire Breyman Leather Co., Main 835. N E BEACH. Newport, for three moiitns, 8-room double cottage, furnished, very desirable- location, sidewalk to beach, city water, reasonable rent. E. 5043. NEW 7-room house at Seaside completely furnished, hot water, bath, f treolace: ocean view; July and August, $250. East 5074. WHY not build your Summer home now? Kustic bungalows and log cabin cottages our specialty. Plans and specifications free. F 124, Oregonian. G E ARHAB T For rent- New 3-room cottage, furnished for the season. Price $75. Phone Main 1097. SEAVIEW Very desirable four-room bunga low, veil lurnisneo ; electric lights. M-e. Kate Bartholomew, 10O East 11th. Phone B 1209. SEASIDE For rent, fine horn. 7 rooms, bath, etc. ; ocean front ; furnished com plete; sanitary plumbing, showers for bathers: yard, flowers. Morgan. East 6155. FOR RENT Eight cottages on the board walk; also other very fine cottages throughout the groves. ALEX GILBERT & SON. SEASIDE OR. FURNISHED S-room house on boulevard at Long Beach, bath, hot and cold water; very cheap. Inquire 833 East 30th, Sell wood 422. FOR RENT reasonable. June 21 to Aug. 1, 7-room furnished nouse. fireplace, facing ocean, desirably located at Seaview. M. Walton. Main 1955. '-ROOM furnished cottage at Long Beach; large grounds, unobstructed view of ocean. G. F. Whitehouse, M. O. Dept. P. O. Phone B 1635. FOR RENT On Elk Creek Beach; two newly furnished cottages, $250 each for seoson. with bath; Jess without, Mrs. L. Mansur, 215 15th st., Astoria. Or. FOR RENT Two-room cottage at Eik Creek. Cannon Beach. $35 for the season. Inquire 589 Milwaukie st. Phone Sell . wood 968. ' FOR RENT Seaside and Cannon Beach cottages, best locations, furnished- Owner, 171 3d st. ATTRACTIVE 5-room cottage. Sea Side, bath, electricity ; well furnished. Main 2160. 657 Pettygrove. $50; SEASIDE; five-room furnished cottage; key with Mrs. Vudge, Main and Jerome sts. Phone Woodlawn 2123. FOR RENT At Seaside; the Seagull cot taee, facing board walk and ocean, com pletely furnished. Tel. C 2792. SEASIDE furnished cottages for rent; ocean view, electricity and water. Phone Tabor 4S18. BOARDERS taken at Hood River; a clean place. In respectable family ranch home. Phone Tabor 1396. SEAVIEW. Wash., $750 Five-room cottage, furnished : will take in trade $500 good seconn-nana a mo. ah vo, uregonian. FURNISHED 4-room bungalow, near Mt. Hood; all conveniences; on main road, $20 month. 245 6th. " FOR RENT Beautiful furnished ocean front nungaiow. cannon ueacn, almost new. Phone East 4830. seaside;. 4-room cottage. completely furnished, water and electricity. Phone Main 601$. CHEAPER THAN' RENT Six-room house, furnished, at Gearhart, $200 down, balance $100 per year. Woodlawn 580. OCEAN PARK, Wash.. furnished cottage for the season. Phone mornings. East 45Lo or B 2131. SEASIDE For rent, 4-room well-furnished cottage, near Hotel Moore ; city water electric lights. Phone. A 3319. FOR RENT July and August, modern 6- room cottage on boardwalk. Seaside, Or. Telephone Mrs. Lancing Stout, Main 926S, FOR RENT Completely furnished house keeping rooms. Emma Shepard, Seaview, Wash. WANTED To rent 4-room modern cottage at beach to August 15 ; must be reason able. AS 87, Oregonian. WEBB cotatge, Seaside, Or., rent season; 8 rooms, completely furnished; fine loca tion. East 1618. HOME, completely furnished, block from board walk; large porches, yard and flow err. Tabor 1738. COTTAGE at Seaside. Owner, F. Abendroth j-weler, 313 Morrison au 0-ROOM modem cottage for month of June Seaside. Phone Main 4489. aaOuE RN cottage. East 168. Seaside, Or. i HE Dammasch. cottage, at Seaview. In quire 875 East Yamhill. B 3163. si E ASIDE 5-room furnished cottage, close in. water, electricity. Phone Main 92S9. NICELY furnished 7-room house; good resi dence district. C 32S0. SUMMER resort, Seaview, Wash. ; 7-room house, furnished. Phone Marshall 3451. WANTED Nice cottage for the season. Newport. R 108. Oregonian. 7-ROOM well furnished house Park, Wash. M. 4134. at Ocean STORE and fixtures Woodlawn 274. with, 8 living-rooms. rlNB store, corner Williams ave. and Fre mont C Phone, Woodiawn, 1520. FOR BENT. STORES FOR RENT. IP YOU WANT TO MAKE A CHANGE IN YOUR BUSINESS LOCATION. TELL US TOUR WANTS. WE WILL LOCATE YOU RIGHT. IT WILL. COST YOU NOTHING. 20x30. Front st-4 South Portland $ 25 18x50, Front L South Portland, deli catessen 25 2ix40. First st., S. Portland, market.. 20 lS.-tu, First st., S. Portland, tailor.... 20 2txrto, First et.. S. Portland, plumber. 2j 2.xV. Fourth St., near Taylor ....... . 7-" 5trxlOO, Fourth St., near Morrison.... 30o 75x100. Fourth St., near Alder 175 20x50 Fourth, near Alder 125 50x100, Fourth, near Morrison :0 25x55.. Fifth st.. near Washington. . . . 450 20x75. Fifth. Washington 5o 5nxil5, Fifth St., near Yamhill 4H) 15xt5, Sixth st., near Burnslde 100 35x100. Sixth st., near Oak basement 1M 15x50. Sixth St., near Washington 450 20x5O, Sixth st., near Washington 200 2O7C05. Sixth St.. near Pine.. 100 22x75. Park St., near Yamhill 125 47x25. Park St., Yamhill 75 17x65, Tenth st., near Washington.. 150 17x50. Tenth st., near Morrison 125 34xlOO. Tenth st., near Morrison 173 18x60, Tenth St., near Morrison 150 2x50, Eleventh St., near Morrison. 45 tx50. Eleventh st., near Washington. 175 22x73. Morrison, near 3d 3M) 6'ixlOO. Morrison, near Broadway.... 500 17i;x4S. Hawthorne, near Front 25 35x18, Hawthorne, near Front 50 20x40. 54th and Lincoln'. 25 13x32. First, near Clackamas 20 13x35. First, near Clackamas 15 GARAGES. We have several excellent locations and will build or lease to responsible tenants; long leases; reasonable rent ; concrete buildings. WE HAVE EXCELLENT STORES for Oriental Goods, Shoes, Grocery, Millinery. Delicatessen, Grill. Liquor, Dentist, Clothing, etc. ROOMING-HOUSES FOR RENT. 90 rooms, new concrete bldg $250 3s rooms, West Side 130 SO rooms. South Portland 60 17 rooms, Kenton 33 12 rooms, boarding 60 It. H. GOODKIND CO.. INC., ASK FOR MR. GRIEBEL. MANAGER OF LEASING DEPARTMENT 401-2-3 Wilcox bldg.. Corner 6th and Washington sts. WASIIINGTON-ST. store near 19th. splen dldly fitted for delicatessen, fancy gro ceries and liquors. Has tile fhoor and mahogany woodwork. Is surrounded by hotels and apartments; very reasonable rent. Morgan, Fliedner A. Boyce, 503 Ab- ingtonuiag. PLUMBERS, tinners, roofers, etc., atten tion: Shop. cor. 16th and Alder sts., oc cupied by tinners, roofers and plumbers for years, win be for rent June 1; very choice location; rent reasonable. E. J Daly. 222 Failing bldg. ONE-STORY brick building, 100x100, cement floor, no posts, formerly used as garage, 20th st.. 150 feet from Washington St.; will make good stores; long lease. Apply manager Baggage Company, Park & Davis fits. 16x50 and basement, 233 Main; $40. 25x40 and basement. 23a Second; $45. 2tx9( and basement, 228 Second; $70. 25x95 and basement, 369 Front. $40. Inquire of W. J. Hawkins, owner, 448 Sherlock. SPACE in modern basement, ventilated and well lighted, N. W. corner 4th and Alder sts., suitable for cafeteria, printing shop, etc. Morgan, Fliedner & Boyce, 503 Ab- Ington bldg. NEW, large, light storerooms in new Hous ton Hotel, 6th and Everett: also hotel 6th and Hoy t sts. ; low rent, favorable lease. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., Main 669. 269 Washington St. A 6267. -i i ' rv k 1 . J . rvr. store L'UXm. siiltahl for nv kind of retail business; one of the beat locations in mis city; low rent; ail or part. Appiy ureeniieia falioe Co., 247-243 Mor rison st- STORE and four rooms above at 131 First St.; this Is a good location, between Aldt.r and Morrison sts. ; will give lease. U. L. Parker, 149 First st. 3-STORY brick bide. 25x200. between Y hill and Harrison, facing 1st and Front. 183 Aiaaison st. DESIRABLE stor. for rent on Rrnarhvv next 1o R. E. Farrell Co. Inquire of R E. Parrel! Co. FINE storeroom, established location for shoes and furnishings, cheap rent. Owner, FOR RENT Stores, Nos. 248 and 250 Haw thorne ave., east end of bridge. Apply nan inonie uuc o. f none c.ast -U63 STORES. STORES, STORES. W. H. WEBB. 401 Yeon bldg. Ma'.n 4913. GOOD location for plumber, kalsomlner, etc. low rent. Main 7157. Kast 43iK. Office FOR RENT. Rooms. Sterns bldg.. corner th an4 Morrison sts.. suitable for musical or art Etuoios. onices or sample salesrooms. In quire office Sherman. Clay d: Co. CONNECTING offices, overlooking Morrimn st., for rent in Tilford bldg., reasonable terms ; ask at ele-vator anv hour. Phone ivi a rs n a 1 1 i dct we en o ana 6. SAMPLE or desk room, suitable for manu facturers' agents or brokers. Inqire room fnoenix Ding., Qo .ttn, cor. Oak. MOST centrally located office: verv rMann. able; all-night elevator service. 803 Swat- iana oiag. rutn ana wasnington sts. WITHOUT exception the most attractive desk space or part of office in Portland. if on t pass tnis uy. sui Wilcox bldg. r r ii- rooms in tn Ktisseii bldg., corner 4th and Morrison. Inquire Lion Clothing ROOMS m Abtngton bldg.. arranged for ynum Euncry. inquire -i-t ADington blag. SMALL, light desk space wanted, use of FINE location for light manufacturing, tail- UbSKuuOM, with storage space, wholesale oisLrict. j r ront st. Main 8223. Ul-rltEb and halls, best location, moderate prices. Aiisny Mdg., 3d and Morrison. it KUL,i.-xur aesK, reception-room, etc. ta Lnamoer 01 com. DESK ROOM, use phone. 211 Lewis bldg. Warehouses. FOR RENT About September 1, building S. E. corner of 13th and Hoyt, suitable for warehouse or factory, present occupant will sell steam plant and offioe fixtures at reasonable price If desired. Call at build ing or pnone ju. ou. CHEAP warehouse room for rent on P. P. iracKs, xbl ana n.. Morrison. B 274S. TO LFASE. TO lease for term of years, building suitable ior manuiaciurmg purposes, tjaii iast 6453 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. MERCHANDISE STORE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Fine stock of general merchandise. 1 nual business $45,000; invoice $2u,000; for taie, or win iah goo a. real estate. Stock of merchandise, well located, an nual business J43.00O; invoice about $15. 000; want some cash, balance good real estate. We have 10 or 12 other stocks of gen eral merchandise, invoicing from $10,000 to 5,ouu, for sale or exchange. BMITH-WILLOUGHBV CO., 00 Fifth St. GROCERY. Doinc over $50 a day business, we equipped; horse and wagon; rent only $30, including living rooms; wui sen at m voice and take $60O cash and balance in property. C2,77). Call ' room 61s, Yeon mag. WELL-KNOWN Eastern manufacturer wants manager with $7000 to take half lnte-est in branch factory making widely advertised article; no competition; excep tional proms: investigation invited. Ad dress N. G. S., 545 an Ness ave., San Francisco. Cat. FURNITURE store for sale, complete stock of furniture ana nas grocery department; good' established trade in both lines; sit ' uated in good town on R. R., no opposi tion in furniture; rent reasonable, long lease; will sell for cash at invoice, which is about $.400. AV 17, Oregonian. GROCERY, confectionery, ice cream, tic. 15 miles from Portland : $35 is total ex pense for living rooms and all: clears montn anove ail expenses; wnoiesaiers w.; verify; will invoice about $16O0. 304 Lum ber Exchange. SALOON. Old established place on Washington st independent license; very low rent. 01113 $125: business' is clearing over $400 s month ; will sell half interest for $2SC (C270). Call room 618. Yeon bldg. CAPITAL. Private banking-house will con sider additional financing of going cor porations; capital furnished for projected enterprises jiium guou earniaj power. Associated Underwriters, P. O. box 070 New YorK. OPPORTUNITY for man with experience and ability to invest iu,ooo, $15,000. in an operating manufacturing; plant, the onlv one of Its kind In the northwest wide field with unlimited possibilities for d evelopment. R luo. oregonian. I WANT a. partner with $5000 to $7000 Ii staple manufacturing business, 40 per cent net prozu. raruouiars, .a. y u. BUSINESS OPrOKTlXlTlKS. R. H. GOODKIND CO., INC. 401 4i'2-4t:: WILCOX BLDG.. COR 6TH AND WAS H INGTON STS. GENERAL VPSF... $7300. This price Inrludes buildings and stock. Business 75 Pr cent cash: good interior town: fine paying business. Investigate. Goedkind Co. MEAT MARKET. $1750. Counti y town. P'MJO population. Has own slaughter house, has own hoxs. wagons, etc Re ceipts S2500 to $3000 per month. Owner hts other interests and wants to relieve himself of some responsibility. Fullest in vestigation Invited. Good kind Co. R E S T A C RANT. CONFECTIONERY. $600: rent.. $25; receipts $15 per day; liv ing room ; fine place for man and wife; trade for anything can use. Goodkind Co. REST At RANT. $1 150; receipts $4 to $50; location near Washington st.. right in the Hub. This is one of Portland's best-paying restaurants. Goodkind Co. CONFECTIONERY. $850; rent $30; fine big living-room ; receipts $16 to $25 per day; nice fixtures. Buy this and make some money this Summer. Goodkind Co. CAlkETERIA. $1200: West Side, down town location: receipts $40lo $60 per day ; 5 good li vlng rooms ; no competition ; clean as a pin. Goodkind Co. TURKISH BATHHOUSE. $30ut; central location; receipts $350 to $500 per month; small payment down, balance can be paid out of business; owner mus leave for Alaska, at once; investigation Invited; buy er can stay and see amount of busi ness done before buying. Goodkind Co. MUI.TIOHAI'HlNt; CO.. $3060; business nets $3oo pt-r month; machinery and stock very best, good established trade: this is a fine buy at this figure. Goodkind Co. General indue.. $SO00; will sell at In voice; good country town; business 1112 was $; only about 20 per cent of sales credit ; good brick bldg., small com petition; this ts one or the best stores in Oregon ; no trades. Goodkind Co. BAKERY, doing all cash business from $S0 to $: per day; In suburbs of Portland; can be bought at great sacrifice; consider 1 part exchange. Goodkind Co. I B EAUTY PARLORS $350; downtown location: clearing $23 to $35 per week; dandy little place. Goodkind Co. C 1 lOCEUY AND DELICATE SSEN, tiSoO: will invoice more: receipts $50 to $75 per day. cash business ; 4 fine living rooms and bath; West Side location : right in the heart of apartment-house district;, owners too old to handle cause of sale. Goodkind Co. PO"OLAND BILLIARDS, $3000 buys H Interest In one of the best places in port land; 11 tables, good cigar stand in con nection: West Side, central location; re ceipts $25 to $40 per day; will invoice the price asked. Goodkind Co. RESTAURANT. $1150; receipts $60 per day; clears $7 to $10 per day; located right in the center of city; good clean, up-to-date place. Goodkind Co. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY, $13im; rent, $30, Includes living-rooms. Dandy location ; receipts $30 per day, all cash trade. Will invoice the price asked. - Goodkind Co. SALOON. $370(1: rent $83; receipts $43 to $70; independent license, stock will in voice $17oo; fixtures cost over $2000 to in stall; one of the best-paying saloons in the city. Goodkind Co. BARBER SHOP, $225; receipts $S5 to $50 per week; located good country town near Portland. This shop is really worth $500. Goodkind Co. CONFECTIONERY, $1650; country town near Portland ; rent $25; brick building ; receipts $25 per day. Terms $750 cash, bal ance easy monthly payments. Goodkind Co. RESTAURANT, $6O0; receipts. $40 per day; cheap rent and light running ex penses; West Side, good established trade. Goodkind Co. DELICATESSEN AND RESTAURANT, $550; cheap mit; receipts $20 to $30 per day; owner 7npelled to sell account sick? ness. Big ana, Goodkind Co. RESTAURANT, $S50; worth $1500; brick Diiuaing, no competition : receipts $35 to $40 per day; clean, up-to-date place, es tab I ialied trade. Goodkind Co. EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE CO.. S4OO0. On of the best in Portland; business lui-u 10 s i.tuu per montn ; entire running expenses, $65; horses and rigs the very best; also hTive auto trucks. This busi ness clears from $350 to $600 per month: owner must change climates; fullest in vestigation invited: buyer can stav in of fice week and see amount of business none. Goodkind Co. GARAGE, $050. Have 40 cars, Uvo and dead storage, fine gasoline busiiTi also good repair business; cleared $173 last month net. Good brick building. West .-iii central location. Ooortkind Co. WE HAVE SOLD OTHER PLACES, WHY NOT YOURS? SEE MR. THOMPSON. 402 WILCOX BLDG. ON .ACCOUNT of sickness, the owner ot wen locaiea grocery will sell at invoice. about $mK, and rent building, including iiirre living ruums ana nam, ior -u, with o - j far lease. We can exchange your close-In acreage, lota, or house and lot. for a fine grocery aoing casn ousiness, in good location. - This is a good place for a ladv. Gro ceries, ice cream, confectionerv. etc Rent including a living rooms, $10. Costs less man 1 1. We have investigated all of these: Res taurant, pool hail, confectionerv, bakery, rooming house, laundry, coffe house, hotel, warehouse, shoe store, dry goods. All good. Ask for Mr. Robards. CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE A TRUST CO., Sd floor Chamber of Commerce. YOUNG MAN Consult Advisory and Era- P oymcnr department of the Y. M. C. A. before investlncr. We never tell wtirrh: but frequently are able to advise where NOT to invest so as to save money. Y. M. C. A. members also have the prlv-Ilega of securing rooms at reasonable rates in the fireproof association building; use of gymnasium, swimming pool, shower baths una iw other features. FACTORIES of all kinds wanted at Vernon, hub of the Sunny Okanogan. Special in- uutcmriiis oncrea uon a iiac manurac'.ur ers. Box. Ice and cold storage, tin can. pulp, gypsum, jam and marmalade, evap orator and cider plants needed quick. Branch wholesale houses wanted. Ample power now developed. Write Industrial Coinrniigstoner. Vernon, B. C. BY Eastern Mf Co.. party that can In vest $10(0 or more to take entire charge of office at Seattle and Spokane for dis tribution of their goods; position will pay more than $.VKt0 per year; a good opening for a live man or woman Bleckner or Hughes, Palace Hotel, 12th and Washing ton. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Restaurant, fine location for business place; for man and wife who understand delicatessen can do fine business, which is all established; small amount down to right party; living rooms connected. AB 99, Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL with high-grade expert teachers. Complete $10,000 equip- men: to train for this coming vocation. Not run to make money, but for the good of men. See or write Supt. of the All the Year Round Y. M. C. A. Day and Night Schools, corner 0th and Taylor sts. PICTURE SHOW. Peats 200; new piano, rent only $50; no competition within one mile; established over two years; $40 cash will handle, bal ance can be made out . of the business or will consider real estate. C223. Call room 618. Yeon bldg. YOUNG man with $150 to help me open a good restaurant. I can get a good loca tion at a snap and want to get started before the Rcse Carnival. You tan hear from me by writing. Miss bignett, care P. O. Box 535. ONK-SToRY brick building. 300x100, ce ment floor, no posts, formerly used as garage. 20th st., 150 feet from Washington st.; will make good stores; long lease. Apply manager Baggage Company. Paik and Davis sis. ' CAUTION BL'TBKS. Before closing deal for so-called Inter ests in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE, Secretary. 818 Chamber of Commerce. RESTAURANT. M ust sell at once, long lease, low rent, am 2 years at this location, established business, big sacrifice. This is no fake deal: Investigate. Phone A 325S, ask for owner. HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENT business for sale ; good location ; cheap rent; no trades. D. A. Hart, owner. New l.f rg, Or. HALF interest fn brokerage business: repre sent sv-ral large Eastern manuf actut ers. hne opening for right party; pmall in vestment required. AK 107, Oregunian. JAI,F INTEREST and posit ion in paving business for $2-o0 cash. This is less than inentory and line chance to learn. AM !.), Oregonian. V ANTED PARTNER First-class leg-itimate business: 300 with services required; can show you an excellent proposition with unlimited possibilities. AH W. Oregonian. V INTEREST in moving picture 1 1 ie a t e r that will clear $So0 to $1000 monthly; $iso0 cash. AK 106. Oregonian. RESTAURANT for sale, seats 54, two din 1 n g -rooms, good location, 3 years' lease. 213 4th st. i-'iKST-CLASS cigar store, $300; rent paid to September 15. 110- 4tb. I TEACH chiropody reasonable. Dr. Nelson. Globe bldg.. 11th and Wash., room 311. MOVING picture show; leaving city, will sell at a sacrifice. AM 110. Oregonian. POOLROOM. 9 tables, good fixtures; from owner easy term, phono Tahor 2120. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. TALK WITH FLETCHER. 4000 Almeda Con make ua a bid 2t0 Black Easle cheap 31 W Cfntrl Ore. O. i. G-.......... .bid Cleveland Dev. Co hid 5 v'-'in Machine bargain 3 Fa vary Tire bargafn 15ft Govt. Stand, Powder bid 10 to M.iho Gold Radium bid" 15 Johnson-Bradford Safe bid 10 Mchts. Nat. Bank 12 ii:. Scott Cem.Mrv Stk bid 16n regon Home Builders snap 15 I'ac. States Kire Ins wav down $.Mkn port. Bldg. Co. (O. W & Kins. special 2 Portland Con. Pile special $5tn provident Trust, to net 9 per cent to maturity. 5000 Reardon Co-Op. G. M .".O V. S. Cashier bid 65 Universal Wrench bid All i t her stocks a mt bonds, see m. I WANT: Almeda Con. Mchts. Nat. Bank Home Tel. bords. Oregon Home Bldr. Investors Bldg. Oregon Tel Herald. Tr U. S. Cashier. Lumbermens N. B. 225 Ahington Bldg. lOHxUm. WELL located, in Portland, with a t irst-f?hiss blacksmith and -shoeing shop, leased 5 years hC $35 iter mniu, Also 4ixl 75, in good tow n. close to Portland ; has Marksmith. and shoeing shop and 5-room house, leased vears at $25 per month; this is good propertv anU paing good interest on price askeo, or w-iil trd for a good little farm up to about $;K0 if priced right. C J. CI LL1SON CO.. Phone Main 547s. if'5u. Morrison St. POOL hall, centrally located, one of the best in the city : cost $35oO to furnish; this is a ktreat sacrifice; price $1700, $50i will handle. Partner wanted In first-cln-3 manufac turer's agency, well established. Established business. Imif introt for $. clear you $200 a month. 301 Henry Mdg. v LIGHT manufacturing business that sells' t neir coons to hotels and houses, wants an interested partner to keep plain ac counts ami take orders for goods; good salary, also large profits. 323 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark sts. SOLID collection business; partner w anted to neip in oiiice ana do outside work part of the time; pay $100 month salary and share of profits : requires small invest - BAKERS. ATTENTION. Bakery, with living-rooms, 5-vear less only $3o rent. In Portland, making good mone ; price $1200; cannot be beat. F. Fuchs. 42U Chamber of Commerce. FIRST-CLAPS cleanin g a nd pres si ng bu sT ness w ants partner to drive delivery rig; is willing to guarantee you no less than $25 week. 323 Lumber Exchange, 2d and narK sis. CASH grocery business, doing $S0O weekly ' 1 c-- . ii v v.. 11 ci . , veiy ciuriu loca tion; owner wants to sell half Interest; $2000 required. Particulars 24SV Starlc street. A PARTNERSHIP interest secured for $12. 500 that will make $;"i0,000. In irrigated alfalfa land subdivision. Information A. M. Highhouse, 441 Chamber of Commerce building. AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS Opening for steady, sober man ; duties are easily learned and very little money Is required; owner will guarantee large profits. Call 310 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. FOR SALE 3 pool tallies, 3 showcases. I' wall case, gasoline lighting outfit, other fixtures; all or part; no reasonr-ble offer refused. M. E. Dunn, 517 Main. Oregon City. MERCHANTS. INVESTIGATE!. At present we have a tew very good paying stores on hand. Take advantage and investigate. F, Fuchs. 420 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE A tailor shop, complete, with good trade. In Bend, best town in Central Oregon; no competition; will sell rea sonable. D. B. McBride Co., Royal bldg.. city. FOR SALE In a good town, close to Port land, a small stock hardware, implements, paint, wall paper and glass, good room and 3 living-rooms, low rent, stock. $1000 to $1500. AN 105, Oregonian. 1LLOVV RIVE R British Columbia's new town of importance on Grand Trunk Pa cific. For free information write today. Pacific Land & Townsitea Co.. 83 Rich arris st., Vancouver. B. C. Agents wanted SALOON MEN, INVESTIGATE. Saloon, with independent license, clear ing not less than $3HI a month, which will be proven to you, good reason lor selling. 420 Chamber of Commerce. CIGARS and confectionery for about half price; corner brick building with living room .-; good location for light groceries. 517 Henry bldg. COLLECTING agency, old established, want a partner to do office work ; will pay you $200 nionth ; references exchanged.' 323 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts. PARTNER wanted for a solid employment office; lequires very little monev and thw profits are large. Call 31W Lumber Ex change, 2d and Stark. HALF interest in office business for sale ; will bear investigation; references re quired; this don't take much money. Par ticulars 243,,3 Stark st. FOR SALE One-half or whole interest in a small brick and tile factory near Portland; good clay and good market; good reason for selling. AV 37, Oregonian. BUSINESS opening for doctor, paying trans fer and storage business, manufacturing plant. Kinney Sc. Stamp her, 531 Lumber Exch. bldg. " W O RK M ENS Hotel, 30 beds; splendid chance for someone- cheap rent; long lease; cheap for cash, or will trade. Yett. Phone Marshall 4200. CHANCE for active man to purchase half interest in a safe, paying business; will guarantee $20 week ; onl v $250 required. Particulars 248 Mi Stark st. FOR SALE, rent or trade Good paying res taurant In center of a $5,000,000 construc tion work now starting ; investigate this. P. O. Box 36a. Ellensburg, Wash. FOR SALE: Well established tailoring, cleaning and pressing business. Inquire Jas. Setchfield, 2 til Monroe St., CorvalUs, Or. SUBURBAN grocery with three living rooms, just right for man and wife; this is nice, small business, only $tK'0 required. Particulais 24SVj Stark st. SOLID business; owner wants a partner he can depend on to tend office, check supplies, ti''.; will pay $125 month. 319 Lumber Exchange, 2d and StarK. WELL-PAYING Wept Side garage, clear ing $350 per month; storage alone pays rent and you can try it before investing. 517 He nry bid g . PARTNER WANTED Good money-making in road, proposition; some money re quired. For sale, knife rack, complete, cheap. aJ low, Oregonian. BARGAIN Hardware and furniture stock for sale, $14u0; can show good profits; reason- for selling, going on farm. Call 404 Un ion ave. N . M anj 0 7 3! WANT man with $500 to help me dlsposa of $ll,ou0 stock of new goods. Call and see me at llbi E. Pine st. FOR SALE Established restaurant; goodi lease; $12H. will exchange for clear lots or acreage. AF 03. Oregonian. IE' YOU want a good legitimate grocery ia a fine location ior casn, about $1500; es tablished trade. Phone Tabor 3017. REPAIR SHOP, opening for steady man; good pay; 300 required. 310 Lumber Ex change, 2d and Stark. LOOK. Cigars, tobacco, candy, soft drinks, at invoice: rent $; average $15: transfer point. Investigate this. 75 Alblna ave. SACRIFICE established business on account of sickness; can clear $300 per month aO Union av. $125 BUYS restaurant, completely furnished, all ready to open, at 24 4 V. YamhilL See owner. 101 6th, cor. of istafk. A FANCY grocery store up to to date, cash business, best location in the city, worth invesi isa tlrg. 14W ,23d st. N. HAVE two cash buyers looking for cigar and confectionery stores, wiro or without living-rooms. 517 Henry bldg. ' OPPORTUNITY to get stock of good-sellin article, on terms or for real estate; ttn at price $500. 620 Henry bldg. GROCERY &r with postoffice; cheap rent; will invoice $1S0U; 15 miles out, AV 16. Oregonian. S225 Cottage restaurant. Lents; $tf to $12 a day. Lome and see it. Age is reason ror selling , CONFECTIONERY, cigars, light groceries;, make rea sun able offer ; must selL ZtiH Wat nine ton st POOL H ALL. confectionery. lunch coun ter for sale or trade for real estate; ao ing cf'd business. Owner. 1311 Belmont st. AU'l'uAIOUI LS buRiness. garage and repair shop, centrally located. West Side. AE 7t. Oregon i a 11. 1 1 HAVE a market to sell; good location; uur owu price at your own terms. Fiaolt L. mith228 Alder. PARTNER wanted to help In store, $22." required. Can. make mure than wage. 4. 311 Lumber Exchange, rd and Stark. ..son STOCK grm-eries and general mer chandise for sale at discount rate on $ for a few days only. Box 714. Lents. Or. SMALL ea:,h grocery with living-rooms, pay ing $15 month besides your living. $75i. 323 Lu ruber Exchange, 2d and Stark s ts. JThOE repair shop for sale. Phone Wood lawn 30 '15. CIGAR, candy store, with soda fountain, cheap: unable to attend It. 104 6th st. N. I HAVE a couple of fine lots to trade for m rm all rooming-house. P. O. Box 53 6. FOR SALE A good hand laundry with steam dryer. Inquire 737 Savier st.